College Newsletter Week 7 Term 4 Friday 28 November 2014
Today’s boys...tomorrow’s gentlemen CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 7 Term 4
Front page: Year 7 Basketball carnival
From the Principal A focus on improvement
it is even more probable that your
If I was to categorise the many missives
recollections centre on passionate
and directives that cross my desk
people, positive relationships and safe,
contending to be the latest priorities
disciplined environments. It is these
in education, I believe that the
understandings that underpin the belief
majority of them would come under
often expressed at the College that ‘boys
the heading of strategies for school
learn teachers, not subjects’. Each boy
improvement. While this may seem
at CBC Fremantle needs to know that his
entirely appropriate at face value, it is
teachers are caring, credible people who
very important for us to ensure that
seek the best from him, and for whom
the correct measures of improvement
that best will always be good enough.
are in place for CBC Fremantle. A research study conducted at the
CBC Fremantle 51 Ellen Street Fremantle WA 6160 T 08 9336 2700
As parents, I’m sure you are able to reflect
University of California some years ago
on the best teachers and classrooms you
identified a number of characteristics
experienced during your own schooling.
of successful schools. One of the key
While it is likely that these memories
findings was that good schools place
coincide with high levels of achievement,
high expectations on their students and
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 7 Term 4
adopt a philosophy that all are capable
the teachers and the students. Another
have clear and pertinent benchmarks to
of fulfilling their potential. This viewpoint
key factor is the degree to which students
guide our progress.
resonates strongly with the principle
feel ‘safe’ in the disciplined environment
of seeking personal excellence which is
provided at the school.
promoted at our College. The diversity
Canteen in 2015 In an earlier newsletter I indicated that
of gifts, talents and challenges that each
This understanding may help to explain
the College Canteen would be closed
young person brings to school means
why we are so explicit about our values as
for renovation during Term 1 next year.
it is inevitable that differing levels of
a community and why we are meticulous
While this will still be the case, the
achievement will be realised. As a school
about making our students accountable
school has arranged for two Jiffy vans
focussed upon improvement, our task
in the interests of providing a positive
to visit the campus during the breaks
is to make certain that the offerings of
learning experience for all.
in the school day. The menu to be
the school are sufficiently differentiated
supplied and the pricing are contained
to ensure that each student has the
A final outcome I would like to discuss
in the flyer that can be downloaded
opportunity to enjoy success.
from this study is the assertion that good
here and is also available in our Parent
schools are characterised by high levels of
Notices section of the website.
A second finding of this study was that
parent involvement and support. Recent
a school’s climate or culture is critical to
newsletter articles have highlighted how
It is still hoped that many boys will bring
its prospects for being successful. While
fortunate I believe we are to enjoy such
a packed lunch to school during the early
school culture is often considered to
support from our parent community.
part of next year and we look forward to
be a nebulous concept, I have always
Open communication and encouraged
the much improved amenity provided by
believed that a visitor is usually able to
involvement of parents are priorities for
our new Canteen from the beginning of
broadly determine whether it is positive
us and I trust that this is your experience
Term 2.
or negative within a few minutes of being
of the College.
on the premises. On a more specific level,
Mr Shaun Kenny
I would contend that the most critical
CBC Fremantle is a school which will
indicator of school culture is the extent of
always seek improvement. When defined
the mutual respect that exists between
in the broad sense indicated above, we
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 7 Term 4
In the Newsroom this week
You can keep up to date with CBC Fremantle news by subscribing to the Newsroom RSS feed. Visit the College website at and click on the Newsroom under Quick Links on the left hand side. 27 November
Swimming is hot at CBC As the year winds down, a good turnout of swim team hopefuls are already gearing up for next year’s competitions, hitting the pool at sunrise every Thursday morning with impressive dedication. Read more...
