Resource Guide 2016-2017

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GUIDE CBOQ Resource Guide | 1

A family of churches Transformed by Christ Revealing God’s kingdom

HOW TO USE THIS GUIDE CBOQ is committed to providing our churches with the resources and tools they need to be able to do what God has called them to do as they connect with the people around them. Inside you will find events, workshops and other resources that have been designed with our churches in mind. To ensure that you are able to find the resources that meet your church’s needs, we have colour coded them. Please see the legend below for guidance. We look forward to assisting your church family as you seek God’s will and share Jesus with your neighbours.



For Pastors

For Deacons/Boards/Chairs/Elders

For Youth Pastors/Leaders

For Children’s Pastors/Leaders

For Treasurers

Table of Contents We are CBOQ 4 Connecting 5 Leadership Development 7 Finance and Administration 8 Canadian Baptist Archives 8 Congregational Development 9 Resources 9 Grants 9 Churches Helping Churches 10 Church Planting 11 Operations and Membership 11 Next Generation Ministries 12 Youth 12 Postsecondary 12 Child and Family 13 Internships 13 Camps 14 Events 15 eNews 17 Contact 18

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We are

CBOQ CBOQ exists to empower churches and leaders as they engage with their mission from God in their community. Together we are training, equipping and caring for your pastors. We are helping you plant new churches, and giving you the resources you need to make your church thrive. We are creating experiences and opportunities for young people and their leaders to expand their love of God and love of each other. We’re telling your stories to encourage and inspire our family of churches. It is our privilege to journey with you, our member churches and associations. We are excited to share with you our ministry strategic priorities for 2015–2017:



What it means to be a part of the CBOQ family • Develop a greater understanding of and stronger ties to CBOQ with leaders and congregants of all ages • Re-affirm the commitment and expectations of CBOQ to its member churches • Re-affirm the commitment and expectations of member churches to CBOQ

Providing care and support to our ministry professionals • Provide resources and support to congregations in the areas of governance structures and human resources best practices • Develop a team of transition coaches to support churches through pastoral transitions • Create resources for retirement planning/ preparation/transition for pastoral and ministry leaders • Foster ongoing support and encouragement to our pastoral leaders through regular contact, nurturing greater levels of relationship within our constituency and with CBOQ

CHURCH PLANTING Growing our CBOQ family through fresh expressions of the Gospel • Create an environment where churches are inspired and empowered to plant new churches and/or new mission initiatives • Provide resources for church planters and for churches looking to plant • Develop a team of regional personnel to support our church planters • Develop strategies and resources for congregational renewal, including replanting


NEXT GENERATION Fostering future generations of Canadian Baptists • Champion/advocate ministry responses to the changing reality of church in engaging children, youth, young adults and families outside of the church • Develop and implement a volunteer leadership equipping stream for youth and family ministries • Empower and equip local churches and camping ministries to build strong, lasting relationships for the healthy spiritual development of the next generation



Dallas Friesen, Director of Congregational Development • 416-620-2958

Matt Wilkinson, Director of Next Generation Ministries • 416-620-2941

Congregational Development helps churches live out their calling by focusing on transforming, resourcing, networking and planting. This is achieved through: • Resources, workshops and consultations on community, worship, formation and mission • Grants for missional initiatives • Refugee sponsorship guidance and assistance

Next Generation Ministries supports the development of young people through churches and leaders. This includes: • Coaching/consulting • Resources: Youth and children’s ministries • Empowerment: Internships and leadership development • Advocacy/research • Training: Opportunities for adult and student leaders • Experiences: Retreats, events, short-term missions • eNews • Camp Kwasind: Summer camp/retreats

FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION Peris Kamotho, Director of Finance and Administration • 416-620-2940 Administration and Finance helps churches manage their financial and administrative obligations through: • Resources for church treasurers • Group benefits and pension plan program • Certificate loan program • Mortgage loan program

LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Brian Craig, Director of Leadership Development • 416-620-2939 Leadership Development provides support, education and care for our pastoral leaders. This includes: • Accreditation, ordination and ministerial standards • Pastoral search and placement support • AIM (“About Integral Mission”) ministry cohorts • Ministry coaching and clergy care • Boards, elders and deacons coaching • “Connexion” eNews and “The Next Chapter” retiree news • Events, workshops and seminars

