College Newsletter Week 9 Term 3 Friday 18 September 2015
Today’s boys...tomorrow’s gentlemen CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 9 Term 3 | Page 1
Cover: Joshua Harris-Walker at the ACC Carnival. More photos from the Carnival can be found in the Newsroom.
From the Principal A Vision for the Archdiocese of Perth
captured as part of your registration. The
As some people may be aware, the
survey will cover seven key priority areas
Archbishop of Perth, the Most Reverend
that you have the option of responding to:
Timothy Costelloe, recently launched the consultation phase of a plan for the
• Professional standards
Archdiocese. This plan is titled “The Way
• Effective communication
Forward” and is an attempt to consult
• Outreach to those in need
as widely as possible with the Catholic
• Strengthening and revitalising parishes
community about the future direction of
• Support for Clergy
the Archdiocese.
• Adult faith formation • Archdiocesan growth and development.
As members of the Church, it is important that your voice is heard and clearly
As the Archbishop wrote in his introductory
CBC Fremantle
represented in the consultation process.
letter to this consultation:
51 Ellen Street
You can contribute to the process by
Fremantle WA 6160
completing an individual online survey at
T 08 9336 2700 which is open
“I ask that you join me, as we recommit ourselves to the exciting vocation of being a
from 10 September until 16 October. Your
people who walk together in the footsteps
participation can be fully anonymous if
of Jesus the Good Shepherd.”
you prefer, or demographic data can be Page 2 | CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 9 Term 3
Year 10 Social
On Wednesday of this week our school
After a succession of Friday afternoons
Athletics team competed with distinction
spent perfecting their dance steps and
in the ‘A’ Division of the ACC Carnival at
etiquette, our Year 10 boys will attend
the State Athletics Stadium. Competition
their Social with the young ladies of Iona
at this level is understandably intense
tonight. An enjoyable evening of social
and our boys performed very well all day.
interaction and counting under their
Congratulations to all of our athletes and
breath is anticipated! Thank you to all
their coaches on representing the College
of the staff who have coordinated the
in fine style.
lessons and who will attend tonight.
I am particularly pleased that many of our
Mr Shaun Kenny
young men have again been reminded
of the value of hard work and seeking to do their best. In addition to their solid performance as a team, there were some outstanding individual efforts. More information can be found in the Newsroom on the College website.
Above Thomas Rivers at the ACC Athletics Carnival Right: Nigel Kazomba (behind) and Archie Wauhop in the relay
Photo by Patrick River
CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 9 Term 3 | Page 3
CBC snippets Maintenance Manager Mr Peter Hale snapped this shot of his ute in excellent company as he helped set up a display of Ferraris as part of Language Week.
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Australian Mathematics Awards During August the Australian Mathematics Awards were held at the school. From Years 7 to 12 there were 245 students who sat for the test, with some excellent results.
College Calendar CBC’s College Calendar can be viewed online by clicking
Congratulations to these and all the boys who sat for the Awards. High Distinction (Top 5% in the state) Year 11
Year 12
Jack Bowater
Hamish MacPherson
Matthew Patroni
on the Quick Link on the home page of the website. You can also subscribe for the Calendar to synch on your iCal or Outlook by clicking the link at the top right of the Calendar page.
Important dates coming up – check the Calendar for more details. Friday 25 September
Distinctions (Top 15% in the state) Year 7
Year 10
Jackson Young
Tom Monaghan
Kye Sullivan
Thomas McKell
Year 8
Christian Edwards
Hayden Symington
David Olivieri
Mark Mandic
Luke Carbonaro
Shadyn De Alvis
Adam Leavy
Jack Prigg
Year 11
Joshua Jackson
Eannuel Terzoudis-Lumsden
Digby Marshall
Mitchell Costello
Year 9
Year 12
Ben Parker
Mitchell Redmond
Thomas Palmiero
Aldrin Thomas
Damiano De Gennaro
Calogero Martelli
Tim Bayley
Joel Tapper
James Younge
Jamie Nella
Last day of Term Year 12 Farewell Assembly
College Information Uniform Shop Opening Hours The Uniform Shop will be closed duirng the school holidays. Last days for trading before the holidays are Wednesday 23 September from 8.30am to 4.00pm, and Friday 25 September from 1pm to 3.30pm. Normal trading hours resume Wednesday 14 October from 8.30am to 4.00pm.
