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Connectivity has almost become a non negotiable in our business today. No matter if we look at agriculture, material handling or freeze dyers, each segment has realized the benefit of staying connected with the customer through the products we sell. During recent visits with ag customers, a customer turned to his sales professional and starting naming off the pieces of equipment he needs to get upgraded from 3G to 4G connectivity. He then paused and said “I used to think this stuff wasn’t that important. Now, I can’t live without it ”

Since 2010, John Deere products started to integrate connectivity on all new equipment through cellular enabled telematics hardware named JDLink In the beginning, it simply showed where a machine was in the field and now has expanded into so much more. It enables machine to machine communication allowing coverage maps and guidance lines to be shared between equipment. It allows a combine or forage harvester to control a cart tractor’s position and speed to ensure that the harvest isn’t spilled on the ground. JDLink also allows the customer and the dealership to remotely view the GreenStar display so we can support customers more efficiently than we used to in the past. This connectivity has also enabled the dealership to be proactive with our customer needs. Our employees in each department can see the location of the machine, hours and codes. When a machine reaches certain hours, we can also view the recommended service tasks and associated parts. Furthermore, our Precision Ag Engagement Score relies heavily on this connectivity. It allows customer data to quickly flow from the machine to their John Deere Operations Center account so they can efficiently make business decisions versus waiting to load the data through a USB stick We will continue to leverage JDLink as a key enabler to the future of automation and autonomy as machines send and receive information near real time. My ask is that we all continue to check the status of each machine’s connectivity To date, we still have over 1,200 machines that are not calling in anymore due to old 2G and 3G technology. Proactive conversations will enable proactive service for the dealership, enable future technologies and ultimately tie the customer closer to C & B Operations.


In material handling, telematics started to arrive in the market around 2007 but for the most part, remain a bolt on solution through many different providers on the brands that we sell. We find that Kion offers the most integrated solution with their product named Linde Connect. Telematics on material handling has enabled our customers management of their fleet, particularly around safety They can track safety checklists for each machine, understand operational hours, and even know when an operator doesn’t have their seatbelt on, is traveling too fast, or has hit something such as pallet racking. Also, with more units going electric, we can also track battery health through reading temperature and if it is charging or discharging. This connectivity also helps provide the needed information on where automation or autonomy might increase the efficiencies of a warehouse or production floor through the location and travel of each lift truck.

Just like in other industries, this connectivity enables efficiencies in each department of our business Something as simple as knowing the location or hours of a lease machine through a click of a button rather than driving to each location provides sales velocity, it keeps preventative maintenance work on schedule versus completing it too early or too late and it helps our rental department have a bird’s eye view of where our inventory is moving to. We continue to test the benefits of all telematics companies for material handling with the goal of getting down to a vital few that provide connectivity solutions that match the needs of our and our customers business


Connectivity can also be fun! In our powersports division, Polaris has been rider focused through a product called Ride Command. Ride Command is an app you can put on your phone to view trails, gas stations, food, lodging, weather, track rides and share your position with others in your group You don’t have to ride a Polaris to use the app, but the experience is the best when you do as Ride Command can be found on the integrated display on many of their platforms they manufacture today

What we can expect going forward:

1 Consumer demand will be focused on integrated, easy to use technology that yield actionable data.

2. Advancements in technology, such as 5G which is up to 100 times faster than 4G, will require us to continually have conversations with our customers around upgrades to ensure they are operating with the latest systems and stay connected with our business.

3. Our suppliers will grow the integration of technology in their product lines to meet the demands of customers and enable the future of automation and autonomy

No matter the industry, when managers want to make improvements in areas such as safety, productivity, or operational costs, they need to know where to start and what factors to look at Real time data is the most powerful tool for giving them and you the answers to these questions. Telematics generate this data. Without data, there is no measurement. Without measurement, there is no improvement. I ask that you all keep connectivity a part of your discussions with fellow employees and with customers. Doing this effectively will keep C & B the Dealer of Choice.


Calder Pilkington

Cameron VandenBrink

Stephen Cook

James Santy

Adam Crissinger

Nick Slykhuis

Jay Thomas

Levi Streed

Mason Post Worthington Service
Sheridan Service Tech Student
Mitchell Truck Driver
Idaho Falls Service
Sibley Service
Spencer Service
Jackson Parts Runner
Shreveport Service
Okoboji Service Tech Student
Mike Schneidermann
Sibley Truck Driver




Wyatt Luhman

Taylor Frost FSO Data Specialist Dalton Dismukes Mobile MH Service Skyler Herding FSO IT Intern Xavier Gorczewski Miller Service Tech Student
Kiehn Platte Service Tech Nick Irving IIdaho Falls Service Tech
Truman Service Tech Student Stephen King St. Rose Sales Kiel
Baton Rouge MH Parts Jesus Pelayo Blackfoot Parts


