CBC Fremantle College Newsletter Week 8 Term 1

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College Newsletter Week 8 Term 1 Friday 28 March 2014

Today’s boys...tomorrow’s gentlemen CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 8 Term 1

Front page: Solomon Wright and Liam McMahon collect the Senior Boys’ shield from ACC President Mr Shaun Kenny at the ACC Swimming Carnival. Read more in the Newsroom.

From the Principal Educating Boys

critically important in the lives and

are seeking to enrol their sons at our

education of boys.

College I am often told that one of

CBC Fremantle 51 Ellen Street Fremantle WA 6160 T 08 9336 2700 E enquiries@cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au

• The quality of relationships is

When I am speaking to parents who

For boys to become receptive to the

the attractions of our school is that it

content of lessons it is essential that

provides a single gender education. My

the teacher has an interest in them

assumption at these times is that parents

beyond their capabilities as a student.

are acknowledging that boys and girls

Our young men need to feel that

often favour different learning styles

their opinions and uniqueness will be

and that there is an expectation that the

valued within any classroom at the

offering at CBC Fremantle will be tailored

school. A popular adage used with

to suit our students. In a newsletter

reference to boys’ education is that

some years ago I sought to discuss some

boys learn teachers, not subjects. Our

of the generally accepted principles of

extensive co-curricular and pastoral

boys’ education and the ways that CBC

care programmes are a response to

Fremantle seeks to respond to the needs of the young men in its care. I have edited

this understanding. • Boys need to be challenged in all

those thoughts and include them now for

facets of their lives and must not be

your interest and consideration:

allowed to settle for mediocrity.


CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 8 Term 1

“Educating boys for a life as good, selfless young men is often challenging but is simultaneously laden with great potential reward.”

Those involved in boys’ education

sought and that nothing is required

the Journey, Kairos and other

know that they will often do as little

beyond this level of achievement. In

undertakings at the College also seek

as you let them, and as much as you

short, a boy’s best must always be

to emphasise the importance of

make them. Many boys have a natural

good enough for his teachers and his

positive male role modelling.

inclination towards competition and directing them to compete against

parents. • Boys need positive male role models

Educating boys for a life as good, selfless

themselves in the pursuit of personal

in order to grow as learners and

young men is often challenging but is

excellence is a very effective strategy.


simultaneously laden with great potential

Continually ‘raising the bar’ in a

Boys are often presented with

reward. Our College remains committed

supportive environment should be a

distorted impressions of ‘maleness’

to assisting parents in this task.

characteristic of our College.

in popular culture where traits

• Boys need to experience success.

associated with aggression,

ACC Swimming Carnival

The diversity of the programmes that

dominance and insensitivity are

Congratulations to our swimmers and

we offer and the encouragement

emphasised. The critical role of

their coaches on their outstanding

that we give each student to become

fathers and other significant male

achievements at the ACC ‘A’ Division

involved in school life is an attempt

family members in correcting such

Swimming Carnival on Wednesday of this

to ensure that the individual gifts and

distortion is strongly supported by

week. Ably led by their coaches, Mr John

talents of each boy are recognised

the school. Our vertical pastoral care

Rear, Mr Stephen Hunter and Mr Jason

and developed. The diversity of the

structure introduces young men

Matthews and Captain of Swimming,

curriculum and scaffolded learning

to mentoring roles and provides

Solomon Wright, the team won the

tasks also exist in recognition of the

an insight to the power of positive

Junior Boys, Senior Boys and Overall

fact that each boy’s personal best is

influence. The Rite Journey, Share

Boys’ Shields. This is the eighth year in

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 8 Term 1

succession that our swimming team has

sons. If any boy’s father is not available

won the Aggregate Boys’ trophy and

for any reason, another significant adult

this unprecedented achievement is a

male (family or friend) is very welcome to

credit to their thorough preparation and

attend in his place.

outstanding commitment. Their success will be further recognised at a subsequent

An important part of this programme is a

College Assembly.

preparatory session which will be held in the Arts Learning Area at the College on

More specific details including individual

Thursday, 3 April at 7.30pm. This session

achievements are included in a link to

is for dads or male mentors only. Further

ACC Sport which can be found in the

details are available in this newsletter and

Newsroom article.

we eagerly anticipate another successful College event.

