CCAfrica 2011 Annual Report

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The Canadian Council on Africa

Networking excellence

Annual Report 2011-2012

Ministers take part in Africa Day 2012

Members of the Africa Diplomatic Corp with His Honorable John Baird, Minister of Foreign Affairs, His Honorable Ed Fast, Minister of International Trade and His Honorable Bernard Valcourt, Minister of State (Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency) (La Francophonie)

Table of Contents Page 2

Board Members 2011-2012 CCAfrica Team

Page 3

Chairman’s Message Message from the CEO of the Canadian Council on Africa Message from the Regional Vice-President Western Canada

Page 4

Message from Vice-President Ontario Message from the Vice-President Quebec and Maritimes

Page 5 Promoting Africa in Canada through Conferences: …Through Training Seminary Page 6

Increasing economic reltions between Canada and Africa through LUNCH-CONFERENCE …Through Economic Missions

Page 7 Ensure a better understanding of the opportunities offered by Africa Through Welcoming of Delegations Our Collaborations Page 8

Our Publications and Services

Page 9

Social Medias

Page 10

Strategic Plan

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Annual Report 2012

Board Members 2011-2012 Quebec

Michel Côté Yvon Bernier Robert Blackburn Amina Gerba Jacques Demanche Karl Miville-De Chêne Jean-Francois Vinet Denis Belisle

Permanent Team: CRC Sogema DID SNC-Lavalin Afrique Expansion Mag Rio Tinto Alcan Contacts Monde Tecsult AECOM Dessau

Ontario David Ireland David Baron James Peart Matt Fisher Peter Kieran Lucien Bradet Alanna Heath Marie-Josée Fortin Joseph Soares Andrew McAlister Charles Field Marsham

Canadian Bank Note Cowater Sherritt International Anyway Env. Solutions CPCS CCAfrica Barrick ACCC IBPROM McAlister Consulting Corp Kestrel Capital

Western Canada Wayne Dunn Denis Painchaud Eric Maxell Neil Sadler Brent Thompson David Gamble

CSR Resources Nexen Manitoba Hydro It. IRD Wardrop IMW

Advisors Patricia Bentolila James Hill Shane Jaffer Rowena Dias Alain Carrier

CCAfrica Team

EDC DFAIT Alberta Gov. Ontario Gov. MDEIE (Quebec)

Lucien Bradet, President CEO

Mark Buzan, Director of Communications & members relations (In function until September 2011)

Chris Kianza, Director of Communications & members relations (In function since September 2011)

Marie-France Lebreton, Vice-President Quebec (In function until February 2012)

Karl Miville-de Chêne, Vice-President Quebec and Maritimes (In function since February 2012)

Nola Kianza, Vice-President Ontario

Frank Kense, Vice-President Western Canada Léonie Perron, Projet Manager Quebec & Maritimes

Dalal Zayouna, Projet Manager Ontario

Ehi Irianan, Projet Manager Ontario (In function until May 2012)

Karine Côté, Graphic Designer

Karl Hasenhuendl, Graphic Designer

A particular thank you to all our interns and valiant volunteers : Kossi Gumedzoe, Marie-Pier Gauthier, Germain Beasna, Catherine Lavallé Galiano, Viola Sebahana, Sylvia Désirée Kouadio, Ronkey Idji, Gilles Couture, Moustapha Ngaido, Letysia Kabundi, Annick Kwetcheu Gamo, Diviya Neda Jaime Hidalgo, Marje Aksli, Faith Biyapo Gimem

