CBC Fremantle College Newsletter Week 10 Term 1

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College Newsletter Week 10 Term 1 Friday 11 April 2014

Today’s boys...tomorrow’s gentlemen CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 10 Term 1

Front page: Fathers and their sons at the Share the Journey Walk ‘n’ Talk. Photo by Keane Bourke (Year 10). Read more in the Newsroom.

From the Principal Share the Journey Last Sunday morning a group of nearly 200 boys and their fathers assembled at Point Walter to experience the Share the Journey programme. This parent-led undertaking has become a signature event for our College and was again enthusiastically embraced by our community. As the morning unfolded, it was very evident that a time of great significance was being shared by many of those present. Contemporary society presents many potential role models for boys in the form of celebrities from all walks of life. Unfortunately, few of these people have any interest in their status as role models or possess

they were united in their desire to enhance their relationships with their sons and to be strong and positive influences in their development. Research repeatedly shows that strong male role-modelling is an important contributor to boys developing a positive self-image, forming mutually beneficial friendships and having a healthy respect for women. These aims are clearly compatible with the broader pastoral development programme undertaken by the College. I’m sure they are also outcomes that every family is working hard to achieve at home. I commend all of the fathers who had the courage and foresight to attend last weekend and to make this essential investment in their sons.

the values that we would wish our own children

CBC Fremantle 51 Ellen Street

to develop. One of the important objectives of our

I would also like to thank all of those who were

programme is to remind the boys that their dad is

responsible for the planning and presentation of this

someone with a wealth of life experience who loves


them unconditionally.

Fremantle WA 6160

• Dads, Mr Tim Allan, Mr John Atkinson,

T 08 9336 2700

Whilst the individual circumstances of many of the

Mr Barry Bourne and Mr Leon Yurak who worked

E enquiries@cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au

fathers in attendance would have been quite diverse,

tirelessly to ensure the success of the day.


CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 10 Term 1

• Mr Steve Doohan and his son Aidan

Congratulations to each of our Year 12 students

Above left: Senior students at the Ball

(Class of 2012) who each delivered poignant

for ensuring that the event reflected their growing

Above right: Liam McMahon and partner Emma

and thought-provoking talks at different times

maturity and was representative of the culture of

Pelliccione dancing after being announced Beau

our College.

and Belle of the Ball

during the morning. • The many other staff and senior students who contributed to the day in many different ways. Perhaps the real power of this programme rests in its simplicity and its capacity to remind dads about the critical function they play in the lives of their sons. It emphasises the fact that opportunities to interrelate need to be consciously arranged. If we delay the accumulation of ‘frequent father points’, the years and the opportunities can quickly pass by.

Senior Ball

Easter Wishes As all students and staff prepare to take a break after a very long term, I hope that families are able to enjoy some extended time together. Those who are travelling during these holidays are wished safe travel and exciting adventures. While wishing all of our families a restful break, I also hope that you will avail yourselves of the Easter liturgies in your parish and thereby enjoy all that this season has to offer. The invitation to enjoy a ‘new birth’ and to change for the better is one which all people

A wonderful night of sartorial elegance and celebra-

of goodwill are keen to accept. School re-commences

tion was enjoyed by the young men in our senior

for all students on Tuesday 29 April.

class last Friday. The gentlemen in attendance looked resplendent, were attentive to their partners and

Mr Shaun Kenny

danced enthusiastically throughout the evening.


CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 10 Term 1

In the Newsroom this week RSS feed. Visit the College website at www.cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au and click on the


Newsroom under Quick Links on the left hand side.

WA Rugby win

You can keep up to date with CBC Fremantle news by subscribing to the Newsroom

7 April

Congratulations to Leighton Short,

Night of nights for senior students

Stainton (Year 11) who played in the

Trey Moloney (both Year 12) and Jake

Dressed to the nines, the senior students of CBC

inaugural Rugby Under 17 Junior Gold

Fremantle carried themselves with aplomb on the

Cup . Western Australia defeated

night of nights at the College Senior Ball.

Victoria 28-19 at McGillivray Oval.


Swim Champs 7 April

Congratulations to Jack Swainson,

A step in the right direction

Solomon Wright (both Year 12),

A leisurely Sunday morning walk along the river took on a bigger significance this weekend when more than 100 Year 7 boys shared the journey with their dads. Read more...

Rafael Cipriano, Samuel Harlick (both Year 10), Luke Mertens and Isaac Pollard (both Year 9) who competed in Swimming Championships in Sydney.

