CBC Fremantle College Newsletter Week 6 term 4

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College Newsletter Week 6 Term 4 Friday 21 November 2014

Today’s boys...tomorrow’s gentlemen CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 6 Term 4

Front page: As part of The Rite Journey, The Homecoming ceremony is an affirmation of parental love and guidance. Read more in the Newsroom.

From the Principal A sense of community

2015 programme which was attended

When I first commenced at CBC

in large numbers by members of our

Fremantle nearly four years ago I recall

Year 8 parent group. At this meeting,

being very surprised and genuinely

those in attendance were provided with

humbled by the warmth of the welcome I

some collected wisdom about how boys

received from many of the families at the

learn and develop in addition to some

College. In the time that has passed since

background regarding the need for a rite

then, my sense of the strong, mutually

of passage programme for young men in

beneficial support that exists between the

Western society.

school and the home has not diminished at all.

As I listened to the presentations on that evening I was struck once again by

CBC Fremantle 51 Ellen Street Fremantle WA 6160

During this week the College conducted

the extent of the mutual trust which

two major parent gatherings associated

exists between the parents and staff at

with The Rite Journey (TRJ) initiative

this school. There is little doubt that TRJ

that has gained such traction within our

challenges our boys in many different

school. The first was the launch of the

ways but it is also true to say that it

T 08 9336 2700 E enquiries@cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au www.cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 6 Term 4

“We do strive to be different as characterised by a high quality education based upon principles of personal excellence, respect for the dignity of each individual and a sense of shared purpose.�

similarly challenges certain styles of

took place on the Attadale foreshore

CBC Fremantle is not seeking to be bigger

parenting. It requires parents to support

and at Point Walter last evening. While

or better in the sense that schools often

the school in making our young men

the efficacy of TRJ is always directly

interpret their worth. We do strive to

accountable for their actions and thereby

proportional to the receptivity of the

be different as characterised by a high

likely to develop resilience. As Mr Burgio

participants, it is safe to say that all

quality education based upon principles

stated on the evening, if our boys cannot

of these boys have been provided

of personal excellence, respect for the

satisfy the simple commitments they

with a framework for assessing their

dignity of each individual and a sense of

make as school students, what hope do

development towards being good men.

shared purpose. Together, these form

they have of eventually honouring the

For the majority, this year has been a

the basis of our commitment to building

significant commitments which await

powerful time of self-reflection, challenge


them – marriage, fatherhood and

and growth. For all of them, a series of

a substantial mortgage often being

reference points now exist which will

Mr Shaun Kenny

among them!

provide a consistent message to each


young man about what it means to The second event was the concluding

develop as a gentleman.

Rite Journey ceremony for our current Year 9 students and their parents which

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 6 Term 4

In the Newsroom this week You can keep up to date with CBC Fremantle news by subscribing to the Newsroom RSS feed. Visit the College website at www.cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au and click on the Newsroom under Quick Links on the left hand side. 21 November

The Homecoming The Rite Journey programme for 2014 culminated in a ceremony at Point Walter this week, with the Year 9s being symbolically returned to their parents by their Rite Journey teachers. Read more... 20 November

Evening on the river Year 11s spent a night celebrating the end of the school year by dancing on the Swan River at the annual River Cruise. Read more...

20 November

Hot off the press Academic Excellence Programme Literature & Media students were treated to a peek at the crafting of a magazine - and not just any magazine. Read more...

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 6 Term 4

Calendar Week 7 Term 4 2014

College Information Important notice regarding student absences from the College Student Services require student absences to be notified by 9.00am by either emailing absentee@cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au or telephoning 9430 2007. Mrs Jennifer Giancaspro is Secretary of Student Services and can be contacted at students@cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au. Mrs Violet Gohr is no longer working at CBC Fremantle and any emails sent to her direct address will not be received by CBC. Please ensure you use the correct address when contacting the College.

Monday 24 November WACE exams Year 7 exams commence Tuesday 18 November Year 9 2015 Rite Journey Parent Meeting 6.30pm Wednesday 26 November Year 8-10 exams commence Year 7 Basketball final WABC Thursday 27 November Mass 8.15am (Rice 5, 6 & 7)

Uniform Shop Opening Hours The uniform shop is open every Wednesday from 8.30am to 4.00pm. No appointment is necessary.

Graduation and Awards night photos The school photographer’s Graduation and Awards night photos are now available to purchase online. Go to www.photohendriksgalleries.com, and click on the CBC Fremantle logo. Enter password: pham72.

Movember This year the Health and Physical Education Department are participating in Movember. If you are able to make a donation it would be much appreciated as all funds raised go to a good cause. Click on the link to donate or search for CBC Phys Ed on the Movember website.

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 6 Term 4

Community Notices It is the policy of CBC Fremantle to distribute information when requested regarding community activities and details about educational programmes. This does not imply that CBC endorses these activities or the information. Please provide information in an unformatted Word document to enquiries@CBCFremantle.wa.edu.au. Submissions will be accepted at the discretion of CBC Fremantle.