Annual Report 2012

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Chairman’s Message

The year 2011-2012 has been, for the realization of our mandate, a very good year although strewed with a few hurdles. The challenges encountered during this exercise have been overcome with brio by a permanent team always dedicated to the intensification of trade, social and human relations between Canada and all countries of the African continent. I want to thank and congratulate the team of the Executive Committee, on whom I could always count on their collaboration. This year, three areas have guided our actions: the implementation of the strategic plan, the growth and diversification of our membership and finally, the quantity and quality of our networking events and information. Thus, during the summer of 2011, members of the Executive Committee, along with several former presidents, held a work session which was designed to draw up an assessment of current activities, especially to review and confirm the positioning of CCAfrica at the level of Canadian activities in Africa, as well as African activities in Canada. It was then agreed to maintain the strategic objectives adopted during the previous year. However, given the significant work planned in the areas of mining and large infrastructure projects in Africa, it was decided to focus and direct our efforts towards these sectors to better assist our members in their economic position on the continent. The membership has always remained a major concern for our organization. The quality and quantity of our members help to provide the necessary financial resources to achieve our mission, but more importantly gives an organization, such as ours, the prestige and awareness needed to develop and maintain our credibility with economic and political actors of our country. Also, many well-targeted actions have been deployed by our permanent staff, supported by some members of our Board, to allow the growth and consolidation of our membership. However, it is clear that on this point, there is still much to do and, although CCAfrica continues to regularly add to its membership, the fact remains that this difficult task brings some disappointments. We believe in the usefulness and also the need of our « raison d’être » and it is a fact that, more and more, we share it with a lot of players interested in this great continent of Africa. As you have seen this year, our team has worked hard to develop many activities just as interesting as the others. Whether it is traveling on the African continent, or the organization of seminars, congresses, conferences and other networking activities and formal sharing of information for business development, the team of Lucien Bradet was able to share our passion for Africa with many of our friends and partners. It would also be unwise not to recognize the excellent work done to our corporate image and our communication tools that have experienced this year, a quantum leap into modernity and technology. In conclusion, I would like to thank all CCAfrica members for their support, members of our Board for their wise advices, the Executive Committee for their tireless work, and especially Lucien, Leonie, Chris and the permanent team, once again this year, did a magnificent job. I would be remiss not to also thank Marie-France Lebreton for the excellent work she has done over the years she worked for CCAfrica. We believe in this continent and to the integrity of men and women who build it. Thank you. Michel Côté Page 3

Message from the CEO of the Canadian Council on Africa Dear Members, The Canadian Council on Africa celebrates its tenth anniversary in 2012. This is an important moment in its history and in pursuing its mission. For the occasion, we revamped our image with a new logo that was unveiled in January and we storm the social networks in order to share information about our activities, our missions and all economic news of Africa . I do not need to make the inventory of all activities of CCAfrica since 2002, suffice it to say they were very numerous, varied, and they have affected the majority of African countries. Our mission to increase economic relations between Canada and Africa, is still our goal and will be for years to come. Yes great progress has been made. Trade between our countries and the African continent has increased fivefold during this period, going from 2 billion to more than 10 billion. If we add to these figures the investment of Canadian mining assets in Africa, we must read, from 5 to 35 billion. We can speak of an important development but it is still insufficient considering the capabilities of Canada and investment and trade opportunities in Africa. Therefore CCAfrica will in the coming years intensify its efforts to maximize the potential of our relations with more than 54 countries and a population now exceeding one billion persons. During the past year we have held a large number of activities in four provinces: British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario and Quebec. These activities have enabled us to work with hundreds of Canadians who share our goals and to inform them about the opportunities and challenges of the continent. These events have enabled us to receive a large number of African delegations clearly interested in developing closer relations with Canadians. CCAfrica couldn’t have accomplished this work without the close collaboration we have with the African Diplomatic Corps, the Canadian Government and the advice of many senior officials responsible for the continent, the Provincial Governments, members who renew their membership to our network and faithfully participate in our activities and finally a staff dedicated and convinced of the importance of our mission. Lucien Bradet President, CEO

Message from the Regional Vice-President Western Canada Hello, My name is Frank Kense and I am the CCAfrica Regional Vice-President for Western Canada. I am based in Alberta and commute regularly between Edmonton, and downtown Calgary, where I have a small office. I am very pleased to be associated with CCAfrica since my background is in African archaeology. I worked extensively in northern Ghana and have also been involved with projects in Sudan, Gambia and Cameroon. Africa has always been very dear and important to me!

