Dear Families,

Dear Families,
As summer vacations came to a close and our new school year began, my colleague, Jana Morris ’99, and I embarked on an exciting journey, visiting seventh and eighthgrade classrooms at approximately 30 parochial, private, and charter schools. Joining us on these visits are our Lasallian Student Ambassadors. I truly wish you could see them in action, sharing their passion for Christian Brothers and inviting prospective students to our Open House and shadow days Each visit, I’m in awe of how these remarkable young men and women express their love for our school and the profound ways this community shapes their lives, both in and out of the classroom
At Christian Brothers, our dedicated faculty, staff, administrators, and coaches create an environment where every student can flourish. Here, each individual is celebrated for who they are as they are encouraged to discover and nurture their God-given talents Whether in the classroom, through clubs, Christian service, athletics, or the arts, our students are empowered to share their gifts and make a difference This truly is a place where potential comes alive.
I am thrilled to share that Christian Brothers remains the largest Catholic high school in the region, welcoming students from 72 zip codes and six countries around the globe Our academic programs remain strong, as evidenced by Class of 2024 achieving college acceptances that took them to twenty-five states and even England! Thanks to Dr. LeRoy, our wonderful philanthropy team, and the many families, alumni, and friends, Christian Brothers continues to lead the region in providing need-based tuition assistance, with 40 percent of our students receiving a staggering $3.3 million this year Their tireless efforts and generosity help ensure that a Christian Brothers education is accessible to all families, regardless of their financial circumstances
As we eagerly anticipate our Open House on Sunday, October 6, and the upcoming Shadow Days, we recognize that you our CB families are essential partners in sharing our story Prospective students and families often tell us that the enthusiastic experiences relayed by dedicated CB families inspire them to consider us as they explore their high school options Thank you! And thank you to all the teachers, staff, students, and families who help us to ensure that in its 149th year in Sacramento, Christian Brothers High School is the place to be!
Kristen McCarthy Director of Admissions and Communications
Wednesday, October 23rd is a very important day for students at Christian Brothers. Testing Day is a minimum day that involves the freshmen, sophomores and juniors in preliminary college entrance testing Students are asked to arrive on campus by 8:40am (normal start time) and exams will begin at 9 am. Students will be dismissed earlier than normal (around 11:45am) after all grade-levels have completed their tests Coordinated by the counselors, the teachers administer the following assessments to students:
·Juniors will take the PSAT/NMSQT Exam (preliminary SAT)
This test is great practice for the SAT and also allows high achieving students to qualify for participation in the National Merit Scholarship Program, National Hispanic Scholars Program, and the National Achievement Scholarship Program for Black and Native American high school students.
·Sophomores will be taking the PSAT. This test will be excellent, low-risk practice for the SAT exam and will provide feedback and preparation recommendations to prepare for the PSAT/NMSQT junior year.
·Freshmen will be taking the PSAT 8/9, which will give us an excellent baseline score early on in high school and will allow us to keep statistical comparisons and track growth and achievement, along with gaining experience for the PSAT/NMSQT and the SAT at a later time
·Seniors will be given the day off – however, this day is a great opportunity for visiting local colleges. Seniors may already be applying to colleges in October and if they have not visited local or regional colleges yet, this mid-week day is a perfect time to schedule a tour and find out more about a college while it is in full-swing
-Remind your child to get plenty of rest the night before the test
- Students should arrive with a fully charged iPad and the Bluebook app downloaded The exam is approximately 2hrs and 15mins and is fully digital (with an imbedded calculator tool)
- Students will perform a Digital Readiness Check during Advisory on Friday, October 11th Students will then also have access to partial or full-length practice tests
- Students should eat a nutritious breakfast the morning of the test Food and drink (including water) are prohibited during the test, except during breaks. (The cafeteria may be serving a limited menu that day, so students who will be staying on campus for sports practices, etc. may want to bring a snack or bag lunch).
Results of the exams will be returned to students by their grade-level counselor in January/February 2025. If you have any questions, please call the Counseling Department at 733-3680.
October 5 SAT Exam (CB is a test center for this exam)
October 18 SAT Regular Registration Deadline for Nov 6 exam – www collegeboard org
October 23 Testing Day / Senior local college visits
October 26 ACT Exam (CB is a test center for this exam) www actstudent org
Thursdays Seniors: College App Workshops (before and after school, Rm. 103)
December 5 College Financial Aid Night for Seniors and Parents (6-8 pm)
Fall is fast approaching and the CB Arts are gearing up to keep you entertained as the days get shorter.
Coming up October 4 is our first Open Mic Night of the school year. These evenings feature talents from our whole school community, from girl bands to singer/ songwriters, cultural dances, slam poetry and more, they are not to be missed! This show is Batman themed, so come enjoy the hijinks of the Caped Crusader The fun starts at 7pm in the theatre and tickets are $2 at the door.
Then, with barely a moment to breathe, the arts are lighting up Open House on Sunday, October 6 CB musicians will be playing in bands and singing in choirs on the main lawn all day Enjoy music from Honors Chorale, the CB House Band, Drumline and more! Student artists will be working on the senior mural on the main lawn and spinning pottery in the ceramics room And up in KBFT, our student broadcasters will be showing prospective students the ropes. Open House runs from 11 a.m.-2 p.m., so come on out and enjoy the festive atmosphere!
