Angelos Yearbook 2011 part 3

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“I am excited about the new Master’s program because of the training new teachers will receive during their student teaching. Cal Baptist is a school committed to the Great Commission so it is only natural for us to have a Master’s devoted to international education,” said Holly Gehrig.

"This is the best thing. Why didn't you think of this sooner? This is great. This matches our commission statement beautifully. We should've been doing this a long time ago," many participants of a recent survey exclaimed. There is a new master's program in town within the School of Education. It is a Master of Science in Education with an emphasis on International Education. With 20 schools to pick from in 16 countries, students with a heart for the nations can go virtually anywhere. "We've all been called to serve, whether here or overseas, and the world is our classroom," Assistant Professor of Education, Joseph De Vol, explained. The program, after two years in the making, opened its doors on Sept. 1 with seven students. The curriculum consists of four core courses with 25 units in specialization. Students must also take a field practicum course, which consists of either teaching at an international school overseas, participating on an International Service Projects trip, or teaching at an international school in the United States. It began with an ISP trip to South Asia. The team's host, along with another professor on the trip, brought the idea of a master's program in International Education at CBU to the attention of De Vol. "I brought his proposal back and the faculty loved it," De Vol exclaimed. "It's really neat to see that it's all come to flourish." Before the seed of a newfound master's program began to take root within the CBU community, a campus-wide survey was conducted. Close to a thousand students responded and thirty percent said that they were extremely interested. Another thirty percent gave interest, but not as adamantly, and less than forty percent showed no interest. "When I showed those results to the provost, he came down and said, 'You know what, this is good, and you've proven that this is pliable. Get working on it and go through your channels to get it all approved.' So that's what we did," De Vol said. "The outcome was just astonishing." The School of Education is partnered with a network of International Christian Schools called NICS. A representative came to CBU in February to recruit student teachers to work at international schools. It gives students the chance to have a guaranteed job

when they graduate, despite the state of the California economy. These students are able to pay off any student loans they may have as well as gain teaching experience. "There is quite a demand for teachers overseas, and we have quite a few students who have actually done this," De Vol emphasized. "This is really a good way to get an education, and to get experience overseas, and to be able to build there. There are so many schools that are available to us." "With California cutting all these teaching jobs, teaching overseas lets me not have to worry about whether or not I'll get a job in California after I graduate," Cassi Saville, a current English major at CBU, said. "I'm going to South Korea over Christmas break for two weeks and teaching English to junior high students. If that ends up going really well, there's a possibility I might go there after I graduate. It looks good on your resume, so that's another good way to market yourself, to have that sort of experience." Several students from CBU were asked and recruited to teach over several weeks during the summer camp at Global Vision Christian School (GVCS) in South Korea. These students could submit their resumes to stay and teach after the camp. Those who did so already had a job lined up months before graduation day. One of these students is Rachel Gonzalez, a recent CBU Liberal Studies graduate. "After going on an ISP missions trip to South Korea in 2008, it was my desire to return and teach someday," Gonzalez said. "When I found out about GVCS I wanted to teach there and carry out their mission to instruct students in God's Holy Word." "Missions overseas had never crossed my mind in the past, then after taking a few Global Studies courses at CBU, my heart changed and I wanted to be fully devoted to spreading the gospel across the world," Gonzalez reflected. "So I took it upon myself to do just that. I just had to rely on God for strength." She is now on contract teaching first and second grade students and developing further knowledge in education. Whether they want to go to Asia, the Middle East, South America or Africa, the School of Education's new Master of Science in Education can get students to the ends of the Earth. Written by Nichelle Trulove

(Photo: Aaron Kim // Design: Ruth Richards) EDUCATION 118-119

Chris Rebbich and Samantha Peters tee off their new way of life.