Annual Report 2012

Since assuming the role of Regional Vice President for Western Canada, I have been focused on building the profile of CCAfrica in the West. Since this area includes Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia, the task before me is certainly challenging! During this past year, I have been involved with the following projects: 1) NIPC tour of Vancouver and Calgary – September 2011: A 14 persons delegation from the Nigeria Investment Promotion Commission visited both Vancouver and Calgary (and then Toronto) and asked for a forum in each city to present the opportunities in Nigeria to Canadian companies. We also set up a number of one on one business meetings. 2) Exploring New Frontiers in Canada – Africa Business Opportunities – A New “Silk Road” Vancouver Conference – January 25, 2012 – Over 30 representatives from the private and public sector attend a daylong event of presentations by Embassy/High Commission spokesmen, Canadian business leaders active in Africa and the Canadian government support agencies. This was the first formal entry into the Lower Mainland of promoting African economic opportunities. 3) CCAfrica Energy Forum – Calgary, June 11, 2012 – Nearly 100 registrants from Africa and Canada gathered to explore the huge potential in African energy development and to network with African and Canadian business leaders and public sector agencies. The AEF was a great lead in to the Global Petroleum Show which is held in Calgary very two years. Much work remains to be done to raise awareness in the West of CCAfrica as the leading Canadian voice for the promotion and encouragement of Canadian business leadership in the economic growth of Africa and the recognition that there exist immense mutual benefits on both sides for partnership and cooperation. But the task has certainly started. Frank Kense Regional Vice President – Western Canada

Message from Vice-President Ontario

centuries the interest of many other countries in world. In addition, Africa has the fortune of having a dynamic upcoming labour force made up of young people. All these factors make up a good recipe and foundation for economic development and trade. Canada is well position to becoming a great business partner for Africa due to its vast experience and knowledge in various sectors such: natural resources, services, infrastructure, education, etc. However CCAfrica main challenge has been to convince the Canadian business community of the potentials that exist in Africa, due to lack of good governance and security in some countries, perception and misinformation about Africa, and competition from other and more vocal regions in the world. Nonetheless, CCAfrica Ontario was able, this past year, to organize a number of platform or events to provide venues for Africans and their Canadians counterpart to know each other better and exchange information. These events included: 1. Infrastructure Mission to Toronto lead by Governor of Lagos 2. Nigeria Investment Promotion tour in Toronto 3. Zambia Investment Promotion event in Toronto, with Keynote Speakers Mr. Peter Munk, Chairman of Barrick Gold and Ambassador of Zambia to Canada 4. Hosted a delegation from Ivory Coast lead by Minister in charge of reconstruction: inviting Canadian companies to take advantage various business opportunities in Ivory Coast following the civil war. 5. Seminar on Business Opportunities in Ethiopia with Keynote Speaker, the Hon. Minister of Mines of Ethiopia. CCAfrica Ontario plans for the next fiscal year is to increase its presence in Ontario by recruiting new members and organizing more events that would help increase awareness of the business potentials that exist in Africa and encourage Ontario companies to add Africa as one of their potential business destinations. The coming of Ethiopian Airlines to Toronto starting July 17, 2012 with direct flight Addis, Ababa - Toronto, Canada, will not only ease the mind of the people who feel that Africa is on another planet but it encourage economic relations between Canada and the Sub-Saharan of Africa. We are pleased to have in our team Ms. Dalal Zayouna, who was a past manager of Canada - Arab Business Council; her experience in membership recruitment, planning or organizing events will be a big asset to our team. Sincerely, Nola Kianza, Vice-President Ontario

I hereby Nola Kianza, Vice President, CCAfrica for the province of Ontario and a proud Co-Founder of CCAfrica together with Ms. Deborah Turnbull, former Vice President International, Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters. I have been Vice President, Ontario since the formation of this organization. It is rewarding and humbling to celebrate the 10 Years Anniversary of this great organization; it seems like it was just yesterday. CCAfrica was created based on the believe that private sector development is key to sustainable development, poverty reduction, job creation, etc., which lead to peace and security, prosperity, good health, good education and self-esteem of the people of Africa; In the same time promote trade and business relationship between Canada and Africa. While Canada is well known in Africa for its humanitarian endeavors but falls short when come to participating in economic development or promoting business relations between the continent of Africa and Canada. Africa represent a potential market of over 1 billion people for Canadian goods and services; and the continent of Africa is richly endowed with over 30% of world natural resources that have attracted for

