Weekly Update

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Greetings from Christian Brothers High School!

Please visit the school calendar for a full list of upcoming events and the cafeteria menu

Click here to see next week’s set rotations

Important Announcements

PowerSchool course pre-registration will take place from Monday, February 17 through Monday, March 10. Please read this document for directions on how to complete course registration for the 2025-26 school year. The first-grade level to complete their pre-registration will earn a free dress day! Failure to complete course pre-registration may result in students being enrolled in non-preferred courses. Stay tuned to messages from grade level counselor via Schoology and to parent emails via our Scoir system

Liturgies | Wednesdays and Thursdays at 8:00 am: Mass is celebrated in the chapel. Parents and family members of CB are always welcome to join!

ATTENTION ALL RETURNING CBHS FAMILIES (10th, 11th, 12th grades) Tuition Assistance applications for returning families are due on February 28, 2025. Tuition assistance is a yearly application process through FACTS management.

2023 Tax information is required for all applicants. 2024 Tax information is recommended if applicable.

Both parents must apply for aid

Link to application: https://online.factsmgt.com/signin/4BH4H

NO Late applications will be accepted.

Enrollment contract & registration fee due for returning families is May 2, 2025. Contact the business oce via email with any questions or concerns: studenttuition@cbhs-sacramento.org

PLEASE HELP - DONATIONS NEEDED! The auction committee is looking for Silent Item donations. We welcome, tickets to theatre or sporting events, unique experiences, gift baskets, gift cards, wine and spirits, and unique one-of-a-kind items. Need ideas? Please see our CB Amazon Wish List: Here! Items

can be mailed or dropped o at the front oce. For questions contact Philanthropy at (916) 733-3647 or kvillarreal@cbhs-sacramento org Item donation forms are here: Donation Form

DON’T MISS IT! Tickets for the ‘Elegance in Bloom’ Auction & Dinner are still available Don’t miss the opportunity to grab your tickets before they sell out! The annual auction generates much needed funds for our various educational programs in addition to needs-based tuition assistance

Purchase Sponsorships and Tickets here: https://BloomCBAuction.givesmart.com And don’t forget to check CB's Facebook Page every Thursday for featured Live Auction Items. Tip: Click the photos in the post!

GOLDEN RAFFLE TICKETS. Purchase a Golden Rale ticket and you are entered into a drawing that takes place the night of the ‘Elegance in Bloom’ Auction & Dinner If your ticket is pulled, you can select your choice of available Live Items What will you decide if your ticket is selected? A stay in New England, a Behind the Scenes at G1 & Kings Game, or possibly the VIP Parking? You do not need to be present for the drawing Tickets are $125 00 each Funds generated directly support CB educational programs and tuition assistance. To purchase a Golden Rale ticket please contact Jackie Simon at simonjackie94@gmail com or Carmen Herrera-Rogers at tc-rogers@sbcglobal net or call 916-733-3647

AUCTION PLANNING MEETING. CB Auction Chairs, Pat Lewis and Gretchen Rado along with the entire auction team have been working hard to make this event a success. Help us continue to grow this incredible fundraising event by participating in the 'Elegance in Bloom' planning meeting on Thursday, March 6, 2025. We will be discussing the latest auction updates and ideas. Whether you are new or have been around awhile all are welcome! Sign-up here: Auction Planning Meeting

PARENT VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES: To find out more about volunteering at CB visit: https://www.cbhs-sacramento.org/volunteerism/ or to register for an opportunity visit: https://cbhs volunteerhub com For questions about volunteering please contact, Jackie Simon, Lasallian Parent Ambassador Chair, at simonjackie94@gmail.com.

