Angelos 2012 Movement

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002-003 Opener 004-005 Break Page 006-007 Kasi Stalnaker 008-009 Nso 010-011 ISP 012-013 Behavioral Sciences 014-015 Personal Traditions 016-017 Soccer 018-019 Kinesiology 020-021 Housing 022-023 Ops 024-025 ROTC 026-027 History & Justice 028-029 Chapel Changes 030-033 Music 034-035 Women United 036-037 Lifeguards 038-039 Intramurals 040-041 Golf 042-043 Midnight Madness 044-045 Water Polo 046-047 Break Page 048-049 Frank Mihelich 050-051 Fortuna 052-053 Christian Ministries 054-055 Procrastination 056-057 Wrestling 058-059 Nursing 060-061 Community Events 062-063 Swim & dive 064-065 Engineering 066-067 Yule 068-069 Across Cultures 070-071 Cross Country 072-073 Health Science 074-075 Basketball 076-077 Micah Parker 078-079 Executive Council 080-081 Student Profile 082-083 CAVAD 084-085 december commencement 086-087 Break Page 088-089 Weddings profile 090-091 Homecoming 092-093 Fashion 094-095 Math & Science 096-097 Cbu-tube 098-099 Seek Week 100-101 Business 102-103 Cheerleading 104-105 slacklining 106-107 Baseball 108-109 Softball 110-111 Education 112-113 Vessel 114-115 Volleyball 116-117 Language & Literature 118-119 Jim Devore 120-121 Communication arts 122-123 theater 124-125 Crazies 126-177 mugs 178-201 index 202-203 Closer 204-205 Colophon 206-207 insert
















Life is movement. We are organisms of movement, internally, externally, always moving. We move through life, each minute, each second, a movement in itself. Every breath a movement of air in and out. Every heartbeat: movement. This past summer in South Asia, I found myself in a world of chaotic movement. At the same time, I found myself in a world of beautiful movement. I was in a world where the potential for God to move and for life to move were on the cusp of realization. Everything in this world is movement. We live in a tenuous and organic world that is full of life all swirling around the center of divinity. Here at CBU, that is no different. With the growth of the University, movement abounds when you get over 5,000 people gathered together in one place. With that movement comes the things that move us as people. Times of joy where we are moved to the core and times of grief where we are shaken to the core. But eventually we move on. We continue to move. And even if we try not to, life moves on without us. We live in an organic world that is constantly changing, constantly growing, constantly moving. How will you be moved? How will you move? And will your movement revolve around the center of divinity that is Christ? Will your movement make the world a better place or will you be an agent of entropy? Will you choose to follow the founder of the greatest movement of all time? Christ called us to move His love and to be moved. “Be still and know that I am God” (Psalms 46:10). And then move. “Therefore, go” (Matthew 28:19). Thi s i s m ovem ent.

Copy and Design By Matthew Shade

Photo By Jacob Armstrong

Give & take The learning curve of global ministry

After spending three years in Japan as a teenager, Kasi Stalnaker continues to immerse herself in different cultures to develop her ability to effectively communicate the gospel cross-culturally.

By Nic Jessen

entered the global classroom once again as her 30 hours of travel came to a close and her plane descended into the heavy tropical air of Thailand. In two months, Stalnaker tasted the culture and harvest of the vibrant green country known as “the land of smiles.” Living alongside a missionary doctor and his family, Stalnaker grew in her knowledge of the medical field and developed her understanding of global ministry. Stalnaker, the daughter of a Marine, moved to Japan with her family at age 12. She first considered missions when she served on a short-term trip to a local island. After moving back to the United States at age 15, Stalnaker served in Mexico and Nicaragua. In the summer following her first year of college, Stalnaker taught English in East Asia for three weeks before flying directly to Kenya to serve a month long medical task. As she started making plans for the next summer, Stalnaker knew she wanted to live with a family on the field and learn as much as possible about long-term service. She found what she was looking for when the Derbyshire family welcomed her into their medical ministry. “If I would have spent two months just sitting at a table with Dr. and Mrs. Derbyshire and doing nothing else but talking to them, it would have made the trip worth it because they have so much wisdom,” Stalnaker said. “The way that they serve the Lord inspires me. “I learned a lot from Dr. Doug about how to share the gospel in a medical context and how to raise up new believers who never knew anything about God,” Stalnaker said. During her first month in Thailand, Stalnaker shadowed Dr. Doug Derbyshire as he treated patient after patient for about seven hours each day. “I’ve never seen someone so dedicated to seeing as many patients as possible,” Stalnaker said. Watching Dr. Derbyshire, Stalnaker learned more about what goes into diagnosing from testing to analysis of EKG’s, ultrasounds and x-rays. Stalnaker also assisted in mobile clinics in other cities and villages. Her job was to perform physical therapy massages and take blood pressures. Though Stalnaker is excited over the medical knowledge and experience gained, her summer in Thailand was not about healing the physical. The central purpose of the clinic is to share the gospel with everyone who comes in for treatment and medication. The all-Christian staff is made up mostly of Thai people who are willing and excited to tell patients about salvation through Jesus Christ. Staff members live near the clinic creating community, an essential aspect of Thai culture. “It’s almost the highest sin to go against group,” Stalnaker said. “Where we were at, if you become a Christian, it’s like you’ve rejected your country. To be Thai, is to be Buddhist. If you’re not Buddhist, you’re not Thai.” Many people who hear and consider the gospel choose not to accept due to the social consequences. “As someone who wants to be a doctor, it’s hard to see people die, but everyone’s going to die,” Stalnaker said. “It’s much harder to see someone reject life.” In Thai Buddhism, the concepts of merit and sin are central to their belief system. Thai Buddhists believe the only way to make it into heaven is to be without sin. Merit is achieved through good deeds and is known as the way to remove sin. Christians begin spiritual conversations using a common Thai phrase: “Sin is sin and merit is merit, and merit cannot take away sin.” Many of the Buddhists Stalnaker encountered accepted simultaneously that merit does and does not remove sin. “When they’re ready it’s easy. It’s so easy to share the gospel. When they’re not, it’s not. They’re not going to accept it.” An 80-year-old woman became fascinated with Stalnaker, giving her the opportunity to build a relationship and share her testimony. Every couple of weeks, Stalnaker met with her again, but “the door was closing. The cost was too high for her,” Stalnaker said. “She knew Jesus is the only way to heaven. She understood that. She just couldn’t give up her community and everything she knew.” In her first month, Stalnaker did not share the gospel because she could not communicate through the language barrier and did not have enough knowledge of Thai beliefs and values. Debate, Stalnaker said, is not the best way to approach sharing the gospel. “You have to take a posture of learning and not a posture of, ‘I have something you need so you better listen.’” Stalnaker effectively shared the gospel by finding an agreeing point and from there, questioning. In two months, Stalnaker witnessed about 50 people come to Christ. “People are spiritually hungry and looking for something to take away their sin,” Stalnaker said. “Everywhere you go, you see hundreds of idols and temples. They’re very aware of the spiritual realm and they’re very afraid of it,” Stalnaker said. Stalnaker and the staff were greatly encouraged to see spiritual strongholds overcome when two people came to Christ at a mobile clinic set up in a Buddhist temple. “We thought, there’s no ways someone’s going to accept Christ in a temple.” Again, Stalnaker sensed the magnitude of God’s power when she reached a goal she had deemed “impossible.” After coming to the conclusion that the Thai language was much too complex, Stalnaker was amazed when she was able to share the gospel in Thai. “It was crazy to be able to tell someone about who Christ is in their language. That was not me. That was definitely not me.”

kasi stalnaker

Design By Nic Jessen; Photo By Lisette Nichols



ON THE HOME FRONT By Bonnie Jean Koenn & Destiny Commons every year,

the story is essentially the same for the new students. They get to CBU and they’re greeted by friendly, yet unfamiliar faces who help them move into their new living areas. They are put into FOCUS groups and placed with leaders who help them get plugged in to the Lancer lifestyle. There are a week’s worth of events planned for them, ranging from the Kugel Walk to Bunko and Clash-N-Bowl. Basically, the freshmen and transfer students have it made their first week here. While the new students are crucial to New Student Orientation (N.S.O.), it wouldn’t be at all possible without the leaders. The leadership at CBU experienced something a little different this year, there were over 1400 new students. That’s the largest incoming class the school has ever seen. Does it blow your mind? Because most of them would agree that it was absolutely insane! Why was it insane? For starters, everything happened in Riverside this year. Retreat and everything that it entails took place on campus. “The new students didn’t know what they essentially missed out on, so we had to prep our leaders and remind them not to bring it up and commit to what we have here. I think the leaders did a really good job of getting the new students excited for what we had this year. This is what they’re going to remember,” said FOCUS Coordinator Elizabeth Gerhartz On the flip side of not getting a chance to spend the weekend at Forest Home, the new Lancers had a chance to get an even more extreme set of Olympic games. “We were able to go about three times bigger with the games,” said FOCUS Coordinator Cameron Malchow. The games not only consisted of some of the traditional retreat games like Human Bowling and Water Balloon Volleyball, but this year there was also a rat race and the CBU version of the sport from Harry Potter, Quidditch. “I feel like the new students and anyone who witnessed what was going on, really saw how much effort was put in because everything was on campus this year. With Community Life helping out with so many of the Olympic games, we had so many things that we were never able to do before,” Gerhartz said.

Design By Bonnie Jean Koenn & Nic Jessen; Photo By Chris Hardy

Justin Park, one of many FOCUS leaders, used orientation week to invest in the lives of his students through mentoring and bonding exercises.




Over 300 students were mobilized to serve across the United States and around world in 2011. Locations service included Spain (top left), Southeast Asia (top middle), Central Asia (top right), East Asia (above and top right), Russia (second right), Middle East (third right) and New York City (bottom right). By Freizel Bagube

way to see change is to be that change. Words can only lead a person so far but actions set the foundation of a guided path. The Office of Mobilization, also known as the MOB Office, has successfully paved a highway of passionate world changers through International Service Projects. The MOB office has played a significant role in helping students live their purpose since the their office doors first opened in 1997. As the years went by and new students and faculty joined the university, the MOB office progressively grew as well. Three years later, the office turned its wheels in becoming a more globally focused program. “We pushed away from the ISP label to Office of Mobilization and moved toward a more global understanding. When Dr. Ellis arrived here, he really had a vision to see CBU be a university that lived out

the best


the Great Commission,” Jared Dobbins, assistant director of mobilization, stated. Since then, the office has been flourishing with disciples making disciples. CBU has served as an institution for students to grow not only academically, but also spiritually. This is seen through the emphasis of being Biblically rooted and globally minded. The MOB office has proven this to be so through their work in influencing the lives of students and faculty alike. The hope of ISP is that students would understand that God’s heart does not just stop here in our homeland but that it also extends overseas. “It is not just about where you go; it’s about learning what it means to be a ‘World Christian’ and living out your purpose for seeing God’s name glorified among the nations,” MOB office Logistics

Coordinator Adam Cook said. There has been an evident culture shift on campus in the 14 years that ISP has existed. The office has done an exceptional job of eradicating the misconception that ISP is only for people who want to be a missionary. “We are trying to break the idea that missions is just for a particular person. We are firm believers that missions happens whether you are overseas or in Riverside, Calif.,” Administrative Secretary Courtney Watson said. This is seen in the number of students that participate in ISP yearly. In 2011, 321 participants were sent to 21 countries on 32 teams. Though the numbers may be impressive, it is important to know that it is not about the amount of people who are sent on a trip but instead the passion that is in the heart of those numbers. “We want to send as many teams as we can, not because it is about the number but because many more people are being used to proclaim God’s name among the nations,” Dobbins said. The office intently examines the places that they send participants, considering that students are sent to over 21 different places in the world. Fieldworkers must fit in a specific criterion in order for them to be an approved location for students to go to. “The main thing we look for in field workers is their heart to see students catch a desire to serve long-term,” Cook said. Along with that, fieldworkers must pour into the students and have a strategy that clearly demonstrates how participants can help further their ministry. Having said this, the office added three new locations – North Africa, South Africa and Finland – to their destination list. Despite the innumerous hours and the great deal of diligent effort that is put forth in making this ministry possible, there is no doubt that each staff member enjoys working at the college level. “What motivates me to motivate students is knowing that college is a shaping time. You find out who you are and what your purpose is,” Dobbins said. “USP, ISP and SOS are vehicles to expand your worldview and take the Gospel where it has not been before.” As the school continues to grow in their development, so will the Office of Mobilization through their zealous attitude in pressing forward towards the goal that has been set before them. Living out the Great Commission is seen through the program. It has been built for students in order for them to truly understand God’s heart among the nations as well as being a vessel for the unreached. Photos Courtesy of The Office of Mobilization; Design By Nichelle Trulove

Assistant Professor of Psychology Angela Deulen teaches the neurotheology course offered at CBU.


the School of Behavioral Sciences are psyched about the new course CBU is offering this year. The new course, Neurotheology, is designed to show the relation between the behavioral sciences and biblical truths. As of now, only two other colleges in the country offer Neurotheology, but neither integrates a Christian perspective, which makes this class an extraordinary opportunity for students. “Some forms of ‘Neurotheology’ argue that God is no more than a mere Darwinist mechanism within the brain to aid humanity in coping with the hardship of life. This course examines the view that the human brain is ‘wired for God’” as explained in the course description. Psychology major Amber Lang shares her interest about the wiring of the brain and how brain damage, mental diseases and other events impact the experience of God. “As science becomes more advanced, I think it is interesting that we can use it to prove how we were created to know Him. This class will open up a new window to the integration between psychology and Christianity,” Lang said. The absence of a Christian perspective is one of the reasons Assistant Professor of Psychology Angela Deulen wanted the course to be offered. The School of Behavioral Sciences strives to instruct students to have a voice in a secular dominated field while still receiving both the contemporary and religious views. “[Christians] need to have a voice in the discussion or else they will be left out of the conversation. I am a scientist and a theist; however, God’s truth is the window through which I see and study the world. Integration is not something I have to force, it is just what I do,” Deulen explained. As the School of Behavioral Sciences grows and evolves, the goal of preparing and equipping students with both biblical and contemporary world views will continue to be the main focal point. Psychology major Christina Campuzano compares experiences in previous schools and appreciates the integrated education at CBU. “The professors from the other schools I attended just taught from the perspective of Darwinism, but here professors remind us that those theories are from people who don’t consider God to be true. They really try to make us see the theories through a Christian perspective and enforce that Christ is the truth.” Campuzano said. The School of Behavioral Sciences integrates faith with fact to propel students towards their professional goals, while grounding them in the teachings of Christ. As students prepare for their professional careers, like Campuzano, an aspiring social worker, the professors equip them to be examples of God’s love in a secular field where love can go a long way. With a new course to offer, the School of Behavioral Sciences is just taking another step forward to train its students in the fields of behavioral sciences.

students of


Design and Photo By Nic Jessen

“IT CAME TO ME IN A DREAM...” O’Neill Cowan

By: Kira Kramer between classes, electives, sports, families and clubs, it seems almost impossible to spend time with friends without one’s planner exploding at the spirals. Life moves at a rapid rate. Acquaintances never make it to the level of “besties” and enjoy movie nights because someone had a paper to write. Some students become lost in their studies instead of being found in some fun. However, other students hold on and make it through the busy rough patches. They meet weekly and preserve their friendships amongst the business of being a college student. These weekly meetings have become traditions, traditions that have held numerous relationships together through the stresses of college life. One tradition that has survived the jump from high school to college is Taco Tuesday. Allison Palenske was the originator for this weekly ritual. Every Tuesday evening around five, an assembly of friends unite to enjoy each others’ company and “boss cheap food,” as Palenske says. She noted Taco Tuesday started, “when I got the job at El Torito in the plaza. My friends started visiting me, and then it just became a regular thing.” Most weekly hangouts fail only after a few meetings, and Palenske admitted it was hard at times. “With sports and labs and homework, it has been difficult this past year at some points, but we make it work.” Another small group on campus finds time to make it work as well. Game night is seen as the activity that brought them all together. Something that started as just an occasional hang-out turned into something much more than that. It was a time to get away from the stresses of school. “I’m in nursing, so I’m always super busy. So I figured why not find a time when everyone can hang out, and then every week that would be our little break from homework. Everyone would just come for as long as they could and we would pick one thing to do,” Amanda Sparling, one of the members of the group, commented. “One week it would be cards, one week it would be Monopoly…” Games of strategy were not the only choice, though. “One time I had coloring books – that’s my stress reliever from studying. We had a coloring contest. That was pretty fun too,” Sparling added. Game Nights could also turn into a time for deep conversations. “We’re all friends still and hang out a lot this year. A lot of them are rooming together, and I’m living above one of them. So the group is a lot closer now,” Sparling said. “Since we’re all different majors and we’re all doing different things, getting together wouldn’t really be happening. I recommend it. I recommend every friend group to have a game night once a week.” What better way to end the school week than a “Friends” Friday? Bryce Burditt and O’Neill Cowan, roommates in the Colony, sat and laughed with each other as they talked about their tradition of watching the television show, “Friends,” every Friday. “I wanted to watch ‘Friends’ on a Friday, and it worked out that is was ‘Friends Friday,’” Cowan smiled. “Most people enjoy watching something, but they also just want to hang out and talk. So usually we play some sort of game. We have played Mafia a couple times so far. Sometimes we’ll watch a couple of episodes, play Mafia for the rest of the night or other games just depending on what other people want to do,” Burditt said. Relationships make life wonderful. Personal connections of all kinds define life and all of the circumstances that come with it. This is why community on campus is such a huge deal. People are often promoting it. Burditt added, “We just wanted a way to build community with the people around us. Mainly, we wanted to do it every week so that they always knew on Friday nights there’s something going on here. People would feel comfortable, get to know the other people and become close.” “We love ‘Friends’, we have friends, we love friends, and we have friends to watch them with,” Cowan grinned. All in all, as life moves fast, these traditions stand firm. As Palenske added, “No matter what we’re doing, we still make time with each other.” With that sentimentality in mind, one can strive to hold on to relationships and make sure they draw closer together instead of further apart.

Photo By Sarah Jane O’Keefe; Design By Steven Anderson Brayam Campos, O’neil Cowan, Mark Langworthy and Bryce Burditt stay connected through a weekly event they call “Friends Friday.”



Kylee Nicassio (top left), Alex Anderson (top right), Channing Perea (bottom left), Tyler Garrison and Jonathan Fausto (bottom right) compete with CBU’s men’s and women’s soccer teams. Both teams are now part of the NCAA.

By Cassie Wyatt kick, shoot

and score. Kick, shoot and score. These are moves that members of CBU’s soccer program know all too well. A move that they don’t know as well, however, is the advancement into a new conference. The 2011-12 season will be the university’s first season as members of the National Collegiate Athletics Association (NCAA), and although all are excited about the change, it is still a new and different experience. “The huge difference between the two conferences are the different teams, and there are many new rules. The rules are something every sport has to get used to,” Fabiola DaSilva, midfielder for CBU’s women’s soccer team, said. “I like the new conference environment. The new teams and different places we get to go are all new and exciting.” The women’s team made quite the first impression coming into the conference by winning the season opener against Northeastern State on Sept. 1, and they have continued to show what the Lancers are capable of with only one loss for the season.

Although many coaches last season were worried the new practice restrictions would change game play, the Lady Lancers have shown that skill resides no matter how much they practice. The CBU men’s team came into the conference with a little bit more of a bumpy start, but have proven they mean business with a six-game winning streak that will have other schools thinking to themselves, “C-BWHAT? C-B-U!” After making their first shut-out of the season against the Cal State Monterey Bay Otters on Sept. 13, Head Coach Ryan Jorden commented, “We’ve flirted with being good defensively this year, but today we did the things that are required to shut a team out. We made it hard for them to play. Anytime you do that, you put yourself in a good position to win.” Both teams have made themselves known, whether it be through performance in other conferences, or coming in to the NCAA with a bang. On Aug.31 2011, a day before CBU had made its PacWest debut, Senior Osvaldo Bastida was chosen to be on the 2011 All-PacWest Pre-

season Men’s Team without a single game played in the conference. In addition, his teammate, Michael Salazar, has made quite an impact on the team in his own way. After finally being cleared to play he was involved in both goals that led CBU to their first shut-out game of the season. This was also his first career game in the conference. Just one week after that, Salazar earned top honors by being named the PacWest Player of the Week. The CBU men don’t get to claim all the glory though. The Lady Lancers have two players who have been selected to play for the All PacWest Preseason Women’s team – Kylee Nicassio and Fabiola DaSilva – once again, both without having played a single conference game. The women’s team can also lay claim on having a player named “PacWest Player of the Week.” Kimberly Allard was named player of the week on Sept. 7, just two weeks before Salazar. Allard was the first player in program history to receive the honor, and only the second in university history, following Ingrid Carmona of the women’s volleyball team earlier

in the week. Lancer’s goalkeeper, Nicoline Jorgensen, received PacWest top 10 Honor Roll recognition that same week due to her six saves out of seven shots on goal in their first two games. Off to an amazing start in the inaugural season in the NCAA, the Lancers have shown they have just the stuff to make it. “I expect to win Nationals. In my opinion we are one of the best teams. I’m only a freshman, but I really like the NCAA. It seems to fit our team well,” Christina Armstrong said. From players to sports fanatics, all agree the move to the NCAA has been a great step for CBU athletics. The soccer teams have given the Lancers a great name in the world of the NCAA without even playing the entire season. Design By Bonnie Jean Koenn; Photos By Zac Mullings



Sean Sullivan, Ph. D., is the department of kinesiology chair.

Design By Nic Jessen; Photo By Clint Heinze


By Amanda Johnson & Shayna Moreno

From the once dreary-looking post office with old mailboxes lining the walls, the basement of the James building has certainly received a facelift. The old home of the post office has now become the home of the Department of Kinesiology. “The dungeon,” as it is affectionately called by Sean Sullivan, the chair of the department of kinesiology, encompasses a few lab rooms and offices of the kinesiology professors. Amidst all this physical improvement, the Department of Kinesiology shows it is about more than just physical activity. Kinesiology is defined as “the study of the mechanics of body movements.” Students who pursue a degree in kinesiology can go into athletic training, physical therapy and medical school, among many other career paths. As Professor Russell “Rusty” Baker explained, “Kinesiology is popular because it is interactive and applies to many different people: those who like to serve others and those who like physical movement.” When first walking into Sullivan’s office, you know it is an experience you are not likely to forget. Sullivan is a very personable professor. He knows his colleagues well, takes time to ask about how their weekends went and genuinely cares about everyone in his department. This is Sullivan’s seventh year at CBU. Before getting his Ph.D., Sullivan taught at a community college and worked with a physician to establish physical therapy clinics. One of his research interests is examining the intersections between Christian theology and sport and physical activity. Sullivan went into kinesiology because he loved to be active, and through kinesiology he can appreciate the way that God created us. “My favorite part of working at CBU is getting to interact and establish relationships with students and colleagues,” Sullivan added. Professor Baker is another veteran of the Department of Kinesiology. This is his 5th year at CBU. Baker felt that God led him to CBU because, “all the doors opened too easily for him not to work here. My favorite part of working at CBU is creating great Christian athletic trainers that are good at what they do and are examples to the Christian faith,” Baker also stated, “I am blessed by those whom I work with, I don’t know how many people get to say that, but I truly am blessed by those I work with.” For David Pearson, professor of kinesiology, he has always been passionate about his area of study. “I was always interested in sports, physical activity and exercise. I started lifting weights in seventh grade and loved seeing the constant improvement. Then I began running, boxing, swimming – anything I could that resulted in other types of workouts. In high school I experienced a couple of injuries while competing in sports and the treatment I received got me interested in the field of sports medicine.” God’s hands have connected Sullivan, Baker and Pearson together with a solid group of other professors to bring strong, confident Christianbased kinesiology majors into the professional world. The Department of Kinesiology is filled with hardworking professors dedicated to making sure their students have all the tools they need to succeed.





By Freizel Bagube

he 2011-2012 school year has been a year of historic events at CBU. This year marked the highest school population with approximately 5,400 students. However, the student population is not the only area with drastic change. Housing for students has taken a turn for the better this year as the school added two more living areas. The increase of students living on campus caused the school to expand the living areas. As of Fall 2011, CBU opened the doors of its newest living quarters, the Colony. This added the seventh housing location on campus. The six other locations include Simmons, Smith, Lancer Arms, the Cottages, the Village and University Place. Prior to this school year there was a total of eight. The two locations that were removed from the housing list are the apartments at College View and the houses off of Diana Street. To add to the changes, almost every housing section received a face lift or a name change. The apartments at UP had a few changes which include the discontinuation of some apartments, which have been turned into offices, and the number of students placed in the housing. “Last year, UP had more than 500 students because students were paired in threes and fives, but this year we lowered capacity to twos and fours,” Carson Belmont, housing service coordinator, said. This was unfortunate for one resident who was used to living with four of her best friends. “It was inconvenient at the time and I was slightly bothered by it, but it is nice still being able to drop by their apartment like I still live there,” Amanda Collins said. The Village, formerly known as Rose Garden, received a change of name along with a few touch-ups to the exteriors of the apartments. This particular living area holds 165 occupants. As for the Simmons Hall and Smith Hall dormitories, the exterior of the halls were repainted. The dorms are still home for freshman, housing a combined total of approximately 415 students. Due to the fact that there is less occupancy in Smith, not all freshmen live there. “Because of the high numbers of incoming freshman and the lack of space to fit them all in Smith we created a small section for freshman guys in the Village,” Belmont stated. The most radical housing changes have occurred in Lancer Arms and the Colony. It has been since May 2007 that CBU offered housing for married students. This year the doors were opened once again due to the extra space in housing. Not only is it home for married students, but it also houses graduate and non-traditional undergraduate students. Though the number of students and families Lancer Arms can hold is uncertain, it has been filled to its almost maximum capacity this fall semester.

The colony is the newest undergraduate living area on the CBU campus.

Formerly known as Parkside, The Colony is located on the west end of campus bordering Monroe Street.

Photo By Haley Helfer; Design By Steven Anderson

Many married students have taken advantage of it because of the convenience it is for them and their families. “I love that it only takes me five to ten minutes to get to classes and my family,” Christian Lawson said. Lancer Arms housing is unique in that they do not have the same rules and requirements for students living in the other housing areas. There are no curfews nor any required meal plan, and occupants are allowed to bring their own furniture. Though this is true, there are some rules that do remain the same. Because of the diversity of people that live in Lancer Arms there is no particular area for certain groups; married couples are intermixed with graduate students. “Our goal was to scatter them throughout. We really wanted it to be where they were growing from one another as they are in different places in life,” Brandon Burns, lancer arms residence director, said. As convenient as the housing area is, there is a question of how long it will be available as an option for married students and non-traditional students. Burns continued, “It is uncertain for how long it will stay because

undergrads always have first priority.” The living area with the most drastic impact on campus housing is the Colony, formerly known as Parkside Apartments. Despite the growth of the school, the Colony has not come close to reaching its maximum capacity. “Our number is just under 1,000 students,” Colony Residence Director Merea Price said. The Colony holds approximately 1,030 occupants and is currently the biggest living area on campus with its own pool and basketball courts. Because it is a new housing area, the furniture that is provided is brand new. To add to these distinct characteristics, the Colony is the only living area that is all co-ed. It is more than just not being subdivided, men on one side women on another; there are female RA’s for guy apartments and vice versa. This was specifically done to bond residents closer. “We made it co-ed to create different types of communities and also because it was easier to place students,” Belmont said. Though most of the other living areas are not co-ed there is a possibility that it can be transformed into one. As the campus grows, the living areas also change and transform to accommodate the larger numbers of students the school is seeing. 021

education reworked Online and professional studies

The OPS program at CBU continues to grow as it offers online and hybrid classes in addition to the traditional night classes.