Share the Journey I look forward to joining many of our

Mr Shaun Kenny

boys and their dads at Point Walter on


Sunday, 6 April at 9.30am for the Share the Journey programme. This innovative programme is conducted by a group of dads from the College and provides a

Above: ACC Swimming Carnival at Challenge Stadium. Read more in the Newsroom.

tremendous opportunity to enhance the relationship between fathers and their

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 8 Term 1

Calendar Week 9 Term 1 2014

College Information Canteen Can you spare a few hours on one day? Please consider volunteering in the ‘world’s greatest canteen’. Please call Jenny or Karen in the Canteen on 9430 2046 for more information.

Uniform Shop Opening Hours The uniform shop is open every Wednesday from 8.30am to 4.00pm. No appointment is necessary.

Important notice regarding student absences from the College Student Services require student absences to be notified by 9.00am by either emailing absentee@cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au or telephoning 9430 2007. Mrs Jennifer Giancaspro is Secretary of Student Services and can be contacted at students@cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au. Mrs Violet Gohr is no longer working at CBC Fremantle and any emails sent to her direct address will not be received by CBC. Please ensure you use the correct address when contacting the College.

Monday 31 March Year 11 Geography Exc Year 11 ODE Exc - 1 Tuesday 1 April Drama Exc Streetcar Named Desire 6.30pm Year 11 ODE Exc - 2 Reconciliation Years 7-12 Year 9 Rugby Carnival Wednesday 2 April

Year 11/12 Visual Arts Perspectives Exc AEP Lit & Media Exc 1st XV Rugby Carnival Thursday 3 April Mass 8.15am (Rice 5, 6 & 7) Year 12 Amazing Race Year 7 Zoo Exc 7.30pm Parent Meeting Share the Journey Friday 4 April Year 11 Biol Zoo Exc Year 8 Science Inc Senior Ball Sunday 6 April Share the Journey Walk n Talk for Dads and sons 5th Sunday of Lent

Put this date in your diary... Friday 9 May

Mothers’ Day Liturgy and Morning Tea Register on the College website at www.cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 8 Term 1



In the Newsroom this week You can keep up to date with CBC Fremantle news by subscribing to the Newsroom RSS feed. Visit the College website at www.cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au and click on the Newsroom under Quick Links on the left hand side.

27 March

Swimming squad eight year success CBC Fremantle chalked up its eighth consecutive win at the ACC A Division Swimming Carnival at Challenge Stadium. Read more...

25 March

Art at Cottesloe The Year 11 1A/B and 2A/B Visual Art students spent a day at the beach all in the name of art at the 2014 Sculpture by the Sea exhibition. Read more...

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 8 Term 1

Don’t miss the opportunity to

Share the Journey Walk ‘n’ Talk

CBC Fremantle invites all mums to join us for a

CBC Fremantle Parent Auxiliary invites dads and their sons to share a unique adventure that will last approximately three hours, and stay with you for a lifetime. Date

Sunday 6 April


9.30am for 10.00 start


Point Walter Amphitheatre


Sausage Sizzle 1pm

Mothers’ Day Morning Tea on Friday 9 May 2014 at 8am in the College Gymnasium.

A pre-event meeting will be held on Thursday 3 April at 7.30pm in the College’s Arts Learning Area.

The celebration will commence with a Liturgy promptly at 8am followed by morning tea.

For more details please contact Tim Allan at parentcouncil@cbcfremantle.

All guests are asked to be seated by 7.50am to avoid interrupting this special service.

Share the Journey Month

Do more things with your son than for him ... make the more of those ‘teachable’ moments.



Week 4 Tip


brought to you by the Parent Auxiliary

The morning will conclude at approximately 9.30am. Boys will attend the liturgy with their mothers. RSVP by 6 May is vital for catering. Register online at the College website by clicking on the M others’ Day Morning Tea Quick Link.

