CBC Fremantle College Newsletter Week 1 term 4

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College Newsletter Week 1 Term 4 Friday 17 October 2014

Today’s boys...tomorrow’s gentlemen CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 1 Term 4

Front page: CBC Fremantle students are greeted in Maasin while on the Philippines Immersion.

From the Principal Unity of Purpose

One of the oft repeated tenets of boys’

It is great to be back among the

education is that important ‘messages’

students and broader community of CBC Fremantle. In addition to gaining an insight into the tertiary education system in America, the study component of my recent leave also had a number of implications for our College. I look forward to sharing some of these with

must be clearly expressed and regularly reinforced. While much stake has been placed in our maxim of Today’s boys… tomorrow’s gentlemen, this is actually a theme for a much more extensive range of beliefs, policies and practices. We are blessed at this College to have

you in coming months.

so many people – parents and staff –

My thanks and congratulations to Mr

supporting our central philosophies about

Domenic Burgio for assuming the role of Principal in my absence. I’m sure

who understand and are committed to what constitutes a full and meaningful education for young men.

CBC Fremantle

everyone would have been impressed

51 Ellen Street

by his inspirational leadership, albeit

International Immersion

Fremantle WA 6160

conducted in his own style. I’m never sure

As always, there was much activity

T 08 9336 2700

whether it is better to have been missed

associated with our College during the

E enquiries@cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au

or not while you are away!

recent term break. In addition to our


CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 1 Term 4

“We are blessed at this College to have so many people – parents and staff – who understand and are committed to supporting our central philosophies about what constitutes a full and meaningful education for young men.” Year 12 students being engaged in

had the opportunity to engage in some

Parent Teacher Student Interviews

their exams, another group of staff

cultural exchange with students their own

and students undertook an important

age in two high schools. This diversity of

The interviews conducted this week for

‘excursion’ which supports a critical

experience ensured that the immersion

programme at CBC Fremantle.

was authentic and challenging. As a College which professes a special concern

Ten students from Years 10 and 11 were

for the marginalised and disadvantaged

accompanied by Mr Garry Hart and Ms

in our world, it is important that our

Emily Bowran to work with Edmund Rice

students have practical experience in

Services in Maasin City in the Philippines.

activity which seeks to relieve poverty,

In addition to learning much about the

promote human rights and support local

community they visited, the participants


also acquired greater knowledge of themselves.

An education in justice and equity and the provision of diverse experiences are

One of the features of this immersion

two characteristics which are strongly

is that the students were able to work

associated with CBC Fremantle. Despite

with the local people in settings which

returning exhausted, our young men

were often very unfamiliar to our boys. In

received many accolades for their

addition to assisting with health checks

conduct and participation on this tour

in primary schools, tree planting and

and I commend them for their willingness

environmental programmes, the boys also

to accept the challenges inherent in it.

students in Years 7 to 10 were typically well attended. There is little doubt that boys place a greater value upon their education if they believe that their parents also consider it to be important. The College respects the fact that parents are the primary educators of their children and that is why regular and honest communication is encouraged. Thank you to all of the parents who attended interviews at the school. Mr Shaun Kenny Principal

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 1 Term 4

In the Newsroom this week RSS feed. Visit the College website at www.cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au and click on the


Newsroom under Quick Links on the left hand side.

Water Polo gold

You can keep up to date with CBC Fremantle news by subscribing to the Newsroom

1 May

Congratulations to Conor Cameron,

Final assembly for Year 12s

Luke Sheehan who won gold in

Jack Marshall, Nic McMahon and

The last day of Term 3 for Year 12s highlighted

the Boys’ 16 and Under National

their CBC journey as they left their final assembly

Championships in Hobart.

at their College.

The boys’ team, Melville Sharks, were undefeated in the competition and played top quality water polo against Melbourne Collegians Blue 10-8 to win the gold medal.

Gen Z winner Manos Terzoudis-Lumsden’s 300 word opinion piece entry in The West Australian’s Gen Z competition won a spot on the Junior Editorial panel. Manos has been invited to see what goes on behind the scenes at The West Australian, and assist in selecting news stories for the 20 October edition of the newspaper, which will also feature his article.

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 1 Term 4


Calendar Week 2 Term 4 2014

College Information Uniform Shop opening hours The Uniform Shop is open every Wednesday from 8.30am to 4.00pm. No appointment is necessary.

