CBC Fremantle College Newsletter Week 6 term 3

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College Newsletter Week 6 Term 3 Friday 29 August 2014

Today’s boys...tomorrow’s gentlemen CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 6 Term 3

Front page: College Vice Captain Nick Menegola reads to visiting Year 2 students from St Patrick’s as part of National Literacy and Numeracy Week.

From the Principal

Visit the Newsroom for more photos and the full story.

This week the College will call for Trial

spent basking in the sunshine of

Prefect nominations from the Year 11

past deeds.

cohort. CBC Fremantle has developed a wonderful model for the selection

During this year, you will have been fed

of Prefects, which is not based around

small pieces of what we call the ‘journey

popularity or ability, but on a set of

document’. This is a document developed

criteria. It has served the College well in

by the College that focuses on the explicit

previous years, and I believe will continue

product the College aims to achieve in

to do so in the future.

partnership with the boy and his family. The importance of this document is that

CBC Fremantle 51 Ellen Street Fremantle WA 6160 T 08 9336 2700 E enquiries@cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au

Last year, it was a determination that the

it always keeps one eye on the finished

focus of Prefect selection be a little more

product, the young man who walks across

forward-looking, in other words, gaining a

the stage at graduation. Some of our boys

Prefect’s badge was not akin to reaching

leave before this time, and it is hoped

the summit, but more like getting to

that they continue their personal journey

base camp. Anyone who has experienced

at their workplace, at TAFE or in further

genuine leadership will know that the real

training. However, the majority of our

work started on the day they became a

boys leave us when they are into their

leader, and that life as a leader is rarely

18th year and on the cusp of adulthood.


CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 6 Term 3

“Anyone who has experienced genuine leadership will know that the real work started on the day they became a leader, and that life as a leader is rarely spent basking in the sunshine of past deeds.”

It is this young man, this gentleman, who

work in progress. The mark of success

nominate for Trial Prefect. The course is

needs to guide all our decision-making,

is how he finishes at the College … his

about six weeks long, and will focus on

and our processes, so that no boy is ever

legacy. The first four to five years are

commitment, serving others and personal

cut loose before he reaches that bloom.

the preliminaries, where mistakes can

growth. If you think that a couple of bad

On very few occasions the goal is not

be made, lessons can be learned, and

choices in the past deal you out, have

shared, and it is in these moments that

forgiveness sought.

a chat with your Head of House, but regardless of whether you are a Prefect in

we are most tested, but the majority of times, when College, student and family

A few years ago, our College Vice-Captain

2015 or not, all Year 11 boys will be the

sing from the same song-sheet, success

spoke these words at his graduation:

senior students in five weeks’ time, and

is inevitable.

“I spent the first few years trying to be

the expectation placed on them will rise.

proud of my College, and the last two

I’m sure they will not be found wanting.

The CBC gentleman, who forms attitudes

trying to make the College proud of

and actions based on Gospel values; who

me.” They were inspiring words then,

Mr Domenic Burgio

gives of his best; who is accountable

and remain so today. My message this


and resilient; who is selfless and values

week to all boys in Year 11, and their

relationships; and who really finds out

parents, is that redemption is at the core

about himself when he is tested by the

of our faith, and if you are at the point

thoughts and actions of others that are

in your journey where you are ready to

foreign to him, that CBC gentleman is a

make the College proud of you, please

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 6 Term 3

Student Achievements Solomon Wright (Year 12) has been shortlisted as a finalist for the Bond University Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarship out of 24 applicants across the country – a remarkable achievement. Solomon will now attend a selection weekend at the university’s campus on the Gold Coast. Matthew Vinci and Jake Harris (both Year 12) represented WA in the Under 18 State Schoolboys’ Basketball in Townsville. WA just missed out on a bronze medal and both boys represented their state

Solomon Wright

with distinction. Well done to Jake who was awarded MVP for the WA team, and congratulations to Matthew, who was selected in the all Australian side to tour

their alto saxophone performances in

Science Experience programme of their

USA in the future.

the Performing Arts Festival for Catholic

choice at Curtin University, Edith Cowan


University and UWA.

(both Year 8) received a Certificate of

Harrison Rowley (Year 11) has been

Eddie Watkins (Year 9) has been selected

Merit for their solo performances in

selected to attend the National Youth

for the Perth Glory Youth team training

the Performing Arts Festival for Catholic

Science Forum in Canberra In January

squad. Eddie is one of 16 keen soccer



players who were selected from more

Adam Pinkerton and Timothy Bayley

than 150 hopefuls. Thomas Mansfield (Year 12),

Fremantle Rotary have offered

Emmanuel Terzoudis-Lumsden

sponsorships to Millen Sjerp,

(Year 10) and Austin Keyte (Year 11)

Sam Sheridan and Daniele Monaco

received an Honourable Mention for

(Year 9) to attend a ConocoPhillips

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 6 Term 3

Calendar Week 7 Term 3 2014

In the Newsroom this week You can keep up to date with CBC Fremantle news by subscribing to the Newsroom RSS feed. Visit the College website at www.cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au and click on the Newsroom under Quick Links on the left hand side. 28 August 2014

National Literacy and Numeracy Week CBC Fremantle celebrated National Literacy and Numeracy Week with two significant events that brought our community together in appreciation of the written word. Read more... 26 August 2014

CBC surf team head for national titles CBC Fremantle students Alex McGuffin and Tom Corrie surfed almost perfect conditions to win the Junior Boys surfing division of the 2014 WA School Surfing Titles at Trigg Beach last Friday. Read more...