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 8 Term 1

Learning to be leaders “Fix the situations you think are

We also heard from Commissioner Wayne

The final speaker was Patrick

wrong,” was just a small part of advice

Gregson, head of the Department of Fire

Hollingworth, who, in 2010, reached

that John Worsfold shared with 16

and Emergency Services. He told us to not

the summit of Mount Everest. He spoke

CBC Fremantle Year 10 students at

take Australia for granted, as well pointing

about how we only discover who we

the Halogen Foundation National

out the very simple fact that all you need

really are when we move outside of our

Young Leaders Day recently.

to be a leader is followers.

comfort zones.

‘Woosha’ was one of many community

Ashlee Harrison was the fourth speaker

the day when I say that we are came

presenters at the annual event, ranging

on the agenda. Ashlee is the founder

back much better leaders within our

from heads of government departments,

and CEO of zero2hero, a not-for-profit


right down to the founder of a small

organisation which provides innovative

organisation dedicated to mental health

school-based programmes designed to


develop students’ understanding and

I think I speak for everyone who attended

by Keane Bourke (Year 10)

awareness of mental health services. The day began with an introduction from

She spoke about the organisation as a

the Executive Director of the Halogen

whole, what motivates her, and how we

Foundation, Mike Martin, who suggested

too can be inspired when it comes to

that leadership is all about being the first

something we believe in.

to act, and not waiting for others.

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 8 Term 1

Wanted ... old school uniforms Thank you to parents who have kindly contributed to our wardrobe for the Term 2 production of Lord of the Flies. We still require donations of uniforms, belts and shoes too old or untidy to be used again – no uniform is too battered or too old! Please leave items at College Reception,

Second hand uniforms wanted

or ask your son to drop them off to Mrs Jeffreys in the Arts office.

CBC winter uniform is to be worn from

Appointments are not necessary,

the first day of Term 2, 29 April.

however booking a convenient time may save you waiting.

Now is the time to check whether your son has outgrown last year’s

Appointments can be made online

winter uniform. The Uniform Shop

and booking Instructions for all new

will sell your second hand uniforms,

students to CBC in 2014 have been

so bring them down to Falda as soon

emailed to parents. Please contact

as possible. Items will need to be

Tessa Roberts on 9430 2051 if you did

drycleaned first.

not receive an email.

The Uniform Shop is open over the school holidays. Visit the College website for more details and select Uniforms from the dropdown menu under Enrolments.

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 8 Term 1

Have Sum Fun Maths competition The Have Sum Fun competition organised

Mathew Patroni

Year 8

by the Mathematical Association of WA

Aldrin Thomas

Stefan Bormolini

(MAWA) took place in the last two weeks,

Nick Thuys

Joshua Hardbottle

with four teams of six boys representing

Year 12

Harry O’Neill

the College.

Zeus Greget O’Dea

Jack Schmidt

Mitchell Hinton

Year 9

In the upper school competition, six Year

Anthony Iannantouni

Sam Sheridan

11 and six Year 12 boys competed against

Liam Romano

Anthony Cammarano

42 other teams from different schools in

Isaac Rowe

Ned Marshall

the South of the River division. One team

Matthew Thomas

Henry Rogerson Year 10

came 11th and the other 23rd. In the lower school competition four

Keane Bourke

The upper schools teams were formed by

boys were selected from Years 8, 9 and

Emmanuel Terzoudis-Lumsden

the following students:

10 team. One team finished 11th and the

Bradyn Iannello

other 24th.

Ryan Pace

Year 11

Luke Barratt

In the lower school team the following

Congratulations to all the boys who took

Calogero Martelli

boys were selected:


Jamie Nella CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 8 Term 1

Herbert Edwards Cup Tennis MAWA caps teams at two per school and

In March CBC entered two teams in the

Both teams won two matches and

it was a difficult task to select four boys

State Schools Teams Tennis Competition.

narrowly missed out on advancing to the

from each year group, given that many

Team 1

semis. Ari was undefeated on the day in

other boys also wished to participate.