Congratulations to Mathew Thomas (Year 12) who has received an invitation to an interview for the Assured Pathway (High Academic Achievement) for a Doctor of Medicine at UWA. Mathew received a very high score in the UMAT entrance exam in the 97th percentile. CBC staff members, Mr Troy Foote, Mr Brent Butcher and Mr Donald McNamee were recently recognised by the Associated & Catholic Colleges of WA for their contributions to ACC Sport. The gentlemen were presented with 10 Year service awards.
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 7 Term 4
Calendar Week 7 Term 4 2014
College Information Book lists for 2015 Book lists for 2015 are now available on the College website, under Parent Notices.
Uniform Shop Opening Hours The Uniform Shop will be open for the last time in 2014 on Wednesday 3 December from 8.30am to 4.00pm. Opening hours for the summer holidays in 2015 are: Wednesday 21 January 2015 from 10.00am to 3.00pm Wednesday 28 January 2015 from 10.00am to 3.00pm Thursday 29 January from 9.00am to 12.00pm
Changes to the Secondary Schools Tax File Number programme The Secondary Schools Tax File Number (TFN) programme will not continue beyond 31
Monday 1 December Year 7-10 Exams continue Year 7 Basketball finals Parent Volunteer Sundowner 5.30pm Tuesday 2 December Year 7-10 Exams conclude Reconciliation Years 7 and 9 Wednesday 3 December Reconciliation Years 8 and 10 End of Year Music concert Thursday 4 December Library closed Friday 5 December Year 7-10 finish CA:P1 Year 7-10 awards CA: P5&6 Final Liturgy & Clean Up Kairos Depart 4.00pm Library closed
December 2014. This means that School TFN forms will no longer be processed beyond this date. From 1 January 2015 students will apply for a TFN online and have their identity verified through an interview at a participating Australia Post office. More information on applying online can be found at by searching for ‘QC27248’ Students who are unable to visit a participating Australia Post office will need to complete the application form Tax file number - application or enquiry for individuals form (NAT 1432). More information about lodging this form can be found at by searching for ‘QC22604’.
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 7 Term 4
Rosary in the Chapel
The CBC prayer group became a reality
The Principal Mr Shaun Kenny has often
two years ago when the newly-built
reminded us of our need, as a Christian
Chapel provided an opportunity for the
community, to regularly pray as a group
The rosary has always been an enriching
College community to gather to recite the
and it is uplifting to hear him share his
experience – ever since I was a toddler
Rosary. Since then several students have
ideas with students in the prayer group.
and was reciting it in French, back in
joined regular staff members to form
and it is a good way to start the day.
Mauritius. We invite you, the parents,
a dedicated group that gathers every
Dr Holohan, who usually leads the
staff and students of CBC, to join us. I can
Tuesday morning.
prayers, mentions that the Rosary is a
promise you that the joys and sorrows
powerful group prayer and the recital is
that you offer to the glory of God will
The reciting of the Rosary in our Chapel
a unique opportunity in the midst of a
illuminate your inner-most treasures.
is an uplifting and humbling experience,
hectic day to reflect on our relationship
particularly when I see our students
with God and remind ourselves of our
Mr John Hortense
dedicate their time to share in the
mission as a Catholic community.
Science Tehcnician
mysteries that the prayer links us with.
Martin Bradley (Year 10), who diligently
When we recite the rosary, there is a point
prepares the altar and distributes
Back row: Mathew Thomas, Luke Cowlan, Martin
when we stop thinking about the meaning
the prayer cards before our weekly
Bradley, Calogero Martelli and Matthew Patroni
of each word and let the regularity of the
gatherings, reveals with disarming
prayers resonate within us.
sincerity that the rosary is a gift from God
Front row: Mr Kenny, Dr Holohan, Mr Kestel and Mr Hortense
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 7 Term 4
Community Notices It is the policy of CBC Fremantle to distribute information when requested regarding community activities and details about educational programmes. This does not imply that CBC endorses these activities or the information. Please provide information in an unformatted Word document to Submissions will be accepted at the discretion of CBC Fremantle.
