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First Asian Mission
Vol. 10 No. 7A Celebration of Congress: July 17, 2006 Life and Faith
Lagdameo Calls for Value Formation and Value Shift
Bishop Claver on the CBCP Pastoral Letter of July 2006
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The Pastor’s Service of Charity to the Poor ‘Deus Caritas Est’
Shepherding and Prophesying in Hope: A CBCP Pastoral Letter
ONE who is apprehensive with personal safety and security will tend to have values that can develop in him the character of a "dictator," Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) President Abp. Angel Lagdameo said. Lagdameo Calls / P4
CBCP Monitor Protagonist of Truth, Promoter of Peace July 17, 2006
Vol. 10 No. 7
Php 16.00
Davao Archdiocese to host NYD ‘06 FOR the first time, the largest gathering of Filipino youth in the country will be held in Mindanao. The Archdiocese of Davao, considering young people as the greatest resource of the Church and the hope of the nation, will host the National Youth Day on November 8-12, 2006. Davao Archdiocese / P4
CBCP: Impeach Process Won’t Yield Truth ‘Unless guided by no other motive than genuine concern for the common good’
Archbishop Angel N. Lagdameo, DD reads to the press the latest Pastoral Letter on Social Concern entitled “Shepherding and Prophesying in Hope. He is flanked by Abp. Antonio Ledesma, SJ, Bp. Arturo Bastes, SVD, and Bp. Angelito Lampon, OMI.
THE pastoral statement of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines issued at the conclusion of its 93 rd Plenary Assembly has spawned a blistering criticism on the Church for not supporting the spiraling impeachment raps against President Macapagal-Arroyo. In their statement, titled “Shepherding and Prophesying in Hope,” the prelates expressed their distrust of the impeachment process, saying it would be an “unproductive political exercise” in determining the truth. While respecting “in all sincerity” the position of individuals or groups that wish to continue using the impeachment process, the CBCP maintained that citizens’ negative perception of politicians would only deepen unless proponents and opponents of impeachment were both guided by concern for the common good. “In the light of previous circumstances, we are not inclined at the present moment to favor the impeachment process as the means for establishing the truth. For unless the process and its rules as well as the mindsets of all participating parties, pro and con, are guided by no other motive than genuine concern for the common good, impeachment will once again serve as an unproductive political exercise, dismaying every citizen, and deepening the citizens’ negative perception of politicians – Left, Right, and Center,” the CBCP said. CBCP / P3
© Roy Lagarde
by Bob Acebedo
Conservation Group Appeals to Stop Modernizing Old Churches by Roy Lagarde THE Heritage Conservation Society (HCS) filed a petition recently asking the Catholic bishops to protect the heritage of the catholic churches, saying that some priests have caused damage on old churches in a desire to “leave their mark” through renovations. Almost every town in the country has at least one church built during the Spanish colonial period, all of
which are inherent parts of the architectural ancestry of the Filipinos. HCS claimed several parish priests have taken it upon themselves to modernize and renovate heritage churches under their care without proper consultation with conservationists or representatives of agencies mandated to protect historical heritage. In their petition, the HCS asked the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) to defend old
Prison Ministry to Pursue Problems in Prison System (ECPPC), the assembly resulted in the adoption of a more systematic and significant approach to the prison ministry, thus enhancing their efficiency in helping the inmates. ECPPC Executive Secretary Rodulfo Diamante said the conference was “intended to give prison chaplains and volunteers Mr. Rodulfo Diamante, ECPPC Executive Secretary a more focused venue to tackle AFTER claiming victory in the aboli- problems affecting jails in their respection of the death penalty law recently, tive areas.” the CBCP Episcopal Commission on It aimed “to come up with conPrison Pastoral Care (ECPPC) said it crete and workable action plans, which will reinvigorate campaign to solve the hopes to redound to the benefit of the country’s problem-laden prison sys- members of the prison community.” tem. Dubbed as the “1st Regional AsSome 150 chaplains and volun- sembly of Chaplains and VIPS (Volunteers from South Luzon gathered in teers in Prison Service)” in the southLucena City on July 28-30 and exam- ern provinces of Luzon, the particiined the country’s justice system, par- pants focused on theme: “Restoring ticularly its restorative aspect. Dignity... Healing Hurts... Building Organized by the CBCP Episco- Community.” Prison Ministry / P4 pal Commission on Prison Pastoral Care
churches from further damage by stopping all ongoing and proposed renovations to churches without the consent of the CBCP Committee for the Cultural Heritage of the Church (CCHC). “In their desire to ‘leave their mark’ on the churches, parish priests have caused irreversible damage to our old churches during their short stints in their parishes,” the group said. “Sadly, there have been instances where parish priests
Conservation Group / P4
Health Commission Meets on Care of People with Terminal Illness THE Catholic Handicapped Development will hold a symposium on Catholic care for the terminally ill at Paco Catholic School, Manila on July 22. The group is the main component of the CBCP Episcopal Commission on Health Care (ECHC) incorporated under the name Catholic Handicapped Development Inc., as a non-stock, non-profit organization. For many years, ECHC has been helping the lives of many hapless Filipinos. It devotes its time not just to handicapped but also to those with mul-
tiple disabilities, the mentally ill and those dying in the streets. According to Fr. Luke Moortgat, ECHC Executive Secretary, people with terminal illness and progressive diseases constantly go through physical and psychological pain. Sadly and so often, they are not cared for properly and many people don’t know how to attend to them. Through the symposium, Fr. Luke said, “we’re Health Commission / P4
Pope Asks CBCP to Pray for Peace in Holy Land THE Vatican has invited the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) to offer special prayers for unity in the Holy Land. In a letter received this week, the Apostolic Nuncio, Fernando Feloni, requested the President of the CBCP, Archbishop Angel Lagdameo, to convey the angelus message of the Holy Father “to all the Bishops of the Philippines as quickly as possible.” “In front of the aggravat-
ing situation in the Middle East, the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI has invited, during the last Sunday ‘Angelus’, the particular Churches to offer special prayers for peace in the Holy Land as well as the entire Middle East,” the letter stated. From a retreat house in Bacolod City, Archbishop Lagdameo immediately sent a circular letter to all the bishops in the country to convey Pope Asks / P4