OPERATIONS AND MEMBERSHIP Melody Currier, Director of Operations and Membership • 416-620-2959 Operations and Membership helps churches and associations understand what it means to be part of the CBOQ family. This includes: • Fostering awareness of the covenantal relationship and responsibilities between churches and CBOQ, including church financial partnership with CBOQ • Churches joining CBOQ and church closures • Assembly • CBOQ Sunday • Fundraising • “The Canadian Baptist” and “Out of Operations” eNews • Communications Communications develops our publications, including The Canadian Baptist, CBOQ Sunday resources, the website and social media feeds, as well as supporting departmental initiatives. Please contact Jacqueline Solomon, Communications Associate, if your church has a story to share about what God is doing in your community. • (416) 620-2955

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RESOURCES CBOQ offers many workshops, consultations and online resources and guides to help your church find its strengths, navigate challenges and discern what God is calling your community to do.

ACCREDITATION AND ORDINATION We want to develop and maintain strong relationships with our pastoral leaders throughout CBOQ. To that end, we provide a system by which pastors are connected for support and accountability to others within our family of churches. Accreditation, supervision and ordination all encourage our leaders towards excellence and effectiveness in ministry. These processes are administered through our Department of Leadership Development. Contact: Sheila Dyck,, 416-620-2933



This workshop will examine the components of C.A.L.L.: Conformed to Christ, Authenticity, Located, Loving and Liking. 1–3 hours CRITICAL ISSUES FOR LEADERS

This workshop presents some of the central ideas that are surfacing from discussions around key traits, attitudes or postures that will enable our churches to thrive in the emerging realities of our day. 1–3 hours THE JOURNEY WITHOUT MAPS

This workshop looks at the life of the patriarch Abraham for clues to help us navigate through unfamiliar territory. 1 hour to weekend retreat MINISTRY AMONG EXILES: FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS

Drawing primarily from the literature of the exile in the Old Testament, this workshop helps define new vision and hope for our churches today. 5 hours to weekend retreat


“What in the world am I supposed to be doing in this role?” That common question faces those who serve as deacons, elders, board members or council members in a church. This workshop seeks to answer that question—not as a bureaucratic chore, but as a spiritual calling, committed to leading as God and his people require. Whether you’re a new or long-serving leader, come explore the “why” of our ministry leadership calling, as well as practical considerations on “how” to function on that basis. 1.5–3 hours TURNING COMMITTEES INTO TEAMS

This workshop will explore ways to encourage the best from the groups that accomplish ministry, as well as minister to those serving on them. 1–2 hours FINDING THE RIGHT FIT

Specifically for those giving leadership in worship. Looking at the purposes and elements of worship, we will find clues to crafting and leading corporate worship. 1–3 hours

This workshop views the pastoral search process through a missional lens. It introduces important tools for community and congregational assessment and offers tips on how to conduct an interview to gain the most for discerning God’s lead in choosing a leader. Also available on DVD. 1.5–3 hours



Specifically for those giving leadership in worship. This workshop will explore ways in which we can bring creativity to bear on our worship times, so that all of us will be more captured by the presence of God. 1–3 hours

StrengthsFinder™ is a tool developed by the Gallup organization to identify and support the strengths we have for being fulfilled and successful in our life and work. Based on a short online assessment, we provide coaching to individuals and groups, such as staff teams or church boards, on how to maximize their effectiveness in ministry. Brian Craig is a certified Faith Strengths Performance Coach through Gallup University. 1.5–3 hours



This workshop will present various approaches to determining what changes are most critical in a situation, and then think through strategies for achieving the desired changes. 2–3 hours

Contact: Brian Craig,, 416-620-2939 CBOQ Resource Guide | 7

TREASURERS’ WORKSHOP Managing church finances can be challenging, particularly for new treasurers. The Treasurers’ Workshop provides resources and training in: • • • • •

Church financial operations Pastor payroll calculations Canadian Baptist Benefits Plan and Pension Plan Investment practice and policy Accounting practices

• • • •

Financial reporting and receipting Government regulations on administrative and financial issues Certificate Loan Program Mortgage Loan Program

