2024 Faculty and Trainee Presentations at the Annual PAS Meeting

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Department of Pediatrics


Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) Meeting

May 3 – May 6, 2024 | Toronto, Canada Visit our booth # 813

Daily Presentation Schedule (click links below)

 Friday, May 3rd

 Saturday, May 4th

 Sunday, May 5th

 Monday, May 6th

Friday, May 3, 2024

Navigating the Post Dobbs Landscape

Presenting Speaker: Alaina Pyle, MD

Session Time: 9:05 AM – 9:20 AM

Location: Metro Toronto Convention Centre: 201 F

Session Type: Presentation

Session Title: PAS Postgraduate Course: Hot Topics in Pediatric Bioethics

Let’s Give Them Something to Talk About: Using the Two-Minute Preceptor Model to Improve Serious Illness Communication Skills

Authors: Sanders S, Liu A, Arenth J, Joyner B

Leader: Benny Joyner, Jr., MD, MPH

Co-Leaders: Sara Sanders, MD, Andy Liu, MD, MS, Joshua Arenth, MD, FAAP HEC-C

Session Time: 3:45 PM – 5:15 PM

Location: Metro Toronto Convention Centre: 709

Session Type: Scientific Workshop

WIP 38 - Determinants of Umbilical Vessel Cannulation Failure in Neonates with Congenital Heart Disease

Authors: Cummins M, Golden AB, Sink D, DeFrancesco J, Davey B

Presenting Author: Matthew Cummins, MD

Session Time: 5:15 PM – 7:15 PM

Location: Poster Hall

Session Title: Cardiology Works in Progress

Session Type: Poster

69 - Improving Survival at Quaternary Care NICUs Following Necrotizing Enterocolitis

Totalis, a Condition Previously Considered 100% Lethal

Authors: Bodkin D, Markel T, Huff K, Nayak P, McNelis K, Hunter C, Sullivan K, Garg P, Coghill C, Premkumar M, Cuna A, Sharma J, Matson A, Jasani B, Pavlek L, Piazza A, Rose A, Rebe K, Kim J, Yanowit T, Ahmad I

Presenting Author: Irfan Ahmad, MD

Session Time: 5:15 PM – 7:15 PM

Location: Poster Hall

Session Title: Neonatal General 2: NICU Care Strategies

Session Type: Poster

WIP 71 - Lung Ultrasound Score for the Prediction of Surfactant Administration in Preterm Infants Diagnosed with Respiratory Failure

Authors: Kelner J, Golioto A, Shah R, Moote D

Presenting Author: Jacob Kelner, DO

Session Time: 5:15 PM – 7:15 PM

Location: Poster Hall

Session Title: Neonatal Pulmonology Works in Progress

Session Type: Poster

WIP-110 - Prevalence of Osteoarthritic Infection Patients Presenting with Low Inflammatory Markers: A Multi-Center Analysis

Authors: Mancini N, Smith S, Rudloff J, Harper M, Kimia A

Presenting Author: Nickolas Mancini, MD, MBA

Session Time: 5:15 PM – 7:15 PM

Location: Poster Hall

Session Title: Emergency Medicine 1 Works in Progress

Session Type: Poster

Friday, May 3, 2024

WIP 143 - Charting a New Path: Tracking of Electronic Health Record Use Metrics to Raise Pediatric Resident Workflow Efficiency

Authors: Gonzalez K, McDermott A, Im J, Mandell JS

Presenting Author: Jane Im, MD

Session Time: 5:15 PM – 7:15 PM

Location: Poster Hall

Session Title: Technology Medicine Works in Progress

Session Type: Poster

152 - Caffeine Consumption and Academic Performance in Adolescents

Authors: Ahmad F, Anuar A, Smith S

Presenting Author: Farnaz Ahmad, BS, BA

Session Time: 5:15 PM – 7:15 PM

Location: Poster Hall

Session Title: Adolescent Medicine 2

Session Type: Poster

180 - Field Testing a Pediatric SMART Asthma Treatment Plan

Authors: Hollenbach JP, Tulchinsky A, Wasser C

Presenting Author: Caleb Waser, DO

Session Time: 5:15 PM – 7:15 PM

Location: Poster Hall

Session Title: Asthma 1

Session Type: Poster

352 - Increased Sepsis Attributable Mortality in Pediatric Hematology Oncology and Transplant Patients is Associated with Lack of an Early Recognition Tool

