CBC Fremantle College Newsletter Week 7 Term 4

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College Newsletter Week 7 Term 4 Friday 27 November 2015

Today’s boys...tomorrow’s gentlemen CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 7 Term 4 | Page 1

Cover: The Homecoming ceremony is part of The Rite Journey programme for young men in Year 9. Read more in the Newsroom.

From the Principal Our Shared Responsibility

a wider sense through our assistance

The situation in our world at the moment

and support for those in our world

which has seen an unprecedented number

who are marginalised for any reason.

of people displaced from their homes provides a particular challenge for our Christian community at CBC Fremantle.

While there is still much progress to be made, a recent pleasing development at a national level has been the easing

CBC Fremantle

How do we respond to the plight of so

of the hostile political rhetoric which

many unfortunate souls who are fleeing

has often surrounded discussion

violence and persecution? How do we

of Australia’s response to the global

voice our concerns about children being

refugee crisis. Our nation’s relative

held in detention? I have previously

prosperity provides a rare opportunity

written in this newsletter that being part

to structure a society which emphasises

51 Ellen Street

of our school community means making

the common good and demonstrates

Fremantle WA 6160

a significant contribution to those people

a particular concern for the materially

T 08 9336 2700

who suffer disadvantage in our society.

poor. As a benchmark for assessing the

E enquiries@cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au

This occurs at a local level where some of

‘moral wellbeing’ of our country, surely

our school families in need are financially

we must concede that no matter how

and emotionally supported but also in

well the economy performs, the health


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of our society can be best measured

Religious Education throughout his

Ms Darlene McGoorty, (RE), Mr Joseph

by the treatment afforded to its most

tenure and has most recently been the

Hanratty (Academic Care), Mr Matthew

Indigenous Reconciliation Coordinator

Cook (Science), Ms Belinda Volkofsky

at our school. Peter’s commitment to

(D&T Technician) and Ms Sandra Blair

As a school and as a faith community

service and genuine concern for the

(Science Laboratory Assistant) each

we understand that affluence rarely

students in his care have been hallmarks

complete short term contracts at the

equates with happiness. At home and

of his time at CBC and we wish him well.

College. We thank them all for the

vulnerable citizens, including refugees.

at school we try to instil in our young

personal and professional gifts that

men an understanding that throughout

Mr Bob Kestel has been a key person in

the world, the rabid pursuit of wealth

the provision of support to the Design

is often conducted at the expense of

and Technology Learning Area at CBC

Mr Barry Tognolini (Head of Maths)

spiritual growth and ethical responsibility.

Fremantle for the past nine years. Bob

and Mr Frank Williams (Catering

they have brought to CBC Fremantle.

I commend those families who seek to

has been a tireless worker and we

Teacher) will be enjoying periods of

develop a social conscience in their sons

wish him safe travels and exciting

leave during 2016 and we wish them

so that among the many successes they

adventures as part of his retirement.

an enjoyable time with their families.

will achieve in the future may be the acquisition of a compassionate heart.

In the first newsletter of next year I Ms Jessica Oxley will be leaving her

will introduce the new staff who will

position as Accounts Payable Officer

commence working at our College in 2016.

Staff News

in our Finance Department. Jessica

At the end of each year it is fitting that

has been a wonderful colleague and a

Final Newsletter

we recognise those members of staff

great asset to the College. We wish her

Although this is the last formal

who are either departing the College or

much happiness in her new position.

newsletter for 2015, I will write to all families next week to more

commencing periods of leave. I would like to formally acknowledge each of the

Mr John Black has worked as an assistant

appropriately conclude the school year.

following people and thank them for their

in the Physical Education learning

contributions during their time at CBC.

area for the past two years as part of

Mr Shaun Kenny

the AFL Sportsready initiative. John’s


Mr Peter Baldry has been at the College

contribution in assisting our PE staff has

for 11 years and has filled a number of

been invaluable. We wish him well as

roles during that time. He has taught

he pursues a more permanent career.

