College Newsletter Week 9 Term 1 Friday 4 April 2014
Today’s boys...tomorrow’s gentlemen CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 9 Term 1
Front page: Tyler Sorrell, Anthony Lomma, Fraser Hayward, Will Power and Alec Radonich: Mursell Shield champions 2014. Read more in the Newsroom.
From the Principal The Father – Son Relationship
only with this consistent intervention that young
A popular saying in some quarters is that if you
men are guided towards living a life centered on
want to know what a school values, look at where
serving others.
it spends its money. The belief underpinning this
One of the difficulties for many men is that we have
statement is clearly that whilst talk is cheap, a more
not developed good listening skills. The male instinct
accurate determination of an institution’s values can
is often to listen for a short time, quickly assess the
be derived by examining what choices it makes when
trouble and then set about problem solving. While
there is a cost involved. Similarly, if you ever want
this solution-focused approach has some advantages,
to know what someone really cares about, ask them
it is rarely the best model for relationship building
how they spend their time.
with our sons. A further complication lies in the difficulty many males have with communicating
The understanding inherent in this challenge has
feelings. This often compounds the situation as both
obvious ramification for the decisions that parents
father and son want a better relationship but neither
make in relation to the time they allocate to their
quite knows how to go about it.
children. In the particular context of fathers and their sons, the task for dads is to ensure that priority is
In our modern world, families are almost always
given to apportioning the time and creating the
complex and dynamic entities. This is often the
CBC Fremantle
opportunities needed to ensure that they are a
case whether they have a traditional, nuclear
51 Ellen Street
strong influence in their son’s development. It is
structure or are fractured for any reason. What
Fremantle WA 6160 T 08 9336 2700 E
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 9 Term 1
Left: Year 12 Dancing Lessons
remains consistent is the pivotal role that is played
the way he is leading his life is pleasing to his father.
powerful programme which is unique to our College
by significant adult males, usually fathers, in the full
A simple acknowledgement of his achievements in
and forms an important part of our commitment
and healthy development of boys.
sport, music, school work or any other activity serves
to fostering relationships between the boys and
to remind sons of their importance to their dads.
significant male adults in their lives. I look forward to
Whether we like it or not, our sons learn much about
Regular acts of affirmation, big and small, tell our
joining all participants on the weekend.
being a man from watching their fathers. A father
sons that our love is unconditional and that they are
may not always be fully aware of the influence he
valued for who they are.
is exerting on his son’s personal development but this does not make it any less real. As a young man
Bringing our sons into focus and spending positive
watches his father with with his mother, he learns
time with them, accompanied by a concerted
about respect and about how men and women prop-
effort to provide engaged listening, will help
erly interact. As he watches his dad with other men,
fathers and sons develop nurturing and meaningful
he learns how men talk and how they relate with one
relationships. It will also help our sons form attitudes
another. In both cases, he sometimes learns how to
and behaviours which allow them to develop into
appropriately deal with conflict and difference.
men in the richest sense of the word.
Another aspect of this relationship which should
Best wishes to all of those fathers and sons who are
never be underestimated is a son’s innate need to
undertaking the Share the Journey experience on
be affirmed by his dad. A boy needs to know that
the Bicton foreshore this Sunday morning. This is a
School Ball The dancing lessons are completed, correct etiquette has been reinforced and the suits are hired in preparation for the Senior School Ball this evening. I trust that each of our Year 12 boys and their partners will enjoy a wonderful night and that their parents will manage to take just the right photo to preserve the memories of the occasion. Mr Shaun Kenny Principal
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 9 Term 1
In the Newsroom this week You can keep up to date with CBC Fremantle news by subscribing to the Newsroom RSS feed. Visit the College website at and click on the Newsroom under Quick Links on the left hand side.
3 April
‘A’ Team Tennis wins final CBC Fremantle A Team Tennis beat reigning champions John Forrest 5-1 to bring home the 2014 Champion Schools Tennis Mursell Shield. Read more...
27 March
Swimming squad eight year success CBC Fremantle chalked up its eighth consecutive win at the ACC A Division Swimming Carnival at Challenge Stadium. Read more...
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 9 Term 1
Calendar Week 10 Term 1 2014
College Information Canteen Can you spare a few hours on one day? Please consider volunteering in the ‘world’s greatest canteen’. Please call Jenny or Karen in the Canteen on 9430 2046 for more information.
Uniform Shop Opening Hours The uniform shop is open every Wednesday from 8.30am to 4.00pm. No appointment is necessary.
Important notice regarding student absences from the College Student Services require student absences to be notified by 9.00am by either
Monday 7 April Year 8 S&E Excursion Year 11/12 P/T/S Interviews 4.00-7.00pm Tuesday 8 April Year 12 ODE Camp - 1 BME Excursion Wednesday 9 April
Year 12 ODE Camp - 1 Thursday 10 April Mass 8.15am (Samson 5, 6 & 7) Year 12 ODE Camp - 1 Friday 11 April CAMG&:P1 Easter Liturgy Farewell to Gallipoli, Melbourne Football & Canberra Tours Last Day of Term
emailing or telephoning 9430 2007.