Authors: Hakim H, Riggs R, Richardson T, Auletta JF, DiGerolamo K, Hron JD, Kohorst M, Laurie K, Maixner M, Levy JM, Ohlsen TJD, Orsey AD, Prudowsky ZD, Raghu VK, Redfern W, Rozenfeld R, Workman JK, Wilkes J

Presenting Author: Hana Hakim, MD, MS

Session Time: 5:15 PM – 7:15 PM

Location: Poster Hall

Session Title: Hematology/Oncology

Session Type: Poster

354 - Creation and Implementation of a Novel Pediatric Cardio-Oncology Clinical Pathway

Authors: Toro-Salazar OH, Waynik I, Ruiz TL, Orsey A

Presenting Author: Olga H. Toro-Salazar, MD

Session Time: 5:15 PM – 7:15 PM

Location: Poster Hall

Session Title: Hematology/Oncology

Session Type: Poster

611 - Source Tracking Klebsiella pneumoniae Infections in the NICU Using a Novel rRNA Amplicon

Authors: Matson AP, Caimano M, Rezaul K, Lesmes S, Hussain N, Jackson E, Driscoll M

Presenting Author: Adam P. Matson, MD, MSc

Session Time: 5:15 PM – 7:15 PM

Location: Poster Hall

Session Title: Neonatal Infectious Diseases/Immunology 2

Session Type: Poster

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Therapeutic Hypothermia after Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE) Results in Similar Outcomes by Sex – An Individual Patient Data Mixed Effects Meta-Analysis of Landmark Clinical Trials

Authors: Wood T, Mietzsch U, Law J, Sabir H, Mayock DE, Rosenkrantz TS, Fitch RH, Shankaran S, Jacobs SE, Inder TE, Simbruner G, Mittal R, Rohlmann F, Muche R, Sewell E, Chalak LDM, Whitelaw A, Ferriero DM, Polin RA, Ballard RA, German K, Gunn AJ, Juul SE, Wu Y, Thoresen M, Heagerty P

Presenting Author: Thomas R. Wood, MD, PhD

Session Time: 11:45 AM – 12:00 PM

Location: Metro Toronto Convention Centre: 202

Session Title: Neonatal Neurology 2: Term Clinical

Session Type: Presentation

Pre-clinical Validation of a Novel Alginate-Based Sealant for Rapid Treatment of Tracheal Injuries

Authors: Walker J, Wanczyk H, Asarian L, Weiss DJ, Finck C

Presenting Author: Joanne Walker

Session Time: 12:00 PM – 12:15 PM

Location: Metro Toronto Convention Centre: 201 BD

Session Title: Critical Care 1

Session Type: Oral Abstract

APA SIG: Evidence-Based Pediatrics - Advancing Together in Using, Teaching and Evaluating EBM

Authors: Jacobson RM, Fliegel JE, Zalneraitis E

Presenting Authors: Jonathan E. Fliegel, MD, FAAP

Session Time: 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM

Location: Metro Toronto Convention Centre: 713 B

Session Type: APA SIG

63 - Correspondence Analysis in Multivariate Symptomology: Visualizing Symptom Clusters and Reported Conditions in COVID Related Patients

Authors: Brimacombe M, Hogan AH, El Chebib H, Herbst KW, Lynes MA, Salazar JC

Presenting Author: Michael Brimacombe, PhD

Session Time: 3:30 PM – 6:00 PM

Location: Poster Hall

Session Title: Infectious Diseases 2

Session Type: Poster

WIP 88 - Disparities in Prenatal Counseling and Decision-making Regarding Resuscitation in High-mortality Neonatal Populations