Ari Brierley

singles in a tough pool.

Alex Gray The next competition CBC will participate

Riley Rees-Turner

Congratulations to all boys concerned

in is the Australian Mathematics

Henry Rogerson

for their tireless efforts on a hot day that

Competition held in August later this year.

Sam Sheridan

started at 7.15am and finished at 3pm.

For this event we are able to enter as

Team 2

many boys as possible, and we are certain

Jesse Davie

Mr Barry Tognolini

we will see the same level of enthusiasm.

Finlay Martin

Tennis Coach

Justin Olivieri Mr Barry Tognolini

Mitch Pace

Head of Mathematics

Ryan Watson The two teams were placed into pools and played against four other schools at the State Tennis Centre for places in the finals. CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 8 Term 1

Community Notices It is the policy of CBC Fremantle to distribute information when requested regarding community activities and details about educational programmes. This does not imply that CBC endorses these activities or the information. Please provide information in an unformatted Word document to enquiries@CBCFremantle.wa.edu.au. Submissions will be accepted at the discretion of CBC Fremantle.

Academic Task Force April WACE Revision with Academic Task Force – 6 hr subject revision at Rossmoyne SHS, Churchlands SHS and Perth Modern School. Enrol now online at www.academictaskforce.com.au or call 9314 9500 or email learn@academictaskforce.com. April Holiday Course with Academic Associates – 8 hr WACE course revision at University of Western Australia. Enrol online at www.academicassociates.com.au or call 9314 9500 or email info@academicassociates.com.au April Skills Development Programme for Years 7 – 10 – English, Essay Writing, Maths and Learning Skills at Rossmoyne SHS, Churchlands SHS and Perth Modern School. Enrol now online at www.academictaskforce.com.au or call 9314 9500 or email learn@academictaskforce.com.

Vounteers needed for the Community Visitors Scheme Parents and family members, have you got an hour a fortnight to spare? Would you like to change someone’s life with that time? Are you in need of company? Why not reach out and make a new friend in a local aged care facility near you? I have lovely ladies and gents looking for company. Have a free coffee when you catch up or go for a short walk. The Community Visitors Scheme is an Australian Government initiative providing friendship with one-on-one interaction to socially isolated residents of local aged care facilities. Volunteers visit people unable to get the social interaction they require, providing them with an opportunity to talk and establish friendships. To help volunteers carry out their invaluable service, we provide training, a support base and several social events throughout the year. Please call Avril at Melville Cares to discuss this rewarding opportunity on 9319 0900 or email info@melvillecares.org.au.

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 8 Term 1

Sonic Learning Seminars Sonic Learning has some fascinating and informative seminars coming up – both presented by leading neuroscientist Dr Martha Burns. 1. Literacy Problems & Effective Interventions – Thursday 27 March 2014 If you work with students who experience literacy problems or have a child with literacy difficulties, you can’t afford to miss this seminar. Dr Burns will provide a clear, thought-provoking and neuroscientific explanation of how students learn to read, how reading changes the brain, why some students struggle to learn to read—and how to determine if your literacy interventions are targeted and evidence-based. Presenters of this calibre rarely visit Australia. Your teaching, tutoring and parenting methods are certain to be transformed. Cost $195 (includes catering and presentation notes). Click for more information or to register. Questions? Call 1300 135 334 or email events@soniclearning.com.au. 2. Parent Seminar: Understanding Auditory Processing Disorders (APD) – Thursday 27 March 2014, Burswood on Swan, 6.30pm –8.30pm Is your school-aged child a poor listener? Does your child have trouble following instructions? Is your child not meeting academic expectations? In this invaluable two hour seminar, Dr Burns will address: • The symptoms and causes of APD • Myths and truths about APD • The link between APD, ADHD, Dyslexia and language delays • How to improve your child’s AP skills Cost 1 Person $30, 2 people $50. To register, call 1300 135 334 or click to open the registration form. Questions? Call 1300 135 334 or email events@soniclearning.com.au.

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 8 Term 1

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