College Newsletter Week 6 Term 1 Friday 14 March 2014
Today’s boys...tomorrow’s gentlemen CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 6 Term 1
Front page: Morgan House won the Inter-House Cross Country Carnival this week – full story and more pictures in the Newsroom
From the Principal College Identity
In a newsletter towards the end of last
From Wednesday to Friday of next week,
year I wrote about some critical questions
the school will be visited by a team
we could consider around each of these
representing Edmund Rice Education
Touchstones. I also commented that
Australia to examine the ways in which we
our focus upon and adherence to these
are an authentic expression of Catholic
guiding principles is not something that
education in the Edmund Rice tradition.
should occur only in conjunction with
Each of the schools in our system is
a review. We are constantly called to
required to undertake this renewal
evaluate the operation of the College
process every six years. Thank you to all
against these four key indicators.
of the parents who have accepted the
CBC Fremantle 51 Ellen Street Fremantle WA 6160
invitation to be part of this process which
Liberating Education – Are we a
examines how we are incorporating the
community which challenges the norms
four touchstones of Liberating Education,
of society, provides an alternative voice
Gospel Spirituality, Inclusive Community
and prepares students to shape a better
and Justice and Solidarity into our daily
world? Do we understand that true
freedom does not mean the capacity to
T 08 9336 2700 E
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 6 Term 1
“There is a great strength that exists in the diversity and scope of the educational work undertaken in the name of Edmund Rice.”
do what we want, but the freedom to
community feel justly treated and seek
will finish early at 1.05pm on that day
choose what is right?
the same justice for others?
in order to facilitate our Open Day tours
Gospel Spirituality – Are we a reflective
There is a great strength that exists in the
students will be involved as tour guides
and prayerful community? Do the
diversity and scope of the educational
and activity leaders throughout that
values of compassion, justice and peace
work undertaken in the name of Edmund
afternoon and early evening. Students not
characterise all that we do at the College?
Rice. A final School Report will address
involved in some capacity will be allowed
many of the questions listed above and
to leave school at 1.05pm.
which continue until 6.00pm. Many
Inclusive Community – Is our school a
will be presented to the College at the
place where all students feel safe and
conclusion of the Renewal. I will be
Mr Shaun Kenny
nurtured? Do we embrace and celebrate
sharing outcomes with you in the weeks
following the receipt of the report.
Justice and Solidarity – Do our
Open Day
programmes reflect an understanding
A final reminder that our College Open
of our calling to advocate for the
Day will be conducted this Monday 17
marginalised? Do all members of our
March. Families are advised that classes
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 6 Term 1
In the Newsroom this week You can keep up to date with CBC Fremantle news by subscribing to the Newsroom RSS feed. Visit the College website at and click on the Newsroom under Quick Links on the left hand side.
13 March
Morgan wins House Cross Country The cool ocean views contrasted with the scorching conditions for the Inter-House Cross Country Carnival this week, but CBC boys rose to the 4km challenge. Read more... 6 March
Ash Wednesday celebrated by whole College CBC Fremantle celebrated Ash Wednesday in a simple and poignant ceremony attended by the whole College. Read more...
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 6 Term 1
Calendar Week 7 Term 1 2014
College Information
Week 7
Student Tax File Numbers CBC Fremantle is authorised to process Tax File Numbers for students. It is a much simpler process by applying through the College than other methods, which require identification points. Students who are wanting part time or casual work need to obtain a form from Mr Joel Moss or Student Services. It is recommended that all students should apply for a Tax File Number through the College before they graduate or leave for employment.
Wanted ... old school uniforms CBC Fremantle Drama department is searching for donations of uniforms, belts and shoes too old or untidy to be used again to be donated for use in the Term 2 production of Lord of the Flies. No uniform is too battered or too old! Please leave items at College Reception, or ask your son to drop them off to Mrs Jeffreys
brought to you by the Parent Auxiliary
Week 2 Tip Be active with your son. Go for a walk with him after dinner instead of watching TV and playing X-Box. Try it twice a week for starters. It’s a great time to find out how his day was – not to mention the health benefits.
Share the Journey Month
in the Arts office.