Message from the Vice-President Quebec and Maritimes

Since we last met in June 2011 much has taken place on the Québec side. In effect, the Québec Vice-Presidency, then headed by Marie-France Lebreton, led several projects that have been very successful. Among these projects, it is important to note the Program for Partnerships and Industrial Clusters (PSPFI), in cooperation with the Ministry of Economic Development, Innovation and Export Trade (MDEIE) of Québec, as well as a major conference and a wage subsidy granted by Emploi Québec. In the meantime, I made my entrance as the new Vice President for Québec and the Maritimes. The major projects that were conducted in Quebec for the year 2011-2012:

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1) Support Programme Partnerships and Industrial Sectors (PSPFI) with MDEIE: This project, a partnership between the Canadian Council on Africa and the MDEIE, provides financial support towards our activities promoting business opportunities for Québec companies in Africa. We can mention a number of activities and initiatives that were discovered and established through the support of this initiative: one in Mali and the other in South Africa; two economic missions: one in Cameroon and one in Côte d’Ivoire; a study on the peripheral aspects of the field of education in Africa, a training seminar in collaboration with the Université Laval on the particular characteristics of doing business in the various African subregions and finally a major Conference on Financial Institutions as engines for SME development in Africa. This last event was a great success both in Québec and in the rest of Canada (250 participants from 18 countries) and it is expected to be extended into other parts of the country later this year. 2) Salary Subvention from Emploi Quebec allowing to hire a Project Manager on a full-time basis, Miss Leonie Perron. This helps us greatly in organizing our events and other tasks, while facilitating the transition of the Vice-Presidency. We sincerely hope to retain her services after the six months granted by this subvention. This is why it is essential to ensure a membership renewal rate of our members and increase our revenue. To do this, we negotiated the renewal of our PSPFI with MDEIE which will give us a significant funding support for the year 2012-2013. In addition, we hope to recruit two new members per month, while ensuring a renewal rate of 90% of our members. Moreover, CCAfrica wishes to extend its territory to the Maritime provinces. So this summer, we will visit New Brunswick and Nova Scotia to build relationships with these provinces to recruit new members and make some presentations on the African opportunities.

CCAfrica’s Financial Institutions Conference (March 19 & 20) The Conference Financial Institutions: Key Partner in Doing Business in Africa brought together over 200 experts, practitioners, ambassadors and businesspeople to share best practices, foster partnerships, and, ultimately catalyze Canadian investment in Africa. The conference focused on four overall themes: outlining Africa’s prospects and risks; surveying the available financing options; providing real-world case studies across industries and sectors; and facilitating one-on-one meetings between African and Canadian partners.

…Through Training Seminary

In conclusion, a number of great networking, learning and other opportunities on how to access the African continent await you for the years 2012-2013 along with the Canadian Council on Africa and we look forward to continuing to serve you. Sincerely, Karl Miville-de Chêne, Vice President Eastern Canada

Throughout the of the year, CCAfrica pursued three major objectives that have guided all of its activities and achievements that are:

1.Promoting Africa in Canada through Conferences:

In collaboration with AffutJob, a CCAfrica member specialized in this area, CCAfrica organized an event where attendees received relevant information on best practices, different channels of recruitment, main difficulties, cultural differences, etc. to find the right staff.


Exploring New Frontiers: Opportunities in Canada-Africa Economic Relations A New “Silk Road” The theme of the conference, which was held on January 25th 2012, was to familiarize Canadian companies interested in venturing into the Africa marketplace with current economic and political trends. More importantly perhaps, was the opportunity to listen to Canadian companies already active in Africa and to share in some practical examples and experiences from doing business there today. Page 5

How can Canadian Companies Recruit Effectively in Africa?

On August 25th in Montreal, the Canadian Council on Africa organized a strategic information session on the theme of the OHADA Business Law. Thanks to his expertise and knowledge on OHADA (Organisation pour l’Harmonisation en Afrique du Droit des Affaires), Mr. Émile Bekolo carried the presentation on a wide range of subjects such as the business environment in the Sub-Sahara region, the OHADA itself, the different functions of its institutions, especially the Common Court of Justice and Arbitration (CCJA), and the presentation of the adopted Uniform Acts of the OHADA.