A1 learning Academy January holiday school programmes Learning can be fun! • Reading, writing, spelling & maths
• Pre primary to year 10
• Extension, remediation and enrichment
• Preparation for the next year (all grades)
• Scholarship, gate & naplan preparation
• Transition to high school
• Study skills For more information contact 0411 420 218 or visit
Tennis Coaching @ The Melville Tennis Centre Holiday programmes for children from three years of age; all ages and abilities are welcome with classes all year round. Call Glen on 0433 340 646 or email
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 7 Term 4
Successful Student Solutions Do you want to support your child with their homework and study and essay writing? Our highly interactive study skills and essay writing seminars will help do just that! We aim to engage and motivate students to maximize their potential. We work with your child to help them to study as efficiently and effectively as possible. Having worked with secondary and tertiary students for the last 20 years, Sarah Pietrzak and Christina Holly bring both experience and enthusiasm in supporting students in achieving educational success. We are pleased to offer a series of age appropriate targeted seminars that will support students’ success across Years 6 to Year 12. These courses are staged over two sessions at 1.5 hours each. There is a maximum of 15 students per class. Online enrollments are available on the website, or email us for further information. Our back to school January holiday programme is now open for bookings. Enrol now to avoid disappointment. Our courses are held at John XXIII College. We look forward to working with your children to help them achieve their maximum success!
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 7 Term 4
Fun at Filmbites Filmbites Youth Film School is Perth’s own screen skills training specialists for young people. We teach Screen Acting, Filmmaking, Animation and Gaming in after-school and weekend classes in 3 locations: Malaga, Hamilton Hill and Baldivis. For school groups and school holidays, we also offer our regular subjects plus a range of other fun screen related workshops such as makeup SFX, green screen VFX, editing and scriptwriting. Recently, Filmbites also won the BEST PRIMARY SCHOOL PRODUCTION at the AUSTRALIA TEACHERS OF MEDIA AWARDS 2014. Our FILMBITES CASTING division has seen our actors cast in many local productions, including Cloudstreet (mini-series of Tim Winton’s classic novel on Showtime), feature films The Turning and Paper Planes (both by Robert Connelly) & The Great Mint Swindle (Channel 9) to name just a few. For full details about our regular courses, school workshops and professional learning opportunities, please visit our website at or email or phone 9209 2689.
Embrace the Grace 2014 Let Us Be Lights of Hope, the largest Catholic Youth Conference in WA on 3-7 December 2014 What is hope? If our hope is indeed in a living God, why does God appear to be silent in our world today amidst war, terrorism, disasters and our own personal struggles? What is the light of hope? Come engage with life’s biggest questions with dynamic speakers, music, sports, drama, prayer and more. 3-7 December 2014 in New Norcia, for young people aged 16-30. Cost $325.00 with sponsorship available. Registration at Contact Catholic Youth Ministry Perth to RSVP or for more information or telephone 9422 7912.
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 7 Term 4
Attadale Parish Sacraments Programme 2015 The Attadale parish has finalised the dates for our sacraments programme for 2015. Confirmation Enrolment (parent only) 24 February at 7pm Commitment Mass 7 March at 6pm Workshop 5 May at 6.30pm Retreat day 13 May morning Rehearsal 22 May at 1pm Confirmation 23 May at 6pm and 24 May at 11am Thanksgiving Mass 13 June at 6pm Eucharist Enrolment (parent only) 24 March at 7pm Commitment Mass 16 May at 6pm Workshop 23 June at 6.30pm First Communion August weekends Thanksgiving Mass 13 September at 9am Penance Enrolment (parent only) 30 June at 7pm Commitment Mass 25 July at 6pm Workshop 11 August at 6.30pm Celebration of sacrament 15 September at 6pm Thanksgiving Mass 17 October at 6pm For information visit
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 7 Term 4