Draft Campsie Master Plan

Page 34

2.4 Urban Design Framework Plan

What is an Urban Design Framework?

How is it structured?

Proposed Strategic Streets

The Urban Design Framework translates the broad aims of the Local Strategic Planning Statement, Spatial Actions and Intensification Strategy to practical urban design outcomes for Campsie.

The Urban Design Framework for Campsie was prepared with consideration for the following key Urban Design items:

The aim of the Master Plan is to promote the establishment of a network of high performing Complete Streets within Campsie. These are walkable and cyclable streets and pathways connecting the key destinations while also performing an enhanced role in terms of Water Sensitive Urban Design and responding efficiently to vehicle movements and parking. This will be further reinforced by the ‘Complete Streets’ initiative for Campsie, being prepared by Council in 2021.

The Urban Design Framework Plan underpins and guides urban renewal by promoting new pedestrian and cycle connections, new open spaces and consideration of existing and proposed elements within the built environment. The location of such elements are still considered flexible rather than providing finite solutions. Why has it been prepared? The Urban Design Framework Plan illustrates an integrated design vision for the desired future development of the Strategic Centre of Campsie, with the aim to enable communication and testing with stakeholders and the local community. It conveys the physical translation of the Spatial Actions and Intensification Strategy into an Urban Design concept.

· Connectivity – focuses on movement networks such as roads, pedestrian paths, cycle paths. · Open Spaces – identifies new areas of open space and existing open spaces to be upgraded as part of the Master Plan, as well as key areas of open space dedicated to mitigating flooding and managing stormwater along the Cooks River. · Built Environment – identifies the areas of intensification and the different levels of intensification being considered, as well as key nodes of mixed use within low intensification areas (corner shops) and key heritage items and conservation areas (existing and proposed). This framework plan underpins the 10 Directions of this Master Plan. Connectivity The following key items are considered for reinforcing the local connectivity within and surrounding the Campsie Town Centre: · Proposed Complete Streets; · Cooks River Cycle and Pedestrian Trail. · Pedestrian/Cycle Through Site Links. · Local access and service laneways; and · Bridges and Crossings.


Campsie Town Centre Master Plan|Draft

The network of Proposed Complete Streets is formed by: · Beamish Street connecting Canterbury Road to the Cooks River. · Brighton Avenue and Clissold Parade connecting the town centre to the Cooks River foreshore and Canterbury Racecourse. · Evaline Street and Wonga Street connecting Belmore Park to Tasker Park. · Anglo Road, surrounding Carrington Park, ANZAC Park and connecting Belmore Park to the Town Centre. · Loch Street and Orissa Street, following land currently zoned for infrastructure purposes, to establish connections to Campsie Street, Ninth Avenue and Harcourt Public School, and potentially providing an alternative connection for through-traffic to move off Beamish Street.

· Fifth Avenue and Eighth Avenue, reinforcing the sense of place within the heritage listed avenues. · Campsie Street, connecting the town centre to Loch Street and indirectly to Belmore Park.

Cooks River Cycle and Pedestrian Trail A pedestrian and cycle path surrounding Campsie town centre along the southern foreshore of the Cooks River that aligns with open space improvements, and flood mitigation works. This will improve connectivity along the river and to the Canterbury Local Centre and Canterbury Racecourse. The network of ‘Proposed Complete Streets’ will also consider opportunities for cycleways to connect key open space areas and public infrastructure within Campsie, such as Harcourt Reserve, Rudd Park, Harcourt Public School, Belmore Sports and Recreation Precinct and Tasker Park.

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