Similar to unzipping a costume or taking off a mask, new believers of Jesus Christ chose to step-out of their old 'uniforms' along with its accessories and put on an entirely different 'wardrobe' in order to have a new image. " have taken off your old self with its practices and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator." Col. 3:9-10 Samantha "Sammy" Peters and Chris Rabbich chose to have a personal relationship with God this semester and get rid of that person who they used to be: living in darkness. "My life before I came to Christ was very bad. I lived in the party life environment and I really didn't care what people thought. I just played my sports and did my own thing hanging with the 'in crowd,'" Peters shared. Many times we have this idea that ministry happens elsewhere, or outside of our hometown on a service project with a team. We go to the ends of the earth, but making disciples of all nations starts at our own doorstep, on our own campus. These students are a testament to that. "I never believed in Jesus Christ, I was always searching for something. I'd look to sports as my God," Rebbich explained. Not only was playing for the golf team their main drive for coming to CBU, it was also their pride, joy and the one thing they had their focus on. Rebbich continued to say that sports would appease him for a time, but it never filled that emptiness that, at the time, he never knew Christ was meant to fill. Not really ever thinking about what was right and wrong, the two explained that it was during a chapel service where the speaker's word and message struck hard. "I started to get goose bumps, and that's when I realized I needed to make a change. I wanted a relationship with Jesus here at CBU," Peters said. God had definitely brought these students here to start a fresh, new life and be happy following Him.

Rebbich explained how he started to ask infinite questions because he found himself waiting for proof that Jesus exists, saying, "I want to see a miracle before I can truly believe anything. If Jesus was capable of so many things, how come He didn't show me anything?" Invited to a teammate's home, Rebbich found himself sharing glimpses of how he got to CBU to his teammate's mother. She said, "Chris, everything you just said is a miracle; everything that you've done has lead you here today and that is a miracle!" Rebbich came out of the experience examining his life and explained, "Wow! When first committing my life to Christ there was a feeling of weakness. I persuaded myself that I wasn't ready, but it's like a leap of faith. You just gotta do it. It's the best thing that's ever happened to me, that ever will happen to me." This new road for Peters and Rebbich was definitely not smooth. Many bumps and bruises came along with relationships between friends and family. Yet, after a while of staying strong in their decision, everyone began to notice the change for the better. Peters shared, "It just sucks that my friends are still the way I used to be, and it's so easy for me to turn back around. But in a way it holds me accountable to stay the way I am now so perhaps I can be a light for them." Peters continues to carry Romans 10:13 as a reminder of why she chooses to follow God. They both encourage students who want to have a relationship with Jesus Christ but are scared. "It's worth it in the end. Do not worry about what others think, because you are making the decision for yourself. They will be the one's missing out on the gifts and promises that are given by Him." Written by Cassidy Edison

(Photos: Cayla Ames // Design: Nichelle Trulove)


International students like Zhang Bing and Xu Wen Long thrive under Mikko Sivonen’s teaching during International Chapel.

(Photo: Aaron Kim // Design: Andrew Hochradel)

It was a warm, Friday morning and sunlight was pouring through the windows that lined the beige and brown walls of the old A.J. Staples Room. A calm undercurrent of murmur and chatter grew as more students arrived at the room. Some students with sticker name tags were setting more chairs in the rows, while one tuned a guitar and another typed into a computer, editing the powerpoint that was shining onto a blank space on the wall. International chapel, an alternate chapel for the school's many international students, is held twice a week in the A.J. Staples room at CBU. It is led by Mikko Sivonen, CBU's global consultant. "What we always do is I teach 15 minutes and then we break into groups and share the same story again," Sivonen said. "Then we encourage, in the groups, the international students to ask questions so that they talk us back the story. Repetition and conversation are important." "The global consultant is responsible for the Third Culture Kids and teaching international chapel," Lucas Wehner, a leader in international chapel, explained. "Originally, Rob Rice (last year's global consultant), was supposed to teach only one chapel, but he was so good that they said 'Well, he should teach for the rest of the semester,' and that's what he did. It just became a tradition of the global consultant." "Every year a family or person who serves overseas comes here for two semesters and then goes back to serving overseas," Sivonen said in reference to the position of global consultant. "My wife and I went to school here and actually met here. We really like the school so we asked if we could come for this year and there was a spot open. It really worked well for us and we love it." Another challenge with the growth of international chapel is the variety of cultures present. "Here, we have different nationalities and different cultures. So that makes it a little more difficult because people come from different backgrounds," Sivonen explained. "They have different perspectives." "That's a challenge when people come from different cultures," Sivonen added, "but that's where the small groups work really well so you can really dialogue on a personal level. Then we encourage that, not only here, but that these relationships would carry out outside of the chapel." These small groups are led by discussion leaders, typically American students. "Usually per