Music and School Group Photos The school photographer’s Music photos plus other groups are now available to purchase online. Go to www.photohendriksgalleries.com, and click on the CBC Fremantle logo. Enter password: pham72. Sport photos are not yet available.

Term 4 Canteen Menu

Monday 20 October Year 11 ODE Camp - 1 Year 10 Try-a-Trade TBC Year 12 Seminar Week Tuesday 21 October P5 & 6 Year 7 Mary of the Cross Presentation Year 11 ODE Camp - 1 TRJ parents’ meeting 6.00pm Thursday 23 October Mass 8.15am (Patrick 1, 2, 3 & 4) Friday 24 October Graduation & awards rehearsal 10.00am Graduation Mass 5.30pm, St Patrick’s Ceremony 7.00pm Gym Sunday 26 October Awards Evening 5.30pm Gym

Just a reminder that, as a result of a refurbishment, the College Canteen will be operating with a reduced menu during Term 4. A kiosk will operate out of Room 004 during the interim with the following food available. • Drinks (milk, juice, sparkling

and water)

• Sushi, rice paper rolls, fruit salad, pies, sausage rolls, • Selection of sandwiches, baguettes and Turkish rolls • Hot rice meals – curry, teriyaki chicken • Ice creams, yoghurt • Biscuits and cakes • Snack foods

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 1 Term 4

Community Notices It is the policy of CBC Fremantle to distribute information when requested regarding community activities and details about educational programmes. This does not imply that CBC endorses these activities or the information. Please provide information in an unformatted Word document to enquiries@CBCFremantle.wa.edu.au. Submissions will be accepted at the discretion of CBC Fremantle.

WA Young Salesian - Summer Camp 5 to 9 January 2015 For 12 to 15 year olds, or starting Year 7 in 2015. Come and join us for this five day fun filled camp at Nanga Bush, Dwellingup. Only $190 ($38 a day). Contact your Parish Priest, visit the website or contact Graham on 0418 979 600 for more info or to pick up a form. www.wayoungsalesians.com

Curtin Twilight Tours Twilight Tours are for interested prospective students to gain a glimpse of the Curtin campus and facilities after hours. To provide an insight into studying at Curtin our Student Ambassadors will show attendees some of their favourite spots on campus as well as where they study and take classes. Prospective Student Advisors will be on hand to provide advice and answer questions about applying to Curtin. So whether students are thinking about applying for university or already have, or parents are curious to see where their son or daughter might be studying, they’re welcome to attend. Wednesday 22 October, 12 November and 10 December 2014 Time: 5.30 - 7.00 pm Location: Angazi Court Precinct (opposite Building 408), Curtin University, Kent Street, Bentley, WA Cost: Free

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 1 Term 4

Virtues Parenting Programme This six week course is for parents, teachers and anyone else with responsibility for children or teenagers. Language shapes character. The Family Virtues Guide contains 52 of the universal virtues which help parents bring out the best in their children and in themselves. It creates a climate of caring and character. Picture a community in which everyone, from parents to police has the will and skill to teach respect, foster kindness and model virtues such as integrity, caring, compassion, courage, forgiveness, friendliness, honesty, love, respect, self-discipline and truthfulness – just to name a few. Learn how to: • Recognise the opportunity of teachable moments in the way we speak and the words we use that have great power to discourage or to inspire. • Set clear boundaries • Support children and teens in making moral decisions Where: Relationships Australia, 1 Ord St, Fremantle When: 10.00 am – 12.30 pm on Wednesdays 22, 29 October, and 5, 12, 19, 26 November (you may start on the second week if you can’t make the first week). Cost: $110 per person To book telephone 9489 6322.

Stronger teens rally event: ‘The Gift’ Friday 24 October from 6:30-8:30pm at St Francis Xavier Parish, Armadale (279 Forrest Rd, Hilbert) Inviting all teens and youth groups with teens to join us for the final Stronger Teens Rally in 2014. There will be fun games and activities, amazing music, inspirational talk and testimony by young people and lots of food. Teens need to bring a copy of the signed permission slip available on www.cym.com.au. Parents please drop off and pick up your children in person in the Parish Hall. Please bring a gold coin donation for the event. Contact Catholic Youth Ministry Perth to RSVP or for more information email admin@cym.com.au or telephone 9422 7912.

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 1 Term 4

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