Week 3 term 2

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College Newsletter Week 3 Term 2 Friday 16 May 2014

Today’s boys...tomorrow’s gentlemen CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 3 Term 2

Front page: College Captain Anthony Iannantuoni addressing the College at the EREA Renewal Ceremony.

From the Vice Principal Renewal Assembly

senior school officers, visit all the schools

This week marked a special moment

in the EREA family. A wide cross-section

in the life of the College when EREA

of the school community is interviewed;

Executive Director, Dr Wayne Tinsey,

teaching and non-teaching staff, teachers

presented Mr Shaun Kenny, with a

in promotional positions, members

Certificate of Authenticity for the period

of the Board and the Parent Auxiliary,

2015-2019. Since 2007, when the

parents, Old Boys, students and members

Christian Brothers handed the governance

of the Student Leadership group. The

of their schools to Edmund Rice Education

questions focus on the EREA Touchstones;

Australia, it has been a focus of EREA to

Liberating Education, Gospel Spirituality,

ensure the values and charism of Blessed

Inclusive Community and Justice and

Edmund Rice remain alive in those


schools which it became custodian for,

CBC Fremantle 51 Ellen Street Fremantle WA 6160 T 08 9336 2700 E enquiries@cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au

especially since the Brothers’ presence in

School Renewal in Edmund Rice Schools

those same schools has diminished, and

is a life giving process by which a school

in some cases, disappeared altogether.

community is helped to critically reflect on its nature as a Catholic school in the

Every five years, a member of the EREA

Edmund Rice tradition and to identify

Identity Directorate, together with other

ways for continuous improvement. The


CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 3 Term 2

objective of renewal is positive change for

his voice and pronunciation. He changed

• understand and strive to be their best,

the school community. Dr Tinsey spoke

his wardrobe, his vocabulary and his

• are resilient and responsible in facing

glowingly of the positive affirmation of

interests. He successfully morphed into

our College by all its community as a

as close a being to his idol as could be

school that is authentically Catholic, and

possible, but alas, he remained only a

true to the Edmund Rice tradition.

copy of his idol … what is often referred to as a ‘poor-man’s version’. For young

challenges, • are men for others, developing positive relationships, and • recognise and value the Stranger in their midst.

During his uplifting address, Dr Tinsey

Wayne Tinsey, the realisation dawned

endorsed several key messages you

that he could only be the best Wayne

We celebrate our achievement together

would have read often in the newsletter,

Tinsey; he could only perfectly imitate

as a community, and look to the future

and heard at parent evenings. Personal

who he already was, and strive to improve

with great hope, belief and confidence.

excellence, a school where no boy is left

himself in that context. He could only be

behind, immutable Gospel Values, a boy’s

the best if he remained authentic.

I believe Edmund would be proud.

the need to be counter-cultural were all

The message was not lost on the

Mr Domenic Burgio

touched on in his speech. These concepts

audience. At CBC Fremantle, we strive to

Vice Principal

are now part of the CBC Fremantle

provide an excellent academic education.

lexicon, and our boys can recite them

We must be an excellent academic

broadly. They are concepts we intend to

school. This however, is being achieved

keep front and centre about what we are,

by many other schools. It alone does not

and what we stand for.

make us authentic; it alone does not keep

best must be always good enough and

alive the spirit of Edmund Rice, it needs For me, the best part of the speech was

more than just high ATARs and ‘A’ grades.

Dr Tinsey’s emotional reciting of his experience as a young man. As a youth,

Edmund Rice Education Australia has

he idolised a boy a few years older than

accredited CBC Fremantle as an authentic

himself, was in awe of that boy’s talent

Catholic School in the Edmund Rice

as a sportsman, academic and musician,

Tradition. We are a school that aims

and that he seemed to have a talisman

to support parents in developing

for attracting the ladies. Young Wayne

gentlemen who:

Tinsey embarked on a quest to imitate his

• form attitudes and actions based on

hero. He changed his gait, his hairstyle,

Gospel values,

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 3 Term 2

In the Newsroom this week You can keep up to date with CBC Fremantle news by subscribing to the Newsroom RSS feed. Visit the College website at www.cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au and click on the Newsroom under Quick Links on the left hand side.

