Site B3: 8-14 West Terrace The Polish Club occupies a single-story building adjoining the rear, eastern boundary.
Site Description Site Area:
Walking distance from Station:
The indicative scheme is for a mixed retail, commercial and residential building in support of a proposed increase in the Master Plan FSR from 4.75:1 to 5:65:1.
Proponent Submission
The subject site is east of the CBD Core, mid-block on West Terrace with a west-facing frontage. The large site has an approved development application for a 15-storey mixed use building and commencement of work under that consent has resulted in excavation of almost the entire site. Excavation and construction work ceased some time ago. Surrounding the site are a mixture of medium height apartment buildings of differing age placed among single and two-story buildings containing community, medical and retail land uses.
Figure 23: 8-14 West Terrace, Bankstown
Bankstown Master Plan Site Specific Review
The submission firstly outlines the previously approved DA (2015) noting that the envelope in significantly larger than that now being considered. The proposal is to increase density rather than height as proposed in the Master Plan, to provide public benefit via a through-site link and 5% affordable housing. It also promotes the idea of public open space along the through-site link and notes this could equally serve as communal open space. The site is within 250m of the future two stations which supports density
Figure 24: Building envelope - view looking south west (Source: Tony Owens)
Joint Panel Report
increase and the retail / commercial component will contribute to employment generation.
2 MARCH 2022
Figure 25: Ground floor uses (Source: Tony Owens)