College Newsletter Week 4 Term 3 Friday 15 August 2014
Today’s boys...tomorrow’s gentlemen CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 4 Term 3
Front page: Mr Domenic Burgio’s Rite Journey class presented a four course meal to the ladies of CBC Fremantle. For the full story and more photos, visit the College Newsroom.
From the Principal Today is The Solemnity of the Assumption,
sad circumstance is that I have a hyper-
an occasion where all our students and
sensitive appreciation of motherhood.
staff gathered in the Basilica to celebrate Mary’s assumption in to heaven. Term 3 is
One of the attributes we seek to
often referred to as Our Lady’s Term, with
develop in the CBC gentlemen is that of
Mary’s birthday in September.
selflessness, and an understanding of the value of forming positive relationships,
CBC Fremantle 51 Ellen Street Fremantle WA 6160 T 08 9336 2700
The life of Mary is an important element
especially with regard to respecting
in the development of a CBC gentleman.
women. Each year, during The Rite
For parents and students who have been
Journey, the boys of Year 9 take part
part of our community for a few years,
in a presentation that focusses on the
you may recall at a Mothers’ Day Mass I
way women are depicted in the media.
spoke of the continuing grief I carry as a
In Term 3 of the programme, a female
result of losing my mother at a young age.
member of staff is invited to each TRJ
To this day, she is the first thing I think
class to speak about some of the issues
about each morning, and the last thing I
they have faced during their lives; issues
think about at night. I feel incomplete as a
that have resulted from discrimination,
result of her death, but the legacy of this
not being taken seriously or being
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 4 Term 3
Year 9 Rite Journey boys are applauded at the Ladies’ Dinner
objectified. The opportunity to hear
a sumptuous four course meal for 32
and was seen first by women after his
one of their teachers relate real-life
women. The occasion was held in the
resurrection. Jesus gave no explicit
experiences, and to ask questions,
Boardroom, and the boys also turned
teaching on the role of women in the
personalises some of the situations that
their talents to the decoration and
church. In fact, he left no teaching at
still arise for women even in the 21st
music. There are more details in the
all concerning women as a class of
century. At CBC Fremantle, we seek to
Newsroom on the College website, but
people ... He treated every woman he
challenge the archetypal ‘Aussie bloke’
the smiles, esprit de corps, puffed-out
met as a person in her own right. In the
culture, as recently evidenced on The
chests and sheer joy that the boys felt
development of tomorrow’s gentlemen,
Footy Show, instead developing a culture
and experienced was palpable. Mr Kenny
the actions and attitudes of Jesus towards
that respects, loves, appreciates and
often tells the boys that the only true
women are a pivotal reference point.
honours women, and the important role
joy they will experience in life is when
they play in our lives.
they give to others, and on Wednesday
To all our boys who are fortunate enough
evening the boys served, acknowledged,
to have a mother, don’t take her for
Last year, Mr Troy Foote and his TRJ class
and celebrated the importance of the
granted. She is not just a cook or a
initiated a dinner to honour, and show
female members of our staff.
cleaner. Love her, serve her, savor her
appreciation for, the female members
love and most importantly, try your best
of our staff. This week, another TRJ class
In a Catholic School, we already have
to bring joy to her life. God knows she
continued this young tradition, and
a model for the treatment of women.
deserves it!
symbolically in the week of the Solemnity
Women are prominent in the story of
of the Assumption, designed, prepared,
Jesus. He was born of a woman, had
Mr Domenic Burgio
served (and cleaned up afterwards!)
numerous interactions with women,
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 4 Term 3
In the Newsroom this week You can keep up to date with CBC Fremantle news by subscribing to the Newsroom RSS feed. Visit the College website at and click on the Newsroom under Quick Links on the left hand side. 14 August 2014 An evening devoted to preparing and serving a special meal for the ladies at CBC Fremantle was the mission of Mr Domenic Burgio’s Rite Journey class, and the boys excelled at the challenge. Read more... 13 August 2014
Year 7 artists win first prize A group of budding artists in Year 7 at CBC Fremantle have scooped first prize in the Angelico Art Exhibition’s two dimensional category for Years 7 to 10. Read more... 13 August 2014
Surf champs through to state comp Braving brisk early mornings, the CBC Fremantle Surf team have been training before dawn once a week in preparation for the WA School Surf Titles held on 12 August. Read more...
