College Newsletter Week 3 Term 2 Friday 20 February 2015
Today’s boys...tomorrow’s gentlemen CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 3 Term 1 | Page 1
Cover: CBC’s community celebrates Opening Mass in the Cloisters. Photo by Keane Bourke (Year 11). To see more photos of the Opening Mass visit the Newsroom.
From the Principal Opening Mass
are possible when the young men of our
It was tremendous to see nearly 1,900
College witness parents and staff working
people gathered in the Cloisters at school again this year to celebrate our Opening Mass. From the Welcome to Country provided by Harry Golding (Year 10) to the induction of our student Special Ministers of the Eucharist, a poignant and reverent occasion was enjoyed by all in attendance. When families, students and staff gather together at such times we have an authentic expression of our full community. CBC Fremantle
One of the basic understandings of our
51 Ellen Street
College is that the home and school
Fremantle WA 6160
must work together harmoniously if the
T 08 9336 2700
outcome is to be a well-balanced young
man. There is great value and strength
in our unity, and I have said on many occasions that wonderful achievements
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in a complementary manner. Thank you to all of the families present on the evening for placing such a high priority upon attendance and participation. I would like to particularly congratulate the eight senior students who were commissioned as Special Eucharistic Ministers as part of the Mass. Julian Bacich, Joshua Baker, Luke Cowlam, Liam Godsall, Lachlan Lavery, Calogero Martelli, Matthew Patroni and Nicholas Thuys have accepted this special privilege and responsibility. They are joined in this ministry by Ms Maria Garbin. We wish them all well and commend them for their commitment to their faith and to the service of others.
A vision for the gentleman
destructive values which they encounter
asks each of us to re-evaluate our lives and
During the past week there have been two
as part of mainstream society. While
to make a commitment throughout Lent
events which have ensured a focus upon
this entails the school being necessarily
to the welfare and service of others. The
the recent graduates of our school. The
counter-cultural this is not something from
placement of ashes on the forehead of
first was our Academic Awards assembly
which we retreat. Our emphasis upon
every student and staff member reminds
where many former and current students
prioritising the needs of others, particularly
each of us of the wonderful capacity for
were acknowledged for their achievement
the disadvantaged and marginalised, is
transformation that we possess. We are
and diligence. The second was the ‘Year
frequently in opposition to the more
challenged to dispense with selfish and
13’ breakfast held at the College which
hedonistic priorities of our world.
destructive behaviours and commit to
provided the opportunity for the members
a future characterised by goodness and
of last year’s leaving class to reunite and
To encourage the development of a selfless
share stories about their recent past and
attitude in each of our students the College
imminent study or employment aspirations.
must constantly review its policies and practices to ensure that they are properly
that the good works associated with
In observing the young adults on each
directed. Specifically, it is essential that
Lent must be performed humbly and
respect for the other. The gospel reading on the day emphasised
of these occasions, it quickly became
every boy at this school experiences a
not for purposes of self-aggrandisement.
apparent that the values of our school
sense of belonging, is willing to make
Abstinence, prayer and almsgiving should
have been integrated into their lives
commitments and is accountable for his
be gifts that are offered without seeking
and that the hopes of so many families
own decisions. These are the pre-requisites
earthly reward. As Pope Francis said during
have been realised. It is certainly true
for the development of generosity of spirit
his Lenten Message for 2015, “During this
that parents commonly feel that the
and resilience which are key components
Lent, let us all ask the Lord to make our
developmental years in the lives of their
of our collective vision for the gentleman
hearts like His. In this way we will receive a
children pass very quickly but when the
who will exit the College in coming years.
heart which is firm and merciful, attentive
product is a well-rounded, optimistic
and generous, a heart which is not closed,
and faithful young adult then there is an accompanying sense of satisfaction and joy.
indifferent or prey to the globalization of
Ash Wednesday
The whole school gathered in the At CBC Fremantle we strive to assist
gymnasium this week to mark Ash
Mr Shaun Kenny
families in the development of young men
Wednesday and to reinforce the
who challenge the secular and often self-
significance of this occasion. This feast day
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 3 Term 1 | Page 3
In the Newsroom You can keep up to date with CBC Fremantle news by subscribing to the Newsroom RSS feed. Visit the College website at and click on the Newsroom under Quick Links on the left hand side.
