Week 2 term 1

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College Newsletter Week 2 Term 1 Friday 14 February 2014

Today’s boys...tomorrow’s gentlemen CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 2 Term 1

Front page: Class of 2013’s new Old Boys with members of the Old Boys’ Association at the Year 13 Breakfast – full story and more pictures in the Newsroom

From the Principal Settling In

considerations of moving from room

Although we are only two weeks into

to room, maintaining a locker and

this school year, it is remarkable to note

negotiating multiple teachers. In talking

how much activity is taking place and

to as many of them as possible, it is

how much routine has been established.

apparent that they are enjoying the

Students in the senior years are quickly

challenges before them and are excited

adjusting to the increased demands

by the new and different experiences they

of their new subjects and gaining an

are encountering.

appreciation of the urgency surrounding

CBC Fremantle 51 Ellen Street Fremantle WA 6160 T 08 9336 2700 E enquiries@cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au

their quest to achieve personal excellence

There have been several reports from

while at school. Students in the middle

the parents of these boys about the

years are also coming to terms with

wonderful assistance that has been

new subjects and teachers while

provided to their sons by the senior

re-establishing their study routines.

students assigned to this role. It is always gratifying to hear such things because this

Perhaps the most significant adjustment

reinforces one of the primary objectives

is required of the new students to our

of our College – the development of good

school in Year 7. These boys have quickly

young men with an understanding of the

come to terms with the additional

value of serving others. Congratulations


CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 2 Term 1

Above: Year 7 boys at their retreat last Friday. Visit the Newsroom for the story and more pictures.

to all of those senior boys who have

and subject selection focus and will be

greatly dependent upon the strength of

successfully and selflessly assisted

conducted in early second term.

this relationship.

others to feel an important part of our

Each evening has its own particular


emphasis determined by the age of the

Open Day

students and the programmes they will

Please note an important change to the

Parent Information Evenings

be undertaking during that year. Despite

published school calendar. The College

It has been pleasing to note the large

these differences, one common theme is

Open Day will now be conducted on

number of parents at the recent Parent

the reinforcement of the critical nature

Monday 17 March – one day earlier than

Information Evenings for Years 8, 9, 11

of the relationship between the home

previously advertised. Classes will finish

and 12. It is very gratifying to see so many

and the school. CBC Fremantle has high

early at 1.05pm on that day in order

parents demonstrating their support

aspirations for each of the young men in

to facilitate our Open Day tours which

for the College and involvement in their

its care and encourages them to strive for

continue until 6.00pm. Many students will

sons’ progress through their attendance.

success within a framework of traditional

be involved as tour guides and activity

A reminder to parents of boys in Years 7

values and innovative practice. It does

leaders throughout that afternoon and

that an important Information Evening

this while always recognising parents as

early evening. Students not involved in

followed by Wine and Cheese in the

the primary educators of their children.

will be allowed to leave school at 1.05pm.

Cloisters will commence at 6.00pm

The degree to which our young men

on Tuesday, 25 February. The Year 10

enjoy their experience of school and the

Mr Shaun Kenny

Information Evening has a curriculum

extent of their achievement are often


CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 2 Term 1



In the Newsroom this week You can keep up to date with CBC Fremantle news by subscribing to the Newsroom RSS feed. Visit the College website at www.cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au and click on the Newsroom under Quick Links on the left hand side.

14 February

Class of 2013 returns The Class of 2013 were back at school for an early start on the morning of Valentine’s Day with the annual Year 13 breakfast. Read more... 11 February

Year 7 Retreat At the end of their first week, Year 7s gathered together at East Fremantle Football Oval for a day of immersion into the history, culture and ethos of their new College. Read more...

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 2 Term 1

Calendar Week 3 Term 1 2014

College Information Canteen Can you spare a few hours on one day? Please consider volunteering in the ‘world’s greatest canteen’. Please call Jenny or Karen in the Canteen on 9430 2046 for more information.

Uniform Shop Opening Hours The uniform shop is open every Wednesday from 8.30am to 4.00pm. No appointment is necessary.

Week 3 Monday 17 February MG&P1 College Opening Mass St Patrick’s Basilica Students & Staff Only Tuesday 18 February 1st XI Cricket pm 7.00pm INSTEP Launch, Scotch College Thursday 20 February Mass 8.15am (Morgan 1, 2, 3 & 4) CA:MG&P1 Academic/95 Club World Day of Social Justice Friday 21 February INSTEP Introduction Day (all day) Patrick House Fundraiser TRJ Opening Monument Hill 6.00pm

Put these dates in your diary... Tuesday 25 February Year 7 Parent Information Evening and Wine and Cheese Night Thursday 27 March CBC Fremantle Melbourne Football Tour Fundraiser - Premiere of Noah 7pm at Hoyts Garden City Tickets $25 available from Mr Adrian Correia Email adrianc@cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au for more information