Authors: Simpson SL, Mena KA, Cortezzo DM, Beck AF, Miller ER, Greenberg JM

Presenting Author: Samantha L. Simpson, MD

Session Time: 3:30 PM – 6:00 PM

Location: Poster Hall

Session Type: Poster

Session Title: Health Equity/Social Determinants of Health 2 Works in Progress

101 - Natural Language Processing-Assisted Evaluation of Empiric Antibiotics for Skin and Soft Tissue Infections

Authors: Rudloff J, Fritz S, Lai AM, Kimia A, Mistry RD, Newland J, Ahmad FA

Presenting Author: James Rudloff, MD

Session Time: 3:30 PM – 6:00 PM

Session Title: Emergency Medicine 4: Infections

Session Type: Poster

Saturday, May 4, 2024

115 - Discrepancy between expected skin abscess incision & drainage outcome and amount of pus expressed.

Authors: Nea JT, Waltman EM, Ansar Ei, Fleegler E, Ozonoff A, Landschaft A, Kimia A

Presenting Author: Jeffrey T. Neal, MD

Session Time: 3:30 PM – 6:00 PM

Location: Poster Hall

Session Title: Emergency Medicine 4: Infections

Session Type: Poster

WIP 126 - Side Effects Following Topical Corticosteroids Usage in Pediatric Atopic Dermatitis

Authors: Kalaiarasu S, Kline E, Nowobilski MK, Smith S

Presenting Author: Sowandareya Kalaiarasu (Student)

Session Time: 3:30 PM – 6:00 PM

Location: Poster Hall

Session Type: Poster

Session Title: Children with Chronic Conditions Works in Progress

WIP 145 - The Use of Central Nervous System Stimulants to Treat Long COVID Fatigue in Pediatric Patients

Authors: Zulfi A, Gomez N, Zempsky W, Michelow I, El Chebib H, Hong G, Girotto J, Theriault C

Presenting Author: Ajshe Zulfi, BS, BA

Session Time: 3:30 PM – 6:00 PM

Location: Poster Hall

Session Title: Infectious Diseases Works in Progress

Session Type: Poster

163 - Development of a Neuroirritabilty Clinic to Improve Management of a Challenging Condition

Authors: Riotte Clare

Presenting Author: Clare Riotte, DO

Session Time: 3:30 PM – 6:00 PM

Location: Poster Hall

Session Title: Palliative Care

Session Type: Poster

177 - Racial Disparity and Disproportionality Among Emergency Department Visits for Child Maltreatment: Evidence from 2019-2020 Nationwide Emergency Department

Sample (NEDS) Database

Authors: Wanner C, Livingston N, Fish M, Hunter A

Presenting Author: Corbinian Wanner

Session Time: 3:30 PM – 6:00 PM

Location: Poster Hall

Session Title: Child Abuse & Neglect 1

Session Type: Poster

256 - Guidelines to standardize care for facial lacerations can improve racial inequities in plastic surgery repairs in the pediatric emergency department.

Authors: Mills D, Steidley IG, Waltman EM, Lyons TW, Miller AF, Stewart A, Monuteaux M, Ganske I, Rees CA, Landschaft A, Kimia A, Fleegler E

Presenting Author: David Mills, MD

Session Time: 3:30 PM – 6:00 PM

Location: Poster Hall

Session Title: Health Equity/Social Determinants of Health 4

Session Type: Poster

Saturday, May 4, 2024

307 - Identifying and Mapping Bronchiolitis Clusters in Connecticut

Authors: Hogan AH, Adams A, Ghosh D, Brugge D

Presenting Author: Alexander Hogan, MD, MS

Session Time: 3:30 PM – 6:00 PM

Location: Poster Hall

Session Type: Poster

Session Title: Health Services Research 2: Novel Methods and Disparities

341 - A Review of Asthma Treatment Plans for Single Maintenance and Reliever Therapy (SMART) in a Primary Care Clinic