Contact: Peris Kamotho,, 416-6220-2940

CANADIAN BAPTIST ARCHIVES WRITING YOUR LOCAL CHURCH’S HISTORY Is your church having a special anniversary in the near future? Does your church lack a recorded history, or does the one you have need updating? Do people have a desire to know how your church “got here”? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions you should consider this workshop. This workshop provides basic instruction in how to provide a written history for your local church. It deals with important things such as how to collect and interpret historical documents, how to produce an oral history, and how to avoid common pitfalls in writing history. Every local church needs a written history, and this workshop helps make that possible. Contact: Gord Heath,, 905-525-9140 x26409







In a world that is increasingly fragmented, this workshop is designed to help participants work through setting priorities and practices that foster practicing the way of Jesus. 2 hours NEIGHBOURHOOD WALK

Gather some people together and we will walk your church’s neighbourhood asking questions about where we see signs of Shalom and the absence of peace. We will explore what it means to live faithfully present in a neighbourhood and imagine together what God might be inviting of us. 2 hours NAMING YOUR STORY IN GOD’S STORY

Your life is a story and its Author invites you to live it abundantly. Naming your place within God’s grand narrative can help you experience Christ’s death and resurrection in your own life. This workshop is designed to help you identify God’s story in your own language, help you tell your own and weave them together. 2 hours


Ministry in a 21st century central Canadian context feels like uncharted territory. There are external and internal challenges that are complex to navigate. This session is designed to help name the challenges before us and to identify what steps we may need to take to address these challenges so that we may live faithfully present in the context in which we are called to live and serve. 2 hours CONFLICT MEDIATION FACILITATOR TRAINING

When we understand the anatomy of a conflict, we can begin to identify the most helpful keys toward peace and harmony. This workshop is designed to train facilitators to utilize conflict as a gift in a church’s mission and ministry. DISCERNING AND ARTICULATING YOUR CHURCH’S GUIDING PRACTICES

Most conflicts in churches are around unspoken values. This workshop enables churches to take time to discern, articulate and develop their guiding practices so they can realize greater harmony and ease in their decision-making going for-

ward. This may take a follow-up meeting to finalize the church’s guiding practices statements. 2-2.5 hours STRUCTURING FOR MISSION

We will work through some best practices for how to structure your church for mission. We will work through how our Baptist Disctinctives can make a difference in the way you structure and govern your church towards living out your mission. 1.5 - 2.5 hours CLARIFYING CONFLICT

The Clarifying Conflict resource is a first step for a board or leadership team to name some of the dynamics and clarify the kind of conflict a church is working through. How could the conflict we are currently facing be a gift from God to further the mission of our church? TRANSFORMING CHURCHES

The Transforming Churches resources is an opportunity for a board or leadership team to identify and discern next steps towards greater health and participation in mission. Contact: Carol Gouveia,, 416-620-2949


Mission Planting: Helping fund missions that have the potential to become a local expression of the body of Christ.

CBOQ grants provide catalytic funds to empower churches in their mission.

Church Planting: Aiding in planting or re-planting a church

Grant application deadlines are October 15, 2016 and April 15, 2017. For more information go to or contact Walter McIntyre, Missional Initiatives Associate at or 416-620-2932.

Missional Initiatives: Helping churches reach out to their communities Church Transformation: Empowering churches to seek the coaching and resources to experience ongoing transformation.

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CHURCHES HELPING CHURCHES Do you have original resources that you would be willing to share with our CBOQ family? We want to help connect churches with each other by pooling, cataloguing and promoting our electronic resources at We know that for pastors and church leaders to be faithful in their ministry they are best when they seek the counsel, experiences and resources of other pastors. Our congregations are often looking to implement processes that other churches have already navigated. We know that local churches have spent all kinds of time and creative energy developing tools that help their church organize well, inspire creative worship, develop spiritually mature people and witness to their neighbourhoods in compelling ways. We also know that congregations are often searching for these home-grown, tested, original resources. We want to help you make those connections. We are encouraging you to share with us your original materials so that we can share them widely across our CBOQ family. Some examples include: • Community Materials Processes, guidelines and devotionals that help you navigate life together • Worship Materials Calls to worship, sermons, prayers, response activities, blessings, ideas for special ceremonies or other occasions, etc. • Spiritual Formation Materials Pre-marital counseling, baptism or membership classes, Baptist history courses, small group curriculum, etc.