Saturday 12 April Gallipoli Tour departs
Mrs Jennifer Giancaspro is Secretary of Student Services and can be contacted
Sunday 13 April Palm Sunday Canberra Tour departs
at Mrs Violet Gohr is no longer working at CBC Fremantle and any emails sent to her direct address will not be received by CBC. Please ensure you use the correct address when contacting the College.
Put this date in your diary... Friday 9 May
Mothers’ Day Liturgy and Morning Tea Register on the College website at
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 9 Term 1
Don’t miss the opportunity to
Share the Journey Walk ‘n’ Talk
CBC Fremantle invites all mums to join us for a
CBC Fremantle Parent Auxiliary’s powerful programme, Share the Journey, will be held at Point Walter on Sunday 6 April. Thank you to all dads who attended the pre-event meeting. Details for the morning are below: Date
Sunday 6 April
9.30am for 10.00 start
Point Walter Amphitheatre
Sausage Sizzle 1pm
Hat and sunscreen
Rain jacket if appropriate (although Sunday is forecast to be fine)
Water bottle
Mothers’ Day Morning Tea on Friday 9 May 2014 at 8am in the College Gymnasium. The celebration will commence with a Liturgy promptly at 8am followed by morning tea. All guests are asked to be seated by 7.50am to avoid interrupting this special service.
Share the Journey Month Plan a Sunday drive with your son, maybe somewhere you haven’t been before. Aim for a place a few hours away and let him be the navigator.
Week 5 Tip
brought to you by the Parent Auxiliary
The morning will conclude at approximately 9.30am. Boys will attend the liturgy with their mothers. RSVP by 6 May is vital for catering. Register online at the College website by clicking on the M others’ Day Morning Tea Quick Link.
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 9 Term 1
Wanted ... old school uniforms Thank you to parents who have kindly contributed to our wardrobe for the Term 2 production of Lord of the Flies. We still require donations of uniforms, belts and shoes too old or untidy to be used again – no uniform is too battered or too old! Please leave items at College Reception,
Second hand uniforms wanted
or ask your son to drop them off to Mrs Jeffreys in the Arts office.
CBC winter uniform is to be worn from
Appointments are not necessary,
the first day of Term 2, 29 April.
however booking a convenient time may save you waiting.
Now is the time to check whether your son has outgrown last year’s
Appointments can be made online
winter uniform. The Uniform Shop
and booking Instructions for all new
will sell your second hand uniforms,
students to CBC in 2014 have been
so bring them down to Falda as soon
emailed to parents. Please contact
as possible. Items will need to be
Tessa Roberts on 9430 2051 if you did
drycleaned first.
not receive an email.
The Uniform Shop is open over the school holidays. Visit the College website for more details and select Uniforms from the dropdown menu under Enrolments.
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 9 Term 1
Community Notices It is the policy of CBC Fremantle to distribute information when requested regarding community activities and details about educational programmes. This does not imply that CBC endorses these activities or the information. Please provide information in an unformatted Word document to Submissions will be accepted at the discretion of CBC Fremantle.
Academic Task Force April WACE Revision with Academic Task Force – 6 hr subject revision at Rossmoyne SHS, Churchlands SHS and Perth Modern School. Enrol now online at or call 9314 9500 or email April Holiday Course with Academic Associates – 8 hr WACE course revision at University of Western Australia. Enrol online at or call 9314 9500 or email April Skills Development Programme for Years 7 – 10 – English, Essay Writing, Maths and Learning Skills at Rossmoyne SHS, Churchlands SHS and Perth Modern School. Enrol now online at or call 9314 9500 or email
Vounteers needed for the Community Visitors Scheme Parents and family members, have you got an hour a fortnight to spare? Would you like to change someone’s life with that time? Are you in need of company? Why not reach out and make a new friend in a local aged care facility near you? I have lovely ladies and gents looking for company. Have a free coffee when you catch up or go for a short walk. The Community Visitors Scheme is an Australian Government initiative providing friendship with one-on-one interaction to socially isolated residents of local aged care facilities. Volunteers visit people unable to get the social interaction they require, providing them with an opportunity to talk and establish friendships. To help volunteers carry out their invaluable service, we provide training, a support base and several social events throughout the year. Please call Avril at Melville Cares to discuss this rewarding opportunity on 9319 0900 or email
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 9 Term 1
Fremantle Street Arts Festival Easter Weekend (19-21 April) Roaring with hunger and charging through the crowds ‘Saurus’ will be joined by some of the world’s best outdoor theatre, music, comedy, circus and cabaret performers for three jam-packed days of shenanigans, laughter and outright shock. Fremantle Street Arts Festival held every Easter weekend is internationally acclaimed and attracts thousands of people who flock to the port city to witness breathtaking performances whilst soaking up the famous Freo atmosphere. To plan your Easter weekend visit or follow us on Link to view the programme:
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 9 Term 1