Dear Families,
Take a moment to imagine that you are a CB student. You arrive in the student parking lot in the morning and park in a space painted by a senior on the brink of graduation. At the end of your first class, our campus television station, KBFT, brings you the announcements, sports highlights, and videos about the CB community. As you walk from class to class, you see posters advertising the spring play containing original art designed by one of your friends. Next, you head to a liturgy where the choir and a string quartet provide music during communion. At lunch, you sit with your friends under the Senior Wall, designed and painted by student artists. As school ends, The Talon posts its weekly edition on Schoology with a feature article on your club, Model UN. You stay after school for Holy Hoops, where the drumline and pep band get the crowd fired up to support the team. On Saturday, you’ll devote some service time to helping build scenery for the play. You’ll be on the tech crew next month and can’t wait for the audience to enjoy the show.
The arts and our student artists are an integral part of the fabric of our CB community. They help make our school beautiful, informative, entertaining, and reverent. Our arts faculty serve a dual purpose: to ground their students in artistic and collaborative skills and inspire and challenge them to produce their own art. Students at CB can embrace the arts through a wealth of courses, extracurricular opportunities like student-run choirs, Open Mic Nights, musical and artistic clubs, and theatre productions, or simply by showing up to support their peers in these pursuits. Through everything, we have the support of a school that recognizes how
critical the arts are to the education of a whole person. We have teachers who devote many hours beyond the classroom. We have parents who volunteer their time and show up to help students pursue their passions. For all of this, I can only express gratitude and the hope that you will join us for a concert, a play, an Open Mic Night, or the LaSalle Art Show this spring. Let our student artists show you why CB is the place to be creative! for the next phase of excellence in education at Christian Brothers High School.
Ms. Heather Christianson ‘01 Technical Director of the George Cunningham ‘40 Performing Arts Center
Summer Education Grant
Exciting News Artists! Friends of the Arts (FOTA) wants to help you pursue your passion this summer with a Summer Education Grant! Current freshmen through juniors who plan to return to CB in the fall and who have yet to receive a grant are eligible. Applications are available from your art teachers and are due by Friday, March 24. You can use these funds for lessons, arts camps, and art equipment, so get your application in!
Open Mic Night Auditions
Auditions for the upcoming Open Mic Night are on February 14 and 15 after school in the choir room. You know you’ve thought about getting up there with an act of your own, so come on out and let our stage be your stage! Open Mic Night will be on Friday, February 24, at 7 p.m. in the George Cunningham ’40 Performing Arts Center.
We’re Going to Disneyland!
The Choral program is going to Disneyland this month, where they will have a chance to get into the recording studio and see how the pros produce music! We’ll share photos from this fantastic opportunity soon.
Support the Arts at CB
Want to get involved and support our student artists? Join the virtual FOTA meeting on Tuesday, February 7, at 6:30 p.m. Email cbfota@gmail.com for more meeting information.
Set Build Saturdays | Volunteers Needed!

The spring play, The Importance of Being Earnest, is in rehearsal, and set construction is underway. If you’d like to help bring the play to life, come out and help us build every Saturday through March 11 between 9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. It is a ton of fun (see photos on the right) and there’s something for all skill levels. Adults can sign up for a shift via our Volunteer Hub. Student builders will need a parent/guardian signed consent form from Ms. Heather Christianson ‘01