By Steven Anderson & Krista Goodman going to college to further one’s education is a dream for many. However, with the busy schedule of the modern college student it is not always easy to physically attend classes. Many college students and potential students must consider the options for their future very carefully, especially when they already have full time jobs and families to take care of. Fortunately, many who have sought after higher education have found the solution. They can enroll in CBU’s Online and Professional Studies (OPS) program. It is no surprise that the OPS program at CBU has grown exponentially. With the need for a college education to gain a career suitable to raise a family and live the American dream, many have chosen to seek OPS out. Academic Dean of Online and Professional Studies Dirk Davis has worked hard to propel the program forward, making it an exceptional way to take courses at CBU. Assistant Professor of Kinesiology Amy Miller said, “With Dirk it’s ‘I want to make sure you are equipped [and that] you have what you need to be successful.’ He will really go out of

his way.” The OPS program is relatively new. Many traditional and graduate course teachers have taught hybrid classes in the past with the Degree Completion Program. Miller is one of those who has seen the OPS program emerge from DCP. “Over the past maybe two years it changed names to OPS and really focused a lot more on online,” Miller said. Davis explained, “The ideal medium is hybrid, second is online and third is face to face. The department of education backs this statement, ‘more thought goes into each course.’” The OPS program mainly offers online courses. However, students have several options. They have the option of taking classes entirely online or as a “hybrid” class where students mainly study online while corresponding with their professor in person for some assignments. David Poole, the Vice President of the OPS program said, “We use a variety of web 2.0 tools. You still have faculty that will do lectures, but they might be on YouTube, using VoiceThread or a variety of other tools.” Perhaps the best part of the program is the personalized care

given to students and the quality of the education, which is second to none. Maybe even greater still is OPS’s success in the amount of graduates they are enabling — almost 80 percent. Besides the courses available to students of CBU, many accelerated degree programs are available, making earning a degree online much easier for those unable to walk the halls of the CBU campus. Business Administration, Liberal Studies and Criminal Justice Leadership and Administration are just a few total degree courses available. Miller strongly believes that the OPS program will be a much larger part of CBU in the future due to the rise in technology, but that it will not entirely replace the face-to-face type of learning. “Our society is so technological. We’re moving toward technology so I think that’s the natural progression of things, but also even from a very traditional standpoint it makes sense to at least go hybrid,” Miller said. OPS is expected to continue its growth and accommodate the new need for accessible higher education. Photo By Lisette Nichols; Design By Matthew Shade


“It gives that person a very human perspective in that it can assist us in understanding life.” Eric BRook 026

historical framework By Mark Gomez the winds of the past breeze through today,

continuing in their course towards the future. The Bachelor of Arts in History program continues to show how the train of events throughout time continue to affect societies for generations to come. “History gives us a very universal framework. It is very broad and you study a lot that affects our daily lives,” Associate Professor of World History and Humanities Eric Brook explained. “It is a very versatile major. It is really a condition for human knowledge. When someone has a historical knowledge, it gives that person a very human perspective in that it can assist us in understanding life.” The studies of history and humanities have always been unique studies in themselves. It is not as prerequisitebased as engineering or music, but instead it is a way to review and learn social lessons from past societies. “It’s the kind of degree where you don’t get bogged down with many concepts. It is straightforward in that way,” Brook remarked. The history program at CBU is one of the university’s most longstanding degrees in the Department of History and Government. Along with the Political Science, Social Science and Criminal Justice bachelor programs, this program is geared to teach students to have a better knowledge of the basis of societal functions and how they progress and affect our everyday culture, whether they are taking it for their major, minor or even general education credits. “I think everyone should take history, regardless of their major because it is important to understand where we fit in within our own culture and with other cultures,” Assistant Professor of History Mark Blincoe remarked. “It is important to understand cultures and how they are affected by there own histories.” As the school continues to grow, programs like history continue to grow as well. Future plans for the history degree include more concentrations within the major. One of the concentrations recently proposed is the Holocaust concentration. This concentration is hoped to be in the official curriculum by

fall 2012. Along with the proposed concentrations, Brook, Blincoe and staff hope to add a Humanities minor in the department. “The humanities minor is a subset of what we do in history, but it is more interdisciplinary,” Brook informed. “With the humanities minor, students will take a number of upper division humanities credits.” The humanities minor will also explore history at a different angle as it focuses a study upon the history of arts, culture, philosophers and much more. The study of history and humanities can open the door to a number of possibilities after a student graduates. “I want to work on the business side of a history of art museum. I want to work with different museums on any sense,” history major Kimber Licitra said. “I’m really fascinated with anything from ancient history to Renaissance. I love art. Art was most prominent in the ancient to classical era.” Brook has also kept in contact with those who have graduated from the program and is aware of the success they have made as proof from the versatility of their degree. “A lot of students end up going to graduate school and becoming social science teachers. A certain amount of students have also gone into the military,” Brook informed. “A certain amount of writing historians are also journalists.” History is not just in the past. Its effects are part of the present and even the future. It is the story of where countries, cultures, conquests and people groups originated from as well as a study to hone practical life skills in our daily lives throughout the professional world. “I would promote history as a good program to study for developing analytical skills for a wide variety of jobs,” Blincoe affirmed. “One of the things that everyone should understand about taking a history class is that you can always learn the same type of skills in different ways.” As the winds of the past continue to affect the future, history shows us that events that occurred years ago have an importance in the present and future as well. Photo By Amanda Johnson; Design By Nichelle Trulove



Spiritual Expansion By Matthew Shade & Danny Canales the band takes the stage while students are still slowly filing in the front doors of the Van Dyne Gymnasium. They approach their mics, pick up their instruments, make sure everything’s in tune, glance out at the crowd on the gym floor and then they get the signal to start. While chapel has been a staple in the lives and schedules of CBU students for decades, this year has seen new changes to the program due to the increased student population. While the basic format is still the same, chapel now happens on Mondays for new students, while Wednesday chapel is geared for returning students and the occasional Friday chapels are for all. “Throughout last year, all school year, we knew that the regular A and B sections of chapel and just the numbers that we were registering for those sections were going to increase again if the numbers followed the trend,” Brett Vowell, director of chapel, said. “The numbers would be too large for the gym. “We weighed different options and ideas asking how can we, with the limited space that we have, offer the chapels in the way that we do, maintain the same expectations and still meet all the criteria with it and an expanded student population?” Vowell continued. “A lot of different ideas were thrown around and some things you’d think, ‘Oh, that’s brilliant, that would really work’ and then you’d come back and, ‘Well… that might not work so well.’” With this shift in direction and expansion of chapel, the next issue became the worship. “We knew that with the increase to three chapels the expectation placed upon the band to do all three chapels would take a significant amount of time and a significant amount of commitment especially working around their classes,” Vowell said. Geoff Grant and Eric Hanson both were chosen to be the chapel worship leaders. Splitting the duties between the chapels, Grant took over Mondays, Hanson took Wednesdays and on Fridays they share the workload. Jacob Armstrong, one of the band members of the new student worship band, explained, “I think having the two bands in there gives the new students a unique experience, a little bit of variety.” While this variety is a new element


in chapel, Armstrong said, “It’s a really unique experience for the student because they get a little bit of both.” Devron Suttle, the drummer for the other student worship band added to Armstrong’s sentiments saying, “The dynamics of this year’s band and how they interact and their passion for leading God’s people to the throne is beyond amazing. Eric Hanson really is passionate about incorporating scripture into every aspect of worship and truly lives by that -- whether we’re in practice or playing on Wednesday morning.” Armstrong also acknowledged the bands’ desire to truly worship and lead their peers. “The privilege that we as student leaders have, to get up in front of everybody and lead them to God’s throne, is not something that should be taken lightly,” Armstrong said. “I think what’s so awesome about both groups is that it’s not about us. It’s not about how we play the music. It’s about, ‘how

can we effectively minister to people and lead them to God’s throne?’” Suttle encouraged fellow students to join in this attitude of worship displayed in the band. “Don’t be afraid to praise God among your peers. That should be the best time of your life, not a hindering point,” Suttle said. “The King wasn’t ashamed when he died for us. We shouldn’t be ashamed to worship Him.” While having chapel now on Mondays can be stressful on all of those involved, the worship injects something into the community that could only be possible through such a positive, communal experience. “As challenging as it is to be prepared for a Monday morning chapel, to stop and worship together,” Vowell said, “after the initial shock of ‘Oh Monday chapel,’ once you get into it, that focus and that time can be special and encouraging and rewarding.” Design By Steven Anderson

Photo By Chris Hardy Monday chapel band members Tyler Jones, Jacob Armstrong, Tiffany Lanning, Geoff Grant, Jeremy McKee, Brian Botts and Kelly Leonard share chapel responsibilities as one of the two chapel bands this year.


“it gets the

females of cbu, which, let’s face it, is a lot of people, to really bond together and become a community.”


Amy nugent

By Amanda Johnson


the number of women on this campus greatly exceeds the number of men. As the majority, women need to stand together and unite in order to build each other up. This year, Men and Women’s week got a facelift. Instead of having just one week where the sexes band together for a series of events all week, there are now events spread throughout the entire year. They remind us all that we are part of a group on campus. The idea of a week devoted to the men and women of CBU came from the residence life staff. The staff wanted to unite the men and women, separately, for one week and do events that pertained to each sex. These weeks went so well that the women wanted to have an entire year dedicated to uniting with each other. This year the leadership committee decided to make the event all year long, having one event a month that bridged the corners of the entire campus. Merea Price, colony north residence director, stated that the program was, “trying to get the overall feel for women on campus to be connected instead of being in competition with each other.” “We are hoping that Women United will allow women to connect more throughout the year instead of just one week during the year,” Callie Miller, graduate assistant, explained. “To be able to get to know each other and to have them come to a place where they can be open. We want to build long relationships. The whole point is to build relationships with not just the undergraduates, but all the women on campus including staff and faculty.” The main goal of Women United is to connect the women on this campus and provide the women with opportunities to connect with men-

tors that they can learn from. Amy Nugent said, “I like having more events spread throughout the year. It gets the females of CBU, which, let’s face it, is a lot of people, to really bond together and become a community.” While for many the change has been well-received, others preferred the single week. “I think because it’s all year round, more people are less motivated to go to all the events, so if they want a good turn-out, they should probably do just a week,” Hannah Wood said. For Wood, though, the events are still just as good. “I loved the first event they did and would like to see something similar next year.” However, many women on campus, like Beth Dunckel, have enjoyed the shift in direction. “I think it’s really great that they are doing it throughout the year instead of just a week because girls can learn and look forward to gathering together,” Dunckel said. “The different events have been really cool.” Others have expressed similar sentiments. “I think it’s really wonderful that we are having the events every month,” Shawna Mc Collom commented. “There are a lot more opportunities for girls to come and be in community with each other and Christ and hear different stories throughout the year.” The leaders behind Women United planned to have more events throughout the year, including events about how to be a woman of worth and small groups to link the women even closer together and closer to God. Women make up the majority of the population here on campus and as Miller said, “Women issues just don’t go away. They are always here.”

Merea Price, the residence director for colony north, is one of the residence life staff helping to bring women on-campus together. Design By Matthew Shade; Photo By Nichelle Trulove


Olivia Martin serves in the ROTC program at CBU where she feels God calling her to the mission field of the military.


cadets. Cadets become leaders. Reserve Officers’ Training Corps, also known as ROTC, is focused on turning cadets into leaders through classes and training, offering rare opportunities to attend an elite Army school. Between their junior and senior year, cadets are sent to the Leadership Development and Assessment Course. This is a month-long program designed to test the cadet’s leadership skills that they have acquired. Cadets are constantly thrown into different leadership roles throughout the course and are able to see their leadership in real-life situations. Many cadets have attributed their leadership skills to the ROTC program. “ROTC has taught me how to step up and be a leader,” Megan King said. Once she graduates, King hopes to use her new-found leadership skills at a hospital in Germany as a nurse. ROTC is both physically and mentally demanding, which helps build camaraderie among the cadets. “There’s definitely a relationship built among each other as cadets, knowing that we’ll be supporting each other in our activities now and later in our careers,” Kelly Bray said. Physical Training (PT) occurs at least three times a week and lasts for an hour. Cadets focus on pushups, sit-ups and running – lots of running. If a cadet doesn’t do well in PT, then they are required to participate in PT five times a week. “When you go through such a challenging thing, you are automatically bonded to those people,” Olivia Martin explained. “The experiences you get and the friendships you make are invaluable rewards.” Martin has been with ROTC since her freshman year. The unique scholarship that CBU offers to cadets was the reason she joined. Other schools will only pay for either tuition or room and board, but CBU offers both to all undergraduate ROTC scholarship recipients. Unable to afford CBU, Martin applied for the ROTC scholarship. “Initially it was for selfish reasons,” Martin admitted. “I really wanted to come to CBU, and I had no way to pay for it. I had no idea what I was getting myself into, but the Lord opened the door. Even though it was totally selfish reasons for me, the Lord orchestrated it all. It’s such a blessing.” After graduation this year, Martin will be commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the National Guard and will work to become a chaplain. Even if her plan falls through, she will find other ways to become a Christian leader in the Army. “The way I look at it, if you’re a Christian in the military, you’re a chaplain,” Martin said. “This is kind of my mission field. The Lord orchestrates everyone’s lives to be missionaries in different areas. This is going to be my mission field.” Beside leadership, ROTC refines cadets in other ways as well. For Martin, it’s conquering fear. “I’ve always kind of struggled with fear. The army, ROTC and the military in general break that down pretty quickly,” Martin said. “You have to face things that some people couldn’t ever imagine. [It’s learning to] not be afraid of obstacles and be willing to tackle them.” Lessons taught from ROTC training and CBU classes blend together, giving cadets a special insight into what they are learning from both areas. “There are a lot of the things in the military that are very Christian in essence,” Martin acknowledged. “Having no fear is a Christian principle in a way because we are not given a spirit of fear,” Martin said. “Being a Christian used to be a thing that required some courage, and being in the military requires courage.”

students become

Design By Nic Jessen; Photo By Lisette Nichols


By Cassidy Edison toss one pebble in a lake,

“The directors and teachers here strive TO invest in their students’ lives and growth.” THE NUMBERS KEEP


Russel Shelton

make small ripples. Toss 550 plus pebbles in a lake and someone is bound to get wet! The number of singers and instrumentalists involved in CBU’s School of Music has grown to exceed one eigth of the school’s population. One voice alone cannot have nearly as great of an impact on listeners than the collaborating melody of the music groups that rejoice and praise the name of God. Dean of the School of Music Gary “Doc” Bonner has high hopes and continuing expectations for the music department. Though the music program hosts over 500 students, of which 145 are declared music majors ranging from instrumentalists to vocalist, Doc’s goal is “to [eventually] have five million people!” University Choir and Orchestra (UCO), Male Choral, Women’s Choir and New Song make up the four recognized big group choirs, as well as Choral Union, which is a mixture of members from all of the choirs that have one final performance at the end of each semester. Male Choral hosts 90 singers, Women’s Choir 110, New Song 108, and UCO 146 singers as well as instrumentalists involved in the orchestra. There are also six small groups: Light, Grace, Joy, Hope, Promise and Faith. Within these choirs are chaplains and small group leaders. Their purpose is to share a devotional telling what lessons God has taught throughout the week. As professionalism is definitely required, putting aside time during rehearsal to be open and sharing things from the heart is taken seriously and helps them connect with one another on a more personal level. Help is definitely needed to make these pleasant voices sound the way they do. The doctors behind the sore throats and vocal boxes of these young men and women are the 600 plus private voice and instrumental teachers that take time out of their days and nights to perfect the gifts and talents God has given to each music student. “I want us to be on the map and for everyone to know who we are, as well as what we’re about,” Bonner announced. To accomplish this goal, the choirs and small groups set out on mini tour before the end of the year. They also tour in May to states all over the U.S. These states have included NV, AZ, CO, UT, TX, WA, ID, MT, OK, KS, and cities here in California. Through this, the choirs sing the Gospel to different people around the world. “We just do a performance for God, and you all [the audience] are sitting in on it,” Women’s Choir director Phillip Miller says to his audience during every concert. UCO President Russell Shelton shared why CBU’s School of Music has the reputation and name that it does, “Doc is very good at making connections. The directors and teachers here strive to invest in their students’ lives and growth.” The School of Music continues to set aspirations of making this department more exemplary every year! Design By Nic Jessen; Photo By Lisette Nichols

By Jessica Bills, Destiny Commons & Jenny Price it is a typical sunday afternoon. Visitors are coming in and out of the Alumni Dining Commons, indulging in the special Sunday buffet. Students crawl sleepily out of their beds to do homework or visit friends in their apartments. Some Lancers are home doing free laundry and going to church with their families. All in all, the campus has a quiet, yet still atmosphere. Then, the choir buses roll up. The music department has grown from its humble beginnings in the CBC days with only 12 members in the Chamber Singers, to a staggering 480+ students belonging to five different choirs. These choirs consist of Choral Union, University Choir and Orchestra, Male Chorale, Women’s Choir and New Song Women’s Choir. Each group holds close to 100 members and consists not only of singers but also of drummers, pianists, flutists, trumpeters and even a bassoon. These choirs are constantly venturing to different venues on huge buses to sing praises to their King, God Almighty. However, there are more to these performers than their modest dress codes and color coordinated sheet music pouches. These singers are FOCUS leaders, RAs, intramural players, missionaries, CBU senators, future nurses, engineers and many more titles. They balance choir tours, fundraising for ISP, Bible studies, Anatomy labs, as well as social lives. It may appear to be an impossible task, but as Cassie Dwyer, a nursing major, said “the only way to balance academics with life is by the mercy, grace and strength that God gives.” Dwyer shared with Women’s Choir in the beginning of the Fall semester how she was almost not able to play the flute for choir this year. In fact, being a nursing student as well as a choir student was not working out for many of the ladies in the music program. Between labs and rehearsals, the hope of participating in both seemed bleak for Dwyer. However, God made it work. She said, “The music program and the nursing program have graciously helped us nursing students, making it possible to be in the nursing program and in choir.” Now Dwyer, along with many other prenursing students and nursing majors, have a long road set before them to balance the two demanding departments and to achieve excel-

lence in both. Down the hall from Women’s Choir in the music building, Male Chorale fills the room with soulful jazz and a mixture of deep melodies. Nate Lawrence, a Mechanical Engineering major, joined Male Chorale last year and became smitten with the music department enough to come back for his last and busiest year. Lawrence said, “It’s a bigger time commitment, a stricter dress code, and the largest guy-girl ratio of anything I’m involved in, (90-0!).” Lawrence belongs to the few, the proud, the basses, “which are those notes so low that you



have to bend down to pick them up,” he said. He is involved on campus as an ASCBU Residential Representative, Treasurer for the CBU Chapter of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, student blogger for CBU’s Marketing Department, intramural volleyball player and Bible Study leader. “I am also constantly visiting the ‘caf’ and eating enough food for a tyrannosaurus, if that counts for anything.” With an extracurricular list of that caliber, it seems impossible to even function, but as Lawrence expressed, choir has had a positive impact on his schedule. “It’s strange, I’ve started singing… everywhere! I think someone implanted an iPod in me while I slept because I sing all the time. I’ve been known to roller-blade around campus late at night singing to God so if you’re wondering who that weird guy is, it’s me.” Music is said to revive the soul, and these singers, students, accountants, teachers, etc. need just that: a time to forget about their stresses and come before the throne of God and offer up a heartfelt worship. Kelsey Doolittle, a member of UCO, said “[choir] gives me the opportunity to participate in some of the best worship I’ve ever experienced.” Although their schedules are constantly growing, choir is their refuge to be still and exalt God. As Doolittle said, “I feel like the things I have learned from the music program have given me a greater knowledge of who the Lord is and what He has done. It is amazing to stop and think about the words we are singing.”

Nate Lawrence joined Male Chorale last year and can often be spotted roller-blading around campus at night singing.

HEROES IN THE WATER By Amanda Gruntz it’s a bird.

It’s a plane. No, it’s a lifeguard. They are all around CBU. They may be a classmate, a friend or a person you pass by on your way to chapel. These 32 students are lifeguards, sworn to protect students and civilians from harm and hazard. They are always watching, always listening, always ready to save. When in uniform, they are easy to spot. Red shorts and a white t-shirt with the text ‘CBU Lancer Lifeguard’ distinguish ordinary students from those who are trained to save lives. For 10 to 15 hours a week, students suit up and undertake their lifeguarding role to patrol the pool and watch for any lurking peril. Lifeguards are all about truth, justice and the CBU way. While on duty, their job is to enforce rules like no running, no scooters on the deck and no speedos unless swimming laps. Sometimes normal tactics to enforce the rules don’t work. This is when lifeguards use their hidden talents. “You don’t yell, ‘no running,’ because they don’t pay attention to you,” Head Lifeguard, Ashley Bennett, said. “So you just sound like the birds out of ‘Finding Nemo’ – ‘Walk Walk Walk Walk Walk Walk Walk Walk Walk Walk Walk’ – until they stop and walk.” Training to become a lifeguard isn’t simple either. Bennett took the lifeguarding class as an aquatic unit for her major in Kinesiology. From there, she took the written and in-water skills tests, became certified and was hired by CBU. Being a protector of the pool is a big responsibility and comes with sacrifices. Besides the life-sacrificing commitment lifeguards make every time they jump into the water to save someone, there is the aesthetic downside. “One-piece bathing suit tan lines are not fun,” Bennett stated. “They are annoying.” Lifeguards may not always be on duty, but are always ready to save. They don’t need to put on a suit to be a hero. They are ready to save someone at any moment. Bennett was at a birthday party for her little brother’s friend when the need to save a little boy’s life arose. “This little boy jumped into the deep end of the pool, and he didn’t know how to swim,” Bennett explained. “He started drowning, so I jumped in, grabbed him and pulled him out.” New lifeguards are recruited each semester. A lifeguard certification and a willingness to save are among the requirements to become a CBU Lancer Lifeguard. They not only watch people swim at the pool, but work events like water polo games, swim and dive meets and the water polo intramurals. Crime doesn’t pay, but lifeguarding does. In fact, there are many benefits to the job. “The hours are flexible, it’s a weekly job and you get paid more than the average student worker,” Bennett said. When you see the sign ‘Lifeguard On Duty’ posted, know that you are being protected and kept safe by a hero in the making – a lifeguard. CBU is where heroes are made, where heroes are trained and where heroes save. Design and Photos By Bonnie Jean Koenn


There are heroes. There are superheroes. Then there are lifeguards. Ashley Bennett, who is lifeguard certified, was hired by CBU to patrol the pool area.


“No Punt Intended”

By Danny Canales, Caleb Hill, Elizabeth Mortensen & Ruth Nyquist freshman or senior, American or International, students at CBU put aside their differences to come together for one thing: intramural sports. If you find yourself walking by the front lawn on weekday afternoons, you’ll hear the sounds of a ref’s whistle scream as a touchdown is made or a goal is scored. Walking past the gym late at night, you’ll hear the squeaks of tennis shoes as students jump to spike the ball to the other side of the court or run in for a lay-up. The four leagues that take place throughout the school year all bring their own differences and excitement to the table. Many students have participated in intramurals one way or another, whether actually running back and forth on the field or screaming for friends on the sideline. Each team is made up of a variety of different people who bring their own characteristics to the group yet function as one team. This is especially true when it comes to the international teams that are participating in the different intramural leagues. Zachary Pierce, the international student assistant for the International Center, is in charge of putting together an international team for each of the intramural sports. Describing the different cultures and personalities that contributed to the teams, Pierce said, “Everyone on the team gets along really well. There haven’t been any conflicts or clashes so far. No one seems to care about our differing cultures and backgrounds.” Pierce said that the only problems the International football team, ‘No Punt Intended,’ is having so far is

Design By Nic Jessen; Photo By Bonnie Jean Koenn

Intramural sports are a way for students to get involved in the community at CBU and take a break from studying to enjoy themselves.


understanding American lingo and adjusting to football being a physical contact sport. “My teammates from Korea, China, and Rwanda are all much more hesitant to push or fight for positioning against the opponent than the others. This friendly trait unfortunately makes it easier for other football teams to score on us, and stop us from scoring,” Pierce said. “Sure there are teams that are in it to win it,” Christopher Cox, a rec. sports intern overseeing the football league, said. Though, it isn’t all about winning. Cox said that he mainly just hopes that students find intramural as a good way to get outside, have fun and meet and interact with new people. A good portion of the teams are simply hoping to find intramural as a way to hang out with their friends and to forget about homework for a short while. Nicole Saar, captain of the Bus Drivers football team, said, “I just love intramural sports because it gives everyone a chance to play. There’s always the teams who actually are competitive and those who are just having a good time, and either way everyone has a good time.” “The season has been a lot of fun for all of us and a great bonding experience,” Pierce said. The push to participate and to play an intramural sport goes unnoticed by a lot of students, but it really shouldn’t. If a student isn’t playing on a team, they probably know someone who is. Intramural sports has become its own little world on campus and is enjoyed by everyone.

taking it all in swing By Cassandra Wyatt

known for its outstanding athletic programs, but let’s face it, golf is rarely given the credit it deserves. However, after the close of the fall season, that will change. Not only have the teams shown incredible improvement since previous seasons, but the teams have national titles under their belts. Starting off the season placing within the top six in every tournament, the men’s golf team entered into the National Christian College Athletic Association Championship strong and confident. They started off the tournament with a three-stroke lead, yet Head Coach Lane Pace didn’t let them get too confident. “We started okay the first day but we all felt that we could do better,” Fredrik Hansson said. “We were grinding it out on a tough course.” The next day, despite the difficulty of the course, the Lancers ended with an even better five-stroke lead. “Of course there were nerves before the last round but we supported each other and there were nothing but good nerves,” Hansson commented. Finally, on the last day of the tournament, the Lancers took their lead from a decent five-strokes, to an impeccable 14-stroke lead. “The last day I felt that everyone was really pumped up and excited to play for the championship,” Hansson said. “We put up a really good team effort the last day and increased our lead even more.” However, winning the title wasn’t the team’s only accomplishment at the tournament. Coach Pace was also named NCCAA Coach of the Year. This closed out the Fall season for the team and left them feeling confident for the future. The women’s team, coming off of winning their first ever NAIA National Championship for the 2010-2011 season, have done well for themselves during the Fall season as well. These Lancers also qualified to compete in the NCCAA Championship and were tied for first place at the close of day one. “You can’t be too disappointed with being at the top, but I think we missed out on a chance to open up a lead today,” Pace said. “Still we have a great chance to go out and win this tomorrow.” On the second day of the tournament they fell to second place, but freshman Nicollette Gino won individual honors in her third collegiate tournament. Finishing out in second place is a great accomplishment for a team in transition, and the honors don’t stop there. On Oct. 27 both teams had players named as the NCCAA’s players of the week. Tim Tait took the honor for the men’s side, and Nathalie Silva was named player of the week for the women’s team. Both were honored for their play at the CMS Co-ed invitational. Even with the confidence of the women’s NAIA title last year and the men’s and women’s first NCCAA title this Fall season, both teams still have a lot to prove. Led by the NCCAA Coach of the Year, Pace, the Lancer’s will be sure to show that CBU is NCAA Division II ready.

cbu is


“you are constantly striving for perfection even though you know it can’t be reached.” O’NEILL COWEN Photo By Zac Mullings; Design By Matthew Shade


complete and utter

madness By Amanda Johnson in anticipation for the one night a year that can be accurately described as “madness,” students lined the concrete from the beginning of the Yeager Center all the way down to Palm Drive. Tents were pitched, blankets spread out and laughter filled the air as almost 600 students camped out to get their T-shirts for Midnight Madness. The crisp, night air did not keep students away from their all-night outing to receive their precious shirts: the tickets into the event. The night was not easy. Those close to the lawn got wet because of the sprinklers, and as morning closed in, the air got colder and a light fog began to roll in. Regardless of a few mishaps and the intruding chill, the early start to Midnight Madness was a new, exciting twist to the traditional event. Before the gym doors opened, those students lucky enough to get a shirt stood in line to get free Chick-fil-A and enjoy a preparty. Green lights lit up the night, up-beat music filled the air and “Lancer Nation” shirts were seen throughout the campus. Amy Nugent said, “Midnight Madness itself was awesome, with an upbeat pre-party, some elaborate light displays and the introduction of the basketball teams. However, these types of school events are less about the event itself and more about the people you go to the events with and meet along the way. This year the excitement was spread out over a couple of days, from camping out to the event itself to talking about it the next day. Being a part of the 1,200 that got shirts and went to the event was a great experience.” Taylor Neece, the assistant director of community life, said he liked Midnight Madness because, “It sparks the CBU community’s interest in the basketball program and presents a united front of support for them.” “We can easily fill the gym, every game,” Neece explained. “Midnight Madness gets the season started and gets people excited.” As a first-time attendee of the event, Kara Singleton said, “I didn’t get to go last year, so I had no clue what to expect. But from the second I got in everything was done really well. I enjoyed the entertainment, and seeing almost all of CBU cheering on the basketball teams was really awesome.” The main goal of Midnight Madness is to unite the community of California Baptist University to come out and support our basketball and cheerleading teams. Each and every year around 1,200 people get to go to this exciting event and ring in the new basketball season. This year was no different as those in attendance greeted the new basketball season in true Midnight Madness style.

