Hope. Peace. Joy. Love.
Dear Families:
I pray you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving break filled with an abundance of faith, family, and fantastic food The holiday season is here! With it, and all the hustle and bustle that our busy lives bring, I invite you pause and join me in reflecting on the gift of Advent The word Advent, from the Latin word adventus, means “coming” or “arrival ” For Christians, Advent is the four-week period of preparation before Christmas So often, the temptation is to jump ahead to the celebration of Christmas, rather than simply being present in the season of Advent
Advent invites us to slow down, reflect, quiet ourselves, and to patiently wait. It gives us time to prayerfully remember Jesus’s birth and the majesty of the incarnation while focusing on the sacred themes of hope, peace, joy, and love. The following prayer, written by Henri Nouwen, a Dutch Catholic priest, professor, writer, and theologian is one of my favorites:
Lord Jesus, Master of both the light and the darkness, send your Holy Spirit upon our preparation for Christmas.
We who have so much to do seek quiet spaces to hear your voice each day. We who are anxious over many things look forward to your coming among us. We who are blessed in so many ways long for the complete joy of your Kingdom. We whose hearts are heavy seek the joy of your presence. We are your people, walking in darkness yet seeking the light. To you we say “Come, Lord Jesus”. Amen.

And so, as we move through this busy holiday season, I pray you all have quiet spaces to hear God’s voice, the comfort of God’s love to quell your anxieties, joy in God’s holy presence, and light to carry you through the darkness. I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. May you all abound in the hope, peace, joy, and love of the season!
Live Jesus in our hearts!
Crystal LeRoy, Ed.D. President
It’s that time of the year when we break down the basics of the tests that students may need to take as they consider their college options. Four-year colleges and universities are still in the process of determining whether they require a college entrance test score as part of the application process for the next few years so check their websites often. The two national tests are the ACT (American College Test) and the SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test). ALL colleges and universities will accept either score Both tests are usually offered at local area high schools 7-8 times throughout the year Research nationally (and with our own CB students) indicated that students often perform differently on the ACT and SAT Here is some information on each test:
Has four content areas: English, Math, Reading and Science Reasoning Measures academic achievement in the four areas and contains analytical and problemsolving exercises related to what has been learned in the classroom Has an optional Essay and both paper/pencil and digital format options
Registration for the ACT is on the ACT website (www.actstudent.org)
Tests Reading & Mathematics Test is fully digital only There is no longer an essay portion Focuses on problemsolving, data-analysis, evidence-based reading & writing, writing and analyzing Literature, Social Studies and Science passages Registration for the SAT is on the SAT website (www collegeboard com)
Students are using the CB Virtual Wellness Center to learn about important topics like self-care, managing stress, and substance abuse All members of the CB community are welcome to click here to explore this wonderful resource
Scoir is a remarkable tool for students in all grade levels and parents to use for self-awareness or for educational, career and college planning There is a vast amount of information on hundreds of careers and colleges, as well as the popular Scattergrams on what it might take to get into an individual school. Students have been sent invitations to set up their account and encouraged to explore this site. Parents have also been sent log-in information for their own account. Counselors will continue to present information at student/parent evenings, but parents who wish to have any specific questions answered about Scoir are urged to contact their son/daughter’s grade-level counselor or the college counselors. Scoir can be accessed by clicking on Quick Links on the front page of the CB website
The CB Counseling Department, like many high schools all over the country, is seeing the trend of more and more colleges becoming Test Blind (exam scores are not used for admission purposes- all UC and CSU campuses are Test Blind) Check out Fair Test www fairtest org for a list of schools that do not require either the SAT or ACT for admissions purposes KHAN ACADEMY and ACT ACADEMY have made an agreement with SAT and ACT to do free online test prep You may view details of that program at the website listed above.
TIPS FOR FALL FINAL EXAMS: The Counseling Department is looking forward to supporting all students during Fall final exams. Grade level counselors, wellness counselors, and college counselors are all here to support and guide students as this semester comes to a close Here are some suggestions for every student to consider when preparing for their exams:
Explore seeing their teacher during office hours for additional guidance or clarification of specific topics or test prep suggestions Review study guides from instructors prior to review days and ask questions in class regarding the best way to study, weight of the exam, and other test-taking tips.
Explore time management tips with the counseling department or ways to reduce anxiety during this stressful time.
Make an appointment with your grade-level counselor for academic and personal coaching
Study groups are great ways to collaborate, share ideas, and help your classmates review important material. Balancing out study sessions with breaks, outdoor activity, healthy eating, and adequate sleep.
During non-instructional hours, visit the CB Virtual Wellness Center for resources and tips for a balanced work-life approach.
Christmas is coming and the Arts are here for it! Let us make your spirits bright this holiday season!
Wednesday December 4 is the Instrumental Christmas Concert Mr Hammond and the band have been cooking up holiday hits all semester. In this music program, students choose their material and write their own arrangements. So if you want to see what our talented students can do, come on out! The concert starts at 7pm, tickets are $5, and are available only on the Ticket Hub. Seating is reserved, so get yours today!
The Choral Christmas Concert is coming on Saturday, December 7. Our choirs have the holly-jolliest tunes (and even some choreography!) prepared for you Performances are at 4 and 7pm, tickets are $5 and are available only on the Ticket Hub This popular concert often sells out, so don’t wait to buy your tickets
Auditions for Open Mic Night are December 3 and 4 after school in the choir room. This open Mic theme is “The Nightmare Before Christmas”, but your performance doesn’t have to be themed. Past performances have included singing, dancing, slam poetry, cultural arts and more! Put your act together during the break and we’ll see you at auditions. Open Mic Night is December 13 at 7pm in the Theatre. Admission is $5 at the door So if you decide not to be on stage, come on out and see the awesome talent we have at CB!
Auditions for a student-written one act play are happening December 11 after school in the theatre. Every year, CB takes an original one act play to the Lenaea High School Theatre Festival at the Harris Center in Folsom. This year’s play is Ribbons by Natasha Reese ’25 and Mirelia Saavedra ’26 This is a chance to create a brand-new piece of theatre in a rehearsal format that is less intimidating and less demanding on your time than a school play So if you’ve always been interested in auditioning but just never got around to it, this is the project for you!

