CBC Fremantle College Newsletter Week 2 term 4

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College Newsletter Week 2 Term 4 Friday 24 October 2014

Today’s boys...tomorrow’s gentlemen CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 2 Term 4

Front page: Canoeing on the Blackwood River at the Year 11 camp at Nannup. More photos can be viewed in the Newsroom.

From the Principal Leadership and Change

programmes, curriculum and facilities

One of my favoured expressions in life is

which occur annually at the College.

that anyone or any organisation which

One particular change I would like to

stands still is actually going backwards.

notify you about in 2015 concerns the

The need for change does not necessarily

internal appointment of two Assistant

imply the existence of a problem but

Deputy Principals. Mr Brent Butcher and

more accurately represents the desire to

Ms Samantha Emslie will join the College

ensure ongoing improvement. In essence,

Leadership Team and the contribution of

change is a fundamental requirement for

their combined talents is eagerly awaited.

progress and a sense of dynamism.

This move is intended to broaden the perspective at the decision-making level

CBC Fremantle 51 Ellen Street Fremantle WA 6160 T 08 9336 2700 E enquiries@cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au

Of course, we must always keep in mind

of the school. We wish them well in

the gifts of heritage and tradition that

what will be a new undertaking for

exist so strongly at CBC Fremantle. We

each of them.

continually seek to balance the strength provided by the sacrifice and skill of those

Another change for next year occurs as

who have preceded us with the desire for

a result of Mr Troy Foote coming to the

ongoing progress. I’m sure that all families

end of his contract period as the Head of

are aware of the many improvements to

Rice House. Troy has given many years of


CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 2 Term 4

“CBC is blessed by the calibre of its students and it is important that we have a culture of celebrating their success.”

loyal service to the students and families

St Pat’s at 5.30pm this evening. This is

who have been fortunate enough to

obviously a very important occasion for

be members of his House. They have

each of our Year 12 students and their

good reason to be extremely grateful for

families and is a celebration of the many

the guidance and assistance they have

achievements for which the Class of 2014

received over this time. Mr Foote will

may be justifiably proud.

continue to be a valuable member of our teaching staff, and Mr Adrian Correia

The second event is our annual Awards

will assume the position as Head of Rice

Night on Sunday evening in the gym.

House next year. We wish him every

CBC is blessed by the calibre of its

success in his new role.

students and it is important that we have a culture of celebrating their success.

College Events

Congratulations to all of the boys who

Two important celebrations for our

have worked diligently throughout the

community will be conducted at St

year and embraced the challenges offered

Patrick’s Basilica and in the Bob Rosé

at the school.

Meyer Gymnasium over this weekend. The first is the annual Graduation Mass

Mr Shaun Kenny

and Ceremony which commences at


CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 2 Term 4

In the Newsroom this week You can keep up to date with CBC Fremantle news by subscribing to the Newsroom RSS feed. Visit the College website at www.cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au and click on the Newsroom under Quick Links on the left hand side. 23 October

Year 11 camp Year 11s spent an adventurous couple of days on the

Music and School Group Photos The school photographer’s Music photos plus other groups are now available to purchase online. Go to www.photohendriksgalleries.com, and click on the CBC Fremantle logo. Enter password: pham72. Sport photos are not yet available.

banks of the Blackwood River in Nannup for their end of year camp. Read more...

