College Newsletter Week 3 Term 4 Friday 30 October 2015
Today’s boys...tomorrow’s gentlemen CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 3 Term 4 | Page 1
Cover: Jack Johnson (Year 12) received the Principal’s Choice Award at the annual Visual Art Exhibition for his series of portraits illustrating the effects of Alzheimers. Photo by Keane Bourke (Year 11). More of Keane’s photos of the exhibition opening can be found in the Newsroom.
CBC Fremantle 51 Ellen Street Fremantle WA 6160 T 08 9336 2700 E
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From the Principal A week of events Last Friday evening the College conducted the Graduation Mass and Ceremony for the Class of 2015. This was a very poignant occasion which provided each of our graduates and their families with the opportunity to reflect upon the journey they had undertaken while members of the CBC Fremantle community. During my address on the evening I spoke about the importance of our graduates always striving to be their best and not being discouraged by the inevitable disappointments which they will encounter. The following short excerpt paraphrases the aspirations that were expressed for them in this regard: When you jump to see how high you can get, don’t worry too much if you hit your head on the occasional barrier
or obstacle. You have heard me say on a number of occasions over recent years that very little that is worthwhile in life comes without some form of accompanying difficulty or hard work. Don’t fail to jump higher, thinking you are doing all you can do. In the future, I hope you will always strive to realise the full and wonderful potential that you each hold. As part of the ceremony, the College Captain, Calogero Martelli, was joined by Michael Norman and Jackson Sidery in providing reflections on their time at CBC, and these were certainly a feature of the evening. In a sign of great maturity these boys were able to look back on their experiences at school and discern those which were most powerful and
Year 12s leave the altar at St Patrick’s Basilica at the conclusion of the Graduation Mass
pertinent to their formation as good young men. On Sunday evening, our College Awards Night was particularly well attended and provided the opportunity for more than 350 students to be publicly acknowledged for their achievements during this year. Congratulations to all of the boys who received subject awards on the evening. Being the top performing student in a subject is a special honour and indicates outstanding ability and commitment. Some boys received multiple awards in this category and were appropriately recognised. An even larger group of boys were awarded Certificates of Merit or Certificates of Excellence during the
of a large and appreciative audience on Tuesday evening this week. Many students received awards on the evening and it was pleasing to see the quality and diversity of their art pieces. Year 11 students Jaedyn Stumbles and Yusef Hourani looked very composed as they opened the exhibition and conducted the presentation ceremony in a most dignified manner. Congratulations to Ms Zoe Francis, Ms Stephanie Hantzis and Mr Shane Mancuso for their encouragement of our young artists and for their hard work in preparing and presenting the exhibition.
ceremony. These awards are available to all students regardless of innate ability and are truly reflective of the emphasis upon personal excellence promoted at CBC Fremantle. The criterion for the Certificate of Merit is a minimum of 90% positive indicators on each of the first three school reports issued during the year. While this standard is very high it is achievable for each student. The Certificate of Excellence is available to any boy achieving 100% positive indicators for each report during the year. The broad cross-section of students receiving this award reinforces the place of clearly defined criteria and targets in the effective education of boys.
The Rite Journey
To conclude this hectic period on the school calendar, the College Visual Art Exhibition was opened in the presence
I’m sure that all families have been able to follow the progress of our innovative Year 9 programme, The Rite Journey, >> CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 3 Term 4 | Page 3
Help others this Christmas The festive season has come early at CBC Fremantle, with staff, students and parents being invited to donate to the St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal. Each Mentor Group has been put in charge of organising their own hamper, with students nominating to bring two food or household items that Vinnies’ clients will be able to use over the holiday period. All donations need to be brought into school by 20 November so they can be collected and distributed to local families in need in time for Christmas. Ryan Clark performing his own composition at the Graduation ceremony
Any families who would like to contribute additional donations or their own hampers can contact Emily Bowran at for more information.
through the regular updates that have been provided in this newsletter throughout the year. Next week is designated as Rite Journey Week and marks one of the major activities associated with this programme. All Year 9 boys will spend some time camping in Bindoon, on Retreat and engaged in challenging activities. We wish all of the students and staff involved a safe and enjoyable time away from school. Mr Shaun Kenny Principal
Last year’s Christmas hampers ready for distribution
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College Calendar
Congratulations to Keane Bourke (Year 11) whose opinion article won
CBC’s College Calendar can be viewed online by clicking
him a place on The West Australian’s Gen Z student editorial team.
on the Quick Link on the home page of the website. You can also subscribe for the Calendar to synch on your iCal
Keane spent Sunday at The West Australian with the editorial team as
or Outlook by clicking the link at the top right of the
they put together the next day’s newpaper. His opinion piece, which
Calendar page.
addressed the changing face of journalism, was published in Monday’s West.
