CB Weekly 1.28.10

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Your ART & ENTERTAINMENT Guide To Crested Butte and Gunnison


Jan. 27- Feb 3, 2010

Volume 12, Number 4 • Crested Butte, Colorado

www.cbweekly.com January 28. 2010 / CRESTEDBUTTEWEEKLY / PAGE 1

photo by Dusty Demerson

I used to be Snow White, but I drifted. – Mae West

The EDITOR’S Stump “And in the end it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.” – Abraham Lincoln

Photo by Theresa Henry

This past weekend I attended the Celebration of Life for Albert Clark. On January 17 Albert was doing something he loved, backcountry skiing, when he literally just up and died. No one knows why. Albert was 33 years old. Walking into the Depot on that Saturday night was an extraordinary experience. There was music. People were dancing. And singing. In corners, friends hugged and consoled each other, free tears flowing down their faces. In other corners, groups poured shots of whiskey (Albert’s favorite adult beverage of choice) and toasted their friend with exuberance and laughter. On the walls flashed photos from bits of Albert’s life – Albert on top of a snowy mountain; Albert on the beach; Albert straddling a slot canyon; Albert gutting an elk, a moose; Albert with a woman who I know cradled his heart with absolute enthusiasm. Albert’s death gives us many things, an odd recognition in the face of a loss. Albert was young. He was not supposed to die at 33. But he did. Yet, from the photos and stories that were passed around the room that night one of the most apparent messages arose from the tumult of emotion – Albert lived life. He lived it from mountaintops and ocean sides and desert cliffs. His soul-warming grin was omnipresent. No one could recollect Albert being angry or hateful. His own father shook his head, with a familiar twinkle in his eye and what I’m sure was a hidden heavy weight in his heart and said, “Well, Albert, it certainly was a blast.” Albert did more with his 33 years than many do in a lifetime. And so he teaches us to live every moment as your last, to relish and savor every single moment. That’s the first, and perhaps most obvious, message of Albert. And why, in the midst of sadness, such an incredible celebration of a life truly well lived was even possible. May we all live a life that can be recollected so fondly… My mother, of deep Southern roots, always attends funerals. As a child I was utterly perplexed by this. Why did she put herself in such sad situations repetitively? Sometimes she might not have even known the person well, but rather had a special connection with PAGE 2 / CRESTEDBUTTEWEEKLY / January 28. 2010

their mother, their sister, their husband or wife. At the Depot, as an adult, this all became blazingly obvious to me. It is easy to be friends when the going is good. It takes a much different kind of friend to come together and support when times are tough. As one friend commented, “I have never experienced something so raw and so meaningful.” Sitting on the couch with my friend Kristy, who had lost the man who had captured her soul, I commented that she seemed to be doing very well and was being very brave. And then my friend said to me one of the most heartwrenching comments I have potentially ever heard – “I don’t feel strong,” she sighed, “I feel like pieces inside of me are crumbling, falling to the floor as I walk by.” Albert’s mother was sitting with us. “There is such love in this room, Kristy,” she said, “All these people will just pick up those pieces and help you put them back on.” This is the very root, the very heart and soul of what a community is and should be. It is one full of love and support and bravery when the going is tough. It is one of carefully baked elk lasagna to feed the masses and the very best whiskey and a celebration of life lived in the great wilds that surround us. It is one full of healing – and release. Death is one of the most inevitable and utterly frightening experiences we are given as humans. Yet when we are able to come together and touch each other and sing to release a soul, we are operating on a level that far surpasses the trivial matters of the day. We break emotional borders that do nothing but cage us in the first place. This is what is real. This is what matters. With love, admiration and healing – Molly

Tracks The name marijuana comes from a Mexican slang term for cannabis and is believed to have derived from the Spanish pronunciation of the names Mary and Jane. (The two names were also common Mexican military slang for a prostitute or brothel.) Marijuana came into popularity as a name for cannabis in the U.S. during the late 1800s.



The Official newspaper of higher conciousness


Marijuana is created from the dried, shredded flowers and leaves of the hemp plant Cannabis sativa.

The cannabis plant can grow in nearly any environment and averages one to two inches of growth per day and up to 18 feet total in ideal conditions. The primary active ingredient in marijuana is THC (delta 9 tetrhydrocannabinol). It is this chemical that produces marijuana’s mind-altering effects. The psychoactive side effects of THC in small doses include loss of inhibition, elation, and a distorted sense of time. The drug can also cause increased visual sensitivity and heightened imagination. During the temperance movement of the 1890s, marijuana was commonly recommended as a substitute for alcohol. The reason for this was that use of marijuana did not lead to domestic violence while alcohol abuse did. Both George Washington and Thomas Jefferson grew hemp on their plantations. Marijuana’s first recorded use for medicinal purposes was 2727B.C. Marijuana contains 400 chemical compounds. The Declaration of Independence was written on hemp paper.


Marijuana is the most common illegal drug used in the United States. Approximately 100 million Americans have tried marijuana at least once, and more than 25 million have smoked it in the last year.

Profile: DrewCesati

4 Table of Contents 4

Our feature this week kicks off the new column “Alternatives: Buttians and Beyond Thinking Outside the Box.” This first installment takes an investigative look at the economics of marijuana dispensaries and what that impact might be in Crested Butte.


C.B. Fire & EMS Squad. Get your kids to the Trailhead for some special activities; get splashy with seniors; find support for caregiving and child rearing. Are you part of the community – raising kids and working five jobs? Then this column is for you – those that live the real life right here in Paradise


The Arts






Local Writer’s Page


Local Resources


Faces & Places

Artwalk sets the pace for The Arts section this week, with a highlight on each gallery on the tour; find out how to get ticket specials on the upcoming production of Anne Frank; get your float and your gumbo on for Mardi Gras. In the Eye on the Arts column sign up for acting classes; discover the new local climbing zine; and gear up for the Souper Bowl at the GAC.

There’s a new trail in town – do you know whose creating it? Break out your red for the Red Lady on the slopes. Learn about a bed and breakfast that has found luxury and energy efficiency go hand in hand in the Energy Wise Business Program feature of the week.



This Delicious Dish contains all the adjectives that describe Crested Butte – funky, unique, eclectic and divine. Craving a hearty breakfast to start your day skiing? A place to take the kids? A romantic nook for your honey-bun? The Dining Guide has all you need to know…


Entertainment Calendar


Spirit, Mind & Body



Gear up for the Alley Loop; make your reservations for a Valentine’s Brunch at the Nordic Yurt; get your bingo on for the Gunnison River Festival; psyche up for endurance biking in a new film at the Center; sign up for a beacon clinic; and learn how to keep your skin(s) intact in the Sports section that goes one step further into the wild. Wanna check out the high school basketball game? Find out where to sing karaoke at 9,000 feet? Have you ever tried ice skating? The Entertainment Calendar is your concise day-to-day guide to all the haps in town. Let the Yoga Moon column loosen you up for the vivacious full moon on Saturday; fill your heart with unconditional love at the Law of Attraction Workshop; and center yourself in prayer in a special workshop. Find out whose birthday it is, whose going on a five month long journey, who’ll be running (literally) through town this summer and what certain driven woman continues to go completely nuts. Yup – it’s the gossip column.


Community Bulletin Board

This one is jam packed so pay attention! Who wants to yell “bingo” for KBUT? You do! Find the details here. Also, see how drinking red wine can get you fired up for the Editor: Molly Murfee, editor@cbweekly.com Production Manager: Vince Scola, ads@cbweekly.com Sales: Laura Silva / Diane Markowitz, sales@cbweekly.com Copy Editor: Bonnie Chipala, info@cbweekly.com Graphics: Vince Scola / Jessy Moreland Production: Molly Murfee / Bonnie Chlipala / Scott Tyree

Cover Photo by Ralph Kristopher


Music: The Setlist

Owners: CBW Inc.

The Local Writer’s Page is an open forum for all writers in the Gunnison Valley. We welcome submissions of poetry, fiction, essay, memoir, theatre, creative non-fiction and any other form of the written arts. This week Sandra Cortner honors Robel Straubhaar with her own stories of his skiing prowess and accordion capabilities. NEW! This new section of the paper will be your constant back page resource for the Mountain Express and RTA bus schedules so you can get to the hill, Gunnison, Denver, or your condo in Mt. Crested Butte; there’s information on where to park your car so it doesn’t get towed; the hockey schedules for the Big Mine Rink and the Crested Butte South Rink and the game schedule for the week are also posted here. Also, here you’ll find all the phone numbers for all the snowy resources in town. From Gypsy Jazz at the Lobar to reggae at the Eldo, Crested Butte has a lot going on no matter what time of year. There were big smiles this week at all the hot spots – check ‘em out.

Writers: Dawne Belloise, Bonnie Chlipala, Sandra Cortner, Corinne Cram, Crested Butte Mountain Guides, Josephine Kellet, Grant McFarren, Luke Mehall, Monica Mesa, Molly Murfee, Polly Oberosler, Laura Puckett, Kristen VanHoesen, Maya Silver, Marcie Telander. Photographers: Dawne Belloise, Dusty Demerson, Paul Gallaher, Ralph Kristopher, Molly Murfee, Vince Scola. Contact: 970-349-1710; info@cbweekly.com; P.O. Box 1609, Crested Butte, CO 81224. Our offices are located at 427 Bellview Avenue in Crested Butte. We publish in the high seasons: November-April and May-September. The Weekly’s internal contents are printed on 100% recycled paper and the cover on 75% recycled paper. The ink is partially soy based.

January 28. 2010 / CRESTEDBUTTEWEEKLY / PAGE 3

Alternatives: Buttians and Beyond Thinking Outside the Box

Mari-wanna? by Kristen Van Hoesen • photos by Ralph Kristopher


imes are changing. Outlooks are conforming. Not perhaps, in the same way as in generations past, but nevertheless, we are amidst a revolution. Our national and local economies are suffering gravely and governmental reform is shaping new ground; divisive local politics even dictate us here in our picture-perfect paradise. What, then, is the light at the end of the tunnel? The only thing that can be agreed upon is that something has got to change. What has worked for us in the past isn’t working now—there has got to be an alternative. In many states and Colorado municipalities, a formerly tabooed subject is a part of the answer: marijuana. Specifically, medical marijuana and the outlets in which to distribute it, also known as dispensaries or clubs, are being strategically regulated in an effort to aid economic shortfalls and commit to growing health and business trends. As in 14 other states, medical marijuana is legal in Colorado, though not federally. In 2000, Colorado voters approved Amendment 20, a law that authorizes patients who suffer from certain medical conditions to enroll in a state program and use medical marijuana. That initiative however was slow on the uptake. It wasn’t until 2009, when the Obama administration announced that it would not seek to federally prosecute individuals who use or dispensaries that provide medical marijuana, as long as they complied with state law, that the rise of dispensaries state-wide was emergent. Also in 2009, the Colorado Health Board eliminated a limit on the number of patients a dispensary can have, thus indirectly allowing dispensaries

to yield a much larger profit, as their customer volume is unlimited. According to the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, in September of 2009, 117,356 patients in Colorado possessed valid Registry ID cards, only 77 of which were in Gunnison County. It is surmised that the state is overwhelmed by applicants, given the current legislative encouragement and that applications and therefore patients, particularly in communities with ordinances allowing dispensaries, are growing exponentially. While dispensaries are thriving in many Colorado communities including Denver, Aspen, Breckenridge and Telluride, many municipalities including the City of Gunnison and Gunnison County- even some municipalities that have currently operating dispensarieshave imposed a short-term moratorium on new dispensaries in an effort to generate regulations for the legal sales of marijuana within town limits. State laws do not govern dispensaries, ultimately leaving the regulation in the hands of individual municipalities, which can be a daunting task. The Town of Crested Welcome to the kick off article for what we hope to be a regular occurrence in the Weekly. Butte has not imposed a moratorium “Alternatives” is a place where we as a community can explore our ideas, to indeed think outside on dispensaries, however town staff of the box into the vast range of possibilities in this world. is taking the regulatory process Articles will aim to be well researched, investigative in nature, casual and entertaining in seriously and with ample time and tone. It is a place to look beyond the news that is in front of us and dig deeper into a topic. We will process to avoid the potential of “an look at positive examples from communities around the world and how they have tackled similar increase in illegal activities within issues that we face. If San Francisco has curbside composting how can we? What local food the Town affecting the health, safety, sources are available to us right here in Gunnison County? What would a community greenhouse order, comfort, convenience and look like? How can we become an artist destination? A destination for eco-travelers? A yogic general welfare of the residents in haven? A backcountry skiing pot of gold? A community thumping with music? What other kinds of town as well as the health, safety and industry might thrive here that would co-exist with our current lifestyle? welfare of the primary care-givers The forum is open, meaning we welcome submissions from any author. The sky is the limit and their patients.” on topics. Please submit your ideas and questions to editor@cbweekly.com. Entities or individuals looking to Positive, inspiring, educational, alternative, community-oriented news – come get you open a dispensary in Crested Butte some… must apply for a medical marijuana dispensary permit—thus undergoing a stringent and timely application process and fee, strict operational and zoning requirements as well as a personal character review. The town council has limited the total number of dispensaries to five, that will be chosen from a lottery, and must reside in the Commercial District of town—on Belleview Avenue more specifically— but not within 500 feet of a child-care facility or school, 175 feet of a public park or playground or adjacent to a residential dwelling at the time of the dispensary’s establishment. Amongst other operational regulations, the

Alternatives: Buttians and Beyond Thinking Outside the Box

Come party on real ice!

Ice Skating Friday, Disco January 29th 6 – 9 pm Party $6 to skate (FREE if you wear a costume) $4 skate rentals

The Adventure Park Open daily 2 – 6 pm Tickets & rentals available at Crested Butte Ski & Snowboard ~ Treasury Building


PAGE 4 / CRESTEDBUTTEWEEKLY / January 28. 2010

m o u n ta i n r e s o r t

n Medical Marijuana continues on the following page

Get High on Yoga! 114 Elk Avenue | 970.349.0302 www.yogaforthepeaceful.org

n Medical Marijuana continued from the previous page

dispensary is required to obtain a Town Business License and a Sales Tax License. You heard it right: a Sales Tax License. While there isn’t an historical gauge anywhere in the country that measures what kind of contribution sales tax from the sale of marijuana will have, nevertheless, it will be a contributing factor in our waning economy. The Town Council’s driving force behind passing an ordinance that governs dispensaries was not economic impact, according to Susan Parker, Town Manager; it was to provide the medicinal option to people who needed it. But, generous estimates portray that dispensaries in Crested Butte could generate up to $40,000 in sales tax annually. Those estimates are exactly that, generous and without models for comparison. However, the implications could affect our economy ten-fold through sales tax, new jobs, and fewer empty lease spaces to name a few—all tied to an industry that is far from suffering. The State of California is perhaps the best model by which to estimate the dramatic effect that marijuana could have on a suffering economy. While California is the most progressive state when it comes to marijuana law and dispensaries, (Voters passed Proposition 215 - the Compassionate Use Act - in 1996. The act allows patients in the state to possess or cultivate marijuana and permits the cultivation of marijuana for a patient.) the state has yet to impose a tax on the sale of the plant. Marijuana is the largest cash crop in

California, responsible for an estimated $14 billion a year in sales. The state’s tax collectors estimate that a bill taxing and regulating marijuana similar to alcohol and cigarettes would generate approximately $1.4 billion in revenue. That’s not small potatoes. Other communities are taking the prospect of positive economic impact to another level, beyond medicinal use. Breckenridge voters recently passed an initiative to decriminalize the possession of the substance in moderated quantity. This measure is largely symbolic because marijuana possession remains a Colorado state crime for people without medical clearance. However, it is now acceptable in Breckenridge for a person over the age of 21 to posses up to an ounce of marijuana without the threat of being prosecuted within town limits. It is even thought, on a speculative level, that the decriminalization of a substance used by an estimated 50 million people in the United States may help boost tourism by creating a more desirable aspect to a vacation. By any measure, there is an enormous potential windfall in the taxation of marijuana. Denver voters imposed a similar decriminalization ordinance that supporters say was a way to send a message to local law enforcement to ‘stop busting small-time pot smokers.’ Given that an estimated $7.7 billion is spent annually by the federal government to enforce the prohibition of marijuana, their point should be considered, as 88 percent of marijuana arrests are for simple possession. Marijuana arrests exceed arrests for murder, rape, robbery and aggravated assault combined. Simple economics—the guns and butter of it all—would tell you that such use of federal tax dollars is convoluted and should be refocused. How does this translate to a local level? It’s hard to say, but Crested Butte hasn’t been called “the hot spot for pot” for nothing. If we refocused our efforts on other things, might we just find the change we’re looking for? We are headed in the right direction—utilizing alternative resources, medicines, business models, however you want to look at it—to make a change, to support the desires of our community members and the economic needs of our Valley. It may be that we are all pleasantly surprised by the positive impact that dispensaries and marijuana in general will have on the place we call home. Kristen Van Hoesen calls Crested Butte home after gradually venturing westward from the East Coast. Her first job in Crested Butte was as a reporter for the Crested Butte News, and she now works as the Operations and Membership Relations manager at the Crested Butte/Mt. Crested Butte Chamber of Commerce. Kristen is a writer at heart and is a new freelance writer for the Crested Butte Weekly. Ralph Kristopher, a photographer and social observer has called Crested Butte Home since 2000. Kristopher’s mission in photography, “to communicate and express where words fail,” compliments his artistic expertise, rich artistic compositions and technical wisdom. Inspired by the fractal geometry of the cosmos, both micro and macro, Kristopher’s photographic imagery strives for the iconic. Look for his images of sports, landscape, wildlife and photojournalism at www.RalphKristopher.com

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January 28. 2010 / CRESTEDBUTTEWEEKLY / PAGE 5

n THE ARTS n Artwalk is a self-guided tour of participating local galleries. This vibrant evening is sponsored by Artists of the West Elks, a local non-profit organization that aspires to unify, enrich and educate novice, emerging and professional artists and art lovers by encouraging and challenging them to develop to their full potential. Thursday, Jan. 28, Artwalk begins at 5 p.m. and lasts until 8 p.m. with light refreshments and opportunities to meet local artists at each stop.


