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Area 4 : Civic
Future Character Statement
Preeminent civic destination for the entire LGA with high quality public domain and iconic architecture
The presence of the Civic precinct within the CBD is preeminent, encompassing Paul Keating Park and its surrounding facilities, such as the Civic tower, Bankstown Library and Knowledge Centre, Bankstown Local Court, Council Chambers and future WSU vertical campus; it will continue as the Centre’s gathering place for all community groups.
The introduction of the university community will amplify the energetic dynamics of this character area. Paul Keating Park Master Plan has been adopted by Council to transform this area, to create a livable and inspiring public realm in the commercial heart of Bankstown. It is designed simultaneously for the easy flow of people through and around the precinct and create iconic architecture and quality landscaped public spaces for gathering.
The Appian Way will seamlessly connect this Civic character area to the rail and future Metro stations and northern residential areas. While The Mall extends to an animated thoroughfare connecting different character areas ranging from multi-level retail in Bankstown Central; to health and educational institutes; to key entertainment destinations such as the RSL Club.