During the pre-party, Joey Garcia, Mike Teruel (left) and the Lancer mascot (middle right) entertained the crowd. Jalen Jury competed in the explosive slam-dunk competition (bottom right). Franice Maikai was one of the performers featured during the night (top right). Photos By Lisette Nichols; Design By Matthew Shade


Chris Toy, Edgar Gomez-Rouneau and Chris Vanjoff (from left to right) strive for the approval of their teammmates and coaches to achieve excellence in their sport.

swimming the zone

Photo By Zac Mullings; Design By Matthew Shade


By Freizel Bagube there is something about sports that challenges athletes to step outside their comfort zone. Perhaps it is the hope of taking one more step towards playing at a professional level or venturing outside their element. Whatever the reason may be, it causes student athletes to pack up their bags and replace familiarity with foreignness. Water polo players Alyssa Birch and Edgar Gomez-Rouneau know what it is like to have a lifestyle change in a different country for the passion of the game. Eagerness and desire led both Birch and Gomez to CBU. Though their drive to continue playing comforted their anxiousness in this huge step of faith, it was a challenge to leave their family. For Birch, playing overseas was not out of her league after playing in Australia, Spain, Great Britain and the United States. However, there are still times when she misses home. “It is hard being away from family. I miss seeing my younger

siblings grow up,” commented Birch. The luxury of driving home to see friends and family is everything but within reach. But through the support of newfound friends and teammates the transition has become easier. Gomez traveled thousands of miles from Spain to the city of Riverside. He attended school at University of California, Riverside before transferring over to CBU. “I heard about CBU from a friend. He encouraged me to apply to the school and talk to the coach. After talking back and forth, Coach offered me a spot on the roster, so I gladly accepted,” Gomez said. These players didn’t leave home for nothing though, and their hard work has been noticed. “Alyssa has a tremendous work ethic both in and out of the water,” Jacob Medina, women’s head water polo coach, said. “Not only is she one of our team captains, but she also has a 4.0 GPA. She pushes both herself and her teammates daily in the pool and weight room through her positive attitude and

example.” It was not until three years after graduating high school that Birch realized she wanted to play collegiately. “I remember joking with my mom, saying that if I ever go back to school I want to go to a Christian school where I can play polo,” Birch said. The recruitment process went a lot quicker than she had expected. In October, she visited the school on a recruitment trip, and by the following January she began her first year as a Lancer. Just as there are differences in the culture, there is also a change that is seen in the dynamics of a new team, which comes with varying expectations. “It was intimidating when I first started playing,” Gomez said. “I wanted to win the respect of my teammates and prove that I can play. I understood, though, that no one wants to get their position taken, but it definitely is better now.” Winning the approval of coaches and teammates is visible by the amount of time a player receives and the role they play on the

team. In Birch’s scenario the outcome was in her favor, “I was never specifically a two-meter guard before. I feel like I have a specific role and position on the team now.” Birch’s numbers have been noticed not only by her coach but by her teammates as well. Team Captain Camryn Rogers expressed her admiration, “Alyssa quickly took the starting set defense position and did an amazing job, shutting down many teams’ whole sets. Today, she holds that position of starting set defense and also is, in my opinion, the hardest working player on the team.” Teammates appreciate the hard work put forward by each member. It serves as a motivation for when times get hard, whether in school, athletics or personal areas. The bond that has been created is a memory that will be treasured even after the time spent here at CBU, “I really enjoy living here in America,” Gomez stated. “It will be a difficult decision of whether or not to go back home. I have created friendships here that I will never forget.”


Photo By Lisette Nichols


Frank Mihelich has traveled all over America for his love of the theatre, from San Francisco, to Tucson, to New York City and now back to CBU.

By Kira Kramer this might be Frank Mihelich’s first year teaching here at CBU, but it’s not his first time being a part of the CBU community. It took a while for Mihelich to get to CBU the first time and the second was another crazy roundabout journey. His life has been one long journey moving from one place to another, wherever God takes him. Mihelich was born and raised here in California in the Bay Area. Between his years of high school and coming to CBU, he dabbled in the military, doing so at a younger age with the consent of his legal guardians. “I did boot camp the summer between my junior and senior year of high school. It was intense! And then I did my advance training three days after I had graduated. In my case, I was a cook. I went to cooking school for three months, but then I came back from cook school and got a job working through the army national guard. I got a job assisting the DEA for a year doing search and seizure, interrupting drug smuggling coming into the San Francisco bay area.” At 19 years, Mihelich then decided he wanted to pursue a college degree. “I realized if I didn’t go back to college I would probably get a lot of debt and not be able to go back,” Mihelich explained. “So, rather wisely, I opted out and took back the job as a cook.” Though formerly a military man, Mihelich set out to pursue his love of acting. “I went to a Junior college first for two years and was part of the actor’s training program at Salona’s college in the Bay area. In the morning I would take my classes — math, science, whatever — and then, in the afternoon from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m., intensive acting classes.” But Mihelich wasn’t finished. “I worked at a 16 hour-a-day Regency theatre, one that resembled a grad school kind of rigor. One of the teachers there told me I should go to grad school. That’s where I would learn and grow best. So I came to CBU and spent the two years I was here with the mindset that I was going to graduate and go to grad school. I auditioned for the handful of grad schools I was interested in, and I did not get in anywhere. So I’d spent two years, all of my waking hours, working towards this goal… and I struck out.” Mihelich found himself back at his grandparent’s house for another year. He acted in local theaters, but he had worked them before. “It was like I was going backwards not forward,” Mihelich said. “I auditioned the next year and got into a few places, but really none of the places where

I wanted to go. One of the places was the University of Arizona [where] I started the grad program. It was a two-year program and I was on a full ride. I was playing leads in everything, but after a year I realized I just wasn’t happy and it wasn’t the place I was supposed to be.” Determined to find his place, he and his wife went on a month and a half trip over America to look at schools. It was during that he was accepted into many programs, including Columbia University’s three year MFA program. Mihelich found himself living in the heart of the theatre world: New York City. “I’d never visited New York,” Mihelich explained. “We got off the bus and within two hours I turned to my wife and said, ‘We are moving here and tomorrow’s too late.’ After grad school we stayed in New York. We were in New York for 10 years.” After these 10 years, Mihelich found himself back at CBU, though somewhat reluctantly. “Honestly, the financial bottom fell out. There are not a lot of actors in New York that have families and I knew I wanted to have children. All my friends told me it was artistic suicide to have children. My son was born in 2008 and I fought tooth and nail for as long as I could, but then, last June, I was away doing regional theatre. I realized that it’s the type of stuff I want to be doing, but I was going to be spending the next month away from my son.” It was this strain that led Mihelich back to CBU, although he never thought it would happen. God works in mysterious ways. “I’ve always said I don’t want to teach because there’s not a lot of work out there for many actors, and if I am raising up new actors to go out into a profession where there is not enough work — I was not even able to make enough money to support my family — then that’s morally irresponsible of me. “It was actually through my conversation with K.J. that I realized what we have the benefit of doing here makes it worth it. We aren’t just raising up new actors to go out into the professional world to act, we are raising up Christian actors to think in a Christian manner about their art and go out and affect the larger culture. So the two things that made me really interested in the job was that K.J. gets it, she gets it.” For Mihelich, movement from place to place became almost a norm in his life. The lack of movement would be a concern for him, “That means we are dead and even then we are probably decaying.” Design By Nic Jessen; Photo By Lisette Nichols


By Jessica Bills, Cassidy Edison & Krista Goodman

understands the cliché “two is better than one” more than the CBU students and alumni who attended the 2011 Fortuna Bowl XX, representing the two full decades of guys and girls intramural teams competing for the golden football trophy and legacy that comes with it. Community Life revealed how much effort was put into setting up this event as they made sure everything was going accordingly throughout the entire night. Everyone appreciated their hard work. From 1,000 In-N-Out burgers, a live disc jockey and a Los Angeles all-star drumline to intense tackles and touchdowns, crowd cheers and fireworks, the teamwork and participation put into making this year’s Fortuna Bowl more exemplary compared to last year’s was incredible. They deserved the phrase “hard work [truly] pays off.” Though CBU does not have a football team, many students felt, for this one night only, that the school did. “It makes me feel like I’m kind of back in high school. Like at a Friday night football game underneath the lights, in the cold weather and everything,” Joseph Grabowski said. The atmosphere created by friends and family was full of energy that bounced off one person to the next. The connection was all around CBU through its faculty, students, family and everybody involved that night. “We are all friends on some level. It’s a rivalry, because we’re all rooting for someone different, but with friendships. It’s so awesome!” Dustin Cabral said. The whistle blew and all eyes were on the battle between the top two girl teams: Smooth Criminals and Bus Drivers. Both of these team names have been kept alive through many years of intramural sports. They have seen CBU at its worst through the economy crash, to now with the highest number of enrollment in university history. Bus Drivers captain, Kelly Leonard, said, “The Bus Drivers is a legacy. As captain I would never change the name of such a phenomenal team. I think the

no one



names have stayed because we recruit girls young and keep them all four years. They love being a part of such teams and keeping the names.” The title and reputation of Fortuna Bowl champions have remained for both the Bus Drivers and Team Dynasty for three years in a row. Third time was a charm for these two teams who set a goal of victory, played very hard and received the golden football trophy. “This year was a completely new year because our captain and quarterback, Hannah Logan, graduated along with most of the team, so we had to rebuild the team. The girls and coaches have done more than stepped up and made this an amazing team. Each of the Drivers are women who want to glorify the Lord by using the talents He has given them and displaying sportsmanship on the field. Overall, we just had fun. This was such a great season and team!” Bus Driver Nicole Saar explained. Dynasty and Team HAM were a little more aggressive and had some crazy touchdowns by Cullan Maher and Eddie Muro. Team HAM’s Matthew Higgins revealed the team’s secret and how they were able to play as hard as they did. “Team HAM came together pretty much at the end of last season,” Higgins said. “It’s a mixture of three or four teams. We all got together and said we wanted to create a team with all the greatest athletes to give us the best chance of taking on Dynasty and taking them off their throne.” Though Team HAM did not succeed this year, they are preparing early for next year’s takeover. Dynasty kept their head in the game and came with unique plays and a great defensive line. With God-centered teams and a display of fireworks to finalize the remarkable night, CBU friends and family would be hard-pressed to disagree with the comment made by Higgins, “Nothing beats Friday night lights. Just getting out here, representing the school — There’s no better feeling in the world right now!”

Team Ham, one of the newest competitors in intramural football, made its way to the Fortuna Bowl XX, which featured four football teams, food, a marching band and fireworks. Photos By Lisette Nichols; Design By Nic Jessen



“I love teaching. Certainly, it’s not a ‘I think I’m the man for doing it,’ but that’s what I get a charge out of doing,” Caleb Walker said.

By Matthew Shade




never wanted to do anything else with my life,” Caleb Walker said. Walker is just one of many students in the CBU School of Christian Ministries who is planning on going into full time ministry after graduation. Like many, though, Walker has already begun serving in the areas around CBU to prepare for his ministry to come. A student in the Bachelor of Applied Theology program (known as BAT majors), Walker’s goal is to serve in Village Missions, an organization oriented towards reaching the small rural towns of North America. Like his father, Walker has developed a passion for these people whom he describes as, “Rural communities (that) are kind of at the bottom of the Totem pole.” Already, Walker has begun serving in this field. “Over the summer I got to preach at this church that’s about an hour from my house,” Walker, a resident of Nevada, said. “There’s a legitimate small town there that is very hole-in-the-wall.” “A guy from my church and I went down there and preached for a series out of Colossians,” Walker continued. “I preached for four weeks, and I love teaching - that’s my passion. I enjoy doing it and I get nervous doing other things. One-on-one conversations make me nervous, but speaking to large congregations doesn’t bother me in the least.” Walker, though, isn’t the only one already beginning to serve hands-on in preparation for a lifetime of ministry. Joshua Van Der Merwe, a Christian Studies major, has also been active in his church, the city of Riverside and globally, taking a trip to Asia last Summer. “My passion is to help people understand the word, Van Der Merwe said. “I think what that mission trip did for me is just to become more passionate about being evangelistic here and being evangelistic on mission trips.” Van Der Merwe, formerly a music major, also serves as one of the worship leaders at his current church, “I’ve put in so much time because I love it so much. I spent two years as a music major and that wasn’t for nothing. It was because I did love music.” Devon Provencher, a BAT major like Walker, personally aspires to live a life of global ministry. He has already served in Germany and Asia and hopes to live long term in Asia. It was on his first trip that he felt God’s call to global ministry, “I think the first time it clicked for me was when I was actually in Germany,” Provencher said. “It just introduced me to a culture where I thought, ‘Wow, we’re not the only people here on the world.’” Currently at CBU, Provencher serves in International Chapel and in Global Village where he is a resident. “International chapel is an interesting group because not everyone’s a Christian,” Provencher said. “People there are from all different backgrounds and different cultures – literally all different cultures.” Provencher explained how the School of Christian Ministries has helped train him for the international platform. “It’s just giving me a foundation – especially with the professors here – just to be able to study the questions that people want to know. What is God like? What is He really like? Why is there evil in the world? Why do bad things happen to seemingly good people?” As Walker said, though, whether small-town America or global ministry, “God loves the individual people and that is my calling and that is our calling as Christians: to love the individual people, to teach them what scripture has to say and to teach them what Christ has done for them in the Gospel. “The people in Mozambique need the gospel just as much as the people in Nowhere, Montana. It doesn’t make any difference.” have

Design and Photo By Nic Jessen



not easy to avoid for the college student. All students can point out the instant when they see the wrecking ball of homework slamming their life. They know the damage it can have if they choose to avoid it. However, there is such an instant, yet guilty, gratitude to putting things off for the last minute. Most people enjoy living in the moment. The moment provides an allowance to avoid future responsibility. But what happens when that responsibility is avoided for way too long? Life becomes scatterbrained and frustrating. Everyone has been there. You may have chosen to either put off writing a five-page paper until the night before it is due. You may have chosen not to study for a physics final until the morning before. You may have forgotten a paper was due, typed it in the middle of class, printed it during break and slipped it in the pile before the teacher noticed. No matter how it is done, procrastination will result in the most intense of results. Sleeplessness, anxiety and irritability are just a few of the symptoms that result from procrastination. However, the end result will declare whether or not these attitude changes were worth it. Many college students have a procrastination story to tell. Everyone has tasted the bittersweet fruits of momentary irresponsibility. With that said, these are a couple of the most common outcomes of procrastination.

procrastination is

While never approved of by professors, the art of procrastination keeps students working up unitl the last minute.

Beatriz Rose Thomas Major: Sociology Year: Sophomore


Brandon Carter Major:Communications Year: Senior


Two years ago I took a pre-calculus class. In the process of completing this class I realized how bad I was at it and how little I remembered. At that time, I hadn’t taken a math class for a few years. I was then stuck relearning the most basic concepts of algebra. Math was also not my strong-suit. Quite honestly, I dread the subject. To solve my problems of mass boredom in class and in the dorm, I would mentally checkout and maybe focus about 25 percent of the time. This method worked out well for a short time. Though as time progressed, I suffered in the long run. I wouldn’t study for tests like I did before. I would study the day before. I’d tell myself I knew the material and then realize after not studying, how unprepared I was. This happened during every test I took in that class. I’d find myself writing out all kinds of steps for each problem and never coming up with a solid answer. I finished the class with a letter D grade. I had to retake the same class the next semester. When I took the class again I passed with a B. I didn’t let my previous mistakes of procrastination set me back this time.

Design By Nic Jessen; Photo By Lisette Nichols

I should start by proclaiming that procrastination is not for everyone. It is only for those who don’t enjoy sleep, thrive on stress and consume unhealthy amounts of caffeine. Frantic insights on previously unintelligible compositions can all be thrown together to form an amazing paper. I should say my experiences with procrastination have never been to my benefit, but such a claim would be lying. For the sake of honesty, I can produce a couple of instances in which my worst habit has resulted in an A paper. When forced to stare at a blank page for a few days before the actual paper was due, I resented every ounce of the assignment. “Write a summary of sociological theories found in the assigned chapters, Due on Monday at 8 am.” This assignment was given and suggested to be completed at least a month before it was due. In my mind, such forethought was relaxation time. Come two weeks before the assignment was due, an obliging teacher sought to remind the class of the due date (for a third time… apparently, the summaries meant a lot to her). Soon, a week before the due date, a fourth reminder was given and three days before the anticipated allotment a fifth and final warning was given (although, I’m sure if she could, she would have called all of us the days preceding her last notice. But alas, our numbers were too many). In the back of my mind, there was a small thought saying, “Just do the assignment.” However, soon the weekend was finally here and my bed was far more comfortable than any desk chair that required my attention. A fun weekend ensued and come Sunday night at 12 a.m., an alarm clock sounded out in my head saying, “Theory summaries due! Theory summaries due! Only eight hours left! Only eight hours left!” I smacked my head and ran for my book and quickly checked Facebook to make sure life hadn’t changed too drastically without my knowledge. I then sat down to write my theory summaries. Although the assignment said simply to summarize, in order to get my desired A, I had to have previously emailed a rough draft which was impossible at this particular time. My outlook was bleak during my third cup of coffee and two hours of summarizing. My hours of sleep had shrunk from the previously promised eight to now six and a half. If I continued at my current pace, my desire for an A was slowly turning into a settling with a C. Coffee cup number four and page three were enough for me. The paper was properly formatted at three in the morning. After four hours of sleep and another cup of coffee, I decided I would read what I wrote, hoping that it had magically improved. I then found out that it wasn’t half bad in the first place. Indeed, my paper had fulfilled almost all of the requirements. I still managed to get a good nap that day. My paper was finally graded with a 95 out of 100. The only missing content was the impossible rough draft. Once again, procrastination worked in my favor.

wrestling By Cassandra Wyatt cbu’s wrestling program has shown they can adjust to just about anything. Not only is the 2011-12 season the beginning of the transition to the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), but in June 2011, Head Coach John Petty resigned after being with the program for three years. A few weeks later, Athletic Director Micah Parker announced that CBU would be welcoming Coach Lennie Zalesky to the program, who had served nine years as the head coach of UC Davis which is in NCAA Division I. “I was actually a finalist for the head coaching position at Cal Poly and when my wife went online to look for any information on that, she found the posting for CBU’s position. I’ve always wanted to work at a Christian University, so this seemed like the perfect fit,” Zalesky explained. As far as the team itself goes, they’ve definitely shown that they can compete, no matter who is at the helm. At the first tournament of the season, hosted by CSU Bakersfield on Nov. 5, 2011, the Lancers placed six wrestlers in the semi-finals and four in the finals: an incredible accomplishment for a team with so many new obstacles to overcome. Chris Santana, who led CBU to a national title in the NAIA last year, came in third at the tournament. “The only expectation I have from the team this year is to try,” Zalesky said. “It’s the first year of the DII transition so I don’t feel any pressure.” As far as changes to the program go, Zalesky isn’t sure how he coaches differently than Coach Petty, but he’s accustomed to coaching DI teams, and that’s how he coaches at CBU. However, some of his wrestlers, who have been around for both Petty and Zalesky, see a huge difference between the coaching styles. “Before Coach Zalesky came to CBU, wrestling didn’t feel like a sport. It felt like a job -- like you were an agent hired out to live a certain way to make your boss happy,” Alexander Evers said. “If you were on the wrestling team before Coach Zalesky, you were always careful about what you did, what you said and even your personal life. “Coach Petty treated us like business partners who worked for him in order to make him look like a good coach,” Evers continued. “When Coach Zalesky came on as head coach, he truly made wrestling at CBU feel like a wrestling team, like you were part of a group of men who mattered to each other and helped each other grow physically, emotionally and spiritually. “Even though ‘Coach Z’ hasn’t been here very long, he’s made a lasting impact on the athletes that he raises up,” Evers said. “He loves the men he builds up and doesn’t treat them like another cog in a machine that is supposed to just work, he treats you like a person.” Although it’s still early in the process, the transition is going to show exactly what CBU has to offer. The team was on the road for much of the season as well as hosting San Francisco State and Central Florida in December. Hopes are high and morale from the new coaching attitude is even higher. As CBU’s wrestling program transitions into the NCAA, many people will be wondering where this little private school from Riverside, Calif. came from.

Photo By Lisette Nichols; Design By Bonnie Jean Koenn This year, the wrestling team transitioned to the new leadership of Head Coach Lennie Zalesky.



Bryon Webb and Joel Schaefer have recently transitioned from pre-nursing to nursing.



about taking steps forward, discovering new things and living out our purpose. College itself is a big step to finding our profession or where God is taking us in life. Nursing students know the steps of where to go in their profession, including the leap from Pre-nursing to nursing that they are required to take here at CBU. Nursing majors at CBU are considered prenursing until they are accepted into the nursing program via test scores, grades and an interview process. Byron Webb has made the transition this year and is excited to be moving on down his path. “It’s like another step for me. You are in the program. It’s like one more step. You pass the board exam and it’s almost like you’re done,” Webb explained. Webb feels that although it might be another step on the pathway of life for him, there is still a lot to learn that makes him feel like, “the new kid on the block.” Joel Shaefer dove into the program with wheels blazing. “The professor does an NG tube on me and then I am able to talk to the class about what it feels like going down your throat. It’s not a fun experience, but it’s things like this that are really neat,” Shaefer explained. “I was actually talking to a friend, Eugene Brown. I talked it up to him and finally he let me do one on him. So in one class period I got to have one done on me and then did one on him.” The nursing students have rigorous studies that prepare them for when they are putting their skills to practical use. Emily Lewis, also having made the transition this year, understands the effectiveness of working hard, yet still maintaining a small social life. She says she does more studying than anything, but time with people is also important in life. Luckily the nursing students are a community in itself. “Everyone in the program is willing to help each other and it hasn’t been too bad. We have all made a Facebook group where people

life is


ask questions and we all talk about questions we don’t understand- sending pictures and having discussions. Everyone helps each other out, so it’s not that bad of a transition,” Lewis said. Webb believes that all of the hard work is definitely worth the extra effort. “For me I believe that nursing is going to take me a lot in this direction of actually doing God’s work and caring for people. It’s like my way of saying to God, ‘Thanks for letting me live each day.’ When I got into the program, it was such a blessing, because the Lord is providing me some way to do my best to serve Him.” Being a male nurse is not always ideal to many guys, but Shaefer felt that it was God who led him to the program. Shaefer said, “I looked into the program and loved the idea of going in day by day, getting to serve people, having face-to-face interactions where I can talk to the patient and being able to make their day as good as it can be. I mean, when you go into a hospital, it’s generally a bad day on their part, but if I can help make their day not such a bad day then it could make a big difference.” Lewis is still trying to figure out where God wants her, but the Nursing program is helping her find her way. “How the program is situated is: throughout your time in the program you have to go to different parts of the hospital. So one semester you would be in the psychiatric ward, but you go to different areas like pediatrics and other parts of the hospital just so you get a taste of everything. But you always start out with the dirty jobs,” stated Lewis with a slight grimace. Already being so immersed into the program, soon all of the students that made the transition from pre-nursing to nursing will no longer be ‘the new kids on the block,’ but taking much bigger steps down their walks of life towards their careers. Photo and Design By Nic Jessen


creating campus


By Marcus Eide, Michelle Kern & Elizabeth Mortensen

Sarah Sabesky (pictured right) participated with her band in the battle of the bands during the ASCBU Christmas Party. Photos By Haley Helfer

what happens when a group of nearly 5,000 people interact daily in one centrally located place called CBU? Whether we live on-campus or commute, we all spend large amounts of time here. The CBU community is one that reaches far and wide. This is because of the community that CBU has created and we have all been a part of it. Campus events emphasize this community notion. Huge campus-wide gatherings go on all the time here, highlighting this sense of community, like the ASCBU, Peter Pan themed “Fight or Flight” food fight. “There was candy everywhere,” Rebekah Rubio said. There was a hayride where anyone could travel through different scenes of Peter Pan. All kinds of games were set up in the front lawn and prizes were given out, though the highlight of the night was the food fight. Huge white sheets were put up in front of the Yeager building to contain the iconic food fight mess. Rubio said, “The food fight was not very successful at first, but then we got lots of people to join in and it ended up being a great event!” The Yacht club was an event hosted by the colony. Its purpose was to get to know your neighbors and

reconnect with the people from last year. Free food was provided and everyone’s picture was being taken as well. Live music was performed and a dance floor provided for couples that would want to swing dance. “I really liked going to this event because I got to see all my friends that I had made last year and we all had fun swing dancing,” Kelsey Meyers said. This year ASCBU put on a fantastic CBU Christmas Party on the front lawn, getting everyone in the Christmas spirit. There was snow, hot chocolate and even ugly Christmas sweaters as the chapel bands sang Christmas songs. With the big Christmas tree all lit up, complete with a big gold star on top, it really helped to kick off the month of December right to get everyone ready for the upcoming holidays. “I went to hang out with friends and enjoyed the ugly Christmas sweaters the most,” Keren Custodio said. CBU is succeeding in developing its students into a generation that values and sees the need for community. It is obvious that CBU values this communal mindset and wants students to leave here with a more broad understanding of the world and the people we meet. Desgin By Matthew Shade


Melissa Ghiglieri swims breaststroke and individual medley for the swim and dive team.

IN TRANSITION By Amanda Gruntz

a National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) National Championship, Swimming and Diving began the transition into a new division this year. Even though the transition year took away another chance at the national championship, both teams are still focused on the strengthening of their abilities and the team as a whole. Swimming has a total of nine practices per week, which include morning and afternoon practices on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. This gives athletes plenty of time to bond together. “My favorite part about swim is the team aspect and how everyone works hard together,” Hannah Stipek said. “Everyone’s different on the team, but when you start going to swim practice it’s kind of like part of a family. Everyone gets along and works hard together to see everyone’s achievements. That’s just exciting.” Without Nationals, one might expect an easier workout, but the focus has not shifted. “We’re still working really hard,” Stipek said, “but there’s not that pressure of Nationals. We just have to stay focused, make sure we aren’t missing any practices and work as hard as we have been.” The pressure came from opponents like UC San Diego, a fast team from NCAA Division II. Along with battling their traditional foes, such as Biola University and Fresno Pacific, Swimming added a trip to Fairbanks, Alaska, for a two day meet. Rachael Stoffel, junior, was among the 13 girls to be chosen for the meet. “The women’s team hasn’t taken a trip since since January 2008,” Stoffel explained. “I am so excited that I get to be a part of it. It is such a great opportunity for team building and will be a fun change of pace since we’re not used to swimming in such cold conditions. We are family, and I will cherish the memories that we will create.” Competing under so many different conditions can be difficult as swimmers have a variety of techniques they use to combat stress. “Every meet is different and every swimmer is different,” Stipek said. “Personally, I get my Disney music on and I rock to my tunes.” “I liked to get pumped up,” Stipek admitted. “Having confidence and mindset -- that is a huge, huge factor. You just have to be confident in your training. You have to approach it with a goal in mind to do well.” Divers go through the same process before a meet. Last year’s 3-meter and 1-meter champion, Trevor Graifman, described his own personal process. “When I’m at the meet,” Graifman said, “I do listen to music. I like to talk to my teammates and encourage them in between dives because you can really freak yourself out if you’re not relaxed. I just try to relax and stretch. You just want to focus on one thing because if you boggle yourself down with everything else, then you’re going to mess up.” With an individual sport like diving, fear can be your major opponent. Fear can be overwhelming for a diver, and their routine can be negatively affected. For Miranda King, overcoming fear is something that attracted her to the sport. “I love the idea of conquering your fears,” King said. “Diving is an extremely mental sport. Learning dives can be really scary. You have to believe in yourself enough to know you can do it.” Swimming and Diving is more than just practices and winning, it is about learning what you are capable of and how to persevere. “Swimming teaches you life-long lessons,” Stipek explained. “It has taught me motivation, goals and what determination is. I would never write down goals, write how I would need to get to this goal and then carry it through. It’s prepared me for any circumstance that I need to do. I get it done because I know I can. It’s not just swimming, its life.” fresh off


Photo and Design by Bonnie Jean Koenn

Daniel Donaldson worked on a team to create a mouse-like robot designed to work itself through a maze.


