College Newsletter Week 4 Term 2 Friday 23 May 2014
Today’s boys...tomorrow’s gentlemen CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 4 Term 2
Front page: Year 7s Harry Dark and Jack Clark making a stop animation film in Mrs Denny’s class
From the Vice Principal Earlier this year, our Principal Shaun
challenging. I would now like very much
Kenny was one of two or three EREA
to share it with you.
Principals invited to an international conference in Kenya. In my heart I believe
Dear All
this approach is reflective of the high regard EREA holds for our College, and the
I have now been in Kenya for four
outstanding leadership Mr Kenny provides
days – I hope at least some of you have
our community, the EREA community and
noticed that I have been gone! I am just
the Catholic education sector.
completing the immersion programme and the Conference is due to begin
Before the conference, Mr Kenny has
tomorrow. I had not planned to send an
been immersed into some of the work
email but my experiences of the last two
of the Christian Brothers in Kenya. I was
days cannot wait until I return before
moved to tears earlier this week when
being told. It has been a challenging and
I received an email from Shaun, an email
exhilarating time.
CBC Fremantle
he obviously felt compelled to write.
51 Ellen Street
I have used it as a reflection in my classes
On Monday we visited the Edmund Rice
Fremantle WA 6160
this week, and at the College Board
initiative called the Ruben Centre. This is
T 08 9336 2700
Meeting last night. The response has
conducted by an amazing man named
been poignant, confronting and
Br Frank O’Shea and a number of local
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 4 Term 2
workers. Br Frank was once described in
Rice Centre is run by two young Kenyan
her home. I don’t think I have ever felt
a newspaper article as a cross between
Christian Brothers and about half a dozen
Mother Teresa and Crocodile Dundee. The
teachers and physical therapists – all
Centre includes an HIV/AIDS clinic, health
seemingly in their twenties. I have met
Human beings were not created to live
care centre, micro finance centre (where
some modern day saints over these
like this. It is not a Kenyan problem
the parents of rescued child labourers
two days.
or an African problem. The cause lies
are taught skills to gain an income) and a
somewhere in the structures and priorities
school. The school has 2,150 students all
After our visit I spent a couple of hours
of our world. I have seen suffering,
from the neighbouring slum of Mukuru.
with one of the teachers from the Centre
neglect, moments of joy and great
It has 37 staff and class sizes of between
walking through the Kibera slum. It is
courage. I really look forward to talking to
45 and 90+. They are operating out of tin
the largest in the world with 1.6 million
you more about it when I return.
sheds with metal grates for windows and
people. The conditions are unthinkable
no heating or cooling. Most importantly, it
and the pictures I have seen in the past
The delegates from around the world
is one of our sibling schools in the Edmund
could not have prepared me for what
have been arriving throughout today
Rice Tradition.
I encountered. We visited two ‘homes’
and I’m sure the conference will provide
in the slum. The first belonged to a
some opportunities for CBC Fremantle to
The staff were inspiring and the children
woman with six children whose husband
adopt an international perspective.
were beautiful. One boy of about 10 years
was killed in an accident last year. Her
I look forward to exploring these with
old would not leave my side. His name
youngest son was disabled and would be
you as well.
was Johnson Evans and his school jumper
unable to walk throughout his life. She
was hanging together by a few threads.
carried him the long distance to and from
Best regards
He had no shoes. He told me he was the
the Mary Rice Centre each day. She had
fastest runner in Kenya and wouldn’t let
no income and relied on the Edmund Rice
go of my hand.
Foundation for her existence. Her home
We pray for Mr Kenny’s safe return, we
was about the size of the photocopy
pray for those throughout the world who
Today we visited the Mary Rice Centre in
room in our new building. It housed the
suffer as a result of greed, and we pray
another part of town. This is a school for
seven of them and they ate one meal a
for those selfless workers who give up
disabled children from the slum of Kibera.
day. As I left and fought the urge to give
everything to provide hope to those too
The children have diseases ranging
her everything in my pockets (we had
marginalised to help themselves.
from cerebral palsy to hearing loss to
been warned not to do this) she spoke to
autism. There is no government aid or
our guide in Swahili. Translated, she had
Mr Domenic Burgio
schooling for such children and the Mary
thanked me for humbling myself to visit
Vice Principal
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 4 Term 2
In the Newsroom this week You can keep up to date with CBC Fremantle news by subscribing to the Newsroom RSS feed. Visit the College website at and click on the Newsroom under Quick Links on the left hand side.
15 May 2014
CBC celebrates EREA renewal This week marked a special moment in the life of the College when EREA Executive Director, Dr Wayne Tinsey, presented Mr Shaun Kenny with a Certificate of Authenticity for the period 2015-2019. Read more...