Go West: A Locals’ Mercantile Shop Of Western Homemade Artwork Goods Mel has been an artist most of all of her life. After serving as a guest artist at Paragon Gallery, she quickly moved into being a permanent artist member in 2007. In her excursions jeeping into the backcountry she has collected artifacts from old mine barns. Now she honors that piece of Colorado history by bringing it back to life through some of our historical artifacts. Her shop holds treasures from coat racks to flower vases, with ten other artists represented with jewelry, rugs and photographs. It’s recycled art with a backstory. She’ll be servin’ up food and goodies during Artwalk. Stop on by Mel’s at 327 Elk Avenue from high noon to sunset with some evening hours. Call 970-275-5181 or write gowestmountainmel@ yahoo.com for more information.

of the top painters in the state. OBJ has been selected to host the 2010 Rocky Mountain Plein Air Painters weeklong event in July. Nicholas Reti, the current featured artist, will have a selection of new Crested Butte paintings as well as conduct a painting demonstration during Artwalk. Stephen Datz and Jake Gaedtke will also be on hand to meet and greet with catering by Maxwells. The Oh Be Joyful Gallery is located at 409 Third Street across the alley from Marchetelli’s. Contact us at 970-349-5936 or ohbejoyfulgallery@mac.com for more information. Paragon Gallery The Paragon Gallery has been in operation for over 30 years, as a cooperative store for local artists offering local art goods. Presently there are 14 regular members and 2 guest artists each month. The Paragon also participates in the yearly Artwalks, sponsors the People’s Fair, gives donations to the local public Crested Butte Community School, and sells CBCS students’ cards to help fund their art program. Located at the bus stop at the old Town Hall at Elk and 2nd Street. Call 970-349-6484.

Piper Gallery Showing in the Piper Gallery is “Gems and Illumination”, a collection of acrylic paintings and jewelry by Colin Griffin, Anette Akselsen and Kyle Fleener. Anette Akselsen’s jewelry installations celebrate the return of light. A glance up Paradise Divide provides her inspiration. Anette will Icehouse Art also include photos of illumination in this show. Kyle Nicholas Reti showcases his work in progress, “Secret Stash,” at Come one Come ALL!! The Lustful, the Lonely, Fleener’s has always had a fascination with crystals. the Oh-Be-Joyful Gallery for the Thursday, January 28 Artwalk and the in Love. Seeley welcomes Artists of The Once he connected with wrapping these pieces inside West Elks with their “Wild Hearts” handmade sterling silver wire, he found a way to showcase the Valentine Cards with which to woo!! Along side these cleverly crafted cards, Kate will illumination of the crystals. Kyle is also an avid photographer. Colin Griffin began thinking be showcasing her ”Year of the Creature” project in progress since October 1st. The about the idea of illumination of light that is within and can be seen everywhere. This Creatures conjured thus far will be on show will mainly feature paintings that exhibit display and their personalities are bound the illumination that occurs spontaneously to intrigue even the crustiest mood. Please through the process of painting. The Piper join us for a cozy gathering of local artists Gallery is located in the Crested Butte Center and an exchange of banter and tid bits!! for the Arts on 6th Avenue. Call 970-349-7487 or Icehouse Art (Working studio of Artist, visit www.crestedbuttearts.org. Kate Seeley) is the stone, historic building, located on Second Street across the street from the Old Town Hall bus stop. For more Rijks Family Gallery information call 720-273-9155 or 970-349The Rijks carry work by 23 local and regional 1212. award-winning artists including photography, paintings, pottery, and woodwork. This month’s Oh Be Joyful Gallery featured artists are photographer Kevin Krill Opening its doors in the summer of 2008, and ceramist Laura Cooper Elm. Come by the Oh Be Joyful Gallery began featuring and meet the artists and see what’s new in the work of owners Shaun Horne and the gallery. Located at 310 Second Street. Call Dawn Cohen. Focused entirely on realist 970-349-5289 for more information or visit www. landscapes in oil with a strong emphasis on rijksgallery.com Art aficionados admire Raynor Czerwinski’s photographs plein air painting, the gallery has grown in at the John Ingham Gallery during Artwalk – Photo by Paul Gallaher a very short time to include the works of some Susan Anderton Fine Art Susan has opened a new studio/gallery “Susan Anderton Fine Art” at Third and Elk. The gallery features her own work in painting, drawing and printmaking. Recent work includes landscapes in oil and pastel. Open Thursday January 28 till 9 p.m. Regular hours are 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday thru Friday, or by appointment. For more information contact 970-349-8908, 970-349-1202 or www. susanandertonstudio@aol.com

Your Superbowl Sunday Headquarters Bar & Grille Watch the game in hD $1.75 coors Light and the neW “66er” for only $4.25 Raffle drawing featuring a snowboard, skis, and more! sLopesiDe – treasury center – mt. cresteD butte

PAGE 6 / CRESTEDBUTTEWEEKLY / January 28. 2010


John Ingham Gallery John Ingham has been an oil painter for over 35 years. He specializes in Native American portraits as well as landscapes from Colorado and the Southwest. John regularly updates his inventory in the gallery so stop by! His work can be seen at www.inghamart. com. Susan Marrion began painting about 5 years ago with no prior painting experience, although she’s been writing about nature and her beauty, moods and color for years. She is a “Rolfer” by trade, and one day John Ingham happened upon her door for bodywork. He took her in as a painting student and she has been learning to paint the way she feels outdoors ever since. Raynor Czerwinski displays photographs from around the globe as well as local landscapes. Currently, his passion lies in capturing the rare and fleeting light found only in stormy weather. He has framed and matted prints available in many sizes starting at $30. www.lucidlandscape.com. Located at 403 3rd Street. Open from 11 a.m. until 6 p.m. Call 970-349-5174 for more information.

n THE ARTS n Art Exhibit at Dogwood generously donated their time and Heejohng Chae is a self-taught artist who talent to help support this annual draws with technical pens and colored fundraiser. The best part is when pencils on white paper. Her work is drawn you buy a bowl you get to fill it free-hand without the use of computers or with as much soup as you can eat tools. After painting the mural “The Fish at our Souper Bowl reception on Tank” at the Talk of the Town in 2000, Tuesday, Feb. 9, 6-8. Come and Eye on the Arts features highlights on local artists, writers, gallery Heejohng has pursued her dream of art share a meal of homemade soups, openings, calls for auditions, theatre announcements and art classes. and has participated in group and solo breads, and desserts, sure to be a exhibitions in San Francisco, New York City, lot of fun for the whole family! and London. Heejohng recently moved back to Crested Butte, and will be having a solo exhibition of 8 pieces this Thursday, January Gallery Crawl and Artists’ Reception on Friday, February 5 28, 2010 from 5-7 p.m. at The Dogwood Cocktail Cabin at 309 Third Street, Crested Butte, Join us at the Gunnison Arts Center for a Gallery Crawl and Reception for the Kid Art Show CO. For more information call 970-349-6338. in the Upper Gallery. Local students from Kindergarten to High School will be exhibiting in the GAC’s Upper Gallery with a theme of “The Air Upstairs.” Come see the talent that is Acting Classes Offered hidden in the youth of Gunnison. Call the GAC for more information, 970-641-4029. Jamie Stambaugh, a frequent face on the CBMT stage and this year’s Best Actress Golden Marmot winner, will be offering acting classes at The Studio Art School starting January 24, New ‘Climbing Zine’ Released 2010. The course is 6 weeks long with a showcase at the end for parents and friends to The latest locally grown zine project is completed, and ready to be consumed. The see you shine. Classes are Sunday nights 7 - 8:30 p.m. for ages 15 – adult and Tuesdays “Climbing Zine” features local writers including: George Sibley, Greg Pettys, Morgan Fields, 7 - 8:30 p.m. for ages 8-14. The course is $120, 20% discount if you bring a friend. To Lisa Galterio, Al Smith, Travis Kuester and Luke Mehall. It’s the second locally produced register, please call Jamie at 970-901-2731. zine, following the “Gunnison Valley as Basecamp” zine that was released in 2009. A zine, pronounced “zeen” is a small circulation publication, with little emphasis on profit, and a Souper Bowl at the GAC strong emphasis on high quality, thought provoking creative writing. Copies are available It’s Souper Bowl time again at the Gunnison Arts Center! On display and up for bid by to purchase at the Firebrand in Gunnison or for free via email. Contact Luke Mehall at silent auction are 25 bowls thrown and glazed by 18 local “Celebrities” who took part in lmehall@yahoo.com for a copy or for more information about contributing to future zines. this year’s “Celebrity Bowl”. There are also many bowls, crafted by local potters who have

Mardi Gras

Get your parade and Gumbo on


he Crested Butte Mountain Theatre (CBMT) will once again present their annual Mardi Gras celebration. Parade and festivities will take place on Tuesday, February 16, 2010 beginning at 5:30

p.m. There is no charge for registering a float, but floats must be registered to be assigned a position in the parade. The parade will assemble near The Depot at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, February 16, and will set out at 5:30 p.m. following a route up Elk Avenue. Immediately following the parade there will be a “Gumbo Cookoff” competition upstairs in the Old Town Hall in the Mallardi Cabaret Theatre. Entrants must bring two gallons of their gumbo to the Theatre – bring crock-pots to keep it hot! Participants will pay $5 at the door for a bowl and a spoon and they will taste and vote for the best gumbo. The winner will be announced at 7:30 p.m. and will win a $100 cash prize. Please call 970-349-0366 to register as a gumbo entrant. During the gumbo tasting, there will be Mardi Gras music and dancing in the Mallardi Cabaret. CBMT thanks Jamie Walton of TRAILSOURCE.COM Inc. and Monica Carter for underwriting the costs of the Mardi Gras festivities. More underwriters are needed. Please call 970-349-0366 to underwrite or register for the parade or gumbo competition.

The Diary of Anne Frank

Next Mountain Theatre Production Crested Butte Mountain Theatre announces the next production in the Mallardi Cabaret Theatre, a new adaptation of The Diary of Anne Frank. Directed by Adam Bond, the cast includes: Anne Frank - Danielle Gilman / Leah Wrisley, Otto Frank - Ian Wrisley, Edith Frank - Monica Dillon, Margot Frank - Lauren Yehle, Peter Van Daan - Jeff Hargrove

, Mrs. Van Daan - Christel Yehle, Mr. Van Daan - Phil Klingsmith

, Mr. Dussel - John Hague, Miep Gies - Joolee Aurand, Mr. Kraler - Bill Jirsa, SS-Oberstgruppenführer Karl Silberbauer - Andrew Canale. Opening night is Thursday, February 4. There are seven further performances: February 5, 6, (two shows), 10, 11, 12, and 13. All evening shows are at 7:30 p.m. Doors and lobby bar open at 7:00 p.m. The two Pay What You Can performances are on Saturday, February 6 at 4 p.m. and Thursday, February 11 at 7:30 p.m. Students: $10 Adults: $15 CBMT Members: $12.50. For reservations please call 970-3490366.

Mountain Theatre Offers Ticket Deal Crested Butte Mountain Theatre is announcing a special ticket purchasing scheme that will last until April 1, 2010. Anyone purchasing two full-price $25, tickets to the big summer musical, Bye Bye Birdie, will receive one free admission to any play performed in the Mallardi Cabaret Theatre during 2010. The Diary of Anne Frank opens on February 4, so this is a way to get a free adult-price admission to that play, or any other play being presented in the Mallardi during 2010. Please call 970-349-0366 for further information, or to make your reservation now.

CBMT and Living Journeys Present

Cups - An Uplifting Experience


rested Butte Mountain Theatre and Living Journeys are collaborating to present a fundraising event in the Mallardi Cabaret Theatre on Valentine’s Day, Sunday February 14, 2010. There will be two performances of playwright/actress Joni Sheram’s play, Cups – An Uplifting Experience. Each performance will be preceded by a reception with delicious canapés and beverages. The first will be a 4 p.m. reception preceding a 4:30 p.m. performance. The second will be a 7:30 p.m. reception preceding an 8 p.m. performance. Cups is an uproarious one-woman play about the lives of women told through the contours and curves of bras. The details of women’s lives are shared in a series of delightful and moving tales that mirror changes in society while interweaving a very personal journey. You’ll laugh and cry and leave smiling. Bring your family, friends and the men in your life, too! Cups will take you on a hills and valley tour through the last half-century of American culture as you explore the important milestones experienced by the fairer sex. Joni Sheram is an actress, playwright and coach. She has written for the stage, television and the big screen. In addition she has worked as a trainer with the Joseph P. Kennedy Foundation, where she traveled the country for their “Community of Caring” program. Bob Bows from the Denver Post has written, “Sheram’s script captures many of the remarkable kaleidoscopic events witnessed by the past three or four generations, as well revealing a reflective and inquisitive spirit that artfully applies a liberal dose of humor to it all.” $20 includes the reception and the performance at either time. For reservations please call: 970-349-0366. Call the CBMT at 970-349-0366 for more information.

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January 28. 2010 / CRESTEDBUTTEWEEKLY / PAGE 7

n MUSIC n Boulder Acoustic Society

Live Music on Elk Avenue

Stretch Johnson Sat. 1.30. . . . . . Bokonon Free Show. $1 PBR. $2 Wells Fri. 1.29. . . . . .

& Children of the Horn with Just How - Free Show

Wed. 2.3. . . . . . Trevor “ Trouble” Andrew Fri. 2.5. . . . . . Space Janitors Check at the Eldo for additional Bands

– Happy Hour 4-8 pm – a Non-Smoking Establishment

Upstairs at 215 Elk Ave. next to the Post office 349-6125 • www.eldobrewpub.com


Boulder Acoustic Society

ComES to THE CENTER The Boulder Acoustic Society tackles the tradition of string instruments like rebel-rousing punks. Fusing fiddle, ukulele, accordion and upright bass into the unlikely pairing of acoustic bluegrass and a ska-like rockabilly, a BAS concert conjures thrashing around in an Irish bar with the resounding crowd chorus to match. The influential moment came when Aaron Keim (ukulele, bass, vocals) attended a hootenanny at Cipher’s Mill on the Philmont Ranch in New Mexico. The 150-year old cabin reverberated with generation-crossing improvisation. That community connectivity is BAS’ goal, and they do it with electrifying eccentrics. Kailin Yong (violin, ukulele, vocals), former street musician, can sing in Mandarin Chinese. Scott McCormick (accordion ukulele, piano, vocals) synthesizes his influences from gospel churches to punk clubs and can sing in Gaelic. Scott Aller (percussion, vocals) left his drum kit for a wooden box, washboard and a pile of scrap metal and sports one mean mohawk. Now the quartet is raisin’ the roof and stompin’ down the dirt at venues such as the Rocky Mountain Folk Festival and Four Corners Festival as well as the International Ukulele Celidih in Liverpool, Nova Scotia. Tickets are $15 in advance and $20 the night of the show. They can be purchased by calling the Center’s box office at 970-349-7487, ext 3, online at www.crestedbuttearts.org or by stopping by the Center in person, Monday-Friday from 9 - 5 p.m. Sponsored by KBUT

All flavors of Absolute Vodka .750ml $20.49! CB South / 970.349.1472 10am to 10pm Mon-Sat / Noon - 8pm Sundays

THURSDAY, JANUARY 28 LC Lila is part tumbleweed, part starfish. She saw the cracks that let the light in and started singing through them. They widened. Chris is the snowman who came to life, heard Ray Brown, and started emanating the low sounds that are the spine of everything. When you hear them, you will shake softly in a deep place. The Princess Wine Bar 8:30 p.m.; 218 Elk Avenue in Crested Butte; 970- 349-0210 Karaoke Every Thursday night, karaoke features a 10,000+ song playlist, 6 flat screen monitors, and Hi-Fi sound system. Free SAKE while you’re singing! The Lobar 10 p.m.; Downstairs at 3rd and Elk in Crested Butte; 970349-0480; www.thelobar.com Gypsy Jazz Social Club Traditional Gypsy melodies and swing tunes from the 1930s to present day jazz standards. This four-piece version of the GJSC consists of Les Choy “El Chino” and Roger Sherman on guitars and vocal, Drew Murzda on mandolin, and Jeff Reynolds playing the upright bass. django’s restaurant & wine bar 4 p.m.; Mountaineer Square in Mt. Crested Butte, 970- 349-7574; www.djangos.us