Authors: Wasser C, Hollenbach JP, Collins MS

Presenting Author: Caleb Wasser, DO

Session Time: 3:30 PM – 6:00 PM

Location: Poster Hall

Session Title: General Pediatrics 3

Session Type: Poster

519 - Immediate and Long-term Effects of Ketamine Analgosedation on Preterm Infants Receiving Laser Therapy for Retinopathy of Prematurity

Authors: Athar D, Lainwala S, Hussain N

Presenting Author: Naveed Hussain, MBBS, DCH

Session Time: 3:30 PM – 6:00 PM

Location: Poster Hall

Session Title: Pediatric Therapeutics and Pharmacology

Session Type: Poster

Sunday, May 5, 2024

257 - Count of Neonatal Morbidities predict Neurocognitive and General Health Outcomes at 10 and 15 years

Authors: Vaidya R, Singh R, O'Shea M, Joseph RM, Jensen ET, Yi JX, Frazier JA, Fry R, Makker K, Shenberger JS

Presenting Author: Ruben Vaidya, MD

Session Time: 8:15 AM – 8:30 AM

Location: Metro Toronto Convention Centre: 104 AB

Session Type: Oral Abstract

Session Title: Children with Chronic Conditions Works in Progress

How can we safely and effectively manage pain without using opioids?

Authors: Zempsky WT

Presenting Author: Zempsky WT

Session Time: 8:35 AM – 8:50 AM

Location: Metro Toronto Convention Centre: 801 B

Session Type: Hot Topic Workshop

Session Title: The role of non-opioid management in pediatric patients for pain: Is this the new preference?

1 - Early Obstetric Anesthesia and the Ether–Chloroform Controversy in 19th Century UK and US– Role of the Hyderabad Chloroform Commissions from India

Authors: Hussain ZN, Hussain N

Presenting Author: Zeenat N. Hussain, DO

Session Time: 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM

Location: Metro Toronto Convention Centre: 205

Session Title: Historical Perspectives: Oral Poster Symposia

Session Type: Oral Poster Symposia

Outcomes of Neonates Receiving Peritoneal Dialysis: An Analysis of the Contemporary Infant and Neonatal Dialysis (COINED) Study

Authors: Sanderson K, Webb TN, Scobell RR, Starr MC, Pottanat ND, Ciccia EA, Claes DJ, Carter C, NelsonTaylor S, Beebe ME, Harris M, Alhamoud I, Joseph C, Grinsell M, Petgrave YP, Zahr R, Lande M, Richardson K, Alzarka BJ, Razzouk R, Piburn K, Byfield R, Kim H, Katsoufis CP, Lindner C, Crawford B, Villegas LA, Hu Y, Muff-Luett M

Presenting Author: Keia Sanderson, MD, MSCR

Session Time: 2:15 PM – 2:30 PM

Location: Metro Toronto Convention Centre: 606

Session Title: Nephrology 2

Session Type: Presentation

372 - Enhancing surveillance of healthcare-associated violence using Natural Language Processing and clinical notes.

Authors: Kimia A, Waltzman M, Fournier KAA, Welcher J, Milliren CE, Landschaft A, Ozonoff A

Presenting Author: Amir Kimia, MD

Session Time: 3:30 PM – 6:00 PM

Location: Poster Hall

Session Title: Quality Improvement/Patient Safety 2

Session Type: Poster

107 - Rate of bacteremia among children with skin abscesses that had a blood culture drawn.

Authors: Waltman EM, Landschaft A, Neal JT, Ansari E, Ozonoff A, Kimia A

Presenting Author: Elizabeth Waltman, BA (Medical student)

Session Time: 3:30 PM – 6:00 PM

Location: Poster Hall

Session Title: Emergency Medicine 4: Infections

Session Type: Poster

Sunday, May 5, 2024

184 - Assessing Medical Large Language Models for Semantic Search in Pediatric Clinical Narratives.

