Happy New Year! I pray you all had a wonderful Christmas and that 2023 is filled with many blessings for you and your family. As for me, I begin this year grateful for my family, friends, and colleagues, while still a bit awe-struck as I take on the role of Interim Principal. I am honored and humbled to be called to serve the school in this way and I extend every measure of gratitude to Dr. Leroy’s leadership and her faith in my ability to serve as a leader of the school in this time of transition.
As I write this letter, students have completed final exams and the campus has taken on a restful quiet that contrasts considerably with the energy and positivity of the fall semester. Our freshman class is settling into their first year shepherded by our wonderful new counselor, Mrs. Timm. Sophomores are maturing in notable ways as they rise to meet the challenge of the second year of high school. Juniors are encountering some of the most challenging coursework in their academic careers and seniors have submitted the last of their college applications. We are a thriving, vibrant faith-centered Lasallian-Catholic community serving our students in the same way, I believe, the brothers intended when they founded the school 146 years ago.
Despite the significant challenges and changes of the past few years, one thing at CB has remained constant: students continue to experience the highest quality educational experience of any high school in Sacramento in an environment intentionally designed to support their unique skills and learning needs. The adults entrusted with caring for your students are some of the most compassionate, other-oriented professionals I have ever encountered in my career in education. We are incredibly blessed to possess a community of educators who work tirelessly to find creative ways to serve the needs of students on our campus. Please note that when I use the term educators, I am referring not just to teachers, but to deans, counselors and other staff who support the growth and development of the students entrusted to our care. In partnership with our phenomenal faculty, staff, and administrators, and bolstered in a limited capacity by former longtime teachers and administrators, Tom English, and Rolf Schumann, I have great confidence in our ability to fulfill the mission of the school as we plan
for the next phase of excellence in education at Christian Brothers High School.
There are so many wonderful programs happening on campus it would be impossible to capture them in the space of this message. Please know that one of my goals as an administrator is not to reinvent how the school functions but to seek a greater level of integration across campus in the various ways that students are seen and supported in their time here at CB. I desire for all students to be inspired and empowered to seek out support they need from teachers, counseling and the ARC. This means making certain that every student knows what tools are available to support their academic and personal success at CB. From academics to wellness, we aim to cultivate a community of healthy, well-balanced learners who discover that there are many ways to measure success. Beyond grades and class rank, success is dynamic, and we celebrate its many forms.
Mr. Julian Elorduy ‘03 Interim Principal![](https://assets.isu.pub/document-structure/230516172903-b664f9dfd180d7a78a37b457c940f5c3/v1/5b039234e9aa5411fa271fc0455fda34.jpeg)
Parents, if your child has a D or F on their report card, PLEASE READ THIS!
As pages 14 and 15 of the CB Parent/Student Handbook emphasize, “F’s” and “D’s” are unacceptable on report cards. “F” grades must be repeated for credit to graduate from Christian Brothers High School. “D” grades, though worth 5 credits towards graduation, are NOT accepted by four-year colleges and universities. All California State University campuses, University of California campuses, and most private institutions require a “C” or above in ALL core courses (core courses are approved History, English, Math, Lab Science, World Language, Visual and Performing Art, and Elective courses - also known as the A-G list of approved courses - see right for a chart of these requirements). If students have “D’s” on the transcript in any A-G courses and do not remediate them, they are not eligible to apply for admission to CSU and UC, and therefore are seriously limiting their choices for college.
If your child would like to keep his/her options open and remain eligible to apply to a fouryear college, the Counseling Department highly recommends that they remediate (repeat for credit) any “D” grades earned in A-G approved courses. Students may enroll in a variety of classes during the 2023 CBHS Summer School session to remediate a grade. While previous grades are never removed from a student’s transcript, if a student completes the course in summer school with a “C” or above, their transcript will reflect the new credits and the new grade will be used when calculating the grade point average.
For example, if your child is currently enrolled in Biology and received a “D” the first semester, they should consider repeating Biology this summer. If they are currently enrolled in a math course or foreign language course and received a D or F the first semester, it is important to receive a “C” or above at the end of the spring semester. CSU and UC will “validate” (count as successful) the whole year of a math course or a world language course if the student shows marked improvement the second semester (i.e., goes from a “D” to a “C”, “B”, or “A”). Therefore, students have a choice – work very hard this semester in math and/or world language and bring the grade up or repeat it in summer school or next school year to raise the grade. Since a full four years of English is a basic requirement for eligibility to a 4-year college, any “D’s” in English should be remediated in the summer. One year of
World History is the minimum requirement for eligibility, so students should be sure to have a “C” or above for at least two of the four semesters of Freshman/Sophomore World History. Any US History “D’s” should also be remediated.
Please contact your child’s grade-level counselor if you have questions about remediating grades. The grade-level counselor will also be reaching out to you at the start of this 3rd quarter with official recommendations for summer school if needed. If you intend to register for summer school, registration will be available on-line. Check the CB website in February for further information.
Social Science
2 years (1 year World History & 1 year US History or 1 semester US History/1 semester government)
4 years including frequent writing
3 years including Algebra II;
4 years recommended
Laboratory Science
2 years; 3 years recommended (one must be a life science and one a physical science)
Foreign Language
Visual & Performing Arts
College Preparatory Electives
2 years (of the same language);
3 years recommended
1 year
1 year; more recommended
Attention Parents & Seniors!