Stretch Johnson & Children of the Horn Stretch Johnson & Children of the Horn is a group of Crested Butte musicians who have come together to bring the people some booty-shakin’, horn-driven party music! The old and new schools of funk inspire the band’s grooves. Stretch Johnson is the rhythmic foundation of Casey Falter on guitar/vocals, Brian Schneider on bass/vocals, Justin Howard on keys/synth/vocals, and Chris Penfield on drums. Children of The Horn features Paul Barney on trumpet, and August Hasz on baritone and tenor sax. The Dana Kyle Stokes plays at the Eldo 10:30 p.m. - Free Show; Flying Burritos in Gunnison 215 Elk Avenue in Crested Friday, January 29 Butte; 970-349-6125; www. eldobrewpub.com

Evelyn Roper Evelyn’s songs are in storied form but are rich with symbolism. Her lyrics have been described as “a painting, a poem and a song” all in one. At the “Flying B” she performs rockabilly, roots-rock, covers and originals from Buddy Holly and Johnny Cash, to Emmylou and Joni Mitchell, to Stevie Ray and the Marshall Tucker Band. Evelyn’s show is a treat that has a fierce local following. Check in at the Quality Inn under Flying Burritos and get a special rate. The Flying Burritos Bar 9 p.m. – Free; 107 S. Main St. in Gunnison, 970641-5777; www.flyingburritosbar.com

PAGE 8 / CRESTEDBUTTEWEEKLY / January 28. 2010

fFRIDAY, JANUARY 29 Boulder Acoustic Society Winners of the “Best Americana Song” for the Independent Music Awards, Boulder Acoustic Society is a phenomenal example of grits-meet-grace. As its name might suggest, this young quartet specializes in all things acoustic: fiddles, ukuleles, accordions, and more. BAS’s music is not only exciting to hear but exciting to watch, with something new and interesting at the change of each song. These guys tackle the traditions while morphing them into brand-new favorites. Center for the Arts 8 p.m.; 606 6th Street in Crested Butte; 970-349-7487, ext. 3; www.crestedbuttearts.org

DJ TWO3 DJ TWO3 (aka Ben Somrak) has been bringing fresh, exclusive tracks and mixes to the tables night after night, keeping a close eye on the major club scenes and DJ playlists from big cities around the world. Taking major influence from other DJs such as DJ Bedz and DJ Wonder, DJ TWO3 brings a wide variety of music to the crowds’ ears. From hip hop to dance beats to some old school, the playlist is sure to keep all ages moving. The Lobar 10 p.m.; Downstairs at 3rd and Elk in Crested Butte; 970- 349-0480; www.thelobar.com

The SETLIST continues on the following page


The Derels The Forest Queen 9:30 p.m. 129 Elk Avenue in Crested Butte; 970-349-0236 Bill Dowell One of Crested Butte’s local favorites. Bill plays classic acoustic rock and roll with a little country and some original tunes thrown in for good measure. He is often joined by his wife Patti Gast on vocals and Steve Farley on guitar. The Princess is a great after dinner venue for a place to relax and enjoy a drink or dessert after a night on the town. The Princess Wine Bar 8:30 p.m.; 218 Elk Avenue; 970- 349-0210 Dana Kyle Stokes and Windy Martin Dana Kyle Stokes career has taken him from clubs to concert halls across the nation. His deep rich bass / baritone voice, has been hailed by fellow musicians as the “Voice of the Century.” Dana’s supporting live performance credits include Reba MacIntyre, T.G. Shepperd, Doug Kershaw, Hank Williams Jr., Asleep at the Wheel, Teri Clark, Robert Earl Keen, Levon Helm and The Barnburners, Hot Tuna, Jorma Kaukonen and Jack Casady. Dana’s show is a tribute to traditional country, a notto-miss show for all country fans of all ages. Check in at the Quality Inn under Flying Burritos and get a special rate. The Flying Burritos Bar 10 p.m. 107 S. Main St. in Gunnison; 970-641-5777; www.flyingburritosbar.com SATURDAY, JANUARY 30 Bokonon Bokonon, the Denver-based seven-piece rock group, offers an original take on instrumental music by combining elements of rock, jazz, classical, world, jam, and electronic music to create a complex powerhouse of sound. Drawing from the influences of artists such as Phish, Frank Zappa, and Tool, Bokonon pushes the limits of progressive music with its eclectic sounds, intense arrangements, and mind-warping melodies. The Eldo 10:30 p.m. - FREE; 215 Elk Avenue in Crested Butte; 970- 349-6125; www.eldobrewpub.com DjEM Featuring a modern hip-hop playlist punctuated with classics and rarities from the 80’s + 90’s, DjEM will be spinning live, and combining MUSIC + VIDEO to entertain and keep everyone dancing until 2 a.m. The Lobar 10 p.m.; Downstairs at 3rd and Elk in Crested Butte; 970-349-0480; www.thelobar.com LC See Thursday, January 28th for description The Princess Wine Bar 8:30 p.m.; 218 Elk Avenue; 970- 349-0210

SUNDAY, JANUARY 31 Singer-Songwriter Night Rumor’s Coffee and Tea House 7 p.m. 414 Elk Avenue, 349-0504

We want your photos Having fun on the hill? Immersed in natural splendor? Livin’ life with your friends?

Monday, febraury 1 Dobro Dave Come experience Dobro Dave’s acoustic blues and jam sound. Playing mostly on the square neck dobro and acoustic guitar, Dave’s mostly original set includes stylized covers from artists like Neil Young and Ben Harper. Utilizing a free form approach, his ability to noodle in between songs and expand the music allows each show to become a distinct emotional ride. The Princess Wine Bar 8:30 p.m.; 218 Elk Avenue in Crested Butte; 970-349-0210

Give us quirky culture. Give us beauty. Send us your best Crested Butte photos and see your smiling face in black and white.

Limit of three photos per week. Must be 300 dpi or greater. Come by with a CD. 349-1710

TUESDAY, febraury 2 Lee McClain The Princess Wine Bar 8:30 p.m. 218 Elk Avenue in Crested Butte; 970-349-0210 Wednesday, febraury 3 Trouble Andrew Trouble Andrew has been making noise for over a decade through the snowboard, skate, and surf worlds, playing at events like X Games and Burton Snowboard world tours. Trevor Andrew aka Trouble Andrew has been a professional snowboarder for Burton since the age of 14, breaking his bones for respect and a paycheck. His music was born out of the sk8 and snowboard culture Trouble grew up in. The sound is ‘80s pop, punk, surf, sk8rock, electro-krunk all mixed together: a mash-up sound he’s calls “krunk rock.” The Eldo 10 p.m.; 215 Elk Avenue in Crested Butte; 970-349-6125, www.eldobrewpub.com DJ D Row D Row, is a local DJ who hosts the Ital show on KBUT. The music revolves around Dubstep, Dance, Glitch electronics with influences ranging from EOTO to Pretty Lights. It will be a night full of heavy beats and dub mixology, one not to be missed! The Lobar 10:00 p.m.; Downstairs at 3rd and Elk in Crested Butte; 349-0480, www.thelobar.com The Windy City Ramblers The Princess Wine Bar 8:30 p.m. 218 Elk Avenue in Crested Butte; 970-349-0210 Open Mic Night The Forest Queen 7 p.m. 129 Elk Avenue in Crested Butte; 970-349-0236 The Set List is sponsored by KBUT, a community radio station serving Gunnison County, Colorado since 1986. Over 80 volunteer DJ’s program a diverse mix of music including jazz, blues, rock and bluegrass. KBUT broadcasts 24 hours a day, seven days a week and can be heard at 90.3 FM in Crested Butte, 89.9 FM in Gunnison and 94.9 FM in Almont. Visit them at www.kbut.org or call 970-349-5225 for more information.

Suzy Bogguss Tickets Now On Sale!

The Center for the Arts proudly welcomes critically acclaimed country singer Suzy Bogguss to the stage on Friday, February 12 at 8 p.m. Suzy Bogguss is not only a household name in the country music world, but a well-known name in the country music hall of fame, too. Bogguss reached the Top 15 in 1989 with “Cross My Broken Heart” and again in 1991 with a duet with Lee Greenwood, “Hopelessly Yours.” However, the 1991 album Aces spawned three Top 10 hits -- “Outbound Plane,” “Aces” and “Letting Go.” Those successes earned her the Horizon Award for most promising artist at the 1992 CMA awards. In 1993, Bogguss climbed to No. 2 with John Hiatt’s “Drive South,” followed by the Top 5 hits “Just Like the Weather” and “Hey Cinderella.” Tickets are $30 and are on sale now. Purchase them by calling the box office at 970-349-7487, x4, online at www.crestedbuttearts.org, or by stopping by the Center for the Arts between 9 a.m.-5 p.m. MondayFriday. A huge round of applause to our Winter Season sponsors including gold sponsor Crested Butte Lodging and Property Management, Eagle Resort Development, Starr & Associates, Bank of America, the Princess Wine Bar and Western Design and Red Lady Realty.


Steve Snyder Steve Snyder has been playing for 21 years in Crested Butte. Heralding from musical roots in West Virginia, Steve delights with a vast array from folk, country and classic rock. You’ll hear your favorites of Johnny Cash, The Band and Waylon Jennings. Talk of the Town “When he’s damn good and ready” (or around 6:30 p.m.); 230 Elk Avenue in Crested Butte; 970-349-6809

Opening for Saturday & Sunday Brunch beginning Jan 30th 10am-2pm Colorado Inspired Cuisine

Timberline Brunch Crab Benedict Vegetable Benedict Steak & Eggs Benedict Mascarpone French Toast with Walnuts & Pears A Trio of Pancakes Winter Vegetable Frittata Huevos Rancheros Goat Cheese Pizzetta & Greens Parker Pastures Burger Early Bird Specials: $15 ‘till 6 p.m. Happy Hour Specials at the Bar ‘till 7 p.m. 2nd and Elk • 349-9831 Reservations available at timberlinerestaurant.com Mon-Sat. 5 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. closed on Sundays


Crested Butte South Ruben’s New Mexican Restaurant

Friday, Jan 29th

Games start around 8:00pm Arrive Early for good Seating (doors open at 7:00pm)

Compete for Cash, Gift Certificates. Music and more... Come out and get your BINGO on! KBUT Bingo is an Over-21 Event This is not your mother’s Bingo!! January 28. 2010 / CRESTEDBUTTEWEEKLY / PAGE 9

Call 349-5225 for more




Look down on Whoville form the Big Mine Loop. – Photo by www.XavierFane.com

for their continued participation in preserving open space in Gunnison County.

"Open space is important to my psyche." - Karyn Adelman, owner 202 Elk Avenue; 349-9886

To enroll your business in the 1% for Open Space program, call 349-1775. Participation costs nothing. It is worth everything.

Make your reservations NOW for Valentines Day space is limited

Offering a Special 8 Course PrixFixe Dinner for 2 with a Wine pairing available Locals ALWAYS receive 20% Off ion on Dinner menu items Ment and

ad this an get ional addit ff 5% o

(excluding special holiday menus)

Entrees range from $22-$36

Open Nightly for Dinner 5-10 p.m. Serving Brunch Saturday and Sunday 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. 349-9699 • www.eastsidebistro.com • 6th and Sopris

Boulder Acoustic Society

Opening Act: Jason McNiff Grit Meets Grace Colorado Style Friday, January 29th 8:00 p.m. • $15/advance, $20/door

Race Across The Sky Leadville Trail 100

Friday, February 5th 7:30 p.m. • Tickets are $7.00

Suzy Bogguss

Opening Act: Steve Snyder Friday, February 12th 8:00 p.m. • $30

In the Piper Gallery

Colin Griffin, Anette Akselsen & Kyle Fleener

“Gems and Illumination” • January 14th-February 8th

For more information, please contact the Center at 349-7487 or www.crestedbuttearts.org PAGE 10 / CRESTEDBUTTEWEEKLY / January 28. 2010

Nordic News

By Laura Puckett.

The Crested Butte Nordic Center is a full-service cross-country ski center providing professional lessons and complete rental packages for skate and classical skiing, as well as ice skating, snowshoeing, and sledding. The Nordic Center maintains approximately 50 kilometers of groomed trails via four trailheads, around the scenic outskirts of Crested Butte. For more information contact: 349-1707 or visit www.cbnordic.org

Alley Loop on the Horizon Skis, boots, poles, check. Skate clinic, check. Registration? Check it off your Alley Loop prep list by registering now through the Events page on our web site, www.cbnordic.org. We also need volunteers to make this event a success (and to ensure the volunteer party is rip-roaring fun)! There is plenty to help with that won’t keep you from racing. Stop by the Nordic Center to add your name to the volunteer sign-up list, or call Janelle, 970-349-1707, ext. 4 or email janelle@cbnordic.org. Valentine’s Brunch at the Yurt Don’t miss this Valentine’s opportunity! Sunday, February 14 treat your sweetie to a “Ski a Deux” and a special brunch at the yurt for only $20 per person! Sign-up early to get your preferred “seating” time of 11 a.m. or noon by calling the Nordic center, 970-349-1707, ext. 3. Get Your Skis Race Ready Want to cut 25 minutes off your Alley Loop time, or 35 minutes off your Grand Traverse time? A round in the Nordic Center’s new Toko Hotbox could make all the difference. Used to saturate ski bases with wax, the hotbox process takes three days because of a multi-stage waxing process. For $49 you get the whole process with two coats of high-quality low-fluoro wax. We can also hotbox Alpine skis, though these bigger skis will be $55 to allow for the extra wax needed. We’ll be hotboxing in batches, so drop your skis off by 5:30 on Tuesdays and they’ll be ready by noon Friday. Call or stop by the Nordic Center to sign up for this World Cup technology, 970-249-1707, ext. 3. Moonlight Dining a Hit, Sign Up While You Can! Our moonlight dinners are filling up fast, so call now to reserve your spot for February 28 or March 30. Ski or snowshoe beneath the full moon to the yurt, where you’ll find a four-course meal catered by Maxwell’s. Wine and beer will be available for purchase, with special wines from a featured Colorado vineyard poured by their own knowledgeable representative. Cost is $40 per person, $60 if you need a trail pass and rental equipment. Doors open at 6 and dinner is served at 6:30. Make your reservations by calling the Nordic center, 970-349-1707, ext. 3. Trails Opening Hooray for the snow! Especially in the Nordic world, for it means we’ve been able to groom the Middle Earth trails. We’re excited to open these trails to expand the East side network and provide some more challenging terrain. Stay tuned for updates on the Mordor and Skyland trail, which we hope to have open soon!

Nordic Trail of the Week

Trail: Big Mine Loop Distance: 1.5K Difficulty: Moderate The Big Mine Loop is where it’s at during a storm cycle. With all of this fresh snow the Nordic trails have been setting up nicely, but keeping up with the grooming can be a bit of a challenge. Your best bet for a freshly laid track is to head up to the Bench, for the groomers nearly always work there first. Within steps of the Nordic center, the 1.5 km Big Mine Loop is a world away. Starting out in the open meadow you head towards Kebler Pass, then its mellow slopes curve around into the woods where you’re sheltered from the wind. Swishing between snow-laden branches, the Big Mine Loop is particularly lovely at night when the valley is quiet and the town of Mt. Crested Butte sits like a cluster of stars in the distance.

Gunnison River Festival Bingo The Gunnison River Festival will be hosting bingo night at the Elk Lodge (123 S. Main St.) in Gunnison on January 29th at 7:30 PM. All proceeds from pre-sold tickets go directly to the festival and are available by calling 970-596-7094. Join us for some great door prizes and support this great cause while getting your chance to holler “BINGO”!

“Race Across the Sky” Tickets Now on Sale

Get up-close and personal with professional mountain biker and long-time Gunnison resident Dave Wiens and the epic journey of the Leadville 100 at the presentation of the documentary “Race Across the Sky” on Friday, February 5 at 7:30 p.m. at the Center for the Arts in Crested Butte. The presentation will end with a question and answer session with Dave Wiens and Boulder participant Amy Wood. The Leadville 100 started in 1983 and is held annually on trails and dirt roads at high altitude west and south of Leadville, Colorado, through the heart of the Rocky Mountains. The course is difficult, with bikers climbing and descending 15,600 feet with elevations ranging between 9,200-12,620 feet. Because of its difficulty, it is common for less than half the starters to complete the race ahead of its 30-hour time limit. This event will sell out so get your tickets now!! Tickets are $7.00 and can be purchased by calling the Center’s box office at 970-349-7487, ext 3, online at crestedbuttearts.org or by stopping by the Center in person, Monday-Friday from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. A huge round of applause to our Winter Season sponsors including gold sponsor Crested Butte Lodging and Property Management, Eagle Resort Development, Starr & Associates, Bank of America, the Princess Wine Bar and Western Design and Red Lady Realty.