Taking skills out of the classroom

By Caleb Hill, Ashley Nex, Ruth Nyquist, & Jenny Price

To an outsider, CBU may be seen as just a private university, but to a student behind the scenes, CBU is a place to “Live Your Purpose.” CBU offers a wide variety of majors to fit the needs of each student and allows the students to continually live their purpose. As a part of the CBU community, students and faculty are encouraged to listen to the Lord’s will and seek their purpose. Being fairly new to CBU, the engineering program allows students to do just that. Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Grace Ni, a CBU engineering professor for over two years stated, “Our enrollment keeps growing. Despite the hiring of new engineering professors, the classes still get bigger and bigger.” She continued, “I want to share my passion in engineering with my students and help them become successful Christian engineers.” The engineering program works closely with students to help them succeed thanks to passionate professors and various clubs the program offers. There are three main clubs students can participate in: the student branch of IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) and ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers). One of the newest clubs, IEEE, allows students the opportunity to gain qualities that will help them after they graduate. From these clubs, students can expect to gain “leadership skills, technical competency through competitions and projects and information and networking opportunities from upper level IEEE organizations,” Ni explained. For Daniel Donaldson, president of the engineering clubs, it’s about the benefits IEEE offers. “The benefit of having a program like IEEE is that it provides a point of application and practice for skills learned in the classroom. Students can use their knowledge to compete in local and even worldwide competitions

while learning new skills in the process. Also, IEEE provides the point of connection between school and industry, allowing students access to job fairs and conferences on various topics. These conferences or seminars allow students to network and gain a better understanding of what life in different career paths are like,” Donaldson stated. As the engineering program prepares for its next big competition, the department continually challenges its student. “The next big competition is Micromouse where students in teams of four or five design a small mouse-like robot that will autonomously solve a maze in the shortest amount of time possible,” Donaldson said. There is no such thing as taking it easy in the engineering program, and professors like Ni and students like Donaldson are striving to instill the best in engineering students so that when they leave CBU, they will be the best. The program encourages students to live their purpose, take away from their experience at CBU and show the never fading light of Jesus as they move on to be successful engineers. Ni hopes her students will leave CBU with, “technical competency, problem solving and critical thinking skills, oral and written communication skills, ethics with a Christian worldview, servant leadership skills, and to be well prepared for industrial needs or graduate school.”

Photo By Bryan Jarboe; Design By Nic Jessen




By Bonnie Jean Koenn here are few things that I love more than Disneyland at Christmastime. Walking through Downtown Disney and seeing all the lights takes me back to a time when I never worried about gas prices, my car breaking down on the freeway or managing two majors alongside three jobs. When I first came to CBU, I didn’t know that we had any sort of formal event. Of course, the moment I heard we had a Yule, I was even more excited about choosing to attend CBU than I ever thought possible. So of course, in my mind it was bound to be awesome. Before a formal event, before everything is ready and decorated, a grand ballroom can just seem like four walls with some tables and chairs filling up the center-most part of the room. But when it comes time for Yule at Disney’s Grand Californian Hotel, the grand ballroom sparkles. The halls are decked with Christmas trees and photo booths, twinkling lights and all the best smells of the holiday season. You know what those smells are. The smells that, instead of hitting you, ever so gently sweep you away to the warm feelings of joy, love and excitement for the coming times to be had. Christmas songs from Michael Bublé’s newest album play lightly in the background and guests of the event smile and laugh as they greet each other. Then the doors to the grand ballroom open. The tables that fill the center of the room are decorated with the place settings and centerpieces that give the room yet another vintage touch. To my left and right, people are walking all around in search of their seats and friends they have yet to greet. As people take their seats, many of the them excitedly look around for their cue to get in line for the outstanding buffet they know awaits them on either side of the room. “I’ve heard so much about the food and how all around amazing it is,” Lizzy Garcia said. Of course the meal was nothing short of completely incredible: salmon, steak, salad, vegetables and mashed potatoes probably sent straight from heaven settled in everyone’s bellies as Chris Hofschroer took the stage. “The main reason we have the Yule event is to announce the seniors who demonstrate leadership as Mr. and Ms. CBU,” Hofschroer said. Moments later, former Mr. and Ms. CBU, Luke Womack and Kristin (De La Cruz) Hernandez, announced Tiffany Hamilton and Ryan Falsetti as the 2011 Mr. and Ms. CBU. Not long after they returned to their seats, Michael Jr. took the stage and gave us all a good laugh. He didn’t hold back on any of his jokes, which may have been a surprise for those who didn’t attend Yule 2010, but for everyone else it was a fun addition to the evening. At the end of the night, the guests made their exit either towards the parking lot or to brave the cold and venture on into the theme parks. The night was beautiful and the air was crisp. All was well.

Photos By Jessica Bills; Design By Nic Jessen Ryan Falsetti and Tiffany Hamilton were crowned Mr. and Ms. CBU at Yule. Afterwards, comedian Michael Jr. entertained the guests.



across culture By Nic Jessen

to make mistakes brought Chinese international student Candice Lam first to Canada and then to America. Beginning in middle school, Lam grew passionate about the English language and Western culture. She shined among her peers because she had something most of them did not: a willingness to make mistakes. “I loved to speak English in high school,” Lam said. “Some people would say, ‘you’re showing off,’ but to me, I wasn’t showing off. Whatever I did, I did for myself. It didn’t matter what they said.” Along with a few classmates, Lam constantly practiced conversational English because she knew it was the only way to improve. “You can make some mistakes and people will still understand you. That’s communication,” Lam said. “We were never afraid of making mistakes.” Lam’s teachers often asked why she put so much time into studying things that wouldn’t be on the exam, not understanding her drive to study abroad. “When I was in middle school, some of my schoolmates had the opportunity to study in England and Australia. At the time my family couldn’t support that,” Lam said. Lam, an only child, was raised in the developed city of Zhuhai, Guangdong,

the ability

which sits on the southeastern coast near Hong Kong. During middle school and high school, Lam was in school eight hours a day, five days a week. Lam was also required to live at her high school. Despite the heavy demands of schooling, she excelled. As Lam neared the end of high school, She spoke to her parents again about studying abroad. Her mother, though resistant at first, finally agreed, as did her father. “My dad really loves the family,” Lam said. “He was willing to give his everything to enable me to study abroad.” After she graduated, Lam travelled to Canada to participate in a pre-college ESL program where Lam stayed with a host family. Lam missed her family and dealt with waves of culture shock as she experienced what she refers to as North American culture. “The way people think is different,” Lam said. “Americans are very low context. They communicate from A to Z. Most Asians go from A, then to B, then to Z. You can say whatever you want in China, but people feel shy or are afraid of making a mistake.” Though ways of communicating were different, Lam was excited by the challenge of adapting to her new culture. “I am a person who can get used to a new environment very soon,” Lam said. “I’ve grown up very fast. You’re a little

girl and as you’re growing, your thought is changing. When you study abroad, your thought is changing even faster.” Assimilating to a new culture and learning to make decisions without her parents has made Lam more independent. “I have to deal with every problem myself. I’ve learned a lot and, of course, when you learn a lot, experience a lot, you change.” Lam was accepted to universities in Canada following her ESL courses, but due to the inconvenience of reapplying for a visa and other documents, Lam decided to study in the United States. She chose CBU where she started as a psychology major, but switched to international business. The campus was very welcoming to Lam, and she especially appreciated how the men opened doors for women. Everyone in her cottage was very friendly, but Lam was again faced with a new culture. Lam, who is not a Christian, was overwhelmed when people in her cottage, as well as others on campus, constantly shared the gospel with her. “The first semester I felt a little stressed,” Lam said. “The people around me tried to tell me a lot about Jesus. I know about it now, but at the time I did not know a lot about Christianity. I felt forced.” Lam called home to her parents who told her Christians are good people and she could choose to become

a Christian or not; it was her choice. “My grandma believes in Buddha and talked a lot about Buddhism to me,” Lam said. “Inside my heart, I feel that Christianity and Buddhism conflict a little. This made me stress.” Lam grew used to the pressure and feels it less now that she lives off campus. “In the first semester God was an abstract thing to me,” she said. Since her first semester, Lam has explored religion further, but still has no concrete beliefs. “All the people around me are Christian, so I have started to – gradually, gradually – believe in God,” Lam said. “I’ve started to – gradually, gradually – talk with God, experience God.” Lam is ready for whatever life brings. Once she graduates in 2014, Lam would like to find a job in the U.S. “I would prefer to work here for a while,” Lam said. “Returning to China is easy, but coming back to America is hard.” While Lam is very comfortable in North American culture, she hopes to further develop her English skills. “When you really want to get into a society, you have to speak the way they speak, so I still have a lot to learn,” Lam said. “To make real friends, you have to know the culture, the thought.” Photo By Nic Jessen; Design By Matthew Shade


finish. By Krista Goodman

require effort, but few require the same level of physical and mental endurance that it takes to be a member of a cross country team. “Out of all of the sports I’ve played, the one thing I realized with running is you go through pain that no one else goes through. Basketball is more fun, but you don’t push your body to the limit like with running. You know that once you step on that line, it’s not going to be easy,” Mitchell Moore said. Running is a year round sport. The members are working throughout the summer to train for cross country. Once that season ends, they begin training for track with only two week breaks in between. “The thing that I liked most about running growing up was that it was one of those sports that, even though there is a team aspect, it’s very individual. If you want to be good at running, then you will make yourself good. If you want to put in the work, you will see results,” Sean Henning, interim head coach, said. The journey from the starting line to finish is long, and it is never easy. It helps not to have to go it alone. “We do pack-running, where we have a group of two or three working together, moving up together and then eventually they’ll spread out,” Moore said. “If you go to a cross country meet, you see us running as a group. You’ll see two or three of our guys at the very front and then you’ll see another little pack in the middle and another one in the back. If you have someone right with you that says, ‘Come run with me,’ and if you’re tired and I’m tired, somehow that helps you out,” Victor Delgado said. While practicing first thing in the morning leaves room to schedule time for school and studying, the high demand of running leaves runners tired throughout the day. “You just have to try to fight through the tiredness, sleepiness, and soreness,” Delgado said. “You know how to do it and you either get through it or you don’t.” “I think sleep is the number one thing when it comes to having not only a successful season, but also success in school,” Javier Madrid said. “If I don’t get enough sleep at night, then I definitely make sure that I try to find time to take a nap here and there just to keep myself focused.” Madrid will be the first graduating senior on the men’s team. He reflected that the journey has been one of incredible growth. After a devastating car accident last year, the team pulled together a season with strength and maturity that exemplified how they lift each other up both on and off the track. Rebecca Trupp suffered critical injuries from the accident that pulled her off the track for the season, but she returned for the second semester to take a few classes and begin running again. “Today I am taking a full load and still running on my own, trying to get back in shape to be able to run and race during track season. It’s a tough climb, but as any runner knows, the view is great at the top,” Trupp said. When asked what advice she would give to someone else trying to push forward, Trupp said, “Stay strong in your faith in God, be courageous in working hard and know that good things will come.” “Running has really taught me a lot about school and life, and I think that’s why I have been able to maintain everything,” Kim Carter explained. “It’s because I’ve had the discipline of running. You have to constantly push yourself through wanting to stop and slow down. You’re basically putting yourself in constant pain. You have to train yourself, be disciplined and just endure and keep focused on what you want to get to.” Athletes in the program continue to improve and meet measurable successes that show promise of continuing. The runners even began the season breaking school records. The first major goal is to win a conference championship and follow that up with nationals. While the team is ineligible to compete in the NCAA while CBU is in the process of transition from the NAIA, the future holds exciting prospects for CBU cross country. Cross country athletes demonstrate every day what it means to keep moving forward and to never give up as individuals and as a team all of the way from start to finish.

all sports

Alexandra Vukov and Megan Smedley compete in meets and in tournaments for the CBU cross country and track teams.

Photos By Nichelle Trulove; Design By Matthew Shade


By Jessica Bills & Amanda Johnson

The Health Science Department is part of the College of Allied Health, which opened in July of 2010 encompassing majors such as clinical health science, communication disorders, prephysical therapy, kinesiology and more. Chuck Sands, professor of health science and the founding dean of the College of Allied Health, has been in the CBU community since July of 2010. He loves working at CBU because of “the missional focus, the people and the entrepreneurial spirit of the entire campus,” Sands explained. Sands has a very specific strategic plan for the entire College of Allied Health. His desire is to be the premier provider of health professions education in the region. “We have plans to launch additional health-related professional programs so we can train future practitioners to go out and serve locally, regionally, nationally and around the world,” Sands said. Continuing its rapid growth, The College of Allied Health has over 500 students enrolled this year. Many have had roommates, friends or neighbors that have been in one of the fields of health science and have seen the precision in which they juggle schoolwork, social lives and jobs. These students work very hard and have their own unique and interesting stories. Kayla Bernardino knows how to manage her priorities. Not only is she a college student majoring in health education, but she is also a wife and soon-to-be mommy. “I really like integrating scientific knowledge with professionalism and administrative knowledge,” Bernardino said. In the future Bernardino hopes to work in an acute care setting such as a hospital or clinic with patients that are

struggling with chronic diseases. She stated that she likes the health science program because, “it opens doors to go on with my education and specialize in a specific area.” Another student in the College of Allied Health is Andrew Jones. Jones is a health science major with a concentration in becoming a pre-physician’s assistant. “I think one of the best things about being a health science major is that I get to be exposed to numerous fields that show me more about God’s creativity,” Jones said. One of the hardest things Jones succeeded in was training his brain to think in different ways to understand new concepts. Jones is excited about what his future holds. “The major is very broad,” he said. “There is an abundance of options which I will have once I graduate, even if I do change my mind about my current plans.” One of the new faces in the Health Science Department is the health education major, Cara Schow. After graduation Schow wants to go work overseas and work with orphans and impoverished families and communities, along the lines of public health and educating them on public health. “One of the hardest things is the science classes that are involved because I have a difficult time with math and science,” Schow admitted. Sands, Bernardino, Jones and Schow are all a part of the College of Allied Health and each have their own unique story. Even with the countless hours, juggling different aspects of their lives, each student has picked a very rewarding career path to follow. Photo By Jessica Bills; Design By Nic Jessen

Andrew Jones is part of the growing College of Allied Health, in which over 500 students are enrolled.




IN DIVISION II By Freizel Bagube

on the polished wood floors, shouts of plays being called and beads of sweat hitting the floor means another opportunity for the men’s and women’s basketball teams to excel on the court. This year has brought many changes at CBU with new facilities, student population growth and added degrees. To add to the renovation process of the school, the athletics department has moved from competing in NAIA division to NCAA Division II. The road to glory will be an newly traveled road for the Lancer basketball teams as they set a goal to play in the Championship Game in this higher division. The men’s and women’s teams have exact opposite situations this season. The men started their season with six returners while the women’s team only had one returner. Despite the need for rebuilding, the women’s team’s desire to have a winning season is not too far for them to see. “Our goal is to have a winning season. There has not been a winning team since 1990,” Assistant Women’s Basketball Coach Jeff Caha said. For the men’s team their desire is just the same. There is a strong foundation that has been laid by the returner while the addition of new players will strengthen the team for the better. “We want to get back on the winning side of things. This is to change with the pieces coming in along with our returning players,” Julious Coleman, assistant men’s basketball coach, said. Despite the fact that the teams know little about their new opponents they are not too worried about how they will compete. For some play-

the squeaks

ers there has been some experience in competing with Division II teams. Before attending CBU, Marlee Rice played at a Division II school. Although her current team doesn’t have the same level of experience, she remains confident in her teammates. “I know it will be a challenge, but I think we will be okay as long as we continue playing as a team,” Rice stated. As the only returner of the team, she looks forward to rebuilding the program with the experience she has gained in her basketball career. “Its my last year here. I just want to give it all I have,” Rice said. One of the key ingredients for a winning team is unity. There is something about bonding with teammates that helps mold a team to work effectively on the court. A team can be made of the best players in the league, but without unity it is difficult to have a winning season. Both teams take part in team bonding events whether on or off the road. The majority of the bonding occurs naturally because of the amount of time they spend together. “We’re around each other so much, so we naturally get close,” Luke Evans said. For the women’s team it is having fun together that brings them closer. Simone Holmes said, “Laughing together, listening to music and always being together helps in our unity.” The turnout of the season is an endless list of possibilities. Despite the uncertainty, both the men’s and women’s basketball teams are filled with excitement for the road ahead. The uniformity of the teams is the core foundation of working together to produce the best season.

Photo By Zac Mullings; Design By Steven Anderson Andrew Fisk is one of the new additions to the men’s basketball team, which has transitioned from the NAIA division to NCAA Division II




By Shayna Moreno & Nichelle Trulove

third year as Director of Athletics at California Baptist University, Micah Parker looks forward to continue building a stellar athletic program. Parker has 17 years of coaching NCAA and NAIA basketball teams under his belt, paired with a master’s in education from the University of Nebraska in 1994 and a doctorate of philosophy with an emphasis in educational leadership from Nebraska in 1999. Since Parker took over Lancer athletics in 2009, CBU has moved to NCAA Division II. This has been the biggest change in CBU athletics. Today he oversees 400 studentathletes and interacts with 50 plus employees including the office staff and coaches. “I get paid to be at every (athletic) event. It is great. Who gets to do that?” Parker said. A typical work day begins at 8 a.m. and runs until 7:30 or later depending on game schedules. Everything Dr. Parker does is list oriented. From work to family and speaking, it all is precise. “Excellence is everywhere,” Parker said. Parker also finds time to have his alone time with God. He believes that God is in everything he does and seeks to honor Christ through everything he does as he cited Romans 12:1: “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God – this is your true and proper worship.” (NIV) Jacqueline Lutz, a cross country runner at CBU, said that, “He seems to try to emphasize being Christian athletes, modeling the love of Christ and having the character of Christ. In August, all the athletes came onto campus and we had a debriefing or orientation of NCAA Division II. Its provided a different level of competition and excitement with qualifying for conference and nationals. That’s one where he’s involved with the whole athletic student body, where we can all come together and learn about the rules of the NCAA Division II or the past years with NAIA.” Parker’s desire is to build Christ followers and instill in them trust and a love that never fails. “Academic victories go away, sports victories go away, but spiritual victories never do” Parker said. Lutz acknowledges this quality in Parker, explaining that he tries to instill in his students a spirit of service and an eye for the community.

entering his



Photo By Chris Hardy; Design By Matthew Shade


Ronald L. Ellis

Jonathan K. Parker

Arthur Cleveland

Mark A. Wyatt



Vice President for Institutional Advancement

Vice President for Marketing and Communication

executive council


Kent Dacus

Mark Howe

David Poole

Adam Burton

Vice President for Enrollment and Student Services

Vice President for Finance and Administration

Vice President for Online and Professional Studies

Vice President and General Counsel



BOOKS By Jenny Price & Jessica Wilson it’s a

Monday morning and you’re stuck in bumper to bumper traffic on the 91 freeway, horns blaring, with one last attempt at sipping your coffee before it spills down your clean white shirt. Maybe you live on campus and you miss the alarm. You then stumble out of bed and suddenly everything seems to be going wrong. Life is a rush when you realize you still have 12 hours left in the day to complete your long list of things to do. There are classes and lectures to attend, homework to finish, tests to take, papers to write, people to see and you have to do it all without losing composure or coming off as a chaotic mess. As a full-time college student, the workload can seem rigorous and finding the balance between class and home life can feel almost impossible. For some students, college is a walk in the park. For others the challenges seem never ending. Such is the same for engineering student Susan Cardella who is attending CBU with high hopes of getting her degree for the second time in her life. Most students are just starting out the first cycle of their lives, experiencing college for the first time or just going through the motions. But, Cardella, being married for 37 years with two children has already experienced life and has already experienced college. Cardella was not looking for another fun college experience when she came to CBU in 2009. Instead, she came to get a degree that would help find her a job in today’s unsettling economy. “When I tried to get back in the field, there were no jobs unless you had a degree,” Cardella said. Cardella set out to CBU with a plan, but she did not foresee the obstacle of time and the effects it would have on her plans to get her degree. “I wanted, originally, to be done in two years because I already had the A.A. Thinking that it would transfer, I thought I would be able to get right through, but because of the lack of math and because it was so long ago, it was difficult making the decision to go the extra year knowing I didn’t have the support financially,” Cardella stated.

Susan Cardella, mother, grandmother and engineering student, will graduate this spring. Photo By Chris Hardy; Design By Steven Anderson

As an engineering student, Cardella was faced with heavy homework loads and long, intense classes she thought she might never get through. “There have been some really difficult classes and a couple classes that I had to repeat. I thought maybe I just didn’t have what it takes,” Cardella said. With taking over 18 units and serving an internship, she found herself not getting home until well into the evening. Along with spending an extensive amount of time away from home, Cardella has also had to invest her time at home to her intense homework load. “I feel like I’m in the army shipped off to another country because that’s what it feels like being away all the time and then I have four grandchildren that are growing up and I’m not able to see them as much as I used to be able to see them,” Cardella explained. God had bigger plans for Cardella as He continually opened doors for her and walked alongside her during her journey. With plans to graduate in the spring of 2012, Susan continually sought the Lord’s guidance for the movement He is doing in her life with her main focus still on His plan. “Trying to focus on where God wants to use me, I feel he opened the door here for this journey. Looking forward to what He has planned for me and putting it in His hands for His guidance… always felt like God has provided. He’s always there holding my hand,” Cardella said. As her time here at CBU comes to a close, Cardella reflected back on some of her favorite memories from CBU. One memory that comes to mind was when she took one of her first classes at CBU, they were told to design paper airplanes. While doing this project the professor discussed Christian worldview with the class, a concept that Cardella had never really heard face-to-face before. Previously she felt sheltered and did not have a worldview of anything. CBU has been able to strengthen her faith. She pointed out that it is “nice to meet people from all over [with] different perspectives.”



Mark Roberson is the future Dean of the brand new College of Architecture, Visual Arts and Design that will be opening in fall 2012.

By Jessica Bills

of 2010, a new member of the faculty at CBU was hired. His name is Mark Roberson and now in 2012 he is the Dean of the College of Architecture, Visual Arts and Design. Coming all the way from Fort Worth, Texas, Roberson is an architectural force that can not be reckoned with. With visions, dreams and a surge of energy, the new dean along with other department visionaries will be changing the reputation of the art and design program of CBU. Starting in the 2012-2013 school year, the graphic design program, along with the art program, will be migrating to their new home which is under the College of Architecture, Visual Arts and Design. Graphic design and digital media will be shortened to design because, as Roberson explained, “now we’re hoping to start new design-oriented majors like fashion and mobile lab design.” He continued saying that this departmental adjustment will “open a world of possibilities.” Mike Berger, the head of the Graphic Design and Digital Media program here at CBU, expanded on the positive side of this change for the department, saying that, “We have a new mandate, new visibility and we will be right in the building name.” This building, Berger mentioned, will hopefully be in existence within five years of the school’s official debut. The new school is on the verge of “cutting edge” concepts and careers, from mobile photography with Dirk Dallas, who is one of the Top 50 iphone photographers, to augmented reality with Bret Bredman, who CBU is hoping to bring in within the next few years. “No one else is teaching that,” Roberson said, reflecting on these revolutionary, major ideas. Through these new tools, the faculty of the new school are equipping their students for the latest and newest technological design gear. Alaina Charise, a graphic design student, expressed her thoughts on the change-up saying, “I think the design program will benefit students in so many ways. Our professors really care about our future and how we get there along the way. The program is growing every day. Since the industry is always changing, we always have to stay up to date with ‘the next big thing,’ and our professors are really good at knowing just that.” In the last four years, Berger, along with other graphic design professors, have turned the program upside down. Berger commented on the changes, saying, “We made a structure you could actually follow.” Another and equally essential aspect of the new school is the brand new architecture major. However, this is not your average major. Roberson stated “we’re going to be unique in a couple ways. We are the second Christian university to offer a five-year masters degree. Most schools offer four-year bachelor degrees, but having a masters looks better. Only 12 schools have changed to masters and only one out of two of those is a Christian school. Schools like Cal Poly Pomona and UCLA don’t have this five-year masters program. It’s a win-win.” This new school would make CBU the only western university to offer a five-year architecture masters degree. Needless to say, there is an abundance of high hopes and big dreams for this new major. According to the admissions office, architecture has been the number one most-requested major by over 300 students in the last few years. He continued, “We are using this major to recruit athletes as well.” Architecture has been requested amongst basketball, soccer and even some cross country runners. Other changes will include the expansion and improvement in the film program. This will include a film studies and, in the next few years, a production major, new lighting, cameras and other equipments. Visual arts will be pushed artistically further than the program had been before. Even though these majors are leaving their current homes, departments like communications and English can now focus more on their curriculum without design or film students wandering about. As Roberson said before, “It’s a win-win.” Through these improvements, the new school will thoroughly enhance the experience design majors will have, while paving the way for other majors to develop their presence on this campus. For instance, the film major is residing under the English department while graphic design is under communications. Roberson reflected on this department rearrangment, expressing that combining the design-oriented studies will unify the programs, “instead of feeling like an odd-step child, they’ll feel more like first-class citizens.” Briana Nelson, a communications and public relations double major said, “I think it will offer a lot more options for students, as well as attract more students to attend CBU. More students bring more diversity and more opportunities as CBU grows.” The new College of Architecture, Visual Arts and Design is already building a name for itself through the professors that are eagerly waiting for this next school year to inspire students in every creative outlet available and soon to be available.

in september

Photo By Jessica Bills; Design By Nichelle Trulove



“Every professor, faculty, and staff challenged me daily to be prayerfully walking towards right things, which lead me to begin developing a clear concept of a Godly adulthood.” Brooklyn Wagner

President Ron Ellis and Provost Jonathan Parker awarded many students, like Kelly Im, with their diploma at the December commencement ceremony.

Design By Matthew Shade; Photo By Nichelle Trulove

By Megan Beeman & Emily Gallina

faculty and students collectively work hard to prepare for graduation. Students have to plan for the future and figure what their next step will be after receiving their diploma. Most students enjoy their years here at CBU to the fullest, but after graduation, they take that blind step of faith into the next part of their lives. As a growing tradition, the two commencement ceremonies took place at Harvest Christian Fellowship, each being about an hour in length. Many speakers gave empowering speeches to encourage the 400 eager students that would soon be walking across the stage, diploma in eager hands. December graduate Brooklyn Wagner reflected on the ceremony saying, “The commencement was so beautiful. It really felt like a great celebration of the accomplishment and joy going on with each individual there. Well done, CBU.” Not only did the speeches reflect the amount of work put into the ceremony, but the event planner’s decorations showed the level of effort and creativity focused for the ceremony. Harvest Christian Fellowship was decorated with shimmering Christmas trees that illuminated the entirety of the room. “I loved it!” Alanna Goalwin exclaimed. “I’m a Christmas fanatic. There were Christmas trees, and I thought it was rockin’.” To many students, graduation means going out into the “real world” and having to find their career or attending grad school. CBU assisted students in preparation for their future. Graduate Caleb Hill agreed with this by saying, “My major

the cbu

helped prepare me a lot. We were required to do internships, so that helped prepare me for the ‘real world.’” Wagner continued, “Every professor, faculty and staff challenged me daily to be prayerfully walking towards right things, which lead me to begin developing a clear concept of a Godly adulthood.” Partaking in December commencement, for many of the graduates, means that they graduated a semester early. “I felt a sense of freedom and I was glad to be graduating a semester early,” Hill said. Goalwin added, “I stacked on a ton of units every semester to graduate early.” This daunting task requires the hard work of all the students who attempt to graduate early, but their hard work is plentifully rewarded. In closing, graduating from CBU is a great accomplishment in a student’s life and has proved to have a lasting, beneficial impact on alumni. “Graduation really represented a lot of things for me, but, mainly, it was this incredible and unbelievable moment of God showing me that only He can bring me to and through this seemingly impossible event,” Wagner explained. “Only by His grace, mercy, strength and joy was I able to accomplish such a thing as getting a degree and finishing as well as I did.” “What’s next?” is the big question after graduation and most students have it answered. Although overcoming many mid-terms, projects, lab practicals, vocal juries and finals can be a challenge, most graduates will agree with Hill’s proud words, as he declared, “It was worth it!”


Photo By Nichelle Trulove

Design and Photo By Bonnie Jean Koenn Alaina Gutierrez was proposed to by her boyfriend Kolin Kraning who burned a design into a peice of wood where he hung her engagement ring.