15 May 2014

CBC celebrates EREA renewal This week marked a special moment in the life of the College when EREA Executive Director, Dr Wayne Tinsey, presented Mr Shaun Kenny with a Certificate of Authenticity for the period 2015-2019. Read more...

15 May 2014

New building nears completion CBC Fremantle’s welcome new addition to the campus was ready for occupation late last week with the Certificate of Occupancy being handed over to the College. Read more...

8 May 2014

Jordan wins national Youth of the Year CBC Fremantle Year 12 student Jordan Green was initially reluctant to enter the Lions Youth of the Year Quest but the national winner is glad he did. Read more...

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 3 Term 2

Calendar Week 2 Term 2 2014

College Information Catch-up Photo Day A catch-up photo session has been arranged for Tuesday 20 May in Common Room 1 at lunch time for boys who missed out on their individual portrait and also for family/sibling photos. Parents still have until 23 May to return the order to be able to receive the discount price. Sport and Music group photos are scheduled for third term.

Tuesday 20 May Catch-up individual and sibling photo 1pm Wednesday 21 May

Science ICAS

Thursday 22 May Mass 8.15am (Patrick 1, 2, 3 & 4) Year 11 ICT Exc TBC Year 7 Perth Museum Exc Period 6 INSTEP meeting Friday 23 May All Schools Cross Country

CBC City to Surf It’s time to start training for the Chevron City to Surf, which is on 31 August. Join in a training schedule with members of your CBC community to encourage your

Saturday 24 May CBC Family Mass 6.00pm St Patrick’s Basilica

commitment to this fantastic event and raise your fitness level. Beginners training group: Tuesday and Thursday at 4.40pm All levels: Wednesday 5.30am, Friday 5.15am and Sunday 6.30am Everyone welcome! All enquiries can be directed to Sally Northeast at sallyn@cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au.

Put these dates in your diary... 1, 2 and 3 July Lord of the Flies College Drama production Tickets on sale now

CBC Family Mass You and your family are invited to join us in a celebration of the warmth and friendship of the CBC community. Saturday 24 May at 6pm at St Patrick’s Basilica, Fremantle We look forward to seeing you there. CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 3 Term 2


1, 2 and 3 July 2014 at 7pm CBC Fremantle | Arts Learning Area Tickets $5 child/$10 adult/$20 family at www.cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 3 Term 2

Community Notices It is the policy of CBC Fremantle to distribute information when requested regarding community activities and details about educational programmes. This does not imply that CBC endorses these activities or the information. Please provide information in an unformatted Word document to enquiries@CBCFremantle.wa.edu.au. Submissions will be accepted at the discretion of CBC Fremantle.

Parents and Friends Federation of WA Inc. The Parents and Friends Federation of WA would like to remind you that our 60th Anniversary Dinner/Conference takes place on Friday 23 May/Saturday 24 May. Guest speakers include Hon Peter Collier MLC, Dr Tim McDonald Director – Catholic Education WA, Allan Blagaich – CEO School Curriculum and Standards Authority, and a presentation from Daniela and Stefania from My Kitchen Rules 2011. Full details and registration forms can be found on our website. Simply complete the registration form and return to us with payment. If you have any questions/queries, please call Siobhan Allen (Liaison Officer) on 0409 025 683 or call the PFFWA office on 9271 5909.

Palms Encounter “Teach a man to fish and he will live for a lifetime.” – Palms volunteers practice this every day as they share their skills with the poorest of the poor in Asia, Africa and the Pacific. If you seek to live these values too, come on a Palms Encounter to Kiribati or Timor-Leste and understand how you and your community can reach out to the most marginalised and fight poverty through just, sustainable, and peaceful development. Dates are 3 to 14 August (Kiribati) and 22 September to 4 October (Timor-Leste). For further information visit www.palms.org.au/encounters, email encounter@palms.org.au, or call Palms on 02 9518 9551. Limited places remain as numbers are restricted to approximately eight people per encounter.

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 3 Term 2

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