College Newsletter Week 1 Term 1 Friday 7 February 2014
Today’s boys...tomorrow’s gentlemen CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 1 Term 1
Front page: Mathew Thomas and Alec Sorgiovanni as part of the Year 12 guard of honour welcoming Year 7s to the CBC community
From the Principal Welcome
our newcomers to become familiar with
Welcome to all of the parents, students
new surroundings, meet their teachers
and staff of the CBC Fremantle
and make new friends. I have no doubt
community to another exciting school
that in keeping with all of those classes
year in 2014. In particular, I would like to
which have preceded them, this group
extend a special greeting to all of those
will write their own distinctive chapter in
who are new to our College and trust that
the history of the school.
your time spent with us will be rewarding and enjoyable.
Also joining us at CBC this year are the following new staff members:
It was certainly interesting to watch the faces of our new Year 7 boys as they
CBC Fremantle 51 Ellen Street Fremantle WA 6160 T 08 9336 2700 E
• Mr John Black
were formally welcomed to our school
Physical Education Assistant
by the Year 12 students at a ceremony
• Mr Craig Jordan
on Monday morning. The mixture of excitement and anxiety was plain for all to see as the Class of 2019 began their high school journey. Our current senior students did a wonderful job of assisting
Design and Technology Coordinator • Mr Justin Leech PE and Outdoor Education Teacher • Ms Shelley Nodwell English and S&E Teacher
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 1 Term 1
We welcome each of them to
him awarded a General Exhibition by
displayed by these boys during their time
our community and wish them a
the School Curriculum and Standards
at the College.
professionally fulfilling and enjoyable
Authority. Ben is one of only two students
association with CBC Fremantle. We look
in Catholic schools in Western Australia to
Another measure of outstanding
forward to their collective contributions
be so recognised.
achievement is the Certificate of
to the progress of the College in 2014.
Commendation for students who achieve His classmate, Alessandro Monaco, was
20 grades of ‘A’ during their upper school
also in the top 1% of students with his
Congratulations to the Class of 2013,
studies. In 2013 these were awarded to
ATAR of 99.65. Alessandro also received
parents and teachers on the fine
the following young men:
a Certificate of Distinction from the
academic results managed by our
• Ben Anandappa
state authority for his performance
students. In addition to the perfect
• Joel Pita
in Mathematics. Other exceptional
graduation rate, there were a number
• Luke Prendergast
individual results included Simon Smith
of individual students who achieved
• Simon Smith
(98.95), Kale Miller (98.45) and Thomas
outstanding results.
• Luke Thompson
Godsall (98.25). Five other students
Ben Anandappa was recognised as the
achieved an ATAR between 95 and 98.
2013 Academic Results
Dux of his Year group at our Awards Night
A particularly pleasing feature of our school performance in 2013 was the
last year, and he achieved an Australian
Overall, 20% of eligible CBC Fremantle
Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR) of 99.85
significant improvement in engagement
students achieved an ATAR in excess of 90
which places him among the very top
and achievement within Vocational
and 48% of this group achieved above 80.
students in the state. This outstanding
This is a tremendous acknowledgement
performance was also enough to see
of the diligence and perseverance
Above: Learning how to operate the combination lock is made easier with experienced Year 12s on hand
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 1 Term 1
? Education and Training (VET). Of the 45 students involved in VET, 44 of them achieved a Certificate II qualification
? “The College is always proud of its graduates and the Class of 2013 is no exception.”
or higher. The College is always proud of its graduates and the Class of 2013 is no exception. All of our high achieving students will be publicly recognised at an upcoming school assembly where they will be accompanied by their parents. The overall performance provided by our leaving class has served to further establish the academic reputation of the College. These results are a credit to the diligence of the students, the expertise of the staff and the support of all families.
College Opening Mass Due to the construction work currently nearing completion at the school it will not be possible to conduct our customary whole community, open-air Mass to commence the year. This is most regrettable as this event is always a wonderful celebration for the College. For 2014, we will be celebrating an Opening Mass for students and staff only on Monday 17 February at 9.00am at St Patrick’s Basilica. Please be assured that
we will resume our normal practice from
Please note that the Year 10 Information
next year.
Night is conducted in early Term 2 and incorporates subject selection for upper
Parent Information Evenings I strongly encourage all families to attend
school and career guidance.
the forthcoming Parent Information
Message from the Director
Evenings that are clearly indicated on
Accompanying this newsletter is a
the College Calendar. These evenings
letter to the parents and caregivers of
provide an opportunity for expectations
all students in Catholic schools in WA
to be clarified and goals to be set for the
from the Executive Director of Catholic
coming year.
