Winston Preparatory School
A Singular Focus on How Your Child Learns
Your Child’s School Is Just Not Working Out. They might know your child’s name. They might even know your name. Can you really say that everyone at your child’s school focuses everyday on your child. Really, really focuses on their needs. On how they learn. On how they are doing in each and every subject. Every day. Does your child’s teachers know the ten rules of syllabification? Do they know the five sounds of the letter “j”? >>>>Math comment added here<<<<< Do they really know enough about your child to write a ten page, single spaced, double-sided report card about your child? Would they do that report twice a year? Do you spend an hour with all of your child’s teachers in one room to discuss that report? Twice a year. Is there one teacher whose focus is your child with whom they meet one-on-one every day? For 45 minutes? One teacher who talks with all of your child’s other teachers. Who compares notes and looks for solutions. Do your child’s teachers go to their basketball games or school plays or science fairs?Have they ever sent you an email just because your child had a really great math test or wrote her first poem? Do they really know your child? Does that sound like where you are now? Does that sound like what your child needs?
Your Child Needs to Learn in the Right Group, Not the “Right” Grade. Before your child spends their first day at Winston, we take great pains to determine the best academic program for your child. We look at your child’s educational background. We review all the tests, evaluations, IEP’s, anything that will help us learn how your child learns. We talk with you and your child. And we listen. We talk to each other. And we listen to each other. We talk about what we think will best suit your child. How have previous Winston students with similar issues been taught? What has worked? What has not? What made them successful. All of this so that each child can learn in a group with others with similar skills, needs and learning difficulties. Think about it. Is your child as good in math as she is in reading? Can he write a six sentence paragraph as well as he can understand a science experiment? What grade should your child really be in? Does it matter? We don’t believe so. What matters most is developing a deep understanding of how your child learns and then creating the right environment for them to do so. We believe that starts with putting them in the right group.
Your Child Does Not Need More Tutors.
Your Child Needs A Team To Focus On How They Learn. The one thing that makes Winston different from your child’s school (and from any school you may have attended) is Winston’s conviction that everyone acquires knowledge differently, in different ways and at different speeds. In our opinion it simply does not make any sense to try to force every child to learn in the exact same manner. Does your child learn just like you did? Does your child learn the same way as their brother or sister or friend or cousins does? That’s why at Winston we challenge ourselves from day one and every day thereafter, to focus, really focus on your child and the way he or she learns. Because if we do that correctly, if we work hard enough, if we are diligent enough to truly understand your child we know that we can help your child learn. Equally important your child will discover a place where teachers finally understand them. Where other children understand them and they begin to understand themselves. As that understanding builds they will be drawn into the vibrant, active and supportive Winston community. They will have fun. They will joyfully participate in the myriad art, sports and drama programs at Winston. They will discover they actually enjoy going to school. Ultimately your child will know he or she can succeed. That the world is open to them and the possibilities are endless. We know this because at Winston it happens all the time.
Your Child Needs to Learn in a Smaller Group. Most school speak about their class size. At Winston we are committed to a smaller class size although we call them groups. Your children are grouped according to their learning style. Most groups have between nine to eleven students in them. With smaller groups we are able to continuously monitor how your child is learning. Is he understanding the assignment? Is she able to do the homework? Does your school do that now or are they simply committed to a curriculum? Smaller classes really allow us to get to understand your child. Because we understand your child so well we are able to adjust their academic program to as their needs change. After all your child is growing and changing. Their learning style does too. Wouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t it make sense to change their academic program as well?