FOTA Virtual Meeting
Friday, February 7 at 6:30 p.m.
Open Mic:
Friday, February 24 and May 19 at 7 p.m.
The Importance of Being Ernest (Spring play): March 17-19, 24-26, Fridays and Saturdays at 7 p.m., Sundays at 2 p.m.
Choral Concert: Saturday, April 22, performances at 5 and 7 p.m.
Instrumental Concert: Thursday, April 27 at 7 p.m.
La Salle Art Show: Friday, April 28 at 5:30 p.m.
Pre-Registration for 2023-2024 Classes
It’s time to start planning classes for next year! This month, 9th, 10th, and 11th graders will be working on pre-registration for the 2023-24 school year with the help of their grade-level counselors. Classroom presentations will take place in history classes. They will occur in the weeks leading up to the actual online pre-registration, a process that takes place via Power School will be open from Wednesday, February 22 to Tuesday, March 7 at 8 a.m. This process allows Mrs. Amanda Fugina (Assistant Principal of Curriculum and Instruction) and the department chairs to build the master schedule with the correct number of course sections. Students should look ahead to their postsecondary plans when deciding which courses to take next year and beyond. When choosing classes, gradelevel counselors encourage students to challenge themselves academically but ensure they can succeed (C’s or better). Teachers are also highly involved with recommending the proper courses for students to take and will begin conversations with their students on this pre-registration process.
*Pre-registration worksheets will be made available in those classroom presentations, along with the students taking a close look at the 2023-24 Course Catalog to help them select the correct classes. Students and families may find Pre-registration worksheets in the Academics section of the website under the course catalog tab.
Community College Summer Classes/ Advancement Education Info Meeting: Wednesday, February 8 during both lunches in Room 103. All students are welcome to attend this meeting hosted by Sacramento City College.
Online Tutoring & Test Prep
Revolution Prep is offering online tutoring and a free mock SAT/ACT online practice test. Click here to register. CB is not affiliated nor does it endorse this organization, but families may find this information helpful.
Stress Less Workshops
In response to students’ requests for additional support around stress and anxiety, the Wellness Team of Mrs. Emily McDougall and Mrs. Juanita Patterson will offer a series of Stress Less workshops every Tuesday from 9 to 9:45 a.m. in Brother Bertram Hall. Stress Less is an 8-week Stress Reduction Workshop that includes stress awareness information, mindfulness practices, coping strategies, and self-care techniques. It is an opportunity for students to learn about themselves and how to healthily navigate a stress-filled world. If your student would like to learn more, please encourage them to visit the Wellness counselors.
Counselor Quick Contact Guide
Michelle Timm Grade Level Counselor for the Class of 2026 916-733-3613
John Riley-Portal Grade Level Counselor for the Class of 2025 916-733-3678
Armando Diaz ’94 Grade Level Counselor for the Class of 2024, Counseling Dept. Chair 916-733-3692
Kirk Purdy Grade Level Counselor for the Class of 2023 916-733-3686
Emily McDougall Wellness Counselor 916-733-3688
Juanita Patterson ’81 Wellness Counselor 916-733-3655
Melissa McClellan Director of College Counseling 916-733-3679
April Melarkey College Counselor 916-733-3658
Cynthia Grajeda Administrative Assistant 916-733-3680

Seniors are finishing college applications and now anxiously awaiting word on whether they got into their school of choice. If you or your student have any questions, please lean on the expertise of our wonderful college counselors Ms. Melissa McClellan or Mrs. April Melarkey. They are well-versed in these situations and can guide you through this season of the college admissions process. Seniors must submit college acceptances and scholarships to the counselors by the April 7 deadline for the Graduation Program. College acceptances also must be updated in your Scoir accounts.
If you applied to colleges that require a midyear report (meaning your 7th-semester grades), please come to the Counseling Center to pick up a Blue Mid-Year Request Form.
Juniors have begun meeting with Ms. McClellan and Mrs. Melarkey to learn about the collegeplanning process. They are looking over their transcripts, talking about SAT and ACT tests, performing college searches, talking about summer programs, and answering any questions that come up along the way. Juniors are also encouraged to update their Personal Bio/Activities & Achievements on Scoir, enter potential colleges into the “Following” section under My Colleges, and complete their Career Profile.
Sophomore Parent Coffee with the College Counselors | Tuesday, February 7 from 8 to 9 a.m.: Parents of current CB Sophomores are invited to have coffee with our college counselors in Brother Bertram Hall Living Room. Melissa McClellan, Director of College Counseling, and April Melarkey, College Counselor, will be available to answer any questions about college preparation.
Sophomore Parent Academic Planning Night | Thursday, February 23 from 6-8 p.m.: Sophomore families are invited to attend the Sophomore Parent Academic Planning Night in the George Cunningham ’40 Performing Arts Center. Topics will include pre-registration and early college planning.
The Class of 2026 counselor Mrs. Michelle Timm continues to meet with students individually and in small groups as she gets to know the freshman class. She will be going into the freshman history classes to discuss next year’s courses, PSAT 8/9 results from the Fall National Testing Day, summer school, D/F grades, and many more topics.
Sign up to become a volunteer for events like the Annual Auction! Check out our CB VolunteerHub website by clicking here.
There are several opportunities to serve our Oak Park neighbors. Please reach out to Mr. Elorduy to get involved. Other opportunities are available through the MobileServe app or visit Ms. Fernandez in the LSLO.
Community Prayer Service
Join us at 10:30 a.m. in the Ron Limeberger ‘53 Gymnasium on Friday, February 3 for a community prayer service. Students from the God Squad, Asian Alliance and Black Student Union will lead our community in celebrating the Lunar New Year and Black History Month.
Students return from VENAVER Tuscson on Friday, February 3, where they learned about and experienced boarder and immigration issues.
VENAVER Blackfeet is February 18 to 25. Students will experience life on a native reservation.
Valentine’s Sadie Hawkins Dance
The all-school dance is Saturday, February 4 from 7-10 p.m. at CB. Click here for tickets and more information.
Young Woman’s Called & Chosen Retreat
A handful of ladies from our Senior Class will join others from throughout the Lasallian District in the Young Women’s Called and Chosen Retreat. They will share ideas about vocation and the vocation culture. This will take place at Saint Joseph’s Camp in Duncan Mills, CA on February 18-20
Ash Wednesday Services & Lent Events
The Season of Lent begins on Wednesday, February 22, also known as Ash Wednesday. The community is invited to attend mass in our campus chapel at 8 a.m. and the community prayer service will follow at 10:30 p.m. All are invited to attend.
The LSLO will also be hosting various events during the Season of Lent that promotes Faith in the Presence of God and Concern for the Poor and Social Justice. Tap the links to learn more!
Our goal for this year’s Annual Auction is to raise $500,000 to help our students pursue excellence in academics, athletics, and co-curriculars, but we need your help!
SPONSORSHIPS: Contact Kim Villarreal, Director of Parent Relations via email or at (916) 733-3647 for personal and business sponsorships or to join our Auction Committee.
Thank you to our Presenting Platinum Sponsor: Capital Pediatrics-The Khaira Family! Thank you to all our generous sponsors, which can be found here
FAMILY AUCTION ITEM DONATION DAY: Drop off donations to CB on Friday, February 17 from 7:45 to 9 a.m.
Early bird tickets are now available for the Annual Auction. Get yours today at the link below before prices go up!
GOLDEN RAFFLE: Purchase a ticket for a chance to win a Live Auction Item! Call (916) 733-3647 for more details.
AMAZON WISHLIST: Click here for donation ideas.
Website: ParisCBAuction.givesmart.com
Text: ParisCBAuction to 76278