Sheridan Service Tech
Hunter Sholley
Billings Service
Slayton Service Tech
Glendive Parts
Scott Bleeker
Spencer Service Manager
Sioux Falls MH Service
Storm Lake Regional HR Manager
Shreveport MH Service
FSO VP of Finance
Billings Service Tech


Casey Manwell


Taylie Sessions

Joy Christians Okoboji Motor Sports Service Writer/Admin
Logistics Service Writer/Admin Anton
Billings MH Serivce Robert
Billings MH Service Alicia Place FSO Marketing Coordinator Kayleen Leonard FSO Used Equipment Specialist Jacob
Edgerton Service John
Billings Sales Rep
Watson Billings MH Service
IPowell MH Service


Michael Hope

Benjamin Regier

Tim Mullin

Nathan Feller

Jackson Service Cody
Jackson Service Tech
Golf Sales Rep
Spencer Service Tech
Sibley Service Tech
Sheridan Service Tech
Sheridan Service Tech
Powell Parts
Michael Salters
Powell Detail Technician
Ronald Coyle
ITracy Service


Joey Zezulka


Tyler Cashin

Blake Fulton


Michele Welter

Anthony Lumsden

Dana Carlson

Beau Godfrey

Cory Lees

Kevin Flatness

St Rose MH Sales
MH Service
Billings Service Tech
Logistics Trucking Dispatcher
Worthington Service Writer
Waterloo Customer Service Rep
St Rose MH Service
Storm Lake Service


Celebrating 5 years Celebrating 10 years
Celebrating 15 years Celebrating 20 years Joel
Margot LakeCelebrating 25 years Eric


Glenda VandeGreind

After 24 years of working for Edgerton Implement and C & B implement Gleda is retiring Not really retiring but slowing down and doing what she wants when she wants She was hired by Jerry Langstraat, Dan Block & Denny Hohn back in 1998 as the bookkeeper.

Brad Bowen still works at the Edgerton store & is the only original employee left there from when she started. Great memories. When C & B bought out the Hohn Implement stores Glenda transitioned into working machines on MFPro.

Glenda has fun memories of the Admin meetings in Gettysburg Also many memories made when traveling to the many stores that were added along the way. Glenda has really enjoyed her years working for John Deere & meeting many people along the way & making memories

Celebrating 30 years


Kiara Driesen is the daughter of Allan and Mary Driesen. Allan is a tech at C & B Wagner. Kiara graduated from Avon High School and is now attending MTU/Mitchell SD majoring in Human Services.

Thanks Jacob for your hard work in the parts department in Tracy this summer!

Paige Anderson is the daughter of Chad and Kathy Anderson. Chad is a Parts Specialist at C & B Wagner.

Paige graduated from Wagner High School and is now attending SDSU to pursue a degree in Psychology and minor in Health Communications.


Please check them out for yourself, for promotional purposes, or to let your friends and/or family know about these amazing opportunities with our company!
are all our number one referral source for applicants.
you! - Carey Brenner
C & B Lake Park replanted grass at the Lake Park Harris school.
The FSO partnered with Habitat for Humanity and assisted in building a twin home for families in need.

The local golf course near Corsica, Dakota Trails, had a big renovation project in adding cart paths throughout their course. The project remained uncompleted as the sides of these trails needed to be filled to avoid injury to golfers or damage to golf carts C&B Corsica volunteered to fill in along the path so that they can use them!

C & B Freeman hosted

the drop site for Fly Boy Donuts. They also assisted setting up and judging the Freeman FIreman's Cook Off. The Fire Crew raised over $20,000 for much needed equipment and supplies.


Greg Torkelson, sales in Tracy, MN, with the C&B display at the Lyon County Fair.

C & B Edgerton took part in the Dutch festival parade and received 5th place prize in the float competition

C & B Slayton at Cottonwood County Fair


C & B Sibley had a great time seeing everyone at the George Freedom Days parade.

Tucker Oeltjenbruns, participated on the behalf of C&B Luverne in the 2022 Donkey races for the Rock County Fair He got first place!


A Customer of C & B Wagner brought donuts into two of our techs (Colton Bultje and Allan Driessen) because on a Saturday morning he brought his baler in and the two of them help him get it running and went through the issues with him. He was very appreciative of the work they did, and their kindness.

Charles Klassen, a customer of C & B St James, very appreciative of our staff.

Out of Office News

Bill Vander Vorst, IT, has been on the Gettysburg Volunteer Fire Department for 7 years!

He spent a morning with these preschoolers talking about fire safety.

This SD Special Olympics team got a lift to their meet courtesy of Pilot Peter!

New Additions in the South

Baby boy Lincoln was born to Brian Wochner (Service Technician) and his wife LeeAnn on August 10th . He weighs 7lbs & 5oz and 20 ¾ inches long. He joins his proud big brother, Seth.