• Missional Engagement Materials that have helped you engaged your neighbourhood • Organizational Resources Visioning/restructuring, constitutional revision, policies, etc. • Leadership Development Gift discernment, leadership studies and materials.

The basic criteria for submission: • Reflects our Baptist Distinctives and church practice • Fits into the schema of CBOQ’s online catalogue • Transfers well to other congregational contexts (i.e., (i.e. Complements what is already available or fills a generic names, place locations, etc.) significant gap.) • Is original and doesn’t hold copyright restrictions In addition: • CBOQ will use its discretion as to which items we • This is a free service. Authors will be acknowledged will post but not remunerated and CBOQ will not receive any • All submissions will be formatted to a standard payment CBOQ template and may be edited for content • Only electronic submissions (Word document preferably) are accepted We are delighted that many already find this service helpful. We trust that this service will grow, continue to connect our congregations, and equip you in your important ministry. For submissions, please contact Carol Gouveia at or 416-620-2949.



An annual event designed to help potential mission/church planters and CBOQ to mutually discern if a potential planter is called to this type of ministry. Multi-day MISSION AND CHURCH PLANT DESIGN SHOP

A multi-day interactive workshop for planters and their teams to learn the missiological perspective and skills required to plant mission and churches. Multi-day MISSION AND CHURCH PLANTING COACHES TRAINING

Best-practice training workshop for church planter coaches who wish to walk alongside CBOQ plants on the path to sustainability. Multi-day MISSION AND CHURCH PLANTING NETWORK

Regional cohort of planters who meet together on a regular basis for learning, encouragement, peer coaching and prayer. THINKING OF PLANTING?

This half-day workshop is for pastors and lay leaders who want to see the kingdom of God expand by their church giving birth to a new mission or church. We will explore a vision for church planting, signs you might be ready to plant, common objections to planting, models of planting and other frequently asked questions.


Have you ever wondered why we are Baptist? Or what a Canadian Baptist is? CBOQ has a rich Baptist heritage with a distinctiveness that has helped shape our common life in Christ and propelled our mission and service to others. This guide can be used for boards/committees to evaluate the health and mission of their church, membership or baptism class to facilitate dialogue around Baptist heritage and identity and for Associations/ministerial groups to talk about the challenges of navigating modern Baptist life. JOINING CBOQ

Are you leading a church in the formative stages of organization? Or an existing congregation looking for a larger church family to be join with? Download our guide to joining CBOQ. The guide outlines benefits of partnership with CBOQ, including the application process. CLOSING A CHURCH

Is your church wondering if closure is on the horizon? Have no idea where to begin the process? This guide is designed to help church leaders ask important questions in the discerning process and leads you through the closing process. BEING A CBOQ MEMBER CONGREGATION

Explore what it means to be part of the CBOQ family of churches. 1-1 1/2 hours Contact: Melody Currier,, 416-620-2959

Contact: Carol Gouveia, cgouveia@, 416-620-2949

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Find out how every member of the church (from parents to ministry leaders to mentors to church leaders) can work together in catalyzing faith through transitions. 3-4 hours

This session covers all the essential areas of managing a youth ministry program. 1-2 hours


Understand and apply coaching tools in a youth ministry context. 1-2 hours

Dr. Chap Clark suggests effective youth ministry happens when five adults significantly invest in one student at a variety of levels. Explore what are some key strategies in how adults (of any age) and youth share life together. 2-3 hours

YOUTH MINISTRY 101 Discover the basics of youth ministry and delve into relevant youth culture issues. 5 hours


TRANSITIONS This book highlights three areas for churches to solidify in order to strengthen faith formation for children and youth in their churches.


Understand what it means to connect with the “digital” generation. 1-2 hours

Horizons is a 24-module online youth ministry training course where you’re accompanied by a mentor in discerning how best to lead youth ministry in yourcontext. Download the brochure at




This workshop unpacks how a church can move towards practically engaging the next generation in a transformative faith journey and the development of a healthy and effective youth ministry. 4 hours

Recommend a topic and we’ll either create a workshop or connect you with someone who’s already a specialist. Contact Alvin at for availability and to see which seminars work best for you.