SPORTS n Don’t crawl out of your skins – Photo courtesy of Crested Butte Mountain Guides


Your Chamber Plan The Crested Butte Chamber Health us for Plan Join

mber a h c *Lower premiums for employer-sponsored s r u o h r e t f a coverage through the Chamber Get covered and enjoy...

*Deeper discounts on medicalcenter services for the arts The Air Up10th There Thursday, September 5-7 p.m. *Mix & match plans to meet your needs (at their new location, 319 Elk• Avenue) come to network fellow chamber *One more reason to attract and with keep the bestmembers TONIGHT: January 28th 5-7 p.m. over food Thursday, and refreshments. Catered by Le Bosquet. employees! Join us forKristen BusinessatNetworking over food Contact the Chamber withand anyrefreshments! questions

The Guide’s Corner

Contact Kristen at the Chamber with any questions. Call today to get covered: 970-704-9421 www.rfchp.com 349-6438 Sponsored by 349-6438

Skin to Win

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The Roaring Fork Community Health Plan does not condition membership on any health-related factor relating to an individual (including employees, employers or their dependents). The RFCHP offers health insurance coverage to Chamber members in good standing and their employees only, regardless of any health status related factor relating to these individuals. submittoday. all editorial pieces including press Employers: to be eligible for RFCHP plans, Please join the Chamber

releases and announcements to Copy Editor Bonnie Chlipala at info@cbweekly.com. All copy due Monday at noon.

To set up your ad and talk advertising strategies contact Sales Representative Laura Silva at sales@cbweekly.com. All new ads due Monday at 5 p.m. To contact our graphics department email: ads@cbweekly.com. To learn more about the exciting new columns: Eye on the Arts, Delicious Dish, Local Writer’s Page, Set List, Community Bulletin Board and become a part contact Editor Molly Murfee at editor@cbweekly.com. As always you can call us at 970-349-1710. CRESTED BUTTE

We’ve been talking the last few weeks about things that can make or break your day in the backcountry. Another key component in the gear pack is your skins. Those of you who have had to tour with skins that aren’t quite wide enough, don’t have any glue left or that don’t seem to be getting any purchase on icy skin tracks, know that it’s incredibly frustrating not to have your skins cooperating. It’s fighting an uphill battle while going uphill! First off, there are many choices when looking at skins - tip attachments, tail attachments, nylon, mohair, mohair mix - the list goes on. Your first distinguishing factor is nylon or mohair. Nylon is what most of the general public should be going for, Rando racers or euro skiers tend to go with mohair. Nylon may be slightly heavier and doesn’t get very good glide on a flat track, but these skins are durable and will last you years and years. Mohair really gives you that superior natural glide, but it also requires superior skill and often the purchase on steep skin tracks is not as good as nylon. Mohair also tends to break down fairly quickly, and if you are spending a lot of time on them, they may expire after only one or two seasons. Next question is sizing—you want to choose a skin width that is 10mm under the tip width of your ski. If your ski tip is 130mm, get a 120mm skin. This insures that you’re getting wall-to-wall coverage, but not cutting off an excessive amount of material. Also make sure that you are getting a big enough tip loop for your ski tips. Some models have moved away from loops to two clamps that can accommodate any fat planks. As far as glue, each manufacture has their own special blend of adhesive. You shouldn’t need to re-glue for several years, and quite frankly it rarely works. It’s extremely toxic to do and it typically doesn’t make a significant difference. You’re better off investing in a new pair of skins. You can extend the life of your skin glue by using the mesh sheets when storing your skins and keeping them in a cool, dry place. Also keep a bar of ‘glop stopper’ in your pack—this will be another ‘life saver’ on warm days where the snow sticks to the bottom of your skins. The Guide’s Corner is sponsored by Crested Butte Mountain Guides (CBMG). CBMG offers hut trips, multi-day tours, ice climbing ventures, avalanche courses, ski mountaineering adventures, half and full day cross-country ski tours, snowshoe tours and backcountry ski and snowboard trips. All backcountry gear can be provided. For more information contact CBMG at 970-3495430 or visit www.crestedbutteguides.com.

Beacon Clinics

Town of Crested Butte

Crested Butte Mountain Guides will be hosting a Beacon Clinic on Sunday, February 14 from 12- 4 p.m. in the Town Park by the Center for the Arts. Do your friends a favor and refresh your beacon search skills with AIARE (American Institute for Avalanche Research and Education) and AMGA (American Mountain Guides Association) trained and certified guides. Subjects covered include marking for multiple burials, the newest in 3 antennae beacons, deep burial search skills and much more. For $10, it’s the most important 3 hours in the park you can spend before heading into the backcountry. Call 349-5430 for more details or to sign up.

Terrain Talk More Snow at CBMR

Naturally, more snow at Crested Butte Mountain Resort means more playtime for all! As the snowstorms that rolled into the area early this week stick around and continue to drop white fluffy flakes almost constantly, skiers and riders are reveling by visiting powder stashes they have not seen yet this year—until now. The prediction from the National Weather Service gives reason to believe that the snow won’t stop in the Crested Butte area any time soon, either. With nine inches in one night alone and sixteen inches in the last week, many runs offer untracked powder or the option to carve new tracks on freshly groomed cruisers. In the spirit of celebration, Crested Butte Mountain Resort offers an extra incentive to check the “pow cam” on skicb.com: When six inches of snow accumulates, as shown by the gauging stake on the real-time mid-mountain camera between 4 p.m. and the opening of the ticket office the next day, fifty lift tickets will go on sale for fifty percent off! One person per day can get a lift ticket at that fabulous price when the resort hits the magic number six, so make sure to visit skicb.com to see what the pow cam reports, then head to any ticket office--don’t miss out.

february 6, 2010 • crested butte, colorado January 28. 2010 / CRESTEDBUTTEWEEKLY / PAGE 11

Crested Butte

Located in the Heart of downtown Crested Butte at 405 4th Street

Soups, Muffins & Sandwiches

January 28

All Winter! Offering a wide selection of organic groceries including fresh produce coffee • dairy • frozen • bulk food supplements • health & beauty earth friendly cleaning products

The free Mountain Express town bus runs between the towns of Crested Butte and Mt. Crested Butte every fifteen minutes from 7:15 a.m. until 10 p.m., with buses running every 30 minutes until midnight- check for varying schedules at each bus stop.

each stop. For more information call 970-349-5616 or visit www.mtnexp.org.

The Mt. Crested Butte condo loop bus runs from 8 a.m. until midnight. Stop times are dependent on destination. Specific schedules are posted at

The Gunnison / Denver bus can be found at www.gunisonvalleyrta.org or www.blackhillsstagelines.com.

Open 8 a.m.-8 p.m. Daily (970) 349-5132

Electric Loop. . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5 . . . . . . . . . Yes Upper/Lower Red Lady . . . . 4 . . . . . . . . . . . Yes Bench. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.5 . . . . . . . . . Yes Peanut Lake Trail. . . . . . . . . 2.5 . . . . . . . . . Yes Riverbend Connector . . . . . .2.5. . . . . . . . . Yes Beaver Trail . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5 . . . . . . . . . Yes Magic Meadows . . . . . . . . . 3 . . . . . . . . . . . Yes Inner Magic Meadows . . . . 1.75. . . . . . . . . Yes Pooches Paradise . . . . . . . . 4.5 . . . . . . . . . Yes Town Ranch - Big Wag . . . . 3 . . . . . . . . . . . Yes Skyland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . . . . . . Yes The Maze . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.75. . . . . . . . . Yes Mt. CB Rec Path . . . . . . . . . 3.25 . . . . . . . . Yes Paradise Park. . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . Yes With the exception of the Town Ranch Trail and Mt./CB Rec. Path, the above trails require a “Trails Pass” Available at the Crested Butte Nordic Center located at 2nd & Whiterock.

Call 349-1707 for the most current information. www.cbnordic.org Sponsored By

The home of Crested Butte’s original Nordic Ski School.

Enjoy your vacation. Come back and stay with us. www.nordicinncb.com 349-5542 Mt. Crested Butte PAGE 12 / CRESTEDBUTTEWEEKLY / January 28. 2010


Friday, January 29 8:45 a.m. Stretching for Balance Class taught by Bill Smith at the Gym in Riverland. $10. 349-2588. 10 a.m. Create with Kelly at the Trailhead Discovery Museum. Print with wood block carvings. All ages welcome. Located downstairs in the Treasury Center. 970349-7160 for more info. 10:30 a.m. Story Time @ Your Library, ages 3 and up, at the CB Old Rock Library, 507 Maroon, 349-6535. 11 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Crested Butte (Big Mine) Ice Rink. Public Skate. For Ice Rink events today call the Rink Hotline at 349-0974. 4-6 p.m. Drop off artwork for the 2010 Kid Art Show at the Gunnison Art Center. 641-4029. 4 and 5:30 p.m. CBCS High School Varsity Basketball v. Creede @ CB. Girls at 4 and Boys at 5:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. – Communion Service at Queen of All Saints Catholic Church at 4th and Sopris Avenue. 6:30 p.m. (around) Steve Snyder at the Talk of the Town. 349-6809. 7 p.m. KBUT Bingo Night at Ruben’s in CB South. $10. 349-5225. 8:30 p.m. Bill Dowell at the Princess Wine Bar. 349-0210. 8 p.m. Boulder Acoustic Society to perform at Center for the Arts Tickets are $15 in advance and $20 at the door. 970-349-7487 ext 3. 9:30 p.m. The Derels at the Forest Queen, 129 Elk Ave. 349-0236. 10 p.m. – Live DJ and dancing with DJ Two3 (aka Ben Somrak) at the Lobar. Call 349-0480. 10 p.m. Dana Kyle Stokes and Windy Martin at Flying Burritos Bar, 107 S. Main, Gunnison. 970-641-5777. 10:30 p.m. – Stretch Johnson & Children of the Horn at The Eldo. $5. 3496125.


View all Gunnison County listings on our web

Sat Ful 10 art Mu scie age Cen 10 Ice Announced. For Ice Rink events today c 12 - 3:30 p.m. Enter to win prizes at O Project C at Butte 66. Live music with B 9673. 5 p.m. Robel Straubhaar Memorial Se Church. 6 p.m. Reception for Robel Straubhaa Mountain Heritage Museum. 6:00 p.m. Full Moon Dinner at the Yur advance by calling the Nordic Center 34 5 p.m. Dobro Dave plays live at Rumo 8:30 p.m. LC at the Princess Wine Bar 10 p.m. DjEM at the Lobar. 349-0480. 10:30 p.m. Bokonon at the Eldo. Free


J a n u a ry


215 Elk Avenue • info@redladyrealty.c (970) 349-5007 www.redladyrealty.com



Sun 7:3 Inte 8a 8:3 All Ave 9a ser 9a 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. Crested Butte (Big M To Be Announced. For Ice Rink events t 5 p.m. – All Saints in the Mountains E at Queen of All Saints Catholic Church, website at allsaintsinthemountains.org. 7 p.m. – Singer-songwriter night at R 8 p.m. Fire and EMS Fundraiser at the

J anu ar y

Big Mine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5. . . . . . . . . . Yes

Thursday, January 28 8 a.m. Drop in Meditation at Union Congregational Church. Come for the full half hour or for as long as you like. Instructions are provided. For more information call 349-6464. 8:30 a.m. Women’s Book Discussion group at UCC. Call 349-6405. 12 Noon All Saints in the Mountains Episcopal Church Community Healing Service every Thursday at Queen of All Saints Catholic Church, 4th & Sopris. 349-9371 or the website at allsaintsinthemountains.org. 11 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Crested Butte (Big Mine) Ice Rink. Public Skate. For Ice Rink events today call the Rink Hotline at 349-0974. 4 p.m. CBCS Middle School Basketball CB 7th & 8th vs Gunnison 7th & 8th @ 4 p.m. @ Gunnison. 4 p.m. Gypsy Jazz Social Club at django’s restaurant & wine bar, Mountaineer Square, Mt. Crested Butte. 349-7574. www.djangos.us 5 - 8 p.m. Artwalk, a self-guided tour of participating local galleries. 8:30 p.m. LC performs at The Princess Wine Bar. 349-0210. 9 p.m. Evelyn Roper at The Flying Burritos Bar, 107 Main Street, Gunnison. Free. 970-641-5777. 10 p.m. Karaoke at The Lobar. 349-0480.

Call the experts at Crested Bu Oldest Real Estate Company.


Mo 11 Mi ev 09 1:3 se at to 5:3 Of All Saints Catholic Church, 4th & Sop 6:30 p.m. Unconditional Love and La


F e b r ua r y



J a n u a ry

Be avalanche aware. Always ski with a friend.


The RTA Gunnison / Crested Butte bus schedule can be found at www. gunnisonvalleyrta.org.

The Trailhead Children’s Discovery Museum is open daily 9:30-4:30 downstairs in the Treasury Center. Gems and Illumination Show at Piper Gallery at the Center for the Arts through February 8.

J a n ua r y

Trails Report (in Kilometers)




Trail Name

Sunrise 7:17 am • Sunset 5:25

Transportation Box




ertainment Calendar • February 3

Alley Hats

Sunrise 7:12 am • Sunset 5:32

At home in the west.


Next to Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory

Scott says….

Dinner at the Chamber of Commerce, 601 Elk Ave., CB. Bring a dish to share. 349-6464. 8:30 p.m. Dobro Dave performs at The Princess Wine Bar. 349-0210.

Peace, love and HATS!


Fe b rua ry

Tuesday, February 2 8 a.m. GCEA Grant Presentation 37250 Hwy 50, Gunnison CO 81230. GCEA has been awarded Colorado Development’s first Energy Audit Grant through their Renewable Energy for America Program. Call 970-874-5735 for more information. 8:45 – 10 a.m. Strength through Core Power Yoga Class. Yoga for the Peaceful Studio, 114 Elk Ave, CB. 349-0302. 10:30 Story Time @ Your Library (Baby & Toddler Age 0-3). CB Old Rock Library, 507 Maroon, 349-6535. 11 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Crested Butte (Big Mine) Ice Rink. Public Skate. For Ice Rink events today call the Rink Hotline at 349-0974. 1-2:30 p.m. Caregiver’s Support Group meets in Parlor of the Union Congregational Church. All caregivers welcome. Call Joanne 349-0368. 5:30 p.m. – Catholic Mass at Queen Of All Saints Catholic Church in Crested Butte, 4th and Sopris. 8:30 p.m. Lee McClain performs at the Princess Wine Bar. 349-0210.



turday, January 30 ll Moon in Leo! a.m. Light and Shadow science and event at the Trailhead Discovery useum. The Dark Room will be our ence lab! Fun science for children of all es. Located downstairs in the Treasury nter. 970-349-7160 for more info. a.m. – 3 p.m. Crested Butte (Big Mine) e Rink. Public Skate or Games To Be call the Rink Hotline at 349-0974. ORE celebration of collaboration with Buntron Smith starting at 3 p.m. 349-

ervice at the Union Congregational

ar’s Memorial at the Crested Butte

rt. Make reservations 48 hours in 49-1707, ext. 3. ors. r. 349-0210.

e. 349-6125.

nday, January 31 30 a.m. – Oh-Be-Joyful Church ercessory Prayer. a.m. – Oh-Be-Joyful Bible Study. 30 a.m. – Catholic Mass at Queen of Saints Catholic Church, 4th & Sopris enue. a.m. Union Congregational Church rvice and Sunday School. 349-6405. a.m. – Oh-Be-Joyful Church Service. Mine) Ice Rink. Public Skate or Games today call the Rink Hotline at 349-0974. Episcopal Church Eucharist Services 402 Sopris. Contact 349-9371 or the

Rumors Coffee & Tea House. 349-7545 he Lobar. 349-0480.

onday, February 1 1 a.m. – 3 p.m. Crested Butte (Big ine) Ice Rink. Public Skate. For Ice Rink vents today call the Rink Hotline at 349974. 30 p.m. Two Butte Senior Bus takes enior participants to Water Aerobics class the Gunnison Rec Center. Call Barbara join the fun at 349-9296. 30 p.m. Communion Service at Queen pris. aw of Attraction Workshop and Potluck


ne i W

fo th

Who loves ya baby?

ek e eW f th o ne i W

ek e eW

Tempranillo Finca El Tesso (2007)

Wednesday, February 3 Another small vineyard 8 a.m. Stretching for Balance Class taught by Bill Smith at the Union selection from Congregational Church. Donation. western Spain 349-2588. 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. Crested Butte (Big Open Located Monday-Saturday Mine) Ice Rink. Public Skate. For Ice Rink in the 9 am - 10 pm events today call the Rink Hotline at Majestic Plaza Sunday 9 am - 7 pm 349–5709 349-0974. 1:30 p.m. Two Butte Senior Bus takes senior participants to Water Aerobics class at the Gunnison Rec Center. Call Barbara to join the fun at 349-9296. IN 1985, A PASSIONATE GROUP OF 5 p.m. till midnight – Ladies Night (drink specials) at local residents began raising money for the Dogwood Cocktail Cabin, on 3rd Street between Elk a community arts center. Two years later they had raised $425,000 and Maroon on the alley. Call 349-6338 or online at the and the old county road maintenance garage was renovated into the current 6,000 dogwoodcocktailcabin.com. square-foot Center for the Arts facility which houses a 215-seat auditorium with a 5:30 p.m. – Communion Service at Queen of All Saints stage, lobby, art gallery (exhibiting the work of local artists) set shop and two Catholic Church, 4th & Sopris Avenue. dressing rooms. The Center also has an attached outdoor stage. The facility is owned by the Town of Crested Butte and is leased to the Center for $1.00/year. The official 7 p.m. to Closing. Open Mic at the Forest Queen. 349grand opening gala was held on December 28, 1987. 5299. The Center for the Arts was incorporated as a Colorado non-profit organization on 8:30 p.m. The Windy City Ramblers at The Princess Wine December 26, 1986. IRS non-profit status was granted on May 1, 1987. Bar. 349-0210. Governance is provided by a 18-member Board of Directors comprised of local 10 p.m. – Ladies Night at the Lobar. Call 349-0480. residents and second home owners that reflect the demographic makeup 10 p.m. Trouble Andrew at the Eldo. 349-6125 of the Upper East River Valley. Three full-time and ten part-


F e b r u a ry

utte’s .


