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Vol. 10 No. 10 The August 28,8-11 2006
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Tragedy in Guimaras
Bishop Wants “Selfdetermination” for IPs CBCP Episcopal Commission on Indigenous Peoples (ECIP) chair, Bishop Sergio Utleg, said the Commission aims at helping the unfortunate state of tribal minorities living in the country today by developing the value of “self-determination”. Said component, according to Utleg, is the basis for all their effort, Bishop Wants / P4
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A Tooth for an Eye: The Final Equition in Lebanon
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But Why Love the Poor?
A Joint Pastoral Letter on Jueteng and STL
CBCP Monitor Protagonist of Truth, Promoter of Peace August 28, 2006
Vol. 10 No. 10
Php 16.00
CBCP Head not Surprised by the Junking of Impeachment ARCHBISHOP Angel Lagdameo, president of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP), said the outcome of the recent bid to impeach Mrs. Arroyo did not come as a surprise. In an interview, Lagdameo said that the Catholic bishops were already foreseeing that the impeachment proCBCP Head / P4
Lagdameo Appeals Aid for Oil Spill Victims
© Gavin Newman/Greenpeace
By Maria Lourdes Ebilane AS the oil spill reaching other parts of Iloilo, the Archdiocese of Jaro has called on the faithful to continue sending aid for the people of the affected communities. Jaro Archbishop Angel “As one ‘Body of Christ’, the Lagdameo said that though “we can- tragedy suffered by one part is felt not be responsible” for the accident, too by the entire body,” said “we can reach out immediately to the Lagdameo who is concurrently presiaffected families of the affected dent of the Catholic Bishops’ Conbarangays in terms of material help, ference of the Philippines (CBCP). because they have lost their liveliThe oil spill started August 11, when a tanker sunk south of hood.” “Let us be in solidarity with them Guimaras Island, about 312 miles through whatever organized help we southeast of Manila as it was transporting more than 500,000 gallons of can extend to them,” he said. The Archdiocese of Jaro cov- bunker oil of Petron Corporation. ers Iloilo and Guimaras, where 92 The province was immediately percent of 2.7 million people are put under a “state of calamity” following what authorities called as the Catholics. Lagdameo said that his archdio- country’s worst spill. cese has already taken up steps in “The causes of this tragedy the relief effort led by the Diocesan need to be fully and honestly invesSocial Action Center (JASAC) and tigated in order that justice may be Jaro Archdiocesan Pastoral Secre- served,” said Lagdameo. Lagdameo Appeals / P4 tariat (JAPS).
Total Log Ban in Davao Oriental Urged MATI, Davao Oriental—Catholic Church leaders are spearheading a signature campaign urging the government to impose a total log ban in this province following the death of nine people in Cateel town due to illegal-logging operations. Immediately after the accident, a group composed of religious organizations and civil society groups gathered together at the St. James the Apostle Parish in Cateel and unani-
Fr. Cortes Dies at 64 FATHER Regino Cortes, the only Filipino and Asian member of the Vatican Pontifical Biblical Commission (PBC), died August 28 of heart attack. Cortes, 64, had just finished giving a retreat to students of the College of Fine Arts and Design, where he was a regent, when he reportedly collapsed in his room at the University of Santo Tomas (UST) Father’s Residence. He was rushed to the UST Hospital but the doctors pronounced him dead-on-arrival. A respected professor of Sacred Scripture at the Faculty of Sacred Theology, he was appointed by Pope John Paul II in 2001 as member of the Pontifical Biblical Commission for a term of five years. He was awarded the degree of Licentiate in Sacred Scripture by the PBC after passing the examen praevium and the lectio magistratis in 1970 (cum mentione).
Fr. Cortes / P4
mously agreed to come out with the said decision. In a statement, they lambasted the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) for its “incapacity and organization constraints” to protect and regulate natural resources and biodiversity of the province. “With the increasing and magnifying effects of natural and man-made disasters in the province, elsewhere
MALOLOS Bishop Jose Oliveros has condemned the operation of Small-Town-Lottery (STL) in his diocese saying that the promise it could offer to the people is an “illusory hope of progress.” “Whatever form of gambling, legal or illegal, is clearly not the answer and solution to the spreading poverty in our midst,” said Oliveros. The government believes the revival of STL will provide jobs to displaced “jueteng” workers and additional revenue for the government. Oliveros however said that the recovery from poverty can in no way be addressed by the promotion, be it legal, of STL and other forms of gambling.
gether and take a common stand against all forms of environmental destructions. “Before, we only act when something happened and nothing can be heard after. That should not be the case,” said Manligoy. The group lamented the apathy of logging companies, buyers and processors to manifest its socio-ecological corporate responsibility. Total Log / P4
“Let us not add another problem to our present crisis,” he said. He said that what the country needs are effective programs that will uplift the people from poverty through dignified living and upright means of livelihood. “What the country needs is a noble government imbued with commitment for dignified public service,” the bishop added. Archbishop Paciano Aniceto of San Fernando, Pampanga, Bishops Socrates Villegas of Balanga, Bataan, Sofronio Bancud of Cabanatuan and Mylo Hubert Vergara of San Jose, also issued statements saying they didn’t want the numbers game anywhere in their jurisdictions. (CBCP News)
Cardinal Asks De Castro to Aid Families in ‘Toxic Site’ MANILA Archbishop Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales urged Vice-president Noli De Castro to help railway families living adjacent to a dumpsite in Laguna province. In a letter sent to De Castro, chairman of the Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council (HUDCC), Rosales said the evictees, who have been relocated to the Southville Housing Project Cabuyao,
in the country and globally, we strongly proposed and recommended that a total log ban be implemented in Davao Oriental,” said the statement. Sr. Melvin Manligoy of the Diocesan Social Action Center said they will send the position paper to Ms Arroyo and Environment Secretary Angelo Reyes after gathering enough signatures. She said the right time has come that people should put all efforts to-
Laguna province, are suffering under “inhuman conditions” and face “health and environmental hazards” by living next to a dumpsite. “It appears to me that the current relocation program in Cabuyao, Laguna fails to take into consideration the health and environmental hazards that living next to a mixed waste dump might cause to the relocates,” he said.
Lipa Pilgrimage to Draw Big Crowd A big crowd is expected to gather at the Carmelite Monastery in Lipa City on September 12 for a pilgrimage and mass in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary. As a spiritual preparation, hundreds of delegates from several vicariates in the Archdiocese will troop to Lipa for a triduum to be held at the San Sebastian Cathedral
Cardinal Asks / P4
9/14/2006, 4:05 PM
on September 9-11. Lipa Archbishop Ramon Arguelles said that on the final day, September 12, it is expected to attract several thousands of devotees from all over the country including bishops and priests. Last year, more than 20,000 pilgrims attended the event. “We would like to continue this new but laudable marian tradition and engage as
many faithful as possible, inviting them to pray and make reparation,” said Arguelles. The National Movement for Mary Mediatrix of All Grace has extended invitations to all the arch/ dioceses to attend this event, which Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) head Archbishop An-
Lipa Pilgrimage / P4