Congratulations Congratulations to Kurtis Gray, who was commissioned as a Special Eucharistic Minister by Father Tony Maher at Mass on Thursday morning. Kurtis joins his Year 12 peers, Liam McMahon, Mitchell Hinton, Mathew Thomas, Sam Low, Nick Menegola and Anthony Iannantuoni in assisting Fr Maher in the distribution and administration of the Holy Eucharist to the student community at Masses and Liturgies.
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 4 Term 2
Calendar Week 5 Term 2 2014
College Information CBC City to Surf It’s time to start training for the Chevron City to Surf, which is on 31 August. Join in a training schedule with members of your CBC community to encourage your commitment to this fantastic event and raise your fitness level. Beginners training group: Tuesday and Thursday at 4.40pm All levels: Wednesday 5.30am, Friday 5.15am and Sunday 6.30am Everyone welcome! All enquiries can be directed to Sally Northeast at
Year 9 Rite Journey Mr Hunter’s Rite Journey class are challenging themselves to try and collect clothes and
Monday 26 May Year 11/12 exams commence National Sorry Day Wednesday 28 May
CA:MG ACC XCountry 1.30pm Drama Exc As You Like It Thursday 29 May Mass 8.15am (Rice 1, 2 3 & 4) ACC Cross Country Year 8 Immunisation Friday 30 May No classes Sunday 1 June The Ascension Birth of Blessed Edmund Rice
items that may be needed for the homeless in Fremantle this upcoming winter. If you have any unwanted clothes, or anything that would be of use, it will be greatly
Put these dates in your diary...
appreciated. We are hoping to get as many items as we can to help the wider community,
1, 2 and 3 July Lord of the Flies College Drama production Tickets on sale now
some items may include, jackets, jumpers or any warm material, socks, shoes, sleeping bags, swags, old shirts and beanies would be greatly appreciated. By doing one selfless act, it could change someone’s life or even save it. There will be some boys who will come around each mentor to collect items or if you want to hand it into the PE Office there will be boxes available.
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 4 Term 2
CBC Family Mass You and your family are invited to join us in a celebration of the warmth and friendship of the CBC community. Saturday 24 May at 6pm at St Patrick’s Basilica, Fremantle We look forward to seeing you there.
Dear Parents I wish to encourage you in attending our Family Mass this Saturday evening. These special times of gathering for our College Community are important as they develop a sense of solidarity and foster the development of a vibrant environment in which all members can join together and connect with their Creator. By attending Mass you are giving a strong witness to your son about the importance of acknowledging God’s presence in our lives. By giving back one hour each week to Him it helps engender in us a spirit of generosity which allows us to transcend our own circumstances and recognise that we are part of a greater world where we all share in God’s love. We ask that you please make time in your busy schedule to bring your family to this Mass and join with the other parents, students and staff and make this a celebration of all that is wonderful about the CBC Fremantle community. I hope to see you this Saturday 24 May at 6.00pm at St Patrick’s Basilica. Kind regards Mr Domenic Burgio Vice Principal CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 4 Term 2
1, 2 and 3 July 2014 at 7pm CBC Fremantle | Arts Learning Area Tickets $5 child/$10 adult/$20 family at CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 4 Term 2
Community Notices It is the policy of CBC Fremantle to distribute information when requested regarding community activities and details about educational programmes. This does not imply that CBC endorses these activities or the information. Please provide information in an unformatted Word document to Submissions will be accepted at the discretion of CBC Fremantle.
Palms Encounter “Teach a man to fish and he will live for a lifetime.” – Palms volunteers practice this every day as they share their skills with the poorest of the poor in Asia, Africa and the Pacific. If you seek to live these values too, come on a Palms Encounter to Kiribati or Timor-Leste and understand how you and your community can reach out to the most marginalised and fight poverty through just, sustainable, and peaceful development. Dates are 3 to 14 August (Kiribati) and 22 September to 4 October (Timor-Leste). For further information visit, email, or call Palms on 02 9518 9551. Limited places remain as numbers are restricted to approximately eight people per encounter.
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 4 Term 2
Making Better Decisions in Life – Ignatius Discernment The General Public and John XXIII College Parents are Invited to attend Making Better Decisions in Life – Ignatius Discernment with presenter Murray Graham MEd (Inigo Centre Director) The talk includes the following : • Some Practical procedures for both individual and group decision making. • How to get more ‘choosing’ into your life and transform from living ‘on automatic’. • Discernment – a ‘taste’ of the famous Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius Loyola. Murray Graham is Director of the Inigo Centre, John XXIII College, whose objective is to enrich Adults in Spirituality and Relationships. Murray has given the nine hour, six module, ‘Ignatian Induction’ programme to groups of staff and parents during the last four years. Murray also gives talks to teachers in other schools and to parishes in the city and country. Venue: John XXIII College Mackillop Room (Multi-Purpose Room) on Wednesday 28 May 2014 from 7.30 pm to 9.00 pm and Saturday 31 May 2014 from 10.00am to 11.30am Donation for Inigo Centre. Further Details and Registration contact Murray Graham on 9383 0444 or email
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 4 Term 2