PINNED By Bonnie Jean Koenn

the bride, all dressed in white. Behind her veil she wears a smile. In her hands the bright bouquet. Daddy’s here to give the bride away. Best man fumbles for the band. Groom puts it on her trembling hand. Almost before the vows are through, in her calmest voice she says, “I do.” What does it take to get to the bridal march down the aisle? Planning. So much planning, it drives some brides crazy. It’s not uncommon to hear “planning a wedding was so much easier when it was all just in my imagination.” It starts when girls are young, and hasn’t been made any easier with the development of Pinterest. For those who don’t know what the draw of Pinterest is, it’s essentially a giant pin-board. With one click of your mouse you can pin things to boards and organize them as you see fit. There are many girls attending CBU who boast that they already have their perfect wedding planned on Pinterest. They know their wedding colors, how many bridesmaids will be standing with them, what kind of flowers they want for their bouquet, the types of favors for the guests… it’s endless on Pinterest. The major problem for these young women? They don’t exactly have boyfriends to make this dream a reality. This isn’t a problem for someone like Alaina Guitierrez. She had the perfect man and her perfect wedding “pinned.” The main problem was there wasn’t that hint of sparkle resting on her left hand. The biggest hint was dropped to Kolin Kraning, her boyfriend of over two years, when she put together an entire binder dedicated to the planning of their wedding. “I really wanted to buy a wedding planning book. I took a trip to Barnes and Noble and found that they aren’t cheap and aren’t even that cute. So instead of purchasing a pre-made one, I went to Target, bought a cute binder, some dividers and started to create my own. After that, I went home and searched Google for free downloadable templates for wedding planning. That whole process was way less expensive.” The days were ticking away, and Alaina was getting impatient. Many of her planning worksheets were filled out and she had multiple print-outs of ideas for things like engagement photos, bridesmaids outfits and decorations. Much to her surprise, Kolin had the whole engagement planned. “I had burned a design in a piece of wood that represented both memories and future plans that we have in our relationship, and the entire piece centered around a nail on which the ring hung,” he said. “When she pulled back the curtain and saw the design, she didn’t even realize that I was proposing. The ring had gotten caught in the curtain and flung off the nail, fell to the floor and bounced down a drainage gate, about eight feet below. Alaina saw my face as that played out and immediately asked if whatever fell was important. I climbed down to retrieve the lost ring, but had a tough time climbing out. So I just proposed from there and Alaina dropped to her stomach so she could reach down, and I could put the ring on her finger.” Alaina pinned her dream wedding on Pinterest, Kolin pinned her engagement ring to a board that tells their story. Now Alaina can walk away from the virtual pin boards and make her plans a reality.

here comes



Photos By Nichelle Trulove; Design By Nic Jessen Homecoming, along with its multitudes of activities, featured the theme “One World, One Mission” to honor International Service Project’s 15th year.


By Nichelle Trulove

“one world, One Mission”. The theme of this year’s homecoming honored15 years of International Service Projects at CBU. Over 4,500 students, families, alumni and Riverside residents took part in the 2012 homecoming celebration. The festivities began on Friday, February 17th with a family BBQ, homecoming nominations, a pep rally and the second annual bonfire lit by a trebuchet built by students in the College of Engineering. The exciting evening concluded with a concert from the Daylights. Homecoming king and queen nominees and the winning princes and princesses came in classic convertibles. Sammy Ramos and Kelly Leonard were crowned the 2012 king and queen. “Both the male and female nominees have been my friends and peers since we all arrived as freshmen to CBU,” Ramos said. “It was pretty humbling to share the experience of homecoming court with them.” “My favorite part of Homecoming was the bonfire because it was really cool to see such a large controlled fire and it was great to be able to spend time out on the front lawn with my

friends,” Jacqueline Garland said. The brisk Saturday morning beganwith the Lancer 5000 walk and run. The day’s activities included the block party full of games, department booths and a tent full of entertainment featuring singing groups from the Shelby and Ferne Collinsworth School of Music and sneak peaks of the two spring theatre productions. Attendees could also enjoy the Lancer Lot Tailgate Party in front of the Van Dyne Gym while waiting for the anticipated basketball games of the Lancers vs. Dixie State. “Homecoming added to my experience here at CBU because it made me love the school so much more because of how much work the school was willing to put into making it a fun event for everyone. I am glad to be going to a school that is proud of where they have been but also excited for where they are going,” Garland said. “Homecoming every year has always been a fun weekend to take pride in a place I’ve called home the last four years,” Ramos said. Homecoming is a time where the CBU community, both past and present, can come together as one.


FASHION By Kira Kramer


Nic Williams, a business and administration major, consults and designs for fashion brands.

ambition moves people towards their goals in life. Ambition is what gets a lot of students in college because it is the next step toward their goal for their future. Nic Williams is ahead of the curve because he is already plugged into what he wants to do with his future. Williams is a business and administration major here at CBU. His ultimate goal is to be a part of a fashion brand, “I would like to work with a brand that has already started, a bigger brand like Marc Jacobs or something,” Williams said. “I would really like to just be involved with another brand.” He has already begun working with other brands not only in Calif., but also a brand in another country. “I’m involved with one in Paris, France,” Williams explained. “They do a lot of cool key chains now that are covered in gems. The other one is in Ventura near the L.A. area. They are just clothing. I help them as a representative for the Riverside area doing paperwork as well as helping with designs. Just this last summer I helped design a sweatshirt, a necklace and a backpack. For the brand in Paris, I’m a U.S. representative trying to get them into stores here because they don’t speak a lot of English so I am helping them get into stores in the states.” What is intriguing is how Williams even became interested in fashion, “I was actually just really bored over one summer and I figured out that I liked what these people were wearing. I started out just doing little jewelry pieces, just doing it for fun and then I started selling it. I met more people and sold more and more and it just kept expanding.” Not only does Williams design his own things, he also is able to sell them as well as work for other brands and help with their ideas and expansion. He has already had a big jump start to his career in this, but when asked what he’ll do if he doesn’t continue with fashion he said, “If the fashion thing doesn’t kick off like I’d want it to, then I’d hope that it would lead to some other kind of business opportunity. Possibly doing some sort of management with some other country.” He is clever in his endeavors and had good friends who helped him when he first started out with his fashion ideas. Williams had people publicize his work in hopes of expanding his business, “Last year I had people who would wear my clothing and products around – free advertisement. I also had people who would hand out business cards for me. There aren’t too many people around this campus who are involved, but I tell a lot of people about it. I have a Facebook page that people go on and can ‘like.’” If you would like to learn more about Nic Williams and his fashion brand then get on your computer and head to to check out the merchandise. Photo and Design By Nic Jessen

Photo By Jessica Bills; Design By Matthew Shade Lindsey Malcolm created the youtube video “Stuff CBU Girls Say” that has received over 20,000 hits on video sharing site YouTube.


By Jessica Bills

personal expression is an aspect of life that is nearly universal and CBU is no exception to that. With so many talented students here, it has become part of the CBU culture to share and enjoy each other’s talents and modes of expression. Students have used the video uploading site of YouTube to show off vocal talents, as well as humorous roommate videos of freshmen talking about their lives and their lovely hallmates. There are videos of campus events and Katy Perry parodies. There is even our very own cbuTVnow YouTube channel, as well as a J@CBU one for the journalism department, amongst others like Lancertalk and thecbulancers. These channels use technology to spread the pride we have here at CBU. Individually, there are many ways we show different types of pride. Some of the top CBU student video posts have included Shady Berry videos, Swim Team hell week videos, performances by one of our four choirs and either one of Lindsey Malcolm’s specialized videos that portray what each CBU student will say if you find yourself in contact with one of the “unique” students. Malcolm is the director and genius behind the “Stuff CBU Girls Say” video as well as the “Stuff CBU Guys Say” sequel. Through the help of her roommate’s boyfriend, Malcolm accomplished a truly great and witty video mocking the ridiculous things CBU girls supposedly say through the tiring semester days. Malcolm said, “We decided to make the video after being inspired by a trend of YouTube videos, and we attempted to copy that style. Ryan’s girlfriend, Lauren, had left for a swim meet for the day and we weren’t sure how to pass the time, so we decided to create the video. “It was fairly easy coming up with the material. We asked some friends


for inspiration, but most of the idea came from brainstorming or evolved while we were filming. “I think that the video itself was a humorous take on typical CBU behavior. It was obviously an exaggeration, but all of the statements made in the video were based on things certain girls at CBU say. There are judgmental and overly conservative girls at any school, and I think Ryan just attempted to channel that kind of attitude.” “Stuff CBU Girls Say” has received about 20,000 views, making itself the top viewed video affiliated with the CBU name. Other standout videos were masterminded by a few males and a Mac to record their shenanigans. Shady Berry, a YouTube lancer sensation featured students like Nathan Lawrence, Julio Solano, Brendan King and, former student, Brock Van Dyke. This group became a huge hit in 2010 as they took popular songs, like California Girls, and gave them a CBU twist. Other popular student videos include the swim team’s skits for hell week as somewhat of a reward for all of the teammates’ hard work. This year Reese Gonzales and Shane Blake made “Boys Will Be Girls.” In this skit, the boys sat around and pretended to be girls, mocking their mannerisms and the ridiculous things they say. Gonzales said, “We originally found the main parts of our skit from the YouTube skit “Boys Will Be Girls,” but changed various lines to make it our own as well as add in material to make it better.” Even though our campus takes up only one block in Riverside, it maintains and further grows the strong presence in the community as well as the online community as students use technological sources to express themselves as CBU students.


The seek week story


anticipation was thick in the air on Monday morning, as CBU students anxiously awaited the words of Seek Week’s speaker, Pastor Albert Tate. As seats were being filled, a rendition of “Holy, Holy, Holy,” seeped from the surrounding speakers, bringing the entire gym into a time of worship. From the moment Tate stepped on stage he had captured the attention of every student in the room. Although his jokes had people falling from their chairs, Tate did not stop short of delivering a powerful message. “Albert Tate was an awesome speaker. He was engaging and exciting but very real. He spoke truth and moved my heart to seek the Lord out even more every time I heard him speak,” Kathryn Adair said. This spring semester’s Seek Week focused on the theme, Holy, and what it meant to live a holy life. Each chapel session, Tate focused on different passages and issues Christians face in their walk with the Lord. With passages from John 3:16, Isaiah 6:1-8 and Psalm 23, Tate addressed issues concerning how Christians respond to the Lord’s

gift, who is pouring into and influencing their lives and what it means to dwell with a Holy God. Not long after the laughs from Tate’s humorous stories subsided was he able to convey the powerful truth of the Word, in the end, convicting many students to change the way they had been living their lives. “I have been changing my heart and life to glorify the Lord and be set apart for him,” Adair admitted. Various events were offered throughout the week and a favorite for many was the worship night held in Smith Courtyard on Monday evening. CBU’s wednesday chapel praise band led worship songs as some of the student body gathered for a time of heartfelt worship. “I really loved the speaker every chapel service but the worship night was my favorite. It was very moving to see so many students outside lifting their voices to the Lord,” Adair said. Seek Week moved its way across campus and left those in its path awestruck at Gods mercy as well as convicted to change their lives for the Lord.

Spring Seek Week included a 24-hour prayer chain that stretched over the whole week. Design By Steven Anderson; Photo By Lisette Nichols


The construction on the School of Business building is quickly transforming the CBU skyline.

What is it going to look like on the inside?


B&B By Krista Goodman

cbu’s business programs differ from other schools in the unique inte-

gration of Biblically-rooted principles in relation to business. “There’s a recognition now with secular business schools that the thing that is missing is values. They teach you how to make money, but they forget the values side. For example, as a manager you are supposed to be a good steward over this entity, not line your own pockets… There’s this growing recognition out there in secular business schools that what is missing is what we [at CBU] have,” Dean of the Robert K. Jabs School of Business Andy Herrity said. “What I have noticed is that it’s personal. It is ethical and it is biblically based… Nearly every one of my professors in the school of business is a doctor,” Daniel Scott said. “They all have a huge education and vast knowledge to share.” Scott wants to go into sales with his marketing degree. He explained that he has a passion for working with people. “I feel like business is more about helping and serving others while still earning a living,” Harvey Hettinga said. When he was 16, Hettinga started working at Chick-Fil-A, which is a company that professes Christian business values. “I just thought it was really cool how they set themselves apart by being different. Every approach they have is different from other businesses you come across,” Hettinga said. With a business administration degree, Hettinga hopes to open his own store one day. Bethany Pearson, is graduating with a double major in marketing and public relations and will then be continuing her schooling. “The marketing and PR major I want to use when I go to culinary school to network with professors and hopefully land a job in a restaurant to learn the industry. If I enjoy it, I plan on opening up my own business,” Pearson said. “As a Christian in this industry, Lainson [assistant professor of marketing] would tell us to know our ethical boundaries before we go out there. Have your code of ethics already on hand so that when you get into that grey area, you will not be tempted,” Pearson said. “Ethically, sales is just helping the customer get what they need. That is really all it is. You see time and time again that when people do not do business ethically, it fails… When you do it God’s way, it works out better every time,” Scott said. Bringing this Biblical perspective to business also opens doors for ministry. “I try to tell my students every semester that we have a unique opportunity in business to impact people’s lives. A lot of times those helping professions, like nursing or teaching, are what people think of as occupations for ministry. I want my students to see their business and their job as an opportunity for ministry, as well, because they are going to touch people’s lives,” Natalie Winter, associate dean of the Robert K. Jabs School of Business, said. Between the Alumni Dining Commons and the Shelby and Ferne Collinsworth School of Music, a new building has been on the rise throughout this school year. This will be the new school of business building, which is on track to be completed by fall 2012. Continuing business students will enjoy new cutting edge facilities and a place to call home. Herrity reflected that the new building’s most important function will be to create a place of community and connection for students and faculty. Winter added, “It raises the profile of the school of business. It is exciting for our students as well as our potential students. It also demonstrates to our students the importance that business plays in our world. I think it is important for our students, as well as the community, to know that we recognize that, and that we are about developing men and women who engage in business in a manner that is honoring to God.” Photo and Design By Steven Anderson 101

TUMBLING TO THE Peyton Romano and Tracie Clay (bottom right) have helped see the cheer teams through their recent transitions.


By Marcus Eide, Michelle Kern, Shayna Moreno & Ashley Nex california baptist Cheerleading has faced many transitions this past year on their way to success. Head Coach Tami Fleming’s temporary position turned into a permanent job and Fleming hired a close friend and collegiate cheer “guru”, Jason Larkins, as CBU cheer’s tumbling coach. They carried out the separation of the teams, officially naming them the Blue Team and Gold Team. Blue team focused on training for competitions and improving their tumbling and stunting skills while Gold team focused on school spirit and attending games. Camille Crites, a member of blue team, said, “I believe that separating the teams was a great way to grow the cheer program. Blue team got to focus on competitions, which made it easier for me to focus on the skills I needed rather than cheering at games. I know that gold squad has improved performance and cheer-wise as well.” Gold team works equally hard at practice and attends games for various teams and oncampus events. Rebekah Rubio, a member of the Gold team, expressed how much she likes Coach Fleming. She said that she is by far the best coach that she has had in her six years of cheer experience. “She pushes us to be the best and shows us how much potential we actually have, even though we cannot see it,” Rubio said. Coach Fleming and newly appointed Assistant Coach, Jason Larkins, began the 20112012 official season in July when the lancers returned to the National Cheerleading Association cheer camp in Las Vegas, Nev. There, the team worked hard showing off their advanced tumbling and stunting and earned the gold bid, which will pay ninety percent of expenses to Nationals 2012 in Daytona Beach, Fla. This season represents a fresh start for Lancers cheer. Each team was hand picked by Coach Fleming and Coach Larkins, giving the program great potential. For the 2011-2012 season, Coach Flemming and Coach Larkins have many goals in mind, but ultimately they want to grow the team spiritually. Larkins said, “I love coaching at a private Christian college. It really allows me to honor Christ through my coaching, but the ultimate goal is always to have the entire program know, love and continually seek Jesus as Lord.” This season the gold team is working hard at boosting school spirit and working with the “Crazies” at all games. Kelli McBride, a nursing major, has been part of the gold team for its two years of existence. “This dedicated group of wonderful women work together to support the school, and lift each other up through loving sisterhood and spiritual support,” McBride said. “Every year this talented team progresses even more and I am excited to see where CBU gold team ends up a few years from now. The CBU cheer program has even more exciting achievements ahead.” Coaches Fleming and Larkins train the teams by pushing them in all aspects. Crites said, “They stand by us 100% and make sure we are succeeding athletically, spiritually and academically. If you have had a class with a cheerleader, you might have seen Coach Jason peeking his head in the classroom to make sure we didn’t skip class.” Success is not far in the future for CBU cheer. Coach Fleming and Coach Larkins have expressed how proud they are of their teams for overcoming the devastation of last year’s accident and growing together as a family. They will continue to push both teams to their full potential and grow the program, maybe even earn a national title or two.

Photos By Clint Heinze; Design By Steven Anderson



Grant Rosander enjoys slacklining in his free time.


BALANCE By Mark Gomez college invites the opportunity for many activities. Some are the usual and some are the unexpected. Sometimes, the unexpected activities will pick up the momentum during the college years. One of these activities happens to be slacklining. Chris Hardy, Bryan Jarboe, Trevor Jones and Grant Rosander are just a few of the students that have started embracing the activity. “First time I started slacklining at CBU was at the end of freshmen year,” Trevor Jones said. “Chris Hardy set it up. I just have been doing it off and on for the past few years.” Soon afterwards many other members of the student body had started picking up on this trend. “I do it by myself sometimes and It’s fun to do together. People will walk by and wonder what is going on,” Grant Rosander said. As it is fun to do with many other peers, it is also a budget friendly activity for the poor, penny-pinching college student. “You can build your own and get tubular webbing,” Jones said. “It can cost from $40-$70. There is no set up cost.” Slacklining is simply tightrope walking on a nylon webbing between two anchor points. Any two trees found on campus can be used as these two main anchor points. Some students have their own way of defining it as they introduce the activity to newcomers. “I can name times when guys walk by and ask, ‘What is that? Can I try?’ I always try to tell people it’s like tight-rope walking with a trampoline as a hybrid,” explained Bryan Jarboe. A number of students are taking advantage of their free afternoons taking time to set up slackline stations around various locations across the campus. These locations include the trees on Palm Avenue and even the area nearby the slab by the freshmen dorms. “When the weather is nice it is always good to do. It’s a fairly small community. It takes some dedication to get good at it,” Rosander explained. “It is still a small community at CBU, but it is growing,” Jones said. The activity has grown so much, that the company Gibbon has emerged and started selling products related to this up and coming industry. Though CBU is starting to pick up on the trend many Slackline enthusiasts are excited about its rise in popularity. “It is definitely starting. We are definitely wanting to push it,” Jarboe said. As slacklining keeps the balance of popularity, hopefully it’s momentum will keep balance for generations to come. This however all depends if these enthusiasts keep a steady pace for progressing this craze.

Photo By Chris Hardy; Design By Nic Jessen


BASEBALL By Bonnie Jean Koenn

bring back memories of childhood better than ice cream dripping down your hands and onto your shoes while watching a baseball game? Not much, that’s for sure. There’s nothing quite like baseball, especially when the fans of CBU baseball get to sit and enjoy ice cream sundaes, company, and seeing the Lancers take on the 2012 season as the sun beats down on the James W. Totman Baseball Stadium. The men have made it quite the year for baseball. While they had a slow start, it didn’t take long for them to be off and running.

what could

Photo & Design By Bonnie Jean Koenn

In the first three games against the reigning conference champions, Dixie State, the Lancers had a shutout with multiple runs batted in from Matt Marnati, Luke Esquerra and Matt Daugherty. They fell short of a complete sweep over Dixie State, but not long after that, the Lancers took away four impressive wins over the Academy of Art. Ryan Cathers, junior, contributed to the Lancers getting a 3-2, 8-inning walk-off win in one of the games versus the Academy of Art, “I was sitting on a fastball on the outside part of the plate and put a good swing on it,” said Cathers, who admitted he never had achieved this at

any level. “You dream of opportunities like this, and I’m just thankful I had the chance to contribute.” While the players are making significant impacts on each of their personal records, their head coach, Gary Adcock, is making an impression as well; this is his ninth season as the Lancer’s head coach. Adcock has been doing his best to put the Lancers on the national map. With the transition from NAIA to NCAA Division II and the performance of the team this season, it’s clear he’s ready to do just that. In 2010, CBU was accepted into the National Collegiate Athletic As-

sociation (NCAA) membership process; CBU is currently in a transition year. Once the Lancers complete the next two seasons, they will be eligible to compete in Nationals amongst other colleges and universities in the NCAA Division II. This does not exclude them from participating in the National Christian Collegiate Athletic Association (NCCAA). Coming out of the 2011 season winning their second GSAC regularseason title and being ranked 22 in The National Collegiate Baseball Writers of America Top 25 ranks made for a promising year for the Lancers.


Photo By Zac Mullings; Design By Nic Jessen Pitcher Emma Holden holds the second most wins in CBU softball history with a record of 35-2.



By Omar Garcia and Hannah Stipek everyone knows what blooming flowers, freshly cut grass and warm sun rays mean. Springtime has arrived and with springtime comes softball. This year the girls’ softball team, like all the other CBU sports teams are transferring from the NAIA to the new Division II Pac West conference. Head Coach Bill Baber as well as senior Tina Galinato gave us their input on the changes they expect going into the new conference. When Galinato isn’t on the field putting grass stains on her uniform, she is in the grad program tackling kinesiology after only taking three and a half years to graduate. Being a right and left outfielder, Galinato is a huge benefit for the team. With this being her last season, Galinato expressed her favorite part of the team: “Because all the girls are pretty fun, it makes practice fun even if it’s hard.” Getting through practice isn’t Galinato’s only concern though. The highlight of this season will hopefully be winning the Pac West conference, with Hawaii Pacific University as the biggest competitor. Being able to get along really well and building teamwork are monumental factors to making the CBU softball team ready for a new division. In regards to the new NCAA rules, we asked Galinato if there were any specific rules that she found discouraging to follow. She stated, “Faculty can’t print things out for you. You can’t get rides home from coaches. You can’t do anything really. They used to do a team retreat but can’t anymore because the hours count.” Although these rules will be something to get used to, Galinato had no immediate restrictions outside of softball because of the new rules. With a new division comes new travel opportunities. This year the team will be spending ten days in the Northern Bay Area. Also, they will be traveling to Utah and Arizona, nothing too exciting in Galinato’s opinion. Moreover, Bill Baber is entering a new division as the new coach of women’s softball. “I’m very excited about it!” Ba-

ber said. “This is the job I’ve wanted here at CBU and had been waiting for and going Division II at this time is a perfect transition. There are a lot of new things, new coaching staff and going to a new division, so it was a good transition. “This is a milestone for the university, going Division II. There are a lot of new challenges, new travel and a new conference. It is exciting for the program and the university as a whole,” Baber said. Entering Division II, “Our biggest challenge is travel,” Baber continued. “Before everyone came to us, 80% of our games were at home. And now half of them are on the road in different states. We have five big trips including a 10 day trip to the Bay Area. Going to NCAA is a new challenge that we are anticipating, and we can’t wait for it. We are excited about it.” Like Galinato, Baber has similar goals for this season “This year’s goal is to win the Pac West because we are new to the NCAA and we can’t go to the post season.” Baber’s softball team is all set. “We will do very well. We have a very good team, our starting 9, 10, 11 players are top level players. We will compete, we are ready.” Looking forward to the start of softball season, the girls had been brimming with excitement since the beginning of the year. “We can’t wait to get going, we have been practicing a lot. We are hoping to have a lot of people attend our games. We’ve done a big push to get staff, students, family, alumni and the community to come see us play because the games are at night,” Baber said pre-season. With all the new changes in the upcoming years, CBU softball is ready to go. For future softball players Galinato gives the advice, “work hard in classes and the field, and don’t take anything for granted.” A motto that will stick for the season is to believe in yourself, Christ and each other and of course, to go hard or go home.


The School of Education helps students pepareor life after college.


By Megan Beeman, Emily Gallina, Omar Garcia, Hannah Stipek for centuries, the power of passion has driven multitudes of people to achieve unreachable goals and make the impossible, possible. Throughout history, people such as Martin Luther King, Aristotle, Abraham Lincoln, Albert Einstein, and more have impacted our world because of the unstoppable drive and passion in their souls. Passion is powerful; it’s what gives millions of people in today’s economy the motivation to work every day and give their all in something they believe in. At CBU it is strongly encouraged for the students to find something they are passionate about and to use it to spread their gifts and the love of God throughout the nations. John Shoup, the dean of the School of Education declared, “There are opportunities out there. From a faith perspective, I always encourage people to cultivate their gifts and talents to their abilities and see what doors God will open for them.” Passion is a necessity for the future careers people choose, and the School of Education believes that without this passion, life would become dull very quickly. Kendall Barkley, a student in the program, stated, “I chose liberal studies because I have a passion for serving, growing, learning, and I love children. My hope is to graduate, get my credential and become an elementary school teacher. I want to be a light and an example for the Lord wherever He will lead me.” She went on to explain, “I want to be a teacher in today’s economy because, as I said before, I have a passion for working with children. By the time I graduate, there will be a need for teachers, according to statistics. In terms of income, I would rather do something I love and get paid less than doing something I don’t love and getting paid more.” The School of Education does a magnificent job boosting the student’s passion, while well equipping them with the tools they need to be successful educators. Graduate student, Ashley Gallina said, “I liked the major a lot. The classes and teachers were very good and well educated. The classes were all different, not only on one subject, which made it interesting for me.” Barkley added, “CBU’s School of Education is a good program because it prepares us for the ‘real teaching world’ by exposing us to real classrooms around the community. The professors truly care about us as students and our success. CBU also has a credentialing program to achieve after receiving ones bachelors degree.” “The teachers are excellent, knowledgeable and passionate. They have worked in this field for a long time and know the ins and outs of the program. I think it is a good program because it is very thorough. It prepares you for everything you might encounter as a teacher,” Gallina stated. “My favorite part of working in the School of Education is the students, colleagues and the sense of the mission purpose,” Shoup explained. “We have a wonderful reputation in the district. We have a rigorous and relevant program. Our students are going to succeed if they are properly prepared because they have the faith-based commitment. The students that come in feel that this is their calling. They are living their purpose.”

Photo By Lisette Nichols; Design By Nic Jessen



The Vessel leadership team will travel to the Bay Area to provide design services to new church plants.

VESSEL By Nic Jessen

“vessel is modeled after ISP, but still completely different,” Stacey Schoellerman, founder and director of Vessel, said. For years, faculty at CBU have hoped to empower students to use their gifts for a greater purpose. Schoellerman, a graphic design major, took initiative after serving on a United States Project (USP) in New York City last spring and created CBU’s first Academic Project. “After serving on two USP trips God has really put designing for Him on my heart and it’s something I don’t want to live without,” Schoellerman said. “Coming back, designing for anything else wasn’t satisfying.” Schoellerman, who was diagnosed with pancreatitis over a year ago, knew she could not juggle another USP trip with her health and began brainstorming ways to use her talents locally. “It happened the first day of school this past fall. I’d been talking to my past teammates from New York about how we wanted to go back,” Schoellerman said. When club applications came out, she considered forming a club, but decided that would be “too limited and too small.” Schoellerman, realizing her vision needed to be built from the ground up, met with individuals like Kristen White and Brett Vowell to learn the ins and outs of starting a ministry program. As she dove into the project, the scope grew. To get the program off the ground and CBU official, Schoellerman began working with Mark Roberson, the dean of the new College of Architecture, Visual Art and Design. After months of work everything from insurance forms to finances was ironed out. Three additional student leaders were added: Jacob Armstrong as worship leader, Alyssa Curtis as financial coordinator and Sarah Schneider as church coordinator. Vessel is made up of two local teams and a leadership team, which will travel to San Francisco over spring break to work with new church plants. Schoellerman works closely with all three teams. “I want to keep a personal connection,” Schoellerman said. Teams spend a lot of time together between team time, team dinners and work nights. “We want to be able to serve anyone who is a follower of Christ,” Schoellerman said. Teams work with all Christ following churches and non-profits, though their focus is new church plants. Vessel designers provide design, photography, web and video services. They create things like brochures, business cards and introduction videos. “The beauty of why we’re designing for people who love God is they’re doing what we aren’t doing,” Schoellerman said. “There is a real depression when people come back from serving on ISP and say, ‘I helped orphans in Uganda’ or ‘I was able to share the gospel with this many people’ and here I am in New York taking photos. There’s a spiritual war that’s really put on there. But what we’re doing is something really special and needed, because with the $10,000 we saved the church, they were able to invest in saving people. This is what we need to do.” Though Vessel works mostly with Christians, Schoellerman recalled an opportunity she and a couple teammates had to share. They were in the park asking people questions about God and heaven for a video they were shooting for a local church. “The last people we talked to turned the questions back on us and asked us what we think of God and through that we were able to witness to one of the guys. We’ve kept in contact with him and we’re meeting with him Saturday. He’s really close to accepting Jesus as his Lord and savior.” Photo By Jacob Armstrong; Design By Nic Jessen



Outside hitter Corey Bates was raised in Melbourne, Australia.