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 2 Term 1

Christian Service Programme

Ms Emily Bowran

Cross Country/Running

Mr Adrian Correia


Mr Samantha Emslie


Ms Andrea Fitzpatrick Ms Marg Crommy


Mrs Rosalba Jeffreys

Economics Club

Mrs Andrea Fitzpatrick

Future Problem Solving Academic Extension

Mr Simon Schmidberger Mr Andre Leicester

Geography Club

Mrs Pauline van Lohuizen


Ms Angela Calanni Ms Rose Lenzo

Home Studies Centre

Ms Trevanna Cooper

Maths & Engineering Academic Excellence

Ms Marilyn Schmidt Mr Geoff Buss

Mathematics Club

Mr Barry Tognolini

of activities to help them achieve their goals, and an important

Metalwork Club

Mr Craig Jordan

part of the motivation to succeed is our co-curricular programme.

Music Programme

Mr Shane Mancuso

Robotics Club

Mr John Hortense

Co-curricular activities include a range of experiences that assist

Rugby Programme

Mr Don McNamee Mr Paul Woodhouse Ms Candice Brown

in the development of each boy’s potential. All students are

Co-Curricular At CBC Fremantle, our teachers understand how boys learn and provide educational experiences that challenge and extend them to achieve their personal excellence. Our students enjoy a range

requested to participate in House Sports, which are organised on a weekly basis, and encouraged to be involved in other

Science Club

Mrs Jennifer Lawlor Ms Meagan Curry Ms Petrina Brewer Dr A Holohan (Chemistry)

Sporting Programme

Mr Jason Matthews


Mr John Rear


Ms Lisa Tognolini Yr 7 Mr Barry Tognolini Yr8/9 Mr Joel Moss Snr Boys

Visual Art Extension

Ms Zoe Francis

This occurs in the College Library on Monday to Thursday. The

Weights Centre

Mr Jason Matthews

purpose is for the boys to do home studies, private study or silent

Woodwork Club

Mr Matthew Stockton

reading. It does not have any social purpose; the emphasis is on

Year 7 Homework Club

Mr Patrick Ryan

silent work. I-Pods & MP3 Players are not permitted. Teaching

1st XVIII Australian Rules Football

Mr Jason Matthews

and Library staff will be present to assist the boys with the

1st XI Cricket

Mr Zachary Preston

organisation of their Assignments and general support with study.

co-curricular activities. On the left is a list of the teacher in charge of each activity and a snapshot of the co-curricular programme timetable is on the next page.

The Home Studies Centre

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 2 Term 1

Co-Curricular Timetable Term 1 2014

8am start unless indicated otherwise

Lunch time 3.20pm - 4.20pm






1st XV Training 7am Music Ministry

ACC Swimming Training (Wk 2-8) Big Band Fitness Club

Guitar Ensemble #1 TG Laser Cutting P&L Club Debating Economics

ACC Swimming Training (Wk 2-8) College Choir Writer’s Workshop

1st XVIII Training Guitar Ensemble #2

Computing Club Rm 207

Computing Club Rm 207

Computing Club Rm 207

Computing Club Rm 207

Computing Club Rm 207

Home Studies Centre Yr 7 Homework Club Science Club Drama Club Year 11/12 Sport Training Weights Centre Yr 11/12 Dancing (Wk 6, 8, 9) 1st XI Cricket Robotics Club

Home Studies Centre Yr 7 Homework Club Weights Centre Geography Club

Home Studies Centre Yr 7 Homework Club Jazz Orchestra Maths Club AEP Engineering Woodwork Club Metals & Engineering Weights Centre Visual Art Extension Economics

Home Studies Centre Yr 7 Homework Club Maths Club Weights Centre Italian Club Yr 12 Ensemble

Saturday Red Cross Soup Patrol

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 2 Term 1

Music Programme Preview It has been a very smooth start to the

Welcome to all of our new Year 7 students

and uniforms, with the meetings usually

Music Programme here at CBC for 2014.

who have joined the instrumental music

lasting approximately one hour.

By the end of Week 2, all students

programme. Your involvement in Music at

learning an instrument would have had

CBC is important and I encourage you all

The committee is looking for a parent

their first lesson with their teachers.

to play your best!

who can be our Treasurer for 2014. It

All the instrumental lesson times may be

would be greatly appreciated if a Year

viewed and printed out at any time, using

Lastly, our Music Parent Group is

7 or Year 8 parent could take up this

the MyClasses, ‘Music Student’ page. This

holding its first meeting for the year on

position on the MPG. All accounts are set

is accessed with your son’s school login at

Wednesday 19 February at 7.30pm in the

up and there is not a lot of time needed.