international chapel, we have about five to ten regular students who want to find out what its about," Wehner said. "The thing is, a lot of our discussion leaders are graduating this semester so next semester they will be gone. So we're looking for new people, younger people, like freshmen, sophomores, juniors, who would like to join as discussion leaders." Andrew Twitty is one of the American students who helps lead the small groups in international chapel. "We do this because if you take an international student and just throw them in the gym and they can't speak the language they won't get anything out of the message and chapel could be a somewhat intimidating experience," Twitty said. "If you're a Christian and you really want to make a difference, this is a great step to do it," Sivonen said. "You don't have to start from overseas. You can start here and you get to share and you get to make a relationship." "A lot of times I think that CBU students believe they have to sit with these international students at lunch and just preach, preach, preach and the international student becomes so overwhelmed that they reject it," Wehner said. "You really have to start building relationships and at some point raise a spiritual question and listen to what they say and then you can share your point." It is through these built relationships, Wehner explains, that international students come to know Christ. "Last semester, we had a student from China and he gave his life to Christ." As Sivonen said, "It is rewarding to see God work in students who have never heard the message and to experience a student come to know Christ. It's very rewarding to see Christian, American students involved in other people's lives and to see their excitement and enthusiasm." "It has brought about a new growth period," Twitty explained on how international chapel has affected him. "Because we are working with students who are learning English, we have to really simplify the terms and cut out a lot of the religious jargon. In doing this, it has brought a fresh perspective to me on the stories of the Bible." "To see God at work in that very tangible way," Sivonen commented, "I'm really grateful for that." Written by Matthew Shade


“Wendy was strong in bringing the team together. She was a strong motivator for us. ‘Working together side by side, for a higher purpose’ -Wendy Rice” -Peyton Romano


Wendy Rice “Wendy was an inspirational woman. She was a tough coach and pushed us, girls, to our limits. When you thought that there was something you could not do, Wendy proved you wrong. Many girls achieved over and beyond their goals for the year. When you felt like no one believed in you, Wendy was always there. She was our biggest fan and was there through our highest and lowest times. She taught me many lessons and things I did not know about myself. I am very grateful that God put her in my life. She will always be remembered and loved.” -Aubrey Sipe

“Wendy, Although our time together was short, my fondest memories are those when you showed us little ‘hiccups’ of yourself, as you would put it. When it was time to practice you made sure we worked hard until we achieved our mini goals for that day, but when all of that work was done, it was refreshing to know we had a coach with a sense of humor who was genuinely excited for all of us girls to be a part of her team. I’m sure you had quite a challenge in getting us all back into shape for the upcoming season. The best part of those tough practices were in between all of the stunting and conditioning, some of us would catch you occasionally dancing away to the practice playlist that echoed from the ipod dock.” -Tracie Clay

“Coach Wendy, We miss you and love you. You are remembered every single day and will always be in our hearts.” - Love, Carly Kitchen

“I would just like to say that this season 2010-2011 is dedicated to Wendy and everyday at practice we miss her so much. We miss her yelling at us to stretch and we miss her swiftly walking into practice with a diet coke in hand. Wendy was so much fun to drive with to competitions because she would just jam to the music with us and she usually knew the words, too. Wendy had a vision for this program and she worked SO incredibly hard to get it there. We want to finish that vision for her and create a legacy for CBU cheer.” -Brooke Malone

“Wendy was willing to give me an opportunity even though I didn’t believe in myself. Since then I’ve wanted to make her proud for making me apart of the team.” - Jazmyne Martin-McDonald. (Photo: Aaron Kim // Design: Aaron Kim)

WENDY RICE 124-125

MUGS 126-127

Venos Abdulahad Keilani Abueg Diana Alcantar Abby Alderman Anna Alford

Michelle Allmond Cayla Ames Jorge Andrade Vincent Andrade Ryan Arch

Lisa Ayers Elizabeth Baker Francisco Barajas Rachel Batchelder Andrea Benson

Hailey Boaz Kathryn Boren Zachary Bowman Nick Braden John Bragonier

Taylor Brewton Holly Bricker Amanda Brown Megan Buster Wil Byers

Brennan Cackett Jeni Carrizosa Sarah Cary Miriela Castro Alicia Catanese

Kyle Chansler Amanda Chapman Leisa Christian Ashley Compare Cassandra Conant

Shannon Conley Joel Connell Ashley Conner Valarie Coppola Sheri Corral

(Photo: Kenton Jacobsen)