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In the Newsroom Visit the College website at and click on the Newsroom under Quick Links on the left hand side.
17 September
ACC Aths squad put in team effort CBC Athletics team finished fourth overall in the ACC A Division Athletics Carnival at Challenge Stadium on Wednesday. Read more...
11 September
Becoming a gentleman The Year 11 cohort gathered at the East Fremantle Football Club grounds for a day of spiritual development and reflection about the men we want to be. Read more...
11 September
New residents in the Science Lab The Science department has adopted three petite rodents with a view of learning more about their habits and lifecycle. Read more...
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8 September
Father’s Day at CBC The delicious aroma of coffee and sizzling bacon greeted dads and their sleepyeyed sons as they gathered to celebrate Father’s Day with breakfast in the College Cloisters. Read more... 31 August
ViPA showcases the Arts At the College’s annual ViPA festival, CBC Fremantle showcased students’ talent with dynamic visual art displays, intriguing drama performances and tight musical numbers. Read more... 31 August
Special guests celebrate Technologies Week To celebrate Technologies week, CBC Fremantle students welcomed some special visitors to the Metalwork, Woodwork and Technical Graphics workshops, with parents and grandparents joining in on a lesson... Read more...
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Canberra Tour 2016 There are still some places available for students to participate in the AEP/HASS Canberra Tour 2016. If you missed the information evening during Week 7 and would like to find out more, please contact Mr Andre Leicester at The tour is available for AEP students and senior HASS students in 2016. If you wish for your son to participate please submit a nomination form to Mr Leicester as soon as possible. Nomination forms can be collected from the Maths office or they can be emailed to you on request. The purpose of the tour is to expose these bright young minds to the many accomplishments that our society has achieved in the areas of academics, the arts, the sports, science and social justice. While in Canberra, the boys will visit a variety of institutions and landmarks that will provide the evidence of our nation’s great accomplishments, all of which have stemmed from the pursuit of excellence. The tour will run for five days during the first week of the April school holidays in 2016, leaving on Monday 11 April and returning on Friday 15 April. Mr Andre Leicester Academic Excellence Coordinator
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Canberra Tour 2016 Proposed Itinerary Monday 11 April
Thursday 14 April
• Departing 4.30pm and arriving in Canberra at 10.40pm
• Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House,
local time.
offering a unique insight into Australia’s history • Government House
Tuesday 12 April
• Parliament House on Capital Hill,
• National Museum, to experience a fresh and exciting
• Powerkart raceway
approach to Australia’s history, cultures and environment.
• Telstra Tower to enjoy the night views of Canberra.
• High Court of Australia – guided overview of the history, role and powers of the High Court • Australian National Gallery • Australian Institute of Sport – guided tour of the world standard sports training and competition facilities.
Friday 15 April • Australian War Memorial – Hall of Memory, Roll of Honour, Aeroplane Hall and War Museum. • 5pm flight back to Perth.
Wednesday 13 April • CSIRO Discovery Centre • Royal Australian Mint • National Portrait Gallery • Shopping, followed by a movie at the local cinema.