On October 11, our brand new Classic Movie Club is holding its first screening for students. The film is the gripping 1945 film noir, Mildred Pierce. Students can come to the theatre at 3pm and enjoy the show!
Be sure not to miss out on these upcoming performances and concerts Check the ticket hub on the Christian Brothers website for pricing
October 4: Open Mic Night at 7 p m
November 8: Avenue Q : School Edition at 7 p.m.
November 9: Avenue Q : School Edition at 7 p.m. (This performance is interpreted for the deaf and hard of hearing)
November 10: Avenue Q : School Edition at 2 p.m.
November 15: Avenue Q : School Edition at 7 p m
November 16: Avenue Q : School Edition at 7 p m
November 17: Avenue Q : School Edition at 2 p m
December 4 : Instrumental Christmas Concert at 7 p m
December 7: Choral Christmas Concert at 4 p m
December 7: Choral Christmas Concert at 7 p m
December 13: Open Mic Night at 7 p.m.
Homecoming & Spirit Week 2024: Everlasting Summer Summer ’24 seems to be Everlasting the week of October 14 through 19 will be the last official week of summer this year at CB! Student Council has a great spirit week planned that includes summer-themed dress up days, a Friday rally, the senior royal family announcement, the Friday night football game and finally, the “Summer Nights” Homecoming Dance on Saturday, October 19 from 7 pm to 9:30 pm This semiformal dance is held outside on the Koppes Plaza Dance tickets are $15/person and can be purchased here. More dance information and the Guest Pass Request form are available in the Friday family email, the Daily Bulletin and on the student Schoology page.
Kairos 96 takes place from October 22 through October 25 at Alliance Redwoods. Spots are still available for Kairos 97 (November 12-15) and Kairos 99 (March 18-21) Visit our website to register and secure your student's spot
CBHS students have shown a renewed commitment to service over the course of the first few months of the school year!
LSLO sponsored service has included afternoons at the Food Bank, participating in twice-monthly food distributions with a local church group, and participating in the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament’s Brown Bag Lunch program for the hungry on late start Tuesday mornings.
There will be two Junior Retreats in October, a testament to the high interest of the Class of 2026. These retreats, held at the tranquil San Damiano Retreat Center in Danville, are a profound journey of spiritual growth Students will have the opportunity to explore their life path, deepen their prayer life, and strengthen their bonds with the community. Juniors who participate in an overnight retreat can apply for the Senior Retreat Leadership Team (SRLT) , a role that fosters leadership skills and spiritual growth in their final year at CB All of the Junior Retreats are at capacity for the year If your student would like to be put on a waitlist, email Dr Jaldon at (mjaldon@cbhs-sacramento.org).
The Lasallian Student Life Office builds a bridge to connect CB students with their parish priest on campus! On Friday, October 4, Father Mark Richards, the pastor of Sacred Heart Parish, will be on campus to celebrate the chapel Mass at 8 a.m. This is a unique opportunity for all to celebrate this liturgy and personally meet Father Richards.
During All-School Lunch on October 4, God Squad will make rosary bracelets to honor the Blessed Virgin Mary in October Additionally, the Sacrament of Reconciliation or spiritual counseling will be available as we welcome Father Mauricio, the new Vocation Director of the Diocese.
During the month of October, the S A L T donation drive will support Family Promise, an interfaith group working to combat homelessness in Sacramento Family Promise works with families to find adequate housing, job training, and provide training on other skills to ensure success beyond placement in the group’s temporary housing. Cleaning supplies, gas cards, and grocery cards are gratefully accepted throughout October in the LSLO (Room 106) and will be donated to the organization Students interested in learning more about Family Promise or volunteering with this group can contact Ms. Hanshew. Click here to see upcoming donation drives this year!
Any student wishing to try out for a Winter Sport on Monday, November 4 must have an updated physical on Final Forms and all the FinalForms parent and student Forms signed to participate To add your student to a tryout group, use the sport button on your individual Final Forms account
Football, Cheer, and Athletic Trainers vs Bella Vista
October 18th @ CB 7 p.m.
Water Polo vs Oakmont – October 30th @ SCC 5:00 p.m.
Women’s Golf vs Ponderosa – October 10 @ Bing
Maloney Golf Course 3:30 p m
Women’s Tennis vs Rio Americano – October 24 @ Laguna Racquet Club 4:30 p.m.
Women’s Volleyball vs Rio Americano– October 23 @ CB 6:30p.m
Women’s Flag Football vs Rio Americano– October 23 @ CB 7:30p m
Cross Country will honor their seniors at the end of the season banquet.
CB Athletics has great news! The Christian Brothers Falcons app is updated! Please visit your app store and search “Christian Brothers Falcons” This is the official app for Christian Brothers High School, bringing fans closer to the team than ever before. Follow the CB Falcons all season long on your mobile device!
Thanks to your participation, Christian Brothers raised over $190,000 for need-based tuition assistance!
10/24/24 (THURS) 5:30 PM – AUCTION MEETING:
Please join us for the next auction committee meeting. No experience is required to participate The Annual Auction is the BIGGEST fundraiser of the year, and our goal is to raise over $540,000. for CB students and tuition assistance Whether you have a few hours to assist or would like to chair a subcommittee, we truly need everyone to make this event successful Register through VolunteerHub here: Auction Committee Meeting. For questions, please contact committee chairs Pat Lewis (patricia a lewis713@gmail com) and Gretchen Rado (g love80@yahoo.com). Hope to see you there!