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Area 1 : City Centre
Future Character Statement
High density, 24-hour city centre, preeminent retail and entertainment destination, active streets and new public parks.
The City Centre is the hub of activity, and comprises important destinations including Bankstown Central, Paul Keating Park, Bankstown Local Court, Bankstown RSL, Bankstown Sports Club and the Compass Centre. A new pedestrian network will interconnect these local destinations and the Bankstown railway and future Metro stations.
A new plaza is proposed at the current West Terrace Car Park site. This plaza will become a new focal point for City life, surrounded by active uses, commercial and residential development. It will become a new anchor and destination place for the southern half of the City Centre. The new plaza will link to the City Centre through a network of lanes and arcades, which will connect to the rail and future Metro station.
The City Centre will continue to be a key employment hub and characterised by a concentration of retail and entertainment adding interest to pedestrian experience on key routes. Fine grain and open-air retail fill the streets in proximity to the rail and future Metro stations, extending Bankstown’s characteristic as a small business incubator. The growth of small businesses to support non-mainstream retail opportunities and diversify cultural activities.
As workers, students and residents increase in Bankstown, retail hours will be extended, creating a thriving night time economy, especially along key links that connects the RSL and Sport clubs, to provide 24-hour activation and passive surveillance.
Future Look & Feel