Your Child Needs One Person who Focuses on Them. If there is one singular difference between Winston and all other schools it is our focus program. Focus defines Winston. Your child spends 45 minutes one on one with their focus teacher every day. Your child is not pulled out of class. It is a class and at Winston focus is as important as math, science, history, literature or writing. It is central to your child’s day. Every child at Winston has his or her own focus teacher. We take the same level of care to pair your child with the right focus teacher as we do in determining the right class for them. So how do you describe a focus teacher? For your child. Think of the focus teacher as a coach, a cheerleader, a pest, a motivator and maybe even a friend. The kind of friend who is absolutely committed to seeing them succeed. For you.Think of the focus teacher as your window in to your child’s school day. Someone you can contact whenever you feel the need to find out more about your child’s classes or homework or how she is doing socially. Above all, the focus teacher is the one person who speaks with your child every day. The focus teacher speaks with each and every one of your child’s teachers on a continual basis. The focus teacher is charged with understanding your child better than anyone other than you.
Your Child Needs an Active Community
The Arts Sculpture Painting Drama
Sports New York City High School Cross-Country Middle School Soccer High School Soccer Middle School Basketball Girl’s Basketball High School Basketball Track Golf Softball Connecticut Soccer Cross Country Basketball Hockey Crew
After School Programs Drawing and Painting Jewelry Making Boxing Boot Camp Dance Collective Introduction to Yoga Film Studies WPSNY TV Broadway’s Biggest Chorus Hits Creativity in Music JAM Club Yearbook Chess Club Debate Clubs Literary Magazine Weight Training Body Work
& Sports
You Need to Know that Winston Gets Results. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s really simple. We are firmly dedicated to seeing you child succeed. To be independent. To be a joyful participant in a community that first and foremost understands your child. We think our numbers speak for us. 94% of WInston graduates go onto attend College or University. It goes beyond just the numbers. From the moment your child comes to Winston we seek to understand them and in so doing your child begins to feel understood. Thus begins a beautiful new relationship, as your child actively and happily joins a community that understands them. That values them. That appreciates them for who they are. A community that will affect them right now and for the rest of their life.
Winston by the Numbers Total Students at Winston, Connecticut Campus ...................................... 82 Middle School ........................................................................................................ 23 High School ............................................................................................................ 59 Total Students at Winston, New York Campus ........................................209 Middle School ........................................................................................................ 40 High School ..........................................................................................................169 Overall faculty to student ratio .....................................................................1:3 Average number of students in each class....................................................11 Percentage of boys to girls ............................................................ 60% to 40% Percentage of WPS graduates that have gone on to attend college or university ........................................................................................ 94% Average time spent in 1 to 1 focus program each week ........................................................................ 3 hours Number of pages in Winston report card ..................................................... 20 Number of Plays each year ..................................................................................4 Number of sports teams..................................................................................... 15 Number of after school programs................................................................... 22 Number of Cross-Country Championships ......................................................2 Number of Basketball championships ..............................................................1 Number of children participating in sports ...............................................130
Yeah, I mean one for the first time I felt like I was with people who understood what I was going through. They were going through the same things, they were at Winston for the same reasons that I was and the teachers didn’t treat me like I was some alien form which was happening before. I, I actually felt like I was intelligent for the first time.
Winston Prep is a, a lot of things, it became my family. Um, it is a unique school. It is an outlet for students who don’t have that um, anywhere else. It’s a caring environment. It’s a motivating place to be and its, I mean this is farther off the topic, but I started off at New School as an education major because I wanted to uh, work in special education at a school like Winston. And I’m still And um, once I got to Winston it was planning on doing that but uh, decided just completely different I was able to that first I should get my undergrad actually work and have friends and do degree in something else. So, but I, things after school which I was never because of the teachers that I met at able to do before because of all of my Winston and the people that I met and tutoring. And I had help in smaller the effect it had on me, I now want to classes and teachers actually understood teach students like myself. So, Winston how to teach me which was a nice shaped me and made me the person that change. I am today.