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 7 Term 4 | Page 3

Achievements Congratulations to Sam Timewell who was the inaugural winner of the Ben Foley Award this year. Mr Ben Foley was a strong and positive male influence and connected with students through his passion for surfing, supporting the growth of the young men at CBC Fremantle. The perpetual trophy is in recognition of his commitment to the young men at CBC and the pastoral support he offered his students. The Ben Foley Trophy is awarded to a member of the surf team who displays the qualities that align with Ben’s teachings and to the attributes of the CBC gentleman. The award is not necessarily presented to the best surfer at CBC Fremantle, rather a member of the surf team that best displays these qualities. Sam is fine young gentleman who has grown over his time at CBC Fremantle and is a vibrant and energetic young man who regularly puts the needs of others ahead of his own. He is a positive role model for his peers at CBC and is valued for his dedication, work ethic and compassionate nature. Congratulations to James Coletta, Jess Davie, Lachlan Glover, Josh Goodwin, Bayley Holman, Jack Lynn, Ben Parker, Nicholas Veletta (all in Year 9) and Anthony Romeri (Year 8) who won the 2016 Milo Blast Cricket State Championship last week.

To see more CBC Sport stories like these, friend CBC Fremantle Sport on Facebook.

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College Calendar CBC’s College Calendar can be viewed online by clicking on the Quick Link on the home page of the website. You can also subscribe for the Calendar to synch on your iCal or Outlook by clicking the link at the top right of the Calendar page.

Important dates coming up – check the Calendar for more details. Friday 4 December 2015 Last day of term Term Dates 2016

Congratulations to Jack Meakins (Year 10) who was one of nine graduates from Hear from You, a community engagement mentoring programme with the WA Foundation for Deaf Children.

Term 1

Monday 1 February

Friday 8 April

Year 7s begin, Years 8-11 begin Tuesday 2 Feb

Term 2

Wednesday 27 April

Friday 1 July

Term 3

Tuesday 19 July

Friday 23 September

Term 4

Monday 10 October

Wednesday 7 December

College Information Uniform Shop opening hours The College Uniform Shop is open during school term each Wednesday from 8.30am to 4.00pm. The last trading day for 2015 is Wednesday 2 December. Additional trading days during the school holidays are: Wednesday

20 January 2016

9.30am – 2.00pm


27 January 2016

9.30am – 2.00pm


28 January 2016 9.30am – 12.00pm

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 7 Term 4 | Page 5

In the Newsroom Visit the College website at www.cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au and click on the Newsroom under Quick Links on the left hand side.

24 November

The Homecoming is only the beginning The Rite Journey programme for 2015 culminated in a poignant ceremony at Point Walter this week, with the Year 9 students being symbolically returned to their parents by the Rite Journey teachers. Read more... 24 November

Coastal camp for OE Year 10 Outdoor Education students commenced Week 5 with an expedition along the coast, staying overnight at Woodman Point Recreation Camp. Read more...

9 November

Adventures in Nannup On Tuesday 13 October Mr Matthews’ Year 11 Outdoor Education class headed down to Nannup for a three day canoeing expedition. Read more...

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9 November

High Tea for TRJ Thirty-six Year 9 Rite Journey boys joined forces to honour the most important women in their lives by preparing and serving a lovely High Tea in the College Staffroom. Read more... 9 November

Enterprising lunches Budding merchants from Year 11 Business Management & Enterprise classes launched themselves into the world of demand and supply with a hugely successful Market Day in the College Cloisters. Read more... 29 October

Best of Visual Art Showcasing the best work from students in Years 7 to 12, the annual CBC Fremantle Visual Art Exhibition included a range of interesting and well executed pieces of art from diverse studio areas including painting, sculpture... Read more... CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 7 Term 4 | Page 7

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Generous response to Christmas appeal As part of the Christian Service Learning programme at CBC Fremantle, students and their families have made a difference to the lives of people who are in need this Christmas. A call-out to the community for donations to the St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal resulted in 65 hampers worth of goodies that will help ease the burden for local families. Ms Emily Bowran coordinated the collection, and was delighted at the fantastic reflection of the generosity of the CBC community. Pictured are Year 7 students with the hampers before collection.

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 7 Term 4 | Page 9

What CBC boys like about The Rite Journey...

Jess Davie

Frankie Di Mento

Jason Jakovcevic

Year 9

Year 9

Year 9

What did you think of

What did you think of

What did you think of

The Rite Journey?

The Rite Journey?

The Rite Journey?

Very good programme teaching us how

It was a good experience for the boys

Great experience – learned a lot

to be gentlemen.

to learn to become good men.

from it.

What did you learn this year

What did you learn this year

What did you learn this year

in The Rite Journey?

in The Rite Journey?

in The Rite Journey?

Teamwork and confidence.


Learning to stand on your own two feet.