3 April

‘A’ Team Tennis wins final CBC Fremantle A Team Tennis beat reigning champions John Forrest 5-1 to bring home the 2014 Champion Schools Tennis Mursell Shield. Read more...

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 10 Term 1

Calendar Week 10 Term 1 2014

College Information Canteen

Tuesday 29 April Students commence Winter uniform CA:MG-P1 Anzac Day

Can you spare a few hours on one day? Please consider volunteering in the ‘world’s

Wednesday 30 April

greatest canteen’. Please call Jenny or Karen in the Canteen on 9430 2046 for more information.

Uniform Shop Opening Hours Uniform Shop opening hours for the holidays can be found on the College website.

Early finish Year 7 P/T/S 9.00am-6.00pm Year 8-10 P/T/S 2.00pm-6.00pm Friday 2 May Music Camp morning departure Saturday 3 May Music Camp

Important notice regarding student absences from the College Student Services require student absences to be notified by 9.00am by either

Sunday 4 May 3rd Sunday of Easter Music Camp

emailing absentee@cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au or telephoning 9430 2007. Mrs Jennifer Giancaspro is Secretary of Student Services and can be contacted

Put this date in your diary...

at students@cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au. Mrs Violet Gohr is no longer working at

Friday 9 May

CBC Fremantle and any emails sent to her direct address will not be received by CBC. Please ensure you use the correct address when contacting the College.

Mothers’ Day Liturgy and Morning Tea Register on the College website at www.cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 10 Term 1

Edmund Rice Day CBC Fremantle will celebrate Edmund

The Festival will commence at 12 noon,

The cost of the day will be $10.00 per

Rice Day on Monday 5 May (Week 2 of

and consist of a number of activities/

student. This will be collected in Mentor

Term 2). This is a significant day on the

stalls, organised and coordinated by

Group. Some of this money will be

College calendar, focussing on the life of

the respective Mentor Groups, that will

directed towards the Edmund Rice Camp

Blessed Edmund Rice and the tradition of

sell food or drinks, organise raffles and

programme that provides opportunities

Christian Brothers’ education, both at our

competitions and provide other fun

for children and support for families, and

College and throughout the world.

activities that add to the celebration of

the rest provides working capital for the

this special day.

hire of the various stalls and activities. In

This year, the boys will begin the day at

this way, all the money spent on the day

8.45am with Mentor Period and then the

This year will feature sumo suit wrestling,

whole College will gather at St Patrick’s

a dunking machine, plate smashing, Zorb

Basilica to celebrate our Edmund Rice

soccer, various skills tests, pizza, burgers,

Each Mentor Group has finalised the

Mass. On returning to school, the boys

fish and chips, a food eating contest

organisation of their particular activity/

will have a recess break as normal.

(sure to be popular amongst the boys!),

stall and will be advised of the specific

Following this, whilst each Mentor Group

raffles, slushies, ice-cream, a sausage

details by their respective Mentor

begins preparation for the Edmund Rice

sizzle and many other activities. The day

Teacher. On the day itself, the boys will

Festival, the rest of the College will be

will conclude with an assembly in the

be asked to bring along plenty of money

entertained in the Gymnasium with music

Gymnasium, from where the students will

in order to fully participate in purchasing

performed by a band of Old Boys.

be dismissed at 2:30pm.

food, drinks, events and raffles.

can be directed into charitable causes.

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 10 Term 1

CBC Fremantle invites all mums to join us for a

This fun day allows our boys to gather as a community and reflect on our Edmund Rice tradition. All proceeds made on the day will provide some valuable funds for the various Edmund Rice Ministries throughout Western Australia. Mr Domenic Burgio Vice Principal

Mothers’ Day Morning Tea on Friday 9 May 2014 at 8am in the College Gymnasium. The celebration will commence with a Liturgy p romptly at 8am followed by morning tea. All guests are asked to be seated by 7.50am to avoid interrupting this special service. The morning will conclude at approximately 9.30am. Boys will attend the liturgy with their mothers. RSVP by 6 May is vital for catering. Register online a t the College website by clicking

Above: Edmund Rice Day 2013

on the M others’ Day Morning Tea Quick Link.

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 10 Term 1

Grooming and commitment Today’s boys…tomorrow’s gentlemen

the concept of the journey, where they

Key attributes of being a gentleman

think they are, how far have they come,

include resilience and commitment. As

Our tag line Today’s boys…tomorrow’s

and where they think they would like to

a College, we place in front of the boys

gentlemen is much more than a

be. I have also raised the issue of College

a few very small humps to test and build

marketing tool. At CBC Fremantle, it

rules, and where they fit in the boys’

their resilience and commitment. No-one

encapsulates the journey we wish for all


is asked to run a sub one minute 400m, spell supercalifragilisticexpialidocious,

our boys during these important years at our College. This is a time when we hope

At first glance, most boys take a very

or recite the second verse of Advance

that the boys’ journey of faith, physical

superficial view of the College rules.