MUGS 128-129

Eric Corso Maryann Cox Heather Crews Candice Croix Estrella Cruz

Emily Cummins Katie Cusack Rebekah D’Huet Hannah Datte Nicole Dausend

Mark Davenport Stephanie Davenport Jasmine Davis Kristin De-La-Cruz Patrick Dietz

Michael Dorn Nnaemeka Ejiaga Hope Ekholm Tracy Ellingsen Solomon Encina

Rachel Esau Stephanie Felder Thirsa Flor Jennilyn Fritch Jana Fry

Christy Fullman Ashley Gallina Holly Gehrig Derrick Glasby Tabitha Glaser

Adam Gold Brianna Gonzalez Gabriela Gonzalez James Graham Jennifer Greenwalt

Sarah Griffin Victoria Gutierrez Riley Hagel Brenna Hahn Allison Hall

(Photo: Mike Sampson)

MUGS 130-131

Greg Hartke Terin Harts Jacob Hartson Brooke Hartwell Ebony Hearn

Angela Helland David Helms Lori Hernandez L. Santiago Herrera Rebeca Herrera

Chris Hinton Elizabeth Hinton Andrew Hochradel Kristin Holderfield Faith Holley

Cianna Holloway Melissa Holloway Dani Holt Cecily Hosang Meghan Hosfield

Mariah Howell Brenda Ibarra Jesus Jaquez Staci Johnson Stephanie Johnson

Aaron Jones Todd Jones Kamaljit Kaur Desiree Kerfoot Aaron Kim

Lailani Kings Colson Knight Allison Krickl Jennifer Kute Katie Lane

Kelley Lawler Benjamin Lee Kayla Lewis Alexx Lommori Kathryn Loughman

(Photo: Bonnie Koenn)

MUGS 132-133

Lisa Luna Bobby Magby-III Laura Manimtim April Martin Monica Martinez

Nicole Marty Robert Maystrovich Courtney Mc Guire Cody McAdoo Patrick McCray

Amanda McDivett Tristan Milanovich Tyler Mitchell Kathryn Montoya Paula Mora

Brian Morris Jessica Mosher Samantha Munger David Naple Marigi Ndicu-Stevens

Gabriel Newman Anthony Ortiz Tawnee Ortiz Kristina Osborne Phylicia Paulson

Jessi Pena Diana Perde John Phillips Aaron Pollock Katie Powell

Lauren Regensberg Scott Rendel Garret Replogle Ruth Richards Jessica Roddy

Gabriela Rodriguez Kristaloi Rodriguez Nelson Romero Brenda S. Ruiz Lauren Russell

(Photo: Josefina Llanes) MUGS 134-135

Omar Saavedra Michael Sampson Daisy Sanchez Amber Sandoval Vincent Schmutzer

Belinda Shirley Melissa Short Alex Shorts Briea Smith Matthew Smitley

Sarah Sonke Hannah Sorola Brittany Sparkman Hannah Stephens Samantha Stewart

Andrew Thill Ruby Torres Andrew Twitty Leah Urquilla Megan Van Dyk

Paige VanCamp Kathryn VanNyhuis Stephanie VanStockum Mercedes Vazquez Mabel Vega

Victoria Velasquez Brooklyn Wagner Lucas Wehner Anna Wenger Brittany White

Darren Whitty Breanna Wilson Matthew Yocum Marissa Yoder Alyssa Young

Veronica Young Corinne Yuenger Alejandra Zuniga

(Photo: Clint Heinze)

MUGS 136-137

Obviously, on these mugs pages, there are pictures of you (and some other people). The backgrounds to these pictures are important too. We wanted to showcase different people's perspectives and how they see the world. The backgrounds to the mugs pages you're about to see are all pictures shot by you. That's right you. Okay, maybe not you, but someone like you. They show how everyone sees the world differently. So while you're staring at that picture of you, take a second to look at the picture behind the picture of you and enjoy.