19 February
Ash Wednesday launches Project Compassion CBC Fremantle celebrated Ash Wednesday with a Liturgy attended by the whole College. Read more...
17 February
CBC community gathers for Opening Mass More than 1,800 people filled the Cloisters at CBC Fremantle’s Opening Mass on Monday night, celebrating faith and commitment of the young men of the College and their families. Read more...
13 February
Welcome to the Club This year CBC Fremantle inducted 15 members into the College’s Academic Club 95, a tradition that acknowledges the superior achievements of Year 12s in their final exam results. Read more...
13 February
Welcome back Class of 2014 Hanging out under the tree in the Cloisters brought back many fond memories for the 74 members of the Class of 2014 who returned to the College for the traditional Year 13 breakfast Read more...
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College Information Important notice regarding student absences from the College Student Services require student absences to be notified by 9.00am by either emailing or telephoning 9430 2007. Student Services can be emailed at
College Canteen The Canteen is undergoing refurbishment and is scheduled to open for Term 2. In the interim, a Jiffy Foods van will visit the College for morning recess and lunch. Please see the attached menu.
College Calendar CBC’s College Calendar can be viewed online by clicking on the Quick Link on the home page of the website. You can also subscribe for the Calendar to synch on your iCal or Outlook by clicking the link at the top right of the Calendar page.
Important dates for February/March Tuesday 24 February 06:00pm Yr07 Parent Information Evening, followed by Parent Wine and Cheese Evening Tuesday 17 March College Open Day Thursday 19 March 07:30pm Share the Journey parent meeting Sunday 22 March Share the Journey Saturday 28 March Senior Ball (please note this is incorrectly noted as 21 March on the CBC 2015 Wall Planner)
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 3 Term 1 | Page 5
What CBC boys like about CBC...
Jordan Biondillo
Patrick Bows
Jayden Galati
Year 12
Year 8
Year 7
What do you like about CBC?
What do you like about CBC?
What do you like about CBC?
It’s a close family.
The people – they make you feel
I like that it’s an all-boys school.
welcome. What’s your favourite part of the day?
What’s your favourite part of the day?
After lunch – everyone is in a good
What’s your favourite part of the day?
mood towards the end of the day.
Third and fourth period – most of the fun classes are then.
What’s your favourite subject? Art.
Sport. Outdoor Ed – swimming at the river.
Who’s your favourite teacher? I don’t know yet.
Who’s your favourite teacher? Mr Miller.
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What’s your favourite subject?
What’s your favourite subject?
Who’s your favourite teacher? Mr Van Dongen.
Jeremy Gribble
Mitchell Pelliccione
Brodie Soltoggio
Year 7
Year 8
Year 11
What do you like about CBC?
What do you like about CBC?
What do you like about CBC?
There’s a really big variety of subjects
Everyone’s nice and you feel welcome
It’s a close community.
to choose from.
and you get to learn.
What’s your favourite part of the day?
What’s your favourite subject?
I like the breaks – recess, lunch and
Art because I’m pretty good at it.
before school.
What’s your favourite subject?
Who’s your favourite teacher?
What’s your favourite subject?
Metalwork so far.
Mr Van Dongen.
PE Studies – learning about your body
What’s your favourite part of the day?
and playing sports. Who’s your favourite teacher? Mr Rawnsley.
Who’s your favourite teacher? This week it’s Mr Butcher.
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 3 Term 1 | Page 7
Get set for the House Swimming Carnival The CBC Fremantle annual swimming
Students are to wear their full house sport
carnival is being held on Friday 27 February
uniform including:
at HBF Stadium, Mt Claremont. The
• House shirt
carnival is a compulsory College event and
• Sports shorts
all students are expected to participate
• White College socks
unless restricted by personal or medical
• Predominantly white running shoes
conditions. Students who are unable to
• Students will also need to bring their
compete on the day are still required to
College racing bathers or College
attend and will be given roles to help assist
swimming shorts and a towel.
with the running of the carnival. Students who are unable to participate must see
There will be no access to the HBF Stadium
Mr Matthews with a note prior to the
kiosk or vending machines on the day of
carnival date.
the carnival so students need to come prepared with a packed lunch and snacks.