Crested Butte’s Newest Coolest Hat Shop


Keep in mind…

time staff members operate the facility, including managing, renting and booking cultural programs.

Friday, February 5, 7:30 p.m. “Race Across the Sky” a documentary about the Leadville 100 at the Center for the Arts in Crested Butte. Dave Wiens and Amy Wood will appear in person to answer questions. Tickets are $7 and available in advance by calling 349-7487, ext. 3. Saturday, February 6 Billy Jonas Show, 6 p.m. Kids Kount of the Gunnison Valley presents family oriented musician, Billy Jonas, performing at the Center for the Arts with his “Industrial Re-percussion.” Kids Kount supports the pursuit of excellence in education. Call 970-349-7487 for more information. Women Who Light Up the Community Conference. Keynote speaker, Dr. Monica McGrath speaks on “Balancing the New Currency: Time, Talent and Meaning.” Register online at www.western.edu/extendedstudies or email registration to extendedstudies@western.edu Saturday, February 13 Centering Prayer Workshop, 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. A non-denominational Christian-based Centering Prayer Workshop will take place Saturday, February 13, 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Queen of All Saints Parish Hall, 401 Sopris Ave, Crested Butte. The workshop is presented by Beth Berkeley,

606 6th St. • P.O. Box 1819 • Crested Butte, CO ph (970) 349–7487 • fax (970) 349–5626 www.crestedbuttearts.org

January 28. 2010 / CRESTEDBUTTEWEEKLY / PAGE 13

by Dawne Belloise photos by Dusty Demerson

Drew Cesati The phone is ringing, while simultaneously a voice scratches across the intercom to ask a question, and then there’s a meeting to run off to in ten minutes – all in a moment in the day’s work as Drew Cesati, Mountain Sports Director, navigates the obstacle course of CBMR’s Mountain Sports program and team. This weekend, January 30 and 31, the CB Mountain Sports Team’s Freeride and Snowboard teams compete in the USASA Southwest Series Superpipe and Slopestyle events. “The department does dynamic handling of competitive athletic teams and alpine racing, snowboarding and freeride skiing,” he explains, “We handle all aspects of terrain parks – design, construction, maintenance, and risk management – and all the on-hill events from alpine competitions to Prater FIS (International Ski Federation); from junior comps, to regional in alpine, to snowboard events. We host more of a development series, which is called USASA SW series. It’s a development snowboard and ski series for half-pipe, terrain park, and slopestyle. The slopestyle is a judged event where athletes take a run through the rails and jumps of the terrain park. They’re scored on execution and difficulty of their run.” The slopeside half-pipe comps will attract athletes from across the southwest region of Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona. “They take two runs in the half-pipe and are judged in different categories,” Drew elucidates, “The event is for ages seven and up, not just for kids. We award medals. There is a combined winner from each event. The winners accumulate points to go on to USASA Nationals which are in Copper Mountain in April this year.” In addition to organizing and overseeing the competitions, Drew manages and is Head Coach of the Alpine Racing Team. “I work with the parents, getting kids signed up,“ he says, while simultaneously making sure the communications are in line and all goes smoothly. There are currently seventy kids signed up for the Mountain Sports Team. Local kids get an early start on the slopes and competitions by signing up for the Ski and Ride School, a CBMR twelve-week program. “The CBMR instructors teach the kids – which is how the kids start their involvement with the sports team,” he says, “They have to be solid skiers or riders to

bring it on keep up.” Drew sheds light on his vision, which is to, “Create a clear path for kids to access the sport at a young age. And then create a clear path for athletes to progress within their sport.” The Mountain Sports department is in the process of developing these concepts and this spring will sit down to brainstorm and reassess the programs that are offered, “to make sure there is progression in programs and a level of commitment for the athletes and parents, fiscally and time wise,” he says Drew arrived here in the summer of 2007 to take a position as Alpine Director at the now defunct Crested Butte Academy, “ I worked there for one year, and when it dissolved, I wanted to stay and create something here in the valley,” he reminisces, “I started working with the CB Ski Club, CBMR, and the Crested Butte Community School. From these three different entities, the Mountain Sports Teams were born. We had a handful of more elite level athletes left over from the Academy and the Community School was flexible in offering an early release program, meaning they get out of school at lunch so they could pursue their sport.” It was Drew’s impetus to combine it all and create the Mountain Sports teams. “It’s not a new model for kids to be able to access full time sports programming without having to go to a winter sports specific academy,” he says of the concept. In a peculiar twist of fate, Drew, who graduated from Colby-Sawyer in New Hampshire as an English major and a college soccer athlete, discovered Crested Butte during his sophomore year. “I came up with friends for CBMR’s Thanksgiving Ski Free in 1998,” he says. Since Drew grew up alpine ski racing in New Hampshire as an FIS athlete CB seemed the place he was destined for, even if he didn’t realize it at the time. “I don’t remember much,” he laughs about his first encounter as a visitor at the resort, “I remember rocking at Rafters. I think it was overcast and mediocre snow conditions. I did two days of skiing after we drove through the night in a conversion van to get here at 7 a.m. – and went right to the slopes!” At the time he was enrolled in The University of New Mexico at Albuquerque. Fast forward ten years or so and he began coaching for the US Men’s Alpine National Ski Team, living in Park City, Utah from where he traveled extensively for competitions. n Profile continues on the following page

PAGE 14 / CRESTEDBUTTEWEEKLY / January 28. 2010

Kids Kount of the Gunnison Valley presents family-oriented musician:

n Profile continued from the previous page

“I had been there for four years and was ready for a change,” he says, not to mention his blossoming romance. He continues, “I had been dating a girl, and traveling eight months out of the year wasn’t conducive to a good relationship.” Then he learned of the Academy opportunity, and IMG’s plan to move it up the hill from town. “At the time there was a lot of promise surrounding the academy’s future,” he remembers, “I thought there was some opportunity there to get off the road. We were looking to make a change together and it all aligned.” The girl who followed Drew to the end of the road actually married him in 2009. Allison Yeary is now the special events manager for the Town Center Community Association. As demanding as his job is, Drew revels in it and still manages to find time for his own recreating. “I get out and ski every once in awhile,” he admits, “It’s a lot of hours, a lot of work in the winter, but I love my work. In the summer I do a lot of mountain biking.” “That’s just the winter,” Drew says of the many activities CBMR offers throughout the year, “In the summer we handle all aspects of the mountain bike park – the Pinnacle

Billy Jonas Family Show at the Crested Butte Center for the Arts

Saturday, Feb. 6, at 6 p.m.

Tickets are $15 for kids and $20 for adults / Children under 2 are free. Tickets can be purchased at the CB Center for the Arts or by calling Leia at 275-8927.

Gunnison Show: Friday February 5th Webster Hall 7:00 p.m. General Audience Show $15 Tickets @ door (Beer and Snacks Available) Additional workshops at Crested Butte and Gunnison public schools

For information visit: www.billyjonas.com Platinum sponsorship

Gold sponsorship

Gunnison Countr y Times The Trailhead Discover y Museum & Arts Center

Support this Kids Kount fundraiser and enjoy a one-of-a-kind performance for the whole family! Kids Kount supports the pursuit of excellence in education within the Gunnison Watershed RE1J School District by providing supplementary resources for programs and activities within the district.

There are more things to do!! Action Adventures Snowmobiling: 349-5909

USASA Southwest Series Superpipe is this Saturday and Sunday, January 30 and 31 starting at 11 a.m. Skiers are welcome to compete in the Slopestyle and Superpipe events and Boardercross events. Age groups for men and women of all ages, under 6 to over 60. Call 970-349-2286 for information or online at skicb.com. Dawne Belloise is a freelance writer, photographer, traveler and musician living with a large cat in a tiny cottage on an alley at the end of the road in Crested Butte’s paradise. Her writing and photography is published in various mags and rags. Contact dbelloise@gmail.com, website rubysroad.com. Dusty Demerson has been photographing Crested Butte since 1987. His awardwinning landscapes can frequently be found at the Banff Mountain Photography Competition but can always be seen at the Rijks Family Gallery or online at www. color-west.com.

Burt Rentals Snowmobiling: 349-2441 Crested Butte’s premier snowmobile tour company. One of the 4 Authorized Permittees of the US Forest Service, and the only snowmobile company with permits to access Irwin Lake Area. Voted Crested Butte’s #1 Snowmobile Tour every year since 1982!! New Ski Doo Touring snowmobiles with heated handwarmers. Info and reservations at Snowmobile Central Reservations located slopeside in the Avalanche Restaurant. Visa/Disc/MC/AE. 349-2441.

Vince Scola photo

Bike Race series, the Wildflower Rush Race, and this September, in conjunction with the CB Chamber of Commerce, we’re looking to expand the Chili and Beer Fest. We want to bring a race component to that weekend.” Drew also plans to develop cross country and gravity fed bike races to tie in with Western State College of Gunnison. He dreams of having a collegiate mountain bike series, Rocky Mountain Collegiate Cycling Conference (RMCCC), in addition to the “fab” music of the Chili and Beer Fest. “We’re also partnering with the Chamber to expand Fat Tire Bike Week,” he beams. “I’m really excited about the progress the Mountain Sports Team has made in the short one and a half seasons,” he says of the athletes and program, “This spring, I’m excited for the challenges of recreating the development track for our local athletes to learn to ski and ride.”

Crested Butte’s original adventure tour since 1986. Often Imitated...Never Duplicated. Hourly and half-day tours, sunset tours. Back by Popular Demand...Dinner Tours On The Mountain. New snowmobiles every year. Snowmobile suits and boots available. Office located in the Avalanche Restaurant at the base of the ski area. VISA & MC. For information and reservations call (970) 349-5909 or (800) 383-1974.

Irwin Lake Snowmobile Rentals: 349-6598 Being the biggest has its advantages. Crested Butte’s largest unguided snowmobile rental fleet. Ski Doo and Polaris Touring Snowmobiles and High Performance Powder Snowmobiles. We are Crested Butte’s High Performance Rental Headquarters. Prefer a guided rental? We can set you up with a local guide. Info and Reservations at SNOWMOBILE CENTRAL RESERVATIONS located slopeside in the AVALANCHE RESTAURANT. 349-6598.

Lost Lake Snowmobiling: 349-9709 Weekend Warriors? Type-A Personalities? Adrenaline Junkies? We’ve Got Your Fix!! Specializing in Backcountry Powder Action in the Gunnison National Forest. One of the 4 Authorized Permittees of the United States Forest Service, our tours cater to the advanced snowmobiler. We know where those secret powder stashes are. Call us or stop by SNOWMOBILE CENTRAL RESERVATIONS located slopeside in the Avalanche Restaurant. Visa/ MC/AE/Disc. 349-9709.

January 28. 2010 / CRESTEDBUTTEWEEKLY / PAGE 15

Freshie’s Deli

Mt. CB’s newest dining option specializing in:

Breakfast, Subs, Soups, Salads, Prepared Take Out, Pre-Ordered Holiday Meals, Holiday Gift Certificates and more. Open frOm 8 am - 8pm, 7 days per week. Call in your order ahead of time to 970-306-5264.

Download a menu for more information at www.anywaygourmet.com Located in the 3 Seasons Building. also featuring catering service by anyway Gourmet. Come on out and support long time local, Ian Leeming, in his new endeavor.


YogaMoon Rhythms

Full Moon in Leo - A Time to Dance! by Monica Mesa

Full moons signify a time of completion and fulfillment of that which was started at the new moon. The last new moon urged us to examine where our life path was taking us and if we are still on course. This full moon questions if we are brave enough to make our intentions manifest in our lives. Leo is the sign that passionately “loves what it loves!” It is a fun, lively moon that encourages creating support networks, socializing, and striking a balance between romance and friendships. It’s a time for planning something just for fun, bringing out our creative and artistic side, as well as acknowledging your own unique individuality. With the full moon bright in the sky, illuminations may occur in our own lives, so it’s a good time to explore new feelings, and express them authentically (without overdoing it!). This is not a time to sit on your feelings, but wise to take care in how you do let them out. With the moon in this determined yet playful sign, I have chosen the most ancient of all asanas, DANCE! You can see Lindsay Fullers look of ecstasy as she dances with no inhibitions. Joyful self-expression is the perfect “posture” for this moon. Our culture does not always indulge in dance enough (especially without mood enhancing substances), and if you allow yourself a little space to just move in your own particular way, it’s amazing how much stress is relieved. As the pressures fall away and joy trickles in, the inherent creative spirit that we all have begins to bubble up and can surprisingly unleash your power to create, manifest, have fun, and appreciate your own extraordinary self. Dance with your kids, Dance your way into the Leo full moon your beloved, on your full moon ski, with yourself, – Photo by Andi Tippie with your dog. Dance in celebration, in tears, in gratitude, in love. Dance for Haiti, for our friends and family who have passed on, for peace, for our community, for the water and the trees, for the kids, for justice, for your dreams, or for the hell of it. Just Dance! Monica Mesa is the owner of Yoga for the Peaceful, is a master teacher and assistant for Shiva Rea, is featured daily on CBtv’s Yoga Mountain High, has three amazing sons, and is devoted to bringing the blessings of yoga to all who she comes across. She may be contacted through www.yogaforthepeaceful.org

Spirit, Mind & Body

The Spirit, Mind & Body 2010 Winter Series continues with Stretching for Balance Active Isolated Stretching Classes, an unconditional Love and the Law of Attraction Workshop and Strength Through Core Power Yoga Classes.