Annual Report 2012

Open the Doors to the African Opportunity, May 17th at University of Laval in Quebec City:

Business Opportunities in Ethiopia Toronto March 8th 2012:

In partnership with the Ministry of Economic Development, Innovation and Export (MDEIE) and the Faculty of Administration at Laval University in Quebec, the Canadian Council on Africa is proud to present its “Seminar: Opening Doors to the African Opportunity.” This session is intended as a practical training workshop giving the participants the necessary tools to develop new skills to deal with the various African sub-regions.

The Canadian Council on Africa (CCAfrica) was pleased to organize a conference on business opportunities in Ethiopia, featuring Hon. SINKNESH EJIGU, the Minister of Mines. The participants to the Ethiopian conference included companies from various sectors including telecommunications, infrastructure, construction, financing, Education, Energy, etc.

2.Increasing economic reltions between Canada and Africa through LUNCH-CONFERENCE

…Through Economic Missions

PROMOTE: The First Economic Gathering of Central Africa: Economic Mission to Cameroon MALI: AN ECONOMIC SUCCESS On September 9th in Montreal, the Canadian Council on Africa organised a lunch conference on the Business Opportunities in Mali. A delegation of 10 business people from Mali came to present the different business opportunities of their country. Mr. Sanou Sarr, head of the Malian delegation to Canada, was pleased to present on the Malian business climate and the economic reforms taken to facilitate the national and international trade.

The International Exhibition of Enterprise, SMEs and Partnership, PROMOTE 2011, hosted more than 1000 exhibitors from Africa and the rest of the world. Several thematic sessions, conferences and other events were also taking place. Our delegation hosted the Canada Day Saturday, December 3, under the theme: “Opportunities for business partnerships in Canada.” This activity has attracted over 100 participants, in the presence of the Cameroonian Minister of SME, Social Economy and Handcrafts, HE Mr. Laurent Serge Etoundi Ngoa and the High Commissioner of Canada, Mr. Benoit-Pierre Laramee.

Economic Mission to Ivory Coast, Abidjan February 13th to 17th 2012:

South Africa: A promising Market; On September 20th, the Canadian Council on Africa was pleased to receive the High Commissioner of South Africa, her Excellency Mohau Pheko, accompanied by the Consul-General in Toronto, Ms. Tselane Mokuena for a Lunchconference on the opportunities of the South African market. Thus, SEM Mohau Pheko presented the economy of South Africa, recently incorporated in the BRICS, as rapidly growing. Indeed, thanks to the economic plan established by the government, it is hoped that over 5 million new jobs will be created within ten years in the areas of agriculture, mining, manufacturing and tourism.

From February 13th to 17th 2012, the Canadian Council on Africa went to Abidjan, along with a dozen Canadian companies, as part of an economic mission organized by CCAfrica in partnership with the Canadian Embassy in Abidjan and the Ivory Coast Embassy in Ottawa. This mission was greeted with enthusiasm from Ivorian business people and by different government agencies.

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Mission NOG in Nigeria 2012 (February 20th to 25 février): CCAfrica, in partnership with The Canadian High Commission to Nigeria, organized the Canadian booth on behalf of 5 participating companies and agencies at the Nigerian Oil and Gas Show in Abuja, Nigeria from February 21-24, 2012. This is the second time in recent years that Canada has had a formal presence at this leading African oil and gas show.

3.Ensure a better understanding of the opportunities offered by Africa Through Welcoming of Delegations

CCAfrica welcomes an Ivorian delegation in 3 Canadian cities (January 17th to 19th 2012): From January 15th to 20th, the Ivorian government sent a delegation of nearly twenty representatives from various government agencies to promote the mission in Ivory Coast organized by the Canadian Council on Africa from February 13th to 17th (see other text for further details). Thus, with the collaboration of the Embassy of Ivory Coast in Canada and the National Secretariat for Reconstruction and Reinsertion (SNRR), CCAfrica invited at three LunchConferences, courtesy of the SNRR, several business people with an interest in the Ivory Coast to discover new business opportunities offered to Canadians. Thus, more than one hundred people attended the three meetings: in Montreal on January 17th, in Ottawa on January 18th and Toronto on January 19th.