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 4 Term 3
Calendar Week 5 Term 3 2014
College Information
Monday 18 August National Science Week
Important notice regarding student absences from the College
Tuesday 19 August Oblate Cup
Student Services require student absences to be notified by 9.00am by either emailing or telephoning 9430 2007.
Wednesday 20 August P5/6 Year 7 St Mary of the Cross presentation
Mrs Jennifer Giancaspro is Secretary of Student Services and can be contacted at
Thursday 21 August Mass 8.15am (Rice 1,2 ,3 & 4) Mrs Violet Gohr is no longer working at CBC Fremantle and any emails sent to her direct address will not be received by CBC. Please ensure you use the correct address when contacting the College.
Friday 22 August Morgan House fundraiser Year 11/12 Geography excursion AEP Robotics RoboCop competition
Keys for Life Learning to drive is a significant milestone in a young person’s life so I urge you to attend an important free workshop with your son to find out more about: • the benefits of driving practice • the licensing system and how to get a driver’s licence • making driving lessons less stressful • the role of driving supervisors, and
Put these dates in your diary... Friday 5 September Fathers’ Day breakfast Friday 12 September Old Boys’ Class of 1994 20 Year Reunion
• avoiding common crashes.
Saturday 13 September Old Boys’ Class of 2004 10 Year Reunion
Venue: ALA, CBC Fremantle
Thursday 18 September Old Boys’ Over 60s Morning Tea
Date: Thursday 21 August from 6.00pm - 7:00pm As part of our strong commitment to student well-being and safety, CBC Fremantle has also implemented the Keys for Life pre-driver education programme. By participating in this programme, students start their driver’s licence at school, while focusing on the importance of driving practice, positive attitudes and planning ahead. Should you wish to find out more about the Keys for Life pre-driver education program or the Keys for Life workshop please contact Zachary Preston, CBC Fremantle Head of Physical and Health Education.
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 4 Term 3
Clockwise from top left: Ms Zoe Francis, Marc Mandic, Marcos Da Silva, Aidan Edwards, Patrick Fox, Jamie Rossi and Thomas Harris with their art work in the background
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 4 Term 3
CBC shines in Arts showcase Following on from the rave reviews from Catholic Schools and Colleges Performing Arts Festival for CBC Fremantle’s Drama performance, Lord of the Flies, the College has continued to make its mark in the Arts. At the Catholic Arts Angelico Exhibition a group of Year 7 budding artists at CBC Fremantle won first prize for the Years 7 to 10 two dimensional category. Their colourful painting was a collaborative effort and inspired by the Austrian artist, Friedensreich Hundertwasser. You can read more about the exhibition in the College Newsroom. In music, CBC’s Big Band and Jazz Orchestra both received an Honourable Mention in the Big Band Section of the Performing Arts Festival for Catholic Schools. The Year 11 Jazz Combo received a Certificate of Merit in the Combo Section of the festival. CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 4 Term 3
Year 9/10 Rugby v Newman
Sport Fixtures Week 5 Term 3 Team
Day / Time
Oblate Cup
Tuesday all day
Trinity Playing Fields
Year 10 Rugby
Tuesday 3.00pm
Year 8 Rugby
Wednesday 2.30pm
Quinns Baptist
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 4 Term 3
Oblate Cup information On Tuesday, 19 August 2014, CBC
enhance their sense of belonging. The
The Oblate Cup will then be awarded
Fremantle will compete in the annual
day promises to be a successful one for
to the College which has won the most
sporting challenge against Mazenod
all students involved as we look forward
shields overall, with a representative
College. The results have been close
to representing CBC Fremantle on the
student from the winning school receiving
since the competition began, with
sporting arena and giving our personal
this and saying a few words.
Mazenod taking the title in 2013 for the
first time.
