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The Gift We’ve Received
The Gift We’ve
“What do you have that you did not receive?” Paul asked the Corinthians LQKLVȴUVWOHWWHU WR WKHP(YHU\SHUVRQ on the face of the earth who has ever lived has received. Some have received much, some have received little. Some have received evil, others have received good. We also receive from people close to us, from a mother or father, a brother or sister, from friends and acquaintances, even from complete strangers. But today I want to write about what we have received from the Father. Scripture says: “Which of you fathers, if your son asks IRUDȴVKZLOOJLYHKLPDVQDNHLQVWHDG" Or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion? If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your )DWKHULQKHDYHQJLYHWKH+RO\6SLULWWR WKRVHZKRDVNKLPȋ/XNH Let’s use our imaginations for a second and go back in time, even beyond time, before the creation of the world, and
let’s imagine that God the Father was VLWWLQJ DW D WDEOH ZLWK -HVXV WKH +RO\ Spirit, and some of the chief angels and cherubim. A question is asked by the Father, “What can we do to show the people we will create that I love them, and what can we give to them to express this love?”. Someone VXJJHVWV IURP DFURVV WKH WDEOH Ȋ+RZ about wealth, health and happiness?”. God responds, “Yes that’s good, but I want to express my love in a greater measure, I want to give them more”. $ FKHUXE QH[W WR -HVXV VD\V Ȋ+RZ about eternal life, that’s a great gift, DQGZLOOGHȴQLWHO\VKRZWKHP\RXFDUH for them”. The Father answers, “Yes, eternal life is good, and we will certainly make that available to them, but even eternal life is not enough. I really want them to grasp, and experience my love for them.”. Finally, Jesus speaks up, “I’ve got it! We know love is the greatest gift, but what greater love has someone than ‘to lay down his life for a friend’? I will give my very life for them, this is the greatest gift I can give!”. The )DWKHU MXPSV WR KLV IHHW H[FLWHG DQG proclaims: “That’s it! What could be PRUHYDOXDEOHWKDQJLYLQJP\VRQ"+H is worth far more than health, or wealth or knowledge, nothing on earth can FRPSDUHZLWK+LP$ORQJZLWKWKLVΖZLOO also give them myself, for what can be greater in all creation, all heaven and all earth, than my very self. I will give WKHPP\+RO\6SLULW WREHZLWK WKHP
and in them, forever. This will convince them of my love, once and for all!” At this, everyone at the table cheered and praised. 7KH DERYH VWRU\ LV REYLRXVO\ ȴFWLRQDO and not found in scripture, but it is true that God has given us everything in &KULVW-HVXVDQGWKH+RO\6SLULW:HMXVW QHHGWRVD\\HVWR+LPDQGWKHJLIWVWKDW +H JLYHV :KDW FRXOG EH JUHDWHU WKDQ unbroken fellowship with the Father, what could be more wonderful than FRPPXQLRQZLWK WKH+RO\ 6SLULW":KDW could be more marvellous than Christ’s life laid down for us, and then taken up again, alive forevermore! In closing, I want to ask you, from whom are you receiving? From the world, or from the Father? Are you receiving snakes and scorpions, or are you UHFHLYLQJ WKH +RO\ 6SLULW" /RRN WR WKH Father as your source and receive from +LPWKHJUHDWHVWJLIWWKHZRUOGKDVHYHU known. ΖȇOOOHDYH\RXZLWKWKLVRHUIURP-HVXV “Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, DQG\RXZLOOȴQGUHVWIRU\RXUVRXOV)RU my yoke is easy and my burden is light”. 0DWW Ask, and you will receive!