Our Collaborations


ZAMBIAN INVESTMENT PROMOTION: On September 27th, 2011, the Canadian Council on Africa was proud to host a delegation from Zambia in order to establish and advance business relations between this resourceful African country and Canadian investors. Zambia, which has just witnessed a smooth transition in power after the most recent elections, has an economy modelled to be one of the most stable, if not the most stable economy in Africa.

As part of a partnership with our member “Afrique Expansion”, the Canadian Council on Africa was actively involved in supporting the 5th Annual 2011 Africa Forum, which was held this past September 5th–8th at the Queen Elizabeth Hotel in Montréal. Centered around a theme of investments and partnerships for sustainable development in Africa, the forum welcomed more than 300 participants, including presidents of African and Canadian companies, representatives from the African and Canadian public sectors, as well as representatives from international organizations and NGOs.


Salon Afrique Plein Emploi;

The delegation made three stops on their tour, and spent the weekend in Ottawa to participate in the Independence Day celebration, on October 1. In Vancouver, Calgary and Toronto, CCAfrica organized seminar opportunities for the delegation to present their information to Canadian businesses and government representatives. At each of these three seminars, there was also an opportunity for Canadian business leaders active in the Nigerian market, to review their experiences there and to encourage others to look more closely at Nigeria as a good place to do business.

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On October 22nd, we joined AffutJob’s team, a member of the Canadian Council on Africa, to support them with the launch of the first edition of Africa Jobs are Calling Fair. Fourteen world-renowned companies took part in this fair, including some of our members such as SNC-Lavalin, CIMA + and FreeBalance. Having enjoyed a significant presence in the media and social networks, the job fair attracted over 500 participants throughout the day.

Annual Report 2012

Our Publications and Services Business Development Service (BDS)

This service allows each organization member of CCAfrica to receive a weekly report on new business opportunities in 54 African Countries.

The information sent come from a panel of over 150 organizations-sources from across the globe engaged in the distribution of tenders and the development of Africa.

This year we have sent 50 BDS containing over 2000 opportunities!

African Press News Clipping: The African News Clipping comes in the forma f an email sent each business day and bringing together the economic news of Africa from various sources worldwide. The subscriptions includes :

A daily email listing the essential economic information affecting the African Continent. At the beginning of each month, a reminder of all articles published during the previous month is sent. This year we sent 248 News Clipping containing over 6,200 news

Monthly African Indicators (MAI):

The Monthly African Indicators are a graphic representation of statistics collected from different sources in order to give an in tantaneous image on different aspects of the economic situation of Africa.

Members of CCAfrica receive these documents on a monthly basis.

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Social Medias The Canadian Council on Africa is pleased to

announce that twice a week we will be broadcasting our CCAfrica video blogs via our YouTube channel. CCAfrica News will deliver up- to-date overviews of the economic potential of Africa and how Canadians can capitalize on the business opportunities that exist in the developing markets, in order to help the economic development of Africa. Our Channel has over


December Newsletter issue has had over 17 000 online views since its publication in December. Over 5000 paper copies of our newsletters were distributed through out our events. LinkedIn: 2 Groups (French and English) with 363 members Facebook: CCAfrica Group has 124 members

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CCAfrica can also be found on Twitter, where we post daily african business news, information on our events and communication with our followers interested in Africa.

Annual Report 2012

Strategic Plan 2010-2013

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CCAFRICA MEMBERS Over 150 and growing!