Education WA, Dr Tim McDonald.
Year 11
It discusses the current status and
Monday 10 February at 6.00pm
aspirations of Catholic education in this
Year 12
state whilst welcoming everyone to a new
Monday 10 February at 7.15pm
school year. The letter can be downloaded
Year 8
here – please take the time to read it.
Wednesday 12 February at 6.00pm Year 9
Mr Shaun Kenny
Wednesday 12 February at 7.15pm
Year 7 Tuesday 25 February at 6.00pm followed by wine and cheese at 7.15pm.
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 1 Term 1
Calendar Week 1 Term 1 2014
College Information Canteen Can you spare a few hours on one day? Please consider volunteering in the ‘world’s greatest canteen’. Please call Jenny or Karen in the Canteen on 9430 2046 for more information.
Uniform Shop Opening Hours The uniform shop is open every Wednesday from 8.30am to 4.00pm. No appointment is necessary.
In the Newsroom this week You can keep up to date with CBC Fremantle news by subscribing to the Newsroom RSS feed. Visit the College website at and click on the Newsroom under Quick Links on the left hand side. 4 February
Week 2 Monday 10 February Year 11/12 Parent Info Evening Year 11 - 6.00pm Year 12 - 7.15pm Wednesday 12 February Year 8/9 Parent Info Evening Year 8 - 6.00pm Year 9 - 7.15pm Thursday 13 February National Apology Day Friday 14 February Year 13 Breakfast Saturday 15 February Hale Swimming Time Trial 3pm
Put these dates in your diary...
2013 Academic Results Congratulations to the Class of 2013, their parents and teachers on the fine academic results managed by our
Tuesday 25 February Year 7 Parent Information Evening and Wine and Cheese Night
students. Read more... 3 February
Year 7’s First Day Year 7 boys were welcomed to CBC Fremantle with a guard of honour of Year 12 young men in the College’s
Thursday 27 March CBC Fremantle Melbourne Football Tour Fundraiser - Premiere of Noah 7pm at Hoyts Garden City Tickets $25 available from Mr Adrian Correia Email for more information
gymnasium on the first day of the school year. Read more...
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 1 Term 1
From the Vice Principal It gives me great pleasure to report to you
on the lessons he learned during his time
letter welcoming them to the Community,
that your sons have all excelled in the first
at CBC. Staff and students then shared
and committing to support them as they
few days of the school year, albeit with
House luncheons (more like banquets!),
begin their journey.
one or two boys feeling some anxiety, and
where the breaking of bread together was
about a dozen still needing a visit to the
very symbolic in representing the shared
Tuesday saw the entire College come
leadership of the College.
together for an assembly, and by Period 2 another academic year was in full flight.
Last Friday we began the day with a
Monday saw the arrival of our Year 7
I have included in this newsletter on
College Mass for the staff and Year 12
cohort, always a very emotional occasion
the following pages an article I wrote
student leaders. Our staggered start to
where the senior class provide a guard of
last year about the boys’ uniform and
the year has been a feature of our College
honour for the newest members of our
grooming, and where it fits on the
for several years now, and its intention
College. Parents joined in the applause as
journey from boy to gentleman. The key
is to induct the senior cohort into the
‘today’s boys’ proudly marched into the
message is commitment; an attribute
role of student leadership before their
Gymnasium. The day was spent initially
I’m sure you will all agree is integral to
peers begin. After Mass, our gentlemen
orientating the boys around lockers,
leading a full and contented life. It should
enjoyed listening to CBC Old Boy John
classrooms and timetables, and later they
be emphasised that overwhelmingly
Hughes speak to them about his life’s
began their formal lessons. Each Year 12
most boys and their parents have this
journey, and the importance he placed
boy presented a Year 7 Mentor Mate a
right from the first day. A few boys
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 1 Term 1
have indicated that their haircuts are
and you should let us know of any issue,
Above left: Year 12s welcome the Class of 2019
programmed for this week. Can I please
positive or of concern, as soon as it arises.