By Jessica Bills

the ball is served to the other team. You are at the net. The ball is swiftly sailing to the setter. She bends her knees and sends the ball in an unbending arch to the outside hitter, the big guns. You step left, cross right, bend down and jump. Arms up, fingers reaching as far as they can. The ball makes contact with the hitter’s hand and you are up in the air as you watch this connection. Then, in a direct line the ball goes into your hands, you rotate your hands downward. The ball drops to the other side of the court. You have successfully blocked the other team. You received another point for your team, all in about six seconds. The world is a lot different when you are six foot. You have different expectations, different opportunities, different talents. Bree Rauschenbach was not always six feet tall. She was not always an NCAA champion. She was not always starting middle blocker for a Division II college volleyball team. But, she has always made the most of every situation and has left the court with no regrets. When Rauschenbach was ten years old she was first introduced to the sport. Although, she and volleyball did not always have the strong committed relationship that they have now. “I actually wanted to play basketball. I was planning on playing basketball in college until my junior year in high school. Volleyball was just the sport before basketball started. Junior year it just kind of came about; I wanted to play volleyball instead. I didn’t want it to end. I never wanted to play volleyball in college, it just happened.” After her junior year at California Lutheran High School in Wildomar, Calif., Rauschenbach started playing club volleyball, which is a year-round team. Many players used to get scouted for college or to enhance their skills. Rauschenbach decided to join a club team for all of those reasons, but got scouted by Coach Ryan McGuyre. It was never part of her plan to be one of the seniors showcased in an open practice for college coaches to watch. “I don’t even know how it happened. My dad made it all happen; he is my hero. Coach Ryan was one of the coaches watching. He kept emailing me. When he said the school was in Riverside, I was like ‘um no thanks.’ I was looking at big D1 schools or by the beach. Now I cannot picture myself anywhere else and would not want to go anywhere else. I stepped on campus and had this feeling I could not explain. It was from God.” Looking back on her twelve years playing volleyball, Rauschenbach has had a blessed lack of injuries. She could only recall one instance where she was legitimately hurt, and even then it was an unusual injury. “Last season I was blocking during a practice when I got hit in the face with the ball and it hit my left eye. My eye blacked out and I couldn’t see anything for a day. That was the closest thing to an injury I ever had.” The CBU Women’s Volleyball team is made up of fourteen girls while other D2 schools’ teams are comprised of teams that range from 18-20 players. “We only had two middles, and if I was out… well, God definitely had His hand over our team.” Rauschenbach may be a middle blocking stud on an NCAA championship team, but she is still a player, still a woman seeking after God’s strength before, during and after each game. “No matter how many games I have played I still get the same butterflies before each game,” she said. Through her four years at CBU, Rauschenbach accumulated three significant records for Women’s Volleyball. She broke the overall ace record, she tied for most aces in a single match, and she broke the record for most sets played. But even a champion like her experiences doubts and nervousness. “When I serve, a lot of weird things go through my head. First thing that goes through my head is please let it go in. Sometimes I repeat Hebrews 11:1 over and over again. It is the verse in my head for when I get really nervous.” Rauschenbach is one of two middle blockers on a fourteen girl team for a D2 school that won its first NCAA championship. This was her fourth year playing for CBU and her last as she is graduating with a degree in public relations and a minor in business in May.

Photo By Rachel McDaniel; Design By Nic Jessen



By Jessica Wilson

the office of Assistant Professor of English Toni Dingman there is an immediate sense of warmth. She has a smile that clearly shows her love for what she does. After being an educator for over three decades, she has many accomplishments to add to her list. This past November she officially added Ph.D. to the list. She has been teaching for 33 years and recently felt the urge to continue with her education. “I just felt like I hadn’t finished what I needed to finish,” Dingman said. She mentions how in today’s society people are living and working longer. Therefore, going for her Ph.D. later in life is not that unusual. However, pursuing a Ph.D. did not come easy. She stated how it was indeed an enormous amount of work. This is something that she considers one of the hardest things she has ever done. Dingman attended Pacifica Graduate Institute and went for a M.A. and Ph.D. in Mythological Studies. Her reasoning behind this area of study was because it allowed her to branch out. “(Mythological Studies) is a close look at world literature. It is a close read with primary texts,” Dingman said. The program took five years to complete. Fortunately, it allowed her to still have time to teach and be there for her family. Dingman clearly displays her love for being a mom. She mentioned how she felt it was important to be there with her son while she was attending school. When she completed her program and received her Ph.D., Dingman felt a great sense of accomplishment. “Rigor of accomplishment changed me. The experience [was] very much like opening all of the windows in a room,” Dingman said with a smile on her face. After achieving this goal, the rewards were great. She stated that this has given her confidence to take on big challenges. Along with developing her ability in research and writing, Dingman has gained a stronger sense of empathy for her Master students. “[I am] much more empathetic to their quandaries about taking on a big project,” Dingman said. Receiving her Ph.D. has allowed Dingman to apply her sense of expertise to many areas of teaching and in discourse with others. It has also changed her approach to teaching. While pursuing this degree, Dingman noticed that her evaluations from students dropped. She was informed by a colleague that this can happen with a professor who is pursuing a Ph.D. “They elevate their standards unconsciously. [I was] too demanding at first,” Dingman admitted. However, she did find a balance and feels like her teaching style has improved. One thing she notes is that the transition from M.A. to Ph.D. has definitely been a journey. But the rewards of such a journey are immeasurable and unforgettable. walking into

Photo By Jessica Bills; Design By Matthew Shade Toni Dingman, Ph.D, Assistant Professor of English, recently completed a five year program to earn her doctorate.



By Amanda Johnson

when your memory just disappears? When you have an important life moment that defines the rest of your life, yet you can’t remember it? Jim A. DeVore doesn’t remember that fateful day on August 23, when, while riding his bike home from work, he was hit by a car. “I was biking back from work at CBU. Work went late, so it was around 7 pm where visibility was a little more difficult. I remember leaving work that day, but I don’t remember the accident at all. Apparently, I turned out into the intersection, and there was a driver coming over the hill that had sun in his eyes. I really don’t know what happened to cause the accident itself, but I got into the intersection and he hit me,” DeVore recounted. DeVore sustained a broken right hip, left shoulder hairline fracture, bruised sciatic nerve in his right leg and a few other minor injuries. “The hardest part was the first six weeks. I couldn’t put weight on my right leg, so I couldn’t even attempt to walk. That was probably the one individual most frustrating thing. It was also really frustrating to not come back to school fall semester,” DeVore said. In early September, DeVore was released from the hospital to return to his Littlerock, Calif. home. Devore’s recovery time was amazingly fast, surprising all the doctors, family and supporters surrounding him. DeVore has recovered exceptionally well. “The sciatic nerve is going to take a few years to heal, for the present I can’t hold my foot up so I have a little brace to keep my foot from hanging down and getting caught in things. There is pain every once in a while due to false pain signals from the nerve, but the walking has all basically returned.” Throughout this entire journey, DeVore has kept a positive attitude and has been an inspiration to those around him. “It is important to keep going and remember that God is faithful,” DeVore said, ”Trust God and wait, and do what He has put before you to do and be content with that. God’s plan is bigger than mine, and He is always faithful in difficult times.” DeVore still plans on going into Mechanical engineering. He hopes to one day spend some time overseas, enjoy other cultures and he wants to use his engineering skills overseas. When asked what advice he had for his fellow students at CBU, DeVore said, ”No matter what situation God puts you in, it is important to look around and see how He could be working through the situation.“ One last piece of advice he had: ”Always wear a helmet.”

what happens

Photo By Amanda Johnson; Design By Nic Jessen Mechanical engineering student Jim A. Devore doesn’t remember being hit by a car as he was riding his bike after work.



THE PURSUIT OF TRUTH “I love seeing the photos meet the words and design.” Shayna Moreno


By Krista Goodman

2010 saw the advent of a new publication at CBU. Next to the award-winning publications like The Banner newspaper and Angelos yearbook with decades under their covers, the new publication would have a lot to live up to. A small founding staff made up of dedicated students and faculty advisers was up to the challenge. Their efforts produced Pursuit magazine. Founding Editor-in-Chief Katherine Seipp reflects on just what “Pursuit” meant to her, “To me, the magazine has always been about truth. It was my goal and vision to use the magazine as a medium of exposing truth on the CBU campus. The good. The bad. Everything. I feel as though that gets looked over overlooked by Christians a lot. We try to focus on things that are good rather than bad, which is good to do, but just because we ignore the bad doesn’t mean it’s not there,” Seipp said. “We are called to bring forth the truth, nothing will be kept in the shadows. I think that’s kind of where the name came from. God is truth and He is our pursuit, so really our pursuit is truth,” Seipp added. Seipp graduated in May 2011 with a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism. She is now working as a social media specialist. “I feel that through Pursuit there is an opportunity for young adults to look into the world and understand their place as a believer and at CBU. Within the articles and photos there is relevancy to your spiritual walk and challenges through college and life that people can relate to,” Lisette Nichols, assistant photo editor, said. Editor-in-chief Shayna Moreno reflects on her vision of Pursuit, “The mission I set for Pursuit is to be the most avant-garde publication on campus…writing stories that haven’t been played out anywhere else and giving the readers what they want is what I want. With the stunning photography and eye-catching design, there is nothing like it out there.” Pursuit is published once a semester. Its completion requires the fusion of talents of from a variety of students with experience in different disciplines. Writers may come from journalism and media majors where photographers and designers may come from be graphic design majors. Managing editor and staff designer Brianna Nelson reflected that working on Pursuit magazine is very different from working on the newspaper.


Where the newspaper is designed around articles, the magazine was created to center around photography and design. “Working in on a magazine is a different way of showing what is going on within the Christian culture and the culture around us. It shows the patterns and ways of our lives in a more specific and classy way through photos with more depth and significance and writing that is focused to a different audience but also available to all,” Nichols said. A writer, Writer, designer and photographer must all work together to come up with a unified vision for a single spread spread, and the process must happen for every spread within the magazine. “I love seeing the photos meet the words and design. That’s what the readers see first is the pictures—they tell the story just as much as words,” Moreno said. Pursuit magazine’s second year of life has seen a new crop of passionate and visionary student staff members. “I think one of my favorite spreads to work on this year has been the Lancer Mascot spread. Lisette Nichols, our assistant photo editor, had an amazing concept and the article was a lot of fun to write. Plus, Megan Paulos, our design editor, has an amazing concept for design so just seeing the stages of this story progress has been such an amazing experience,” Nelson said. Mary Ann Pearson, assistant professor of communications and education, and Sandra Romo, lecturer in journalism and public relations, have overseen the production of Pursuit magazine as faculty advisers for the past two years. Michael Berger, assistant professor of graphic design, has served as photo and design adviser to the students. “There’s also nothing that beats the honest critiques I received from my peers and my advisers. That has helped me to excel in my current workplace and to help others,” Seipp said. In 2011, Pursuit magazine won seventh place as a feature magazine at the 91st Annual ACP/CMA National College Media Convention in Orlando, Fla. It is already showing the promise in its young age of following the award-winning legacy of its sister publications. The magazine is a profound reflection of God’s presence thriving in the faculty and students of the communication arts department at CBU.

Photo By Nichelle Trulove; Design By Matthew Shade

hello, I joined the California Baptist University faculty seven years ago as a full-time member of the Communications and Visual Arts department. My teaching assignments included serving as the faculty adviser of the Angelos yearbook and The Banner newspaper. I wanted to gain an understanding of the history of CBU and the publications. The archives for the Angelos seemed like a good place to start. I spent the summer of 2005 going through every page of every book and I fell in love. I enjoyed reading the words of those who founded the school and those who were here in the very beginning. Reading about Juanice Williams in the 50’s, Vi Estell in the 60’s, Rick Warren in the 70’s and Kent Dacus in the 80’s and countless other precious individuals helped me to discover what a wonderful place this is. As I read each page, I discovered many things. The poodle skirts became shorter skirts and were eventually replaced with pants. Wanda’s left the basement and some offices seemed to move almost every year. Many traditions were formed and they seemed to make up the fabric of this lovely place. The Angelos yearbooks tell the story. The story is about a very special place that is blessed by the Lord. Countless students found their faith in God here. Many found spouses and a deeper understanding of the Lord’s will for their lives. I feel privileged and blessed to have worked with the publications for the last seven years. I have worked with and mentored talented, interesting students. Some have gone on to work for newspapers, publishers, television stations, public relations firms, churches and in the mission field. I thank the Lord for providing me the opportunity to teach them and to pray for them. The yearbooks completed during my term include the following themes; Message, Clarity, Infotainment, Still, Dreams, Prism and this year’s book Movement. This year’s theme, movement, seems to convey the growth and construction taking place on campus now. I will be moving to the Online and Professional Studies Division this summer and although I am looking forward to it; I will miss the publications. Pursuit Magazine was launched as our newest publication in 2010. It is the first new student produced publication since the 1950’s. We have produced four copies and I will enjoy reading future issues of the magazine. I am so proud of the students involved in Pursuit and all of the publications. I thank the Lord, the leadership of CBU and the students including the wonderful, writers, editors, designers and photographers who poured hours into the production of “Pursuit” magazine, “The Banner” newspaper/website and”The Angelos” yearbook. I pray for continued success for the publications. May God richly bless CBU. Love, Faculty Adviser (2005-2012) Mary Ann Pearson, Ed.D.


(Back; Left to Right) Kayla Friend, Bryan Richardson, Danny Lybeck, Isaac Monroe, Ashley Setzler, Desmond Clark, (Front)Katie Waisanen, Ryan Yoder, and Jessica Massey all starred in the theatre program’s spring production of Androcles and the Lion.

Photo By Sarah Jane O’Keefe; Design By Matthew Shade By Kira Kramer

be hard, tough and grueling, but it also has some benefits. With theatre comes such strong community. They are all in it together. The students in the theatre program here have such a strong desire to bring the Lord His glory. This is why once a week they all meet together to worship Him and read from His word. Every Thursday night, rain or shine, theatre students meet at the theatre for what is called Community time. Ashley Setzler, one of the leaders of Community time, commented, “The purpose of Community time is not just Bible study, but also to get to know people on a personal level and invest in people. Because of what we do and the craft that we are in, it involves being vulnerable with people and being able to let your guards down on stage. And if we can do that off-stage, how much greater are our shows going to be.” Theatre is community in its finest. Christianity is based on community, so community in theatre is so important in the

theatre can

portrayal of God’s glory. One of the worship leaders, Sam Rodriquez claimed, “It gives us a great opportunity to break up into groups and get to know each other. The department is starting to get bigger, so it is becoming harder to get to know people on an intimate friend basis. So being able to break up and share our struggles of the week, we get the opportunity to come along side our brothers and sisters in Christ.” After worshiping in a simple setting of three singers and a guitar leading, the group then separates to small groups each led by one gentleman and one lady. Michael Ring is one such leader. ”Coming together to worship is always something that a body of believers should do. A family of theatre artists. That’s a great way to start off community time, with worship. Then we break up into our small groups and people begin to feel more vulnerable and open. We start to learn things about others that we didn’t know, and it starts to put people in the theatre in a

different light.” With Bible studies comes learning. Everyone learns differently, but usually grow in one way or another. “I feel like everyone is on their own level and different place in life, so community time impacts people on different levels. I’ve had people come to me and say that they are really glad that they had worship tonight because they haven’t been able to have that all week, they were so grateful for that. And some people just really enjoy getting the chance to talk to people and just talk about their week or share prayer requests with one another,” Setzler said. Even the leaders are learning in their own way. According to Ring, “Personally I feel like I am learning more as a leader in helping facilitate it with Kira Kramer. I’ve been learning how to ask people questions, ‘What do you think? How was your day? What do you think about this? Will you pray?’” He also said the best time for learning is when debate happens, “We’ve been going through Hebrews and, personally, I’ve been learning

about the glory and radiance of Jesus Christ. The imagery they use in that chapter is awe-inspiring. When we get into the discussion about it and we get to share different opinions, people disagree or agree with one another, that’s when we as a group learn the most.” Rodriquez talked about how Community Time pushes him to be a better man of God through leading worship, “I find it to be an effective way of making sure that I am focusing on what my relationship is like with God. I would hate to stand up there in front of people as a hypocrite. Alexander the Great would always lead from the front when he went into battle because he believed he should never ask any of his solders to do what he wouldn’t do himself. As I stand there in front of people I want to make sure that I’m up there living the gospel that I preach.” Community is important. The campus is growing; the sense of community should grow with it. As Ring puts it, “It is rare that once a week we all get to be together as a family.”


The Crazy, Crazy

CRAZIES By Matthew Shade

seconds left on the clock, everyone surrounding you is screaming like a maniac, you feel your heart throbbing in your ear as you yell out your lungs, the stands are shaking with the movement of the crowd, your team has the ball, they take the shot, you feel your nerves stand on end and your stomach lift as the ball flies towards the basket, the buzzer rings, your pulse quickens as the ball swishes through the net and everyone goes crazy. “We’re just a group of eight people that do the weirdest things to try to get people pumped up for athletics,” Caleb Mott said. Mott is a member of a group of eight known on campus as The Crazies. Brandon Fries, Ally Gonzalez, Katy Knutson, Cullan Maher, Francis Maikai, Richard Prince and Andrew Scherer are the seven other remaining members who comprise the formidable force that can be found at Lancer games cheering and screaming the CBU teams on to victory. “You definitely get spurred on just jumping around,” Mott, first-year Crazy, said. “It’s just so much excitement and anticipation to see what’s going to happen during the game. It makes you happy when everyone’s standing up jumping and screaming.” “We’ll go hang out in the game room sometimes or have meetings to plan stuff together, maybe go to lunch somewhere,” Mott said explaining how the group bonds so that their madness is a unified insanity in the midst of athletic action. “We just get to hang out together, and those times are the funniest times with those guys.” “It’s fun. It’s exciting. Definitely tiring on the voice, but it’s got a lot of fun times. All in all it’s pretty awesome,” Mott said. “My favorite part is when all of the crowd is cheering and we start this big, big roar that leads us to winning the game.” Still, the Crazies movement isn’t just the core of eight. It’s a much bigger phenomena that’s infiltrated CBU as a whole. On days of games, members of Crazies Nation can be seen sporting custom shirts promoting the game and urging students to catch the madness. “It’s not just about the eight people,” Mott explained. “It’s more about the fans. We have a Crazies section. Everyone can be Crazies.” The anticipation can be felt before the games even begin as the fans fill into the bleachers. The Crazies hand out props, jittering with the excitement and expectancy of the impending adrenaline rush. Then the game begins. “After that it’s just yelling all night long,” Mott said.

there are

Only two years old, the group known as “The Crazies” has been leading CBU sports fans further and further into insanity since their formation. Photo By Zac Mullings; Design By Matthew Shade



Photo By Clint Heinze

Katrina Adams Steffanie Altig Mitzi Arteaga Ana Barajas Tifinnie Baumann

Danny Canales Jeremiah Cannon Nile Carter Ryan Cathers David Chambers

Jonathan H. Beam Megan Bejar Kellsey Bellmeyer Lynell Berg Brianna Bernard

Rebekah Chan Switzerlyna Chong Lindsey Christensen Destiny Ciecalone Erika Cleland

Justine Bolanos Roger Bond Michael Bragonier Jessica Branham Ashley Bray

James Cypert Mark Davenport Jesse De Husson Lauren Desmarchais Jennifer Dielman

Kelly Bray Julianne Brown Chelsea Brozovich Andrew Buchholz Lauren Burnett

Gabrielle Dillard Daniel Donaldson Denise Dugan Bertrand Dushime Summer Flores



Tiffany Fontaine Scott Foor Kret Kayla Friend Elizabeth Garcia Priscilla Garcia

Sarah Garcia Elizabeth Gerhartz Desire Giraneza Derrick Glasby Mark Gomez


Carey Hart Kathlena Heck Clint Heinze Anastasia Helfer Haley Helfer

Cynthia Hernandez Gabriela Hidalgo Joy Higley Vanessa Hlebowski Christine Hovey

Elizabeth Gonzales Krista Goodman Trevor Graifman Michelle Graves Emily Green

Kristi Howell Sharon Jay Nicole Jessen Genesis Jimenez Bianca Johnson

Jessica Griffin Kelly Hahn Paulin Hakizimana Stephanie Hallman Benjamin Harper

Matthew Johnson Matthew Johnson Rachel Jones Shaylene Judson Marie Kangabe


Dilara Karabas Jessica Kay Jacob Keaton Whitney Keep Jordan Kiesz

Kaitlyn Kirchmann Kara Kitchen Natalee Kolenski Theodora Koroluk Cassandra Kristensen

Cassie Krueger Gus Kyriopoulos Alvin-Jay Lacuesta Alexander Lamascus Nathan Lawrence

Kelly Leonard Andrew Linder Yesenia Lopez Nicholas Loza Jacqueline Lutz


Hannah Mac Donald Cullan Maher Francis Maikai Cameron Malchow Valerienne Maltemps

Morgan Marcos Alysha Martin Olivia Martin Rebecca Martin Jenny Miner

Hannah Minton Mechelle Monroe Alison Moore Shayna Moreno Neil Morgan

Justin Mueller Alex Muganza Modeste Muhire Mallory Munroe Cara Murray


Faith Mwiza Jennifer Nickels Jordyn Nielsen Mark Norton Patrick Nsengiyumva

Courtney Pinedo Kevin Ponce Jessica Pope De’Jon Prescott Joel Pulliam

Kendra Nunes Lea Nyiranshuti Lauren O’Connor Elisabeth Oosterman Pilar Orellana

Crystal Quintero Sammy Ramos Bree Rauschenbach Katrina Robinson Maria Roque

Anthony Ortiz Christina Osborne Alice Oueijan Ethan Park Anna Patten

Hannah Pearce Iliana Perea Ashley Peters Erika Phillips Herson Pineda


Alyssa Ryan Paul Santiago Kristin Schaeck Justin Scorza Matthew Shade

Jonathan Slater Elizabeth Smith Matthew Smitley Sarah Sonke Shannon Spencer


April Staubs Jerrod Steele Devron Suttle Wilson Syiem Tim Tait

Danika Wignall Ruth Wilkins Brittany Williams Kandice Williams Taylor Winchell

Shayna Tasabia Ashley Tatum Katie Terra Andrea Torres-Figueroa Carola Torrico

Mary Beth Wright Corinne Yuenger Charlene Zepeda Huiwen Zheng

Jessica Tracy Jessica Trayes Brent Troutman Nichelle Trulove Malyna Valentin

Kristina Valentine Veronica Vazquez Anna Wheelock Brittany White Richard Wickham



Austin Aberle Hosiana Abewe Samantha Albro Haley Allen Jason Alvarez

Tricia Amantia Justine Amis-Richardson Regina Anaya Heather Anderson Ryan Anderson

Steven Anderson Sandy Sue Arce Lizbeth Arias Daniel Arjona Laura Armenta

Jacob Armstrong Stephanie Armstrong Tyrecia Arnold Mari Arstein Salai Ashton


Lauren Baggett Amanda Baghdady Alishia Ballard Cristina Barajas Kendall Barkley

Brian Barnes Corina Barrios Gunnar Bates Diane-Cadette Bazoza John Beck

Megan Beeman Dana Belk Candace Bell Chelsie Bell Candace Berg

Jenna Bergstrom Rebecca Bernard Jessica Bills Richard Blacksher Brittany Blankenship



Danielle Blixt Angelica Bocanegra Neil Bodwell William Bohrer Lanyce Bond

Kasey Butler Jessica Byars Kallie Caldwell Nicole Caluag Alyssa Campbell

Crystal Bonilla Alexandria Bonomo Nathan Boschen Matthew Bragonier Melanie Braund

Lauren Canby Loren Canlas Ryan Carbin Bianca Carbone Brent Cariaga

Baylee Braunwalder Noel Bravo Brittney Breaux Brittany Breeding Clark Broersma

Kaytie Carrasco Kim Carter Austin Cary Angel Castro Martha Castro

Emily Brown Erica Brown Heidi Brown Tyler Buntin Brittany Butler

Sarah Cates Ruthie Ceausu Cristina Cedeno Clay Chestnut Matt Ching


Grace Choung Rachel Chrisman Kiefer Cicotte Zody Cobb Kristin Coffelt


Ana Custodio Keren Custodio Breanna Daiz Erin Dalan Katharine Davis

Mindy Coffey Aleksandra Coggins Amanda Collins Destiny Commons Sean Condon

Matthew Day Joe De Santes Cassandra DeJager Timothy Decious Kari Dennis

Kristin Cooprider Natalie Coronado Elizabeth Crate Lisa Crayne Jordan Crisafi

Eric Diamsay Marlina Diaz Joel Dingman Lindsay Dolan Janette Dominguez

Logan Cross Rachel Cross Ellie Crowley Luke Cunningham Stephanie Curnow

Coreen Donaldson Deborah Donaldson Kelsey Doolittle Adam Douglas Ashley Dunaway


Elizabeth Dunckel Taylor Dunnington Stephany Durksen Cecily Dussell Selina Dussell

Jennifer Dutton Vanessa Eastland Cassidy Edison Brooke Edwards Marcus Eide


Julianne Fain Megan Fain Caitlyn Fairfax Kayla Falsetti Briana Fernandez

Melissa Fillmore Jamie Fischer Cameron Fisher-Blunt Renee Flannery Tori Fleming

Chris Ellis Cheyenne Embree Rebekah Emerine Samantha English Beth Enlow

Emily Fletcher Laura Flores Ruth Flores Bibiana Florian Mary Floyd

Joshua Escarpita Rachel Escarpita Verenice Espinoza Amber Estrada Eimy Estrada

Lauren Flueckiger Bianca Fortik Hannah Foster Melissa Franciscus Michael Franciscus


Colin Frerichs Jonathan Frey James Frigo Christopher Fuentes Maivel Gabra

Laurel Galipault Emily Gallina Michelle Gamez Scarlette Garcia Yesenia Garcia

Raquel Gardner Jacqueline Garland Tabitha Garrison Melissa Ghiglieri Brandon Gill

Nicollette Gino Alicia Gochez Julia Gomez Valeria Gomez Reese Gonzales


Daniel Gonzalez Gabriela Gonzalez Priscilla Gonzalez Christina Gooch Shelby Goss

Brittney Gottlob Jeff Green Emily Gross Jonathon Groves Sarah Guerrero

Sarah Gustason Rebecca Habeeb-Silva Adam Hack Brittni Hall Breanna Hankins

Cassandra Hanlin Matthew Hanlin Audrey Hanson Emily Hanson Hannah Harman


Danielle Harper Antonette Harris Anna Hart Catherine Hartley Cyerra Hawkins

Ashley Hawley Kaitlyn Hayner Treana Haynes Tami Hays Yan He

Megan Hill Samuel Hills Tiffany Houck Teslan Howard Jonathan Hrovat

Kristina Hedberg Taylor Hede Amy Helms Kathryn Heming Melody Henderson

Aimee Hudec Mykell Hughes Garrett Hyer Stephany Ibarra Ayodej Idowu

Hannah Hennessy Jennifer Hernandez Kimberly Hernandez Lea Hernandez Samuel Hernandez


Yadira Hernandez Joseph Herrera Sarah Herrera Anna Hickey Claudia Hidalgo

Guillaume Iradukunda Brittany Jackson Amanda Johnson Danielle Johnson Elizabeth Johnson


Jared Johnson Jillian Johnson Caitlyn Jones Christina Jones Wendy Jones

Janviere Kabagwira Luke Keoviphone Jeyeon Kim Julie Kim Stella Kissandu

Aaron Lawson Christian Lawson Sharayah Le Leux Brooke Leachman Alyssa Leath

Cassandra Kitchen Jhasamin Kliewer Garett Klingaman Kelsey Knight Haley Knutson

Katey Lee Mariah Lee Stephanie Lee Stephanie Lee Brianna Leiford

Bonnie Koenn Kira Hannah Kramer Jean-De-Dieu Kwizera Christopher Kyle Rachelle La Botz


Jennifer La Monica Kelsi Labadie Beth-Jayne Lacuesta Mikayla Lammons Lizbeth Landy

Tabitha Leonard Julie Leong Ryan Lewandowski Kimber Licitra Wei Quing Lin


Leyi Ling Carol Ann Lippencott Karyn Lo Presti Gabrielle Lopez Jonathon Lucas

Lorelyn Lucas Mariah Lumpkin Danny Lybeck Ana Magana Kylee Magby

Erin Mendoza Ruth Mendoza Nisha Merchant Kelsey Meyers Zachary Middleton

Methode Maniraguha Dieudonme Manzi Ashley Martinez Grace Martinez Jordan Martinez

Emily Miller Haley Mohn Yazmine Molina Analyse Montejano Heather Moon

Shawnna Martinez Yareli Martinez Kiakahi Matsumoto Aaron McCalmont Shawna McCollom


John McCreadie Kathryn McNeil Amy Meeter Anna Megli Bonich Meister

Shelby Moore Erika Morales Joshua Morley Christian Morris Taylor Morris


Valentine Muhawenimana Joseph Muhirwa Danielle Munro Eugene Munyanziza Sarah Murguia

