FALCON FAMILY NEWS Dear Families: In one of his myriad writings, St. John Baptist de La Salle advised the Brothers to “Have as great a care and love for the children entrusted to you as Saint Joseph had for the Child Jesus. You have been commissioned by God to look after these children just as Saint Joseph did with the Child”. We hold sacred this calling to care for our young men and women. While this year marks my fourth year at Christian Brothers High School, I continue to be amazed by our faculty and staff who lovingly minister to the students entrusted to our care. It is a blessing to have Principal Dave Perry, Ed.D., on board and I am thrilled by the team he has put together to join him in leading our school. As I write this letter, the students are enjoying an all-school lunch and I am taking in the view from my window as music fills the air, as do the sounds of excited chatter, and children at play. Yes, play! Spikeball, Nine Square in the Air, and even a large circle of students tossing a football in a keepaway game of sorts fill the main lawn. The joy and energy are palpable and truly something you might see in a movie.
But this movie, unlike a Hollywood production, is the work of centuries. St. John Baptist de La Salle knew more than 300 years ago that students thrived in environments where they felt seen, safe, and loved for who they were. The emphasis on faith, teacher/student relationships, service, inclusivity, and belonging are at the heart of our Lasallian Catholic charism. They are also at the heart of what every high schooler needs. Teen years are challenging, and we know that mental health problems in adolescence are on the rise. I’m grateful for our dedicated wellness counselors and team of grade-level counselors who, in addition to our faculty and staff, keep a close eye on our students. Data shows that feeling connected to school and family makes a difference. This year, in adjusting our bell schedules, course rotations, co-curricular activities and athletics, great care was taken in ensuring opportunities for fostering community and belonging. Enhancements have been made to the bi-weekly NEST (Nurturing Every Student Together) sessions and we have added a weekly all-community lunch. On September 22, the Lasallian Student Life Office will be hosting its annual Club Rush. Please encourage your student(s) to join one or more of our approximately 60 student-led clubs where they will find opportunities to get involved in campus faith life, service, academic clubs, and unique interest-based clubs. Our Assistant Directors of the Lasallian Student Life Office have been busy gearing up for this year’s retreats, VENAVER serviceimmersion trips, spirit weeks, rallies, and more. As we work to make this, our 148th year of Lasallian Catholic education in Sacramento our best yet, please know that we “have great care and love” for the students entrusted to our care and we are grateful for the trust you place in us as partners in preparing your sons and daughters for college and life. Live Jesus in our hearts!
Crystal LeRoy, Ed.D. President Falcon Family News | Sept 2023