Cheil 2008

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PORTFOLIO Samsung 94 series Plasma HDTV – print

Contact Information

Agency Philosophy & Competitive Advantages

NEW BUSINESS - NORTH AMERICA Ridgefield Park, NJ - North America HQ: Contact: Chris Boak Director of Business Development 105 Challenger Road Ridgefield Park, NJ 07660 Cell: 917-690-2549 Office: 201-807-6403 Dallas:

by removing something from yours

What’s a Cheil? We are: A creative agency, An interactive agency, An experiential agency, A media agency, An international agency.

Contact: Kirk Heinlein 1301 E. Lockout Drive Richardson, TX 75082 Phone: 972-761-7245


imagine a company showing its vision

Hankook Tire – TV

Samsung’s 94 series Plasma needs no wires between components so your eyes are free to enjoy its sleek finish and beautiful 1080P “Full HD” p i c ture. A n i n c re d i b l y c r i s p , c l e a r H D T V w i t h n o s t r i n g s a t t a c h e d . W i t h S a m s u n g i t ’s n o t t h a t h a r d t o i m a g i n e .

American Heart Association print

But in our heart and in our soul, Cheil is an idea agency.

Does a woman’s heart talk? What does it say? (well, figuratively speaking, it says more than you could possibly imagine.)

An idea for idea's sake is simply not enough anymore. Today, an idea must create immediate engagement as well as deliver real and lasting value.

Contact: Chris Georgieff 3351 Michaelson Drive, Suite 390 Irvine, CA 92612 Phone: 949-975-7381

We are a company of idea engineers who closely collaborate with our clients to bring to life ideas that are fresh, startling and activated for success.


Contact: Bill Lisowsky 55 Standish Court, 10th floor Mississauga, Ontario L5R4B2 Canada Phone: 905-819-5056

Mexico City:

Contact: Carlos Sandoval Av Presidente Masaryk No 111 int 701 Col Chapultepec Morales C.P. 11570 Del. Miguel, Hidalgo Mexico D.F. Phone: 52-55-5747-5z391

need a check-up because Heart disease is the killer of women

Would it say,“Hey!


in America!” No, it doesn't say that. So you need to speak for it by going to

Samsung mobile - outdoor


and take the

ed GoheartRcheckup.

We call those ideas “activating ideas”. We harness the power of collaboration, the passion of our people, and the precision of the engineer, to develop ideas that engage the targets, change attitudes and grow our clients' business.

Cheil has 35 branch offices in 25 countries on 6 continents. (Not too many clients in Antarctica just yet.)


joy and And after that, you can feel great and secure and confident and free all

to embrace some of the truly like

P2 – video/flash interactive micro-site

important things in your life

family and friends and helping others


Full Service

Advertiser: Business Sector: Client Since:

Agency Specialties: Consumer Electronics, Automotive, Retail, Office Equipment Transport, Travel & Tourism Languages:

Juke/YouTube interactive micro-site

Advertiser: Samsung Business Sectors: Consumer Electronics, Office Equipment, Home Appliances, Semiconductor, Samsung Experience Client Since: 1992

Core Competencies: Advertising (B2B, B2C) Interactive Marketing/Media Engagement/ Strategic Planning/Channel Support/Event Marketing/Field Marketing/Online Education/Collateral/Retail Experience Management

Hankook Tire Automotive 2007

Advertiser: American Heart Association Business Sector: Non-profit Client Since: 2007

English, Korean, Spanish

Advertiser: Business Sectors: Client Since:


environment and of course,

the spa!

Call now for ideas to grow your business.

Agency Competencies Agency Type:

and the

Dallas Convention & Visitor Bureau Tourism, Airports 2008


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