Caleb Oakes Victoria Offerman Ada Ohan Emily Olson Katherine Omps

Eddie Muro Chloe Murray Shem Mwebaze Vincent Mwumvaneza Areva Neely

Karina Ornelas Meghan Ostrosky Natalie Ostrosky Kaylea Ott Robbie Paauw

Brianna Nelson Angela Nguyen Jordyn Nichols Lisette Nichols Eric Nkurunziza

Christine Nunnally Kayley Nuzum Ruth Nyquist Sarah Jane O’Keefe Natalie O’Toole


Andi Pace Allison Palenske Micah Palmquist Hea-Song Park Alyssa Parker

Derly Pate Mallory Patton Micah Paul Megan Paulos Jeff Paulsen


Jessica Pearce Caitlyn Peel Evelyn Perea Dianna Perez Eva Perez

Joshua Perez Josue Perez William Perkins Kelsey Lynn Perrault Samantha Peters


Joshua Poetoehena John Polese Holly Pope Briana Porras Alan Potrus

Isaac Power Amanda Predmore Jen Price Richard Prince Tayler Qualls

Brittany Peterson Brandon Petrie Alex Petrin Sarah Petsas Theresa Phan

Marc Quesada Andrea Quiroz Mary Radoi Raquel Ramaly Dayana Ramirez

Kevin Phelps Bianca Pina Pedro Piqueras Jessica Pitzek Brandi Plata

Diana Ramirez Kalina Ramirez Katie Ramirez Maribel Ramirez Yesenia Ramirez


Seth Rankin Jessica Rankins Nicole Rashid Jenna Reed Jonathan Reed


David Rodriguez Mayra Rodriguez Isaac Rojas Amy Ronces Sarah Rosen

Joshua Reichert Julia Reid Benjamin Replogle Catherine Rice Ashley Richardson

Michelle Rusher Cleophas Rwemera Sarah Sabesky Travis Sais Luke Salazar

Sarah Richardson Beth Riddle Junior Rios Ryan Rios Lauren Rither

Jessica Salera Katrina Samuelson Monica San Diego Danielle A. Sands Scott Sandy

Morgan Rither Jason Rivette Jamie Robbins Jesse Roberto Chelsea Rodgers

Diane Sangwa-Uwimpuhwe Katey Santillan Destinee Sapp Robert Sargent Alyssa Schmidt


Stacey Schoellerman Kylee Schreck Mollie Schwartzman Samantha Scissons Angela Scott

Marielle Sedin Stephanie Sevilla Erin Shafer Ilbret Shahbazian Dylan Shanahan

Miriam Solis Breanna Sparkman Katie Stein Brittney Stevens Tyler Stodder

Nathan Shimabukuro Adam Shirer Tasha Short Kaitlyn Shults Yoana Silva

Brittney Stoneburg Dillon Strand Cierra Stull Lauren Swanson Faris Sweiss

Jordan Singer Tegh Singh Sulema Siordia Autumn Skimin Christopher Smith


Nicole Smith Rachel Smith Julio Solano Monica Solano Lauren Solis

Amanda Tabora Caitlyn Tadlock Joelle Tajima Zhuoxin Tan Marissa Tapia


Alexandria Taylor Nelly Telleria Bianca Terrones Tiffany Thornton David Tibbitts

Jessica Titus David Togia Rebeca Toma Amanda Torres Caleb Trachte

Edward Tran Rebecca Trupp Megan Turner Hope Umutesi Courtney Upshaw

Kyle Upshaw Daniel Urban Bianka Uribe Salome Uwizerimana Tobias Van Buren


Brandon Van Buskirk Nicole Van Dyke Naomi Van Setten Natalie Vander-Meulen Michele Vasile

Michelle Vega Ruth Veloz Alexandra Vukov Michael Wagner Katherine Waisanen

Lauri Walker Jacob Walters Hannah Wangerien Lauren Wargo Laura Waterbury

Whitney Waters Kelli Watson Rebecca Weldon Chris Whitesell Robin Whitman


Kenneth Wible Paige Wieland Andrea Wilkerson Lauren Wilkerson Jacob Wilkins

Irene Zumaya

Keyana Williams Kayla Wilson Lindsay Wine Jacobus Woodhead Katie Jo Woodrow

Aubree Worrell Tajei Wright Cassandra Wyatt Hui Yin Ryan Yoder

Brenna Young Christiaan Young Khari Youngblood Benjamin Yuem Molly Zuhlke



Annamarie Barrera Daniel Cross Ruth Flores Mary Garcia Victor Popa

Ruby Torres



Elaine Ahumada Melissa Antonio Russell Baker Jeffrey Barnes Deena Barwick

Seunghyun Chun Anthony Chute Adamson Co Barbara Cockerham Debra Coleman

Michael Berger Aine Bergin Steven Betts David Bishop Daniel Blair

Gary Collins Ricardo Cordero Mary Crist Melissa Croteau Dirk Davis

Mark Blincoe Judd Bonner Angela Brand Lisa Bursch Linn Carothers

Khamla Dhouti-Martinez Anthony Donaldson Darla Donaldson Susan Drummond Frances Dunniway

Deborah Carter Jeff Cate Cynthia Cervantes Alex Chediak Yoojin Choi


Matthew Emerson L. Maggie Fanning Doreen Ferko Thomas Ferko Elizabeth Flater


Rod Foist Alan Fossett Ana Gamez Trevor Gillum Matthew Goddard

Priscilla Greco Teresa Hamilton Virgo Handojo Virginia Hart-Kepler Keith Hekman


Sangmin Kim Seung-Jae Kim Pat Kircher Mark Kling Joshua Knabb

Jan Kodat Anne-Marie Larsen Nathan Lewis III Carla Liu Nicole MacDonald

Lisa Hernandez Dayna Herrera John Higley Guy Holliday Tran Hong

Chris McHorney Jeff McNair Rebecca Meyer Frank Mihelich Amy Miller

Beverly Howard David Isaacs Dawn Ellen Jacobs Scott Key James Killion

Krista Miller Philip Miller Carol Minton Richard Mobley Marilyn Moore


Elizabeth Morris Susan Nelson Jennifer Newton Grace Ni Kathryn Norwood


Noe Ruvalcaba Chuck Sands Daniel Skubik Erin Smith Bruce Stokes

Fyne Nsofor Geneva Oaks Hyun-Woo Park Ken Pearce David Pearson

Sean Sullivan Stacey Toro Erika Travis Jennifer Tronti Veola Vazquez

Mary Ann Pearson Joseph Pelletier Juliann Perdue Glenn Pickett David Poole

Deron Walker Keith Walters Nancy Ward Tracy Ward Marc Weniger

Stephen Posegate Bruce Prins Cammy Purper Matthew Rickard Sandra Romo

Melissa Wigginton Natalie Winter Hu Hannah Ying Ziliang Zhou


Chrystal Alegria Jennifer Andrew Nancy Atayde Kim Bailey Kandice Bangs

Wesley Blasjo Torria Bond Lynnae Bosch Lori Bouchie Adam Burton

Charles Cerise Vicki Cleveland Gail Cloud Shelley Clow Sarah Corso

Amy Cotsenmoyer Jane Craig Debbie Cram James Cypert Kent Dacus

Mary Davidson John Dicesare Mark Drew Joni Dunlap Brenda Flores


Ruth Flores Allison Floyd Kristina Gibeault Erin Guerrero Earl Harris

Karen Heinze Tran Hong Kyle Howlett Debra Jahant Allen Johnson

Cherlyn Johnson Liz Jorden Sandy Kirchmann Clinton Klauck Anthony Lammons

Lisa Lewis Phil Martinez Darren Meisel Diane Mendez Mel Mercado

Ted Meyer Rhonda Moll Dannita Morris Marta Morrison Angel Munoz


Keri Murcray Daphne Paramo Micah Parker Phylicia Paulson Heidi Pendleton

Robert Pendleton Carlos Perryman Janelle Peters Dawnel Pettingill Peggy Plavajka

Coreylon Polk Ronald Raghoo Hope Read Sandy Reeves Lynette Risner

Jacob Robertson Merritt Robinson Gail Ronveaux Kim Roper Jeanette Russell

Brittany Sparkman David Stewart Brenda Tait Felicia Tasabia Allan Vince

John Von Pertz Brett Vowell Beth Wagner Susan Warren Erin Wellington

Kristen White Stephanie Whiteker Traci Williams Mark A. Wyatt Jeremy Zimmerman

Rebecca de Vries

Robert Shields Kris Smith Zelotes Smith Adam Smyth Samantha Sonke



Photo By Chris Hardy


Aberle, Austin Abewe, Hosiana Adair, Kathryn Adams, Katrina Ahumada, Elaine Albro, Samantha Alegria, Chrystal Allard, Kimberly Allen, Haley Altig, Steffanie Alvarez, Jason Amantia, Tricia Amenta, Laura Amis-Richardson, Justine Anaya, Regina Anderson, Heather Anderson, Ryan Anderson, Steven Anderson, Alex Andrew, Jennifer Antonio, Melissa Arce, Sandy Sue Arias, Lizbeth Arjona, Daniel Armstrong, Jacob Armstrong, Stephanie Armstrong, Christina Arnold, Tyrecia Arstein, Mari Arteaga, Mitzi Ashton, Salai Atayde, Nancy

138 138 99 128 168 138 174 17 138 128 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 16 174 168 138 138 138 138 28 29 138 17 138 138 128 138 174


Front Row, left to right: Dionne Butler; Julie Dobbins; Kristin Hernandez; Anita Martinez; Jayne Clark. Back Row, left to right: Allen Johnson Dean of Enrollment Services; Samantha Slaman; Greta Anderson; Cesar Manjivar; Brian Davis; Teena Navarro; Rhonda Shackelford.

The Academic Resource Center

Front Row, left to right: Michele Chee, Rebecca Newton, Ashley Gonzales, Rebecca Martin. Second Row, left to right: Rand Starks, Julie Discenza (Coordinator, Disability Student Services), Pamela Bailon (Coordinator, Academic Resource Center), Selina Dussell, Stephanie Felder, Cleophas Rwemera, Mercedes Vazquez-Howard, Kelsey Sanderson, Morgan Taylor Baeckel, Amanda Young, Jasmine Lewis, Kiandra Jimenez, Melissa Greenwalt, Jennifer Dieleman, Elisabeth Oosterman Third Row, left to right: Eugene Furnace (Educational Programs Graduate Assistant), Mike Osadchuk (Department Secretary, Academic Resource Center), Jonathan Fanning, Victor Rose, Jennifer Askren, Allison Rice, Matthew Dussell, Jacqui Cox, Natasha Brown, Jessica Pearce Back Row, left to right: Emmanuel Boston, Michael Bragonier, Brooklyn Wagner, Kevin Greene, Michael Sutherlin, Emmanuel Karemera, Traci Borgh, Pedro Piqueras, Jacqueline Lutz, Arianna Rideaux, Jackson Brown


Baber, Bill Baggett, Lauren Baghdady, Amanda Bailey, Kim Baker, Russell Ballard, Alishia Bangs, Kandice Barajas, Cristina Barajas, Ana Barkley, Kendall Barnes, Brain Barnes, Jeffrey Barrera, Annamarie Barrios, Corina Barwick, Deena Bastida, Osvaldo Bates, Guner Baumann, Tifinnie Bazoza, Diane-Cadette Beam, Jonathan Beck, John Beeman, Megan Bejar, Megan Belk, Dana Bell, Candace Bell, Chelsie Bellmeyer, Kellsey Belmont, Carson Bennett, Ashley Berg, Candace Berg, Lynell Berger, Michael Berger, Mike Bergin, Aine Bergstrom, Jenna Bernard, Rebecca Bernard, Brianna Bernardino, Kayla Betts, Steven Bills, Jessica Birch, Alyssa Bishop, David Blacksher, Richard Blair, Daniel Blake, Shane Blankenship, Brittany Blasjo, Wes Blincoe, Mark Blixt, Danielle Bocanegra, Angelica Bodwell, Neil Bohrer, William Bolanos, Justine Bond, Lanyce Bond, Torria Bond, Roger Bonilla, Crystal Bonner, Judd Bonner, Gary Bonomo, Alexandria Bosch, Lynnae Boschen, Nathan Botts, Brian Bouchie, Lori Bragonier, Matthew Bragonier, Michael Brand, Angela Branham, Jessica Braund, Melanie Braunwalder, Baylee Bravo, Noel Bray, Ashley Bray, Kelly Breaux, Brittney Breeding, Brittany Broersma, Clark

109 139 139 174 168 19 139 174 139 128 110 139 139 168 167 139 168 16 139 128 139 128 139 139 128 139 139 139 128 20 36 37 139 128 120 168 82 168 139 139 128 72 168 139 44 168 139 168 96 139 174 27 168 140 140 140 140 128 140 174 128 140 168 31 140 174 140 28 174 140 128 168 128 140 140 140 128 25 128 140 140 140

Cabral, Dustin Caha, Jeff Caldwell, Kallie Caluag, Nicole Campbell, Alyssa Campos, Brayam Campuzano, Christina Canales, Danny Canby, Lauren Canias, Loren Cannon, Jeremiah Carbone, Bianca Cardella, Susan



51 74 141 141 141 14 13 129 141 141 129 141 81

Athletics Front Row, left to right: Arsen Aleksanyan, Debbie Snell, Brittany Brasington, Taryne Mowatt, Ryan Jorden, Jacob Medina, Jacob Breems, Blair Penner, Lori Bouchie, Michelle Wager, Ashlee Harlow, Michelle Vasquez, Charlie Ramos, Adam Cady, Eldon Carlson Middle Row, left to right: Micah Parker, Julious Coleman, Jeff Caha, Rick York, Chris Bates, Marc Machado, Lane Pace, John Marcum, Ana Mendoza, Sean Henning, Tami Flemming, Micah McDaniel, Mo Roberson, Amy Thomas Back Row, left to right: Ryan McGuyre, Tim Collins, Bill Baber, Lisa Siregar, Jack Engelschall, Rick Rowland, Rick Rowland Sr., Mark Van Meter, Gary Adcock, Aaron Holley, Andrew Brasington, Gregg Schroeder, Seth Taylor

Women’s Basketball

Front Row, left to right: Simone Holmes, Marlee Rice, Myriah Hicks, Ashley Wirtzberger Back Row, left to right: Brittney Lewis, Jasmine Beverly, Mekiala Qualls, Alexis Johnson, Nicole Anderson, Megan Workman

Men’s Basketball

Front Row, left to right: Assistant Coach Troy Johnson, Jalen Jury, Head Coach Tim Collins, Connor Isley, Assistant Coach Julious Coleman. Back Row, left to right: Dmitri Perera, Justus Von Wright, Micah Sherman, Taylor Statham, Josh Deanne, Luke Evans, De’Jon Prescott, Aleksander Milovic, Andrew Fisk, Ivan Patterson, Kevin Deeb.

Brook, Eric Brown, Emily Brown, Erica Brown, Heidi Brown, Julianne Brown, Eugene Brozovich, Chelsea Buchholz, Andrew Buntin, Tyler Burditt, Bryce Burnett, Lauren Burns, Brandon Bursch, Lisa Burton, Adam Butler, Brittany Butler, Kasey Byars, Jessica

26 27 140 140 140 128 58 128 128 140 14 15 128 21 168 79 174 140 141 141

Campus Life

Front Row, left to right: Ashley Gallina, Kristin Waters, Aubery Stelzner, Callie Miller Middle Row, left to right: Joe Adcock, Heather Hubbert, Kushi Jones, Jennifer Andrew Back Row, left to right:Jon McWhorte, Chris Hofschroer, Taylor Neece

Cariaga, Brent Carothers, Linn Carrasco, Kaytie Carter, Deborah Carter, Nile Carter, Brandon Carter, Kim Cary, Austin Castro, Angel Castro, Martha Cate, Jeff Cates, Sarah Cathers, Ryan Ceausu, Ruthie Cedeno, Cristina Cerise, Charles Cervantes, Cynthia Chambers, David Chan, Rebekah Chediak, Alex Chestnut, Clay Ching, Matt Choi, Yoojin Chong, Switzerlyna Choung, Grace Chrisman, Rachel Christensen, Lindsey Chun, Seunghyun Chute, Anthony Cicotte, Kiefer Ciecalone, Destiny Cleland, Erika Cleveland, Vicki Cleveland, Arthur Cloud, Gail Clow, Shelley Co, Adamson Cobb, Cody Cockerham, Barbara Coffelt, Kristen Coffey, Mindy Coggins, Aleksandra Coleman, Debra Coleman, Julious Collins, Gary Collins, Amanda Commons, Destiny Condon, Sean Cook, Adam Cooprider, Kristin Corbin, Ryan Cordero, Ricardo Coronado, Natalie Corso, Sarah Cotsenmoyer, Amy Cowan, O’neil Cox, Christopher Craig, Jane Cram, Debbie Crate, Elizabeth Crayne, Lisa Crisafi, Jordan Crist, Mary Crites, Camile Cross, Logan Cross, Rachel Cross, Daniel Croteau, Melissa Crowley, Ellie Cullan, Maher Cunningham, Luke Curnow, Stephanie Curtis, Alyssa Custodio, Ana Custodio, Keren Cypert, James

141 168 141 168 129 54 70 141 141 141 141 168 141 106 129 141 141 174 168 129 129 168 141 141 168 129 142 142 129 168 168 142 129 129 174 79 174 174 168 142 168 142 142 142 169 74 169 20 142 142 142 11 142 141 169 142 174 174 14 15 41 39 174 174 142 142 142 169 102 142 142 167 169 142 133 142 142 113 143 61 143 129 174



E Cheerleading

Front Row, left to right: Anna Gionet, Danielle Harper, Rebekah Rubio, Amy Fosset, Brianna Broyard, Peyton Romano, Alyssa Roberts, Michelle Strachan, Bree Anna Crossman, Samantha Lee, Melissa Knapp, Caitlyn Jones, Kelli McBride, Tori Treyes Middle Row, left to right: Coach Jason Larkins, Coach Tami Fleming, Jenessa Dykstra, Chelsea Ludwig, Brooke Malone, Madison Lies, Alexis Strate, Camille Crites, Kaylinn Santos, Autumn Skimin, Olivia Miller, Jillian Johnson, Brittany Craine, Ashley Nex, Aubrey Sipe, Daniel Scott Back Row, left to right: Tracie Clay, Alyssa Booker, Melanie Martinez, Katie Mayo, Carly Kitchen, Allyson Sawyer, Elania Guttierez-Nelson, Veronica Hubbard, McKenzie Chavez, Jordan Lies, Hannah Thrane, Yvette Verduzco, Rachael Migita, Jazmyne Martin-McDonald, Michael Bragonier

Dacus, Kent Daiz, Breanna Dalan, Erin Dallas, Dirk DaSilva, Fabiola Daugherty, Matt Davenport, Mark Davidson, Mary Davis, Katharine Davis, Dirk Day, Matthew De Husson, Jesse De La Cruz, Kristin Decious, Timothy DeJager, Cassandra Delgado, Victor Dennis, Kari DeSantes, Joe Desmarchais, Lauren Deulen, Angela DeVore, James Dhouti-Martinez, Khamla Diamsay, Eric Diaz, Marlina Dicesare, John Dielman, Jennifer

78 174 143 143 82 16 17 106 129 174 143 22 169 143 129 67 143 143 70 143 143 129 12 118 169 143 143 174 129


Dillard, Gabrielle Dingman, Joel Dingman, Toni Dobbins, Jared Dolan, Lindsay Dominguez, Janette Donaldson, Coreen Donaldson, Deborah Donaldson, Anthony Donaldson, Daniel Doolittle, Kelsey Douglas, Adam Drew, Mark Drummond, Susan Dugan, Denise Dunaway, Ashley Dunckel, Beth Dunlap, Joni Dunnington, Taylor Dunniway, Frances Durksen, Stephany Dushime, Bertrand Dussell, Cecily Dussell, Selina Dutton, Jennifer Dwyer, Cassie

129 143 117 10 143 143 143 143 169 65 129 32 143 143 174 169 129 143 34 144 174 144 169 144 129 144 144 144 32

Christian Ministries

Front Row, left to right: Dr. Adam Co, Dr. Scott Key, Lupe Solano, Dr. Jeff Mooney, Dr. Tony Chute Back Row, left to Right: Dr. Richard Mobley, Dr. Amy Stumpf, Prof. Jeff Lewis, Dr. Chris Morgan, Dr. Fyne Nsofor, Dr. Jeff Cate, Dr. Tim Mosteller, Dr. Todd Bates

Eaquerra, Luke Eastland, Vanessa Edison, Cassidy Edwards, Brooke Eide, Marcus Ellis, Chris Ellis, Ronald Embree, Cheyenne Emerine, Rebekah Emerson, Matthew English, Samantha Enlow, Beth Escarpita, Joshua Escarpita, Rachel Espinoza, Verenice Estrada, Amber Estrada, Eimy Evans, Luke Evens, Alexander

106 144 144 144 144 144 78 144 144 169 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 74 56

Communication and Visual Arts

Front Row, left to right: Cynthia Cervantes, Sandra Romo, Krista Jo Miller Back Row, left to right: Trever Hoehne, Dirk Dallas, Mike Marse, Mike Berger, Duncan Simcoe Middle Row: John Pate, MaryAnn Pearson, Nancy Ward, FrankMihelich, Lee Lyons, Karen Heinze


F Fain, Julianne Fain, Megan Fairfax, Caitlyn Falsetti, Kayla Falsetti, Ryan Fanning, Lindsay Maggie Fausto, Jonathan Ferko, Doreen Ferko, Thomas Fernandez, Briana Fillmore, Melissa Fischer, Jamie Fisher-Blunt, Carneron Fisk, Andrew Flannery, Renee Flater, Elizabeth Fleming, Tori Flemings, Tami Fletcher, Emily Flores, Laura Flores, Ruth Flores, Brenda Florian, Bibiana Floyd, Mary Floyd, Allison Flueckiger, Lauren Foist, Rod Fontaine, Tiffany Foor, Scott Fortik, Bianca Fossett, Alan Foster, Hannah Franciscus, Melissa Franciscus, Michael Frerichs, Colin Frey, Jonathan Friend, Kayla Frigo, James Fuentes, Christopher

145 145 145 145 67 169 16 169 169 145 145 145 145 74 145 169 145 102 145 145 145 175 167 175 145 145 175 145 169 130 130 145 169 145 145 145 146 146 130 146 146

Conference and Events

Front Row, left to right: Cherlyn Johnson, Earl Harris, Angel Munoz, Coreylon Polk

Cross Country

Front Row, left to right: Ashlee Cervantes, Malaysia Alexander, Jessica Reeder, Jacqueline Anderson, Kim Carter, Rebecca Asplund, Jacqueline Lutz, Marissa Benson, Robyn Arnold, Natalia Richeri, Hanna Ingulsrud, Bethany Bilton, Bailee Sawyer, Naomi Van Setten, Kayla Beaudoin, Alexandra Vukov. Back Row, left to right: Head Coach Ben Gall, Assistant Coach Sean Henning, Dominic Sabido, Trevor Henson, Josh Massey, Victor Delgado, Mark Langworthy, Mitchell Moore, Javier Madrid, David Solis, Chase Williams, Sergio Rodriguez, Raul Moreno, Chris Cline.

Gabra, Maivel Galinato, Martina Galipault, Laurel Gallina, Emily Gallina, Ashley Gamez, Michelle Gamez, Ana Garcia, Scarlette Garcia, Yesenia Garcia, Elizabeth Garcia, Priscilla Garcia, Sarah Garcia, Mary Garcia, Joey Garcia, Lizzy Gardner, Raquel Garland, Jacqueline Garrison, Tabitha Garrison, Tyler Gerhartz, Elizabeth Geurrero, Sarah Ghiglieri, Melissa Gibeault, Kristina Gill, Brandon Gillum, Trevor Gino, Nicollette Giraneza, Desire Glasby, Derrick Goalwin, Alanna Gochez, Alicia Goddard, Matthew Gomez, Julia Gomez, Valeria Gomez, Mark Gomez-Rouncau, Edgar Gonzales, Reese Gonzalez, Daniel Gonzalez, Gabriela Gonzalez, Priscilla Gooch, Christina Goodman, Krista Goss, Shelby Gottlob, Brittney Grabowski, Joseph Graifman, Trevor Grant, Geoff Graves, Michelle Greco, Priscilla Green, Jeff Green, Emily Griffin, Jessica Gross, Emily Groves, Jonathon Guerrero, Erin Guitierrez, Alaina Gustason, Sarah Gutierrez, Alaina

146 109 146 146 110 146 169 146 146 130 130 130 167 43 67 146 91 146 146 16 9 130 147 62 146 175 146 169 146 130 130 85 146 169 146 146 130 44 45 96 146 147 147 147 147 130 147 147 51 63 130 28 130 169 147 130 130 147 147 175 89 147 88


Front Row, left to right: Cassondra Gonzalez, Liya Grace Ni, Felicia Tasabia, Allison Floyd, Helen Jung Middle Row, left to right: Frederick Pontius, Ron Raghou, Xuping Xu, Siliang Zhou, Wes Blasjo Back Row, left to right: Jong-Wha Bai, Seung-Jae Kim, Julian Mills-Beale, Anthony Donaldson, Keith Hekman, Matthew Rickard, Rod Foist, Seunghgun Chun

G Enrollment


Left to right: Julie Jones, Jessie Quan, Nik Brownell, Kelly Young, Carmela Russell (seated) Judy Frazier, Becca Forry

Habeeb-Silva, Rebecca Hack, Adam Hahn, Kelly Hail, Brittni Hakizimana, Paulin Hallman, Stephanie Hamilton, Teresa Hamilton, Tiffany Handojo, Virgo Hankins, Breanna Hanlin, Cassandra Hanlin, Matthew Hanson, Audrey Hanso, Emily Hanson, Eric Hansson, Fredrick Hardy, Chris Harman, Hannah Harper, Danielle Harper, Benjamin Harris, Antonette Harris, Earl Hart, Anna Hart, Carey Hart-Kepler, Virginia Hartley, Catherine Hawkins, Cyerra Hawley, Ashley Hayner, Kaitlyn Haynes, Treana Hays, Tami He, Yan Heck, Kathlena Hedberg, Kristina Hede, Taylor Heinze, Karen Heinze, Clint Hekman, Keith Helfer, Anastasia Helfer, Hayley Helms, Amy Heming, Kathryn Henderson, Melody Hennessy, Hannah Henning, Sean Hernandez, Jennifer Hernandez, Kimberly Hernandez, Lea

147 147 130 147 130 130 169 67 169 147 147 147 147 147 28 40 105 147 148 131 148 175 Men’s Golf 148 Front Row, left to right: Marshall McBroom, Steven Watson, Jonathan Griffin, 131 Glenn Hakes, O’Neill Cowan, Alexander Witt 169 Back Row, left to right: Marc Machado, Tim Tait, Micah Machado, 148 Leonard Rooney, Chris Rabbich, Nail Hand, Fredrik Hansson, Lane Pace 148 148 Hernandez, Samuel 148 Hernandez, Yadira 148 Hernandez, Lisa 148 Hernandez, Cynthia 148 Herrera, Joseph 131 Herrera, Sarah 148 Herrera, Dayna 148 Herrity, Andy 175 Hettinga, Harvey 131 Hickey, Anna 170 Hidalgo, Claudia 131 Hidalgo, Gabriela 131 Higgens, Matthew 148 Higley, John 148 Higley, Joy 148 Hill, Megan 148 Hill, Caleb 70 Hills, Samuel 148 Hlebowski, Vanessa 148 Hofschroer, Chris 148 Holliday, Guy Holmes, Simone Hong, Tran Houck, Tiffany Hovey, Christine Howard, Teslan Howard, Beverly Howe, Mark Howell, Kristi Howlett, Kyle Hrovat, Jonathan Hu, Hannah Ying Hudec, Aimee Hughes, Mykell Hyer, Garrett

H Women’s Golf


Front Row, left to right: Marc Machado, Lane Pace Back Row, left to right: Nicollette Gino, Samantha Roberts, Samantha Peters, Kirsten Keyser, Kayla Jech, Nathalie Silva

I 148 149 170 131 149 149 170 101 101 149 149 131 51 170 131 149 85 149 131 67 170 74 170 175 149 131 149 170 78 131 175 149 94 149 149 149

Ibarra, Stephany Idowu, Ayodej Iradukunda, Guilaume Isaacs, David Jackson, Brittany Jacobs, Dawn Ellen Jahant, Debra Jarboe, Bryan Jay, Sharon Jery, Jalen Jessen, Nicole Jimenez, Genesis Johnson, Amanda Johnson, Danielle Johnson, Elizabeth Johnson, Jared Johnson, Jillian Johnson, Lillian Johnson, Allen Johnson, Cherlyn Johnson, Bianca Johnson, Matthew Jones, Caitlyn Jones, Christina Jones, Wendy Jones, Trevor Jones, Rachel Jones, Tyler Jones, Andrew Jorden, Liz Jorden, Ryan Jorgensen, Nicoline Judson, Shaylene

