The Next Chapter Jun. 2016

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CBOQ Alumni News| June 2016

A CBOQ Retiree Newsletter

LOVING OUR WAY THROUGH By Bill Norman don’t know much about Cornel West. Like me he is a baby boomer—I will be 66 in August, he turns 63 in June. I am a Baptist pastor; he is the son of a Baptist pastor. With that the comparison ends. His resume features a Princeton Ph. D. and a long list of books he has authored or edited. He has appeared on television with both Bill Maher and Stephen Colbert. More than that, he is famous enough to have been played on Saturday Night Live by Kenan Thompson.


God’s kingdom. I think of the story of William Wilberforce whose decades long struggle to end the slave trade in Britain was told in the 2006 movie, “Amazing Grace.” I can get teary-eyed watching that movie and think how wonderful it was that this Christian political leader laboured to rid the British Empire of the horrors of slavery. But far better that I get teary-eyed about the darkness of the slavery of women and children that still exists in our world and do what I can to support those Christians working now to rid our world of this I recently came across something present horror. Cornel West wrote which resonated with my soul. “Despite the challeng- Take note of the commitment with es presented by the trivialization and which West is challenging us—to love dilution of the Christian gospel, I our way through the darkness. What remain committed to its fundamen- a challenge this is! A favourite hymn tal claim: To follow Jesus is to love is “Lift high the Cross,” singing about your way through the darkness of the the whole world adoring the sacred world.” name of Christ. This adoration is not accomplished through coercion, it is It is possible for that to strike you as accomplished through the proclamafatally pessimistic, I admit that. Yet it tion and the living out of Christ’s sacseems to me that recognizing there rificial love. is darkness in our world is a necessary part of the spiritual equipment How can this happen in our lives? that we take with us into the work of Here’s my witness: unless I stay close

to God’s Word, reading from it and feeding on it, I forget that the victory of the Gospel is won through forgiveness, the adoration of the Christ only happens after the Son emptied himself and humbled himself and became obedient to the point of death on the cross (Philippians 2: 7, 8). I also think this challenge is realistic. As a Christian, if I will love my way through the darkness, then that’s enough. The world may not change as much as I would want, but if I continue to love, then the promise of the Gospel is coming true in our lives, the darkness will not overcome the light (John 1:5). Bill Norman has decided to pursue other opportunities and has left his position at CBOQ. He will be missed, but Bill remains a Bill Norman valued part of CBOQ’s family and we are excited for him as he follows God’s lead.


CBOQ Alumni News| June 2016


By Rev. Dr. Laurence Barber Read II Kings 6: 8-19 Ah, retirement: now time for what I want to do. I was privileged to fill a two-year interim period as our church sought a new pastor. That being over, the model railway beckons still, and photography, and a ministry website for sharing the fruit of years of ministry. open and engaging in what God is doing around us. Well, I’m mostly open to what God may bring, what he

may allow. Easy to say—to want to really happening around them. lean in to, but it’s not so easy when life caves in and not-so-pleasant “Don’t be afraid,” the prophet answered. surprises assail us. “Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” Life surprises daily with the good and not-so-good. I addressed a And Elisha prayed, “Open his eyes, retirement seminar with: ‘More to Lord, so that he may see.” Then the Do!’ That was partial denial of my Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he discomfort with aging, being on looked and saw the hills full of horses the shelf, watching my body go and chariots of fire all around Elisha. bad. Too soon we wait in hospitalclinic reception areas, learning the II Kings 6:16-17 meaning of the word “eternity.” A miracle! But such insight comes, ‘Wean it from earth’ we ask the as needed, to faith-full people Spirit in the old hymn. I know that young or old, as God’s presence is about the sinful heart’s worldly and provision come through. To be attitudes and actions, but God open is not necessarily to welcome, takes us up on our prayer, weans nor is it a stoic stiff upper lip. It us from jobs and careers, health is trust as God supplies, when and strength, perhaps from a natural insight and ability fails. spouse or other dear ones. Finally, When there is opposition, trial he weans us from life itself. and despair, the deep heart’s faithfilled eyes on God bring needed In the old story, Elijah prayed that calm and assurance. his servant might see what was

November 2-4, 2016 Nottawasaga Inn, Alliston, ON Speaker: Peter Scazzero, Author of Emotionally Healthy Spirituality 2