Spring Sports Tryouts
Spring Sports Trouts are Monday, February 6 . Any student wishing to try out must have an updated physical on Final Forms and all the Final Forms for parent and student need to be signed. To add your student to a tryout group, use the sport button on your individual Final Forms account.
Capital Athletic League Scholar-Athlete Award
ELIGIBILITY: Athletes who are members of a Capital Athletic League recognized Varsity Team are eligible for the award. Freshmen do not qualify. In addition, athletes must finish the season in good standing.
Athletes must have a cumulative 3.50 (or above) weighted grade point average (GPA) and a current 3.5 (or above) weighted GPA. The cumulative GPA is based on cumulative grades of Semesters from 9th grade onward. Athletes are awarded a Scholar-Athlete patch for each sport season for which they qualify.
The following athletes are Capital Athletic League Scholar Athletes:
Men’s Varsity Basketball
Aaron Grijnsztein ‘25
Stephan Hewitt ‘25
Cameron Nero ‘25
Drew Perry ‘23
Daniel Powers ‘25
Garret Souza ‘23
Joseph Vanacore ‘23
Jake Westman ‘23
CB Women’s Basketball Wins Holy Hoops!

Our varsity team beat St. Francis High School 55-32 on January 14 in the annual Holy Hoops match up. Great job, Falcons!
Can’t make it to an upcoming game? No problem!
Every home Freshman, JV, and Varsity basketball and JV and Varsity soccer games will be live streamed for free on the NFHS Network The link is also on the CB athletics webpage.

You must create a username and password. All games are free except for the playoffs. Tap the link above to get started!
Women’s Varsity Basketball
Mia Acosta ‘24
Johnnie Allen ‘23
Amor Corcoran ‘25
Devin Greer ‘24
Aleyah Harmon ‘25
Women’s Varsity Soccer
Grace Bettencourt ‘23
Rachel Davis ‘23
Caitlynn Drew ‘23
Brooklyn Horst ‘23
Lily Jensen ‘23
Sydney Laird ‘24
Kamryn Lee ‘24
Scarlet Pope ‘23
Sarah Pritchard ‘24
Isabel Quintero ‘24
Men’s Varsity Soccer
Nicolas Baass ‘25
Jack Bergfeld ‘23
Ethan Brown ‘25
Zachary Hembd ‘23
Finn Murray ‘25
Collin Ross ‘24
Reign Saldana ‘24
Nicholas Vasilopoulos ‘23
Lucas Walter ‘23