POST-SECONDARY Taking the next step in a student’s life towards postsecondary education is a monumental task. Our resources are designed to help you walk alongside your church’s youth as they come to terms with new stages of life. The following resources are all available at AFTER HIGH SCHOOL Do you have someone in Grade 11 or 12 who is figuring out what happens after high school? This book is a resource for both students and parents as they navigate life after high school. After High School” book gives an overview of considerations for students, leaders and parents.

MENTORING The life change from grade 12 to post-secondary is a big step. Having a seasoned mentor walk with that grade 12 graduate provides the support in navigating this stage. This 15-month graduate mentoring kit provides some starting questions to help transition students beyond high school.

Contact: Alvin Lau,, 416-620-2946


CHILD AND FAMILY ALL AGES WORSHIP This practical, interactive seminar explores what it means to develop and plan intentional, inclusive worship experiences where people of all ages can worship God in meaningful ways together. 2 hours BECOMING A FAMILY-EQUIPPING FOCUSED MINISTRY Discover what it means to refocus your children’s ministry to include equipping families as the primary spiritual nurturers of children. Practical ways to easily implement changes will be explored. 2 hours DETERMINING A FAMILY MINISTRY MODEL This seminar is intended for leadership teams interested in developing a children’s ministry that includes ministry to families but are unsure of the model to implement or how to do it. 2 hours

DEVELOPING A STRATEGY FOR CHILDREN AND FAMILY MINISTRY This seminar addresses the key areas and components to developing a “big picture” framework for children and family ministry. Understand what it means to develop a ministry strategy that equips the entire community to care for children and “spiritual orphans.” 2 hours VOLUNTEER RECRUITMENT AND DEVELOPMENT This seminar explores practical ways to effectively recruit, develop and support excellent volunteers in your children’s ministry. 2 hours Contact: Tanya Yuen,, 416-620-2947

INTERNSHIPS EDUCATION INTERNSHIP The education internship involves working with CBOQ Youth staff for four months to a year in order to gain insights on “behind-the-scenes” organization, hone administrative skills and fulfill personal learning objectives.

ARE YOU INTERESTED IN HOSTING AN INTERN? Do you want ways to empower those in your congregation interested in pursuing vocational ministry? We can help you put together an internship program for your church. Find out more at

CURRICULUM We are pleased to offer both a junior high and a senior high curriculum with the theme of “Rerooted: Living Life Rerouted.” Each curriculum has 19 lessons in five modules. You can purchase it on CD or a hard copy, or download online for free. You can also download all the previous years’ curricula at:

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CONNECT YOUR NEXT STEPS What are the next steps in your youth ministry? Take a moment to list where you believe God is taking your ministry next year. You can win a special CBOQ Youth gift bag. Enter bonus code “nextstep” at bonus. WALKING ALONGSIDE YOU We will provide coaching or consultations for your church, association or your point ministry leader with issues of staffing, family ministry development, strategic implementation or leadership development (or other topics) through multiple venues such as Skype calls, informal meetings or church/association meetings.

CBOQ YOUTH BLOG Each week, CBOQ Youth posts a new blog geared towards providing you with helpful resources. You can connect with the blog at WEEKLY E-UPDATES CBOQ Youth e-mails a weekly eUpdate featuring key upcoming details. Whether it’s upcoming events, highlighting resources or specific dates to know, every issue has something your youth ministry can use. To subscribe, go to or contact Alvin. lau at or 416-620-2946.

