Dear Families:
My favorite thing about the arts is that, when done well, they serve as both a mirror and a window. By that I mean that whether enjoying a painting, a song, or a well-written Talon article, I can see my own tastes or experiences reflected back to me, and I also get a peek into the perspectives and worlds of others Spending my working days on the CB campus, I have a rare opportunity to see this dynamic play out all the time
Students in the band room exchange musical genres, finding equal joy in jamming to Bruno Mars hits and trying their hand at arranging classics like “Lean on me” In the choir room, the students and Ms Heine are planning a collection of songs from movies for their spring concert The suggestions range from Disney hits like “I’ll Make a Man Out of You” from Mulan, to the awesome classical choral piece, “Duel of the Fates” from Star Wars Episode 1
The KBFT broadcast is a fantastic window into the variety of life at CB, showing highlights of students excelling in their sports, providing updates on activities like dances and Valentine-grams, and running comedic segments straight from the creative minds of the video production kids. At the end of the week, I’ll get a unique glimpse into the perspective of my students as the Talon covers everything from the dress code to playing Dungeons and Dragons. In the theatre we are preparing for our spring play, 12 Angry Jurors, which I’m hoping will connect with any audience member who has questioned the effectiveness of our justice system or experienced the frustration of finding consensus among a group that does not see eye to eye. With any luck, they’ll also come to sympathize with even the most aggressive and intractable jurors.
The arts are even alive in the hallways where the display case features a digital art display full of self-portraits and drawings of friends and the campus, giving me fresh eyes for subjects I thought I knew well And in the main hallway, some students are practicing Hula steps, perhaps in preparation for the Asian Cultural Alliance’s upcoming Lunar New Year celebrations Last year, dances like Hula and Tinikling were highlights of the festivities, exposing our school to the cultural arts of Hawai’i and the Philippines And at the end of the year, the hardworking media artists who produce the yearbook will gift each of us with a keepsake that will forever reflect this school year
For those not fortunate to see the arts thrive on campus every day, I hope that you’ll join us for a concert, a play, or the La Salle Art Show. You can catch KBFT’s work on their YouTube channel and follow our student journalists at cbtalon.com. I hope that the experience will be both a mirror that reminds you of your own high school years and a window into all of the great things happening at Christian Brothers.
It’s time to start planning classes for next year! This month, 9th, 10th, and 11th graders will be working on pre-registration for the 2024-25 school year with the help of their grade-level counselors. Classroom presentations will take place in history classes and will occur in the weeks leading up to the actual online pre-registration, a process that takes place via Power School. Course Registration dates will be made available in the upcoming weeks. This process allows Mr. Bowen (Assistant Principal of Curriculum and Instruction) and the department chairs an opportunity to begin building the master schedule with the proper number of course sections Students should be looking ahead to their post-secondary plans when trying to decide which courses to take next year and beyond. The grade-level counselors encourage students to think about challenging themselves academically, but with courses that they can be successful in (C’s or better). Teachers are also highly involved with the process of recommending the proper courses for students to take and will begin conversations with their students on this pre-registration process.
*Pre-registration worksheets will be made available in those classroom presentations along with the students taking a close look at the 2024-25 Course Catalog to help assist them in selecting the correct classes. This document can be found in the Academic section of the website under the COURSE CATALOG tab.
Seniors are finishing college applications and are now in a “holding pattern”, anxiously awaiting word on whether they are admitted into their colleges. If you or your student have any questions, please lean on the expertise of our wonderful college counselors Ms. Melissa McClellan or Mrs. April Melarkey. They are well versed in these situations and can guide you through this season of the college admissions process Seniors should make sure that they turn in any college acceptances and/or scholarships to the counselors by the April 5th deadline for the Graduation Program. This deadline is very intentional and set by the printing company in order for all student information to be ready for the graduation program.
College acceptances are continuing to come in so please continue to update your Scoir accounts to reflect any updates to your college acceptances.
If you applied to colleges that require a mid-year report (meaning your 7th semester grades), please come to the Counseling Center to pick up a Blue Mid-Year Request Form
Juniors have begun meeting individually with Ms. McClellan and Mrs. Melarkey to learn about what is involved in the college-planning process They are looking over their transcripts, talking about SAT and ACT tests, performing college searches, and talking about summer programs as well as answering any questions that come up along the way. Juniors are also encouraged to update their Personal Bio/Activities & Achievements on Scoir, enter potential colleges into the “Following” section under My Colleges, and complete the Career Profile.
Sophomore Parent Coffee with the College Counselors | Tuesday February 7 | 9:30 am –10:30 am | via a Virtual Zoom link. Parents of current CB Sophomores are invited to have coffee with our college counselors. Melissa McClellan, Director of College Counseling, and April Melarkey, College Counselor, will be available to answer any questions about preparing for college
Parents of the Class of 2026 are invited to attend in-person the “Sophomore Parent Academic Planning Night” on Thursday, February 22nd from 6-8 p.m. in the George Cunningham ’40 Performing Arts Center Pre-registration and early college planning are two topics that will be addressed.
The Class of 2027 counselor Mr. Purdy is continuing to meet with students individually as he continues to get to know the freshman class He will be making his way into the freshman history classes to discuss next year’s classes, summer school, D/F grades, and many more topics.
The Wellness Team is always developing innovative ways to support the health of our CB Falcons! NEST sessions are specifically focusing on content from our CB Wellness Journal. This wonderful resource was created by our own Mrs. Emily McDougall and contains many thoughtful and relevant topics for reflection and wellness-related activities. In addition, the Wellness team is developing a Peer Mentoring program along with their Belonging groups occurring weekly in the Counseling Center If you would like to learn more about these opportunities for students to learn about themselves and how to navigate a stress-filled world, please reach out to anyone on the Wellness team for more information.

