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Area 8 : Terraces & Apartments
Future Character Statement
Medium density residential neighbourhood with quiet pocket parks, green setbacks and lush courtyards close to amenities of the City Centre

In this character area, the development pattern will likely comprise of new modern terrace and mid-rise development in contrast to older walk-up apartment blocks, where newer residents will come to meet established ones.
This development pattern will address the demands of a diverse population. Older styles housing can provide for affordable housing options and newer terraces will enjoy private yards and off-street entries.
New pedestrian links and cycle paths are introduced in this area to enhance walkability and promote connection to open space. Existing parks will be embellished to provide new amenities for residents’ enjoyment. Planning controls in these areas will be reviewed to allow for corner shops and cafe opportunities in some locations to provide a focal point for each locality and a place for local living and gathering.