ALA (Arts Learning Area). Please enter the

Just tracking the ‘ins and outs’ at various

Please check with your sons and contact

College grounds off High Street to park

times during the year.

me if you are not included in the class.

your car. Mr Shane Mancuso

Our Jazz Orchestra, College Choir, Music

I would like to invite all of our new Year

Ministry, Big Band and Guitar Ensemble

7 Music parents to attend to hear more

No 1 have started rehearsing this year,

about the programme and the plans

and Guitar Ensemble No 2 will begin in

of the committee. We will be having

Week 3.

discussions on the 2014 Music camp

Head of Arts

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 2 Term 1

Community Notices It is the policy of CBC Fremantle to distribute information when requested regarding community activities and details about educational programmes. This does not imply that CBC endorses these activities or the information. Please provide information in an unformatted Word document to enquiries@CBCFremantle.wa.edu.au. Submissions will be accepted at the discretion of CBC Fremantle.

Willetton Catholic Parish Religious Education Classes Religious Education classes in the Willetton Catholic Parish are held on Tuesday afternoons between 4pm and 5pm for children from Years 1 to 6. Classes commence on Tuesday 18 February at 4pm at the Sts John and Paul Parish Centre, Pinetree Gully Road, Willetton. Enrolment forms are available at the John Paul Parish Office and the church foyer (Pinetree Gully Road, Willetton) and also on the website www.johnpaulwilletton.org.au. If you are interested in joining the Parish for the Sacraments, please be advised that there will be a Sacrament Information and Formation meeting for parents on Monday 24 February at 7.00pm in the church, and Sacrament Enrolment weekend will be on 1/2 March and 8/9 March at the 9.00am, 6.30pm and 10.30pm masses. Enrolment forms will be available on the day. Confirmation in the Parish will be held on the weekend of 2/3 August. For enquiries please phone Parish Office on 9332 5992 or contact Mildred Rego on 9450 4573 after hours.

Play Auskick and AFL Footy East Fremantle Power JFC Registration Day Sunday 16 February 10am to 1pm at Henry Jeffery Oval, corner Wauhop St and Preston Point Road, East Fremantle Or register online: www.eastfreopower.com.au – Registration tab Enquiries to Travis French 0417 978 983 or Janet Duncan 0418 907 000

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 2 Term 1

Australian Air Force Cadets now recruiting The Australian Air Force Cadets (AAFC) is a youth orientated organisation that is administered and actively supported by the Royal Australian Air Force. The AAFC will teach you valuable life skills and will help you develop qualities including leadership, self-reliance, confidence, teamwork and communications. You will make new friends and meet fellow cadets from all over the state. Some activities undertaken by the AAFC include flying, Fieldcraft, adventure training, firearms safety training, drill and ceremonial, service knowledge, aero modelling, navigation and gliding. Our fundamental aim is to foster qualities that will enable cadets to become responsible young adults, who will make a valuable contribution to the community. No matter what career you choose, the AAFC provides a foundation of knowledge and skills that will assist you towards your future. Your local unit, Number 703 (City of Fremantle) Squadron is now recruiting. If you are between 13 and 16 years old and are interested in joining the Australian Air Force Cadets come along (with your parents) to Leeuwin Barracks, Riverside Rd, East Fremantle on any Friday evening in February at 6:15 pm where we will give you presentation on who we are and what we do.

Fremantle Junior Rugby League Club We welcome all boys and girls ages 4-16 REGISTRATION DAY is on Sunday 16 February 10am to 2pm at Ken Allen Field Cnr Shepherd & Jeffrey St, Hilton Email: juniors@freoroosters.com.au

Registration for all 2014 Sacramental Programmes at Applecross Parish, St Benedict’s Church All Catholic children who are eligible to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation, First Holy Communion and Confirmation in 2014 are requested to register for their respective Sacramental Programs on the weekends of 1/2 March and 15/16 March at the Saturday 6pm Mass and on Sunday at the 9.30am and 6pm Masses. An enrolment ceremony for all children preparing for the Sacraments will be held at these Masses. Registration forms are available on request by email at admin@stbenedicts.net.au. The completed forms and fees are to be returned to the Coordinator at these Masses. Parents may also make enquiries by emailing the Catechist Coordinator at admin@stbenedicts.net.au or phone enquiries may be made to the Parish office on 9364 1120.

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 2 Term 1

Murdoch T20 Blast Centre Free Come and Try Day on 17 February with live DJ and player appearances. Age Group 1: 8-12 year old boys and girls Age Group 2: 13-15 year old Boys and Girls When: Monday evenings Where: Murdoch University Sports Ground Time: 4:30pm – 5:45pm Played: in teams of eight so get a few mates together and get involved! To register visit T20Blast.com.au and sign up for the Murdoch T20 Blast Centre or come down on 17 February to try it out! For more information email WACA Development Officer Greg Turner on greg.turner@waca.com.au.

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 2 Term 1

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