Please remember to turn in copies of admission decisions and scholarship letters to Cynthia Grajeda, Melissa McClellan, or April Melarkey, in the Counseling Center as you receive them. It is also very important that students update a student’s “admission status” on Scoir.
Changing Classes
Students interested in class changes should see their grade-level counselor directly to pick up a Pink Class-Change Form. Directions for how to complete that class change will be on the form and no class changes will be made after 9 a.m. on January 20.
Students interested in taking the Spring SAT Prep Course should come directly to the Counseling Center and pick up a registration form. The prep class costs $200 and that cost includes an SAT Prep book. The prep class will be from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Feb. 11, 18, 25 and March 4.
Grade-level counselors will be making their way into the classrooms to meet with their students, discuss pre-registration details for the next school year, and review test scores from the October National Testing Day. More details will come to you directly from the grade-level counselor.
Counselor Quick Contact Guide
Michelle Timm
Grade Level Counselor for the Class of 2026 916-733-3613
John Riley-Portal Grade Level Counselor for the Class of 2025 916-733-3678
Armando Diaz ’94 Grade Level Counselor for the Class of 2024, Counseling Dept. Chair 916-733-3692
Kirk Purdy Grade Level Counselor for the Class of 2023 916-733-3686
Emily McDougall Wellness Counselor 916-733-3688
Juanita Patterson ’81 Wellness Counselor 916-733-3655
Melissa McClellan Director of College Counseling 916-733-3679
April Melarkey College Counselor 916-733-3658
Cynthia Grajeda Administrative Assistant 916-733-3680
It is hard to believe that we are preparing to welcome the Christian Brothers High School Class of 2027! Below are important dates and notices from the Admissions Office.
Shadow Days
Our final Shadow Day for the season is scheduled on Friday, January 6. Current 8th graders who haven’t visited yet are encouraged to “shadow” a CB student to see firsthand what daily life is like at CB.
Admissions & Tuition Assistance Applications
The deadline to submit applications is quickly approaching on Thursday, January 5. This is also the date to submit tuition assistance applications.
Placement Exam
The placement exam is scheduled on Saturday, January 7. Check in begins at 8:30 a.m. and the test begins promptly at 9 a.m. Applications and links to apply are available here
Coat Drive
Donate coats for our second coat drive for the winter! Bins will be in the main hall from January 4-6.
Junior Retreat
The Junior Retreat will be held at San Damiano Retreat center from January 10-11.
Kairos 89
This senior experience will take place from January 24-27 at Alliance Redwoods.
The second VENAVER will take place in Tucson, AZ from January 29 through February 3. Students will be exposed to border control, which will help form their worldview on this issue.
Sign up to become a volunteer for events like the Annual Auction! Check out our CB VolunteerHub website by clicking here
Click here to find out more about volunteerism at CB, including information about background checks, or email KVillarreal@cbhs-sacramento.org
There are several opportunities to serve our Oak Park neighbors. We need students to support after-school tutoring at Saint Patrick’s SUCCEED Academy, Oak Ridge Elementary School, and Keith B. Kenney Elementary school. Please reach out to Mr. Elorduy to get involved. Other opportunities are available through the MobileServe app or by visiting Ms. Fernandez in the LSLO.
Saturday, March 18, 2023
Our goal for this year’s Annual Auction is to raise $500,000 to help our students pursue excellence in academics, athletics, and co-curriculars, but we need your help!
SPONSORSHIPS: Contact Kim Villarreal, Director of Parent Relations at via email or at (916) 733-3647 for personal or business sponsorships and to join our Auction Committee.
Thank you to our Presenting Platinum
Sponsor: Capital Pediatrics-The Khaira Family! Thank you to the rest of our sponsors, which can be found here
FAMILY AUCTION ITEM DONATION DAY: Drop off donations to CB on Friday, January 20 from 7:45 to 9 a.m.
Date/Time: January 28 from 6 to 8 p.m.
Hosts: The Brennan, Briggs, Delucchi, Dong, Howell, & San Julian Families
Address: 7616 West Vista Way, Sacramento, CA
Details: Bring an auction donation (item or experience) and enjoy refreshments and quality time with other CB parents and friends!
AMAZON WISHLIST: Click here for donation ideas.
Website: ParisCBAuction.givesmart.com
Text: ParisCBAuction to 76278
Holy Court
Our men’s basketball teams face off against Jesuit High School on Saturday, January 7 at Jesuit High School.
Game times are 4 p.m., 5:30 p.m., and 7 p.m.
Holy Hoops
Our women’s basketball teams face off against St. Francis on Saturday, January 14 at St. Christian Brothers. Game times are 4:30 p.m. (JV) 6 p.m. (V). Tickets will be available for Christian Brother’s families, students and staff starting Friday, January 6 on the CB website
Sacramento Bee Features Women’s Basketball
Tap the photo below to read a recent feature on our Women’s Basketball team in the Sacramento Bee.
Can’t make it to an upcoming game? No problem!
Every home Freshman, JV, and Varsity basketball and JV and Varsity soccer games will be live streamed on the NFHS Network. The link is also on the CB athletics webpage.
You must create a username and password. All games are free except for the playoffs. Tap the link above or the photo below to get started!
Sports Passes
Get passes for you and the whole family for CB’s 2023 Winter season! Purchase passes here.