College Newsletter Week 8 Term 3 Friday 12 September 2014
Today’s boys...tomorrow’s gentlemen CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 8 Term 3
Front page: Languages Week was celebrated at CBC Fremantle with activities designed to highlight our Italian language course and all that it brings to our community. More photos and story can be
From the Principal
found in the Newsroom. Pictured in the Italian
In recent years CBC Fremantle has seen
see how insightful they are, and how each
language lab with Miss Calanni is Jake Leavy
a great deal of development in many
of them tells a similar story. In every case
areas. Anecdotal evidence, waiting lists,
the young men I have interviewed feel
shopping centre conversations and
they are a success story, and when many
parent feedback all suggest we have
of them compare our community to the
become a school of first choice for many,
stories they hear from their friends, they
many families. Without hesitation, I
thank their parents for the decision to
also acknowledge it is not a school for
enrol them here all those years ago.
(Year 12). Photo by the Academic Excellence Programme Literature & Media group.
everyone because to get the maximum
CBC Fremantle 51 Ellen Street Fremantle WA 6160 T 08 9336 2700 E
value out of a CBC Fremantle education
In my second year at CBC, the
requires a partnership between the
Headmaster received a couple of letters
student, his family and the College. It
from parents withdrawing their sons
requires a clear understanding about the
from the College. The reason offered
shared values that underpin our culture,
was that we had accepted one of their
and the explicit outcomes the College
sons’ peers from primary school, and
aims to achieve for, and with, the boys.
they felt this would adversely affect their child’s education. This October,
I am currently holding exit interviews with
that boy will walk across the stage at
the Senior Students and it is amazing to
his CBC Fremantle graduation, and
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 8 Term 3
“This kind of success in almost inevitable when the partnership between the student, his family and the College is strong and well understood.�
will do so proudly, in the knowledge
with the completion of the new pastoral
out of Room 004, but with a reduced
that he has achieved his personal best;
care and administration facility, we are
selection. Drinks, some confectionary and
that he is a CBC gentleman, and did
ready for the next phase of upgrades.
pre-packaged food (pies, sausage rolls
not adversely affect the education of
Sixteen extra drinking fountains are
and sushi) will be available, but there will
anyone, but rather was swept up in the
ready to be installed as soon as they
be no prepared food such as burgers,
positive culture he was immersed in.
arrive. In Term 4, work will commence
wraps, nachos etc. On certain days, which
This story will be in the back of my mind
on converting Common Rooms 1 and
will be well advertised, there will be
when I shake his hand, and is as much a
2 into an excellently appointed Science
some food stalls (sausage sizzles, burgers
success story for our entire community
laboratory. At the same time, the Canteen
etc) run by our Business Management
as any accolade we may receive more
will be completely refurbished, providing
students, and the Samson fundraiser day
formally. This kind of success in almost
a self-serve cafeteria style facility and
will also be in Term 4. This short-term
inevitable when the partnership between
increasing the functionality of this
pain may serve to make the boys a little
the student, his family and the College
popular destination for our students.
more pro-active with their gastronomic
is strong and well understood.
Finally, in 2015 work will begin on the
preparation. If you have any queries
refurbishment of the boys’ toilet block.
about these arrangements, please do not
With this success comes some logistical
It is expected that these initiatives will be
hesitate to contact me on 0400 880 861.
pressure. The student afternoon teas, exit
welcomed by our young gentlemen, and
interviews and informal conversations
provide great amenity for our boys for
Mr Domenic Burgio
have confirmed the worst kept secret
years to come.
in the College; that our amenities need to keep up with our increased
As a result of the Canteen refurbishment,
enrolments. CBC has already addressed
there will be a reduced service in this
this situation in our strategic plan, and
area for Term 4. A kiosk will be operating
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 8 Term 3
Newsroom You can keep up to date with CBC
Fremantle news by subscribing to the
Zakaria Hourani (Year 12) received an Honourable Mention from the Performing
Newsroom RSS feed. Visit the College
Arts Festival for Catholic Colleges and Schools in the Secondary Solo Section
website at
(Scripted Drama). Damon Sutton (Year 12) received an Honourable Mention in
and click on the Newsroom under Quick
the Secondary Solo Section (Original Drama).