CAMPS As a ministry to youth, kids and families, do you see that camp ministry is playing a strategic role in your planning? Given the amazing power that camp has to help young people grow in their faith, we encourage you to send the kids in your church to camp, and consider helping those who can’t afford it. There is something truly transformative and life-changing about getting the chance to go to a Christian camp and it is critical that campers get connected back into the local church. This is one reason why CBOQ gives leadership to the camp we own, Camp Kwasind, and highlights our association camps as well as other Christian camps. We want to elevate the importance and significance of every young person having the opportunity to be part of a Christian summer camp. For more information about Camp Kwasind, go to You may also want to consider these camps that are also part of our Baptist family: • Camp Hermosa: • Camp Oneida: • Camp Burbalac: • Camp Norland:

Contact: Matt Wilkinson,, 416-620-2941


EVENTS REIGNITE November 2-4, 2016 Nottawasaga Inn, Alliston, ON

AVALANCHE January 20-22, 2017 Muskoka Woods, Rosseau, ON

Speaker: Peter Scazzero, Author and Pastor of New Life Community, Elmhurst, New York

Avalanche is more than just a weekend retreat—it is often a life-changing experience for many students. It is a chance for junior high students to join with over 400 other young Canadian Baptists and see that they are not alone in their journey towards Jesus. Through high quality small group experiences, musical worship and engaging teaching, we aim to inspire your students, whether Christian or not, to begin taking steps in their young faith journeys. Beyond that, there are many great games, activities and a lifetime of memories made on this weekend.

Reignite is a CBOQ Pastors’ and Ministry Workers’ Conference sponsored by the Leadership Development office. Our goal is to encourage, inspire, connect and refresh all our ministry workers. This conference provides a welcoming and relaxing environment for our pastors, ministry leaders and their spouses to nourish their minds, spirits and bodies. This annual autumn event is designed for pastors to take a few days away from the intensity of ministr and reignite their passion for Christ alongside old and new friends. We invite you to consider encouraging your pastor to come to Reignite, and give them a chance to recharge and be strengthened to serve your church better. YOUTH PASTORS’ RETREAT October 3-5, 2016 Camp Kwasind, Muskoka Lakes, ON This annual gathering is a time for CBOQ youth pastors and workers to get away to be encouraged, inspired and refreshed. This year we will enjoy evening campfires, time to network, worship with Darin Martin, teaching from Dale Stairs and the chance for each attendee to have personal time with a veteran youth ministry coach. What better way to kick off the ministry season than with other like-minded leaders in a venue that brings together fun, friendship and equipping?

If your church is hosting an event that you would like our Canadian Baptist family to know about, let us know! Contact Jacqueline Solomon at jsolomon@ BLIZZARD 1 & 2 February 3-5, 2017 Muskoka Woods, Rosseau, ON

February 10-12, 2017

For over a decade these retreats have become landmark experiences for thousands of teenagers in their spiritual journeys. This is one of the most anticipated and impactful weekends that students experience as it brings together fun, great teaching, spiritual growth, awesome food and crazy activities. Our hope is that our churches make this a “must do” experience for their teens, as it is a place where the local church experiences being part of a larger faith family. TODAY’S TEENS CONFERENCE February 25, 2017 The Meeting House, Oakville, ON Today’s Teens is an exciting, enriching and accessible one-day youth ministry training conference for youth workers, volunteer leaders, parents and student leaders to compassionately live out and and engage the next generation with the person and message of Jesus.

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CBOQ SUNDAY March 5, 2017 Your church!

NEW PASTORS’ ORIENTATION April 24-27, 2017 Fair Havens Retreat Centre, Beaverton, ON

CBOQ Sunday is a day for our family of churches to recognize what it means to be Canadian Baptists. With a special full magazine edition of The Canadian Baptist, video resources and more, we encourage all our churches to participate with us. Talk to your church leadership and start planning for your church to join in the celebration.

New Pastors’ Orientation is one of the most meaningful events CBOQ holds during the year. The retreat takes place over four days, offering small groups, guest speakers, unplugged worship and information sessions. Spouses are welcome to attend. New ministry leaders and their spouses will learn about the opportunities and services offered by CBOQ and our partners, meet CBOQ and partner staff and interact with one another over a longer time frame than most retreats and be encouraged to increase effectiveness in their ministries. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC COMPASSION EXPERIENCE March 2017 Experience tells us that youth and young adults are profoundly transformed when they get out of their context, build relationships amongst those that are different—economically, culturally, or socially. The opportunity for accelerated discipleship occurs as youth have Compassion Experiences. CENTRE COURT Spring 2017 Air Canada Centre, Toronto, ON Centre Court is an unforgettable experience that gives your youth a chance to do something with their friends that they don’t normally get to do. Your students can invite their unchurched friends to an environment where they will enjoy a Raptors game and then a post-game rally at courtside featuring games, spiritual insights from a player, lots of prizes and a chance to step foot on the court. Moreover, these friends of your students will get a chance to get to know you and your group better…lots of great things happen through this exciting annual event.

