Focal Point Biedjovággi #2 different scales of action arena

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Focal Point Biedjovággi

Different Scales of Action Situations

Bowen Cui 2014.1.31 To be continued...

On which SCALE should we make decisions to harvest the commons?

+ Shared Resources: Land around Biedjovággi (Space, Time, Material) Nils Henrik Sara

“Reindeer herders have developed unique management strategies for protection oCf passtures and rational use of the natural resources”

leader of the Sami Reindeer Herders Association of Norway

“We are being pushed out” “I know that there exist several wishes and plans that have not yet been made public, and there is at least one thing is for sure, not all the planned activities can be built because the reindeer herding will be lost over most of the pastures.”

Local Scale

Maintain living condition Keep the rights to the land

Biedjovággi Reindeer Migration Route Autumn Pasture


Winter/Autumn Pasture Spring Pasture Mining Site Roads

Helga Pedersen Parliamentary leader(Labour) The first Sami member of Government

“The desire to develop the mining industry is welcomed and can be combined with taking care of reindeer industry. At sea one has managed to combine petroleum development, fishing and farming. We must manage the country well” “Both Finnmark society and the Sami community is entirely dependent on new activity. If one is to preserve the culture and language we are going to have to have new jobs for the youth in the Sami villages.”

County Scale

Economic Development of Finnmark Social Development of Finnmark

Pedersen had recently announced investment in mining as being a part of Norway's High North strategy stated that she believed that 'stein og rein' (reindeer and stone / mining) could coexist.


"Norway has vast mineral resources, we know that the world is hungry for.This may be something we(Norway) can live in the future"

Trond Giske Næringsminster(AP)2009-2013 Industry Minister(Labour)

Any conflicts between mining and reindeer are "fully manageable." "The companies are entitled to set aside funds for future cleanup. Thus we shall not get the pollution was known from the old mines"


Lars-Åke Claesson

State Scale

State Industrial development State Economic Growth

“we are now confident that the Norwegian Government really would like to improve the situation for the future mineral industry”

CEO Arctic Gold

“the mineral resource already estimated for Bidjovagge is sufficient for a profitable mining operation for five years, and that the project at today's metal prices and certain assumptions has a present estimated value of SEK 500 million.”

Global Scale


Profit Maximization Capital flow

A big increase in funding for mining exploration. Government gives NGU 100 million pounds over four years(since 2010), to explore for gold and other precious metals, mainly in Northern Norway.

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