Important dates coming up – check the Calendar for more details.
Keane regularly contributes to the College Newsroom and publications with articles and photographs.
Wednesday 11 November Remembrance Day assembly and 2016 Prefect inauguration Parents are welcome to attend
Thursday 19 November The Rite Journey The Homecoming
College Information The College’s official group Sports (#100522) and Music (#100521) photos are now available online to view and purchase by following the steps below. • Go to • Click on the CBC Fremantle logo • Enter password : pham72
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 3 Term 4 | Page 5
In the Newsroom Visit the College website at and click on the Newsroom under Quick Links on the left hand side.
29 October
Best of Visual Art Showcasing the best work from students in Years 7 to 12, the annual CBC Fremantle Visual Art Exhibition included a range of interesting and well executed pieces of art from diverse studio areas including painting, sculpture... Read more... 28 October
Farewell Class of 2015 In a ceremony on Friday night, the Class of 2015 officially bid their College farewell as they prepare for their final exams. Read more...
28 October
Celebrating personal excellence CBC’s community celebrated the achievement of students on Sunday night at the annual Awards Evening. Read more...
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14 October
Class of 2010 5 Reunion The Class of 2010 felt like they had barely hung up the green blazer when they returned for their five year reunion on Saturday 10 October. Read more...
9 October
Last day for Year 12s The last day of Term 3 for Year 12s highlighted their CBC journey as they left their final assembly at their College. Read more...
23 September
Over 60s’ Morning Tea CBC Old Boys who left the school prior to 1973 were welcomed back to their old school for a special Over 60s’ morning tea in the College staffroom. Read more...
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 3 Term 4 | Page 7
What CBC boys like about the Art Exhibition...
Joseph Eardley
Christian Edwards
Liam Fico
Year 10
Year 10
Year 9
What did you think of the Art
What did you think of the Art
What did you think of the Art
Pretty outstanding. Some of the work
It’s got a lot of diversity with different
It’s a good exhibition
is impressive.
How many pieces do you have in it?
How many pieces do you have in it?
Three pieces. My favourite is the Brett
How many pieces do you have in it?
Whiteley. I took a lot of time with it.
Have you improved this year and in what way?
Have you improved this year and in what way?
Have you improved this year and in
Definitely – shading, contrasting colour
what way?
and tone.
We spend more time on our work and pieces are in different medium.
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A skateboard deck.
Generally everything.
Adrian Hunter
Nathan Scott
Jacob Toledo
Year 11
Year 10
Year 10
What did you think of the Art
What did you think of the Art
What did you think of the Art
Pretty good – everybody got at least
Really good.
Pretty good.
one piece up. How many pieces do you have in it?
How many pieces do you have in it?
What was your favourite piece?
Two – subculture drawing and a tree
One – suclpture made out of concrete,
The red rose in oils as part of Manic
painting influenced by Brett Whiteley
carved with a chisel.
Botanic. Have you improved this year and in
Have you improved this year and in
Have you improved this year and in
what way?
what way?
what way?
Tone and scale probably.
I improved since Pete came in. Pete was the artist in residence and he taught us so much. He came in Thursdays after school for a couple of hours.
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 3 Term 4 | Page 9
Alumni Recognition Awards Our graduates are the essence of what our College represents and shining examples of achievement. The inaugural annual Old Boys’ Association Alumni Recognition Awards aim to showcase the highest accomplishments of our graduates. Alumni, staff, students and the wider community are all invited to nominate Old Boys of the College who are making a real difference in the world. For more information, visit old-boys-association/alumni-awards
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Community Notices It is the policy of CBC Fremantle to distribute information when requested regarding community activities and details about educational programmes. This does not imply that CBC endorses these activities or the information. Please provide information in an unformatted Word document to Submissions will be accepted at the discretion of CBC Fremantle.