For more upcoming events, subscribe to The Canadian Baptist at

16 ASSEMBLY June 8-10, 2017 Hilton Mississauga/Meadowvale, Mississauga, ON Each year we look forward to our annual family gathering of all our churches under one roof to celebrate all that God is doing in and through CBOQ. Assembly provides a leadership development opportunity for your entire church leadership team—including volunteers. Plenary sessions are designed for everyone, not just pastors or lay leaders, and they are free! Assembly also offers a wide variety of workshops that address topics of interest to many church leadership positions, such as youth leaders, Sunday School teachers, church treasurers, deacons and board members.

eNews We have several e-newsletters that share the stories and resources that are a part of your Canadian Baptist family. As we seek to encourage, inspire and develop our churches, we invite you to sign up for the newsletters that suit your needs and interests. THE CANADIAN BAPTIST News and stories from across your Canadian Baptist family, as well as upcoming events and links to helpful resources. Monthly CONNEXION CBOQ’s pastoral newsletter designed to provide our pastors with stories and information that are relevant to them. Quarterly OUT OF OPERATIONS Features articles, links and relevant information for church clerks, deacon chairs, board chairs and treasurers. Quarterly THE NEXT CHAPTER News, articles and community updates for CBOQ’s retiredministry leaders and their spouses. Triannually

YOUTH E-UPDATES Articles and events from CBOQ Youth that are geared towards youth pastors and leaders to help them find out what is happening in their field and share upcoming events. Weekly CHILDREN AND FAMILY: FOR MINISTRY LEADERS Features recommended websites, book reviews, parent-equipping ideas and stories from our churches. Monthly CHILDREN AND FAMILY: FOR PARENTS Featuring suggestions of 10 online articles for parents, as well as featured articles and guidance on ideas for spiritual parenting. Encourage the parents in your congregation to sign up for this valuable resource. Monthly

Sign up now at

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Brian Craig • Director of Leadership Development 416-620-2939 •

Matt Wilkinson • Director of Next Generation Ministries • 416-620-2941 •

Clergy Care Associate* 416-520-4956

Michelle Searles • Administrative Assistant 416-620-2946 •

Sheila Dyck • Administrative Assistant 416-620-2933 •

Alvin Lau • Youth Ministries Associate 416-620-2946 •


Tanya Yuen • Children and Family Ministries Coordinator • 416-620-2945 •

Dallas Friesen • Director of Congregational Development • 416-620-2958 • Carol Gouveia • Administrative Assistant 416-620-2949 •

Susan Murphy • Administrator • Camp Kwasind 905-294-6360 • • Rod Vis • Managing Director • Camp Kwasind •

Walter McIntyre • Missional Initiatives Associate 416-620-2932 •


Congregational Development Associate* 416-620-2935

Melody Currier • Director of Operations and Membership 416-620‑2959 •


Kristi Pollard • Administrative Assistant 416-620-2954 •

Peris Kamotho • Director of Finance and Administration 416-620-2940 • Spencer Lee • Accounting Manager 416-620-2935 •

Dana Barber • Receptionist 416-620-2930 • Jacqueline Solomon • Communications Associate 416-620-2955 •

Christine Choy • Accounting Clerk 416-620-2938 •


Kristi Pollard • Administrative Assistant 416-620-2954 •

Tim McCoy • Executive Minister 416-620-2947 • Phoebe McPeak • Executive Assistant 416-620-2936 •

*Position vacant at time of printing. Updated information available at 18



At Assembly? Reignite? Your very own CBOQ church? Share your photos with us!

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For resources, events, registrations, videos, location information, churches, ministry opportunities, articles, contact information and more, visit us at today!

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CANADIAN BAPTISTS of Ontario and Quebec 5 International Blvd Etobicoke, ON M9W 6H3 416 622 8600

CANADIAN BAPTISTS of Ontario and Quebec A family of churches Transformed by Christ Revealing God’s kingdom


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