College Newsletter Week 7 Term 1 Friday 21 March 2014
Today’s boys...tomorrow’s gentlemen CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 7 Term 1
Front page: The Science department was a popular station at the College Open Day this week. Read more in the Newsroom.
From the Principal Open Day
undertook the tours. Their attention was
The College Open Day was conducted
drawn more to the outstanding quality
on Monday of this week and it was
of the students whom they encountered
tremendous to again see the high level
at the school. The boys made a positive
of interest in the school as demonstrated
impression upon our visitors whether
by the number of people who attended.
they were acting as tour guides, playing
More than 350 visitors were welcomed to
in the band or involved in presenting
our campus with some potential students
activities. Many of the comments made
still in their mothers’ arms! There is no
by the parents reflect my own thoughts
doubt that CBC continues to establish
on the strengths of our College. The
itself as a school of choice and this is
predominant impression created by the
reflected in our waiting lists for enrolment
boys at CBC is that they are engaged in
which are lengthening annually.
their education, have a strong sense of belonging and are proud of their school.
CBC Fremantle 51 Ellen Street Fremantle WA 6160 T 08 9336 2700 E
Many of the quality programmes and facilities that we have at CBC were on
There is little doubt that the quality of
display this week but it was not these
our students is the strongest indicator
that primarily attracted the attention or
of our success as a College. I thank
the praise of the prospective parents who
and congratulate all of those boys who
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 7 Term 1
contributed to Open Day – many of whom
are invited to attend we do extend a
fact that they are well prepared as they
voluntarily stayed at school until well after
particular invitation to Year 7 dads.
seek to emulate last year’s winning team.
6.00pm. I also thank the many members
Good luck, boys!
of staff and the current parents who
The preparatory meeting for dads
willingly provided their time and talents
occurs at the College on the evening of
Mr Shaun Kenny
to ensure that an accurate picture of our
Thursday 3 April and I hope that you have
sense of community was evident to all of
registered your intention to attend. The
our visitors.
walk on the following Sunday 6 April is sure to be an invaluable and rewarding
Share the Journey
experience. If you have not already done
This innovative program is conducted
so, please consider committing this time
by a group of dads from the College
to your son and yourself.
through the Parent Auxiliary. It provides a tremendous opportunity to enhance
Swimming Carnival
the relationship between fathers and
We wish all of our swimmers well for
their sons. An advertisement for this
their participation in the A Division of the
programme appears in this newsletter
ACC Swimming Carnival next Wednesday.
and I draw your attention to it for further
After a long and thorough training season
details. While all fathers of the College
the boys can derive strength from the
Above left: In the Science lab on Open Day Above right: Ms Calanni with visitors in the Italian room
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 7 Term 1
In the Newsroom this week You can keep up to date with CBC Fremantle news by subscribing to the Newsroom RSS feed. Visit the College website at and click on the Newsroom under Quick Links on the left hand side.
18 March
Shakespeare visits CBC CBC Fremantle’s Drama department presented an entertaining interactive performance this week with the help of Black Swan Theatre Company’s educational initiative, Shakespeare Shenanigans. Read more... 18 March
Open Day CBC Fremantle’s annual Open Day is an opportunity for the College to showcase the exceptional learning and teaching of its students and teachers. Read more...
13 March
Morgan wins House Cross Country The cool ocean views contrasted with the scorching conditions for the Inter-House Cross Country Carnival this week, but CBC boys rose to the 4km challenge. Read more...
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 7 Term 1
Calendar Week 8 Term 1 2014
Monday 24 March Year 10 National Young Leaders’ Day Year 12 Dancing Tuesday 25 March The Annunciation College Assembly – ACC Swimming Senior Tennis Mursell Shield T20 Blast Secondary Schools’ Cup Cricket
Don’t miss the opportunity to
Share the Journey
Wednesday 26 March
ACC Swimming Carnival
Walk ‘n’ Talk CBC Fremantle Parent Auxiliary invites dads and their sons to share a unique adventure that will last approximately three hours, and stay with you for a lifetime. Date
Sunday 6 April
9.30am for 10.00 start
Point Walter Amphitheatre
Sausage Sizzle 1pm
Thursday 27 March Mass 8.15am (Patrick 5, 6 & 7) Senior Basketball Carnival Friday 28 March Wedge Island Immersion
Put these dates in your diary...