Links on the left hand side. Honourable Mentions in the Instrumental Solo/Duet section of the Performing Arts Festival were also awarded to Austin Keyte (Year 11) for Secondary Woodwind solo and Tom Mansfield (Year 12) and Emmanuel Terzoudis-Lumsden (Year 10) for Secondary Woodwind duet. CBC Fremantle’s production of Lord of the Flies won the Performing Arts Festival’s Australian Catholic Superannuation and Retirement Fund Award for Drama (Full Production), an outstanding achievement for the boys and Drama 11 September 2014
Italian Perfection As part of Languages week, the College Cloisters was alive with the excited buzz of students as three sleek Ferraris spoke the lingo all boys understand - the roar of fine engines. Read more...
teacher Rosalba Jeffreys. Matthew Vinci and Jake Harris (both Year 12) have been chosen to represent the ACC boys’ team in the All Stars Basketball match against the combined government schools team on 13 September. The following boys were victorious in the Under 13 and Under 15 East Fremantle Lacrosse Grand Final: Daniel Bowater (Year 8), David Charles (Year 8), Thomas Richards (Year 7), Samuel Sanginiti (Year 8), and Yordanos Yehualashet (Year 8). U13 East Fremantle defeated Wanneroo 9 goals to 3; all of the boys played in this game. U15 East Fremantle defeated Bayswater 12 goals to 9, and Daniel, Sam and Thomas played in this game. Riley Faulds (Year 10) has been nominated as a finalist in the Premier’s 2015 Anzac Day centenary tour competition.
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 8 Term 3
Calendar Week 9 Term 3 2014
College Information Sport and other groups photo day – 18 September All sporting teams will be photographed on 18 September. The schedule will be pinned up on the door of the gym and in the noticeboard outside Student Services. It is the responsibility of the students to ensure they view the schedule and be on time for the photograph.
Uniform Shop opening hours The Uniform Shop is open every Wednesday from 8.30am to 4.00pm. No appointment is necessary. School Holidays Opening Hours The Uniform Shop will be open on Friday 10 October from 12pm to 3pm. No appointment is necessary.
Canteen special notice As a result of a refurbishment, there will be a reduced service in the Canteen in Term 4. A kiosk will operate out of Room 004, but with a reduced selection. Drinks, some confectionary and pre-packaged food (pies, sausage rolls and sushi) will be available.
Monday 15 September Outdoor Ed canoe excursion 9am Fremantle Boat Shed P6 Year 12 Rites of Passage meeting Tuesday 16 September CA:MG ACC Athletics and Philippines Immersion farewell AEP Maths and English excursion Wednesday 17 September ACC Athletics Carnival Thursday 18 September Mass 8.15am (Rice 5, 6 & 7) Photo Day: Sport and other groups Year 8 Immunisation Over 60s Old Boys’ Morning Tea Friday 19 September Year 11 Chemistry excursion P5 Year 12 Rites of Passage meeting Philippines Immersion departs Year 10 Social Iona 7.30pm
Put these dates in your diary... Friday 24 October Year 12 Mass and Graduation ceremony Sunday 26 October Awards ceremony Friday 31 October The Samson House Fundraiser scheduled for Friday 19 September (Week 9) has been rescheduled for Friday 31 October (Week 3, Term 4)
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 8 Term 3
Australian Mathematics Awards In the Australian Mathematics Awards, 238 students from Years 7 to 12 sat for the test. There were some excellent results attained from the following students: High Distinction (top 5% in the state)
Year 10 Riley Faulds
Year 11 Aldrin Thomas
Alexander-Thomas Nolan
Conor Hars
Ryan Pace
Hamish MacPherson
Year 12 Liam Romano Mathew Thomas
Year 11 Matthew Patroni
Mitchell Hinton
Joel Tapper
James Warren
Distinctions (top 15% in the state)
Luke Barrett
Year 7
Hayden Symington
Mitchell Redmond
Jack Prigg
Year 12 Alec Sorgiovanni
Gabriel Simich
Michael Cronan
Year 8
Lachlan Yurak
Anthony Iannantuoni
Year 9
Samuel Sheridan
Connor Fordham
Matthew Hallows
Ben Green
Joe Eardley
Marcus Di Biase
Tom McKell
Matthew Costello
Sam Low
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 8 Term 3
ViPA thank you
Events like this would not be possible without the help and support of a number people. Thank you to Mr Frank Williams who so generously organised the hot food for supper to enjoy at the
Last Friday evening CBC Arts showcased the many and varied
end of the evening.
talents of the students at CBC Fremantle, culminating in a performance by the Fremantle Jazz Orchestra.