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2 and 4 Polaris stroke obiles Snowm

(No Trailering Needed)

PAGE 16 / CRESTEDBUTTEWEEKLY / January 28. 2010

Stretching for Balance Class By stretching one side of the body at a time, Active Isolated Stretching helps the person discover tightness and muscle imbalances in the body that they may not have been aware of otherwise. By employing specific stretches for specific parts of the body (6 stretches alone for different parts of hamstrings), you find yourself able to release short and long term tension. Gentle 2 second stretches done repetitively help loosen up the body without risking injury and helps reorganize muscle tissue. The technology is wonderful at preventing injury and awesome for helping the body to feel free. This Stretching for Balance class is taught by Bill Smith on Friday, January 29 at 8:45 A.M at The Gym in Riverland ($10) (349-2588) and Wednesday, February 3 at the Union Congregational Church, 403 Maroon Avenue at 8:00 a.m. (donation). Call Bill at 3492766 for more info. Unconditional Love and the Law of Attraction Workshop Romancing the Spirit is the theme for the February Self-Empowerment and the Law of Attraction Workshops. On Monday, February 1 at 6:30 p.m. at the Crested Butte Chamber of Commerce, 601 Elk Avenue, come and explore the dynamics of courting unconditional love in relationships. How do you move from conditional to unconditional love? Is it really possible to love in the wake of unwanted circumstances? Discuss the concepts, learn processes to take the emotional journey from blame and resentment to unconditional love and watch clips from international workshops. Discover how the power of deliberate intention works in our lives to attract and maintain the relationship you have always yearned for. This free gathering starts with a potluck. Bring a dish to share. Call 349-6464 for more information. Strength Through Core Power Yoga Class Tuesday, February 2 from 8:45 to 10:00 a.m. and Thursday, February 4, from 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. at the Yoga for the Peaceful Studio, 114 Elk Avenue, is a Core Power Yoga Class. This is a Vinyasa style class focusing on strength, balance and flow that detoxifies and exhilarates you from the inside out. The class is open to all levels with a vigorous aspect and a playful atmosphere. For more information call Mary at 349-0302. Centering Prayer Workshop Pre register by February 6 for the February 13 Centering Prayer Workshop taught by Beth Berkeley from the staff at Contemplative Outreach of Colorado, Ilene Spector and Janice McElroy. Centering Prayer is a simple practice that moves you into a deeper relationship with God. In previous times, Contemplative Prayer had a rich traditional place in Christian life, but was mostly practiced by those living a monastic life. Since the 1980s, Father Thomas Keating and others have drawn from ancient prayer practices of the Christian Contemplative Heritage and developed Centering Prayer to offer everyday people a way to Christian contemplation. Call Janice at 349-1195 or email djmcelroy@msn.com for more information and to register for this workshop held at Queen of All Saints Parish Hall, 401 Sopris, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Cost is $30. For a complete schedule of Spirit, Mind & Body events, call 349-6464 or visit cbspiritmindbody.com.

grapevine You say it’s your birthday... On January 28 be nice to the 4th grade “Teach” Nancy Vogel, shout hey to Lisabeth Collins, and that Mabuhay Guy Blake Woodward will surely be celebrating the day. January 29 brings joy to Julia Kortz, as well as one of my very favorite sweeties Siena Truex who has become a surf princess in Costa Rica. And a big HB out to Melissa Ruch on January 30. January 31 sees Edgar Villanueva eating his cake along with Ellie Feder, Lynn Heutchy, Ade Smith, and Becky Barkman. February 1 is party day for the history gal Molly Minneman, sweetie Annie Starr, Suzanne Dumas, Sara Sherman, while JC Leacock has his aperture adjusted at half a century (welcome to the Dark Side, JC you old geezer!) Groundhogs one and all on February 2 as Scott Wimmer, Tom Gifford, Lara Moscatelli, bus navigator-yogini extraordinaire MJ Simmons, and cutie-pie Dayna Christy all hope to see their shadows (because it means they’ll still be standing...) On February 3 Annaliese Houseman blows out her candles. February 4 is cake day for Stephanie Shrieves, Luke Collins, Shelley Higgins, Ouzel the Search & Rescue dog and the Grand Poo-bah creature herself, Kate Seeley. A very Merry Birthday to this week’s many celebrants! New hope on the horizon... Ceci Ervin is awaiting confirmation of a date in May this year for the highly successful new multiple sclerosis procedure developed by Italian Dr. Paolo Zamboni. The procedure, which corrects twisted blood vessels in MS specific brains through a sort of angioplasty technique, is being done in Poland. You can check out the new developments on Facebook at two different sites: CCSVI in Multiple Sclerosis and CCSVI at UBC MS Clinic. We’re so excited for you, Ceci! Hit the high road... Jackson Melnick has recently embarked on a five month journey and he writes, “I’m off to Israel, Ireland and Spain! I’m not sure how often I will blog, but periodically for sure so check in if you want.” You can read of his adventures at jacksonmelnick.blogspot.com. Hey, did you get a hall pass? May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be ever at your back, Jackson. Safe travels! Coast to coast... Former resident, postal worker and army veteran Mike Eredt checked in this week: “I’m living in Hope, Idaho... waaayyyy up north near Sandpoint, ID and Canada. I retired from the P.O. on November 30 after twenty-eight years. I start my trans-con run on May 1st and will come through CB on July 4 and 5.” Mike will be running the highways and back roads across the country. The trans continental run is a personal goal he’s set for himself to honor the fallen men and women of the Iraq war and he says by no means is it political. He’ll also be around the end of February for a visit. You can access his run info at projectamericarun.com and watch the video local photog Raynor Czerwinski shot. Nut case... Erika Vohman is back in Guatemala for a maya nut conference representing her award winning non profit Equilibrium Fund organization and writes: “The World Food Program of the United Nations wants to make a product

Lila’s songs filled Haitian hearts as she donated all of her Saturday night Princess Wine Bar proceeds to the cause – Photo by Paul Gallaher

Enjoy the Powder!

out of Maya Nut, similar to the emergency nutritional supplement used in Africa called Plumpy Nut. My food scientist friend, Enrique Godoy, is developing the Maya Nut paste right now! We checked out a machine that can be used to make Maya Nut pirate booty type of things. It’s pretty amazing... it’s $120,000 for the machine, takes up an entire warehouse and is straight out of a Dr. Zeuss book – you even need star bellied sneetches to run it! But seriously, we want to mainstream Maya Nut in Guatemala and the people here LOVE CRUNCHY SNACKS. Well, who doesn’t?” Indeed.. who doesn’t! Check it out at theequilibriumfund.org. A friend gone... Our hearts go out to the family and friends of Crested Butte local Albert Clark who passed away while back country skiing last week. You will be very much missed... Caregiving... Local author Joanne Reynolds checked in to excitedly say: “Tate Publishing re-issued my book on caregiving under its new title, “Search for Light: Ten Crucial Lessons for Caregivers.” In getting a new publisher, I had the opportunity to add new material. I’m really excited to have the book out nationally. I’m still hopping around doing caregiving workshops. I’ll do one in March for the Grand Mesa chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association. In 2009, I did workshops based on the Blueprint series (which supplements the book) in Colorado, California, Minnesota, New Jersey and the Boston area. I’ll be doing more of the same this year, which I look forward to (but not to having to leave Paradise).” Ski don’t walk... CBMR ski instructor Will Lowell says he broke his fibula when he jumped off the back deck at the Eldo while trying to evade a $2 bar tab – but the inside scoop is that he merely slipped on the icy Elk Avenue sidewalk and had one of those quirky landings. He plans on being back on the slopes before the end of season. What a trooper! Horse of a different color...Joe Day, an avid to-the-death Steelers fan was seen wearing a Cowboy’s jersey after he lost a Vikings/Saints bet. Like water on the wicked witch, we know that jersey was a burning a hole through his skin... hey Joe, look great in silver and blue! Tourist talk... Overheard on the bus, “The kids are watching twilight...that would scare me, vampires and clowns scare me. But if Massachusetts elects a republican that will be the end of world.” Bring in the clowns. And the vamps. Where’s Buffy when you need her? Remember what happens in the Butte stays in the Butte… and possibly Facebook. So unless you’re in the Witness Protection Program, I expect to hear from you… got gossip, events, births, travels, healings, alien abductions… rumors? Email the Weekly’s Girl About Town at dbelloise@gmail.com. I’m waiting…

Jamie Stambaugh began acting classes open to all at The Art Studio on January 24 – Photo by Paul Gallaher

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January 28. 2010 / CRESTEDBUTTEWEEKLY / PAGE 17

n Community n

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349 - 5731 Laura Grey, Location Specialist for the Office of Film Televisions and Media, has some big picture ideas for Gunnison County – Photo by Paul Gallaher

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Community Bulletin Board

The Community Bulletin Board provides a space for family, church, library, school and general living in Crested Butte announcements. KBUT Bingo Heads to CB South KBUT Bingo will take place this Friday, January 29 at Rubens in CB South. Doors open at 7 p.m. and the Bingo begins around 8 p.m. Compete for cash, gift certificates, music, and more! Admission is $10 for a 10 pack of Bingo cards. All proceeds benefit KBUT community radio. Come out and get your Bingo on! Call 349-5225 for more information.


CB’s Fire & EMS Squad heats up fundraising with Fire Station Red The C.B. Fire & EMS Squad and local businesses have teamed up with Fire Station Red wine for a Have your favorite dish reviewed in our new “Delicious Dish” column fundraiser that is as hot as its name suggests. The fundraiser will be held on Sunday, January 31 at 8 p.m. Send us your daily specials in our new “Dining Deals” column at the Lobar in downtown Crested Butte. A $7 donation at the door will provide a glass of the fantastic FSR wine, appetizers, and a raffle ticket. Come early to the Lobar for dinner and receive 20% off your bill. In the Commit to 5 ads for the season and receive the Preferred Rate past month, over 20 local businesses have contributed to the local Fire & EMS Squad’s Fallen Firefighters Call 349-1710 for more information Fund by carrying Fire Station Red - an award-winning, affordable wine - in their stores and restaurants. Every time a bottle of FSR is sold, $2 goes to the local Fallen Firefighters Fund. This fund supports our local Firefighters and EMTs when they are injured while serving the community. Create with Kelly at The Trailhead Discovery Museum! Printmaking! Friday, January 29 beginning at 10 a.m. Join us in creating original masterpieces from Kelly’s latest wood block carvings. All ages welcome. Located downstairs in the Treasury Center at the base of the ski area in Mt. CB. Call 970-349-7160 for more info. The Trailhead Discovery Museum kicks off the week-long LIGHT Remember… new releases are DVD only. Many older movies available on VHS. and SHADOW science and art event. Saturday, January 30 beginning Surrogates at 10 a.m. The Dark Room will be our science lab! Fun science for Rated PG-13, Science Fiction children of all ages. Located downstairs in the Treasury Center at the Starring Bruce Willis, Radha Mitchell, Rosamund Pike base of the ski area in Mt. CB. Call 970-349-7160 for more info. Based on the graphic novel by Robert Venditti and Brett Weldele, this thriller is set in a future where people buy robots that look like them--only better--and can live their lives for Two Butte Seniors Making a Splash with Water Fitness them. But trouble enters the equation when a pair of FBI agents (played by Bruce Willis The senior citizens of Crested Butte are taking the Two Butte Senior Bus and Radha Mitchell) must discover who killed a college student with a connection to the to the Gunnison Rec Center every Monday and Wednesday robots’ inventor. afternoon for a water aerobics class at 1:30 pm. The buoyancy of water reduces the “weight” of a person so that the stress on weight-bearing This Is It joints, bones and muscles is lessened. There is no need to stop training Rated PG, Concert/Documentary for the sports you love because in the pool strength and flexibility Starring Michael Jackson training is easier on the body, yet just as effective, and lots of fun. You Legendary musical superstar Michael Jackson takes the stage one last time in this can commit to a series of six weeks of classes at a discount or just drop theatrical concert film compiled from over 100 hours of rehearsal footage for the 50 shows in whenever you want. Call Barbara at 349-9296 to join in the fun. he had been scheduled to perform at London’s O2 arena at the time of his death. Take a trip behind the scenes for the concert that would have crowned Jackson’s entire career. Caregiving Support Group Open to Visitors, Residents Crested Butte’s Caregiver Support Group will meet on Tuesday, Whip It February 2 from 1 to 2:30 p.m. in the Parlor of the UCC church located Rated PG-13, Comedy/Drama at 4th and Maroon. The group welcomes visitors as well as residents. Starring Ellen Page, Marcia Gay Harden, Drew Barrymore Anyone who is a caregiver is welcome to attend. The meetings include a Drew Barrymore makes her directorial debut with this feisty, female-friendly actiontime of sharing, as well as a brief discussion of a caregiving issue. There comedy. Juno’s Ellen Page stars as Bliss Cavendar, a young woman who longs to break is also time to share recommendations on helpful books, magazines, free of her small-town bonds by joining the rough-and-tumble sport of roller derby in articles or websites. Please join us! For additional information, contact nearby Austin, Texas. Joanne Reynolds at 349-0368, or at caregivingcoach@ymail.com.

New to DVD

Weeds: Season Five Not Rated, Comedy/Drama Starring Mary-Louise Parker, Elizabeth Perkins, Kevin Nealon After her husband’s unexpected death and subsequent financial woes, suburban mom Nancy Botwin embraces a new profession: the neighborhood pot dealer in this popular Showtime series now in its fifth season.

Brought to you by Flying Petito Sisters Video. FPS is located on the south side of Clarks Market parking lot. For more information visit: www.flyingpetitosisters.com PAGE 18 / CRESTEDBUTTEWEEKLY / January 28. 2010

Unleash the power of parenting with Gunnison Valley Bright Beginnings. Parents have the power to shape their child’s future and Gunnison Valley Bright Beginnings has the power to help by giving parents simple ways to start building their child’s future with a free packet of powerful tools. These tools will help you support your child in their physical, emotional and intellectual development during the critical first three years of life. Call Kay at 641-7981 for more information or to schedule an in-home appointment.


Energy Wise Business Profile:

The Ruby Bed & Breakfast

Owner: Chris Greene and Andrea Elkourie Founded: 2004 Certified: Gold Accomplishments: Certified at highest level by Green America and GenGreen. Members of International Eco-Tourism Society and 1% for the Planet. Offset 100% of carbon emissions through Carbonfund.org. Contribute 1% of revenue to environmental protection organizations. Compost food waste with an indoor wood pellet system. Calculate and reduce carbon emissions monthly. Carrots to Customers: Provide guests with free use of townie bikes and promote bus riding to reduce driving. Offer guests the chance to offset the carbon footprint of their travels at time of purchase. Reward guests who drive one of the top 10 most fuel efficient cars with a package of discounts. Sustainabuilding: Don’t need to heat the top two floors, since south-facing windows do the job for free. Ultimate Goal: To demonstrate that being a sustainable business is not a sacrifice – it’s a strategic advantage. Advice for Other Businesses: Look for the “best of” in your industry – go out and find those companies that are highly respected for their practices and notice that they’re probably at the top of their market. Who’s more sustainable – you or your business? It’s one in the same with a small business. You have to align your business values with your personal values otherwise it won’t work in the long term. About the Energy Wise Business Program (EWBP): The Office for Resource Efficiency (ORE) partners with the Crested Butte/Mt. Crested Butte Chamber of Commerce to offer local businesses assistance in cutting costs and energy usage. Businesses can strive for a Bronze, Silver, gold or Platinum level of certification, depending on the number of commitments they make to becoming “energy wise.” If you’d like to learn more about EWBP, visit ORE’s website: www. resourceefficiency.org. Or contact ORE: info@resourceefficiency.org, 970.349.9673, 301 Belleview Ave., Unit E. Get certified today!

Keep it clean, keep it efficient! Forget to clean the lint off your dryer’s lint filter again? Not only is a dirty lint filter a safety hazard (may cause fires!), but it also slows down the air circulation and efficiency or your dryer. So after your load, be sure to clean out all the lint before putting in the next. Also: if you use dryer sheets, scrub your filter with a toothbrush to get off the thin film the sheets leave behind. This will help further to increase airflow and keep the motor in check. Sponsored by the Office for Resource Efficiency. Source: www.energystar.gov

W La Gun ine Li rgest niso st in n Va the lley

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JoiN uS For MaxWeLLS “Super BoWL” parTy. Watch the big game in hD. Squares, prizes and much much more.

happy hour SpeciaLS every NiGhT 50¢ Wings, 8 Burger Mondays: & 1.50 Sliders Night Tuesdays: Ladies Drink and Food Specials $


226 Elk AvEnuE in thE hEArt of Downtown CB 349-1221 • Hours: 4p.m.-10p.m. Daily

Crested Butte Land Trust Announces the Budd Trail It’s the icing on the cake. As the year-long celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Lower Loop Trail and Recreation Area drew to a close, a group of landowners - including Russell Budd, Dorothy Budd and Charlie McBride - recently finalized negotiations with the Crested Butte Land Trust to donate a new trail extension. The newly named Budd Trail begins at the Peanut Mine reclamation site, and will thrill cyclists, runners and hikers with a steep climb up the ridge to the west of the Lower Loop. Winding its way through aspen and spruce forests, the new single-track trail offers spectacular views of the Slate River Valley below. Connecting with the upper Lower Loop, one can continue on single track to Oh Be Joyful Creek, and return on the lower Lower Loop. If you haven’t had enough climbing, make your return on the Budd Trail and enjoy the majestic view of Mt. Crested Butte as you head back to town. CBLT sincerely thanks the landowners who donated the easement for the Budd Trail, thereby providing a permanent gift for the entire community. CBLT continues to work with willing property owners to provide new extensions and linkages to the Lower Loop. We remain grateful to our many partners over multiple years that have helped ensure that this trail system and recreation area will forever remain natural and accessible. CBLT and the Crested Butte Mountain Bike Association (CBMBA) plan to build the Budd Trail on National Trails Day, which will be Saturday, June 5. This scheduled workday will be dependent upon snow melt and spring conditions. Updates will be forthcoming, including a call for volunteers. The new Budd Trail will be ready to welcome recreationists in the summer of 2010. Thanks to the Budd Trail, the celebration continues.

Prizes and Free Music Apres Ski at Butte 66! This Saturday, January 30, the Office for Resource Efficiency (ORE) is celebrating our collaboration with Colorado’s Project C by giving away free stuff. Come to Butte 66 between 12:00 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. to enter to win KEEN shoes, Head Jr. Skis with bindings, SmartWool gear and much more. Listen to the sweet sound of local ska/reggae band Buntron Smith, beginning at 3 p.m. The drawing will take place at 4 p.m. Contact ORE with any questions: 970-3499673; info@resourceefficiency.org; www.resourceefficiency.org.