·Decor Work Day - Auction - Sunday, February 23rd from 9 AM to 1 PM

·Theatre Set Build Saturday - Saturday, March 1st anytime between 9:30 AM to 5:00 PM

Theatre Set Build Saturday - Saturday, March 8th anytime between 9:30 AM to 5:00 PM

Volunteer for the Auction - Many opportunities - March 13 to March 16

·Ticket Takers/Ushers - "The Dining Room" - Friday, March 28th from 6:00 PM to 7:15 PM

·Ticket Takers/Ushers - "The Dining Room" - Saturday, March 29th from 6:00 PM to 7:15 PM

·Ticket Takers/Ushers - "The Dining Room" - Sunday, March 30th from 1:00 PM to 2:15 PM

Ticket Takers/Ushers - "The Dining Room" - Friday, April 4th from 6:00 PM to 7:15 PM

Ticket Takers/Ushers - "The Dining Room" - Saturday, April 5th from 6:00 PM to 7:15 PM

·Ticket Takers/Ushers - "The Dining Room" - Sunday, April 6th from 1:00 PM to 2:15 PM

Senior Apparel: One week left to order! Click here to order tees, long sleeve shirts, crew neck sweatshirts, and hoodies Women’s cut t-shirts are also available for purchase! The front of the T-Shirt will have the Senior Wall artwork printed, and the back includes the graduation year - 25 in large font, with all graduating members of the Class of 2025 listed as well The deadline to order is February 20 Contact Erin Hanshew with any questions.

Counseling Department

Counselors will be available during all lunches outside of the Learning Commons to answer PreRegistration questions and help students select their courses for the 2025-2026 school year.

CB’s National Honor Society is looking for this year’s exceptional applications. If you are involved in leadership roles, service activities, AND community service, then please take the time to fill out an application. Take a chance and brag about yourself- we want to hear everything about you! Applications can be found on Schoology or you can pick one up in the Counseling Oce Please remember – if you were already accepted last year, there is no need to apply again. All applications are due by TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18 to Mrs. McGuire.

For Juniors taking the March SAT (either on the school day or weekend) we are hosting a SAT Boot Camp on March 1 and 2 to help you prepare for the exam! We are partnering with Tried and True Tutoring but will be hosting the prep courses here at CB for our students only! Here is the link to register. Planning on taking the May SAT? There is also info for a boot camp in late April to prepare for the May exam

Wednesday, February 19 is Sophomore Academic Planning Night (for current sophomore families) from 6:00-7:30 pm in the Theater. Gather information on new courses for junior year, graduation requirements and summer school opportunities, and hear from the College Counselors what universities are expecting for junior year classes.

Lasallian Student Life Oce

Lent is around the corner! For all Roman Catholics and some Christian communities, Lent begins on Wednesday, March 5. Our Orthodox siblings begin Great Lent on Monday, March 3. In a rare coincidence, Orthodox and Catholics will celebrate Easter on the same day: Sunday, April 20 Our Jewish siblings celebrate Passover from April 12 through April 20. In the spirit of this penitential season, Islam observes Ramadan from February 28 through March 29. We hold everyone in prayer during these holy days.

Here are some general guidelines for Catholics considering the disciplines of Lent.

Abstinence: All persons, 14 years and older, are obliged to abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday (March 5) and all Fridays of Lent Other forms of abstinence from alcoholic beverages, television, video games, the internet, and social media, are also beneficial.

Fasting: Everyone from ages 18 to 59 is obliged to fast on Ash Wednesday (March 5) and Good Friday (April 18) Voluntary fasting on other weekdays of Lent, especially on Wednesdays and Fridays, is highly recommended. Fasting is understood to mean that one full meal may be eaten. Two other small

meals may be eaten, but together they should not equal a full meal. Eating between meals is not permitted

When health or ability to work are seriously aected, neither the law of fasting nor the law of abstinence obliges. If in doubt, one’s parish priest or confessor should be consulted. Airport workers, travelers, and others while on board ships or airplanes are dispensed from the laws of fast and abstinence for the duration of their journey (except on Good Friday). It is desirable that they perform some other pious act instead

Prayer: CB will open the Lenten Season with two Masses on Ash Wednesday, March 5 All parents, families, and CB employees are invited to the Ash Wednesday Chapel Mass at 8am. The Distribution of Ashes will take place during the Mass The whole CB community will gather for the Community Mass in Limeberger '53 Gymnasium at 11:30 am. The Most Reverend Michael O. Jackels, Archbishop Emeritus of Dubuque, Iowa, will be the celebrant and preacher The Distribution of Ashes will take place after the Mass.