Authors: Landschaft A, Parsons C, Waltman EM, Kimia A

Presenting Author: Assaf Landschaft MSc

Session Time: 3:30 PM – 6:00 PM

Location: Poster Hall

Session Title: Technology 2

Session Type: Poster

586 - CAUTION: National Patient Safety Goals suggest selective suicide screening for youth with known mental/behavioral health concerns…but is that enough?

Authors: Webb L, Sacco SJ, Volz K, Rogers SC

Presenting Author: Steven Rogers, MD

Session Time: 3:30 PM – 6:00 PM

Location: Poster Hall

Session Title: Emergency Medicine 8: Mental Health

Session Type: Poster

129 - Multivariate Analysis of Correlated Immunological Biomarker Variables: Dimension Reduction and Predictive Models

Authors: Brimacombe M, Jadhav A, Lee WT, Hogan AH, Herbst KW, Lynes MA, Salazar JC

Presenting Author: Michael Brimacombe, BA MA MSc PhD

Session Time: 3:30 PM – 6:00 PM

Location: Poster Hall

Session Title: Infectious Diseases 3

Session Type: Poster

357 - Outpatient Antimicrobial Stewardship Program Pilot: Targeting Pediatric Healthcare Providers in the Community

Authors: Waynik I, El Chebib H, Girotto JE, Krol DM

Presenting Author: Ilana Waynik, MD

Session Time: 3:30 PM – 6:00 PM

Location: Poster Hall

Session Title: Quality Improvement/Patient Safety 1

Session Type: Poster

Abstract ID: 1659162

WIP 142 - Novel 4-in-1 Device Testing in a Pre-clinical Model of Neonatal Esophageal Stricture

Authors: Hughes E, Walker J, Wanczyk H, Kuhn L, Finck C

Presenting Author: Elizabeth J. Hughes MD

Session Time: 3:30 PM – 6:00 PM

Location: Poster Hall

Session Title: Neonatal GI Physiology & NEC Works in Progress

Session Type: Poster

349 - Contribution of neighborhood safety to the frequency of emergency department visits for emerging adults with sickle cell disease

Authors: Bhowmik AD, Steinway C, Belton TD, Chen J, Aygun B, Appiah-Kubi A, Apollonsky N, Boruchov D, Andemariam B, Niss O, Crosby LE, Schwartz A, Barakat LP, Smith-Whitley K, Jan S

Presenting Author: Caren Steinway, LMSW MPH

Session Time: 3:30 PM – 6:00 PM

Location: Poster Hall

Session Title: Health Equity/ Social Determinants of Health 10

Session Type: Poster

Sunday, May 5, 2024

285 - Disparities in Antenatal Counseling for Mothers of Periviable Infants

Authors: Simpson SL, Mena KA, Cortezzo DM, Beck AF, Miller ER, Greenberg JM

Presenting Author: Caren Steinway, LMSW MPH

Session Time: 3:30 PM – 6:00 PM

Location: Poster Hall

Session Title: Health Equity/Social Determinants of Health 6

Session Type: Poster

WIP 154 - Near Infra-Red Spectroscopy (NIRS) for Renal Monitoring of Preterm and Term Infants Treated with Ampicillin and Gentamicin

Authors: Zgutka K, Trzaski J, MD (mentor), James Moore, MD, PhD (mentor)

Presenting Author: Kinga Zgutka, MD (fellow)

Session Time: 3:30 PM – 6:00 PM

Location: Poster Hall

Session Title: Neonatal Neprhrology/AKI Works in Progress

Session Type: Poster

Monday, May 6, 2024

Human Lung Bioinks Embedded with Induced Basal Stem Cells can be used to 3D

Bioprint Pediatric-Sized Airways

Authors: Wanczyk H, Asarian L, Weiss DJ, Finck C

Presenting Author: Heather Wanczyk, MS

Session Time: 8:45 AM – 9:00 AM

Location: Metro Toronto Convention Centre: 803 B

Session Title: Pulmonology

Session Type: Presentation

13 - Use of Artificial Intelligence for lost-to-follow-up surveillance.