Tarja Abid Vanessa Affeld Samantha Aguilar Sumaya Al-Idelbi Samantha Albro

Malaysia Alexander Leah Alford Alex Alkire Katelyn Allison Ruben Alonzo

Regina Anaya Avery Anderson Heather Anderson Jacqueline Anderson Melanie Anderson

Ivan Andrews Amanda Angel Laura Arana Brenda Arce Eric Arevalo

(Photo: Phylicia Paulson)

MUGS 138-139

Sarah Arjona Jacob Armstrong Katie Armstrong Joshua Atkinson Marshean August

Melissa Baas Jeff Babcock Amanda Baghdady Alishia Ballard Kayla Banttari

Nic Baptiste-Williams Ana Barajas Brian Barnes Corina Barrios Marti Barsoom

Brianna Barton Corinne Bazoza-Umutoniwase Jon Beam Kayla Beaudoin Chelsea Beebe

Megan Bejar Candace Bell Cody Bellmeyer Kellsey Bellmeyer Marisa Benson

Lynell Berg Alex Bernal Rebecca Bernard Nicole Berry Daniel Bias

Rebecca Binnie Elizabeth Bisangwa Cailee Bishop Richard Blacksher Austin Bloss

William Bohrer Justine Bolanos Roger Bond Traci Borgh Emmanuel Boston

(Photo: Jessi Pena)

MUGS 140-141

Evelyn Bower Tamara Bowles Ardrena Boykins Michael Bragonier Allison Brammer

Baylee Braunwalder Noel Bravo Ashley Bray Kelly Bray Bradyn Brown

Emily Brown Eugene Brown Chelsea Brozovich Samuel Bryant Briana Burca

John Burdett Lauren Burnett Bryan Butler Jessica Byars Dustin Cabral

Sherell Caldwell Andrew Callan Alyssa Campbell Jontae Campbell Cynthia Campos

Jarrod Cannon Jeremiah Cannon Susan Cardella Brent Cariaga Lilyana Carlson

Ingrid Carmona Hazel Castillo Sarah Cates Ryan Cathers Ruthie Ceausu

Vanessa Cerda David Chambers Guanlin Chen Carlita Chocolate Matt Chong

(Photo: Daniel Perez)

MUGS 142-143

Grace Choung Rachel Chrisman Lindsey Christensen Lindsey Chudley Destiny Ciecalone

Erika Cleland Aleksandra Coggins Crystal Colvin Destiny Commons Brooke Conlin

Jonathan Cook Kristin Cooprider Ryan Corbin Gregory Cowee Hillary Coy

Jonathan Craig Alexis Creech Leslie Crespi Jordan Crisafi Ellie Crowley

Yolanda Crumby Trisha Cruzada Trinity Cuff Maegan Culp Erika Dahlstrom

Josh Darnell Kristopher Davidson Chanel Davis Matt Davis Matthew Day

Bryan De Parsia Kamrie De Groot Jacob De La Cruz Angellica De Losada Hannah DeFord

J.J. De Husson Cassandra DeJager James DeVore Ashley Demerjian Lauren Desmarchais

(Photo: Maya Gwynn)

MUGS 144-145

Giorda Diaz-Peacock Jennifer Dieleman David Dill Natalie Dixon Jonathan Donald

Coreen Donaldson Kelsey Doolittle Jessica Dornhofer Stephanie Doss Melody Dowell

Jelena Dragovic Nevena Dragovic Ellen Drummonds Ashley Dunaway Joyceann Duncan

Elizabeth Dunckel Stephany Durksen Roger Dusabimana-Manzi Bertrand Dushime Cassielyn Dwyer

Darren Edge Cassidy Edison Margaret Ellis Cheyenne Embree Benjamin Esau

Jonathan Escalera Rachel Escarpita Carlos Espejel Natalie Espinoza Brittani Ewald

Amey Fenwick Jamie Fischer Christian Flores Summer Flores Bibiana Florian

Mary Floyd Jessica Ford Bianca Fortik Hannah Foster Jerry Fox

(Photo: Nichelle Trulove)

MUGS 146-147

Daniel Freitas Jessica Frey Jonathan Frey Melanie Friel James Frigo

Jackson Fukuda Ryan Galippo Adriana Galloway Brittany Gamar Michelle Gamez

Daniel Garcia Eric Garcia Sal Garcia Sarah Garcia Katelyn Garmon

Eunice-Uwera Gasangwa Bethany Geleris Elizabeth Gerhartz Lisa Gillard Anna Gionet

Mark Gomez Elizabeth Gonzales Grace Gonzales Reese Gonzales Honorio Gonzalez

Krista Goodman Brittney Gottlab Jonathan Grabowski Nathan Graham Jennifer Granados