Thank you to Mrs Nancy Hourani, President of the Music Parent Group and to all committee members and their helpers who
Thank you to our wonderful and enthusiastic Arts staff,
volunteered to help the evening run smoothly. I would especially
Mrs Rosalba Jeffries, Mrs Zoe Francis, Mrs Emma Tandy,
like to thank all those families who stayed behind to help pack
Mrs Stephanie Hantzis, Mr Kim Anning, Mrs Melissa Skinner and
away items, load the truck and unpack all of the equipment
Mr Alex Borthwick who worked diligently with the boys to have
back at the College. Thank you to Mr and Mrs Quintiliani who
their items ready to present on the night.
organised and coordinated the raffle. There was a wonderful array of prizes and the MPG would like to recognise the following
The evening needed a lot of assistance and I would like to
acknowledge and thank the following students and teachers for their support.
Rottnest Express, Kwinana Golf Course, Sealanes, Fremantle Prison Tunnels, Peak Electrical, and Nancy Hourani from NAI
Backstage Crew:
Harcourts Business Broker, Commercial Sales and Leasing.
Samantha Emslie, Margaret Crommy, Shelley Nodwell, Marriann O’Neill, Andrea Fitzpatrick, Leon Viti, Kye Mitchell-Bathgate,
Mr Shane Mancuso
William Power and Christopher Bawden
Head of Arts
Video/Photography/Lighting: Christopher Clark, Keane Bourke, Paul Jardine-Clarke and Gabriel Newman
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 8 Term 3
Year 7 Music Incursion Last week our Year 7 students were involved in a Music incursion. Mark and Freddie from Drumbeat showed the students various types of percussion instruments from around the world and demonstrated their sounds and what they were made from. The session also involved students performing together and soloing. It was a great morning and we hope to have Drumbeat back to perform again in the future! Mr Shane Mancuso Head of Arts
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 8 Term 3
Year 12 Human Biology Zoo excursion by James McVey Perth Zoo accommodates 14 species
other species of primate. We walk erect,
smell, increases. Eyes become more
of primates, and is renowned for its
we have less body hair; we have a larger
‘forward-facing’, providing greater depth
Sumatran orang-utan conservation
cerebral cortex, and highly developed
perception. Baboons are ‘terrestrial
programme. On 4 September, the Year
language skills. The skulls of inferior
quadrupedals’, which means they walk
12 Human Biology students visited this
primates, such as the pygmy marmoset,
on the earth using four limbs. Gibbons
amazing facility to learn more about
were passed around the room, observing
swing from branch to branch using only
the differences in form of animals in the
the various pitfalls of their biological
their arms, and are thus labelled ‘arboreal
primate order.
In one of the conference rooms tucked
Leaving the conference room we
The excursion was successful and
away amongst the greenery, a primate
ventured in to the dense undergrowth of
informative, providing students with
specialist delivered a compelling
the Zoo’s ecosystem to observe firsthand
an insight into the animals in the
PowerPoint presentation to the
the physical features and methods
primate order.
assembled CBC students. The crux of
of locomotion of our distant primate
the discussion was the evolution of
cousins. We found that, with evolution,
primates, with the conclusion being that
the size of a primate’s snout decreases
Homo Sapiens are more evolved than all
as dependency on vision, rather than
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 8 Term 3
Community Notices It is the policy of CBC Fremantle to distribute information when requested regarding community activities and details about educational programmes. This does not imply that CBC endorses these activities or the information. Please provide information in an unformatted Word document to Submissions will be accepted at the discretion of CBC Fremantle.
100 Years of Schoenstatt The Schoenstatt Movement invites you to join us in celebrating 100 years of Schoenstatt. When: Sunday 19 October 2014 Where: 9 Talus Drive Mt. Richon, Armadale Time: 2 pm, Solemn Holy Mass with Archbishop Emeritus Barry J Hickey A Plenary Indulgence can be obtained in our Schoenstatt Shrine until 26 October Concludes with refreshments., telephone 9399 2349
Metabolic Dietary Disorders Association Quiz Night Fundraiser Saturday 25 October, costs $30 per person or $200 for a table of eight. All funds raised go to the Metabolic Dietary Disorders Association (, a self help group that supports people affected by rare genetic metabolic disorders. To purchase tickets please email or phone David on 0419 006 365.
Master Mind Australia – Academic Pathways October Revision Programme Study Skills – Essay Writing – Subject Revision For all students in Year 10, 11 and 12 – this revision programme aims to prepare students for their final year examinations. Courses will be conducted at: Christ Church Grammar School, Hale School, All Saints’ College and Willetton Senior High School. Early bird discount applies to enrolments before 19 September. For further information on these programs contact: Dr Robert Hallam at Master Mind Australia on 9486 1377,
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 8 Term 3