Monday 17 March College Open Day Classes finish 1.05pm St Patrick’s Day Harmony Week Year 12 Dancing Tuesday 18 March Year 12 ODE Exc - 1 Year 9 Youth Lit Day Year 7 Tennis Academy Shield Wednesday 19 March Feast of St Joseph Year 8 ICT Film Institute TBC Year 12 ODE Exc - 2 Year 11 Econs Exc Thursday 20 March Mass 8.15am (Morgan 5, 6 & 7) Year 10 Youth Lit Day Year 8/9 Tennis Herbert Edwards Cup GF: 1st XI Cricket Friday 21 March Year 11/12 Youth Lit Day L/S ‘Have Sum Fun’ Maths Competition
Put these dates in your diary... Thursday 27 March CBC Fremantle Melbourne Football Tour Fundraiser - Premiere of Noah 7pm at Hoyts Garden City Tickets $25 available from Mr Adrian Correia Email for more information Sunday 6 April Share the Journey Walk n Talk for Dads and sons
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 6 Term 1
Bike helmets are compulsory It is fantastic to see so many students riding their bikes to school and we encourage more students to do the same. However, the wearing of bike helmets in Australia is compulsory and you risk being fined if you do not. Did you know? • Cyclists who do not wear helmets are twice as likely to suffer head, brain and facial injuries as cyclists who wear helmets. • Non-helmeted cyclists are three times more likely to be killed.
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 6 Term 1
Second hand uniforms wanted CBC winter uniform is to be worn as from
Appointments are not necessary, however
the first day of Term 2, 29 April.
you may experience waiting times.
Now is the time to check to see if your
Appointments can also be made for these
son has outgrown last year’s winter
days online. The link will be emailed to
uniform. The Uniform Shop will sell your
you as soon as it is available.
second hand uniforms, so bring them down to Falda as soon as possible.
For further information, contact Falda on
Items will need to be drycleaned first.
9430 2006.
The Uniform Shop is open over the school holidays on the following days: Wednesday 16 April, Wednesday 23 April, and Thursday 24 April from 10am to 3pm.
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 6 Term 1
The trip of a lifetime Academic Excellence Tour 2015
international and domestic flights, airport
In April 2015 a group of lucky Academic
taxes, destination coach travel, airport
Excellence Programme boys will travel to Orlando and Washington DC and take in some of the most exciting destinations in
transfers, accommodation, breakfast and evening meals, Orlando and Washington activity package entrance fees and
USA Tour 2015 AEP parents are invited to an
the USA.
costs, and excludes passport and visa
Information Evening
application fees, travel insurance, lunch
in the Arts Learning Area on
In the April school holidays in 2015, CBC
meals, discretionary spending money and
Wednesday 26 March at 6.00pm
students will travel to Orlando, Florida, and Washing DC to take in the Kennedy Space Centre, The Islands of Adventure Theme Park (Harry Potter World), Disney World, Orlando Science Centre, the Smithsonian’s Museums, Capitol Building, The White House and the Udvar-Hazy
extra optional evening activities. A deposit of $1,950 (30% of the cost package) is required a year in advance (April 2014). For more information please contact
National Air and Space Museum.
Mr Andre Leicester at
The cost of the 12 day tour is
or Ms Marilyn Schmidt at
approximately $6,500. This fee includes
A letter with details on the USA Tour has been sent out with AEP students. To confirm your attendance please email Mr Andre Leicester at
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 6 Term 1
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 6 Term 1
Today’s boys...tomorrow’s gentlemen
Open Day At CBC Fremantle, boys learn how to become good men. Rich in heritage and a unique part of the Fremantle community, the College supports students to become leaders and true gentlemen who, informed by Christian values with a strong sense of justice, are prepared to shape a better world. The College invites you to attend our Open Day on 17 March, 2014. Tours commence at 2.00pm and 4.00pm and provide a unique opportunity to see the College and meet some of the staff and students. To register please contact CBC Events on (08) 9430 2001 or email: CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 6 Term 1
Community Notices It is the policy of CBC Fremantle to distribute information when requested regarding community activities and details about educational programmes. This does not imply that CBC endorses these activities or the information. Please provide information in an unformatted Word document to Submissions will be accepted at the discretion of CBC Fremantle.
