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Bullies to Friends

From Bullies to Friends

We hope you have seen our latest Superbook video about a boy whose life was impacted by Superbook. In this powerful testimony, CJ and his parents explain how CJ hated going to school because he was teased and EXOOLHG+HORYHGWKHVFKRROZRUNEXW the bullying made him dread his daily experience at school. After watching a few Superbook episodes with his siblings, he learnt that you’re meant to love your enemies. So he started to bless them HDFK WLPH KH SUD\HG +H VWDUWHG forgiving them for bullying him and a massive turnaround happened. CJ’s mom explains how she loves how Superbook makes the Bible and the GL΍HUHQW PRUDOV DQG IRXQGDWLRQV real for children and how they can implement into their lives in a tangible way. Those who were previously his bullies, are now some of his closest friends that he plays soccer with and spends time watching Superbook with. “Now when I pray, I thank the Lord for my friends.” Thanks to your generous contributions, we’re able to reach CJ and his friends with the excitment of Bible stories retold through Superbook. Children’s lives are changed, we get the opportunity to impart God’s love to them and their LGHQWLWLHVDUHDɝUPHGLQ&KULVW


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