Michelle Graves Emily Green Kevin Greene Jessica Griffin Lauren Griffin

Alexandria Grimes Molly Gritchen Christiana Grochmal Sydney Grodi Alaina Gutierrez

(Photo: Cassidy Edison)

MUGS 148-149

Rebecca Habeeb-Silva Adam Hack Brendon Joshua Hackworth Erika Hafkenscheid Kelly Hahn

Nicole Hakim Tanya Hakim Paulin Hakizimana Josh Hall Stephanie Hallman

Tiffany Hamilton Brian Haney Marie Hannula Eric Hanson Mary Hanson

Chris Hardy Hannah Harman Hailey Harrington Anna Hart Carey Hart

Jennifer Hatcher Chelcee Hatfield Caitlin Hatter Ashley Hawley Tami Hays

Kathlena Heck Kristina Hedberg Clint Heinze Anastasia Helfer Haley Helfer

Jasmine Henderson Melody Henderson Miriah Henderson Alexis Hernandez Lea Hernandez

Elena Herrera Anna Hickey Ta-tiaunna Hicks Gabriela Hidalgo Marissa Hintergardt-Soubirous

(Photo: J.J. Steele)

MUGS 150-151

Vanessa Hlebowski Kayla Holguin Katheryn Hoover Christopher Hopkins Tiffany Houck

Christine Hovey Kristi Howell Kristin Hucko Rebekah Hurlburt Santiago Ibanez

Stephany Ibarra Basil Ike Stella Impano Guillaume Iradukunda Sharayah James

Bryan Jarboe Sarah Jarboe Whitney Jarboe Kayla Jech Chrissy Jenkins

Monique Jennings Linjun Ji Amanda Johnson Bianca Johnson Jared Johnson

Jonathan Johnson Matt Johnson Matthew Johnson Samantha Johnson Janelle Johnston

Andrew Jones Billy Jones Christina Jones Jamie Jones Michael Jones

Rachel Jones Trevor Jones Tyler Jones Wendy Jones Jonathan Jorge

(Photo: Andrew Hochradel)

MUGS 152-153

Lea Joyce Shaylene Judson Janviere Kabagwira Justin Kang Dilara Karabas

Daniel Kari Kelsey Kaseroff Whitney Keep Michelle Kern Tayler Key

Ranna Khakbaz Holly Kieling Marissa Killeen Jeyeon Kim Julie Kim

Megan King Kaitlyn Kirchmann Kara Kitchen Garett Klingaman Brianna Knight

Kelsey Knight Katy Knutson Stephanie Kohorst Heather Koozin Petra Kovacs

Kira Hannah Kramer Cassie Krueger Gus Kyriopoulos Eric LaNier Beth-Jayne Lacuesta

Jordan Lagana Katrina Laird-Adams Alexander Lamascus Amanda Lammers Christina Lara

Nathan Lawrence Phillip Lawton Sharayah Le Leux William Le Fevre Mercedes Lebron

Stephanie Lee Mike Lennertz Kelly Leonard Niala Lessard Kimber Licitra

Jessica Licup Kayla Liminois Leyi Ling Staci Linton Carol Ann Lippencot

(Photo: Michael White)

MUGS 154-155

Josefina Llanes Karyn Lo Presti Leanne Lomax Michael Lopez Lorelyn Lucas

Jacqueline Lutz Danny Lybeck Danielle Lynch Dania Mac Learn Amanda Madrid

David Magana Kylee Magby Chase Magdaleno Michael Magiera Cullan Maher

Brent Mahoney Francis Maikai Cameron Malchow Kayla Mann Monica Manning

Trevor Mannion Carola Manriquez Michael Marinello Ray Martez Alysha Martin

Olivia Martin Rebecca Martin Jordan Martinez Yareli Martinez Michelle Maystrovich

Shawna Mc Collom Dana Mc Menamin Marshal McBroom Hayley McCarthy Katie McNeil

Ryan Mearig Alyssa Medina Leanne Melanson Vivian Mendoza Melissa Merejil

Kaylee Metschke Kelsey Meyers Ryan Mier Christopher Milici Audrey Miller

Micheal Minchew Priscilla Miramontes Keyla Miro Isaac Monroe Mechelle Monroe

(Photo: Shayna Moreno)

