College Newsletter Week 8 Term 4 Friday 5 December 2014
Today’s boys...tomorrow’s gentlemen CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 8 Term 4
Front page: Matthew Mocerino receiving a Certificate of Endeavour at the College’s final assembly for 2015.
From the Principal Seeing the Light at Christmas
warmth but reduced the celebration of
It never ceases to amaze me how easily
the birth of Jesus to a plain and ordinary
people are able to write the nativity
event. Their focus was often on holidays,
out of a contemporary understanding
gifts and the joy of being away from work.
of Christmas. I’m not sure whether it is a misguided attempt at political
As Christian people, it is essential that we
correctness or a reticence about overtly
do not allow the power and intensity of
recognising our Christian heritage but
Christmas to become lost in the range of
many public figures are happy to extend
other activity that inevitably accompanies
their Christmas wishes without any
this time of the year. The temptation
acknowledgement of the true significance
to engage frenetically with all that is
of the occasion.
going on in our lives at this time has the potential to further distance us from the
I became acutely aware of this situation CBC Fremantle 51 Ellen Street Fremantle WA 6160 T 08 9336 2700 E
opportunities for meaningful reflection.
last year as I read and listened to the Christmas wishes of a variety of
One of the more poignant images
leaders in government and business.
associated with Christmas will be
They addressed their constituents or
encountered as a part of the first
employees with carefully measured
reading by anyone attending Midnight
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 8 Term 4
“As Christian people, it is essential that we do not allow the power and intensity of Christmas to become lost in the range of other activity that inevitably accompanies this time of the year.”
Mass this year. From the Book of Isaiah
I hope that you get the opportunity to
Mr Troy Foote has been at the College
comes the promise, “…the people who
spread the truth about Christmas – that
for 16 years and has spent the majority
walked in darkness have seen a great
it is a time of joy and thanksgiving.
of that time as the Head of Rice House.
light.” In a world that sometimes seems
We pray that the gentle humility with
He leaves us to assume the role of Head
to contain much darkness and where
which Jesus came into the world will
of Year at Emmanuel College and his
our own lives are often punctuated by
serve as an example and inspiration
new school is certain to benefit from the
times of light and shadow, it is essential
for all people. May His peace and love
many gifts and talents he will bring to the
that we rejoice in the knowledge that
characterise your festive season.
position. Troy’s commitment to service
the birth of the baby Jesus provides
and genuine concern for the students in
each of us with great assurance. The
Staff News
his care have been hallmarks of his time at
humble nature of this birth reflects
At the end of each year it is fitting that
CBC and we wish him well.
our own vulnerabilities and reminds us
we recognise those members of staff
of the mercy and tender love of God
who are either departing the College or
Ms Margaret Crommy has been a key
which we are invited to embrace. What
commencing periods of leave. I would
person in the provision of Learning
a great gift and cause for celebration.
like to formally acknowledge each of the
Support at CBC Fremantle for the past 11
following people and thank them for their
years. Margaret has overseen significant
contributions during their time at CBC.
change and progress in the development
On behalf of all of the staff at CBC Fremantle I would like to wish your
of this area at CBC and I know the staff
family a happy and blessed Christmas.
and students have appreciated her skill
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 8 Term 4
and commitment. She will be missed
Mr John Coules completes a short-
by the students, their parents and her
term appointment as an S&E
colleagues alike.
teacher at the College. Replacing an established teacher on leave is always
Mr Simon Schmidberger has worked
a difficult task and we thank John for
in the Science Learning Area with a
his commitment of time and talent
particular interest in the delivery of
to the welfare of the boys at CBC.
upper school Physics. In addition to his outstanding teaching, Simon has been
Mrs Meagan Musson will be on
very involved in Cross Country coaching
Maternity Leave in 2015 and we
and the Science and Technology Club. His
wish her well for the impending
expertise and enthusiasm in each of these
birth of her first child.
areas have been appreciated by all of the boys and we wish him well for the future.
In the first newsletter of next year I will introduce the new staff
Ms Lisa Wolfe has advised that she will
who will commence working
not be returning to the College after
at our College in 2015.
her period of Maternity Leave. Lisa has been a strong and skilful presence
Mr Shaun Kenny
in the teaching of History and S&E
at the College and her students have benefitted greatly from her expertise. Mrs Andrea Fitzpatrick is leaving the College after four years of outstanding service. After initially teaching Mathematics, Andrea has specialised in Economics over recent years. She has also devoted many hours to developing the debating programme at the school and our boys will miss her generous contribution of time in this area.
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 8 Term 4
Calendar Week 0/1 Term 1 2015
College Information Book lists for 2015 Book lists for 2015 are now available on the College website, under Parent Notices.
Uniform Shop Opening Hours The Uniform Shop will be open for the last time in 2014 on Wednesday 3 December from 8.30am to 4.00pm.