The Next Chapter


CBOQ wishes a very Happy Birthday to: Tamotsu Morikawa Helen Watt William Wood Barry Yager Jean Matthews Michael Kaye Geerald Cooke Harry Nicholls Lynn Burr Norma Meakes-Collett Lois Lohnes Virginia Keith Muriel Harrington Galahad Cheune John Keith John Gill Norman Bullock Joy Townsend Beverly Burns

Feb. 9 Feb. 15 Feb. 15 Feb. 28 Mar. 29 Apr. 7 Apr. 8 Apr. 21 May 1 Jun. 3 Jul. 9 Jun. 19 Jul. 11 Jul. 12 Jul. 13 Jul. 20 Jul. 23 Jul. 30 Aug. 3



Would you like your CBOQ family to pray for you? Send your prayer requests to us!

We are grateful for the lives of service that these men and women lived for the sake of Christ. We celebrate their lives and mourn their loss with their families.

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Pray for the leadership and the board of CBOQ, that God would give them the wisdom and direction they need Pray for our family of churches, that they would respond to the needs of the next generation Pray for those who are ill and are in need of God’s healing and peace. Pray for a swift recovery for Margaret Freeland, former editor of Over the Backyard Fence, who has been ill

Did we miss your birthday? Do you have a prayer request? Is there someone who should be on our In Memory list that we missed? Contact Sheila Dyck at or call 416-620-2933. You can also reach us by mail at our office’s new address at: Canadian Baptists of Ontario and Quebec ATTN: The Next Chapter 5 International Blvd, Etobicoke, ON M9W 6H3

Rev. Alfredo Abellera Feb. 11, 2016 Rev. Dr. Colin Wisman Smith Feb. 15, 2016 Rev. Allan Perks Feb. 17, 2016 Rev. Jess Roque Feb. 17, 2016 Mrs. Elva Lewis Feb. 24, 2016 Mrs. Helen Ropp Apr. 8, 2015

VOLUNTEER If you would like to volunteer with CBOQ, let us know! We have many different volunteer opportunities, from helping with the mailing to building furniture at Assembly. If you have a gift that you would like to use, we are most grateful for your time. For current volunteer opportunities, please call us at 416-622-8600. 3

CBOQ Alumni News| June 2016



If you have news you’d like to share with the rest of your Canadian Baptist family, please connect with us! We may not be able to publish all your news, but we will certainly try.

It has been a season of change around CBOQ! We moved offices earlier this year. We’ve had some staffing changes, saying farewell to Clint Mix, Director of Church Planting and Mission, Sarah Westman-Liu, Accounting Manager, Bill Norman, Clergy Care Associate and Sabrina Spooner of Legacy for Ministry. We’re in the process of welcoming new staff over the coming months as well (more details will follow).

CHURCH NEWS WELCOME NEW CHURCHES Joshua Ministries Chatham, Ontario We Share Vision Community Church Toronto, Ontario

Send us your milestones - wedding anniversaries, new additions to your family, ordination anniversaries and more. This is your newsletter—share your stories and exciting events with your community! As you know, we’ve also just had Assembly where we had the opportunity God bless you all with health and to be encouraged together to find out love. what God is doing around us and join in his mission. As always, you can find out more about what happening at CBOQ by going to Margaret Freeland has written a letter to her faithful readers of Over the Backyard Fence. If you’d like to read it, go to


Bruce Neal has written a memoir of his involvement in the early years of Canadian Baptist Relief and Development and the beginnings of The Canadian Foodgrains Bank. He has titled it Birth of the Sharing Way—memories of people and places in a significant chapter of our Canadian Baptist story! Copies are available from Bernice Quek at ReadOn Bookstore (located at the CBOQ offices) or you can reach her at or 416-6202934.

We are dedicated to our churches—to their health, their growth and their ability to serve God in their 5 International Blvd community well. We are Etobicoke, ON M9W 6H3 committed to providing them with the best support possible to extend God’s kingdom into a world that needs the love of Christ.

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You are invited to be a part of what God is doing in our Canadian Baptist family. Please pray for us, consider volunteering with us or send your donation today. | 416-622-8600

A family of churches, transformed by Christ, revealing God’s 5 International Blvdkingdom Etobicoke, ON M9W 6H3


5 Inte Etobic

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