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Year 10 Social Evening reminder Throughout this term, the Year 10 students
evening while the boys have been asked
Sports Centre, Iona College at (6.45pm)
have been participating in Ballroom
to provide drinks. Mr Williams has kindly
and pick them up directly from the College
Dancing Lessons with the young ladies
offered to organise the drinks on the
(9.30pm). Boys will not be allowed to
from Iona Presentation College.
boys’ behalf.
leave the College without direct adult supervision and/or are not permitted to
The lessons have been very successful
Details of the Year 10 Social
and the boys have gained valuable social
Friday 18 September
experience as well as becoming proficient
Sports Centre, Iona College
Mrs Petrina Richmond
at dancing. The lessons will culminate with
Lochee Street
Coordinator of Year 10 Dancing
a Year 10 Social to be held at Iona College
(off Palmerston Street)
on Friday 18 September. The students will
Mosman Park
be able to ‘perform’ their newly acquired
dancing steps and mix socially in
(Report to staff member
a supervised setting. Experience tells
by 6:45pm)
us that, after the first tentative and shy
Smart casual dress
steps, the boys and girls always have a
(collared shirt, dress pants/
very enjoyable time.
chinos, no sport shoes)
The Iona girls have offered to organise
In the interests of safety, parents are
decorations and light snacks for the
asked to drop off students directly at the
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make their own way home independently.
Alumni Recognition Awards Our graduates are the essence of what our College represents and shining examples of achievement. The inaugural annual Old Boys’ Association Alumni Recognition Awards aim to showcase the highest accomplishments of our graduates. Alumni, staff, students and the wider community are all invited to nominate Old Boys of the College who are making a real difference in the world. For more information, visit old-boys-association/alumni-awards
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What CBC boys like about ACC Athletics Carnival ...
Ben Elsbury
Dillon O’Reilly
Alex Crowe
Year 10
Year 10
Year 8
What did you think of the
What did you think of the
What did you think of the
ACC Carnival?
ACC Carnival?
ACC Carnival?
Very good.
It was good. It was fun. It was hot.
Everyone tried hard. What events did you compete in?
What events did you compete in? Hurdles.
What events did you compete in?
200m, 400m, discus and relay.
Shotput. How did you go?
How did you go? I came fifth out of eight.
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How did you go?
I came sixth in the 200, third in the 400,
I’m not sure; not too bad I think.
sixth in discus and third in the relay.
Asher Hwight
Aidan Edwards
Conor Larranaga- Boyle
Year 7
Year 8
Year 8
What did you think of the
What did you think of the
What did you think of the
ACC Carnival?
ACC Carnival?
ACC Carnival?
It was good fun.
Good fun.
Pretty good. I had fun.
What events did you compete in?
What events did you compete in?
What events did you compete in?
1500m and 800m.
1500m and 800m.
Relays and hurdles.
How did you go?
How did you go?
How did you go?
I came ninth and 13th.
Third and fifth.
Third and I’m not sure how I went in the hurdles.
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2 0 1 5 0 0 0 2 1995 Back to
5, 10 and 20 Year Reunions The Old Boys’ Association invites the Classes of 2010, 2005 and 1995 to return to CBC Fremantle for a reunion sundowner.
Class of 2010 5 Year Reunion Saturday 10 October – lunch from 1pm to 3pm
Class of 2005 10 Year Reunion Friday 9 October – College tour at 5.30pm followed by drinks and cocktail food at 6pm to 8pm
Class of 1995 20 Year Reunion
Saturday 10 October – College tour at 5.30pm followed by drinks and cocktail food at 6pm to 8pm The evening is compliments of your OBA but RSVP is essential for catering purposes. Please contact or telephone 9430 2001 for further information, or visit to secure your ticket back to CBC.