MUGS 156-157

Jana Moore Adilenne Morales Alexandra Morales Katelyn Moreno Shayna Moreno

Neil Morgan Rachael Mowery Alex Muganza Valentine Muhawenimana Modeste Muhire

Joseph Muhirwa Joel Munoz Mallory Munroe Kyle Murphy Cara Murray

Patrick Mynes Sienna Naggar Kelsey Nanchy Erica Nash Amanda Nassraway

Adrianne Navarrete David Ndizeye Timothy Nguyen Lisette Nichols Caroline Nixon

Andre Nodem Patrick Nsengiyumva Kendra Nunes Jonathan Nyquist Ruth Nyquist

Sarah Jane O'Keefe Victoria Offerman Joseph Ogbanje Emily Olson Katherine Omps

Elisabeth Oosterman Shelby Osburn Natalie Ostrosky Alice-Nicole Oueijan Tracy Pallares

William Palmer Micah Palmquist Hea-Song Justin Park Crystal Pasillas Anna Patten

Jeff Paulsen Hannah Pearce Jessica Pearce Lara Pease Caitlyn Peel

(Photo: Phylicia Paulson)

MUGS 158-159

Heidi Pena Brianne Pennington Evelyn Perea Iliana Perea Eva Perez

Maria Perez Samantha Peters Brittany Peterson Sarah Petsas Erika Phillips

Kaitlyn Phillips Herson Pineda Pedro Piqueras Riley Pitts Danie PlunkettCastilla

Jessica Pope Stephanie Pope Jennifer Price Tyler Priest Richard Prince

Crystal Quintero Dayana Ramirez Maribel Ramirez Yessenia Ramirez Sammy Ramos

Seth Rankin Jessica Rankins Lecia Rdzak Alyson Reeve Benjamin Replogle

Nathaniel Reyes Natalie Richardson Natalia Richeri Danny Rincon Ariel Rivera

Katrina Robinson Daley Roche Chelsea Rodgers Bridgette Rodriguez Sergio Rodriguez

Sarah Rogers Taylor Rogers Danielle Rojas Isaac Rojas Allison Ronveaux

Bryn Rosander Grant Rosander Ryan Rotundo Yvon Rugema-Ngango Jeanette Russell

(Photo: Robbie Seipp)

MUGS 160-161

Alyssa Ryan Sarah Sabesky Alejandra Saldana Belinda Sanchez Kelsey Sanchez

Danielle Sands Diane SangwaUwimpuhwe PJ Santiago Vanessa Santos Ashley Saucedo

Kristin Schaeck Joel Schaefer Bethany Schar Andrew Scherer Jeremy Schlaman

Austin Schneider Sarah Schneider Stacey Schoelleman Mollie Schwartzman Robert Seipp

Jacob Shackelford Matthew Shade Erin Shafer Erica Shaw Andrew Shields

Jordan Shimabukuro Kaelie Shull Josh Siemens Robbie Silver John Simons

Jonathan Slater Megan Smedley Chuck Smith Lindsay Smith Rachel Smith

Wiley Snedeker Patrick Snitchler Joshua Snyder Ashly Soffe Julio Solano

Reina Sotelo Allyson Souza Marcy Sowa Breanna Sparkman Baylee Spencer

Courtney Stack Alyssa Staiger Samantha Stalnaker Laura Standley Russell Stavert

(Photo: Kira Kramer)

MUGS 162-163

Jerrod Steele Katherine Stein Rachel Stoffel Brittney Stoneburg Megan Studley

Joseph Sugira DeVron Suttle Michael Swope Caitlyn Tadlock Joelle Tajima

Shayna Tasabia Ashley Tatum Sacha Tatum Alexandria Taylor Alyssa Taylor

Tiara Taylor Teslan Howard-Berry Lexi Thomas David Tibbitts Jamal Togia

Nicole Torres Andrea Torres-Figueroa Caleb Trachte Jessica Tracy Brittany Tribble

Nichelle Trulove Carly Trupiano Yi-Ning Tsai Bethany Tucker Hope Umutesi

Courtney Upshaw Salome Uwizerimana Malyna Valentin Louis Valenzuela Sierra Van Leeuwen