Tiffany Dies (Retail Coordinator) and family welcomed sweet Miss Madelyn earlier this year

LEARN & LAUGH Last issue answer Did you know?! 1 acre of soybeans can produce 82,368 crayons soybeans are a key component in making crayons Doyouknowanyskeletonjokes? Yes,butyouwouldn'tfinditveryhumerus.


3 tbsp. olive oil, divided

3 lb. beef chuck, well trimmed and cut into 2-inch pieces

Kosher salt and pepper

2 medium onions, cut into 1-inchthick wedges

4 cloves garlic, chopped

1 lb. medium carrots, cut into 1-inch pieces

12 oz. medium parsnips, cut into 1inch pieces

3 tbsp. all-purpose flour

1 14.9-ounce can extra-stout beer

(we used Guinness Extra Stout; about 2 cups)

3 c. low-sodium chicken broth

1 6-ounce can tomato paste

1 lb. yellow potatoes, cut into 1-inch pieces

8 sprigs fresh thyme, tied together

2 bay leaves

1/2 c. flat-leaf parsley, roughly chopped

Guinness Beef Stew

Step 1

Heat 2 tablespoons oil in Dutch oven on medium-high. Season beef with 1/2 tsp each salt and pepper. Working in batches, cook beef, turning occasionally, until browned, 4 to 5 minutes, adding more oil as necessary; transfer to bowl.

Step 2

Reduce heat to medium, add remaining tablespoon oil, then onions and cook, covered, stirring occasionally, 5 minutes. Stir in garlic, carrots, and parsnips and cook, stirring occasionally, 3 minutes.

Step 3

Sprinkle with flour and cook, stirring, 2 minutes. Add stout and cook, scraping up any browned bits, 1 minute, then stir in broth and tomato paste.

Step 4

Return beef and any juices to pot along with potatoes, thyme, and bay leaves and simmer, covered, 11/2 hours. (Alternatively, transfer to 325°F oven and bake, covered, 2 hours.) Remove lid and cook, uncovered, until beef is very tender, 45 to 60 minutes. (If baking, uncover and bake 45 minutes.) Discard thyme and bay leaves. Season with salt and pepper if desired. Serve sprinkled with parsley.

Send in your favorite recipes to be featured here!



Paul Cimpl

Bailey Hansen

Pamela Parra Ann Wold

Thomas Braun Christopher Plamp

Paul Wood

Tyler Cashin

BJ Olson

Cory Schulz

Levi Streed 6

Larry Klinkner

Brent Miller

Brandy Tracy

Jake VanDyke

Brent Winter


Jennifer Hansen

Nate Jensen

Jacob Kelley

Eduardo Palacios


Glenn Fourcade

Logan Jorgensen

Ally Victoria


Brady Burns

Randy Lokre

Paul Sanders


Matt Dellman

Shane Royston

Jonatan Sanchez


Brandon Elgersma

Jeff Moore

Darin Nehlich


Shayna Newman

Steve Torkelson

Bill VanderVorst


Melissa Castillo

Michael Johnson

Stephen King

Paul Rigo

Kobe Saiz

Byron Stockman

Lawrence Vetter


Mark Cihak

Adam Dirksen

David Newman

John Vermillion




Nolan Blom

Kelly Hernandez

Franki Pearson

Bryan Perez

Seth Shively 17 Cheryl Bennett Bailey Fischer Daniel Haynie Rob Orednick

Keith Vockrodt

Kyle Blom

Mary Burman Chris Seifert

Styler Wisdom

Grace Moline

Miles Lammers

Mike Hope Kyle Kittleson

Michael Lenertz


Curt Hansen


Kenneth Bales Brandon Lasar Pete Petersen Chip Senf Deb Sierck

Travis Zimmerman 25

Marshall York

26 Chris Fisher Dennis Marriott Gary Saindon

Adam Toupal Tim Uher David Vogl


Timothy Madsen

Jennifer Nielsen Alvin Rezac 28

Hauger, Robert Hulstein, Ron Salinas, Juan Salters, Michael Sessions, Trent




Bumsted, Kevin

Carda, Ben

Ellingson, Gary Forsythe, Yancy Goosen, Lowayne Holgard, Dale Kuharske, Ryan Portra, Alyssa Spotanski, Rich


Bolin, Chuck Clark, Don Hemer, Diane Pehl, Jeffrey


Abrahamson, Blake Abrahamson, Hunter Holden, Barby Meulenberg, Caleb VanderVorst, Tim


Meet CB

You may spot her at the Chick Fil A next door, hiding under forklifts to catch some shade in this Louisiana heat, and playing with sticks. One place you will always spot her sleeping on the loading dock each morning when our driver arrives for shift

The community stray dog we have affectionately named “CB” (CeeBee) deserves some attention in the spotlight She (or he???) is an elusive pup but has won our hearts at the C & B Baton Rouge location.

Thank Thank Thank

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