Corporate Members Access Nigeria Consulting Inc. Affutjob African Gold Group Afrique Expansion Mag Agriteam Canada Consulting Ltd. Aksa Management Ltd. Alberta International and Intergovernmental Relations AMIS International Agriculture Consulting Inc. Anyway Solid Environmental Solutions Ltd. AO Global Inc. Aquaculture Service Conseil Asc. Association of Canadian Community Colleges Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada AVC Canada Corp. Aviation Zenith Inc. Babalola,Odeleye, Barristers & Solicitors Banro Corp. Barrick Gold Corporation Bata Shoe Organisation Black Business Initiative Bombardier Inc Bridge Renewable Energy Technologies Broccolini Construction Business Club Algéro-Canadien (BCAC) Caisse Populaire Desjardins Mercier-Rosemont Canac International Inc. Canada Export Centre Canadian and African Business women’s Alliance (CAABWA) Canadian Association of Mining Equipment and Services Export (CAMESE) Canadian Bank Note, Limited Canadian Commercial Corporation Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters Carleton University, International Relations Office Cask Brewing Systems Inc. Cégep de Trois-Rivières Cégep international CEMEQ International Centre de Formation Professionnelle Val-Dor Chambre de Commerce de Québec Chantier d’Afrique du Canada (CHAFRIC) CHC Helicopter CIMA International Inc Clark Sustainable Resources Developments Ltd. Collège Boréal COMAEK Oil & Gaz Corporation Concordia University Consortium for International Development in Education Consultation Contacts Monde Cordiant Cowater International Inc. CPCS CRC Sogema inc. Data & Scientific Inc. Data-Line Management Group Inc. Page 11

Davier Consultants Inc. Deepak Dave Delisys Delivery System Dessau International Development Parnerships Développement international Desjardins Direct Lab International Inc. (Genacol) Distribution R. Desilets E.T Jackson and Associates Ecole nationale d’administration publique Éditions L’artichaut inc Education internationale EMFG: Emerging Markets Financial Group (Canada) Inc. Fondation Paul Gerin-Lajoie Found Aircraft Canada Inc. Freebalance Inc. Genivar Global Thermoelectric Globallinc Inc. Globaltronica Corporation Golder Associates Ltd. Groupe Haus Inc. HABICO Planning + Architecture Ltd. Heenan Blaikie Hickling International Ltd. Holland Water Wells IAMGold Corporation IMW Industries Ltd. Industrial Promotion Services Ltd. Informatique Documentaire Edition Electronique (IDEE) Innovision International Road Dynamics International Visa Passport Service Corp. Jacobs Consultancy Joli-Coeur Lacosse S.E.N.C.R.L. JR InterTrade Inc. Karipur Inc Kestrel Capital Management Corp. La cité collégiale Lasena Investments (Canada) Inc. M & I Heat Transfer Products Ltd. Magellan MagIndustries Corp. Manitoba Hydro International Mecaniflo Nexen Inc. North American Grain Corporation Northern Lights Franchise Consultants Nova Scotia Community College Orezone Resources Oromine Explorations Ltd. PharmAfrican Planet Africa Television Procept Nigeria Promo Invest International Raytheon Canada Ltd. Rio Tinto Alcan Rizwan Haider Annual Report 2012

Sarona Asset Management Inc. Sasktel International Seneca Serge Teupe Setym International Inc. Sherritt International Corporation SNC-Lavalin International South African Airways Startrust Multi-Dynamics Inc. Surya Ventures Corp. T.M.S. Tecsult AECOM TFI Global Inc. TFO Canada Triton Logging Inc. Tronnes Surveys University of Calgary, International Relations Of University of Ottawa University of Victoria Vangold Resources Ltd. Versascor International VYOP Global Concept Ltd. WDH Company Whiterabbit Resources Ltd. WNL Development Solutions Ltd. Zavic Realty Ltd. / Zavik Ventures Ltd.

Associate Members Alberta International, Intergovernmental and Aboriginal Relations Canadian Commercial Corporation Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada Export Development Canada Ministry of Economic Development, Innovation and Export Trade - Quebec Natural Resources Canada New Brunswick Department of Intergovernmental Affairs Ontario Ministry of Economic Development and Trade (MEDT)

Affiliated African Members Business Club Algero-Canadien (BCAC) Canada Business Association- Ghana Evergreen Supermarkets Fédération des Chambres de Commerce de Madagascar Fédération des Entreprises du Congo Mali Chamber of Commerce Nigerian Economic Summit Group Rwanda Development Board Tanzania Chamber of Commerce, Industry& Agriculture

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