Fundraising Quiz Night A Fundraising Quiz Night for Embrace the Grace Youth Conference will be held on Saturday 7 November at Disciples of Jesus, 67 Howe Street, Osborne Park at 7pm. Come along for a night of trivia, entertainment and the chance to win great prizes. All ages are encouraged to attend. Tickets $20.00 each. Proceeds will subsidise registration fees to enable young people to attend Embrace the Grace. For more information or to register visit, email or call 9422 7912.
Centre for Faith Enrichment Would you describe yourself as spiritually open, but perhaps not the most frequent attender of Mass? You may enjoy the short, live online course called ‘The Lowdown on the On-High for Parents’ being offered by the Centre for Faith Enrichment. Over three sessions, the course will give you the opportunity to discuss topics such as faith, meditation and spirituality – or you can just listen! It’s soul food you can enjoy at home – with a glass of wine! Thursdays 5 to 19 November, 8.00pm to 8.30pm. For more information about this and other online courses, visit, or call 9241 5221.
Mindscholar workshops Mindscholar’s workshops help students to; • adopt a ‘growth mindset’ to improve well-being and performance. • change negative attitudes/build mental resilience, • manage exam/performance anxiety, and • become active and reflective learners. Their next workshop is being run on the Saturday 7 November; please see for more details.
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 3 Term 4 | Page 11
Young Australia League scholarships Applications are closing soon for the inaugural year of the YAL JJ Boss Simons charitable endowment trust scholarships. Scholarships of up to $12,500 are available to successful applicants aged 12 to 25 years. Unlike traditional scholarship opportunities which can be highly specific in their focus, with the new YAL scholarships, students can apply for funds for all manner of items including tuition fees, specialist courses, home tutoring, books, equipment, and even travel & living allowance. For a swift and easy online application process please go to Should you require further information please email
Leeuwin gears up for a new sailing season The Leeuwin is back out on the ocean after her annual refit and maintenance period and all geared up for a new exciting season of voyages. We have had an influx of applications for the remainder of 2015 and now have waiting lists for these voyages, but would like to spread awareness of our 2016 programme that includes three summer school holiday voyages, a journey down south to Busselton and our April trip up to the iconic Monkey Mia. We would also like to share with you the chance to save $120.00 on the fare by booking any 2016 voyage for the 2015 price of $1,980 if you book before the end of the year. A Leeuwin voyage is a life-changing experience, teaching participants key skills such as communication, teamwork and leadership through the unique medium of a traditional tall ship. Students in Years 10, 11 and 12 can earn five WACE points towards their senior graduation and can use the voyage as part of their Duke of Edinburgh Award or Queen’s Scout Award. Although there have been some changes in our scholarship programme, we continue to be supported by many local service clubs, businesses and local governments who are willing to support financially disadvantaged youth. However, scholarships are not unlimited and we recommend that anyone looking to apply sends their application in as soon as possible. For those seeking to raise the voyage fare themselves, we have also developed a fundraising pack full of ideas and tips to help them achieve their goal. For more information and to see our voyage programme for 2016, please visit our website Alternatively you can contact our team on 9430 4105 or by email at
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Fremantle Tennis Club Term 4 Tennis Coaching Development Squad Monday and Wednesday 4.30-6.00pm High Performance Squad 4.30-6.00pm To enrol or inquire please contact Brendan on 0401565051 or at
Fremantle Rowing Club 2015 Rowing Open Day on Sunday 8 November from 9.00am to 1.00pm offers an opportunity to find out more about Fremantle Rowing Club and rowing. • Walk through the club and check out our equipment • Test yourself on our ergos • Talk to State and National representatives • Talk to Coaches and other club members • Test yourself on the Equipment used for Rowing WA National Selection Fremantle Rowing Club offers: • A fully equipped gym available to members at all times • National Grade Coaching • Top class competitive boats • A great club atmosphere, convenient to Notre Dame and Fremantle See you at the Boatshed at 75 Riverside Road, East Fremantle. I
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 3 Term 4 | Page 13