The Lasallian Student Life Office is working to offer more service opportunities to allow students to work as a group with local non-profits, directly serving those in need in the area. There are still spaces left for students to join a group of CB students at the Food Bank warehouse, in the Loaves and Fishes Dining Room to prepare and serve meals, and at DOZ Enterpryz to help with food distribution for the remainder of the semester. More information and dates can be found by checking upcoming events in MobileServe.

Valentine’s Day is coming soon and at CB, we’re in love with the arts! February is a big month for theatre Here’s what’s coming up:

Feb. 3 and 4: Lenaea High School Theatre Festival at the Harris Center in Folsom:
Our most advanced students will perform monologues, songs, scenes, and an original one act play, “Kitty Hawk”, written and directed by Adam Sunderman ’24. This festival includes thousands of theatre students from more than 70 schools across California attending workshops, seeing the
work of their peers and receiving feedback on their performances from theatre professionals.
Feb. 6 and 7, 3:15-5:30 p.m. in the Theatre: AUDITIONS for 12 Angry Jurors:
This gripping courtroom drama will be a truly unique theatre experience. With no blackouts or intermissions and all twelve actors on stage the entire time, this play is a true ensemble show. Join the Schoology group “Twelve Angry Jurors” with code CF5B-ZWBK-XT2G8. Interested students do not need to prepare anything to audition, but watching this short video will give you a better sense of the play and the characters: Auditions Video

Feb. 9 @ 7 p.m.: CB Theatre Showcase: A one-night-only performance of all the work shown at the Lenaea High School Theatre Festival. Tickets are $5 and available online only from the Ticket Hub.
Feb. 13 and 14, 3:15-4:30 p.m. in the choir room: Open Mic Auditions: prepare your act today! We welcome bands, singers, dancers, musicians, spoken-word poets, and more to showcase their talents.
Feb. 23 @7 p.m. in the George Cunningham ’40 Performing Arts Center: Open Mic Night: Tickets are $2 at the door.
Any student wishing to try out for a Spring Sport on Monday, February 5th must have an updated physical on Final Forms and all the FinalForms parent and student Forms signed to participate To add your student to a tryout group, use the sport button on your individual Final Forms account.
Capital Athletic League SCHOLAR-ATHLETE AWARD
ELIGIBILITY: Athletes who are members of a Capital Athletic League recognized Varsity Team are eligible for the award. Freshmen are not eligible as the athlete must have at least one year of grades, beginning with the 9th grade Athletes must finish the season in good standing. Athletes must have a cumulative 3.50 GPA (or above) weighted grade point average as well as a current 3.5 (or above) weighted GPA. The cumulative GPA is based on cumulative grades of Semesters from 9th grade onward. Athletes are awarded a Scholar-Athlete patch for each sport season for which they qualify

The following athletes are being recognized as Capital Athletic League Scholar Athletes:
Men’s Varsity Basketball
Ryan Delucchi ‘25
Sameh Fananapazir ‘25
Aaron Grijnsztein ‘25
Stephan Hewitt ‘25
Cameron Nero ‘25
Daniel Powers ‘25
Women’s Varsity Basketball
Amor Corcoran ‘25
Kaia Foster ‘24
Aleyah Harmon ‘25
Sofia Salazar ‘25
Men’s Varsity Soccer
Nicolas Baass ‘24
Benjamin Brosemer ‘24
Ethan Brown ‘25
Diego Cortes-Torres ‘24
Rocco Giordano ‘25
Jacob Kobane ‘26
Finn Murray ‘25
Connor Nye ‘24
Nicholas Prior ‘25
Collin Ross ‘24
Shane Schriock ‘24
Andrew Thomson ‘24
Ryan Yee ‘26
Women’s Varsity Soccer
Mia Bernet ‘25
Courtney Chin ‘25
Nari Crabtree ‘25
Rachel Davis ‘24
Stella DeRoss ‘26
Marisela Gaeta ‘26
Lorelai Hoey ‘26
Margaret Kuzmich ‘25
Sydney Laird ‘24
Kamryn Lee ‘24
Isabella McDougall ‘26
Veronica O'Neill ‘26
Sarah Pritchard ‘24
Isabel Quintero ‘24
Bailey Rakela ‘25
Lori Sarkissian ‘24
The Auction Committee is hosting an Underwriting Social in support of CB’s 'New York, New York' Auction. If you have been looking for a way to participate in the auction - this is a perfect way to do it! Stop by to mingle with other CB Community Members while enjoying appetizers and refreshments. The event helps support education through the underwriting of live or silent auction items.

Underwriting Social
Date: February 7, 2024
Time: Anytime between 4-9 p.m.
Location: New Helvetia Brewing 1730 Broadway, Sacramento, CA 95818
Contact: Jessica Jarrety, Sponsorship Chair, at jjarrety@gmail.com
The Golden Raffle is your chance to win one of CB’s fabulous Live Auction Items * Choose your prize from among those listed in our program. The winning ticket will be pulled on Auction Night - March 16, 2024.
You do not need to be present to win. Raffle Ticket purchasers will be contacted by email a week prior to the event to select a choice of item. Golden Raffle Tickets are $125 each To purchase a ticket please contact 916-733-3647
*Some exclusions apply
Thank you to all of CB’s 'New York, New York' Sponsors! Special thanks goes to Presenting Sponsor Capital Pediatrics - The Khaira Family and to Emerald Sponsors House Real Estate - Kim Squaglia, Jackson Construction and River City Bank. Find all Sponsors here.