A pre-event meeting will be held on Thursday 3 April at 7.30pm in the College’s Arts
Sunday 6 April Share the Journey Walk n Talk for Dads and sons
Learning Area.
brought to you by the Parent Auxiliary
Share the Journey Month
For more details please contact Tim Allan at
Week 3 Tip Spend an afternoon with your son going through old photos of you as a kid, and sharing your favourite memories and stories.
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 7 Term 1
College Open Day 2014 Written by AEP Literature and Media
variety of tiny and adorable animals to
olds who played the game on the day has
group students, Jack Bowater (Year 10)
admire. The petting zoo kept the younger
overnight become a successful business
and Joshua Kestel (Year 12).
children (and many of the older CBC boys
tycoon and possible focus for the sequel
too) entertained while parents asked
to “The Wolf of Wall Street”.
CBC Fremantle’s Open Day began with
the important educational questions
an address to visitors from Principal
that need to be asked when it comes to
Design & Technology displayed the
Mr Shaun Kenny, who focussed on
choosing a school for your child.
excellent craftsmanship of the CBC
the College’s goals and values and the
boys and visitors to the Library were
attributes encouraged in students to
Many people enjoyed the complimentary
delighted with its bright décor and
become good young men.
food offered on the day including savoury
functionality. CBC Radio students showed
waffles from Food Technology and
their broadcasting skills and also videos
Visitors were then treated to guided
biscuits from the Italian classroom.
produced using their recording studio and
tours with teams of students, who
Another popular display was the Society
green screen.
provided first-hand anecdotes
& Environment Learning Area which
and answered pertinent questions
provided games ranging from “Guess
The ICT area was all about animations as
about their life at CBC.
that Continent” to “The Australian
we saw what some students had been
Securities Exchange”. Head of Society &
able to create on their laptops and the
One of the biggest attractions of the
Environment, Mr Craig Carter, has been
Arts area was similarly abuzz with talent.
day was the petting zoo that provided a
rumoured to claim that one of the 10 year
The Art room was littered with many CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 7 Term 1
projects from skateboard designs to fishlike creatures swimming suspended from the ceiling. The English area showcased what this learning area has become in the new millennium. This display included texts from Shakespeare to Winton and the contemporary ways students now explore the text through multimodal productions. Slide shows featured an array of students’ assignments and truly displayed the intelligence of CBC’s students. Finally, the biggest thrills on the day had to come from the Science and Phys Ed departments. The thud of feet on the gym floor and up the climbing wall was surpassed only by the booms, bubbles and pops of the Science lab, and the shrieks of excitement from those seeing the amazing appear before their eyes at the hands of our CBC boys.
Second hand uniforms wanted CBC winter uniform is to be worn from
Appointments are not necessary,
the first day of Term 2, 29 April.
however booking a convenient time may save you waiting.
Now is the time to check whether your son has outgrown last year’s
Appointments can be made online
winter uniform. The Uniform Shop
and booking Instructions for all new
will sell your second hand uniforms,
students to CBC in 2014 have been
so bring them down to Falda as soon
emailed to parents. Please contact
as possible. Items will need to be
Tessa Roberts on 9430 2051 if you did
drycleaned first.
not receive an email.
The Uniform Shop is open over the school holidays. Visit the College website for more details and select Uniforms from the dropdown menu under Enrolments.
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 7 Term 1
The trip of a lifetime Academic Excellence Tour 2015
international and domestic flights, airport
In April 2015 a group of lucky Academic
taxes, destination coach travel, airport
Excellence Programme boys will travel to Orlando and Washington DC and take in some of the most exciting destinations in
transfers, accommodation, breakfast and evening meals, Orlando and Washington activity package entrance fees and
USA Tour 2015 AEP parents are invited to an
the USA.
costs, and excludes passport and visa
Information Evening
application fees, travel insurance, lunch
in the Arts Learning Area on
In the April school holidays in 2015, CBC
meals, discretionary spending money and
Wednesday 26 March at 6.00pm
students will travel to Orlando, Florida, and Washing DC to take in the Kennedy Space Centre, The Islands of Adventure Theme Park (Harry Potter World), Disney World, Orlando Science Centre, the Smithsonian’s Museums, Capitol Building, The White House and the Udvar-Hazy
extra optional evening activities. A deposit of $1,950 (30% of the cost package) is required a year in advance (April 2014). For more information please contact
National Air and Space Museum.