Iona Presentation College presents Hello, Dolly 4-6 April 2014 at the Regal Theatre, Subiaco Hello, Dolly is an irresistible story about the joy of living, glittering with happy songs and alive with the personality of one of the most fabulous characters on the musical stage. Hello, Dolly played for 2,844 performances on Broadway and won 10 Tony Awards. From the team who brought you Anything Goes and Guys and Dolls, Hello, Dolly will play for four performances only from 4 April 2014 at the Regal Theatre. Tickets are on sale now from Ticketek with a special ticket price for friends and families of Iona. To access the special, click here.
Palmyra Junior Football Club Palmyra Junior Football Club is still taking registrations for Year 9 and Year 10 teams. If you are interested in playing the 2014 season please download a registration form from or you can contact Registrar, Shaun Farrell on 0419 652 054. Season starts the weekend of 3 May.
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 6 Term 1
Sock it to Sarcoma Pizza, Music and Trivia Quiz Night 20 March at 7pm at East Fremantle Football Club, Moss Street, East Fremantle. Tickets are $25.00 perhead, tables of eight, with pizza included. If you are interested in getting a table together, contact or call 0407 654 330. Jump for Sock it to Sarcoma - 5 April in Jurien Bay Tandem skydive from 14,000 feet; 60 seconds of freefall, a five minute parachute ride with amazing scenery and finally a soft landing on the beach! Each person is responsible for the cost of their own jump. Cost: $450 with $150 deposit to be paid to secure your place. Full and final payment will be required by 16 March. Each person jumping is asked to try and raise $1,000 minimum by asking people to sponsor you, organising sausage sizzles, cakes sales, chocolate sales etc. All money raised will be donated to Sock it to Sarcoma. Look up Jump for Sock it to Sarcoma on Facebook, email or call Vic on 0407 654 330
Iona Open Morning Iona Presentation College is hosting an Open Morning on Thursday 27 March. Presentations commence at 9.30am in the College Sports Centre followed by a guided tour and morning tea. Please RSVP to College Registrar Theresa Loughnan, on 9285 5298 or
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 6 Term 1
Sonic Learning Seminars Sonic Learning has some fascinating and informative seminars coming up – both presented by leading neuroscientist Dr Martha Burns. 1. Literacy Problems & Effective Interventions – Thursday 27 March 2014 If you work with students who experience literacy problems or have a child with literacy difficulties, you can’t afford to miss this seminar. Dr Burns will provide a clear, thought-provoking and neuroscientific explanation of how students learn to read, how reading changes the brain, why some students struggle to learn to read—and how to determine if your literacy interventions are targeted and evidence-based. Presenters of this calibre rarely visit Australia. Your teaching, tutoring and parenting methods are certain to be transformed. Cost $195 (includes catering and presentation notes). Click for more information or to register. Questions? Call 1300 135 334 or email 2. Parent Seminar: Understanding Auditory Processing Disorders (APD) – Thursday 27 March 2014, Burswood on Swan, 6.30pm –8.30pm Is your school-aged child a poor listener? Does your child have trouble following instructions? Is your child not meeting academic expectations? In this invaluable two hour seminar, Dr Burns will address: • The symptoms and causes of APD • Myths and truths about APD • The link between APD, ADHD, Dyslexia and language delays • How to improve your child’s AP skills Cost 1 Person $30, 2 people $50. To register, call 1300 135 334 or click to open the registration form. Questions? Call 1300 135 334 or email
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 6 Term 1
Worldwide Marriage Encounter Your wedding was just one day in your life, but your marriage is forever. A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend can put the newness back into your relationship. Give yourself and your spouse time away from the pressures of work and everyday responsibilities. Enjoy the chance to talk and listen to each other. You’ll love the difference a Marriage Encounter Weekend can make. Getting ready for school means lots of time spent on your children. Now school has begun, why not give yourselves some time together? You both deserve a weekend away investing in your most precious asset ... your marriage! This is a unique opportunity to recharge your relationship batteries and focus on each other. If you’d like to make your marriage even more special than it already is, contact Joe and Margaret on 0424 220 625 for more info or booking or
If you would like to receive any more information regarding Marriage Encounter please do not hesitate to contact us. For information or booking contact: 0424 220 625, Joe and Margaret, or Website –
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 6 Term 1