Direction 4 A Well-Designed Centre Quality design in public and private areas will deliver a sustainable, liveable, healthy, and attractive Town Centre. This will protect and enhance the historic and cultural character of Beamish Street, the Cooks River, built and natural heritage items and areas of significant character. The fine-grain and diverse built form that exists in Campsie will be protected and enhanced. The role of design excellence will be elevated through implementation of additional design excellence and sustainability standards for Town Centre development and establishment of a design review panel. The panel will set clear expectations for Council, the community and the development industry of their role in designing and delivering great places and buildings for people. Design excellence will be managed and delivered throughout the lifecycle of development approvals and construction.
What do we know? · There is a wide variety of different sized sites and building typologies across Campsie which add significantly to the character of the area. · The Centre is largely supported by a low to medium density urban fabric. · There is a concentration of heritage items and conservation areas closer to the train station. · There is limited number of large sites capable of redevelopment. · Redevelopment in Campsie will need to be responsive and in keeping with the existing context and character of the urban fabric.
Design-led built form testing will inform planning and design controls to promote and support innovation and design excellence, creating a culture of design and architectural quality.
Arc, Clarence Street, Sydney, Koichi Takada Architects
Campsie Town Centre Master Plan|Draft