Australia Fair. Students and parents are

growth, intelligence, conscience, values

Common responses are that rules exist

asked simply to commit to the Code of

and hope are built on the common values

to be enforced, to maintain standards,

Conduct, which challenges boys to keep

we share as parents and teachers.

and for the reputation and image of the

their hair cut according to CBC standards,

College. They are quite surprised when

their top button done up, their shirt

I am always speaking to the boys,

I inform them that the rules exist only

tucked in, their phones tucked away, and

especially our newest members, about

to help them on the journey to being a

stay out of the shops before and after

their understanding of our College.

gentleman, and that any other benefit

school. These are not hurdles requiring

Central in these conversations has been

derived is a bonus.

superhuman strength to overcome, they

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 10 Term 1

“You’re right, it is such a small issue … so why can’t you and your son get it right?”

are very simple tests of commitment,

Mr O’Neill’s part, but remember so vividly

Next term Winter Uniform becomes de

and boys who can’t get them right are

his response, “You’re right, it is such a

rigueur. Grooming, particularly hair,

not well-placed to face the challenges of

small issue … so why can’t you and your

needs to be cut to College standards,


son get it right?”

and top buttons and wearing of blazers require attention. Please use the holiday

One of my all-time favourite moments

College rules have a purpose. They are a

period to ensure that the commitment

in my career was listening to Mr Darren

shared set of values between the adult

you have made as parents, and your son

O’Neill dealing with an angry parent

members of the educational partnership.

has made as a student, are reinforced

on the phone in his office. The parent’s

Their strength is not in the enforcement,

and help him organise himself to be well

son had been given a detention for not

but in the respect they are shown by

prepared for Term 2.

getting his hair cut in a timely fashion.

the boys when they accept and follow

The father was railing against the rule and

them, especially when they would

I thank all of the parents for their support

the detention. At one point he asked, “Mr

rather do it otherwise. Our boys are our

with regard our College Code of Conduct

O’Neill, why are you making such a big

greatest asset. They remain so because

as we encourage “Today’s boy’s…

deal over such a small issue?”

overwhelmingly they believe in the

tomorrow’s gentlemen.”

At this point Mr O’Neill sighed, and

purpose of the rules on the journey they

agreed with the parent. I was dismayed

are undertaking at our College.

when it sounded like a back-down on

Mr Domenic Burgio Vice Principal

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 10 Term 1

Community Notices It is the policy of CBC Fremantle to distribute information when requested regarding community activities and details about educational programmes. This does not imply that CBC endorses these activities or the information. Please provide information in an unformatted Word document to enquiries@CBCFremantle.wa.edu.au. Submissions will be accepted at the discretion of CBC Fremantle.

Fremantle Street Arts Festival Easter Weekend (19-21 April) Roaring with hunger and charging through the crowds ‘Saurus’ will be joined by some of the world’s best outdoor theatre, music, comedy, circus and cabaret performers for three jam-packed days of shenanigans, laughter and outright shock. Fremantle Street Arts Festival held every Easter weekend is internationally acclaimed and attracts thousands of people who flock to the port city to witness breathtaking performances whilst soaking up the famous Freo atmosphere. To plan your Easter weekend visit www.fremantlestory.com.au or follow us on www.facebook.com/fremantlestreetartsfestival Link to view the programme: http://issuu.com/fremantle-festivals/docs/street_arts_2014_program

Vounteers needed for the Community Visitors Scheme Parents and family members, have you got an hour a fortnight to spare? Would you like to change someone’s life with that time? Are you in need of company? Why not reach out and make a new friend in a local aged care facility near you? I have lovely ladies and gents looking for company. Have a free coffee when you catch up or go for a short walk. The Community Visitors Scheme is an Australian Government initiative providing friendship with one-on-one interaction to socially isolated residents of local aged care facilities. Volunteers visit people unable to get the social interaction they require, providing them with an opportunity to talk and establish friendships. To help volunteers carry out their invaluable service, we provide training, a support base and several social events throughout the year. Please call Avril at Melville Cares to discuss this rewarding opportunity on 9319 0900 or email info@melvillecares.org.au.

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 10 Term 1

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