Cast and crew of the Fall 2024 musical production: Avenue Q: School Edition
For all faith-filled events, visit the LSLO page here: https://www.cbhs-sacramento.org/liturgies-and-prayer-services/
For all current retreat opportunities, visit the LSLO page here: https://www.cbhs-sacramento.org/retreats/
Thank you to all who helped support the canned food drive to support Williams Memorial Church Collectively, CB students donated over 1,000 cans of food to support our Oak Park neighbors During the month of December, S.A.L.T. will collect new, unwrapped toys for distribution at holiday celebrations through the Boys and Girls Club in Sacramento. The Holiday Season is a magical time of year, but can be stressful for families who don't have any extra room in their budgets for gifts – thank you in advance for any assistance with the toy drive! All donations can be left in the LSLO (Room 106).
CB students participated in two successful VENAVER immersion trips this semester – first to Montana at the end of September, and Los Angeles the week before Thanksgiving The theme of the Montana immersion is Blackfeet history, culture, and social justice Students volunteered in a Lasallian school dedicated to preserving Native culture, language, and tradition In Los Angeles, students lived and worked at Dolores Mission Church, understanding the history and culture of Boyle Heights, and working with organizations such as Homeboy Industries and the Catholic Worker to learn more about gang rehabilitation, immigration, poverty, and systemic social justice issues.

The Lasallian Student Life Office will celebrate our Faith in the Presence of God with various activities in the month of December.
On Friday, December 6 a Catholic priest will be on campus to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation or offer spiritual guidance to all interested during all school lunch
Monday, December 9 the whole church celebrates the transferred solemnity of the Immaculate Conception We will have a community chapel Mass at 8am All are welcome Catholics are encouraged to visit their parish website to fulfill the obligation of this holy day
Thursday, December 12 is the feast day of Our Lady of Guadalupe All are welcome to the community liturgy in Limeberger ’53 gymnasium at 11:30am that day
Pick up an ornament at the Christmas Giving Tree in the main hallway to bring holiday joy to someone in need. Gift cards are due Friday, December 13 to Room 106.

Congratulations to our CVC League Champion teams for the Fall of 2024: Football and Women’s Volleyball
Congratulations to our CIF SJS Section Runner up teams
Women’s Cross Country and Women’s Volleyball great job Falcons Congratulations to our Section Championship team Women’s Water Polo This was CB first ever women’s water polo championship
Congratulations to the Men’s and the Women’s CrossCountry team for qualifying again for the CIF State meet. The following list contains our CVC All League Players for the Fall of 2024
Capital Valley Conference Fall All League Award
Josiah Campbell ‘25
Jay Cummings ‘26
Adrian Davis '25
Isaiah Jordan ‘25
Nasser McGee '24
Cameron Nero'25
Joey Pelka '25
Kingston Sablan '27
Diego Taylor '27
Women’s Golf
Hannah Stouder ‘25
Cross Country
Jackson Levasseur ‘26
Women’s Tennis
Lily Steenhausen ‘27
Courtney Chin ‘25
Ila Bianchi ‘27
Tori Alvar-Dearing ‘28
Liberty Daily ‘25
Avery Walter ‘27
Women’s Volleyball
Simone Huarte ’26 MVP
Faith Rabb-Patterson ‘25
Kemyah Harris ‘25
Sydney Wallin ‘25
Women’s Water Polo
Kadyn Carrozzo ’25 MVP
Anna Potter ‘25
Lana Lukins ‘26
Abigail Gonong ‘25
Men’s Water Polo
Ryan Delucchi ‘25
Flynn Ryan ‘25
Flag Football
Aleyah Harmon ‘25
Marisela Gaeta ‘26

Our Sports Medicine team attended the Annual High School Sports Medicine Seminar sponsored by the national Honor Society of Sports Medicine & The National High School Sports Medicine Association The Sports Med students had the opportunity to participate in a fun day of education with local physicians and experts on topics in sports related injuries and treatment.


Join Auction Co-Chairs, Pat Lewis and Gretchen Rado, for an unforgettable evening at the 'Elegance in Bloom' Auction & Dinner. This is Christian Brothers High School’s key fundraising event dedicated to supporting outstanding educational programming and tuition assistance. With your generous support, we can make a lasting impact on students’ lives!
Tickets: On sale starting January 8, 2025, or guarantee your seat now through sponsorship
Sponsorship or Underwriting Opportunities: There are various levels of sponsorships and underwriting, each designed to showcase your commitment to CB education. More information here.
Advertising Opportunities: Promote your business to an engaged and supportive audience while contributing to an important cause. More information here.
Donation Opportunities: Your donation whether a monetary gift, item or service will directly benefit CB education. Donated items are featured in our live and silent auctions We welcome donations of all kinds from gift certificates and travel packages to unique experiences or memorabilia Items can be dropped off during school hours at the CB main office, or during Auction Donation Days on December 4th and 5th during morning drop off
Visit the CB Auction Wish List

To participate visit the CB Auction website or contact kvillarreal@chbs-sacramento org | 916-733-3647