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CBC Parent Auxiliary
Golf Day
The CBC Fremantle community is invited to a fun morning of golf at the Point Walter Golf Course on Saturday 17 October. Cost of $35.00 per player includes 9 holes of golf, followed by an open grill lunch. Players must provide their own clubs or hire at the course. Beverages can be purchased on the day. Format: Ambrose (4 ball). There will be nine teams of 4 (expandable if people register early). If required, some shuffling of teams will be made to suit ability. Pairs will be honoured where possible. Registration is at 8.30am and tee-off at 9.00am. The aim is to finish around midday and then head into the club rooms for lunch and refreshments. Please RSVP by Tuesday 13 October by emailing Barry Bourne, cash payment to be made on the day. Include the following details: • Your name and name of pair preference • Telephone and email • Golf Handicap (use 27 if you don’t have a handicap) • Any dietary requirements More Information: Contact Barry Bourne on 0409493485 or or Point Walter Golf Course.
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Community Notices It is the policy of CBC Fremantle to distribute information when requested regarding community activities and details about educational programmes. This does not imply that CBC endorses these activities or the information. Please provide information in an unformatted Word document to Submissions will be accepted at the discretion of CBC Fremantle.
Stronger Teens Camp 2 to 4 October 2015 at Fairbridge Village Pinjarra An amazing weekend with huge games and activities, inspiring talks about faith and life, prayer and worship, and time to chill with friends. Cost $150.00 includes all accommodation, meals, adventure activities and bus transport to and from Perth. Open to all high school aged teenagers. For more info visit or contact Catholic Youth Ministry 9422 7912 or
Bricktober Perth Bricktober Perth is an annual event that showcases LEGO® exhibitions that are both models and interactive designs. The event takes place on 10 and 11 of October at the Cannington Showgrounds. There will be competitions, prizes and a LEGO® Play Pit. All Rotarians are volunteers and the money raised from Bricktober will provide funding for a number of programmes in the community. Tickets are $8 / $25 for family of four (prices exclude booking fee). For more details visit
Mission Concert – The Walker Trio Infant Jesus Catholic Church, Morley - Sunday 18 October at 3pm Catholic Mission presents an afternoon of beautiful music. Jessica Gethin (violin), Sophie Curtis (cello) and Ray Walker (jazz guitar) will perform an original and exciting fusion of classical / jazz / popular chamber music in aid of Catholic Mission. Monies raised will support a child education project for girls in Bangalore, India. Complimentary afternoon tea. Adults: $25.00, concessions: $15.00, children are free if accompanied by an adult. Tickets from, from Catholic Mission on 9422 7933, or at the door.
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Come and See – an evening of reflection and prayer An Invitation to young women and men. Come and enjoy an evening of reflection, sharing & prayer followed by a light meal. Theme Living Community When
Monday 28 September from 4.00pm to 8.00pm
Mary MacKillop Centre, 16 York Street, South Perth
Alma Cabassi rsj,, 0419 044 136 or Leonie Mayne rsj,, 0437 120 337
A ministry of the Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart.
Curtin University Twilight Tours Twilight Tours are a great opportunity to explore the Curtin campus and facilities after hours in a small group environment. Student ambassadors will be there to showcase some of their favourite spots on campus as well as where they study and take classes, and Future Student Advisors will be on hand to provide advice and answer questions about our courses and applying to Curtin. Parents are also encouraged to attend if they would like an insight into where their child may choose to study. Twilight Tour Dates Dates
Wednesday 21 October
Wednesday 9 December
5.30 pm to 7.15 pm
Location Building 211; Room 222
Curtin University,
Kent Street, Bentley
For more information or to register for one of our sessions please view our event page.
Tennis Coaching @ The Melville Tennis Centre Holiday programmes for children from three years of age. All ages & abilities welcome, classes all year round and during holidays. Call Glen on 0433 340 646 or email
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Unlock Your Learning Potential Run by psychologists, Mindscholar helps students improve their learning and memory, and overcome the psychological barriers hindering performance and wellbeing. Their workshops help students to: • Adopt a ‘growth mindset’ to improve well-being and performance. • Change negative attitudes/build mental resilience, • Manage exam/performance anxiety, and • Become active and reflective learners. Mindscholar offer both group workshops as well as individual coaching. For more information, contact Steve on 0412893896. Email: Web:
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