Institutional Advancement

Front Row, left to right: Maria Zalesky, Carrie Smith, Dr. Arthur Cleveland, Nesha Crossman, Patricia Gunn, Elizabeth Herrity Back Row, left to right: Lauren Savord, Darrell Rainwater, Robert Vis, Brian Bunnell, Kim Cunningham, Kevin Royse, Christiana Gordon

149 149 149 170 149 170 175 105 131 43 131 131 149 149 149 150 150 150 175 175 131 131 150 150 150 105 131 28 72 175 16 17 132


International Center

Left to right: Prof. Carla Liu, Crystal Hume, Leyi Ling, Hope Umutesi, Corinne BazozaUmutoniwase, Lucas Wehner, Meredith Moore, Amy Wright, Dionne Butler, Joshua Duvall, Brittany Neece, Zachary Pierce, Timothy Tasabia, Kyle Roche, Bryan Davis, Jonathan Bello

Information Technology (IT)

Front row, left to right: Michael Knight, Sandy Kirchmann, Samantha Sonke Second row, left to right: Dale Lee, Layanya Cayetano, Lisa Lewis Third row, left to right: David Marle, Adam Smyth Back row, left to right: Scott Lacy, Richard Hernandez, Richard Davis, Wesley Lennertz, Cathy Woodworth


K L Kabagwira, Janviere Kangabe, Marie Karabas, Dilara Kay, Jessica Keaton, Jacob Keep, Whitney Keoviphone, Luke Key, Scott Kiesz, Jordan Killion, James Kim, Jeyeon Kim, Julie Kim, Sangmin Kim, Seung-Jae King, Brendan King, Miranda King, Megan Kingamen, Garett Kirchmann, Sandy Kirchmann, Kaitlyn Kissandu, Stelia Kitchen, Cassandra Kitchen, Kara Klauck, Clinton Kliewer, Jhasamin Kling, Mark Knabb, Joshua Knight, Kelsey Knutson, Haley Kodat, Jan Koenn, Bonnie Kolenski, Natalee Kolin, Kraning Kramer, Kira Hannah Kraning, Kolin Kristensen, Cassandra Krueger, Cassie Kwizera, Jean-De-Dieu Kyle, Christopher Kyriopoulos, Gus

150 132 132 132 132 132 150 170 132 170 150 150 170 170 96 63 25 150 175 132 150 150 132 175 150 170 170 150 150 170 150 132 89 150 88 132 132 150 150 132

La Botz, Rachelle La Monica, Jennifer Labadie, Kelsi Lacuesta, Beth-Jaybe Lacuesta, Alvin-Jay Lam, Candice Lamascus, Alexander Lammers, Amanda Lammons, Mikayla Lammons, Anthony Landy, Lizbeth Lang, Amber Langworthy, Mark Lanning, Tiffany Larkins, Jason Larsen, Anne-Marie Lawrence, Nathan Lawson, Aaron Lawson, Christian Le Leux, Sharayah Leachman, Brooke Leath, Alyssa Lee, Katey Lee, Mariah Lee, Stephanie Leiford, Brianna Leonard, Tabitha Leonard, Kelly Leong, Julie Lewandowski, Ryan Lewis, Lisa Lewis, Emily Lewis III, Nathan Licitra, Kimber Lin, Weiquing Linder, Andrew Ling, Leyi Lippencott, Carol Ann Lo Presti, Karyn Logan, Hannah Lopez, Gabrielle Lopez, Yesenia Loza, Nicholas Lucas, Jonathon Lucas, Lorelyn Lumpkin, Mariah Lutz, Jacqueline Lybeck, Danny

151 151 151 151 132 68 132 16 151 175 151 13 14 15 28 102 170 132 96 32 151 21 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 151 28 51 91 151 151 175 58 170 27 151 152 132 152 152 152 51 152 132 133 152 152 152 76 133 152

College of Allied Health

Left to right: Daphne Paramo, Jan Kodat, Nicole MacDonald, David Pearson, Trevor Gillum, Sean Sullivan, Chuck Sands, Mary Davidson, Rusty baker, Sangmin Kim, Melissa Wigginton


Mac Donald, Hannah MacDonald, Nicole Madrid, Javier Magana, Ana Magby, Kylee Maher, Cullan Maikai, Francis Maiker, Franice Malchow, Cameron Malcolm, Lindsey Maltemps, Valerienne Maniraguha, Methode Manyanziza, Eugene Manzi, Dieudonne Marcos, Morgan Marnati, Matt Martin, Alysha Martin, Rebecca Martin, Olivia Martinez, Ashley Martinez, Grace Martinez, Jordan Martinez, Shawne Martinez, Yareli Martinez, Phil Matsumoto, Kiakahi McBride, Kelli McCalmont, Aaron McCollom, Shawna McCreadie, John McGuyre, Ryan McHorney, Chris Mckee, Jeremy McNair, Jeff McNeil, Kathryn Medina, Jacob Meeter, Amy Megli, Anna Meisel, Darren Meister, Bonich Mendez, Diane Mendoza, Ruth Mercado, Mel Merchant, Nisha Meyer, Rebecca Meyer, Ted Meyers, Kelsey Middleton, Zachary Mihelich, Frank Miller, Emily Miller, Krista Jo Miller, Amy Miller, Philip Miller, Callie Miller , Amy Miner, Jenny Minton, Carol Minton, Hannah Mobley, Richard Mohn, Haley Molina, Yazmine Moll, Phonda Monroe, Mechelle Montejano, Analyse Moon, Heather Moore, Shelby Moore, Marilyn Moore, Alison Moore, Mitchell Morales, Erika Moreno, Shayna Morgan, Neil Morley, Joshua Morris, Christian Morris, Taylor Morris, Elizabeth

133 170 70 152 152 51 133 43 9 133 96 133 152 154 152 133 106 133 133 25 133 152 152 152 Department of Modern Languages and Literature 152 Front row, left to right: Berniece Bruinius, Jennifer Tronti, 152 Erika Travis, Irina Renfro, Amy Cotsenmoyer 175 Middle row, left to right: Maggie Fanning, Laura Veltman, James Lu 152 Back row, left to right: David Isaacs, Owen Staley, Toni Dingman, 102 Danny Blair, William Flores, Noe Ruvalcaba 153 34 153 153 144 170 28 170 153 44 153 153 175 153 175 153 175 153 170 175 61 153 153 49 170 153 171 22 31 171 Marketing Left to right: Waylon Baumgardner, Nancy Atayde, Earl Harris, Jeremy Zimmerman, 34 Corey Polk, Jacob Robertson, Dr. Mark Wyatt, Angel Munoz, Edgar Garcia 171 133 171 133 Morris, Dannita 175 171 Morrison, Marta 175 153 Mueller, Justin 133 153 Muganza, Alex 133 175 Muhawenimana, Valentine 154 133 Muhire, Modeste 133 153 Muhirwa, Joseph 154 153 Munoz, Angel 176 153 Munro, Danielle 154 171 Munroe, Mallory 134 133 Murcray, Keri 176 70 Murguia, Sarah 154 153 Muro, Eddie 51 154 133 Murray, Chloe 154 133 Murray, Cara 134 154 Mwebaze, Shern 154 154 Mwiza, Faith 134 154 Mwumvaneza, Vincent 154 171

M 192


Neece, Taylor Neely, Areva Nelson, Brianna Nelson, Susan Newton, Jennifer Nguyen, Angela Ni, Grace Nicassio, Kylee Nichols, Jordyn Nichols, Lisette Nickels, Jennifer Nielsen, Jordyn Nkurunziza, Eric Norton, Mark Norwood, Kathryn Nsengiyumva, Patrick Nsofor, Fyne Nugent, Amy Nunes, Kendra Nunnally, Christine Nuzum, Kayley Nyiranshuti, Lea Nyquist, Ruth

Office or Mobilization

Front Row, left to right: Rachelle LaBotz, Tessa Johnstone, Wiley Snedeker, Hayley McCarthy, Michael Ring Second row, left to right: Lloraley Anguiano, Kris Corso, Ashley Setzler, Alyssa Curtis, Amanda Holder, Kristen White Third row, left to right: Stephanie Whiteker Fourth row, left to right: Monee Tyler, Bailee Swayer, Whitney Keep, Brett Vowell, Courtney Watson, Jared Dobbins Fifth row, left to right: Monique Jennings, Kevin Cotton, Danny Canales, Mark Gomez, Geoff Grant Sixth row, left to right: Keith Holcomb, Taylor Fagg, Eric Hanson, Brian Zunigha Bacl row, left to right: John Montgomery, Adam Gold, Jeff Woolstenhulme, Adam Knechtel, Adam cook

43 154 120 154 82 171 171 154 65 171 17 154 120 154 134 134 154 134 171 134 171 34 43 134 154 154 134 155

Natural and Mathematical Sciences

Paauw, Robbie Pace, Andi Pace, Lane Pallenske, Allison Palmquist, Micah Pamos, Sammy Paramo, Daphne Park, Hea-Song Park, Hyun-Woo Park, Ethan Park, Justin Parker, Alyssa Parker, Micah Parker, Jonathan Pate, Derly Patten, Anna Patton, Mallory Paul, Micah Paulos, Megan Paulsen, Jeff Paulson, Phylicia Pearce, Jessica Pearce, Ken Pearce, Hannah Pearson, Mary Ann Pearson, David Pearson, Bethany Peel, Caitlyn Pelletier, Joseph Pendleton, Robert Perdue, Juliann Perea, Evelyn Perea, lliana Perea, Channing Perez, Dianna Perez, Eva Perez, Joshua Perez, Josue Perkins, William Perrault, Kelsey Lynn Perryman, Carlos Peters, Samantha Peters, Janelle Peters, Ashley Peterson, Brittany Petrie, Brandon Petrin, Alex Petsas, Sarah Pettingill, Dawnel Petty, John Phan, Theresa Phelps, Kevin Phillips , Erika Piata, Brandi Pickett, Glenn Pierce, Zachary Pina, Bianca Pineda, Herson Pinedo, Courtney Piqueras, Pedro Pitzek, Jessica Plavajka, Peggy Poetoehena, Joshua Polese, John Polk, Coreylon Ponce, Kevin Poole, David Popa, Victor

155 155 40 15 155 155 91 176 155 171 134 9 155 76 176 78 155 134 155 Online and Professional Studies 156 Front Row, left to right: Brittany Sparkman, Mary Ann Pearson, Torria Bond, 120 156 Shelley Clow, Traci Williams , Hope Read 156 Second Row, left to right: Mark Drew, Debbie Cram, Rhonda Moll, Elizabeth Morris, 167 171 Amy Miller, Tran Hong, Elaine Ahumada, Susan Warren 156 Third Row, left to right: Matthew Emerson, Kyle Howlett, Erin Guerrero, 171 David Poole, Cammy Purper, Pat Kircher, Mary Crist, Ruth Flores, Zelotes Smith 134 Back Row, left to right: Jeff McNair, Nathan Lewis III, Robert Shields, 120 171 Joshua Knabb, Mark Kling, Merritt Robinson, Dirk Davis, Ted Meyer 19 101 156 171 176 171 156 134 16 156 156 156 156 156 156 176 156 176 134 156 156 156 Provost 156 Left to right: Dr. DawnEllen Jacobs, Dr. Neal McBride, Lynette Risner, 176 Dr. Jonathan Parker. Dr. Tracy Ward, Dr. Jeff Barnes 56 156 156 135 Pope, Holly 157 157 Pope, Jessica 135 171 Porras, Briana 157 39 Posegate, Stephen 171 156 Potrus, Alan 157 135 Power, Isaac 157 135 Predmore, Amanda 157 157 Prescott, De’Jon 135 157 Price, Jenn 157 176 Price, Merea 21 34 157 Prince, Richard 157 157 Prins, Bruce 171 176 Provencher, Devon 53 135 Pulliam, Joel 135 79 171 Purper, Cammy 172 167


Front row, left to right: Hyun-Woo Park, Art Cleveland, Alex Chediak, Bonjun Koo, Linn Carothers Back row, left to right: Ricardo Cordero, Tom Ferko, Melissa Antonio, Lisa Hernandez, Department Chair, Alan Fossett, Joshua van Baarsel

O’Connor, Lauren O’Keefe, Sarah Jane O’Toole, Natalie Oakes, Caleb Oaks, Geneva Offerman, Victoria Ohan, Ada Olson, Emily Omps, Katherine Oosterman, Elisabeth Orellana, Pilar Ornelas, Karina Ortiz, Anthony Osborne, Christina Ostrosky, Meghan Ostrosky, Natalie Ott, Kaylea Oueijan, Alice

School of Nursing

Front Row, left to right: Rebecca Meyer, Geneva Oaks, Susan Drummond, Lisa Bursch Back Row, left to right: Beth Wagner, Marion Dunkerley, Debbie Coleman, Susan Nelson, Juliann Perdue, Stacey Toro, Teresa Hamilton, James Cypert, Denise Glenore, Dayna Herrera, Lynnae Bosch, Frances Dunniway, Priscilla Greco, Marti Morrison, Deborah Carter, Jeannette Russell


134 155 155 155 171 155 155 155 155 134 134 155 134 134 155 155 155 134

Q R Qualls, Tayler Quesada, Marc Quintero, Crystal Quiroz ,Andrea Radoi, Mary Rahhoo, Ronald Ramaly, Raquel Ramirez, Dayana Ramirez, Diana Ramirez, Kalina Ramirez, Katie Ramirez, Maribel Ramirez, Yesenia Ramos, Sammy Rankin, Seth Rankins, Jessica Rashid, Nicole Rauschenbach, Bree Read, Hope Reed, Jenna Reed, Jonathan Reeves, Sandy Reichert, Joshua Reid, Julia Replogle, Benjamin Rice, Catherine Rice, Marlee Richardson, Ashley Richardson, Sarah Rickard, Matthew Riddle, Beth Ring, Michael Rios, Junior Rios, Ryan Risner, Lynette Rither, Lauren Rither, Morgan Rivette, Jason Robbins, Jamie Roberson, Mark Roberson, Mark Roberto, Jesse Robertson, Jacob Robinson, Merritt Robinson, Katrina Rodgers, Chelsea Rodriguiz, Sam Rodriquez, David Rodriquez, Mayra Rojas, Isaac Romo, Sandra Ronces, Amy Ronveaux, Gail Roper, Kim Roque, Maria Rosander, Grant Rosen, Sarah Rubio, Rebekah Rusher, Michelle Russell, Jeanette Ruvalcaba, Noe Rwemera, Cleophas Ryan, Alyssa


157 157 135 157 157 176 157 157 157 157 158 158 158 91 135 158 158 158 114 135 176 158 158 176 158 158 158 158 74 158 158 172 158 122 158 158 176 158 158 158 159 113 82 159 176 176 135 159 122 159 159 159 172 159 176 176 135 105 159 61 102 159 176 172 159 135


Left to right: Di Rasmusson, Sheri Torelli, Candyce McCloud, Kenya Johnson, Laurie Livingston, Shawnn Koning, Irma Granados, Rich Simpson, Rachel Keys, Sam Cannon, Shelli Rappaport, Lorene Armstrong.

School of Business

Left to right: Timothy Jackson, Debbie Blevins, Jim Bishop, Janelle Peters, Marc Weniger, Bob Namvar, Dr. Andrew Herrity, Deena Barwick, Keanon Alderson, Wendy Kimbirk, Francois Jacobs, Julie Browning, Aaron Christopher, Darla Donaldson, Stephen Christie, Natalie Winter, (not pictured) Barbara Van Winkle

School of Education

Resident Life

Front Row, left to right: Cara Marsile, Merea Price, Bethany Scott, Janelle Fagg Back Row, left to right: Ian Price, Daron Hubbert, Carson Belmont, Kyle Smith, Brandon Burns, Jay Stovall, Matt Sonke, Joni Dunlap, Sarah Ann Chaddick, Paula Sherman, Rory Todd (not pictured) Toni Jauregui

Front row, left to right: Dr. Mary Crist, Natalie Morris, Dr. Kathryn Norwood, Dr. Nona Cabral, Christine Holguin, Lisa McDonald, Dr. Susan Studer, Renee Harris, Dr. Kathryn Short Back row, left to right: Cassandra Williams, Dr. Rachel Timmons, Dr. James Heyman, Dr. David King, Dr. John Shoup (dean), Dr. Keith Walters (asst. dean), Dr. Jane McGuire, Dr. Doreen Ferko, Denise Roscoe.

Stevens, Brittney Stewart, David Stipek, Hannah Stodder, Tyler Stoffel, Rachael Stokes, Bruce Stoneburg, Brittney Strand, Dillon Stull, Cierra Sullivan, Sean Summer, Flores Suttle, Devron Swanson, Lauren Sweiss, Faris Syiem, Wilson Tabora, Amanda

161 177 63 161 63 172 161 161 161 18 172 129 28 29 136 161 161 136 161

Saar, Nicole Sabesky, Sarah Sais, Travis Salazar, Luke Salera, Jessica Samuelson, Katrina San Diego, Monica Sands, Danielle A. Sands, Chuck Sandy, Scott Sangwa-Uwimpuhwe, Diane Santiago, Paul Santillan, Katey Sapp, Destinee Sargent, Robert Schaeck, Kristin Schaefer, Joel Schmidt, Alyssa Schoellerman, Stacey Schow, Cara Schreck, Kylee Schwartzman, Mollie Scissons, Samantha Scorza, Justin Scott, Angela Scott, Daniel Sedin, Marielle Seipp, Katherine Setzler, Ashley Sevilla, Stephanie Shade, Matthew Shafer, Erin Shahbazian, Libret Shanahan, Dylan Shelton, Russel Shields, Robert Shimanbukuro, Nathan Shirer, Adam Short, Tasha Shoup, John Shults, Kaitlyn Silva, Yoana Silva, Nathalie Singer, Jordan Singh, Tegh Singleton, Kara Siordia, Sulema Skimin, Autumn Skubik, Daniel Slater, Jonathan Smedley, Megan Smith, Christopher Smith, Nicole Smith, Rachel Smith, Erin Smith, Kris Smith, Zelotes Smith, Elisabeth Smith, Zelotes Smitley, Matthew Smyth , Adam Solano, Monica Solano, Julio Solis, Lauren Solis, Miriam Sonke, Samantha Sonke, Sarah Sparkman, Breanna Sparkman, Brittany Sparling, Amanda Spencer, Shannon Stalnaker, Kasi Staubs, April Steele, Jarrod Stein, Katie

39 51 61 159 159 159 159 159 159 159 72 172 159 159 135 159 160 160 135 58 59 160 113 160 72 160 160 160 135 160 101 160 120 122 160 135 160 160 160 31 176 160 160 160 110 160 160 40 160 160 43 161 161 172 135 70 161 161 161 172 176 176 135 167 135 176 161 96 161 161 161 177 136 161 177 15 136 6 136 136 161

S 197


Men’s Soccer

Front row, left to right: Tyler Mitchell, Michael Salazar, John Barrow, Kyle Haecker, Odirile Mangoegape, Jacob Zalesky, Chase Magdaleno, Brian Ahn, Willie Rupert, Ruben Sanchez, Jorge Arreola, Osvaldo Bastida, Marc Hope, Assani Nguzo, Darren Whitty. Back row, left to right: Head Coach Ryan Jorden, Jonathan Fausto, Jonathan Garcia, Rob White, Tyler Aagard, Mitchell Carter, Logan Frank, Joey Pacheco, Alex Anderson, Cole Schmit, Tyler Garrison, Carlos Figueroa, Assistant Coach Gregg Schroeder Tadlock, Caitlyn Tait, Brenda Tait, Tim Tajima, Joelle Tan, Zhuoxin Tapia, Marissa Tasabia, Felicia Tasabia, Shayna Tatum, Ashley Taylor, Alexandria Telleria, Nelly Terra, Katie Terrones, Bianca Teruel, Mike Thomas, Beatriz Rose Thornton, Tiffany Tibbitts, David Titus, Jessica

161 177 40 136 162 162 162 177 136 136 162 162 136 162 43 55 162 162 162

T Women’s Soccer


Togia, David Toma, Rebeca Toro, Stacey Torres, Amanda Torres, Ruby Torres-Figueroa, Andrea Torrico, Carola Toy, Chris Trachte, Caleb Tracy, Jessica Tran, Edward Travis, Erika Trayes, Jessica Tronti, Jennifer Troutman, Brent Trulove, Nichelle Trupp, Rebecca Turner, Megan Umutesi, Hope

Front Row, left to right: Silvia Sanchez, Fabiola Zanella da Silva, Courtney Shutts, Mikala Gillis, Kristen Witchey, Kylee Nicassio, Kitra Walters, Megan Merrett Second row, left to right: Kimberly Johnston, Head Coach Kristen St. Clair, Melissa Laxamana, Lindsay Vesling, Katie Rumfola, Rosie Nakata, Nicoline Jorgensen, Megan Bellefeuille, Christina Armstrong, Amanda Lammers, Assistant Coach Seth Taylor, Athletic Trainer Adam Cady Back row, left to right Erica Gonzalez, Chantel Cappuccilli, Channing Perea, Eva Solis, Bernadette Witz, Kayla Kellstrom, Kimberly Allard, Ashley Richardson, Natasha Yanes

162 162 172 162 167 136 136 45 162 136 162 172 136 172 136 136 70 162 162 162

Upshaw, Courtney Upshaw, Kyle Urban, Daniel Uribe, Bianka Uwizerimana, Salome Valentin, Malyna Valentine, Kristina Van Buren, Tobias Van Buskirk, Brandon Van Der Merwe, Joshua Van Dyke, Nicole Van Setten, Naomi Vander-Meulen, Natalie Vanjoff, Chris Vasile, Michele Vazquez, Veola Vazquez, Veronica Vega, Michelle Veloz, Ruth Vince, Allan Von Pertz, John Vowell, Brett Vries, Becky de Vukov, Alexandra Wagner, Beth

162 162 162 163 163 136 136 163 163 163 53 163 163 45 163 172 136 163 163 177 177 28 29 177 177 70 163 177

Softball Front row, left to right: Tina Galinato, Danae Leiser, Marshean August, Savannah Miller, Andie Banuelos Middle row, left to right: Vanessa Yonkers, Shawnna Martinez, Mara Rodriguez, Melanie Cortes, April Vasquez, Lindsay Henry Back row, left to right: Sloan Mchann, Kendall Gorham, Kailey Willingham, Danielle Barnett, Tory Ferreira, Emma Holden, Amanda Collins

Student Accounts

Front row, left to right: Lisa Logan, Kathy Robinson, Heidi Pendleton, Peggy Plavajka Back row, left to right: Lorissa Haro, Becky Schlafer, Janet Hernandez, Dawnel Pettingill


Swimming and Dive Team

Front row, left to right: Kyndal Terwilliger, Norra Stroh, Natalie Heihn, Rachel Stoffel, Raquel Ramaly, Anna Megli, Miranda King Aberle, Matthew Chong, Sergio Molina. Second row, left to right: Hannah Braun, Adriana Quesada, Melissa Fillmore, Hannah Stipek, Gina Rhue, Emily Allen, Lauren Griffin, Brittany Blankenship, Jaime Flynn. Third row, left to right: Taylor Kile, Mitchell Spezzaferri, Spencer Shore, Clint Walling, Reese Gonzales, Trevor Graifman, Mitchell Sweetman, Brandon Fries. Back row, left to right: Kiakahi Matsumoto, Tim Kothlow, Chris Toy, Shane Blake, Stephan Van Spronsen, Patrick Cardillo, Bryce Arata, Austin


W Z Men’s Volleyball Front row, left to right: Allan Vince, Jonathan Tuttle, Jon Waber, Daniel Quinn, Kristopher Johnson, Joseph Fitzpatrick, Garet Kreutziger, Connor Metcalfe, Levi Cabral, Guilherme Koepp Back row, left to right: Noel Cruz, Kevin Kustura, Daniel Freitas, Corey Bates, Michael Cate, Aaron McCalmont, Andrew Bowman, Daniel Casper, Cullan Maher

Women’s Volleyball Front row, left to right: Andrea Csaszi, Kim McCalmont, Bree Rauschenbach, Taylor Parker, Ingrid Carmona, Jelena Dragovic, Jordyn Siko Back row, left to right: Ryan McGuyre, Jessica Kalama, Kattie Givens, Haley Musulman, Megan Glennie, Carly Campbell, Chloe Ainsworth, Joyceanne Duncan, Blair Penner


Wagner, Michael Wagner, Brooklyn Waisanen, Katherine Walker, Deron Walker, Lauri Walker, Caleb Walters, Keith Walters, Jacob Wangerien, Hannah Ward, Nancy Ward, Tracy Wargo, Lauren Warren, Susan Waterbury, Laura Waters, Whitney Watson, Kelli Watson, Courtney Webb, Bryan Weldon, Rebecca Wellington, Erin Weniger, Marc Wheelock, Anna White, Kristen White, Brittany Whiteker, Stephanie Whitesell, Chris Whitman, Robin Wible , Kenneth Wickham, Richard Wieland, Paige Wigginton, Melissa Wignall, Danika Wilkerson, Andrea Wilkerson, Lauren Wilkins, Jacob Wilkins, Ruth Williams, Traci Williams, Keyana Williams, Brittany Williams, Kandice Williams, Nic Wilson, Kayla Winchell, Taylor Wine, Linsay Winter, Natalie Womack, Luke Wood, Hannah Woodhead, Jacobus Woodrow, Katie Jo Wright, Tajei Wright, Marybeth Wyatt, Cassandra Wyatt, Mark Yin, Hui Ying , Hu Yoder, Ryan Young, Brenna Young, Christiaan Youngblood, Khari Yuem, Benjamin Yuenger, Corinne Zalesky, Lennie Zepeda, Charlene Zheng, Huiwen Zhou, Ziliang Zimmerman, Jeremy Zuhlke, Molly Zumaya, Irene

163 85 163 172 163 53 172 163 163 172 172 163 177 163 163 163 11 58 59 164 177 172 136 113 177 137 167 177 164 164 164 137 164 172 137 164 164 164 137 177 164 137 137 93 164 137 152 101 172 67 34 164 164 164 137 164 79 177 164 172 164 164 164 164 165 137 57 137 137 172 177 165 165

Index Edited By Kira Kramer; Index Design By Clint Heinze; Index Photos By Jessica Bills, Clint Heinze, Caleb Hill, Kira Kramer & Nichelle Trulove




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Matthew Shade Editor-In-Chief

Nic Jessen Managing/Design Editor

Lisette Nichols Angelos Photo Editor


Clint Heinze Index Designer

Kira Kramer Index Editor

Nichelle Trulove Assistant Editor/Designer

Staff (Back; Left to Right) Adviser Phylicia Paulson, Mark Gomez, Matthew Shade, Jessica Bills, Steven Anderson, Bonnie Koenn, Jenny Price, Kira Kramer, Amanda Johnson, Clint Heinze, Adviser Mary Ann Pearson (Front) Lisette Nichols, Nichelle Trulove, Megan Beeman, and Nicole Jessen

Thank you

The specs:

Vice President for Marketing and Communication Mark A. Wyat for supporting the book.

Volume 60 of the Angelos yearbook was printed by Walsworth Publishing Company of Marceline, Miss. Therese Lyons and Anne Scott served as our yearbook representatives, and Sharese Berry was our customer service representative. This book contains 208 pages of Crown Matte 100# Paper Stock. The endsheets are printed on Series II Opaque Paper Stock and printed in formula color. The cover is printed on C1S Litho Label COV/ESH on 160 PT Graphic. 1700 copies were printed with the majority of this being distributed to students.

All of those who gave up their time to be featured in this book.

Mark Gomez Assistant Editor

Bonnie Koenn Designer/Writer

Our sister publications, The Banner and Pusuit, for sharing workspace with us and lending us a hand when we needed it. Mary Ann Pearson for being a fantastic boss, giving us money for food and snacks on long work nights, for being an example of a godly person, and for being an amazing adviser. Our family and friends who have had any sort of hand in this book or in supporting us this during the book’s production. The Great Mover and center of all movement, Jesus Christ.

Jessica Bills Assistant Editor

Jenny Price Assistant Editor

Amanda Johnson Assistant Editor

Steven Anderson Designer

All photographs were taken digitally. Some of the photos were fixed with Adobe Photoshop CS4 or CS5 Adobe Photoshop. The cameras used were: Canon 20D, 30D, 40D, Canon Rebel T1i, Nikon D40, D60, D300, D3000, and D3. Classic Image Photography took the mug-shot photos. All pages were designed with Adobe InDesign CS5 on four iMac computers and on laptops. The body copy is in 9-point light Helvetica Neue; the captions are in 8-point italic Helvetica Neue; the bylines are in 8-point bold Helvetica Neue; the folio is 10-point bold Helvetica Neue; the headline font is 60-point Raleway; the subheadline font is Junction.


ANGELOS 20 1 2

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