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 2 Term 4


Calendar Week 3 Term 4 2014

College Information Market Day As part of the Business Management & Enterprise course students will be holding a Market Day during lunchtime on Tuesday 28 October with a number of food items for sale as shown below. All profits will go to charities selected by the students. Dominos Pizza

Half pizza $5, quarter pizza $2.50

Classic BLT

BLT and a soft drink $4.50

Bacon and Egg Burger

$4.50, soft drink $2.00

Cheesy Hotdog

Hotdog $3, soft drink $2.00

Both Hotdog and soft drink $4.00

Hotdog and Drink

Normal Hotdog with a soft drink $5.00

Monday 27 October No classes Tuesday 28 October Year 8 Music Incursion BME Market Day Visual Art Exhibition opening 7.00pm Wednesday 29 October Year 11 Biology Beach Excursion Visual Art Exhibition in ALA 8.30am - 3.30pm Thursday 30 October Mass 8.15am (Rice 1, 2, 3 & 4) BME Excursion Visual Art Exhibition in ALA 8.30am - 3.30pm Saturday 1 November UWA WAJO Maths competition

Nachos $5.00 Spaghetti Napolitano/Carbonara


Burger Beef/Bacon and Egg


Samson House Fundraiser Samson House is holding their fundraiser on Friday 31 October (Week 3) and on that day there will be no canteen facilities. Donuts will be sold at recess; and hotdogs, drinks, icy poles and lollies will be sold at lunchtime. We would like all boys to wear their House Sport uniform and in doing so they are asked to make a gold coin donation to the Missions during Mentor period. Your son will be informed throughout the week with details about prices. I look forward to all boys participating on the day and giving generously.

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 2 Term 4

You are invited to the official opening of the

Visual Art Exhibition

S howcasing works from Y ears 7 to 12

on Tuesday 28 October at 7pm in the College Arts Learning Area

Exhibition is open from Wednesday 29 October to Thursday 30 October 8.30am to 3.30pm ALA Building, CBC Fremantle, 51 Ellen Street, Fremantle RSVP www.cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au, click on Events under Quick Links

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 2 Term 4

Community Notices It is the policy of CBC Fremantle to distribute information when requested regarding community activities and details about educational programmes. This does not imply that CBC endorses these activities or the information. Please provide information in an unformatted Word document to enquiries@CBCFremantle.wa.edu.au. Submissions will be accepted at the discretion of CBC Fremantle.

WA Young Salesian - Summer Camp 5 to 9 January 2015 For 12 to 15 year olds, or starting Year 7 in 2015. Come and join us for this five day fun filled camp at Nanga Bush, Dwellingup. Only $190 ($38 a day). Contact your Parish Priest, visit the website or contact Graham on 0418 979 600 for more info or to pick up a form. www.wayoungsalesians.com

Curtin Twilight Tours Twilight Tours are for interested prospective students to gain a glimpse of the Curtin campus and facilities after hours. To provide an insight into studying at Curtin our Student Ambassadors will show attendees some of their favourite spots on campus as well as where they study and take classes. Prospective Student Advisors will be on hand to provide advice and answer questions about applying to Curtin. So whether students are thinking about applying for university or already have, or parents are curious to see where their son or daughter might be studying, they’re welcome to attend. Wednesday 22 October, 12 November and 10 December 2014 Time: 5.30 - 7.00 pm Location: Angazi Court Precinct (opposite Building 408), Curtin University, Kent Street, Bentley, WA Cost: Free

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 2 Term 4

Virtues Parenting Programme This six week course is for parents, teachers and anyone else with responsibility for children or teenagers. Language shapes character. The Family Virtues Guide contains 52 of the universal virtues which help parents bring out the best in their children and in themselves. It creates a climate of caring and character. Picture a community in which everyone, from parents to police has the will and skill to teach respect, foster kindness and model virtues such as integrity, caring, compassion, courage, forgiveness, friendliness, honesty, love, respect, self-discipline and truthfulness – just to name a few. Learn how to: • Recognise the opportunity of teachable moments in the way we speak and the words we use that have great power to discourage or to inspire. • Set clear boundaries • Support children and teens in making moral decisions Where: Relationships Australia, 1 Ord St, Fremantle When: 10.00 am – 12.30 pm on Wednesdays 22, 29 October, and 5, 12, 19, 26 November (you may start on the second week if you can’t make the first week). Cost: $110 per person To book telephone 9489 6322.

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 2 Term 4

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