Red Lady Saturdays Dickie Brown is inviting everyone to participate in RED LADY SATURDAYS. Slip on your Sassiest, Flashiest red every Saturday on the ski slopes to express your support for the preservation of the Red Lady/ Mt. Emmons. “And a special thank you to the deeply committed people of ski patrol for wearing red. You’re the Best! Thank you for all you do! Hope to ski ya in red! Call 970-596-3675 for more information.

would like to thank the following participating businesses and their customers for preserving open space in Gunnison County! Karyn Adelman Acupuncture Alpengardener Alpineer Audrey Anderson, Butte Books Bacchanale Big Al’s Bike Heaven Black Tie Ski Rentals CB Card Company Crested Butte Mountain Heritage Museum

Crested Butte Mountain Resort: The General Store 9380 Prime Rustica The Ice Bar Paradise Warming Hut Base Area Basics On Mountain Basics Butte 66 Woodstone Grill Woodstone Deli Slopemates Elevation Station Crested Butte News CB Nordic Center Cement Creek Ranch Clear Rivers Skin Care Dragonfly Anglers Dragon Sheet Metal Donita’s Cantina

Elk Mountain Lodge Evans Contracting Flying Petito Sisters Video Store Gourmet Noodle Gunnison Brewery Heather Elliot/Graphic Designer Interior Visions Le Bosquet Lynn Moore, Moore for Your Money Mountain Colors Mountain Spirits The Mountain Store Munchkin's Music and Dance Nathan Bilow Photography Paragon Gallery Pema Dawa Pioneer Guest Cabins Pitas in Paradise Pooh’s Corner Red Lady Realty RMBL-The Gothic Store Rocky Mountain Trees and Landscaping Ruben's New Mexican Restaurant The Secret Stash Spellbound Furniture Works Timberline Mechanical Town of Mt. Crested Butte Why Cook?!

If your business would like to participate please contact 1% for Open Space, Inc.,


PO Box 1974 • Crested Butte, CO 81224 January 28. 2010 / CRESTEDBUTTEWEEKLY / PAGE 19



AMERICAN AVALANCHE BAR & GRILLE Located at the ski area in Mt. Crested Butte, the Avalanche features breakfast, lunch and dinner daily with huge sandwiches, colossal salads, homemade soups, pizza, a great kids’ menu, delectable desserts and all your favorite comfort foods. Don’t miss the nightly dinner specials…Monday’s lasagna for $8.95, Tuesday’s pound of king crab for $20.95, Wednesday’s chicken fried steak for $8.95, Thursday’s all-you-can-eat BBQ ribs for $14.95, Friday’s all-you-can-eat fish & chips for $8.95. Saturday’s prime rib for $15.95 or Sunday’s 4- ingredient large pizza for $15.95. We celebrate happy hour from 3-6 daily with cheap drinks & marvelous munchies. Dine in or take out. Open every day at 7:30am. 349-7195. MCGILL’S AT CRESTED BUTTE Located downtown in Historic Crested Butte. Serving fantastic breakfasts and excellent lunches with a creative twist. Come in and try the best malts, shakes and floats in town from our soda fountain. Open early and serving breakfast all day! Offering daily breakfast, lunch and dessert specials. Dine-in or take-out. All major credit cards accepted. 228 Elk Avenue (970) 349-5240. PARADISE CAFÉ A Crested Butte tradition for more than 23 years with a casual atmosphere and excellent food. Specializing in your favorite breakfast burritos, skillets, pancakes, french toast, huevos rancheros, fresh fruit and traditional breakfast. Plus cheese steaks, salads, soups, deli sandwiches, burgers and full vegetarian fare for lunch. Full children’s menu. Located in the Company Store, 3rd and Elk in beautiful Midtown Crested Butte. 349-6233. SLOGAR Serves delicious grilled steaks and simply spectacular skillet-fried chicken dinners, using a recipe famous for great flavor since 1915. Hospitality at the historic Slogar includes family-style service in comfortable and unique Victorian surroundings. Enjoy the generous portions and the modest price of the Slogar’s sensational skillet-fried chicken with all the trimmings. Serving dinner daily 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Full drink menu and wine list plus a selection of specialty beers on tap such as Spaten and Fat Tire Ale. Reservations recommended. Located on the corner of Second & Whiterock, Crested Butte. 349-5765. SMOKIN’ J’S BBQ Smokin’ J’s BBQ, at the Eldo Brewery & Tap Room. Located at 215 Elk Avenue in downtown Crested Butte, upstairs, next to the Post Office. Featuring Pulled Pork, Sliced Beef Brisket, Pulled Chicken, Beef Burnt Ends, Bacon Explosions, BBQ Chicken, St. Louis Ribs, Fried Okra, Sweet Potato Fries, Smoked Baked Beans, Xmas Slaw, Potato Wedges, Caesar Salads, & Funnel Cake Fries. Try one of our Family Combo Meals, or a Mo’ BBQ Sundae for a Low-Carb Treat. Join us at The Eldo because “Once A Day Is Never Enough” for Smokin’ J’s BBQ. Open Daily at 3PM. Also offering Take Out and Delivery call 970-349-6125. TALK OF THE TOWN A good time anytime. The Talk offers foosball, pinball, video games, good music and pool tables. Open daily at 3 p.m. Attitude Adjustment Hour from 3 to 8 p.m. Bar snacks, cheap drinks and beer our specialty. Located at 230 Elk Avenue, in the liver of downtown Crested Butte. 349-6809. WHY COOK? Located next to Le Bosquet at Sixth and Belleview in the Majestic Plaza. At last… a great new reason not to cook (as if you needed one)! Delicious, healthy items ready to take-out — for an evening of entertaining or a quiet night at home. Mouth watering main dish items, fresh baked bread, salads, pates and cheeses, hummus and tapenade spreads, sandwiches, fresh and frozen soups, desserts and much, much more. Now featuring all natural and organic deli meats. Check out our meat and fish market. Catering services available. Call us for special orders. 349-5858. WOODEN NICKEL Known for the best steaks in town since 1981, the Wooden Nickel specializes in tender Filet Mignon, USDA Prime Graded NY Strip and Rib Eye steaks, succulent, world famous Prime Rib, Elk Tenderloin, Rack of Elk, Alaskan King Crab, BBQ Pork Ribs, PorkChops, Colorado Rack of Lamb, New Zealand Rack of Lamb, Venison, fresh grilled Seafood and fresh Garden Salads. Also serving Burgers, Chicken Fried Steak and Buffalo Burgers. Giant Lobster Tails and a variety of Surf and Turf combinations available nightly. We feature a selection of martinis and great wines at attractive prices to complement your meal. Join us for your special evening at Crested Butte’s oldest bar and best steak house. Bar opens at 4 p.m. with Happy Hour until 6 p.m., daily. Dinner nightly until 10 p.m. 222 Elk Avenue.--Downtown Crested Butte--Open year-round. Nightly Specials. MAXWELLS Join us at the new steak house in town for hand cut prime quality steaks, pastas, fish, lamp chops, elk, pork chops, fresh garden salads, buffalo burgers, sandwiches and much more. A great buckaroos menu for the kids including a make your own icecream sundae. Wines from around the world and vast array of import and domestic beers. A great front patio for people watching in the heart of Crested Butte. Fabulous martinis or just a cold beer. Whatever you desire just cuddle up and enjoy. The perfect place to watch all sporting events in HD. One of the largest venues in Crested Butte, ideal for large parties. Serving dinner nightly. Offering takePAGE 20 / CRESTEDBUTTEWEEKLY January 28. 2010 out. 226 Elk/ Avenue. 349-1221

ETHNIC BACCHANALE Delicious Homemade Northern Italian cuisine, in our new and casual setting. From veal to vegetarian, to pastas and seafood. Fine wines and cocktails available. Join us for dinner or drinks-and-appetizers in our antique bar. Happy Hour 5-6 p.m. Tapas Menu. Reservations accepted for parties of 10 or more. To-Go menu. Dinner starts at 5:30 p.m. 209 Elk Avenue. 349-5257. Kids Menu. DONITA’S CANTINA Enjoy Mexican food on Elk Avenue at affordable prices. We serve dinner nightly. Bar and dining room open at 5 p.m. Tasty food, super margaritas, ample portions, speedy service are our trademarks. Kid Friendly!!! Reservations accepted for parties of ten or more, a 24 hour notice is appreciated. In the Adobe-colored building with the awesome flowers on the corner of 4th and Elk. Check us out, we’re better than ever. Nightly gourmet dinner specials and desserts. To see our menu www.donitascantina.com. 3496674. Call for current hours. MARCHITELLI’S GOURMET NOODLE We proudly feature generations of special family recipes. Enjoy unique Italian sauce and pasta combinations as well as our specialty entrees with veal, elk, chicken and seafood. Newly remodeled. Come check us out. Reservations helpful. Serving dinner from 5 p.m. nightly. Located at 411 3rd Street in Crested Butte. 349-7401. RUBEN’S NEW MEXICAN CUISINE Located in the old Cement Creek Tavern in Crested Butte South. Ruben’s offers authentic New Mexican cuisine featuring all natural beef and chicken, using fresh ingredients and homemade salsa, locally roasted chiles, a full bar with fresh juice margaritas, a full kid’s menu and happy hour specials from 4:30 to 6 p.m. Kitchen for dinner opens at 5 p.m. daily/ Serving Sunday Brunch. Come try the newest restaurant in CB South. Located at 207 Elcho Avenue, Crested Butte South (970) 349-5003. TEOCALLI TAMALE Tasty fresh lime margaritas, handmade tamales, a huge selection of burritos and tacos, affordable prices and lightning-fast service…what more could you ask for? Our fresh salsas include mild tomato, salsa verde, roasted chile corn and a hot smoky chipolte. Burritos and tacos feature slow-cooked shredded beef, marinated and grilled steak or chicken, gourmet veggies and blackened mahi-mahi. Try one of our unique creations - a chile pesto or spicy Thai burrito with peanut sauce. Dine in and enjoy one of our large selection of Mexican beers, or take it to go. Located at 311 1/2 Elk Avenue. A fresh and healthy alternative, the Tamale is open every day for lunch and dinner. 349-2005. Late night Bar and Food Thurs-Sat 9-12ish.

GOURMET DJANGO’S RESTAURANT & WINE BAR Our globally-inspired small plates are perfect for sharing and pairing with wines by the flight, quartino or bottle. django’s unique dining environment offers a new experience every visit: whether you’re enjoying a quick bite at the dining bar, a long romantic dinner with a date, or just hanging out with friends. Come enjoy a pitcher of sangria on our patio! django’s is located in the courtyard of Mountaineer Square, where the bus stops at the base of the ski village. Reservations are encouraged, but certainly not required. Send an email to reservations@djangos.us or call (970) 349-7574. THE DOGWOOD COCKTAIL CABIN Nestled into one of Crested Buttes funkiest historic remodles, this miners shack turned “cocktail cabin” offers house-infused artisan cocktails and tasty plates both sweet and savory. From its nibbles and sips to atmosphere, The Dogwood Cocktail Cabin is anything but ordinary. Step outside the box and into the cabin for a habenero and pineapple infused vodka martini, lamb sliders and chocolate fondue with homemade bacon brittle! Now Open Tuesday-Sunday 5-12 (cabin fever 5-7 everyday: $4 off all Dogwood martinis). Tuesday: “game night” Wednesday: “ladies night”. 970+349.6338 309 Third Street downtown Crested Butte, Co 21+ www.thedogwoodcocktailcabin.com EASTSIDE BISTRO EastSide Bistro is an upscale-casual neighborhood bistro. Our menu evolves seasonally and represents the eclectic, creative and sophisticated visions of our passion for food, created with locally fresh ingredients and prepared in an innovative and contemporary style. Our atmosphere is warm, intimate and welcoming with spectacular views of majestic Mt. Crested Butte. We present seasonally changing gourmet cuisine with entrée selections featuring the finest cuts of Beef, Duck, Lamb, Game, the freshest Seafood, and outstanding Chicken, Pork, and Vegetarian Entrees along with exciting nightly specials. We showcase an extensive well rounded wine list and wonderful specialty martinis. Dinner served Tuesday through Sunday from 5-10 p.m. Closed Mondays until Dec. 14. Also serving a wonderful Saturday and Sunday Brunch from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Reservations appreciated. We are located at 435 Sixth St., next to the Alpineer. 349-9699. Visit us at www.eastsidebistro.com for our most current menu.

CRESTED BUTTE AREA DINING GUIDE THE SECRET STASH LUNCH + DINNER - The Secret Stash - not so much of a secret anymore! Voted best pizza every year since we opened in 2002. We are now serving continuously starting at 11:30 AM, until late! Come in for lunch or for an early dinner to avoid the crowds. It’s winter time again, and now that we are open for lunch, that means no more waiting in the cold!! Come in for an award winning margaritas, grilled asian style wings, or legendary pizza. The Stash is not to be missed – the owners have decorated this 100 year old miner’s cabin with treasures from their travels around the world. The Stash has been recognized by Ski, Powder, Outdoor, and Travel + Leisure magazines, The New York Times, Foders travel guide, and many others as the place not to miss on your visit to Crested Butte! Just take a stroll to the top of Elk Avenue. NO MORE WAITING for Stash pizza, we are now serving the ONLY TAKE & BAKE PIZZA in downtown CB. Take out and delivery are available, and The Stash is open late. (970) 349-6245 or www.thesecretstash.com. Don’t miss the one stash the locals WILL tell you about! (Visit our sister restaurant The Lobar)

LE BOSQUET RESTAURANT Since 1976…and just getting better. Breathtaking views and mouth watering food. Enjoy standards such as rack of lamb in a red wine garlic sauce, hazelnut chicken, beef shortribs in a madeira sauce, and elk tenderloin with jumbo scallops as well as vegetarian entrees, crisp salads, great soups, a variety of appetizers and break-your-diet desserts. Now offering fondue and a full small plate menu! Quality, consistency and friendliness — our trademarks. A full bar and Wine Spectator award winning wine list will round out an evening to remember. Twilight menu and children’s options available. Catering and private chef services available. Open nightly at 5:30 p.m. Reservations helpful. 349-5808. TIMBERLINE RESTAURANT Come in to the Timberline and let us make you feel special! We’re located on the corner of 2nd and Elk in Downtown Crested Butte. Our upscale western style bar offers specials in a fun lively atmosphere. Dine in the casual elegance of the downtown dining room, in the intimacy of our upstairs formal dining room, or the celebrated wine cellar room for a memorable occasion. We always use the finest and freshest products available. We consistently produce creative and simple favorites as well as daily specials. Our wine list features mostly California offerings plus an interesting selection of Old World and New World wines. Reservations recommended. Call for current hours 349-9831.


SOUP & SANDWICH THE LAST STEEP An affordable, cozy eatery in Crested Butte, The Last Steep features Cajun Chicken Pasta, Artichoke Cheddar Soup in a Bread bowl, BBQ Philly Sandwich, Cilantro Chicken Salad and more. We also offer a great kids’ menu. Sunday-Thursday 11 a.m.-11 p.m. Friday and Saturday open ‘til midnight. 208 Elk Avenue. 349-7007.


MIKEY’S TAKEOUT AND DELIVERY VOTED BEST PIZZA OF 2009, everybody loves Mikey’s Pizza! We offer pizza by the slice, specialty pies, pasta, oven baked sandwiches, fresh salads and a variety of appetizers. We also serve a late riser breakfast all day with fatty breakfast burritos and egg sandwiches. Located across from the sled hill and nordic center you can come pick it up or let us deliver to you. We are open 7 days a week, Tuesday - Friday 11am - 9 pm and Saturday, Sunday and Monday 3 - 9pm. Delivery every night at 5pm. Mikey’s pizza slices are also sold at True Value. A full menu can be viewed on our website at www.mikeyspizza.net. Call it in for quicker pick up. 970-349-1110. Need help with a dinner party? We also cater.

LOBAR One of the most FUN places to go in CB. Ask any local. Locals + tourists alike have been raving about LOBAR since opening in 2004. Follow the locals... and enjoy the freshest Sushi in CB, flown in daily from around the world. For NON sushi eaters + children we have alternative selections such as our Killer baja fish tacos, our new (BEEF) turf roll, grilled BEEF, CHICKEN, FISH options, our famous crack fries + a CHILDRENS MENU. Lobar is “the place” for large parties, come in and see why! small parties and couples enjoy our intimate seating options. LOBAR has been recommended by the New York Times, SKI, Skiing, and many more as a place NOT to miss. On weekends, LOBAR transforms into CB’s only nightclub with live music, (THURSDAY night - karaoke) DJ’s + more. 303 Elk Ave. Reservations accepted. 970/349.0480. Open EVERY evening at 5:00 PM. (Don’t miss the best happy hour in town! EVERYDAY 5-6) www.thelobar. com (Visit our sister restaurant the Secret Stash) LIL’S SUSHI BAR AND GRILL Step up to our Sushi Bar or Bar for our nightly Happy Hour from 5:30-6:30!! We are proud to serve our customers the freshest fish in town, flown in 6 days a week from Hawaii and on our doorstep within 24 hours from the docks…does it get any fresher than that in the Rockies- don’t think so! Although we are known for our sushi, our exceptional kitchen menu will satisfy all taste buds. With an array of seafood dishes and meat options, we promise you will leave remembering it all! Lil’s is a friendly and casual environment that offers exceptional service with high standards for what a dining experience should entail. Open 7 nights a week. Reservations Recommended 349-5457. Located in the Historic District of CB- 321 Elk Ave. (across the street from Donita’s)s

BRICK OVEN PIZZERIA Come enjoy Crested Butte’s finest pizza, subs, pasta and libations. We have a full salad bar & pizza by the slice. We are located in the center of Crested Butte next to the Post Office at 223 Elk Avenue. Enjoy lunch or dinner inside our newly constructed restaurant or outside on our streetlevel patio deck with tiki-bar style gazebo. Offering a full bar and dozens of beers on tap. Free delivery anytime! 349-5044.