Authors: Kimia A, Starmer AJ, Landschaft A, Hahn PD, Bauer AS, Ozonoff A, Waltman EM, Fisher K, Graham DA

Presenting Author: Amir Kimia, MD

Session Time: 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM

Location: Poster Hall

Session Title: Quality Improvement/Patient Safety 3

Session Type: Poster

WIP 99 - Assessing Drowning Risk Factors in Patients Presenting to the Pediatric ED

Authors: Felisca KM, Chiappin E; Smith S

Presenting Author: Kathleen M. Felisca, MD

Session Time: 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM

Location: Poster Hall

Session Title: Injury Prevention Works in Progress

Session Type: Poster

Abstract ID: 1676307

WIP 103 - Examination of State Gun Legislation and Rising Pediatric Firearm Mortality

Authors: Wilson M, Hunter A, Smith S

Presenting Author: Meghan Wilson (Frost), MD, MPH

Session Time: 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM

Location: Poster Hall

Session Title: Injury Prevention Works in Progress

Session Type: Poster

Abstract ID 1678381

WIP 127 - Resident Response to Sepsis Alerts: Improving Protocol and Responses to Best Practice Alerts

Authors: Serventi-Gleeson J, Cummins M, Melendez E, Velavan A, Yanaros M

Presenting Author: Jessica Serventi-Gleeson, MD

Session Time: 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM

Location: Poster Hall

Session Type: Poster

Abstract ID: 1675501

Session Title: Quality Improvement/Patient Safety 1 Works in Progress

463 - Parental Education and Discharge Planning for Infants with Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia – A Questionnaire Survey of North American Neonatologists

Authors: Chu E, Hussain N, Pappagallo M, Rosenkrantz T, Eisenfeld L

Presenting Author: Naveed Hussain, MBBS, DCH

Session Time: 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM

Location: Poster Hall

Session Type: Poster

Session Title: Neonatal-Perinatal Health Care Delivery: Practices and Procedures 2

471 - “It’s Doing More Harm Than Good,” yet, “Even a Slight Chance at Survival…”: How Do Parents Choose When Faced with Periviable Delivery?

Authors: Raynal EA, Pallotto IK, Brady JM, Cortezzo DM, Lipstein E

Presenting Author: Eric A. Raynal, MD

Session Time: 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM

Location: Poster Hall

Session Type: Poster

Session Title: Neonatal-Perinatal Health Care Delivery: Practices and Procedures 3

Monday, May 6, 2024

561-CanTranspyloricfeedsplayaroleinthemanagementofinfantswithSevereBronchopulmonary Dysplasia(sBPD)?

Authors: Nagarkatti A (undergraduate student), Anuar A, Sarkar S, Hussain N

Presenting Author: Ahana r. Nagarkatti

Session Time: 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM

Location: Poster Hall

Session Type: Poster

Session Title: Neonatal Pulmonology - Clinical Science 4: Clinical Practice Questions, Going Home

Technology 3

Authors: Kimia A, Madhavan V, Saidinejad M

Moderators: Amir Kimia, MD; Mohsen Saidinejad, MD, MS, MBA

Session Time: 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM

Location: Metro Toronto Convention Centre: 605

Session Title: Social Media & Technology

Session Type: Oral Abstract

Lower Incidence of Hiatal Hernia Repair in Pediatric Patients undergoing Bariatric Surgery

Authors: Burgwardt N, Finck C, Healy J

Presenting Author: Nicolle Burgwardt, MD

Session Time: 2:15 PM – 2:30 PM

Location: Metro Toronto Convention Centre: 202

Session Title: Obesity 2

Session Type: Oral Abstract

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