Above centre: Mentor Mates help out the Year 7s on
ask that you ensure your son fulfils all his
The next few weeks there are several
obligations with regards to his uniform
Parent Information Evenings for Years
and grooming as soon as practicable
7, 8, 9, 11 and 12 and I encourage all
(there have been a few uniform supply
parents to make the time to attend, and
issues I am aware of). Heads of House
look forward to seeing you there, if not
and Mr Ryan will be assisting me in
the first day Above right: College Vice Captain Nick Menegola leads the prayer at the first whole school assembly for 2014
checking this important element of what makes our College special, and from next
Mr Domenic Burgio
week will contact you directly if your son
Vice Principal
still needs some work on his presentation. I am anticipating few, if any, contacts will be necessary. Once again I commit to you personally, and on behalf of our staff, that CBC Fremantle treats all its boys as our own,
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 1 Term 1
Today’s boys...tomorrow’s gentlemen Our tag line, Today’s boys…tomorrow’s
also raised the issue of College rules, and
spell ‘supercalifragilisticexpialidocious’,
gentlemen, is much more than a
where they fit in the boys’ understanding.
or recite the second verse of Advance
marketing tool. At CBC Fremantle, it
At first glance, most boys take a very
Australia Fair. Students and parents are
encapsulates the journey we wish for all
superficial view of the College rules.
asked simply to commit to the Code of
our boys during these important years at
Common responses are that rules exists
Conduct, which challenges boys to keep
our College. This is a time when we hope
to be enforced, to maintain standards, for
their hair cut according to CBC standards,
that the boys’ journey of faith, physical
the reputation and image of the College
their top button done up, their shirt
growth, intelligence, conscience, values
etc. They are quite surprised when I
tucked in, their phones tucked away, and
and hope are built on the common values
inform them that the rules exist only
stay out of the shops before and after
we share as parents and teachers.
to help them on the journey to being a
school. These are not hurdles requiring
gentleman, and that any other benefit
superhuman strength to overcome, they
derived is a bonus.
are very simple tests of commitment, and
In recent weeks, I have had the pleasure of interviewing prospective students and
boys who can’t get them right are not
their families, and Year 10 boys choosing
Key attributes of being a gentleman
well-placed to face the challenges
a course for Years 11 and 12. Central in
include resilience and commitment.
of adulthood.
these conversations has been the concept
As a College, we place in front of the boys
of the journey, where they think they are,
a few very small humps to test and build
One of my all-time favorite moments in
how far have they come, and where do
their resilience and commitment. No-one
my career was listening to CBC’s previous
they think they would like to be. I have
is asked to run a sub one minute 400m,
Vice Principal, Mr O’Neill, dealing with CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 1 Term 1
“Our boys are our greatest asset. They remain so because overwhelmingly they believe in the purpose of the rules on the journey they are undertaking at our College.”
an angry parent on the phone in his
but in the respect they are shown by
office. The parent’s son had been given
the boys when they accept and follow
a detention for not getting their hair cut
them, especially when they would
in a timely fashion. The father was railing
rather do it otherwise. Our boys are our
against the rule and the detention.
greatest asset. They remain so because
At one point he said, “Mr O’Neill, why
overwhelmingly they believe in the
are you making such a big deal over such
purpose of the rules on the journey they
a small issue!” At this point Mr O’Neill
are undertaking at our College. I thank
sighed, and agreed with the parent. I was
all of the parents for their support with
dismayed when it sounded like a back-
regard our College Code of Conduct as
down on Mr O’Neill’s part, but remember
we support “today’s boy’s…tomorrow’s
so vividly his response: “You’re right, it is
such a small issue ... so why can’t you and your son get it right?”
Mr Domenic Burgio Vice Principal
College rules have a purpose. They are a shared set of values between the adult members of the educational partnership. Their strength is not in the enforcement, CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 1 Term 1
2014 Laptop Rollout The ICT staff at CBC were extremely busy
efficient support structure to ensure the
to answer any questions you may have
during the summer break. More than
smooth operation of the 1:1 programme.
regarding the laptops and ICT in general.
1,500 laptops were handled, either to
Repair costs due to accidental damage
return them to Leasing Companies or
have been greatly reduced and warranty
In the interim, I suggest the following as a
prepare them for the 2014 College year.
coverage has been extended to allow
way of maximising the benefits provided
This is by far the largest turn-over of
maximum protection from any unforseen
by a school laptop:
laptops at CBC and the fantastic work
occurrences. Your son should be
done by Mr Barron, Mr Byrd and
confident that, when an issue arises,
Mrs Gaffney meant that the whole
by visiting the Laptop Centre, he will be
process was completed without any
given first class service and his access to
major issues. We were also fortunate to
technology will not be disrupted.
be ably assisted by some students who worked on a casual basis to assist staff.
• The laptop should be charged each night at home. The laptop charger is to remain at home • The laptop must travel to and from school inside the carry case provided.
The Year 7 boys gleefully accepted their new Acer laptops on Monday and should
This case must be inside the College backpack.