Mr Andre Leicester at
The cost of the 12 day tour is
or Ms Marilyn Schmidt at
approximately $6,500. This fee includes
A letter with details on the USA Tour has been sent out with AEP students. To confirm your attendance please email Mr Andre Leicester at
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 7 Term 1
Theatresports Year 8, 9 and 10 Theatresports The last of the Theatresports workshops are on Monday 24 March. This takes the shape of a final preparation during Mentor and Period 1, followed by the Theatresports Competition in Period 2. Parents of the Drama students are welcome to come along and see the boys in action. It is a revelation to parents, staff and students alike to see the boys in this very different situation, demonstrating their improvisation talents. Please email Mrs Jeffreys to let her know if you wish to attend:
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 7 Term 1
Community Notices It is the policy of CBC Fremantle to distribute information when requested regarding community activities and details about educational programmes. This does not imply that CBC endorses these activities or the information. Please provide information in an unformatted Word document to Submissions will be accepted at the discretion of CBC Fremantle.
Iona Presentation College presents Hello, Dolly 4-6 April 2014 at the Regal Theatre, Subiaco Hello, Dolly is an irresistible story about the joy of living, glittering with happy songs and alive with the personality of one of the most fabulous characters on the musical stage. Hello, Dolly played for 2,844 performances on Broadway and won 10 Tony Awards. From the team who brought you Anything Goes and Guys and Dolls, Hello, Dolly will play for four performances only from 4 April 2014 at the Regal Theatre. Tickets are on sale now from Ticketek with a special ticket price for friends and families of Iona. To access the special, click here.
Academic Task Force April WACE Revision with Academic Task Force – 6 hr subject revision at Rossmoyne SHS, Churchlands SHS and Perth Modern School. Enrol now online at or call 9314 9500 or email April Holiday Course with Academic Associates – 8 hr WACE course revision at University of Western Australia. Enrol online at or call 9314 9500 or email April Skills Development Programme for Years 7 – 10 – English, Essay Writing, Maths and Learning Skills at Rossmoyne SHS, Churchlands SHS and Perth Modern School. Enrol now online at or call 9314 9500 or email
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 7 Term 1
Iona Open Morning Iona Presentation College is hosting an Open Morning on Thursday 27 March. Presentations commence at 9.30am in the College Sports Centre followed by a guided tour and morning tea. Please RSVP to College Registrar Theresa Loughnan, on 9285 5298 or
Sonic Learning Seminars Sonic Learning has some fascinating and informative seminars coming up – both presented by leading neuroscientist Dr Martha Burns. 1. Literacy Problems & Effective Interventions – Thursday 27 March 2014 If you work with students who experience literacy problems or have a child with literacy difficulties, you can’t afford to miss this seminar. Dr Burns will provide a clear, thought-provoking and neuroscientific explanation of how students learn to read, how reading changes the brain, why some students struggle to learn to read—and how to determine if your literacy interventions are targeted and evidence-based. Presenters of this calibre rarely visit Australia. Your teaching, tutoring and parenting methods are certain to be transformed. Cost $195 (includes catering and presentation notes). Click for more information or to register. Questions? Call 1300 135 334 or email 2. Parent Seminar: Understanding Auditory Processing Disorders (APD) – Thursday 27 March 2014, Burswood on Swan, 6.30pm –8.30pm Is your school-aged child a poor listener? Does your child have trouble following instructions? Is your child not meeting academic expectations? In this invaluable two hour seminar, Dr Burns will address: • The symptoms and causes of APD • Myths and truths about APD • The link between APD, ADHD, Dyslexia and language delays • How to improve your child’s AP skills Cost 1 Person $30, 2 people $50. To register, call 1300 135 334 or click to open the registration form. Questions? Call 1300 135 334 or email
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 7 Term 1