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Joy of the Lord

Joy of the Lord

OUR MESSAGE Once again, warm greetings from windy but beautiful Cape Town! At the beginning of March we began exploring our next theme: JOY. You will see various expressions of this wonderful gift of the Spirit in this little magazine, as well as in many of our Social Media posts and Blogs over the past few weeks. If you are on Facebook head over to our CBN South Africa page – we’d love to ‘see you’ there. <RXȇOODOVRȴQGVRPHMR\UHODWHG devotional pieces and blogs on our CBN Africa website. It is a real challenge for me, particularly in this current season, to write a short piece expressing some of what is going on in our team and in my heart for CBN South Africa. So much is happening and God is certainly taking us on an exciting MRXUQH\ZRZΖȇOOEULHȵ\VKDUH MXVWRQHRIWKHVHELJLGHDVKHUH EHFDXVH LW ȴWVVRSHUIHFWO\ZLWK the new title of this magazine. Arise and Act Arise is a simple, powerful word that speaks of action. Very basically, it means “get up”. The word is used by Jesus when he brings the little girl back to life: “Arise little girl”. It is also used by the prophet Isaiah in his stirring prophetic words to the Church (us): “Arise, shine for your light has come”. In other words, “Get up Church and shine, for your light has come!”. We are part of the sequel to the book of Acts – we UHȵHFW+LVOLJKWDVZHUHVSRQGWR +LVFDOODQGDFW$QGMXVWOLNHWKRVH ȴUVWGLVFLSOHVZHȇOOPDNHPLVWDNHV we’ll experience hardship and we’ll constantly have to lean on +LVJUDFHDQGUHVXUUHFWLRQSRZHU +HUHȇVZKDWJHWVPHPRVWH[FLWHG DERXWWKLVFDOOWR$ULVHP\H΍RUWV don’t have to change the world. I am called to daily faithfulness and obedience, not success. My pebble thrown into the pond might look LQVLJQLȴFDQWEXWWKHUHDUHULSSOHV 6RPHKRZ EHFDXVH +H LV *RG WKURXJKP\VLPSOH6SLULWHQDEOHG DFWLRQV+LV.LQJGRPZLOODGYDQFH :H KDYH WKH SULYLOHJH  DQG UHVSRQVLELOLW\   RI VKRZLQJ D broken world that Jesus is healer, provider and savior. Our light, Jesus, has come, and we are to Arise and Shine! Ian Walton | Regional Director

c h o o s e j o y c h o o s e j o y c h o o s e j o y c h o o s e j o y


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