Monday 1 September Language Week Year 12 ODE Sail Camp -1 Tuesday 2 September Year 12 ODE Sail Camp -1 Year 9 Youth Literature Day Wednesday 3 September Year 12 ODE Sail Camp -1 AEP Literature & Media excursion Thursday 4 September Mass 8.15am (Morgan 5, 6 & 7) Year 10 Youth Literature Day Year 7 Music incursion P6 Year 12 Rites of Passage meeting Friday 5 September Father’s Day Breakfast Year 12 H Biology Zoo excursion Year 11/12 Youth Literature Day Year 9 S&E excursion Year 10 Dancing Saturday 6 September CBC Family Mass 6.00pm Basilica

Put these dates in your diary... Friday 12 September Old Boys’ Class of 1994 20 Year Reunion

CBC Family Mass You and your family are invited to join us in a celebration of the warmth and friendship of the CBC community.

Saturday 13 September Old Boys’ Class of 2004 10 Year Reunion Thursday 18 September Old Boys’ Over 60s Morning Tea Sport and AEP photo day Catch up with individual photos

Saturday 6 September at 6pm at St Patrick’s Basilica, Fremantle We look forward to seeing you there.

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 6 Term 3

CBC surf team head for national titles CBC Fremantle students Alex McGuffin and Tom Corrie surfed almost perfect conditions to win the Junior Boys’ surfing division of the 2014 WA School Surfing Titles at Trigg Beach last Friday. Big waves and a light breeze produced some solid surfing for the Year 9 duo, who will now go on to represent Western Australia at the Australian Junior Surfing Titles to be held in Yallingup in December. The boys early morning training sessions paid off with Alex’s powerful forehand and backhand surfing and Tom’s skilled turns pushing the team total ahead of their closest rival, Newman College. WA’s best school surfing talent competed in the prestigious event, involving 26 regional and metropolitan high schools, with more than 130 competitors and 60 teams of surfers and bodyboarders showing off their skills on the waves. This is the first time CBC has reached the finals, and the boys are excited to be making history for their school.

Alex McGuffin at Trigg Beach

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 6 Term 3

Sport Fixtures Week 7 Term 3 Team

Day / Time


Year 8/9 Basketball finals

Wednesday 8.00am

WA Basketball Centre

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 6 Term 3


CBC Fremantle invites all dads to a breakfast to celebrate

Father’s Day at CBC Fremantle on 5 September at 6.45am Join us for a delicious breakfast burger and coffee in the Cloisters before work RSVP by 1 September is essential for catering purposes www.cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au click on Events in Quick Links








Today’s boys...tomorrow’s gentlemen

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 6 Term 3


MiNG ARTS 14 7:30PM


0 | FAMILY $45



ORKS CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 6 Term 3

4 0 20 1994 Back to


10 and 20 Year Reunions The Old Boys’ Association invites the Classes of 1994 and 2004 to return to CBC Fremantle for a reunion sundowner.

Class of 1994 20 Year Reunion Friday 12 September

Class of 2004 10 Year Reunion Saturday 13 September


All reunions are from 6pm to 8pm at CBC Fremantle. Join in on a College Tour from 5.30pm, followed by drinks and cocktail food at 6pm in the Arts Learning Area. The evening is compliments of your OBA but RSVP is essential for catering purposes. Please contact events@cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au or telephone 9430 2001 for further information, or visit www.cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au to secure your ticket back to CBC.

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 6 Term 3

Community Notices It is the policy of CBC Fremantle to distribute information when requested regarding community activities and details about educational programmes. This does not imply that CBC endorses these activities or the information. Please provide information in an unformatted Word document to enquiries@CBCFremantle.wa.edu.au. Submissions will be accepted at the discretion of CBC Fremantle.

La Salle College 2014 Hall of Excellence and 60th Anniversary Diamond Jubilee Gala Dinner Tickets are now on sale for La Salle College’s 2014 Hall of Excellence and 60th Anniversary Diamond Jubilee Gala Dinner to be held at La Salle College on Friday 12 September. Tickets are $65 each (Alumni members $60) and includes buffet dinner and drinks. Tickets are limited. To purchase your tickets, please contact the La Salle College Administration Office on 9274 6266 or email communityrelations@lasalle.wa.edu.au for more information.

The 25th Catholic Arts Annual Performing Arts Festival Concert A most enjoyable evening showcasing students from Catholic schools and colleges who have excelled in the field of performing art. To be held at Perth Concert Hall, St George’s Terrace, on Monday 15 September commencing at 7.00pm. Bookings through TICKETEK, phone 132 849.

Metabolic Dietary Disorders Association Quiz Night Fundraiser Saturday 25 October, costs $30 per person or $200 for a table of eight. All funds raised go to the Metabolic Dietary Disorders Association www.MDDA.org.au, a self help group that supports people affected by rare genetic metabolic disorders. To purchase tickets please email contera.maria@gmail.com or phone David on 0419 006 365.

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 6 Term 3

Master Mind Australia – Academic Pathways October Revision Programme Study Skills – Essay Writing – Subject Revision For all students in Year 10, 11 and 12 – this revision programme aims to prepare students for their final year examinations. Courses will be conducted at: Christ Church Grammar School, Hale School, All Saints’ College and Willetton Senior High School. Early bird discount applies to enrolments before 19 September. For further information on these programs contact: Dr Robert Hallam at Master Mind Australia on 9486 1377, www.mastermindaustralia.com.au.

Academic Task Force Final WACE Exam Boost and Revision Programme – six hour programme available 6 and 7 September, 13 and 14 September, 20 and 21 September. Ten hour programme available Weeks 1 and 2 of the school holidays. High quality teaching in small group classes with specialist WACE teachers. Various subjects and times. Enrol online at www.academictaskforce.com.au. Or enrol online to attend UWA at www.academicassociates.com.au. Call 9314 9500 or email learn@academictaskforce.com for further information.

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 6 Term 3

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 6 Term 3

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