Friday 30 January Year 12 commence Monday 2 February Year 7 Commence CA: Year 7 welcome Year 12 Development Day 2 Tuesday 3 February Years 8-11 commence CA:MG start of year
Opening hours for the summer holidays in 2015 are: Wednesday 21 January 2015 from 10.00am to 3.00pm Wednesday 28 January 2015 from 10.00am to 3.00pm Thursday 29 January from 9.00am to 12.00pm
Changes to the Secondary Schools Tax File Number programme The Secondary Schools Tax File Number (TFN) programme will not continue beyond 31 December 2014. This means that School TFN forms will no longer be processed beyond this date. From 1 January 2015 students will apply for a TFN online and have their identity verified through an interview at a participating Australia Post office. More information on applying online can be found at by searching for ‘QC27248’ Students who are unable to visit a participating Australia Post office will need to complete the application form Tax file number - application or enquiry for individuals form (NAT 1432). More information about lodging this form can be found at by searching for ‘QC22604’.
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 8 Term 4
Raising funds for men’s health CBC Fremantle’s Sports department have made it through November with dignity and pride as they raised awareness and funds for men’s health programmes. The Sports teachers groomed their upper lips for Movember, taking taunts on their hairless chins and counting down the 30 days with their WAGs as they encouraged staff and students to donate to the worthy cause. The enterprising fundraisers also held an exciting ‘Movember Cup’, with a programme of indoor soccer games between student year groups and staff running the last week of the month. The fun competition required supporters to donate a gold coin and resulted in the newly shaven PE team coming out the champions in more ways than one. The conversation in the gymnasium man-cave can now proceed as normal as the Sports department returns from their dalliance into 70s facial fashion to their usual handsome mien just in time for the summer holidays. Fore more photos, visit the Newsroom.
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 8 Term 4
Annual Tennis competition The finals of the third annual CBC Fremantle Tennis Competition took place on Thursday at Fremantle Tennis club. In the Year 7/8 event, Riley Rees-Turner (Year 8) held off a strong challenge from Blake Hughes (Year 7) who had beaten Riley in the group stages, to win for the second year in a row. In the Year 9/10 event, Will Power (Year 10) held off the fast improving Alex Gray (Year 9) to win the title. Congratulations to all the competitors, especially the other semi-finalists: Harry Bird, Caiden Guidi, Adam Correia and Mark Mandic.
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 8 Term 4
Local history Mr Moss’s Year 8 S&E class completed a history walk of Fremantle on Thursday. The walk took in some of the more significant sites of the town including the Welcome Walls, Round House and Town Hall. Students also visited some of the lesser known historical points, including the Proclamation Tree and the monuments on the Esplanade. The students also had the opportunity to indulge in some refreshments near Cicirello’s. Many thanks to Mrs Fitzpatrick and to the O’Neill family for their assistance.
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 8 Term 4
Community Notices It is the policy of CBC Fremantle to distribute information when requested regarding community activities and details about educational programmes. This does not imply that CBC endorses these activities or the information. Please provide information in an unformatted Word document to Submissions will be accepted at the discretion of CBC Fremantle.
A1 learning Academy January holiday school programmes Learning can be fun! • Reading, writing, spelling & maths
• Pre primary to year 10
• Extension, remediation and enrichment
• Preparation for the next year (all grades)
• Scholarship, gate & naplan preparation
• Transition to high school
• Study skills For more information contact 0411 420 218 or visit
Tennis Coaching @ The Melville Tennis Centre Holiday programmes for children from three years of age; all ages and abilities are welcome with classes all year round. Call Glen on 0433 340 646 or email
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 8 Term 4
Successful Student Solutions Do you want to support your child with their homework and study and essay writing? Our highly interactive study skills and essay writing seminars will help do just that! We aim to engage and motivate students to maximize their potential. We work with your child to help them to study as efficiently and effectively as possible. Having worked with secondary and tertiary students for the last 20 years, Sarah Pietrzak and Christina Holly bring both experience and enthusiasm in supporting students in achieving educational success. We are pleased to offer a series of age appropriate targeted seminars that will support students’ success across Years 6 to Year 12. These courses are staged over two sessions at 1.5 hours each. There is a maximum of 15 students per class. Online enrollments are available on the website, or email us for further information. Our back to school January holiday programme is now open for bookings. Enrol now to avoid disappointment. Our courses are held at John XXIII College. We look forward to working with your children to help them achieve their maximum success!
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 8 Term 4
Attadale Parish Sacraments Programme 2015 The Attadale parish has finalised the dates for our sacraments programme for 2015. Confirmation Enrolment (parent only) 24 February at 7pm Commitment Mass 7 March at 6pm Workshop 5 May at 6.30pm Retreat day 13 May morning Rehearsal 22 May at 1pm Confirmation 23 May at 6pm and 24 May at 11am Thanksgiving Mass 13 June at 6pm Eucharist Enrolment (parent only) 24 March at 7pm Commitment Mass 16 May at 6pm Workshop 23 June at 6.30pm First Communion August weekends Thanksgiving Mass 13 September at 9am Penance Enrolment (parent only) 30 June at 7pm Commitment Mass 25 July at 6pm Workshop 11 August at 6.30pm Celebration of sacrament 15 September at 6pm Thanksgiving Mass 17 October at 6pm For information visit
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 8 Term 4