The Chapel of Saint Joseph will be open during break and lunch. Make a visit and spend time in quiet reflection There will be Mass on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays of Lent Masses are at 8:00 am and are 30 minutes in length. Carve out time to celebrate with the community. On Fridays of Lent, we will meditate on the Stations of the Cross at 7:40am prior to Mass

Reconciliation: Take advantage of the tremendous gift of mercy and love in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Lent is a privileged time to celebrate this sacrament. A priest will be available on Friday, March 21 from 12:00 pm-1:20 pm to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation in front of the Chapel of Saint Joseph.

This is a Jubilee Year! An event that occurs every 25 years in the life of the Church During the Jubilee, there will be 24-hour confessions in our Diocese from March 28-29 Click here for more detailed information.

Almsgiving: From earliest times giving to the poor, or almsgiving, has been an invaluable spiritual practice, a religious duty, a form of penance, an expression of Christian charity, and an aid to interior conversion. Therefore, all Catholics are urged to give generously to assist the poor and support the charitable works of the Church, especially through their local parish and the Annual Catholic Appeal At CB, there will be various opportunities to celebrate our principle for Concern for the Poor and Social Justice The LSLO will publish all these opportunities on Schoology

The February donation drive is a laundry and “spring cleaning” to support the Spring Forward event at Christian Brothers on Saturday! The event is sponsored by Growing Past Today and other community partners benefiting families in the Oak Park Neighborhood The goal of Spring Forward is to connect families to resources, supplies, and other spring essentials, such as laundry supplies: click here to see and donate to the Amazon wish list Note – there is an option to have items purchased sent directly to Christian Brothers! For more information or to get more involved in this community focused event, please contact Erin Hanshew

The Teens for Change Club is collecting clothing donations for the women and children at Saint John's Women's shelter. Please drop o any donations you have into the LSLO. Be sure to ask friends and

family - thank you!

The Black Student Union will host its annual Block Party during all school lunch on Thursday, February 20. All students are invited to come to the Main Lawn for music and food, and to the gym for basketball. Stay tuned for more information about food and activities, and click here to see guidelines for a spirit dress day

Club Corner:

The Gaming Club will meet in Room 605 after school on Thursday. They will be playing Mario Kart at the next meeting All are welcome!

The Classic Film Club is showing the movie My Darling Clementine starring Henry Fonda on Friday, February 21 after school in the theater. All are welcome!

Upcoming Events

Please visit the School Calendar for a full list of upcoming events

CB’s Eco Nest - Formal wear needed The Eco Nest is a sustainably chic way to support our students’ budgets and mindset to keep our planet green. The Eco Nest is where students can donate and shop for homecoming and prom wear We need suit jackets, dress shirts, dress pants, ties, long dresses, short dresses, shoes, etc. Donations may be delivered to Counseling or placed in the box labeled Eco Nest located in the main hallway Please direct any questions to April Melarkey (amelarkey @cbhssacramento.org) or Cynthia Grajeda (cgrajeda@cbhs-sacramento.org).

Clothes Closet - School dress code clothing is needed. The following dress code clothing is requested to replenish and serve our students for the Clothes Closet, Spring Semester:

CBHS /college sweatshirts, polo shirts, CB logo shirts, long and short pants, PE shirts and shorts. All gently used clothing is available at no cost to all CBHS families

Donations may be dropped o in the Front Oce Please refer to the Dress Code guidelines in the Parent Handbook for more details.


Please visit the CB Athletics website for a full calendar of practices and games.

Playos have begun for the Winter Sports. Soccer and Basketball Teams (Men and Women) made it to the playos. They all have games next week.

Please visit https://www.cbhs-sacramento.org/athletics/ for a full calendar of practices and games.

Home Games:


Tuesday, February 18 at 3:30 pm: Varsity vs. Sheldon on the CB softball field.

Wednesday, February 19 at 3:30 pm: JV and Varsity vs. McClatchy on the CB baseball fields.

Women’s Tennis

Wednesday, February 19 at 4:00 pm: Team vs Franklin at Laguna Creek Racquet Club

Men’s Tennis

Thursday, February 20 at 4:00 pm: Team vs. Monterey Trail at Laguna Creek Racquet Club.

Live Streaming:

Every home Frosh, JV, and Varsity basketball and Frosh, JV, and Varsity soccer games will be live streamed on the nfhsnetwork com The link is on the CB athletics webpage You must create a username and password, and all games are free except for the playos.


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