Get ready for a truly unique Crested Butte experience when you enter the Secret shack into a work of art and keeps all eyes engaged. Intimate tables and lounge type Stash. Start with the Stash Wings, grilled and brushed with an Asian barbeque sauce, floor seating with comfy pillows make you want to hang out and enjoy your stay. topped with sesame seeds. Chef and owner Jeff Graceffa picked a gorgeous pizza called Price range: A local’s favorite is the Poor Boy Special that includes a PBR, a shot of the “Notorious F.I.G.” for the tasting, which is presented on a handmade teak platter tequila and a slice of cheese pizza for $5. Starters begin at $2.99 for garlic bread. from Fiji. This mind-blowing pie explodes in your mouth, Bombay Naan is dough that is grilled, brushed with initially with a wave of truffle oil, leading to the sweet garlic butter and served with fresh and marinated figs and ending with nice salty snap of the prosciutto. veggies for $12.99. Specialty Stash Meat pizzas come The crust is chewy yet crunchy, topped with mozzarella, in 12 inch for $16.99 and 16 inch for $22.99 and there blue and asiago cheeses. No wonder it won the 2007 are 23 to choose from. Specialty Stash Veggie Pizzas World Pizza Championship. The Hearts and Palms Salad are $15.99 for a 12 inch and $19.99 for a 16-inch pie, is a unique combination of hearts of palm, artichoke with five delicious ones to choose from. They also hearts, roasted peppers, and fresh greens dressed in an offer Calzones and Strombolis for $10.99. Desserts invigorating Sambuca vinaigrette. Try a Devil’s Punch start at $4.50 for the Creamsicle and $5 for the bowl, a flaming rum punch, fun for two, for your cocktail Chocolate Volcano Cake. Some favorite kid’s drinks of the evening. are Smoothies and Virgin Pina Coladas for $5. The General fare: World- inspired pizza is the main focus adult specialty drink menu is priced at $8. A local’s at the Secret Stash. Unique ingredients are paired favorite is the 420, with vodka, vanilla ice cream, to create perfect taste sensations. Some specialty Cream De Menthe and drizzled with chocolate pies include the Croatian inspired Woodward, which sauce. Award-winning Margaritas and Mojitos are is a garlic butter base on a salt and pepper crust also on the list and the shaved martinis will make with spinach, mozzarella and topped with two fresh you feel like a kid again. cracked eggs. The Tony Montana pizza is like a Vegetarian/ vegan options: The Stash’s menu is classic Cuban sandwich, involving creamy Dijon, filled with veggie options starting off with Stuffed Canadian bacon and shredded pork, topped with Banana Peppers, stuffed Mushrooms, Bombay crispy iceberg lettuce and sliced dill pickles. There Naan, and breads. Salads are all basically are 58 toppings and sauces to choose from creating vegetarian and even the Liza’s Roughage can endless pizza opportunities. Starters include Stash be ordered without the chicken. There is a large Wings, Stuffed Banana Peppers, and Stuffed selection of Specialty Stash Veggie Pizzas to Mushrooms. Salads vary from a simple house salad choose from and yes, they have tofu! to the Real Greek. Liza’s Roughage combines Organic / local / regional food options: Jay greens, chicken, pine nuts, veggies, eggs, pasta, Harris, a local baker in Crested Butte, makes the croutons, and creamy parmesan dressing - a meal in Stash’s gluten free pizza dough. The barbeque Want to show off your delicious dish? Call the Weekly at 349-1710. itself. The extensive cocktail menu provides fun drinks smoked pork from Smokin’ Jay’s is also located for kids of all ages. If all that was not enough, save here in CB. Colorado crafted Fat Tire Beer is room for the yummy desserts and after dinner drinks. Want to enjoy a fresh baked pizza brewed in Fort Collins by the New Belgium Brewery. in your home at any time? Take home a fresh Take and Bake pizza. Stats: 21 Elk Avenue 970-349-6245 www.secretstash@yahoo.com Atmosphere: Feeling landlocked in Crested Butte? Take a recession-proof voyage Reviewer Josephine Kellett owns and operates Creative Catering in Crested Butte. Graduate of the around the world by only traveling to the far ends of Elk Avenue. You can experience all California Culinary Academy, she has been a professional in the food industry most of her life. She has the traveling that Kyleena and Jeff have done throughout the years just by entering the lived in Crested Butte for almost 20 years. You can find out more of the epicurean travels and offerings of Josephine at www.crestedbuttecatering.com restaurant. The eclectic world influenced decor has transformed this quaint ol’ miner’s

Secret Stash

January 28. 2010 / CRESTEDBUTTEWEEKLY / PAGE 21




the saw with a violin bow. hen I met Robel Straubhaar 46 years ago, I was In 1983, I received a call to hustle up to the Alpenhof a never ever skier. He had been director of the Restaurant at the ski area with my camera. Waiting for me Crested Butte Ski School since 1962. After looking was the Musette Internationale Quartette, pictured here: this 17-year-old up and down, he gestured to his line-up of Story and photos by Sandra Cortner three Europeans including the restaurant owner, my instructors and said in his husky Swiss accent, “You go hairdresser, Robel and a local native-born old-timer. with Gary.” I was only too happy to go with the smiling, The four entertained part-time at the restaurant and tan Gary, a blue-eyed blonde, totally unlike Robel, were thrilled at seeing their picture on Page 1. who was my father’s age, and seemed just a touch In the summers, Robel worked construction to unapproachable. support his growing family. He started the lift shacks Nevertheless, Robel was the superior skier as I at his workshop at home, and then drove them up for often observed through the window of my mother’s final construction on site. I suspect there was almost store at the base of the lifts. Stylish and controlled, nothing at the ski area he didn’t have a hammer on he was a master at angulations, up weighting, down at one time or another, including the Warming House, weighting, and edging, skills he and we learned before the upper gondola lift terminal, and the few chalets short shaped skis became the norm. I could have surrounding the base area in the 1960s. Several sworn he’d glued his 215-cm. skis together. He shifted years after building the family home, he added a his weight effortlessly as he curved his way down the ballet studio with wood floors and mirrors for Shirley’s steepest slopes, instructors or would-be instructors The Musette Internationale Quartette. Jean Paul ballet school. trying to mimic his every move. He made it look so easy. Simille of France, Milo von Louda of Czechoslovakia, and Robel Straubhaar of Switzerland at far right. Not everyone liked him, but everyone respected him. But it was never easy for me. Rudolph (Botsie) Spritzer (in sunglasses), a Crested He helped form the Professional Ski Instructors of He occasionally seemed brusque, but was oh so Butte native of Yugoslavian lineage, has joined them. – America, which established high, uniform standards gentle with his older clients. A Texas couple came every Photo by Sandra Cortner, copyright 1983. for ski instruction. He held his own school to the Christmas with their twin daughters to stay in the home highest. Several teachers were named Ski Instructors that Robel helped build for them above the ski area. I of the Year, including Robel in 1988. The PSIA gave Robel the Golden Ski Award in 2009 for his lifetime watched him carefully leading her down Warming House Hill, demonstrating stem Christies, she bravely achievements. In 1988, I photographed the 25 persons CBMR deemed most instrumental in the on his heels. advancement of the local ski industry, Robel was one of the top. Always seeking ways to improve his staff’s teaching, he and his wife Shirley, a ballet teacher, He turned over the reins of his beloved ski school to Jean Pavillard in 1989 and moved to Oregon. decided that the ski school members would be well served by learning the discipline and gracefulness By the time he retired, teaching methods had changed so much that no one had even heard of a stem of dance. Beginning in 1972, his instructors became students themselves for several weeks each fall. Christie. Skis came “unglued” and stances wider. Although Robel adapted, his daughter Lisa Blunck Shirley taught a crash course in classical ballet as Robel, who took up dance at age 50, demonstrated. jokes, “He just couldn’t get his feet apart.” Wearing t-shirts, long underwear and gym shorts, the class good-naturedly posed for the photos I ran in Despite our age difference and my consistent inability to keep my skis together, our lives paralleled. the newspaper. My tiniest regret as I look back over Robel’s amazing career is that he didn’t give me my first lesson Putting the heels of their ski boots together, they turned their toes out as best they could and practiced pliés at the barre. Robel wanted to give his staff a new sense of body awareness and a taste of instead of cute Gary. Who knows, maybe I would have been a member of Robel’s ski school instead of a journalist? how beginning skiers feel — awkward and out of their element, trying to plow through powder in heavy clumsy equipment. Sandy is the author of “Crested Butte Stories…Through My Lens”, a look at Crested Butte’s early days when If his days were for serious work, his nights were for fun. Letting down his hair, Robel played his she and Robel polkaed and partied. Join friends and family for Robel’s memorial service on Saturday, Jan. 30 at accordion amid singing, eating, drinking and polka dancing with his staff at the Friday night Ski School 5 p.m. at the Union Congregational Church. Reception follows at 6 p.m. at the Crested Butte Mountain Heritage parties in the Warming House. He also could yodel, blow the alp horn, play the spoons on his knees, and Museum.

Robel Straubhaar


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n LOCAL Resources n

Big Mine Ice Rink Hockey Schedule

Helmets Required & No Checking

Rink Hotline 349-1162 SUNDAY ICE MAINTENANCE 9:00AM - 10:00AM PUBLIC SKATE 10:00AM - 2:00PM ICE MAINTENANCE 2:00PM - 2:30PM












PUBLIC SKATE 10:00AM - 12:00PM

PUBLIC SKATE 10:00AM - 12:00PM

PUBLIC SKATE 10:00AM - 12:00PM

PUBLIC SKATE 10:00AM - 12:00PM

PUBLIC SKATE 10:00AM - 12:00PM

OPEN HOCKEY 12:00PM - 3:30PM

OPEN HOCKEY 12:00PM - 3:30PM

OPEN HOCKEY 12:00PM - 3:30PM

OPEN HOCKEY 12:00PM - 3:30PM

OPEN HOCKEY 12:00PM - 3:30PM







MITES 4:30PM - 5:30PM

MITES 4:30PM - 5:30PM





PEEWEES 4:30PM -6:00PM ICE MAINTENANCE 6:00PM - 6:30PM OPEN 6:30PM - 8:00PM


QUEEN BEES 8:00PM - 10:00PM



Scheduel May Vary Daily









Monday, Wednesday & Friday Evenings






PRE-K OPEN HOCKEY 11:00 - 10:00AM















MITES 4:00PM - 5:00PM

MITES 4:00PM - 5:00PM

PEEWEE 4:00PM - 5:30PM

MITES 4:00PM - 5:00PM


Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday Evenings

MASTERS 5:00PM - 6:45PM

PEEWEE 5:00PM - 6:00PM

BANTAMS 5:00PM - 6:30PM


SQUIRTS 5:00PM - 6:30PM








winter schedule 2009-2010 Town Shuttle Runs between the towns of Crested Butte and Mt. Crested Butte.

From Crested Butte Old Town Hall 6th & Belleview 4 Way Stop


:10, :25, :40, :55 :00, :15, :30, :45 :01, :16, :31, :46

From Mt. Crested Butte

First Bus

7:10 a.m. 7:15 a.m. 7:16 a.m.

Mountaineer Square :00, :15, :30, :45 7:30 a.m. After 10 p.m. the bus runs every half hour

Last Bus



Helmets Required & No Checking


You may park on SOUTH & WEST sides on:

Regulations vary in the core business area. Please read signs.


Rink Hotline 349-0974


• “NORTH” is toward Gothic Mountain • “EAST” is toward Crested Butte Mountain Which way does the sun • “SOUTH” is toward Gunnison rise and set? • “WEST” is toward Kebler Pass


Crested Butte “Big Mine” Ice Rink Schedule 2009-2010


You may park on NORTH & EAST sides on:



Snowy and icy phone numbers Nordic Trail Report...................... 970-349-1707, ext. 1 CB Avalanche Center................. 970-349-4022 CBMR Snow Phone.................... 970-349-2323 Ice Rink Hotline.......................... 970-349-0974








BANTAMS 6:00PM - 7:30PM





YOUTH LEAGUE Thursday, 1/28 5:30 pm .............................CB Squirt White vs. CB Squirt Blue Saturday, 1/30 5:30 pm .............................Grand Valley vs. Woflpack 7:00 pm .............................Grand Valley vs. Wolfpack Monday 2/1 4:00 am .............................CB Mite White vs. CB Mite Blue Wednesday, 2/3 6:00 pm .............................Gunnison vs. CB Squirt Blue

Crested Butte South Ice Rink Schedule 2009-2010

TOWN LEAGUE Thursday 1/28 7:00 p.m..............................Bacchanale at the Last Steep 8:45 p.m. ...........................Brick Oven at the Eldo Tuesday, 2/2 7:00 p.m..............................Last Steep at the Brick Oven 8:45 p.m..............................Mikey’s Pizza at the Bacchanale

RTA FREE BUS Schedule Winter, 2009-10 November 25, 2009 – April 4, 2010

The bus runs a loop through the City of Gunnison before heading north on Hwy 135 to Crested Butte and Mt. Crested Butte. The bus leaves the following stops no earlier than the times listed. There may be delays due to weather.

11:40 p.m. 11:45 p.m. 11:46 p.m. 12 midnight

Three Seasons - Chateaux

Serves Three Seasons, Outrun, Ski Jump, Mt. Sunrise, Chateaux, and Marcellina Apartments Stop Times First Bus Last Bus

Mountaineer Square :00, :15, :30, :45 8:00 a.m. 9:45 p.m. At 10:00, 10:30, 11:00, 11:30 and Midnight the bus will serve any route in Mt. Crested Butte. Tell your driver where you are going.

Columbine - Paradise Road - Eagles Nest

Serves Whetstone Road, Columbine Condominiums, Gothic Road near Mt. Crested Butte Town Offices, Paradise Road and Eagles Nest. Stop Times First Bus Last Bus

Mountaineer Square :25, :55 7:55 a.m. 9:25 p.m. At 10:00, 10:30, 11:00, 11:30 and Midnight the bus will serve any route in Mt. Crested Butte. Tell your driver where you are going.

Crystal - Castle - Paradise Condos

Serves Pitchfork, Crystal Road, Castle Road, Hunter Hill Road, Snowmass Road. Stop Times First Bus

Last Bus

Mountaineer Square :10, :40 8:10 a.m. 9:40 p.m. At 10:00, 10:30, 11:00, 11:30 and Midnight the bus will serve any route in Mt. Crested Butte. Tell your driver where you are going. For more information, go to www.mtnexp.org or call (970) 349-7318. For ADA transportation, please call (970) 349-5616.

All buses are wheelchair accessible. For more information, please call Mountain Express at 349-5616.

STATEMENT OF RIGHTS In accordance with the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act and Civil Rights Act of 1964, The RTA does not discriminate on the basis of disability, race, color, national origin, sexual orientation, or gender. For more information about these statutes, or to file a complaint, contact the RTA designated Disability Rights and Title VI coordinator, Scott Truex, Executive Director, PO Box 39, Crested Butte, CO. 81224. (970) 275-0111. For Telecommunication Relay Service, call 1-800659-2656 (hearing impaired). Individuals will be permitted to uses service animals, as defined within ADA guidelines, if necessary.

January 28. 2010 / CRESTEDBUTTEWEEKLY / PAGE 23

faces&places photos by paul gallaher

Paul Gallaher has worked for National Geographic, Outside, Newsweek, every snowsport magazine known to man, and corporate clients from Crested Butte Mountain to Chrysler. While Gallaher had many fine writing and photo assignments early in his career, it was the road less traveled that ultimately led him to the best – Crested Butte. Paul’s photos can be seen at www.pcgalaherphoto.com. He can also be reached at 970-209-1519.

Gunnison– Your Gateway to Lower Fares Sample roundtrip fares out of Gunnison/Crested Butte airport, including tax and fees starting at:

Boston............................. $385 New York......................... $358 Atlanta............................. $320 Tampa.............................. $420 Chicago............................ $345 Dallas............................... $352 Los Angeles..................... $370 San Francisco.................. $320 Washington, DC.............. $420 San Diego.........................$284 Las Vegas........................ $262 Phoenix............................ $340 *Fares were found using flexible dates...specific dates or itineraries may cost more.

PAGE 24 / CRESTEDBUTTEWEEKLY / January 28. 2010

Before you fly, check the fares from Gunnison/ Crested Butte (GUC)

The Gunnison Valley RTA in partnership with CBMR contracts with airlines to provide non-stop service to Denver, Atlanta, Dallas and Salt Lake City.

Gunnison/Crested Butte Airport is your Gateway to the World!

January 28. 2010 / CRESTEDBUTTEWEEKLY / PAGE 25

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