I think teachers need to understand that each child, each student is different. And that every learning style is, there’s so many different ways that people learn and to absorb and thats one thing that I think people don’t see. I think that they need to find, learn every way that, not you know they’re, they have to learn every way a student can learn and if it doesn’t work for that student they need to find a different way to teach it to them. Because they are capable, everyone’s capable of absorbing the information that you’re trying to them. Its just everyone is different, everyone needs to learn it differently and if that takes more time, it takes more time. But um, thats just one thing I can’t strive enough about, that that needs to happen. Amanda G Winston 2004-2010 Attending XXX College
I think that the mixed ages in classrooms was really great for me. To be put with people who were in a different grade level than I was really great. To be put with people who learned the same way that I did and have teachers who understood that way was amazing. Jane C Student 2004-2007 Junior at The New School
At Winston, the whole day is devoted to the learning of that child and the focus. It is in that sense, for the school day, a much more precisely driven and efficient system for the delivery of education. TB Parent Son attended Winston for 3 years and is now attending a mainstream boarding school.
The classrooms are different from the mainstream school my son had just left. The obvious difference is the size. Our son’s first year at Winston he was in a group I think of nine, which for him was imperative. And also, the classroom structure is built around the kind of learners it has in it at that moment, rather than the other way around. So when a Winston group comes into a classroom, the teacher in the classroom knows what that group is and what their issues are and frames a classroom dedicated to meet their learning needs. It comes from the child, the child structures the classroom, rather than the classroom structures the child. TB Parent Son attended WInston 3 years and is now in
Winston students have been accepted by the colleges, universities, and post-graduate programs that are listed below (2005-2010) Adelphi University Albright College Alfred University American University Arizona State University Art Institute of Boston Art Institute of Chicago Bard College Becker College Ben Franklin Institute of Technology Bergen Community College Bowie State University California State University- Northridge California State University-San Diego State Carleton University (Canada) Catholic University Champlain College Cheney University of Pennsylvania Clark Atlanta University Clark University College of Mount Saint Vincent College Internship Program College Living Experience Curry College CUNY-BMCC CUNY-Brooklyn College CUNY-City College CUNY-College of Staten Island CUNY-Hunter College CUNY-Laguardia Community College CUNY-Lehman College CUNY-NYC College of Technology CUNY-Queens College Dean College DePauw University Dowling College Drew University Earlham College Embry-Riddle University Eugene Lang College Evergreen State College
Fairleigh Dickinson University Fashion Institute of Technology Florida Institute of Technology Franklin Pierce University George Washington University Goucher College Green Mountain College Hampshire College Hartwick College Hofstra University Institute of Design & Construction Iona College Ithaca College Johnson C. Smith University Johnson & Wales University Kansas City Art Institute Keene State College Keuka College Landmark College Lesley College Long Island University- CW Post Campus Lynchburg College Lynn University Manhattanville College Maryland Institute College of Art Marymount Manhattan College Massachusetts College of Art Menlo College Mercy College- Dobbs Ferry Campus Merrimack College Mitchell College Mount Ida College Muskingum College New England College Nassau Community College Northeastern University New York Institute of Technology Ontario College of Art & Design Pace University Parsons School of Design Paul Smith’s College
Pennsylvania College of Technology Pratt Institute Radford University Rhode Island College Rider University Roger Williams University Rollins College Sacred Heart University Sarah Lawrence College Savannah College of Art and Design School of the Museum of Fine Arts School of Visual Arts Seton Hall University SUNY Alfred SUNY Binghamton SUNY Brockport SUNY Buffalo SUNY Cobleskill SUNY Cortland SUNY Delhi SUNY Finger Lakes Community College SUNY Fredonia SUNY Mohawk Valley Community College SUNY Morrisville SUNY New Paltz SUNY Old Westbury SUNY Plattsburgh SUNY Purchase SUNY Stony Brook St. Francis College St. Joseph’s University St. Michael’s College St. Thomas Aquinas College Syracuse University Thames Academy at Mitchell College Towson University Trinity College (DC) University of Arizona University of Hartford University of Oregon University of Pittsburgh
University of Rhode Island University of the Arts University of Vermont Utica College Valley Forge Military College Washington College Western Michigan University Wheaton College Whittier College Widener College Wood-Tobe Coburn School York College of Pennsylvania
Winston Preparatory School education for the individual 126 West 17th St New York, NY 10011