It would be great to see as many On the day we will be recognising ‘Best
spectators as possible, so please spread
Throughout the day, different teams
on Ground’ performances at a small
the word to anyone you know that would
will be travelling to the Trinity Playing
presentation after each round of games
be interested. All participants will bring
Fields on Manning Road to participate
with a medallion. These medallions
home an information letter; if you have
in Football, Soccer, Hockey, Rugby and
have been named after known Brothers
not received one, please contact me at
Basketball. The Year 7 and Years 8/9
associated with the Colleges for each
games start at 9.30am, Year 10s will play
at 11.00am and the Year 11/12s begin at
Football – Br Kevin Paull
Mr Jason Matthews
approximately 1.00pm.
Hockey – Br Pat Kelly
Coordinator of Sport
Rugby – Br Allan Wedd Both CBC Fremantle and Mazenod have
Basketball – Br John Murray
strong sporting cultures, with a focus on
Soccer – Br J Morgan
personal excellence, team cohesion and sportsmanship. Sport at CBC Fremantle
After the final fixtures, shields named
provides students the opportunity to
after Oblate Priests associated with both
represent the College in their area
schools, will be presented to the College
of mastery and develop a sense of
who wins the most games for each sport.
belonging and pride associated with CBC
Football – Fr Ian McIntosh
Fremantle. The Oblate Cup provides the
Basketball– Fr John Hannah
framework for large numbers of our boys
Rugby Union – Fr John Sherman
to experience success, build resilience,
Soccer – Fr Michael McMahon
develop and nurture their mateships and
Hockey – Fr Tony Colbert
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 4 Term 3
CBC Fremantle invites all dads to a breakfast to celebrate
Father’s Day at CBC Fremantle on 5 September at 6.45am Join us for a delicious breakfast burger and coffee in the Cloisters before work RSVP by 1 September is essential for catering purposes click on Events in Quick Links
Today’s boys...tomorrow’s gentlemen
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 4 Term 3
MiNG ARTS 14 7:30PM
0 | FAMILY $45
ORKS CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 4 Term 3
4 0 20 1994 Back to
10 and 20 Year Reunions The Old Boys’ Association invites the Classes of 1994 and 2004 to return to CBC Fremantle for a reunion sundowner.
Class of 1994 20 Year Reunion Friday 12 September
Class of 2004 10 Year Reunion Saturday 13 September
All reunions are from 6pm to 8pm at CBC Fremantle. Join in on a College Tour from 5.30pm, followed by drinks and cocktail food at 6pm in the Arts Learning Area. The evening is compliments of your OBA but RSVP is essential for catering purposes. Please contact or telephone 9430 2001 for further information, or visit to secure your ticket back to CBC.
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 4 Term 3
Community Notices It is the policy of CBC Fremantle to distribute information when requested regarding community activities and details about educational programmes. This does not imply that CBC endorses these activities or the information. Please provide information in an unformatted Word document to Submissions will be accepted at the discretion of CBC Fremantle.
Relationships Australia Parenting Courses All About Anger – working with parents and teenagers Thursday 21 August from 6.30pm-9pm, cost $35.00 This interactive workshop has been designed to support families where anger is an issue. Anger is explained in a way that challenges our labelling of “an ANGRY person” and instead helps us to understand that many of us have simply learnt to react to the emotion of anger in unhelpful ways. For further information please phone 9489 6322. Parent-Child Connection Monday 25 August x 4 weeks, cost $50 per person/$75 per couple Raising children should be one of life’s greatest experiences, but as any parent knows, it is not an easy task. People with children under 10 are invited to this four-week course to learn new skills, feel better about their parenting and gain confidence. For further information please phone 9489 6322.
La Salle College 2014 Hall of Excellence and 60th Anniversary Diamond Jubilee Gala Dinner Tickets are now on sale for La Salle College’s 2014 Hall of Excellence and 60th Anniversary Diamond Jubilee Gala Dinner to be held at La Salle College on Friday 12 September. Tickets are $65 each (Alumni members $60) and includes buffet dinner and drinks. Tickets are limited. To purchase your tickets, please contact the La Salle College Administration Office on 9274 6266 or email for more information.
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 4 Term 3
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 4 Term 3
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 4 Term 3
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 4 Term 3