Who was your Rite Journey teacher?

Who was your Rite Journey teacher?

Who was your Rite Journey teacher?

Mr Hunter – I look up to him. He’s a

Mr Moss. He’s a good role model. We

Mr Rear – he did well for his first year!

good bloke; he’s the perfect example of

got along with him really well.

Great role model – learned a lot from

a good gentleman.

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Adam Le Roux

Samuel McDonald

Christian Puca

Year 9

Year 9

Year 9

What did you think of

What did you think of

What did you think of

The Rite Journey?

The Rite Journey?

The Rite Journey?

It is an influential programme which

Really good; I enjoyed it.

Good process for developing boys

taught us how to become gentlemen.

into young men, understanding the What did you learn this year

consequences of their actions and

What did you learn this year

in The Rite Journey?

developing maturity.

in The Rite Journey?

Friendships. Becoming a good man.

People before ourselves.

What did you learn this year Who was your Rite Journey teacher?

in The Rite Journey?

Who was your Rite Journey teacher?

Mr Rear – I really like him. He’s really

Not to give up and to keep going no

Mr Hunter. He’s a good person to look


matter what life throws at you.

up to. Who was your Rite Journey teacher? Mr Leech – he is a good teacher and guided us well.

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 7 Term 4 | Page 11

Alumni Recognition Awards Our graduates are the essence of what our College represents and shining examples of achievement. The inaugural annual Old Boys’ Association Alumni Recognition Awards aim to showcase the highest accomplishments of our graduates. Alumni, staff, students and the wider community are all invited to nominate Old Boys of the College who are making a real difference in the world. For more information, visit www.cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au/view/ old-boys-association/alumni-awards

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Community Notices It is the policy of CBC Fremantle to distribute information when requested regarding community activities and details about educational programmes. This does not imply that CBC endorses these activities or the information. Please provide information in an unformatted Word document to enquiries@CBCFremantle.wa.edu.au. Submissions will be accepted at the discretion of CBC Fremantle.

Catholic Youth Ministry Embrace the Grace Youth Conference 9 to 13 December This is your last week to register for Embrace the Grace (ETG), a youth conference on 9 to 13 December in New Norcia for 16 to 30 year olds. At ETG you will explore faith and life’s greatest questions through dynamic talks, workshops, music, drama and prayer. There will also be a mini-Olympics plus a dinner dance. Be part of this not to be missed annual conference and register now at cym.com.au/embracethegrace. Register by 4 December – sponsorship is available. For general enquires contact Catholic Youth Ministry admin@cym.com.au or 9422 7912. Australian Catholic Youth Festival – Adelaide Live Webcasts 3 to 5 December This is a free way to connect and be a part of the biggest Catholic Youth event in Australia. If you can’t make it to Adelaide, be sure to watch online and join the conversation via our live webcast on XT3. The live webcast will be available at www.xt3.com/acyf/live. Our own Archbishop Costelloe SDB will be part of the opening plenary Wednesday 3 December 4:30pm Perth time (1:30pm EDST). Plenary sessions will include Steve Angrisano (USA), Jason Evert (USA), Fr Rob Galea and much more. If you have a group or friends travelling to the Youth Festival please email admin@cym.com.au so we can connect with you for a Perth Archdiocese gathering in Adelaide. World Youth Day Krakow 2016 – Pilgrim meeting Monday 7 December Are you aged 18 to 35 years old and interested in joining millions of young people from around the world in Poland with Pope Francis next year? All WYD pilgrims and interested people are invited to the next WYD pilgrims meeting to be held on Monday 7 December, 7.30pm to 8:30pm at CYM, 40a Mary Street, Highgate. This meeting will include update information on the pilgrimages. Please RSVP to admin@cym.com.au

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Attadale Sacraments 2016 The sacraments programme and dates for 2016 have been finalised. If you belong to the Attadale parish you can find the information on the parish web site www.attadale.org/sacraments.html or you can pick up letters on the various sacraments from the church foyer. Please do take a look and book in the dates.

WA Young Salesian Summer Camp 4 to 8 January 2016 Are you between 12-15 yrs or starting Year 7 in 2016? Come and join us for this 5 day fun filled camp at Nanga Bush, Dwellingup. Only $200 ($40 a day). Contact your Parish Priest, visit the website or contact Graham on 0418 979 600 for more info or to pick up a form at www.wayoungsalesians.com.

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