We now have just under 800 devices used
now be using them as part of their
by our students around the campus and,
educational programme at CBC. Later
should be backed up to an external
through negotiations with laptop vendors,
in Term 1 there will be a Year 7 Parent
hard drive on a nightly basis to protect
we have been able to secure a very
Information Evening and I will be happy
school work
• The “Documents” folder of the laptop
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 1 Term 1
• Your son should use his laptop in a
influence at home. The staff at CBC also
education in the 21st Century. In addition,
high traffic area at home (dining room,
have to monitor and moderate the use
please contact me if you have any
family room) so the screen can be
of laptops in the classroom to ensure
questions or concerns about any matters
visible to parents. No closed bedroom
the educational benefits of technology
relating to ICT at the College.
is maximised. Your son’s education is the
• Printers can be installed on the laptop.
bond that we share and as such we need
Mr John Rear
If there are issues, please have your
to work together to allow him to attain
Head of ICT
son provide the install DVD/files to our
his own personal excellence. This can be
staff in the Laptop Centre. Note: Some
achieved by communication between all
printers may not be compatible with
parties – parents, teachers and your son.
the laptop.
During 2014 there will be several opportunities to visit the College to
For all parents, the laptop at home
gather more information regarding ICT
will provide challenges – as do mobile
at school and home. ICT week, Parent
phones, gaming consoles and other
Information Sessions, Open Day and
similar devices. The fact that they are
Parent/Teacher/Student interviews all
so engaging can mean they become a
offer access to staff to gain a better
distraction and sometimes a disruptive
insight into Technology and its role in
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 1 Term 1
Community Notices It is the policy of CBC Fremantle to distribute information when requested regarding community activities and details about educational programmes. This does not imply that CBC endorses these activities or the information. Please provide information in an unformatted Word document to Submissions will be accepted at the discretion of CBC Fremantle.
Willetton Catholic Parish Religious Education Classes Religious Education classes in the Willetton Catholic Parish are held on Tuesday afternoons between 4pm and 5pm for children from Years 1 to 6. Classes commence on Tuesday 18 February at 4pm at the Sts John and Paul Parish Centre, Pinetree Gully Road, Willetton. Enrolment forms are available at the John Paul Parish Office and the church foyer (Pinetree Gully Road, Willetton) and also on the website If you are interested in joining the Parish for the Sacraments, please be advised that there will be a Sacrament Information and Formation meeting for parents on Monday 24 February at 7.00pm in the church, and Sacrament Enrolment weekend will be on 1/2 March and 8/9 March at the 9.00am, 6.30pm and 10.30pm masses. Enrolment forms will be available on the day. Confirmation in the Parish will be held on the weekend of 2/3 August. For enquiries please phone Parish Office on 9332 5992 or contact Mildred Rego on 9450 4573 after hours.
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 1 Term 1
Academic Task Force Weekend Help Classes with Academic Task Force available for students in Years 7 -12. Classes start Saturday 15 February at Rossmoyne SHS and Churchlands SHS and Sunday 16th February at Perth Modern School. Enrol now online at or call 9314 9500 or email Master Classes with Academic Task Force open to Year 11 & 12 students who would like to achieve maximum marks at school and in their exams. Subject specialist teaching by the WACE experts including Dr OT Lee and Dr Sarath Chandran. Classes available in Applecross and Subiaco. Term 1 starts week commencing 9 February. Enrol now online at or call 9314 9500 or email
Experienced Math and Science Tutor Can tutor in all math and science subjects from Year 7 onwards Please call Andrew Shellabear 0406643221 for more details.
Hot Shots Tennis Lessons Pop Tennis Melville is commencing with children’s tennis lessons Monday 10 February. All ages and abilities are welcome Call 0433 340 646 or email
Play Auskick and AFL Footy East Fremantle Power JFC Registration Day Sunday 16 February 10am to 1pm at Henry Jeffery Oval, corner Wauhop St and Preston Point Road, East Fremantle Or register online: – Registration tab Enquiries to Travis French 0417 978 983 or Janet Duncan 0418 907 000
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 1 Term 1
Murdoch T20 Blast Centre Free Come and Try Day on 17 February with live DJ and player appearances. Age Group 1: 8-12 year old boys and girls Age Group 2: 13-15 year old Boys and Girls When: Monday evenings Where: Murdoch University Sports Ground Time: 4:30pm – 5:45pm Played: in teams of eight so get a few mates together and get involved! To register visit and sign up for the Murdoch T20 Blast Centre or come down on 17 February to try it out! For more information email WACA Development Officer Greg Turner on
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 1 Term 1