Naomi Van Setten William Van Camp Nicole Van Dyke Rachel Vance Jacob Vander Feer

Andriana VanderGriend Veronica Vazquez Joey Velasquez Ruth Veloz Rachel Verret

Rudy Villaruel Aaron Wagoner Caleb Walker Carl Walker Jacob Walters

(Photo: Edgar Garcia)

MUGS 164-165

Mei Wang Lauren Wargo Edith Waskel Samantha Waskel Laura Waterbury

Byron Webb Christina Webb Katie Webb Victoria Wellington Ryan Welsh

Candace Wenzel David Wetzel Jamie Whealen Anna Wheelock Ryan White

Lauren Whitlock Robin Whitman Kenneth Wible Richard Wickham Lauren Wilkerson

Glorianne Wilkins Jacob Wilkins Ruth Wilkins Adrian Williams Brittany Williams

Kandice Williams Chelsea Wilson Kayla Wilson Taylor Winchell Courtney Wing

Lindsay Winsor Hannah Wood Aubree Worrell Christina Wright Lanica Wright

Marybeth Wright Rachel Wright Tajei' Wright Amy Wuthrich Cassie Wyatt

Vanessa Yonkers Brenna Young Dawson Young Nicholas Young Abigail Zavala

Charlene Zepeda Huiwen Zheng Irene Zumaya

(Photo: Andrew Hochradel)

MUGS 166-167

Elaine Ahumada Jong-Wha Bai BC Biermann Jim Bishop Danny Blair

Julie Browning Linn Carothers Jeff Cate Alex Chediak Anthony Chute

Arthur Cleveland Barbara Cockerhan Debra Coleman Gary Collins Dirk Davis

Kenya Davis-Hayes Angela Deulen Darla Donaldson Don Dunavant Doreen Ferko

Tom Ferko Alan Fossett Ana Gamez Trevor Gillum Virgo Handojo

Lisa Hernandez John Higley Tran Hong David Isaacs Francois Jacobs

Scott Key Wendy Kimbirk Jan Kodat Nathan Lewis III Tim Luther

Alan Mc-Thomas Rebecca Meyer Philip Miller Constance Milton Carol Minton

(Photo: David Chambers)

MUGS 168-169

Jeff Mooney Marilyn Moore Elizabeth Morris Tim Mosteller Jennifer Newton

Frank Pankowski Hyun-Woo Park John Pate Ken Pearce David Pearson

MaryAnn Pearson Joseph Pelletier Juliann Perdue Fred Pontius John Reinebach

Irina Renfro Matthew Rickard Sandra Romo John Shoup Daniel Skubik

Susan Studer Amy Stumpf Chin-Woo Tan Rachel Timmons Erika Travis

Keith Walters Dan Wilson Natalie Winter Xuping Xu

(Photo: Kenton Jacobsen)

MUGS 170-171

Jennifer Andrew Nancy Atayde Sara Beresford Lynnae Bosch Kim Cunningham

Mark Drew Joni Dunlap Wendy England Julie Fresquez Sarah Fruh

Edgar Garcia Marijke Groat Patricia Gunn Earl Harris Timothy Hawley

Keith Hekman Andrew Herrity Yvonne Hester Tran Hong Kyle Howlett

Heather Hubbert Alan Johnson Sandy Kirchmann Anthony Lammons Lisa Lewis

Phil Martinez Darren Meisel Lindsay Mingee John Montgomery Dannita Morris

(Photo: Robbie Seipp)

MUGS 172-173

Brian Nakamura Susan Nelson Micah Parker Heidi Pendleton Janelle Peters

Dawnel Pettingill Peggy Plevajka Merea Price Wanda Price Darrell Rainwater

Sandy Reeves Lynette Risner Kathy Robinson Cynthia Rojas Jeanette Russell

Becky Schlafer Jeremy Schlaman Bethany Scott Rhonda Shackelford Robert Shields

Carrie Smith Kipp Smith Kris Smith Steve Smith Adam Smyth

Debbie Snell Brenda Tait Beth Wagner Tracy Ward Kristen White

(Photo: Zac Mullings)

MUGS 174-175

Kyra Barrientos Stefan Chapman Amy Estep Andrew Estep Bethany Johnson

Hanna Kim Yi Li Yvonne Munoz Joseph Seo Vishakha Sharma

Beth Wagner Xiaoqing Wang Linda Washington Gayla Young

(Photo: Andrew Hochradel)

MUGS 176-177

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