Students will be required to be at school
Please refrain from packing cool drinks,
at the normal time and assemble in the
energy drinks and large quantities of junk
gymnasium at 8.40am instead of Mentor
foods and ensure boys have sufficient
water for the day.
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Students are asked not to bring the following – • Mobile phones • Ipods and MP3 players • Magazines • Books • Glass containers • Coloured hair spray or body paint The swimming carnival is a CBC Fremantle community event and we encourage friends and family to come along and support the boys. Mr Jason Matthews Coordinator of Sport
Community Notices It is the policy of CBC Fremantle to distribute information when requested regarding community activities and details about educational programmes. This does not imply that CBC endorses these activities or the information. Please provide information in an unformatted Word document to Submissions will be accepted at the discretion of CBC Fremantle.
Pilates at CBC Pilates is great for flexibility, builds strength and develops control and endurance in the whole human body. The CBC community is invited to early morning Pilates sessions with an experience instructor from 6.30am to 7.30am twice a week in the Arts Learning Area. Interested people can contact Sonya Gaffney by email.
Willetton Catholic Parish Notice Religious Education classes in the Willetton Catholic Parish are held on Tuesday afternoons between 4pm and 5pm for children from Years 1 to 6. Classes commence at 4.00pm on Tuesday 17 February at the Sts John & Paul Parish Centre, Pinetree Gully Road, Willetton. Enrolment Forms are available at the John Paul Parish Office and the church foyer, and also on the website. If you are interested in joining the parish for the Sacraments please be advised that there will be a Sacrament Enrolment weekend on 7 to 8 March and 14 to 15 March at the 6.30pm vigil, and 9.00am and 10.30am Masses. Enrolment forms will be available on the day. An Information and Formation meeting for Parents will be held in the Parish on Tuesday 21 April at 7.00pm in the Church. Confirmation in the Parish will be held on the weekend of the 22 to 23 August 2015.
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 3 Term 1 | Page 9
Palmyra Junior Football Club Welcome to Season 2015 – registration is open now! Click on the link to register for season 2015. Or, if you prefer to sort it out in person, come along to our Open Day on Sunday 22 February 2015 from 12noon to 2.00pm, at Stock Road Oval (cnr Canning Highway and Stock Road, Palmyra). Meet the coaches, enjoy a sausage sizzle, and have your first kick for 2015! If you would like more information about the Open Day, registration or the Club more generally, contact us by email. – Renae Hughes – Shaun Farrell – Cath King
Upcoming events at The University of Notre Dame Parent Information Evening on Tuesday March 10, 6:30pm, 19 Mouat Street, Fremantle Parents of students in Year 10, 11 and 12 are invited to attend Notre Dame’s Parent Information Evening to discuss subject selection, course information, the transition from high school to university, and how to apply to Notre Dame.. Guest speaker, Robyn Smith (Director of Curriculum, Assessment and Moderation at SCSA), will present on how changes to the WACE curriculum will impact students applying to university from 2017. Medicine Information Session on Sunday March 22, 10:30am School of Medicine, 38 Henry Street, Fremantle Students interested in studying Medicine at Notre Dame are invited to attend a Medicine Information Session. Learn about the Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery, the Pre-Medicine Certificate and speak with current Medicine students. To RSVP, visit or contact the Prospective Students Office on 9433 0533.
Antipodeans Abroad GapBreak Programme Information Night Find out about Antipodeans Abroad’s 2016 Gap Year Volunteering and Paid Work programmes at the Online Info Night. Antipodeans has more than 20 years experience in youth travel programmes to developing and first world destinations. Find out about their 18+ GapBreak destinations on offer for 2016. Listen to the Online Information Night from your home computer or iPad at 6.00pm to 7.00pm on Wednesday 4 March. Registration is essential – students need to register online at
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