Academic Task Force School Head Start programme Academic Task Force is running a Head Start programme in January 2015 for students going into Years 7 to 10, and a WACE Head Start programme for students going into Year 11 and 12 next year. The programme will prepare you for the school year, preview key course content, build student’s confidence, and provide a head start for the year and re-energise students after the break. Students will also receive valuable preparation material for topics in your courses. Study skills and essay writing courses are available. The essay writing course will teach students an easy to remember and easy to use method for writing good essays that can be applied across your subjects. In the study skills course students will cover time management, goal setting, learning and reading strategies, stress relaxation techniques, note-taking skills and other tips to help you succeed at school. Each course runs over two days, three hours each day and will be held in the weeks prior to school recommencing in 2015. Available at two venues in Perth, students can contact Academic Task Force on (08) 9314 9500, or visit their website at www.academictaskforce.com.au.

Come Join Beeliar Spirit Soccer Club 2015 Lakefront Drive, Beeliar – girls and boys welcome Trial Dates: 16, 23 and 30 November Under 6s to 12s 9am to 10am (Players interested in joining must attend one of the above trial dates.) Under 13s to U18s 10am to 11am (Players must attend all of the above dates.) For further information visit our Facebook,www.pitchero.com/clubs/beeliarspirit or contact Rosetta at rosettabeeliarspirit@hotmail.com or 0428 555 077.

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 6 Term 4

Embrace the Grace 2014 Let Us Be Lights of Hope, the largest Catholic Youth Conference in WA on 3-7 December 2014 What is hope? If our hope is indeed in a living God, why does God appear to be silent in our world today amidst war, terrorism, disasters and our own personal struggles? What is the light of hope? Come engage with life’s biggest questions with dynamic speakers, music, sports, drama, prayer and more. 3-7 December 2014 in New Norcia, for young people aged 16-30. Cost $325.00 with sponsorship available. Registration at http://cym.com.au/embrace-grace-2014/. Contact Catholic Youth Ministry Perth to RSVP or for more information admin@cym.com.au or telephone 9422 7912.

University of Notre Dame Outreach courses Outreach Courses designed to assist students in their studies next year. The courses are scheduled for January and have proven to be highly beneficial to participating students. There is a modest charge for each course which covers the delivery cost. The courses available are: •

Chemistry Calculations: designed as a refresher to better prepare students for Chemistry

English 3A/B: for students studying English 3A/B in 2015

English Year 11 ATAR: preparation for Year 11 English

Essential English Skills: gain a better understanding of grammar and punctuation

Human Biology 3A/B: for students studying Human Bio 3A/B in 2015

Maths 3A/B: for students studying Maths 3A/B in 2015

Study Skills: How to study less and achieve more!

Year 12 Study Skills: How to study less and achieve more from a Year 12 perspective.

Please direct your questions to Rosie Turner who can be reached by phone on 9433 0950 or email rosie.turner@nd.edu.au.

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 6 Term 4

Master Mind Australia – Academic Pathways Study skills, essay writing and subject revision January jump-start programme for all students from Year 7 to 12 This revision programme aims to prepare students for Term 1 2015 before the academic year begins. The classes will revise those important components from the 2014 syllabus that are vital for success in the new year. The programme will also preview what students can expect in their courses in 2015. Courses will be conducted at: Christ Church Grammar School, Hale School and All Saints’ College Early Bird enrolment discount of 10% before Friday 20 December, 2014 Contact Dr Robert Hallam at Master Mind Australia on 9486 1377 www.mastermindaustralia.com.au

Fun at Filmbites Filmbites Youth Film School is Perth’s own screen skills training specialists for young people. We teach Screen Acting, Filmmaking, Animation and Gaming in after-school and weekend classes in 3 locations: Malaga, Hamilton Hill and Baldivis. For school groups and school holidays, we also offer our regular subjects plus a range of other fun screen related workshops such as makeup SFX, green screen VFX, editing and scriptwriting. Recently, Filmbites also won the BEST PRIMARY SCHOOL PRODUCTION at the AUSTRALIA TEACHER’S OF MEDIA AWARDS 2014. Our FILMBITES CASTING division has seen our actors cast in many local productions, including Cloudstreet (mini-series of Tim Winton’s classic novel on Showtime), feature films The Turning and Paper Planes (both by Robert Connelly) & The Great Mint Swindle (Channel 9) to name just a few. For full details about our regular courses, school workshops and professional learning opportunities, please visit our website at www.filmbites.com.au or email peta@filmbites.com.au or phone 9209 2689.

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 6 Term 4

Attadale Parish Sacraments Progrmme 2015 The Attadale parish has finalised the dates for our sacraments programme for 2015. Confirmation Enrolment (parent only) 24 February at 7pm Commitment Mass 7 March at 6pm Workshop 5 May at 6.30pm Retreat day 13 May morning Rehearsal 22 May at 1pm Confirmation 23 May at 6pm and 24 May at 11am Thanksgiving Mass 13 June at 6pm Eucharist Enrolment (parent only) 24 March at 7pm Commitment Mass 16 May at 6pm Workshop 23 June at 6.30pm First Communion August weekends Thanksgiving Mass 13 September at 9am Penance Enrolment (parent only) 30 June at 7pm Commitment Mass 25 July at 6pm Workshop 11 August at 6.30pm Celebration of sacrament 15 September at 6pm Thanksgiving Mass 17 October at 6pm For information visit www.attadale.org/sacraments

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 6 Term 4

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